A New Modified Caesar Cipher Cryptography Method W
A New Modified Caesar Cipher Cryptography Method W
A New Modified Caesar Cipher Cryptography Method W
Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204
In a secret message, cryptography is more directed to the encrypted message while steganography is more directed at the hidden
message. However, both methods have the same goal, namely the attempt to conceal the message. On the other side, it turns out
the use of cryptography can often be solved / translated by another person or cryptanalyst. This is possible because usually a text
message unreadable gives someone suspicion that the text message contains a certain meaning for the owner of the message.
Thus, the cryptanalyst attempts to break the encrypted message. While the use of steganography owner of the information is
difficult to determine the method or pattern to be formed in composing the message that will be hidden. In this paper, the authors
modify the Caesar cipher method that produces ciphertext that can be read. With the ciphertext that can be read, then
cryptanalysis not suspicious of the ciphertext. Caesar cipher modification is done by replacing the alphabet into two parts, the
vocals were replaced with the alphabet vocal too, and the consonant alphabet was replaced with a consonantal alphabet.
However, there are some alphabet consonants are not replaced, this is because the frequency of the alphabet is rarely used in an
Indonesian text. From the test results obtained ciphertext that can be read. With the ciphertext that can be read, then the
cryptanalyst not suspicious of the message so that the cryptanalyst does not attempt to solve the ciphertext.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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Peer-review under responsibility
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1877-0509 © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)
196 Benni Purnama and AH. Hetty Rohayani / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204
1. Introduction
Cryptography is the science of devising methods that allow for information to be sent in a secure form in such a
way that the only person able to retrieve this information is the intended recipient 1. In the early days, the
cryptography used to be performed by using manual techniques. The basic framework of performing cryptography
has remained more or less the same, of course, with a lot of improvements in the actual implementation2.
There are two ways to secret text messages, cryptography, and steganography. A plain text message may be
hidden in one of the two ways. The methods of steganography conceal the existence of the message, whereas the
methods of cryptography render the message unintelligible to outsiders by various transformations of the text 3
Cryptography is more directed to the encrypted message while steganography is more directed at the hidden
message. However, both methods have the same goal, it is a secret message. On the other side, it turns out the use of
cryptography can often be solved / translated by another person or cryptanalyst. This is possible because generally a
text message unreadable gives someone suspicion that the text message contains a certain meaning for the owner of
the message. Accordingly the cryptanalyst attempts to break the encrypted message. A simple form of cryptography,
but one that is time-consuming to construct, is one in which an arrangement of words or letters within an apparently
innocuous text spells out the real message4. In this paper, the authors make modifications of Caesar ciphertext that
can be readable in order to the cryptanalysis, so they don't feel suspicious of the message that has been encrypted.
2. Cryptography
Cryptology is not a new; it has existed for more than 2000 years 5. Cryptography is an area within the field of
cryptology. The name cryptology is a combination of the Greek cryptos (=hidden) and logos (=study, science).
Therefore, the word cryptology literally implies the science of concealing 6. Cryptography includes techniques such
as microdots, merging words with images, and other ways to hide information in storage or transit 7. An original
message is known as the plaintext while the coded message is called the ciphertext. The process of converting from
plaintext to ciphertext is known as enciphering or encryption; restoring the plaintext from the ciphertext is
deciphering or decryption by using algorithm3.
Julius Caesar used an additive cipher to communicate with his officers. For this reason, additive ciphers are
sometimes referred to as the Caesar Cipher. Caesar used a key in 3 for his communications 8. In Cryptography,
Caesar cipher is one of the most widely known encryption-decryption algorithms. Caesar cipher is a type of
substitution type cipher in this kind of cipher each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number
of positions down the alphabet. The encryption is represented using modular arithmetic 9.For example, with a shift of
2, A would be replaced by D, B would be replaced by E, C would be replaced by F, and so on 10. So this scheme as
shown in Table1. The first row shows the original alphabets and the second row show what each original alphabet
will be replaced with2.
Benni Purnama and AH. Hetty Rohayani / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204 197
Table 1. A scheme for codifying messages by replacing each alphabet with an alphabet three places down the line
Then the algorithm can be expressed as follows. For each plaintext letter p, substitute the ciphertext letter11:
A shift may be of any amount, so that the general Caesar algorithm is:
For the example, the message to be encrypted is Meet Me After Toga Party. So the ciphertext in this example is
If in case it is known that a given ciphertext is Caesar cipher, then brute force cryptanalysis is easily
performed: Try all the 25 keys. There are some weak points about Caesar cipher which enables us to use
brute force attack12.
1. The encryption and decryption algorithm is known.
2. Only 25 keys are trying.
3. The language of the plaintext is known and easily recognizable.
There are several methods to improve the security of the Caesar cipher method that has been proposed by
previous researchers 12 13 5 10. But of all the methods that have been modified previously, resulted in ciphertext
So also with the modifications that have been made previously by scientists Arabic, Abu Alkindi in his book A
Manuscript on Deciphering Cryptographic Messages’ published in the 9th century as follows:
x Mixed monoalphabetic, In this method each key substituted with some random keys in the range of 26 letters in
the alphabet. This algorithm replaces the letters used to send messages with another letter to the correspondence
one by one. The weakness of the results of this modification is still a monoalphabetic exchange process that still
allows the cryptanalyst to be able to solve it.
x Easier monoalphabetic, in this Easier keywords only uses a word or a group of words, then removed / deleted the
same letter in the keyword and then forwarded to the next letter with the last letter in the keywords and so on in
sequence in the 26 alphabets. The weakness in this modification technique is the presence of some of the
characters that are not replaced. Generally characters are not replaced is the character that is rarely used in the
use of Indonesian (x, q, v, z).
x General monoalphabetic, the general specification of encryption is determined by looping the column position
corresponding to the number of different alphabets in the keyword. The General monoalphabetic modification
technique is actually is the development and reduce the weaknesses over the previous modification Easier
Monoalphabetic where there are some characters that are not substitutable and general character, are not
substituted in alphabetical order most row behind. To avoid that, the General monoalphabetic load in the form of
a table which was also given the same treatment as the keys on monoalphabetic Easier.
198 Benni Purnama and AH. Hetty Rohayani / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204
Based on the above picture can be seen that usage the alphabet appears most are A, N, E, I, U, K, T, M, S, G.
Seeing that the author tried to modify the Caesar Cipher method that resulted in ciphertext that can be read.
From the above it is the result of a new modification of the Caesar cipher, named Legible Monoalphabetic Cipher
can be seen in the table below:
Table 4. A New Substitution Caesar Cipher Modified vocal alphabets (a), and consonant alphabets (b)
(a) (b)
From table 4. above can be explained that each vocal alphabet can be substituted for the vocals also (A = o, E =
I, I = u, O = e, and U = a). While the alphabet consonant can be substituted in also and there is each alphabet
consonant can be unsubstituted.
Of the previous equation Cv = (pv + bk) mod5 (4) and Cc = (pc + bk) mod 14 (5), then the number of alphabets
which are substituted as a whole it can be expressed in the following equation:
CVC = Chipertext legible, Pv= plaintext vocal
bK = key line Pc = plaintext consonant
Based on the above equation is known that the process of substitution in the alphabet occurs as much as 70 times
with the following details:
x Vocals substitution process = 5 x 14 = 70 substitutions
x Consonant substitution process = 14 x 5 = 70 substitutions
x Because constants consonant do not suffer substitution, so it follows from existing number or the substitution
process it can be expressed 70 x 1 = 70 substitutions.
Based on the above description, the process of substitution cipher Legible monoalphanetic as a whole can be seen
in the table below:
The amount of the composition of each alphabet can be seen in the following table:
Of the table above shows that the encryption result of ‘MUSUH DATANG’ is “pacakJowong”. It is proven that
the ciphertext of Legible Monoalphabetic is the result of ciphertext that can be read. Although the results of this
ciphertext readable, but has not resulted in a sentence or message that implies or a term in the dictionary. And this is
certainly the message still contains suspicion for all parties who read it.
To be able to result in ciphertext that can be read and implies, then we must view all the result of the encryption
process as many as 70 of the substitution process. In this whole process is that we can determine and take the result
of the encryption process online or sequence of the encryption process will take.
Based on the above discussion plaintext, could be the result of the encryption process in the image below:
Based on the picture above shows there are some terms that imply as for the word 'MUSUH' in line 15 to
'PUCUK'. As for the word 'DATANG' found on line 10 into a 'KACANG'. For more details can be seen in the table
202 Benni Purnama and AH. Hetty Rohayani / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204
Of the table above, this ciphertext readable and contains the meaning of as many as 70 lines of that word
'PUCUK' at line 15 and 'KACANG' at line 10. Because this Monoalphabetic Legible method does not have a key, so
the writer could state that the order of rows legible and implies could be used as a key.
The equation of the encryption process mentioned above, it can be expressed in the form of the following equation:
So for example the case of a text encryption on the “MUSUH DATANG” then the equation is as follows:
So, for example the case of decryption in the text 'Musuhdatan' then the equation is as follows:
Based on the above equation, the result of the decryption of the above cases can be shown in the following table:
Benni Purnama and AH. Hetty Rohayani / Procedia Computer Science 59 (2015) 195 – 204 203
5. Conclusion
This paper can be concluded that the ciphertext produced by this method can be read properly, thus of certain
parties would not be suspicious of messages that have been encrypted. Besides the resulting ciphertext can be read,
also imply. But not all the results of the rotation (root) imply. For the user, this method can choose the ciphertext
that can be read and simply as needed. This method has the key (key) which lies on the line turnaround results (root)
that can be used by the user as needed. Because the results of this modification are a single substitution
(Monoalphabetic Substitution), then the method is also easily solved by cryptanalyst along the ciphertext results not
suspicious by cryptanalyst or of certain parties.
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