Taxation-2-Finals-Compilation (EDER) PDF
Taxation-2-Finals-Compilation (EDER) PDF
Taxation-2-Finals-Compilation (EDER) PDF
Submitted by:
Epibelle M. Eder
Submitted to:
Atty. Kim Aranas
No. 32, arming the Decision dated April 28, 2004 and
Resolution dated September 10, 2004 of the CTA Division in
Respondent Traders Royal Bank is ORDERED to pay the
deficiency Documentary Stamp Taxes on its Trust Indenture
Agreements for the taxable years 1996 and 1997, in the
amounts of P1,064,064.38 and P104,595.00, respectively,
1. CIR v. Traders Royal Bank, G.R. No. 167134, March 18, plus 20% delinquency interest from February 14, 2002 until
2015 full payment thereof.”
BIR issued an assessment against Traders Royal
Bank (TRB) for deficiency of Document Stamp Tax (DST) for
1996 and 1997. The deficiency was found to be on its
declaration, among others, on its Trust Indenture 2. CIR vs. The Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd., G.R. No.
Agreements. TRB opines that such Trust Indenture 197192, June 4, 2014
Agreements are not subject to documentary stamp tax for
the reason that the relationship established between parties FACTS:
is that of the trustor and trustee, wherein the funds and/or
properties of the trustor are given to the Trustee Bank not as Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue is the
a deposit but under a Common Trust Fund maintained and to official duly authorized to assess and collect internal revenue
be managed by the Trustee. taxes, as well as the power to decide disputed assessments,
subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of this Court.
CIR denied the protest of TRB on the ground that Respondent the Insular Life Assurance, Co., Ltd. is a
the Trust Indenture Agreements were but a form of deposit, corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue
hence subject to DST. of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with principal
The CTA Division, however, concurred with TRB office located at IL Corporate Center, Insular Life Drive,
that the Trust Indenture Agreements were different from a Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City. It is
certificate of deposit. It reasoned that the basic characteristic registered as a non-stock mutual life insurer with the
of trust, other fiduciary and investment management Securities and Exchange Commission.
relationship is the absolute non-existence of debtor-creditor On October 7, 2004, respondent received an
relationship. Assessment Notice with Formal Letter of Demand both dated
July 29, 2004, assessing respondent for deficiency DST on
CTA en banc affirmed the cancellation of the its premiums on direct business/sums assured for calendar
assessments against TRB for DST on its Trust Indenture year 2002. Thereafter, respondent filed its Protest Letter on
Agreements. Hence, this present case. November 4, 2004, which was subsequently denied by
petitioner in a Final Decision, on Disputed Assessment dated
Issue: Whether or not Trust Indenture Agreements April 15, 2005 for lack of factual and legal bases. Apparently,
constituted a deposit thereby subject to Documentary Stamp respondent received the aforesaid Final Decision on
Tax? Disputed Assessment only on June 23, 2005.
Respondent’s Contention: That respondent
Ruling: sufficiently established that it is a cooperative company and
SC is of the opinion that the conduct of the banks of therefore, it is exempt from the DST on the insurance
trusts and other fiduciary business can only be determined policies it grants to its members.
through a scrutiny of the terms and conditions embodied in Petitioner’s Contention: Since the respondent is not
the said agreements. registered with the Cooperative Development Authority
However, TRB was not able to present a Trust (CDA), it should not be considered as a cooperative
Indenture Agreements. Failing to dispose of such burden is company that is entitled to the exemption.
fatal to TRB as the agreements were not only in its
possession, but more importantly, because its protest against ISSUE:
the DST assessments was entirely grounded on the
allegation that the Agreements were trusts. Without the Whether the CTA En Banc erred in ruling that
actual Trust Indenture Agreements, there would be no factual respondent is a cooperative and is thus exempt from
basis for concluding that the same were trusts, as such not Documentary Stamp Tax.
subject to DST.
For failing to present Trust Indenture Agreements RULING:
and present proof of error in the tax assessments of the BIR,
the SC affirmed the assessments of the BIR. It disposed of The Court has pronounced in Republic of the
the case as to wit: Philippines v. Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada that
"[u]nder the Tax Code although respondent is a cooperative,
“WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition for registration with the CDA is not necessary inorder for it to be
Review on Certiorari is GRANTED. The assailed Decision exempt from the payment of both percentage taxes on
dated February 14, 2005 of the CTA e n b a n c in C.T.A. EB insurance premiums, under Section 121; and documentary
stamp taxes on policies of insurance or annuities it grants, for a cooperative to benefit from the DST exemption under
under Section 199.” this particular section.
Sec. 199. Documents and Papers Not Subject to Second, the provisions of the Cooperative Code of
Stamp Tax. — The provisions of Section 173 to the contrary the Philippines do not apply. The history of the Cooperative
notwithstanding, the following instruments, documents and Code was amply discussed in Sunlife where it was noted
papers shall be exempt from the documentary stamp tax: that cooperatives under the old law, Presidential Decree
(a) Policies of insurance or annuities made or granted by a (P.D.) No. 175 referred only to an organization composed
fraternal or beneficiary society, order, association or primarily of small producers and consumers who voluntarily
cooperative company, operated on the lodge system or local joined to form a business enterprise that they themselves
cooperation plan and organized and conducted solely by the owned, controlled, and patronized.
members thereof for the exclusive benefit of each member
and not for profit. When the Cooperative Code was enacted years
As regards the applicability of Sunlife to the case at later, all cooperatives that were registered under PD 175 and
bar, the CTA, through records, has established the following previous laws were also deemed registered with the CDA.
similarities between the two which call for the application of Since respondent was not required to be registered under
the doctrine of stare decisis: the old law on cooperatives, it followed that it was not
1. Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada and the required to be registered even under the new law.
respondent are both engaged in mutual life insurance
business in the Philippines; "The distinguishing feature of a cooperative
2. The structures of both corporations were converted from enterprise is the mutuality of cooperation among its member-
stock life insurance corporation to non-stock mutual life policyholders united for that purpose. So long as respondent
insurance for the benefit of its policyholders pursuant to meets this essential feature, it does not even have to use
Section 266, Title 17 of the Insurance Code of 1978 and they and carry the name of a cooperative to operate its mutual life
were made prior to the effectivity of Republic Act (R.A.) No. insurance business. Gratia argumenti that registration is
6938, otherwise known as the "Cooperative Code of the mandatory, it cannot deprive respondent of its tax exemption
Philippines"; privilege merely because it failed to register. The nature of its
3. Both corporations claim to be a purely cooperative operations is clear; its purpose welldefined.Exemption when
corporation duly licensed to engage in mutual life insurance granted cannot prevail over administrative convenience."
4. Both corporations claim exemption from payment of the Third, the Insurance Code does not require
documentary stamp taxes (DST) under Section 199 (1) of registration with the CDA. "The provisions of this Code
the Tax Code (now Section 199 [a] of the NIRC of 1997, as primarily govern insurance contracts; only if a particular
amended); and matter in question is not specifically provided for shall the
5. Petitioner CIR requires registration with the CDA before it provisions of the Civil Code on contracts and special laws
grants tax exemptions under the Tax Code. govern."
The CTA observed that the factual circumstances CONCLUSION: The Court holds that the
obtaining in Sunlife and the present case are substantially respondent, being a cooperative company not mandated by
the same. The NIRC of 1997 defined a cooperative company law to be registered with the CDA, cannot be required under
or association as "conducted by the members thereof with RMC No. 48-91, a mere circular, to be registered prior to
the money collected from among themselves and solely for availing of DST exemption.
their own protection and not for profit.Consequently, as long
as these requisites are satisfied, a company or association is
deemed a cooperative insofar as taxation is concerned. In
this case, the respondent has sufficiently established that it
conforms with the elements of a cooperative as defined in
the NIRC of 1997 in that it is managed by members,
operated with money collected from the members and has 3. CIR vs. Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation, G.R.
for its main purpose the mutual protection of members for No. 192398, September 29, 2014
The Court presented three justifications in Sunlife
why registration with the CDA is not necessary for Petitioner is the duly appointed Commissioner of Internal
cooperatives to claim exemption from DST. Revenue who holds office at the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) National Office located at Agham Road, Diliman,
First, the NIRC of 1997 does not require registration Quezon City. Respondent Pilipinas Shell Petroleum
with the CDA. No tax provision requires a mutual life Corporation (PSPC) is a corporation organized and existing
insurance company to register with that agency in order to under the laws of the Philippines and was incorporated to
enjoy exemption from both percentage and DST. This construct, operate and maintain petroleum refineries, works,
absence of the registration requirement under Section 199 plant machinery, equipment dock and harbor facilities and
clearly manifests the intention of the Legislative branch of auxiliary works and other facilities of all kinds and used in or
the government to do away with registration before the CDA in connection with the manufacture of products of all kinds
which are wholly or partly derived from crude oil. On April 27,
1999, respondent entered into a Plan of Merger with its transfer of real property in order to be subject to
affiliate, Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation (SPPC), a documentary stamp tax. Petitioner adds that it is enough that
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the a conveyance of real property has been effected since
Philippines. In the Plan of Merger, it was provided that the documentary stamp tax is imposed not on the document
entire assets and liabilities of SPPC will be transferred to, alone but on the transaction. Petitioner avers that the merger
and absorbed by, respondent as the surviving entity. The between SPPC and respondent, while constituting a single
Securities and Exchange Commission approved the merger transaction, gave rise to several tax incidents which,for tax
on July 1, 1999. On August 10, 1999, respondent paid to the purposes, should be treated individually and apart from the
BIR documentary stamp taxes amounting to P524,316.00 on merger as a whole.
the original issuance of shares of stock of respondent issued
in exchange for the surrendered SPPC shares pursuant to Lastly, petitioner argues that the enactment of Republic Act
Section 175 of NIRC. Confirming the tax-free nature of the No. 9243 which specifically exempts the transfers of real
merger between respondent and SPPC, the BIR ruled, property in merger or consolidation from documentary stamp
among others, that no gain or loss shall be recognized by the tax only supports further the conclusion that prior to RA
stockholders of SPPC on the exchange of their shares of 9243, such transfers are subject to documentary stamp tax.
stock of SPPC solely for shares of stock of respondent Otherwise, there would have been no reason to specifically
pursuant to the Plan of Merger. exempt such transfers from documentary stamp taxes.
3. The issuance by PSPC of its own shares of stock to the RESPONDENT’S CONTENTION:
shareholders of SPPC in exchange for the surrendered 1. Respondent claims that petitioner's interpretation that a
certificates of stock of SPPC shall be subject to the mere grant, assignment, transfer or conveyance of real
documentary stamp tax (DST) at the rate of Two Pesos property is subject to documentary stamp tax under Section
(P2.00) on each Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00), or fractional 196 is erroneous since petitioner disregarded the qualifying
part thereof, based on the total par value of the PSPC word "sold" which describes the kind of transfer that is
shares of stock issued pursuant to Section 175 of the Tax contemplated as subject to documentary stamp tax.
Code of 1997. Respondent also points out that the fact that Section 196
xxx refers to the words "sold", "purchaser" and "consideration"
6. The exchange of land and improvements by SPPC to undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that only sales of real
PSPC for the latter's shares of stock shall be subject to property are contemplated. That contrary to petitioner's
documentary stamp tax imposed under Section 196 of the claim, documentary stamp tax is not levied on the privilege to
Tax Code of 1997, based on the consideration contracted to convey real properties regardless of the manner of
be paid for such realty or its fair market value determined in conveyance.
accordance with Section 6(E) of the said Code, whichever is
higher. 2. Respondent emphasizes that the transaction between
On May 10, 2000, respondent paid to the BIR the amount of respondent and SPPC was not one whereby SPPC
P22,101,407.64 representing documentary stamp tax on the transferred its real properties to respondent in exchange for
transfer of real property from SPPC to respondent. Believing the latter's shares of stock. SPPC and respondent did not
that it erroneously paid documentary stamp tax on its enter into some Deed of Assignment or a Deed of Exchange
absorption of real property owned by SPPC, respondent filed whereby SPPC assigned or conveyed its real properties to
with petitioner on September 18, 2000, a formal claim for respondent either for cash or in exchange for some property
refund or tax credit of the documentary stamp tax in the like shares of stock. Rather, the transaction that SPPC and
amount of P22,101,407.64. respondent entered into was a merger and the transfer of the
There being no action by petitioner, respondent filed on May real properties of SPPC to respondent was merely a legal
8, 2002, a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals consequence of the merger of SPPC with respondent.
(CTA) in order to suspend the running of the two-year Respondent, therefore, posits that since the absorption by
prescriptive period. respondent of SPPC's real properties as a consequence of
the merger is without consideration in money or money's
PETITIONER’S CONTENTION: worth, the same is not subject to documentary stamp tax.
Petitioner insists that the transfer of SPPC's real properties 3. Furthermore, respondent maintains that in a statutory
to respondent in exchange for the latter's shares of stock is merger or consolidation, real property of the absorbed
subject to documentary stamp tax. Petitioner contends that corporation is transferred to and automatically vested in the
Section 196 of the Tax Code covers all transfers of real surviving corporation purely and strictly by operation of law
property for a valuable consideration and does not only refer and not by voluntary act of the parties to the merger.
to sale of realty since it speaks of real property being
"granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed." ISSUES:
Petitioner also claims that the subject transfer was not
entirely by operation of law since the merger agreement Whether the transfer of SPPC’s real properties to respondent
between respondent and SPPC involves the voluntary act of is subject to Documentary Stamp Tax under Section 196 of
the parties. Petitioner avers that it is wrong to say that no Tax Code.
documentary stamp tax is imposable allegedly because the Whether respondent is entitled to the refund/tax credit in the
transfer to respondent of SPPC's real properties was not amount of P22,101,407.64 representing documentary stamp
effected by means of any deed, instrument or writing. tax paid for the taxable year 2000 in connection with the
Petitioner contends that Section 196 of the Tax Code does transfer of real properties from SPPC to respondent.
not require that a particular document be executed for the
RULING: It should be emphasized that in the instant case, the transfer
of SPPC's real property to respondent was pursuant to their
We now proceed to the primordial issue of whether the approved plan of merger. In a merger of two existing
transfer of SPPC's real properties to respondent is subject to corporations, one of the corporations survives and continues
documentary stamp tax under Section 196 of the Tax Code. the business, while the other is dissolved, and all its rights,
The pertinent provision states, to wit: properties, and liabilities are acquired by the surviving
corporation. Although there is a dissolution of the absorbed
SEC. 196. Stamp Tax on Deeds of Sale and Conveyance of or merged corporations, there is no winding up of their affairs
Real Property. — On all conveyances, deeds, or liquidation of their assets because the surviving
instruments, or writings, other than grants, patents, or corporation automatically acquires all their rights, privileges,
original certificates of adjudication issued by the and powers, as well as their liabilities. Here, SPPC ceased
Government, whereby any land, tenement or other realty to have any legal personality and respondent PSPC
sold shall be granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise stepped into everything that was SPPC's, pursuant to
conveyed to the purchaser, or purchasers, or to any the law and the terms of their Plan of Merger.
other person or persons designated by such purchaser
or purchasers, there shall be collected a documentary In a merger, the real properties are not deemed "sold" to the
stamp tax, at the rates herein below prescribed based on surviving corporation and the latter could not be considered
the consideration contracted to be paid for such realty or on as "purchaser" of realty since the real properties subject of
its fair market value determined in accordance with Section the merger were merely absorbed by the surviving
6(E) of this Code, whichever is higher: Provided, That when corporation by operation of law and these properties are
one of the contracting parties is the Government, the tax deemed automatically transferred to and vested in the
herein imposed shall be based on the actual consideration. surviving corporation without further act or deed. Therefore,
the transfer of real properties to the surviving
As can be gleaned from the aforequoted provision, corporation in pursuance of a merger is not subject to
documentary stamp tax is imposed on all conveyances, documentary stamp tax. As stated at the outset,
deeds, instruments or writings whereby land or realty sold documentary stamp tax is imposed only on all conveyances,
shall be conveyed to the purchaser or purchasers. Here, we deeds, instruments or writing where realty sold shall be
do not find merit in petitioner's contention that Section 196 conveyed to a purchaser or purchasers. The transfer of
covers all transfers and conveyances of real property for a SPPC's real property to respondent was neither a sale nor
valuable consideration. A perusal of the subject provision was it a conveyance of real property for a consideration
would clearly show it pertains only to sale transactions contracted to be paid as contemplated under Section 196 of
where real property is conveyed to a purchaser for a the Tax Code. Hence, Section 196 of the Tax Code is
consideration. The phrase "granted, assigned, transferred inapplicable and respondent is not liable for documentary
or otherwise conveyed" is qualified by the word "sold" which stamp tax. Furthermore, it should be noted that a
means that documentary stamp tax under Section 196 is documentary stamp tax is in the nature of an excise tax
imposed on the transfer of realty by way of sale and because it is imposed upon the privilege, opportunity or
does not apply to all conveyances of real property. facility offered at exchanges for the transaction of the
Indeed, as correctly noted by the respondent, the fact that business. Documentary stamp tax is a tax on documents,
Section 196 refers to words "sold", "purchaser" and instruments, loan agreements, and papers evidencing the
"consideration" undoubtedly leads to the conclusion that acceptance, assignment, or transfer of an obligation, right or
only sales of real property are contemplated therein. property incident thereto.
Thus, petitioner obviously erred when it relied on the phrase Documentary stamp tax is thus imposed on the exercise of
"granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed" in these privileges through the execution of specific
claiming that all conveyances of real property regardless of instruments, independently of the legal status of the
the manner of transfer are subject to documentary stamp tax transactions giving rise thereto.Based on the foregoing, the
under Section 196. It is not proper to construe the meaning transfer of real properties from SPPC to respondent is not
of a statute on the basis of one part. Section 196 should be subject to documentary stamp tax considering that the same
read as a whole and not phrase by phrase. The phrase was not conveyed to or vested in respondent by means
granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed clearly of any specific deed, instrument or writing. There was no
refers to the phrase whereby any land, tenement or other deed of assignment and transfer separately executed by
realty is sold. This clearly shows that the legislature the parties for the conveyance of the real properties. The
intended Section 196 to refer to a transfer of realty by virtue conveyance of real properties not being embodied in a
of sale. This is further bolstered by the fact that the property separate instrument but is incorporated in the merger plan,
is granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed to thus, respondent is not liable to pay documentary stamp tax.
the purchaser, or purchasers, or to any other person or
persons designated by such purchaser or purchasers. In
addition, the basis of the stamp tax is the consideration
agreed upon by the parties or the property's fair market
value. Taking all of these into consideration, it is beyond
doubt that . . . Section 196 pertains to a transfer of realty
by way of sale.
The question of whether pawnshop transactions
4. H. Tambunting Pawnshop, Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No. 173373, evidenced by pawn tickets are subject to documentary
July 29, 2013 stamp taxes has been answered in the affirmative in
Michel J. Lhuillier Pawnshop, Inc. v. Commissioner of
FACTS: Internal Revenue. There the Court held:
The case stemmed from a Pre-Assessment Notice issued by Section 195 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) against H. imposes a DST on every pledge regardless of whether the
Tambunting Pawnshop, Inc. (Tambunting) for, among others, same is a conventional pledge governed by the Civil Code or
deficiency documentary stamp tax (DST) of P50,910. one that is governed by the provisions of P.D. No. 114. All
Thereafter, the CIR issued an assessment notice with the pledges are subject to DST, unless there is a law exempting
corresponding demand letters for the payment of the DST them in clear and categorical language. . . .
and the corresponding compromise penalty for taxable year
1997. . . . No law on legal hermeneutics could change the fact that
Tambunting filed its written protest to the assessment notice the entries contained in a pawnshop ticket spell out a
alleging that it was not subject to documentary stamp tax contract of pledge and that the exercise of the privilege to
under Section 195 of the National Internal Revenue Code conclude such a contract is taxable under Section 195 of the
(NIRC) because documentary stamp taxes were applicable NIRC.
only to pledge contracts, and the pawnshop business did not
involve contracts of pledge. Even so, we note that the present case was filed with the
Supreme Court before September 11, 2006, when the Court
ISSUE: WON Tambunting is liable for documentary stamp resolved for the first time the matter of surcharges and
taxes based on the pawn tickets that it issued. interest for failure to pay documentary stamp taxes on
pledge transactions in Michel J. Lhuillier Pawnshop, Inc. v.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Hence, as in the said
case, we can still ascribe good faith to petitioner.
Consequently, the imposition of surcharges and interest in
YES. NIRC provides: the present case must also deleted.
SEC. 173. Stamp Taxes Upon Documents, Loan
Agreements, Instruments and Papers. — Upon documents, 5. Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation v. CIR, G.R.
instruments, loan agreements and papers, and upon No. 173425, January 22, 2013
acceptances, assignments, sales and transfers of the
obligation, right or property incident thereto, there shall Taxation; Transitional input tax credit; Prior payment of taxes
be levied, collected and paid for, and in respect of the is not a prerequisite before a taxpayer could avail of the
transaction so had or accomplished, the corresponding transitional input tax credit. To reiterate, prior payment of
documentary stamp taxes prescribed in the following taxes is not necessary before a taxpayer could avail of the
Sections . . . (Emphasis supplied.) 8% transitional input tax credit. This position is solidly
supported by law and jurisprudence, viz:
SEC. 195. Stamp Tax on Mortgages, Pledges and Deeds of
Trust. — On every mortgage or pledge of lands, estate, or
property, real or personal, heritable or movable, whatsoever, First. Section 105 of the old National Internal Revenue Code
where the same shall be made as a security for the payment (NIRC) clearly provides that for a taxpayer to avail of the 8%
of any definite and certain sum of money lent at the time or transitional input tax credit, all that is required from the
previously due and owing or forborne to be paid, being taxpayer is to file a beginning inventory with the Bureau of
payable, and on any conveyance of land, estate, or property Internal Revenue (BIR). It was never mentioned in Section
whatsoever, in trust or to be sold, or otherwise converted into 105 that prior payment of taxes is a requirement.
money which shall be and intended only as security, either
by express stipulation or otherwise, there shall be collected a Second. Since the law (Section 105 of the NIRC) does not
documentary stamp tax at the following rates: provide for prior payment of taxes, to require it now would be
tantamount to judicial legislation which, to state the obvious,
(a) When the amount secured does not exceed Five is not allowed.
thousand pesos (P5,000), Twenty pesos (P20.00).
Third. A transitional input tax credit is not a tax refund per se
(b) On each Five thousand pesos (P5,000), or fractional part but a tax credit. Logically, prior payment of taxes is not
thereof in excess of Five thousand pesos (P5,000), an required before a taxpayer could avail of transitional input
additional tax of Ten pesos (P10.00). (Emphasis supplied.) tax credit. As we have declared in our September 4, 2012
Decision, “[t]ax credit is not synonymous to tax refund. Tax
The law imposes DST on documents issued in respect of refund is defined as the money that a taxpayer overpaid and
the specified transactions, such as pledge, and not only is thus returned by the taxing authority. Tax credit, on the
on papers evidencing indebtedness. Therefore, a pawn other hand, is an amount subtracted directly from one’s total
ticket, being issued in respect of a pledge transaction, is tax liability. It is any amount given to a taxpayer as a subsidy,
subject to documentary stamp tax. a refund, or an incentive to encourage investment.”
FACTS: Petitioner was a real estate developer that bought 1993. Philacor's Finance Manager, Leticia Pangan,
from the national government a parcel of land that used to contested the tentative computations of deficiency taxes.
be the Fort Bonifacio military reservation. At the time of the 3. Philacor then received Pre-Assessment Notices (PANs),
said sale there was as yet no VAT imposed so Petitioner did all dated July 18, 1996, covering the alleged deficiency
not pay any VAT on its purchase. Subsequently, Petitioner income, percentage and DSTs, including increments.
sold two parcels of land to Metro Pacifi c Corp. In reporting 4. On March 4, 1998, Philacor protested the PANs, with a
the said sale for VAT purposes (because the VAT had request for reconsideration and reinvestigation.
already been imposed in the interim), Petitioner claimed 5. The CTA Division rendered its decision after examining
transitional input VAT corresponding to its inventory of land. the documents submitted by the parties, it concluded that
The BIR disallowed the claim of presumptive input VAT and Philacor failed to declare part of its income, making it
thereby assessed Petitioner for defi ciency VAT. liable for deficiency income tax and percentage tax. The
CTA also ruled that Philacor is liable for the DST on the
ISSUE: Is Petitioner entitled to claim the transitional input issuance of the promissory notes and their subsequent
VAT on its sale of real properties given its nature as a real transfer or assignment.
estate dealer and if so (i) is the transitional input VAT applied 6. Afterwards, the CTA partially granted Philacor's motion in
only to the improvements on the real property or is it applied the resolution wherein it cancelled the assessment for
on the value of the entire real property and (ii) should there deficiency income tax and deficiency percentage tax .
have been a previous tax payment for the transitional input These assessments were withdrawn because the CTA
VAT to be creditable? found that Philacor had correctly declared its income.
Nevertheless, the CTA Division sustained the assessment
for deficiency DST.
RULING: YES. Petitioner is entitled to claim transitional
input VAT based on the value of not only the improvements
ISSUE: Whether Philacor is liable for deficiency DST.
but on the value of the entire real property and regardless of
whether there was in fact actual payment on the purchase of
RULING: We fi nd the petition meritorious. Philacor is not
the real property or not.
liable for the DST on the issuance of the promissory notes.
The amendments to the VAT law do not show any intention 7. Section 173 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue
to make those in the real estate business subject to a Code (1997 NIRC) names those who are primarily
different treatment from those engaged in the sale of other liable for the DST and those who would be
goods or properties or in any other commercial trade or secondarily liable: The persons primarily liable for the
business. On the scope of the basis for determining the payment of the DST are the person (1) making; (2)
available transitional input VAT, the CIR has no power to limit signing; (3) issuing; (4) accepting; or (5) transferring
the meaning and coverage of the term "goods" in Section the taxable documents, instruments or papers. Should
105 of the Tax Code without statutory authority or basis. The these parties be exempted from paying tax, the other
transitional input tax credit operates to benefit newly VAT- party who is not exempt would then be liable. Philacor
registered persons, whether or not they previously paid did not make, sign, issue, accept or transfer the
taxes in the acquisition of their beginning inventory of goods, promissory notes. The acts of making, signing, issuing
materials and supplies. and transferring are unambiguous. The buyers of the
appliances made, signed and issued the documents
subject to tax, while the appliance dealer transferred
these documents to Philacor which likewise
indisputably received or "accepted" them.
"Acceptance," however, is an act that is not even
6. PHILACOR Credit Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 169899, applicable to promissory notes, but only to bills of
February 6, 2013 exchange.
8. Revenue Regulations No. 9-2000 26 interprets the
FACTS: law more widely so that all parties to a transaction are
primarily liable for the DST, and not only the person
1. Philacor is a domestic corporation organized under making, signing, issuing, accepting or transferring the
Philippine laws and is engaged in the business of retail same becomes liable as the law provides. But even
financing. Through retail financing, a prospective buyer of under these terms, the liability of Philacor is not a
a home appliance — with neither cash nor any credit card foregone conclusion as from the face of the
— may purchase appliances on installment basis from an promissory note itself, Philacor is not a party to the
appliance dealer. After Philacor conducts a credit issuance of the promissory notes, but merely to their
investigation and approves the buyer's application, the assignment. On the face of the documents, the parties
buyer executes a unilateral promissory note in favor of to the issuance of the promissory notes would be the
the appliance dealer. The same promissory note is buyer of the appliance, as the maker, and the
subsequently assigned by the appliance dealer to appliance dealer, as the payee.
2. Pursuant to Letter of Authority revenue Officer examined WHEREFORE, premises considered, we GRANT the
Philacor's books of accounts and other accounting petition.
records for the fiscal year August 1, 1992 to July 31,
The CTA En Banc dismissed petitioner's Petition for Review
NIRC REMEDIES on the ground of lack of jurisdiction as the lapse of the
statutory period to appeal rendered the subject deficiency
taxes final, executory and demandable.
1. Misnet, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
G.R. No. 210604, June 3, 2019
The petition was granted.
Misnet is a reseller engaged in the buying and selling of If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted
Microsoft products. Misnet bought from a non-resident upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from submission
foreign corporation software application where it withheld of documents, the taxpayer adversely affected by the
VAT on royalty payments. In November 2006, Misnet was decision or inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals
issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) for deficiency within (30) days from receipt of the said decision, or from the
taxes for the expanded withholding tax (EWT) and final lapse of the one hundred eighty (180)-day period; otherwise,
withholding VAT. They received a Formal Notice of the decision shall become final, executory and demandable.
Assessment (FAN) in January 2007 which they protested by (Emphasis supplied)
filing a request for reconsideration.
While the protest was pending, the CIR issued an Amended
Assessment Notice, finding Misnet liable for additional The Supreme Court held that while the perfection of an
deficiency taxes. Misnet received the Final Decision on appeal within the statutory period is a jurisdictional
Disputed Assessment (FDDA) on March 28, 2011. Misnet requirement, it relaxed this strict requirement in the interest
filed a letter-reply to the CIR but was advised that they of justice and in the exercise of its equity jurisdiction.
availed of the wrong remedy. Thus, it filed a petition for
In the instant case, petitioner allegedly failed to observe the
review with the Court of Tax Appeals on July 26, 2011.
30-day period within which to appeal the final decision of the
However, this was dismissed by the CTA En Banc on the
CIR to the CTA. Petitioner admittedly received the FDDA on
ground of lack of jurisdiction as the lapse of the statutory
March 28, 2011. Reckoned from this date of receipt, it has
period to appeal rendered the subject deficiency taxes final,
until April 27, 2011, within which to appeal with the CTA.
executory and demandable. Petitioner filed a Motion for
However, petitioner filed its appeal (Petition for Review) only
Reconsideration but the said Motion was denied in a
on July 26, 2011 or after the lapse of ninety-three (93) days
Resolution, thus the instant petition.
from its receipt of the FDDA. It appears that petitioner's filing
a. Misnet (Petitioner’s) Arguments – (Won) of an appeal with the CTA was beyond the statutory period to
Petitioner averred that after receiving the Amended
Assessment Notice and the FDDA of the CIR on March 28, With petitioner's pending protest with the Regional Director
2011, it filed a letter protesting the Amended Assessment on the amended EWT, then technically speaking, there was
Notice, with Regional Director Mr. Jaime B. Santiago, of yet no final decision that was issued by the CIR that is
RDO No. 049, Makati City. This letter of protest was filed by appealable to the CTA. It is still incumbent for the Regional
petitioner on April 11, 2011 or within the statutory period Director to act upon the protest on the amended EWT —
within which to appeal. Apparently, petitioner was merely whether to grant or to deny it. Only when the CIR settled
relying on the statement in the said Amended Assessment (deny/grant) the protest on the deficiency EWT could there
Notice. be a final decision on petitioner's liabilities. And only when
there is a final decision of the CIR, would the prescriptive
b. CIR (Respondent’s) Arguments – (Lost) period to appeal with the CTA begin to run.
The CIR filed a motion to dismiss the petition on the ground Hence, petitioner's belated filing of an appeal with the CTA is
of lack of jurisdiction — arguing that the assessment against not without strong, compelling reason. We could say that
petitioner has become final, executory and demandable for petitioner was merely exhausting all administrative remedies
its failure to file an appeal within the prescribed period of available before seeking recourse to the judicial courts.
thirty (30) days. While the rule is that a taxpayer has 30 days to appeal to the
CTA from the final decision of the CIR, the said rule could not
ISSUE: be applied if the Assessment Notice itself clearly states that
the taxpayer must file a protest with the CIR or the Regional
Whether or not the CTA En Banc correctly dismissed
Director within 30 days from receipt of the Assessment
petitioner's Petition for Review on the ground of lack of
Notice. Under the circumstances obtaining in this case, we
opted not to apply the statutory period within which to appeal
FINDINGS OF THE Lower Court: with the CTA considering that no final decision yet was
issued by the CIR on petitioner's protest. The subsequent
CTA 1st Division granted CIR's Motion to Dismiss. appeal taken by petitioner is from the inaction of the CIR on
its protest.
If petitioner's right to appeal would be curtailed by the mere CIR on a disputed assessment. Claiming that V.Y. Domingo's
expediency of holding that it had belatedly filed its appeal, petition was anchored on its receipt of the PCL, which it
then this Court as the final arbiter of justice would be treated as a denial of its Request for Re-evaluation/Re-
deserting its avowed objective, that is to dispense justice investigation and Reconsideration, the CIR further argued
based on the merits of the case and not on a mere that there was no disputed assessment to speak of, and that
technicality. t h e C TA h a d n o j u r i s d i c t i o n t o e n t e r t a i n t h e
saidPetitionforReview.CTA First Division:granted the CIR's
Conclusion: motion and dismissed V.Y. Domingo's Petition forReview. It
held that it was without jurisdiction to entertain the petition,
The 30-day period to appeal the decision of the CIR to the
as the rule is that for the CTA to acquire jurisdiction, as
CTA is jurisdictional, except when there are compelling
assessment must first be disputed by the taxpayer and either
reasons based on equity and substantial justice to relax
ruled upon by the CIR to warrant a decision, or denied by the
these strict rules.
CIR through inaction.
5. CIR vs. La Flor De La Isabela, Inc., G.R. No. 211289, b.) Waiver was invalid
January 14, 2019
The Court held that the waiver executed by respondent
Facts: Respondent La Flor dela Isabela fi led its monthly suffered from material irregularity as it failed to indicate the
returns for the Expanded Withholding Tax and Withholding specific tax involved and the exact amount of the tax to be
Tax on Compensation for the year 2005 and executed a assessed or collected. As such, the Court also declared the
waiver of the statute of limitations in connection with its waiver invalid.
internal revenue liabilities ending December 31, 2005.
Subsequently, respondent executed a waiver further 6. CIR vs. BPI, G.R. No. 224327. June 11, 2018
extending the prescriptive period to assess until December
31, 2009. Facts: Citytrust Banking Corporation (CBC) filed its Annual
Income Tax Returns. Thereafter, CBC executed Waivers of
On November 2009, La Flor received Pre-liminary the Statute of Limitations under the National Internal
Assessment Notice (PAN) for deficiency tax for the year Revenue Code (NIRC). CIR issued a PAN against CBC for
2005 and again executed a waiver on December 2009. deficiency for taxable year 1986. CBC protested. 6 MAY
1991, CIR then issued a Letter with Assessment Notices,
demanding payment within 30 days. 27 MAY 1991 and 17
FEB 1992, CBC filed two separate protests respectively. All
within the 30-day period. Letter was issued again on 5 FEB
1992. Issues on compromise settlement followed which was 7. Macario Lim Gaw vs. CIR, G.R. No. 222837, July 23,
futile. 2018
Here, CIR contends that it mailed the assessment on 5 FEB The DOJ then filed two criminal informations for tax evasion
1992 which she insists to be the reckoning point to protest. against petitioner. At the time the informations were filed, the
BPI denies receiving the AN, and the CIR was unable to respondent has not issued a final decision on the deficiency
present substantial evidence that the AN was mailed or sent assessment against petitioner. Halfway through the trial, the
before the BIR’s right to assess had prescribed and that said respondent issued a Final Decision on Disputed Assessment
notice was received by BPI. As a matter of fact, there was an (FDDA) against petitioner, assessing him of deficiency
express admission on the part of the CIR that there was no income tax and VAT covering taxable years 2007 and 2008.
proof that indeed the alleged FAN was ever sent to or
received by BPI, as stated in the Transcript of stenographic With respect to the deficiency assessment against petitioner
Notes on the court hearing. Thus, the assessment notice for the year 2007, petitioner filed a petition for review with the
dated May 6, 1991 should be deemed as the final decision of CTA. The clerk of court of the CTA assessed petitioner for
the CIR on the matter, in which BPI timely protested on May filing fees which the latter promptly paid.
27, 1991.
With respect to the deficiency assessment against petitioner
On estoppel: for the year 2008 which involves the same tax liabilities
being recovered in the pending criminal cases, the petitioner
Moreover, petitioner cannot implore the doctrine of estoppel was confused as to whether he has to separately file an
on the fact that BPI executed a Waiver for the extension of appeal with the CTA and pay the corresponding filing fees
the assessment. A waiver of the statute of limitations, being a considering that the civil action for recovery of the civil
derogation of the taxpayer’s right to security against liability for taxes and penalties was deemed instituted in the
prolonged and unscrupulous investigations, must be criminal case. Thus, petitioner filed before the CTA a motion
carefully and strictly construed. Applying the said ruling in the to clarify as to whether petitioner has to file a separate
case at bench, BPI is not estopped from raising the invalidity petition to question the deficiency assessment for the year
of the subject Waivers as the BIR in this case caused the 2008. The CTA issued a Resolution granting petitioner's
defects thereof. As such, the invalid Waivers did not operate motion and held that the recovery of the civil liabilities for the
to toll or extend the period of prescription. taxable year 2008 was deemed instituted with the
consolidated criminal cases, without prejudice to the right of
the petitioner to avail of whatever additional legal remedy he
may have, to prevent the said FDDA from becoming final and glaringly apparent. As such, the Petition for Review Ad
executory for taxable year 2008. Cautelam is not deemed instituted with the criminal case for
tax evasion.
However, as a caution, petitioner still filed a Petition for
Review Ad Cautelam. Upon filing of the said petition, the 2.Yes. While it is true that the Petition for Review Ad
clerk of court of the CTA assessed petitioner with "zero filing Cautelam is not deemed instituted with the criminal case,
fees." We hold that the CTA En Banc still erred in affirming the
dismissal of the case. Basic is the rule that the payment of
The CTA later acquitted petitioner in Criminal Case Nos. docket and other legal fees is both mandatory and
O-206 and O-207 and directed the litigation of the civil jurisdictional. The court acquires jurisdiction over the case
aspect in CTA Case No. 8503. only upon the payment of the prescribed fees.
Respondent filed a Motion to Dismiss the Petition for However, the mere failure to pay the docket fees at the time
Review Ad Cautelam on the ground that the CTA First of the filing of the complaint, or in this case the Petition for
Division lacks jurisdiction to resolve the case due to Review Ad Cautelam, does not necessarily cause the
petitioner's non-payment of the filing fees, which was dismissal of the case.
granted. Hence, this review.
In this case, records reveal that petitioner has no intention to
defraud the government in not paying the docket fees. In
Issue: fact, when he appealed the FDDA insofar as the taxable year
2007 was concerned, he promptly paid the docket fees when
1.Whether the civil action to question the FDDA is deemed he filed his Petition for Review.
instituted with the criminal case of tax evasion.
2.Whether the CTA erred in dismissing CTA Case No. 8503 Petitioner merely relied on good faith on the
for failure of the petitioner to pay docket fees. pronouncements of the CTA First Division that he is no
3.In the event that the CTA erred in dismissing the case, longer required to pay the docket fees. As such, the CTA
whether this Court can rule on the merits of the case. cannot just simply dismiss the case on the ground of
nonpayment of docket fees. The CTA should have instead
Held: directed the clerk of court to assess the correct docket fees
and ordered the petitioner to pay the same within a
1.No. The civil action filed by the petitioner to question reasonable period. It should be borne in mind that technical
the FDDA is not deemed instituted with the criminal rules of procedure must sometimes give way, in order to
case for tax evasion. resolve the case on the merits and prevent a miscarriage of
Petitioner claimed that by virtue of the above provision, the
civil aspect of the criminal case, which is the Petition for 3.No. The court will not however rule on the merits of the
Review Ad Cautelam, is deemed instituted upon the filing of CTA Case No. 8503.
the criminal action. Thus, the CTA had long acquired
jurisdiction over the civil aspect of the consolidated criminal Rule 4, Section 3(a), paragraph 1 of the RRCTA provides
cases. Therefore, the CTA erred in dismissing the case that the CTA First Division has exclusive appellate
jurisdiction over decisions of the Commissioner of Internal
The Court does not agree. What is deemed instituted with Revenue on disputed assessments, refunds of internal
the criminal action is only the action to recover civil liability revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation
arising from the crime. Civil liability arising from a different thereto, or other matters arising under the NIRC or other
source of obligation, such as when the obligation is created laws administered by the BIR.
by law, such civil liability is not deemed instituted with the
criminal action. It is well-settled that the taxpayer's obligation The above provision means that the CTA exercises exclusive
to pay the tax is an obligation that is created by law and does appellate jurisdiction to resolve decisions of the
not arise from the offense of tax evasion, as such, the same commissioner of internal revenue. There is no other court
is not deemed instituted in the criminal case. that can exercise such jurisdiction. Under Rule 16, Section
1 of the RRCTA, this Court's review of the decision of the
While the tax evasion case is pending, the BIR is not CTA En Banc is limited in determining whether there is grave
precluded from issuing a final decision on a disputed abuse of discretion on the part of the CTA in resolving the
assessment, such as what happened in this case. In order to case.
prevent the assessment from becoming final, executory and
demandable, Section 9 of R.A. No. 9282 allows the taxpayer Considering the foregoing disquisitions, the proper remedy is
to file with the CTA, a Petition for Review within 30 days from to remand the case to the CTA First Division and to order the
receipt of the decision or the inaction of the respondent.
Clerk of Court to assess the correct docket fees for the
Petition for Review Ad Cautelam and for petitioner to pay the
The tax evasion case filed by the government against the same within ten (10) days from receipt of the correct
erring taxpayer has, for its purpose, the imposition of criminal assessment of the clerk of court.
liability on the latter. While the Petition for Review filed by the
petitioner was aimed to question the FDDA and to prevent it
from becoming final. The stark difference between them is
RDAO 01-05 indicates that the proper preparation of the
8. Asian Transmission Corp. v. CIR, G.R. No. 230861, waiver was primarily the responsibility of the taxpayer or its
September 19, 2018 authorized representative signing the waiver. Such
responsibility did not pertain to the BIR as the receiving
Facts: party. Consequently, ATC was not correct in insisting that the
act or omission giving rise to the defects of the waivers
1. ATC i s a ma n u fa ctu re r o f mo to r ve h i cl e should be ascribed solely to the respondent CIR and her
transmission component parts and engines of Mitsubishi
vehicles. subordinates.
2. On January 3, 2003 and March 3, 2003, ATC filed its Moreover, the principle of estoppel was applicable. The
Annual Information Return of Income Taxes Withheld on execution of the waivers was to the advantage of ATC
Compensation and Final Withholding Taxes and Annual
Information Return of Creditable Income Taxed Withheld because the waivers would provide to ATC the sufficient time
(Expanded)/Income Payments Exempt from Withholding to gather and produce voluminous records for the audit. It
Tax, respectively. would really be unfair, therefore, were ATC to be permitted to
3. On August 11, 2004, ATC received Letter of Authority assail the waivers only after the final assessment proved to
where the CIR informed ATC that its revenue officers be adverse.
from the Large Taxpayers Audit and Investigation Division
II shall examine its books of accounts and other
accounting records for the taxable year 2002. Thus, the CTA En Banc did not err in ruling that ATC, after
having benefitted from the defective waivers, should not be
4. Thereafter, the CIR issued a Preliminary Assessment allowed to assail them. In short, the CTA En Banc properly
Notice (PAN) to ATC. Consequently, on various dates, applied the equitable principles of in pari delicto, unclean
ATC, through its Vice President for Personnel and Legal
Affairs, Mr. Roderick M. Tan, executed several documents hands, and estoppel as enunciated in Commissioner of
denominated as "Waiver of the Defense of Prescription Internal Revenue v. Next Mobile case.
Under the Statute of Limitations of the National Internal
Revenue Code".
NOTES: Petition for review on certiorari DENIED
5. Meanwhile, on February 28, 2008, ATC availed of the Tax
Amnesty Program under Republic Act No. 9480.
Ruling: YES. In this case, the CTA in Division Due to the inaction of respondent CIR, the petitioner filed
noted that the eight waivers of ATC contained the following petitions for review before the CTA: (1) on 30 March 2006,
defects, to wit: for its unutilized input VAT for the period 1 January 2004 to
• 1. The notarization of the Waivers 31 March 2004, amounting to ₱17,017,648.31; and (2) on 20
was not in accordance with the June 2006, for the unutilized input VAT for the period 1 April
2004 Rules on Notarial Practice; 2004 to 31 December 2004, amounting to ₱14,959,061.57.
• 2. Several waivers clearly failed to
indicate the date of acceptance by CTA Division partially granted the refund claim of the
the Bureau of Internal Revenue; petitioner in the total amount of ₱29,931,505.18.
• 3. The Waivers were not signed by
The CIR moved for reconsideration but to no avail. Thus,
the proper revenue officer; and
• 4. The Waivers failed to specify the
CIR filed a petition for review with the CTA En Banc.
type of tax and the amount of tax The CTA En Banc sided with the CIR in ruling that the judicial
due. claims of the petitioner were prematurely filed in violation of
the 120-day and 30- day periods prescribed in Section 112
The court agrees with the holding of the CTA En Banc that (D) of the NIRC. The court held that by reason of prematurity
ATC's case was similar to the case of the taxpayer involved of its petitions for review, San Roque Power Corporation
in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Next Mobile Inc. The failed to exhaust administrative remedies which is fatal to its
foregoing defects noted in the waivers of ATC were not solely invocation of the court's power of review.
attributable to the CIR. Indeed, although RDAO 01-05 stated
that the waiver should not be accepted by the concerned BIR Hence, this present petition for review.
office or official unless duly notarized, a careful reading of
Issue: Were the judicial claims fi led prematurely? quarter of 2004, and for the second to fourth quarters of the
same year, on 22 December 2005 and 27 February 2006,
Ruling: respectively, or within the two-year prescriptive period.
Counted from such dates of submission of the claims (with
1. No retroactive application of the Aichi ruling
supporting documents), the CIR had 120 days, or until 13
At the outset, it bears stressing that while Aichi was already April 2006, with respect to the first administrative claim, and
firmly established at the time the CTA En Banc promulgated until 27 June 2006, on the second administrative claim, to
the assailed decision, nowhere do we find in such assailed decide.
decision, however, that the court a quo cited or mentioned
However, the petitioner, without waiting for the full expiration
the Aichi case as basis for dismissing the subject petitions
of the 120-day periods and without any decision by the CIR,
for review. As we see it, the CTA En Banc merely relied on
immediately filed its petitions for review with the CT A on 30
Section 112 (D) of the NIRC.
March 2006, or a mere ninety-eight (98) days for the first
Be that as it may, the petitioner cannot find solace in the administrative claim; and on 20 June 2006, or only one
various CTA decisions that allegedly dispense with the hundred thirteen (113) days for the second administrative
timeliness of the judicial claim for as long as it is within the claim, from the submission of the said claims. In other words,
two-year prescriptive period. Such legal posturing has the judicial claims of the petitioner were prematurely filed as
already been passed upon. correctly found by the CTA En Banc.
Concerning the 120-day period in Section 112 (D) of the II. Ordinarily, a prematurely filed appeal is to be dismissed for
NIRC, there was no jurisprudential rule prior to Aichi lack of jurisdiction in line with our ruling in Aichi. But, as
interpreting such provision as permitting the premature filing stated in the premises, we shall accord to the CTA
of a judicial claim before the expiration of the 120-day period. jurisdiction over the claims in this case due to our ruling in
The alleged CTA decisions that entertained the judicial San Roque.
claims despite their prematurity are not to be relied upon
2. BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 constitutes an
because they are not final decisions of the Supreme Court
exception to the mandatory and jurisdictional
worthy of according binding precedence. That Aichi was yet
nature of the 120+30-day period.
to be promulgated at that time did not mean that the
premature filing of a petition for review before the CTA was a In the consolidated cases of San Roque, the Court en bane
permissible act. recognized an exception to the mandatory and jurisdictional
nature of the 120+30-day period. It was noted that BIR
It was only in Aichi that this Court directly tackled the 120-
Ruling No. DA-489-03, which expressly stated-
day period in Section 112 (D) of the NIRC and declared it to
be mandatory and jurisdictional. In particular, Aichi brushed [A] taxpayer-claimant need not wait for the lapse of the 120-
aside the contention that the nonobservance of the 120-day day period before it could seek judicial relief with the CTA by
period is not fatal to the filing of a judicial claim as long as way of Petition for Review.
both the administrative and judicial claims are filed within the
two-year prescriptive period provided in Section 112 (A) of - is a general interpretative rule issued by the CIR pursuant
the NIRC. to its power under Section 4 of the NIRC, hence, applicable
to all taxpayers. Thus, taxpayers can rely on this ruling from
The mandatory and jurisdictional nature of the 120-day the time of its issuance on 10 December 2003. The
period first expressed in Aichi, however, is not a new rule of conclusion is impelled by the principle of equitable estoppel
procedure to be followed in pursuit of a refund claim of enshrined in Section 246 of the NIRC which decrees that a
unutilized creditable input VAT attributable to zero-rated BIR regulation or ruling cannot adversely prejudice a
sales. As suggested above, the pronouncement in Aichi taxpayer who in good faith relied on the BIR regulation or
regarding the mandatory and jurisdictional nature of the 120- ruling prior to its reversal.
day period was the Court's interpretation of Section 112 (D)
of the NIRC. It is that law, Section 112 (D) of the NIRC, that Then, in Taganito Mining Corporation v. CIR, the Court
laid the rule of procedure for maintaining a refund claim of further clarified the doctrines in Aichi and San Roque
unutilized creditable input VAT attributable to zero-rated explaining that during the window period from 10 December
sales. In said provision, the Commissioner has 120 days to 2003, upon the issuance of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 up to
act on an administrative claim. 6 October 2010, or date of promulgation of Aichi, taxpayers
need not observe the stringent 120-day period.
Hence, from the effectivity of the 1997 NIRC on 1 January
1998, the procedure has always been definite: the 120-day In other words, the 120+ 30-day period is generally
period is mandatory and jurisdictional. Accordingly, a mandatory and jurisdictional from the effectivity of the 1997
taxpayer can file a judicial claim (1) only within thirty days NIRC on 1 January 1998, up to the present. By way of an
after the Commissioner partially or fully denies the claim exception, judicial claims filed during the window period from
within the 120-day period, or (2) only within thirty days from 10 December 2003 to 6 October 2010, need not wait for the
the expiration of the 120- day period if the Commissioner exhaustion of the 120-day period. The exception in San
does not act within such period. 13 This is the rule of Roque has been applied consistently in numerous decisions
procedure beginning 1 January 1998 as interpreted in Aichi. of this Court.
What this means is that the CTA can validly take cognizance
over the two judicial claims filed in this case. The CTA 10. Rhombus Energy, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal
Division, in fact, did this, which eventually led to the partial Revenue, G.R. No. 206362, August 1, 2018
grant of the refund claims in favor of the petitioner. In
reversing the CTA Division for lack of jurisdiction, the CTA En
Banc failed to consider BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03.
On April 17, 2006, Rhombus filed its Annual Income Tax
III. It is imperative, however, to point out that the petitioner Return ("ITR") for taxable year 200 In said Annual ITR for
did not actually invoke BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 in all its taxable year 2005, Rhombus indicated that its excess
pleadings to justify the timeliness of its judicial claims with creditable withholding tax ("CWT") for the year 2005 was "To
the CTA. To recall, the petitioner vociferously insisted on the be refunded".
propriety of its judicial claims in view of the prevailing
interpretations of the CTA prior to Aichi that allowed On May 29, 2006, Rhombus filed its Quarterly Income Tax
premature filing of petitions for review before the CTA. This Return for the first quarter of taxable year 2006 showing prior
apparently also explains the silence on the end of the CTA year's excess credits of P1,500.653.00.
En Banc regarding such BIR ruling in disposing of the matter
on jurisdiction. On August 25, 2006, Rhombus filed its Quarterly Income Tax
Return for the second quarter of taxable year 2006 showing
Hence, whether the petitioner can benefit from BIR Ruling prior year's excess credits of P1,500,653.00.
DA-489- 03 even if it did not invoke it is a question worthy of
On November 27, 2006, Rhombus filed its Quarterly Income
The beneficiaries of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 include Tax Return for the third quarter of taxable year 2006 showing
those who did not specifically invoke it. prior year's excess credits of P1,500,653.00.
BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 is a general interpretative rule. On December 29, 2006, Rhombus filed with the Revenue
Thus, all taxpayers can rely on BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 Region No. 8 an administrative claim for refund of its alleged
from the time of its issuance on 10 December 2003 up to its excess/unutilized CWT for the year 2005 in the amount of
reversal by this Court in Aichi on 6 October 2010, where this P1,500,653.00.
Court held that the 120+30-day periods are mandatory and
On April 2, 2007, Rhombus filed its Annual Income Tax
As previously stated, San Roque has been consistently Return for taxable year 2006 showing prior year's excess
applied in a long line of cases that recognized the exception credits of P0.00.
to the mandatory and jurisdictional nature of the 120+30-day
period. To limit the application of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03
only to those who invoked it specifically would unduly strain On December 7, 2007, pending CIR’s action on Rhombus's
t h e p r o n o u n c e m e n t s i n S a n R o q u e . To p r o v i d e claim for refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate of its
jurisprudential stability, it is best to apply the benefit of BIR excess/unutilized CWT for the year 2005 and before the
Ruling No. DA-489-03 to all taxpayers who filed their judicial lapse of the period for filing an appeal, Rhombus filed a
claims within the window period from 10 December 2003 Petition for Review to the CTA, whose First Division granted
until 6 October 2010. such petition.
All told, the CTA has jurisdiction over the judicial claims filed CTA en banc reversed.
by the petitioner in this case. The CTA En Banc, thus, erred
in setting aside the decision of the CT A Division on the ISSUES:
ground of lack of jurisdiction. Consequently, the decision of
the CTA Division partially granting the claim for refund/credit 1. WoN Rhombus has proved its entitlement to the
in favor of the petitioner must be reinstated. refund
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. 1. YES. The CTA En Banc thereby misappreciated the
fact that Rhombus had already exercised the option
for its unutilized creditable withholding tax for the year
2005 to be refunded when it filed its annual ITR for
the taxable year ending December 31, 2005. The
irrevocability rule took effect when the option was
exercised. In the case of Rhombus, therefore, its
marking of the box "To be refunded" in its 2005 annual
ITR constituted its exercise of the option, and from
then onwards Rhombus became precluded from
carrying-over the excess creditable withholding tax.
The fact that the prior year's excess credits were
reported in its 2006 quarterly ITRs did not reverse the 8. RTC rendered the assailed judgment against BIR
option to be refunded exercised in its 2005 annual permanently enjoining it from proceeding with the
ITR. As such, the CTA En Banc erred in applying the implementation and enforcement of Sections 108 and
irrevocability rule against Rhombus. 184 of the NIRC until the Congress shall have enacted
and passed into law House Bill 3235.
NOTES: The SC REINSTATES the CA First Division
9. Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the judgment but
decision, and DIRECTS the Commissioner of the Bureau of
RTC denied the motion for reconsideration. Hence, the
Internal Revenue to refund to or to issue a tax credit
petitioner has appealed directly to the Court.
certifi cate in favor of petitioner Rhombus Energy, Inc. in the
amount of P1,500,653.00 representing excess creditable Issue:
withholding tax for the year 2005.
WON RTC has jurisdiction in an action for declaratory
No. RTC should have dismissed the petition for lack of
jurisdiction. Taxes, being the lifeblood of the Government,
11. CIR v. Standard Insurance Co., Inc., G.R. No. 219340. should be collected promptly and without hindrance or delay.
November 7, 2018 Section 218 of the NIRC expressly provides that "no court
shall have the authority to grant an injunction to restrain the
Facts: collection of any national internal revenue tax, fee or charge
imposed by the [NIRC]."
1. Respondent received from BIR a PAN regarding its
liability amounting to P377,038,679.55 arising from a Also, pursuant to Section 11 of R.A. No. 1125, as amended,
deficiency in the payment of DST for taxable year 2011. It the decisions or rulings of the CIR, among others, assessing
contested the PAN through its letter but the CIR any tax, or levying, or distraining, or selling any property of
nonetheless sent to it a formal letter of demand. taxpayers for the satisfaction of their tax liabilities are
immediately executory, and their enforcement is not to be
2. The respondent requested reconsideration but it still suspended by any appeals thereof to the CTA unless "in the
received the Final Decision on Disputed Assessment opinion of the CTA the collection by the BIR or the
(FDDA), declaring its liability for the DST deficiency, Commissioner of Customs may jeopardize the interest of the
including interest and compromise penalty, totaling Government and/or the taxpayer," in which case the CTA "at
P418,830,567.46. any stage of the proceeding may suspend the said collection
3. It sought reconsideration of the FDDA, and objected to and require the taxpayer either to deposit the amount
the tax imposed pursuant to Section 184 of the NIRC as claimed or to file a surety bond for not more than double the
violative of the constitutional limitations on taxation. amount."
4. Meanwhile, the respondent also received a demand for In this case, RTC not only grossly erred in giving due course
the payment of its deficiency income tax, value-added to the petition but even worse acted without jurisdiction.
tax, premium tax, DST, expanded withholding tax, and Assuming arguendo that RTC had jurisdiction, the
fringe benefit tax for taxable year 2012, and deficiency action for declaratory relief was procedurally improper
DST for taxable year 2013. as a remedy.
5. The respondent commenced a civil case in the RTC (with An action for declaratory relief is governed by Section 1,
prayer for issuance of a TRO or of a writ of preliminary Rule 63 of the Rules of Court which has the following
injunction) for the judicial determination of the requisites: (1) the subject matter of the controversy must be
constitutionality of Section 108 and Section 184 of a deed, will, contract or other written instrument, statute,
the NIRC with respect to the taxes to be paid by non-life executive order or regulation, or ordinance; (2) the terms of
insurance companies. said documents and the validity thereof are doubtful and
6. It contended that the facts of the case must be require judicial construction; (3) there must have been no
appreciated in light of the effectivity of RA No. 10001, An breach of the documents in question; (4) there must be an
Act Reducing the Taxes on Life Insurance Policies, where actual justiciable controversy or the "ripening seeds" of one
the tax rate for life insurance premiums was reduced from between persons whose interests are adverse; (5) the issue
5% to 2%; and the pendency of deliberations on House must be ripe for judicial determination; and (6) adequate
Bill (H.B.) No. 3235, An Act Rationalizing the Taxes relief is not available through other means or other forms of
Imposed on Non-Life Insurance Policies, where an equal action or proceeding.
treatment for both life and non-life companies was being The third, fourth, fifth and sixth requisites were patently
sought. wanting. The third requisite was not met due to the subject of
7. RTC issued the TRO and enjoined BIR from the action having been infringed or transgressed prior to the
implementing the provisions of the NIRC with respect to institution of the action. Internal revenue taxes, being self-
the FDDA and to the pending assessments for taxable assessing, required no further assessment to give rise to the
years 2012 and 2013. It later on issued the writ of liability of the taxpayer. Section 184 of the NIRC as regards
preliminary injunction. assessments for DST deficiencies states:
Section 184. Stamp Tax on Policies of Insurance upon detect tax leaks through the matching of data available in the
Property. — On all policies of insurance or other instruments Integrated Tax Systems (ITS) with the information gathered
by whatever name the same may be called, by which from third party sources. On the basis of the consolidation
insurance shall be made or renewed upon property of any and cross-referencing of third party information, discrepancy
description, including rents or profits, against peril by sea or reports on sales and purchases were generated to uncover
on inland waters, or by fire or lightning, there shall be under-declared income and over-claimed purchases (goods
collected a documentary stamp tax of Fifty centavos (P0.50) and services).
on each Four pesos (P4.00), or fractional part thereof, of the
amount of premium charged: Provided, however, That no PDI was invited to reconcile deficiencies, to which it
documentary stamp tax shall be collected on reinsurance submitted reconciliation reports. Furthermore, it executed a
contracts or on any instrument by which cession or Waiver of the Statute of Limitation consenting to the
acceptance of insurance risks under any reinsurance assessment and/or collection of taxes for the year 2004
agreement is effected or recorded. which may be found due after the investigation. In a
Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN), PDI was assessed
What was being thereby taxed was the privilege of issuing
for alleged deficiency income tax and VAT for taxable year
insurance policies; hence, the taxes accrued at the time the
insurance policies were issued. Verily, the violation of
PDI sought reconsideration of the PAN and expressed its
Section 184 of the NIRC occurred upon the taxpayer's failure
willingness to execute another Waiver (Third Waiver), which
or refusal to pay the correct DST due at the time of issuing
it did on the same date, thus extending BIR's right to assess
the non-life insurance policies.
and/or collect from it until 30 April 2008.
Respondent's contention that said tax provisions are invalid
and unconstitutional for their unequal treatment of life and PDI received a Formal Letter of Demand dated 11 March
non-life insurance policies citing R.A. No. 10001 and House 2008 and an Audit Result/Assessment Notice from the BIR,
Bill No. 3235 could be said to be based on a contingency demanding for the payment of alleged deficiency VAT and
that might or might not occur. Congress has not yet income tax
addressed the difference in tax treatment of the life and non- On 16 May 2008, PDI filed its protest. On 12 December
life insurance policies. Under the circumstances, the 2008, PDI filed a Petition for Review against the
respondent would not be entitled to declaratory relief Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) alleging that the
because its right — still dependent upon contingent 180-day period within which the BIR should act on its protest
legislation — was still inchoate. had already lapsed.
1. As a general rule, petitioner has three (3) years to assess
taxpayers from the filing of the return. An exception to the
14. CIR v. Transitions Optical Philippines, Inc., G.R. No. rule of prescription is found in Section 222(b) and (d) of this
227544, November 22, 2017 Code, viz:
Considering the functions and effects of a PAN vis a vis a
FAN, it is clear that the assessment contemplated in Ruling of the Court of Tax Appeals Former Second Division
Sections 203 and 222 of the National Intenial Revenue Code
refors to the service of the FAN upon the taxpayer.
On November 30, 2010, the CTA Former Second Division
A PAN merely informs the taxpayer of the initial findings of
rendered a Decision partly granting the Petition. The CTA
the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It contains the proposed
Former Second Division agreed with EBCC that it was not
assessment, and the facts, law, rules, and regulations or
liable for the deficiency FWT assessment of P7,707,504.96
jurisprudence on which the proposed assessment is based.
on interest payments on loan agreements with Ogden Power
It does not contain a demand for payment but usually
International Holdings, Inc. (Ogden) for taxable year 2000
requires the taxpayer to reply within 15 days from receipt.
since its liability for interest payment became due and Moreover, considering that EBCC filed the Petition for
demandable only on June 1, 2002. Review before the CTA to question the deficiency tax
assessment issued by the CIR, it was incumbent upon
Both parties (CIR and EBCC) filed for MR which were both EBCC to prove that the deficiency tax assessment bad no
denied by CTA second Division. Both parties appealed to legal or factual basis or that it had already paid or remitted
CTA En Banc. the deficiency tax assessment as it is the taxpayer that has
the burden of proof to impugn the validity and correctness of
Ruling of the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc the disputed deficiency tax assessment. In addition, it is a
basic rule in evidence that the person who alleges payment
It sustained the findings of the CTA Former Second Division has the burden of proving that payment has indeed been
that the assessment over EBCC's FWT on interest payments made. More so, in cases filed before the CTA, which are
arising from its loan from Ogden was without basis as EBCC litigated de novo, party-litigants must prove every minute
had no obligation to withhold any taxes on the interest aspect of their case.
payment for the year 2000.
Thus, in order for the CTA En Banc to take cognizance of an 3.1.4 Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment Notice. —
appeal via a petition for review, a timely motion for The formal letter of demand and assessment notice shall be
reconsideration or new trial must first be filed with the CTA issued by the Commissioner or his duly authorized
Division that issued the assailed decision or resolution. representative. The letter of demand calling for payment of
Failure to do so is a ground for the dismissal of the appeal as the taxpayer's deficiency tax or taxes shall state the facts,
the word "must" indicates that the filing of a prior motion is the law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on which the
assessment is based, otherwise, the formal letter of demand
and assessment notice shall be void…
3.1.6 Administrative Decision on a Disputed Assessment. — 22. Sps. Pacquiao v. CTA, G.R. No. 213394, [April 6, 2016]
The decision of the Commissioner or his duly authorized
representative shall (a) state the facts, the applicable law, Facts: Pacquiao fi led his 2008 income tax return on April 15,
rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on which such 2009 reporting his Philippine-sourced income. It was
decision is based, otherwise, the decision shall be void (see subsequently amended to include his US-sourced income.
illustration in ANNEX C hereof), in which case, the same
shall not be considered a decision on a disputed On March 25, 2010, Pacquiao received a Letter of Authority
assessment; and (b) that the same is his final decision. (March LA) from the Regional District Office No. 43 (RDO) of
the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the examination of
The use of the word "shall" in Section 228 of the NIRC and in his books of accounts and other accounting records for the
RR No. 12-99 indicates that the requirement of informing the period covering January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.
taxpayer of the legal and factual bases of the assessment
and the decision made against him is mandatory. The On April 15, 2010, Pacquiao filed his 2009 income tax return,
requirement of providing the taxpayer with written notice of which although reflecting his Philippines-sourced income,
the factual and legal bases applies both to the FLD/FAN and failed to include his income derived from his earnings in the
the FDDA. US. He also failed to file his Value Added Tax (VAT) returns
for the years 2008 and 2009.
However, it should be noted that a void FDDA does not ipso
facto result in the nullification of the assessment. In resolving CIR issued another Letter of Authority, dated July 27, 2010
the issue on the effects of a void FDDA, it is necessary to (July LA), authorizing the BIR's National Investigation
differentiate an "assessment" from a "decision." it is clear Division (NID) to examine the books of accounts and other
that what is appealable to the CTA is the "decision" of the accounting records of both Pacquiao and Jinkee for the last
CIR on disputed assessment and not the assessment itself. 15 years, from 1995 to 2009. On September 21, 2010 and
An assessment becomes a disputed assessment after a September 22, 2010, the CIR replaced the July LA by issuing
taxpayer has filed its protest to the assessment in the to both Pacquiao and Jinkee separate electronic versions of
administrative level. Thereafter, the CIR either issues a the July LA pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Circular
decision on the disputed assessment or fails to act on it and (RMC) No. 56-2010.
is, therefore, considered denied. The taxpayer may then
appeal the decision on the disputed assessment or the Petitioners, through counsel, wrote a letter questioning the
inaction of the CIR. As such, the FDDA is not the only means propriety of the CIR investigation. According to the
that the final tax liability of a taxpayer is fixed, which may petitioners, they were already subjected to an earlier
then be appealed by the taxpayer. Under the law, inaction on investigation by the BIR for the years prior to 2007, and no
the part of the CIR may likewise result in the finality of a fraud was ever found to have been committed. They added
taxpayer's tax liability as it is deemed a denial of the protest that pursuant to the March LA issued by the RDO, they were
filed by the latter, which may also be appealed before the already being investigated for the year 2008.
Clearly, a decision of the CIR on a disputed assessment After conducting its own investigation, the CIR made its initial
differs from the assessment itself. assessment finding that the petitioners were unable to fully
settle their tax liabilities. Thus, the CIR issued its Notice of
Hence, the invalidity of one does not necessarily result to the Initial Assessment-Informal Conference (NIC), dated January
invalidity of the other — unless the law or regulations 31, 2012, directly addressed to the petitioners, informing
otherwise provide. Section 228 of the NIRC provides that an them that based on the best evidence obtainable, they were
assessment shall be void if the taxpayer is not informed in liable for deficiency income taxes in the amount of
writing of the law and the facts on which it is based. It is, P714,061,116.30 for 2008 and P1,446,245,864.33 for 2009,
however, silent with regards to a decision on a disputed inclusive of interests and surcharges. After being informed of
assessment by the CIR which fails to state the law and facts this development, the counsel for the petitioners sought to
on which it is based. This void is filed by RR No. 12-99 have the conference reset but he never received a response.
where it is stated that failure of the FDDA to reflect the facts
and law on which it is based will make the decision void. It, Then, on "February 20, 2012, the CIR issued the Preliminary
however, does not extend to the nullification of the entire Assessment Notice (PAN), informing the petitioners that
assessment. The reason for requiring that taxpayers be based on third-party information allowed under Section 5(B)
informed in writing of the facts and law on which the [24] and 6 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC),
assessment is made is the constitutional guarantee that no [25] they found the petitioners liable not only for deficiency
person shall be deprived of his property without due process income taxes in the amount of P714,061,116.30 for 2008 and
of law. P1,446;245,864.33 for 2009, but also for their non-payment
of their VAT liabilities in the amount P4,104,360.01 for 2008
and P 24,901,276.77 for 2009.
Reviewing jurisprudence, the Court concluded that Second. Whether the 15-year period subject of
the authority of the courts to issue injunctive writs to the CIR's investigation is arbitrary and
restrain the collection of tax and to dispense with excessive. - Section 203[63] of the Tax Code
the deposit of the amount claimed or the filing of the provides a 3-year limit for the assessment. of
required bond is not simply confined to cases internal revenue taxes. While the prescriptive period
where prescription has set in. As explained by to assess deficiency taxes may be extended to 10
the Court in those cases, whenever it is years in cases where there is false, fraudulent, or
determined by the courts that the method non-filing of a tax return - the fraud contemplated
employed by the Collector of Internal Revenue by law must be actual. It must be intentional,
in the collection of tax is not sanctioned by law, consisting of deception willfully and deliberately
the bond requirement under Section 11 of R.A. No. done or resorted to in order to induce another to
1125 should be dispensed with. The purpose of give up some right.
the rule is not only to prevent jeopardizing the
interest of the taxpayer, but more importantly, to Third. Whether fraud was duly established. - In
prevent the absurd situation wherein the court its letter, dated December 13, 2010, the NID had
would declare "that the collection by the summary been conducting a fraud investigation against the
methods of distraint and levy was violative of law, petitioners under its RATE program and that it found
and then, in the same breath require the petitioner that "fraud had been established in the instant case
to deposit or file a bond as a prerequisite for the as determined by the Commissioner." Under
issuance of a writ of injunction." Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 27-10, it
is required that a preliminary investigation must
The Court finds no reason to exempt petitioners first be conducted before a LA is issued.
from depositing a cash bond or filing a surety
bond before a suspension order may be Fourth. Whether the FLD issued against the
effected. THis is because the assailed resolution petitioners was irregular. - The FLD issued
was made without stating facts and law and to against the petitioners allegedly stated that the
determine whether methods employed to collect tax amounts therein were "estimates based on best
were illegal requires evidence. The CTA should possible sources." A taxpayer should be informed
have conducted a preliminary hearing and received in writing of the law and the facts on which the
evidence so it could have properly determined assessment is made, otherwise, the assessment
whether the requirement of providing the required is void. An assessment, in order to stand judicial
security under Section 11, R.A. No. 1125 could be scrutiny, must be based on facts. The presumption
reduced or dispensed with pendente lite. The of the correctness of an assessment, being a mere
remand of the case to the CTA on this question presumption, cannot be made to rest on another
is, therefore, more sensible and proper. presumption. Thus, there is a need for the CTA to
conduct a preliminary hearing.
Fifth. Whether the FDDA, the PCL, the FNBS, and
the Warrants of Distraint and/or Levy were
validly issued. In its hearing, the CTA must also
determine if the following allegations of the
petitioners have merit:
23. CIR v. Standard Chartered Bank, G.R. No. 192173,
a. The FDDA and PCL were issued July 29, 2015
against petitioner Pacquiao only. The
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy/ FACTS: SCB received a Formal Letter of Demand dated
Garnishment issued by the CIR, June 24, 2004 for defi ciency taxes and increments for the
however, were made against the taxable year 1998, amounting to P33.3M. On August 12,
assets of both petitioners; 2004, SCB protested against said assessment and
b. The warrants of garnishment had requested the CIR that it be withdrawn and cancelled. CIR
been served on the banks of both had not rendered a decision, prompting SCB to fi le a Petition
petitioners even before the petitioners for Review before the CTA in division.
received the FDDA and PCL; The CTA in division granted the petition of SCB,
c. The Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy/ canceled and set aside the FLD and Assessment Notices on
Garnishment against the petitioners the ground that CIR’s right to assess was already barred by
was allegedly made prior to the prescription. CIR presented copies of Waivers of Statute of
expiration of the period allowed for the Limitations executed by both parties. CTA in division,
petitioners to pay the assessed however, noted that these waivers did not strictly comply with
deficiency taxes; Revenue Memorandum Order No. 20-90. CIR filed for
d. The Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy/ MRecon, but it was denied.
Garnishment against petitioners failed CIR appealed with the CTA En Banc, but if affirmed
to take into consideration that the in toto the decision of CTA in division. Upon denial of CIR’s
deficiency VAT was already paid in full; Motion for Reconsideration, it filed the instant Petition for
and Review on Certiorari.
e. Petitioners were not given a copy of ISSUE: W/N petitioner’s right to assess respondent for
the Warrants. Sections 207[68] and defi ciency taxes for 1998 has already prescribed
208[69] of the Tax Code require the RULING: YES.
Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy/ The period for petitioner to assess and collect an
Garnishment be served upon the internal revenue tax is limited only to three years by Section
taxpayer. 203 of the NIRC of 1997. This mandate is primarily to
safeguard the interests of taxpayers from unreasonable
c. In case the CTA finds that the petitioners should investigation by not indefinitely extending the period of
provide the necessary security under Section 11 of assessment and depriving the taxpayer of the assurance that
R.A. 1125, a recomputation of the amount thereof is it will no longer be subjected to further investigation for taxes
in order. in A.M. No. 15-92-01-CTA, resolved to after the expiration of reasonable period of time.
approve the CTA En Banc Resolution No. 02-2015, As an exception, Section 222 authorizes the
where the phrase "amount claimed" stated in extension of the original three-year prescriptive period by the
Section 11 of R.A. No. 1125 was construed to refer execution of a valid waiver. RMO No. 20-90 outlines the
to the principal amount of the deficiency taxes, procedure for the proper execution of a waiver and failure to
excluding penalties, interests and surcharges. comply with any of the requisites renders a waiver defective
Moreover, the CTA should.also consider the claim of and ineffectual. The waivers executed by CIR and SCB were
the petitioners that they already paid a total of in violation of RMO 20-90:
P32,196,534.40 deficiency VAT assessed against' 1. the CIR did not sign (assessment was more than P1M)
them.. Despite said payment, the CIR still assessed 2. date of acceptance and the amount and kind of tax due
them the total amount of P3,298,514,894.35, were not indicated
including the amount assessed as VAT deficiency, 3. the waiver speaks of request to extend the period to file
plus surcharges, penalties and interest. If so, these additional documents, not the request for recon or
should also be deducted from the.amount of the reinvestigation as required by RMO 20-90.
bond to be computed and required. The period to assess the tax liabilities of respondent
for taxable year 1998 was never extended. Consequently,
when the succeeding waivers of Statute of Limitations were
subsequently executed covering the same tax liabilities of
respondent, and there being no assessment having been
issued as of that time, prescription has already set in.
[Although respondent paid the deficiency WTC and
FWT assessments, it did not waive the defense of
prescription as regards the remaining tax deficiencies, it
being on record that respondent continued to raise the issue
of prescription. Doctrine of estoppel not applicable.]
The Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment
Notices are void. Petition is denied.
1989 is the reckoning date, the BIR had three years to
24. China Banking Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 172509, collect the assessed DST. However, the records of this case
February 4, 2015 show that there was neither a warrant of distraint or levy
served on CBC's properties nor a collection case filed in
FACTS: court by the BIR within the three-year period.
China Banking Corporation was engaged in transactions
involving sales of foreign exchange to the Central Bank of The demand was made almost thirteen years from the date
the Philippines, commonly known as SWAP transactions. from which the prescriptive period is to be reckoned. Thus,
Petitioner did not file tax returns or pay tax on the SWAP the attempt to collect the tax was made way beyond the
transactions for the years 1982 to 1986. three-year prescriptive period.
On 19 April 1989, petitioner CBC received an assessment 2. The running of the statute of limitations was not
from the BIR finding CBC liable for deficiency DST on the suspended by the request for reinvestigation.
sales of foreign bills of exchange to the Central Bank. A request for reinvestigation alone will not suspend the
statute of limitations. Two things must concur:
CBC filed a protest under the following grounds: (1) there must be a request for reinvestigation and
1. double taxation, as the bank had previously paid the (2) the CIR must have granted it.
DST on all its transactions. In the present case, there is no showing from the records
2. absence of liability, as the liability falls on the buyer. that the CIR ever granted the request for reinvestigation filed
3. due process violation, as the bank’s records were by CBC. That being the case, it cannot be said that the
never formally examined. running of the three-year prescriptive period was effectively
4. validity of the assessment, as it did not include the suspended.
factual basis therefore.
5. exemption, as neither the tax-exempt entity nor the
other party was liable for the payment of DST.
1. That the claim for refund was filed within the two-year
26. CIR v. Team (Phils.) Energy Corporation, G.R. No. reglementary period;
188016, January 14, 2015 2. When it is shown on the ITR that the income payment
received is being declared part of the taxpayer’s gross
Facts: income; and
Mirant filed its annual income tax return (ITR) for calendar 3. When the fact of withholding is established by a copy of
years 2002 and 2003 on April 15, 2003 and April 15, 2004, the withholding tax statement, duly issued by the payor to
respectively, reflecting overpaid income taxes or excess the payee, showing the amount paid and income tax
creditable withholding taxes in the amounts of ₱6,232,003.00 withheld from that amount.
and ₱10,134,410.00 for taxable years 2002 and 2003,
respectively. It indicated in the ITRs its option for the refund The first requirement is complied with and undisputed. The
of the tax overpayments for both years. second requirement was factually determined and verified by
the CTA.
3/22/2005 – Mirant filed an administrative claim for refund or
issuance of tax credit certificate (TCC) with the BIR in the With respect to the third requirement, the respondent had
total amount of ₱16,366,413.00, representing the overpaid proven it by presenting the 10 certificates of creditable taxes
income tax or the excess creditable withholding tax for withheld at source.
calendar years 2002 and 2003.
The argument that the respondent should have submitted
4/14/2005 – filed judicial claim with CTA. the quarterly returns of the respondent to show that it did not
carry-over the excess withholding tax to the succeeding
Issue: quarter is untenable.
Whether Mirant is entitled to refund
BIR did not present rebuttal evidence when the respondent
Ruling: was able to establish prima facie its right to the refund by
The petition is without merit. testimonial and object evidence. BIR ought to have its own
copies of the respondent’s quarterly returns on file, on the
Section 76 provides that every corporation liable to tax shall basis of which it could rebut the respondent's claim that it did
file a final adjustment return covering the total taxable not carry over its unutilized and excess creditable
income for the preceding calendar of fiscal year. If quarterly withholding taxes for the immediately succeeding quarters.
tax payments made is not equal to the total tax due, the BIR's failure to present such vital document during the trial
corporation shall have the ff. options: was fatal.
Once the option to carry over and apply the excess quarterly
income tax against income tax due for the taxable years of
• Petitioners filed before the SC on the same day,
27. Banco De Oro et. al. v. CIR, G.R. No. 198756, January Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition, and/or
13, 2015 Mandamus (with urgent application for a
temporary restraining order and/or writ of
DOCTRINE: preliminary injunction).
• Respondents questioned the propriety of
· Interpretative rulings of the NIRC are reviewable petitioners' direct resort to this Court. They argued
by the Secretary of Finance otherwise the case is that petitioners should have challenged first the
dismissible for failure to exhaust administrative 2011 Bureau of Internal Revenue rulings before
remedies, except if the issue involved is purely a the Secretary of Finance, consistent with the
legal question and when there are circumstances doctrine on exhaustion of administrative remedies.
indicating the urgency of judicial intervention. Even assuming without admitting that the
Government Bonds are deposit substitutes,
· Jurisdiction to review the rulings of the petitioners argue that the collection of the final tax
Commissioner of Internal Revenue pertains to the was barred by prescription.
CTA, not to the RTC. As an exception, the court
entertains direct recourse to it when dictated by ISSUES:
public welfare and the advancement of public a. Non-observance of the doctrine of exhaustion of
policy. administrative remedies and of hierarchy of courts.
b. Prescription of the assessment
· The three (3)-year prescriptive period under
Section 203 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue RULING:
Code to assess and collect internal revenue taxes
is extended to 10 years in cases of (1) fraudulent A. PROCEDURAL ISSUES NON- EXHAUSTION OF
returns; (2) false returns with intent to evade tax; ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES PROPER
and (3) failure to file a return, to be computed from
the time of discovery of the falsity, fraud, or General Rule: Under Section 4 of the 1997 National
omission. Internal Revenue Code, interpretative rulings are reviewable
by the Secretary of Finance. The remedy within the
administrative machinery must be resorted to first and
FACTS: pursued to its appropriate conclusion before the court’s
• Should there have been a simultaneous sale to 20 judicial power can be sought.
or more lenders/investors, the PEACe Bonds
issued by the BTrwould be deemed deposit Exceptions: The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
substitutes within the meaning of Section 22(Y) of remedies is disregarded:
the 1997 NIRC and RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO 1) when there is a violation of due process,
would have been obliged to withhold the 20% final 2) when the issue involved is purely a legal question,
withholding tax on the interest or discount from the 3) when the administrative action is patently illegal
PEACe Bonds. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
• In 2001, the Bureau of Treasury (BTr) announced 4) when there is estoppel on the part of the
that P30 billion worth of 10 year Zero Coupon administrative agency concerned
Bonds would be auctioned and stated that the 5) when there is irreparable injury
issue will be limited to 19 lenders and while 6) when the respondent is a department secretary
taxable shall not be subject to the 20% FWT. At whose acts as an alter ego of the President bears
the auction, RCBC along with Caucus of the implied and assumed approval of the latter
Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO) and 7) when to require exhaustion of administrative
won the bid. RCBC became the underwriter for the remedies would be unreasonable
offering of the PEACe Bonds. RCBC Capital, 8) when it would amount to a nullification of a claim
thereafter, sold and distributed the Government 9) when the subject matter is a private land in land
Bonds to Banco De Oro, et al. (Petitioners) on case proceedings
different dates. 10) when the rule does not provide a plain, speedy and
• Barely 11 days before maturity of the PEACe adequate remedy
Bonds, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue 11) when there are circumstances indicating the
issued BIR Ruling No. 370-2011 declaring that the urgency of judicial intervention
PEACe Bonds, being deposit substitutes, were
subject to 20% final withholding tax. Under this The exceptions under (2) and (11) are present in this case.
ruling, Secretary of Finance directed the BTr to The question involved is purely legal, namely: (a) the
withhold a 20% final tax from the face value of the interpretation of the 20-lender rule in the definition of the
PEACe Bonds upon their payment at maturity. BIR terms public and deposit substitutes under the 1997 National
Ruling No. 370-2011 clarified that the FWT due on Internal Revenue Code; and (b) whether the imposition of
the discount or interest earned on the PEACe the 20% final withholding tax on the PEACe Bonds upon
Bonds shall be imposed on RCBC/CODE-NGO maturity violates the constitutional provisions on non-
and on all subsequent holders of the Bonds. impairment of contracts and due process. Judicial
intervention is likewise urgent with the impending maturity of
the PEACe Bonds on October 18, 2011.
The rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies also finds 28. Winebrenner & Iñigo Insurance Brokers, Inc. v. CIR,
no application when the exhaustion will result in an exercise G.R. No. 206526, January 28, 2015
in futility as when the SOF adopts the opinions of the CIR as
his own. DOCTRINE:
What Section 76 requires, just like in all civil cases, is to
Doctrine on hierarchy of courts prove the prima facie entitlement to a claim, including the
SC agrees with respondents that the jurisdiction to review fact of not having carried over the excess credits to the
the rulings of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue pertains subsequent quarters or taxable year. It does not say that to
to the Court of Tax Appeals. The questioned BIR Ruling Nos. prove such a fact, succeeding quarterly ITRs are absolutely
370-2011 and DA 378-2011 were issued in connection with needed.
the implementation of the 1997 National Internal Revenue
Code on the taxability of the interest income from zero- FACTS:
coupon bonds issued by the government. On April 15, 2004, petitioner filed its Annual Income Tax
Return for CY 2003.
Such rulings of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue are
appealable to that court by any party adversely affected by a About two years thereafter or on April 7, 2006, petitioner
decision, ruling or inaction of the CIR within 30 days after the applied for the administrative tax credit/refund claiming
receipt of such decision or ruling or after the expiration of the entitlement to the refund of its excess or unutilized CWT for
period fixed by law for action (Sec.11). CY 2003, by filing BIR Form No. 1914 with the Revenue
District Office No. 50 of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
In exceptional cases, however, this court entertained direct (BIR).
recourse to it when:
a. dictated by public welfare and the advancement of A petition for review was filed by petitioner before the CTA
public policy where the CTA Division granted petitioner’s claim for refund
b. demanded by the broader interest of justice of excess and unutilized CWT for CY 2003 in the reduced
c. the orders complained of were found to be patent amount of P2,737,903.34.
d. the appeal was considered as clearly an inappropriate Petitioner filed a Motion for Partial Reconsideration with
remedy. Leave to Submit Supplemental Evidence praying that an
amended decision be issued granting the entirety of its claim
Here, the nature and importance of the issues raised to the for refund, or in the alternative, that it be allowed to submit
investment and banking industry with regard to a definitive and offer relevant documents as supplemental evidence.
declaration of whether government debt instruments are Respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), on
deposit substitutes under existing laws, and the novelty the other hand, also moved for reconsideration, praying for
thereof, constitute exceptional and compelling circumstances the denial of the entire amount of refund because petitioner
to justify resort to this court in the first instance. failed to present the quarterly Income Tax Returns (ITRs) for
CY 2004.
PRESCRIPTION CTA Division reversed itself and denied the entire claim of
The three (3)-year prescriptive period under Section 203 of petitioner. CTA En Banc likewise affirmed the Amended
the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code to assess and Decision of the CTA Division. It stated that before a cash
collect internal revenue taxes is extended to 10 years in refund or an issuance of tax credit certificate for unutilized
cases of (1) fraudulent returns; (2) false returns with intent to excess tax credits could be granted, it was essential for
evade tax; and (3) failure to file a return, to be computed petitioner to establish and prove, by presenting the quarterly
from the time of discovery of the falsity, fraud, or omission. ITRs of the succeeding years, that the excess CWT was not
carried over to the succeeding taxable quarters considering
Thus, should it be found that RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO sold that the option to carry over in the succeeding taxable
the PEACe Bonds to 20 or more lenders/investors, the quarters could not be modified in the final adjustment returns
Bureau of Internal Revenue may still collect the unpaid tax (FAR).
from RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO within 10 years after the Hence, this petition.
discovery of the omission.
Whether or not the submission and presentation of the
quarterly ITRs of the succeeding quarters of a taxable year is
indispensable in a claim for refund.
I. No. it is clear that for evidence to be considered, the same
must be formally offered. The mere fact that a particular
30. CIR vs. United Salvage and Towage (Phils), Inc., G.R. document is identified and marked as an exhibit does not
No. 197515, July 2, 2014 mean that it has already been offered as part of the evidence
of a party. Evidence not formally offered to be admitted can
DOCTRINE: be considered by the trial court provided the following
• A taxpayer must be informed in writing of the legal requirements are present, viz.: first, the same must have
and factual bases of the tax assessment made been duly identified by testimony duly recorded and, second,
against him. The use of the word "shall" in these the same must have been incorporated in the records of the
legal provisions indicates the mandatory nature of case.
the requirements laid down therein.
• The act of requesting a reinvestigation alone does Petitioner categorically admitted that it failed to formally offer
not suspend the period. The request should first be the PANs as evidence and failed to advance justifiable
granted, in order to effect suspension. reason for such fatal omission. Instead, it merely alleged that
the existence and due execution of the PANs were duly
FACTS: tackled by petitioner’s witnesses. Such is not sufficient to
Respondent is engaged in the business of sub-contracting seek exception from the general rule requiring a formal offer
work for service contractors engaged in petroleum of evidence, since no evidence of positive identification of
operations in the Philippines. During the taxable years in such PANs by petitioner’s witnesses was presented.
question, it had entered into various contracts and/or sub-
contracts with several petroleum service contractor for the While we concur with petitioner that the CTA is not governed
supply of service vessels. strictly by technical rules of evidence, the presentation of
In the course of respondent’s operations, petitioner found PANs as evidence of the taxpayer’s liability is not mere
respondent liable for deficiency income tax, withholding tax, procedural technicality. It is a means by which a taxpayer is
value-added tax (VAT) and documentary stamp tax (DST) for informed of his liability for deficiency taxes. It serves as basis
taxable years 1992,1994, 1997 and 1998. Petitioner, issued for the taxpayer to answer the notices, present his case and
demand letters with attached assessment notices for adduce supporting evidence. More so, the same is the only
withholding tax on compensation (WTC) and expanded means by which the CTA may ascertain and verify the truth
withholding tax (EWT) for taxable years 1992, 1994 and of respondent's claims.
II. Yes. In order to determine whether the requirement for a
USTP filed administrative protests against the 1994 and valid assessment is duly complied with, it is important to
1998 EWT assessments, respectively. It also appealed to the ascertain the governing law, rules and regulations and
CTA special first division alleging that the Notices of jurisprudence at the time the assessment was issued. In the
Assessment are bereft of any facts, law, rules and instant case, the PANs and FANs pertaining to the deficiency
regulations or jurisprudence; thus, the assessments are void EWT for taxable years 1994 and 1998, respectively, were
and the right of the government to assess and collect issued on January 19, 1998, when the Tax Code was already
deficiency taxes from it has prescribed on account of the in effect. The date of issuance of the notice of assessment
failure to issue a valid notice of assessment within the determines which law applies- the 1997 NIRC or the old Tax
applicable period. Code.
During the pendency of the proceedings, USTP moved to In the instant case, the 1997 NIRC covers the 1994 and
withdraw the aforesaid Petition because it availed of the 1998 EWT FANs because there were issued on January 19,
benefits of the Tax Amnesty Program under Republic Act 1998 and September 21, 2001, respectively, at the time of
(R.A.) No. 9480 which was partially granted by the CTA and the effectivity of the 1997 NIRC. With that, Section 228 of the
declared the issues on income tax, VAT and DST Tax Code provides that the taxpayer shall be informed in
deficiencies closed and terminated. Consequently, the case writing of the law and the facts on which the assessment is
was submitted for decision covering the remaining issue on made. Otherwise, the assessment is void. The use of the
deficiency EWT and WTC, respectively, for taxable years word "shall" in these legal provisions indicates the mandatory
1992, 1994 and 1998. nature of the requirements laid down.
ISSUES: The FAN for the deficiency EWT for taxable year 1994 will
1. Whether or not the Court of Tax Appeals is governed show that other than a tabulation of the alleged deficiency
strictly by the technical rules of evidence; taxes due, no further detail regarding the assessment was
2. Whether or not the Expanded Withholding Tax provided by petitioner. Only the resulting interest, surcharge
Assessments issued by petitioner against the and penalty were anchored with legal basis. Petitioner
respondent for taxable year 1994 was without any should have at least attached a detailed notice of
factual and legal basis; and discrepancy or stated an explanation why the amount of is
collectible against respondent and how the same was arrived
at. Any short-cuts to the prescribed content of the
assessment or the process thereof should not be
countenanced. Hence it did not provide legal and factual
basis of the assessment and as a result the formal letter of
demand and notice of assessment are void.
There is also no basis in petitioner’s claim that Revenue 31. CIR vs. PNB, G.R. No. 180920, September 29, 2014
Regulation No. 12-99 is not applicable at the time the PAN
and FAN for the deficiency EWT for taxable year 1994 were DOCTRINE:
issued. Considering that such regulation merely implements The certificate of creditable tax withheld at source is the
the law, and does not create or take away vested rights, the competent proof to establish the fact that taxes are withheld.
same may be applied retroactively and the disputed It is not necessary for the person who executed and
assessments for taxable year 1994 should have already prepared the certificate of creditable tax withheld at source to
complied with the requirements laid down under Revenue be presented and to testify personally to prove the
Regulation No. 12-99. Having failed so, the same produces authenticity of the certificates.
no legal effect.
The deficiency EWT for taxable year 1998 however, is valid On November 11, 2002, PNB filed a claim for refund or the
since it complies with Section 228 of the Tax Code as well as issuance of a tax credit certificate in the amount of
Revenue Regulation No. 12-99. P26,466,735.40 for the taxable year 2000 with the BIR
representing unutilized excess creditable withholding taxes
III. Yes. The petitioner has three (3) years from the date of for taxable year 2000.
actual filing of the tax return to assess a national internal Due to BIR's inaction on its administrative claim, PNB
revenue tax or to commence court proceedings for the appealed before the Court of Tax Appeals by way of a
collection thereof without an assessment. However, when it Petition for Review on April 11, 2003. On January 30, 2007,
validly issues an assessment within the three (3)-year the Court of Tax Appeals First Division rendered a decision in
period, it has another three (3) years within which to collect favor of respondent granting respondent a tax refund or
the tax due by distraint, levy, or court proceeding. The credit in the amount of PhP23,762,347.83. On appeal, the
assessment of the tax is deemed made and the three (3)- Court of Tax Appeals En Banc sustained the First Division's
year period for collection of the assessed tax begins to run ruling.
on the date the assessment notice had been released,
mailed or sent to the taxpayer. ISSUE:
Whether or not PNB is entitled to a tax refund or credit
No evidence was formally offered to prove when respondent because of its failure to prove the fact that taxes are withheld
filed its returns and paid the corresponding EWT and WTC and its failure to present as witnesses the withholding
for taxable year 1992. The Preliminary Collection Letter for agents.
deficiency taxes for taxable year 1992 was only issued on
February 21, 2002, despite the fact that the FANs for the RULING:
deficiency EWT and WTC for taxable year 1992 was issued YES. The Court of Tax Appeals First Division and En Banc
as early as January 9, 1996. Clearly, five (5) long years had uniformly found that respondent has established its claim for
already lapsed, beyond the three (3)-year prescriptive refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate for unutilized
period, before collection was pursued by petitioner. excess creditable withholding taxes for the taxable year 2000
in the amount of PhP23,762,347.83. The Court of Tax
Further, while the request for reinvestigation was made on Appeals First Division thoroughly passed upon the evidence
March 14, 1997, the same was only acted upon by petitioner presented by respondent and the report of the court-
on January22, 2001, also beyond the three (3) year statute commissioned auditing firm.
of limitations reckoned from January 9, 1996,
notwithstanding the lack of impediment to rule upon such The certificate of creditable tax withheld at source is the
issue. competent proof to establish the fact that taxes are withheld.
It is not necessary for the person who executed and
Petitioner had ample time to make a factually and legally prepared the certificate of creditable tax withheld at source to
well-founded assessment and implement collection pursuant be presented and to testify personally to prove the
thereto. Whatever examination that petitioner may have authenticity of the certificates.
conducted cannot possibly outlast the entire three (3)-year Moreover, as correctly held by the Court of Tax Appeals En
prescriptive period provided by law to collect the assessed Banc, the figures appearing in the withholding tax certificates
tax. Thus, there is no reason to suspend the running of the can be taken at face value since these documents were
statute of limitations in this case. Moreover, the request for executed under the penalties of perjury, pursuant to Section
reinvestigation should be granted or at least acted upon in 267 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, as
due course before the suspension of the statute of limitations amended, which reads:
may set in. SEC. 267. Declaration under Penalties of Perjury. — Any
declaration, return and other statements required under this
Code, shall, in lieu of an oath, contain a written statement
that they are made under the penalties of perjury. Any person
who willfully files a declaration, return or statement
containing information which is not true and correct as to
every material matter shall, upon conviction, be subject to On March 5, 2004, the BIR issued a First Notice Before
the penalties prescribed for perjury under the Revised Penal Issuance of Warrant of Distraint and Levy, which was sent to
Code. the residence of one of respondent's directors.
Thus, upon presentation of a withholding tax certificate On March 19, 2004, respondent filed a protest letter citing
complete in its relevant details and with a written statement lack of due process and prescription as grounds. On April 16,
that it was made under the penalties of perjury, the burden of 2004, respondent filed a supplemental letter of protest.
evidence then shifts to the Commissioner of Internal Subsequently, on June 14, 2004, respondent submitted a
Revenue to prove that (1) the certificate is not complete; (2) letter wherein it attached documents to prove the defenses
it is false; or (3) it was not issued regularly. raised in its protest letters.
On January 10, 2005, after 180 days had lapsed without
Petitioner's posture that respondent is required to establish action on the part of petitioner on respondent's protest, the
actual remittance to the Bureau of Internal Revenue latter filed a Petition for Review with the CTA. On February
deserves scant consideration. Proof of actual remittance is 17, 2010, the CTA Special First Division promulgated its
not a condition to claim for a refund of unutilized tax credits. Decision granting the said petition. On June 16, 2011, the
Under Sections 57 and 58 of the 1997 National Internal CTA En Banc held that petitioner's right to assess
Revenue Code, as amended, it is the payor-withholding respondent for deficiency taxes for the taxable year 1999
agent, and not the payee-refund claimant such as has already prescribed and that the FAN issued to
respondent, who is vested with the responsibility of respondent never attained finality because respondent did
withholding and remitting income taxes. not receive it.
Hence, the present petition.
W/N the period to assess respondent for deficiency tax had
already prescribed
32. CIR vs. BASF Coating + Inks Philippines, Inc. G.R.
No. 198677, November 26, 2014 RULING:
Yes, the three (3) year period to assess had already
DOCTRINE: prescribed.
For there to be valid assessment, notice must be properly One of the requirements of a valid assessment notice is that
addressed to the taxpayer as required by due process. In the letter or notice must be properly addressed. It is not
case of change of address, the taxpayer is required to give a enough that the notice is sent by registered mail. An invalid
written notice thereof to the RDO or the district having assessment bears no valid fruit for violating the taxpayer’s
jurisdiction over his former legal residence and/or place of right to due process.
business. Where the taxpayer cannot be located in the
address given in the return, the running of the Statute of As provided by Section 203 of the NIRC, “Except as
Limitations shall be suspended. provided in Section 222, internal revenue taxes shall be
assessed within three (3) years after the last day prescribed
FACTS: by law for the filing of the return, and no proceeding in court
Respondent is a corporation organized under Philippine without assessment for the collection of such taxes shall be
laws. On 19 March 2001, its Board of Directors “BOD” and begun after the expiration of such period.”
its stockholders representing two-thirds of its of the entire
subscribed and outstanding capital stock of herein Under the Tax Code, the running of the Statute of Limitations
respondent corporation, resolved to dissolve the corporation shall be suspended when the taxpayer cannot be located in
by shortening its corporate term to March 31, 2001. the address given in the return filed upon which a tax is
Subsequently, respondent moved from its address in Las being assessed or collected. In addition, Section 11 of RR
Pinas City to Laguna. 12-85 states that, in case of change of address, the taxpayer
is required to give a written notice thereof to the RDO or the
On 26 June 2001, respondent submitted two (2) letters to the district having jurisdiction over his former legal residence
BIR: The first letter dated April 26, 2001 was a notice of its and/or place of business. However, the aforementioned is
dissolution and the second letter dated June 22, 2001 was a only applicable where the CIR is unaware of the location of
manifestation indicating the submission of documents the taxpayer.
supporting the dissolution.
The CTA found that BIR officers, at various times prior to the
A Formal Assessment Notice “FAN” dated January 17, 2003 issuance of the subject FAN, conducted examination and
was issued wherein respondent was assessed with the investigation of respondent's tax liabilities for 1999 at the
aggregate amount of ₱18,671,343.14 representing latter's new address in Laguna. Hence, despite the absence
deficiencies in income tax, value added tax, withholding tax of a formal written notice of respondent's change of address,
on compensation, expanded withholding tax and the fact remains that petitioner became aware of
documentary stamp tax, including increments, for the taxable respondent's new address as shown by the various
year 1999.6 The FAN was sent by registered mail on documents presented.
January 24, 2003 to respondent's former address in Las In the instant case, the FAN was sent to the wrong address.
Piñas City. Thus, the CTA is correct in holding that the FAN never
attained finality because respondent never received it, either CTA En banc ruled that
actually or constructively. Petitioner's issuance of the First 1. SAMELCO-I is exempted in the payment of the
Notice Before Issuance of Warrant of Distraint and Levy Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT);
violated respondent's right to due process because no valid 2. that due process was observed in the issuance of
notice of assessment was sent to it. Respondent has not the assessments in accordance with Section 228 of
properly been informed of the basis of its tax liabilities. the Tax Code; and
Without complying with the unequivocal mandate of first 3. that the 1997 and 1998 assessments on deficiency
informing the taxpayer of the government’s claim, there can withholding tax on compensation have not
be no deprivation of property, because no effective protest prescribed.
can be made. As a consequence, the running of the three-
year period to assess respondent was not suspended and ISSUE/S:
has already prescribed. 1. WON the subject 1997 and 1998 withholding tax
assessments on compensation were issued beyond
the prescriptive period of three years.
2. WON CIR observed due process notwithstanding the
missing Annex “A-1” that was meant to show Details
of Discrepancies.
33. Samar-I Electric Cooperative vs. CIR, G.R. No.
193100 December 10, 2014 RULING:
(1) NO. While petitioner is correct that Section 203 sets the
DOCTRINE: three-year prescriptive period to assess, the following
Substantial underdeclaration of withholding taxes constitutes exceptions are provided under Section 222 of the NIRC of
“falsity” that warrants extension of the prescriptive period to 1997: (a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with
assess to 10 years from the discovery of such falsity. intent to evade tax or of failure to file a return, the tax may be
assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such
FACTS: tax may be filed without assessment, at any time within ten
Samar-I was adjudged by the CTA liable for deficiency (10) years after the discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission
withholding tax on compensation in the aggregate amount of xxxx.
P2,690,850.91, plus 20% interest starting September 30,
2002, until fully paid, pursuant to Section 249(c) of the NIRC. A careful examination of the evidence on record yields to no
other conclusion but that petitioner failed to withhold taxes
On November 13, 2000, CIR issued a duly signed Letter of from its employees’ 13th month pay and other benefits in
Authority (LOA) for income and withholding taxes for the excess of thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) amounting to
period 1997 to 1999. The LOA was received by petitioner the P2,690,850.91 for the taxable years 1997 to 1999 – resulting
next day. to its filing of the subject false returns. Petitioner failed to
refute this finding, both in fact and in law, before the courts a
On October 19, 2001, CIR sent a Notice for Informal quo.
Conference which was received by petitioner in November In the case at bar, petitioner failed to proffer convincing
indicating the alleged income and withholding tax liabilities of argument and evidence that would persuade us to disturb
petitioner for 1997 to 1999. the factual findings of the CTA First Division, as affirmed by
On December 13, petitioner executed a Waiver of the the CTA EB. As such, we cannot but affirm the finding of
Defense of Prescription under the Statute of Limitations, petitioner’s substantial underdeclaration of withholding taxes
good until March 29, 2002. in the amount of P2,690,850.91 which constituted the
“falsity” in the subject returns.
On February 28, 2002, CIR issued a Preliminary Assessment
Notice (PAN) which was received by petitioner on April 9 and (2) YES. Both Section 228 of the NIRC of 1997 and Section
protested on April 18. On July 8, the CIR dismissed the 3.1.4 of RR No. 12-99 clearly require the written details on
protest and recommended issuance of a FAN. the nature, factual and legal bases of the subject deficiency
tax assessments.
Thus, on September 15, petitioner received a demand letter
and FANs for the alleged 1997, 1998, and 1999 deficiency In CIR v. Enron Subic Power Corporation, it was held that the
withholding tax in the amount of [P]3,760,225.69, as well as law requires that the legal and factual bases of the
deficiency income tax covering the years 1998 to 1999 in the assessment be stated in the formal letter of demand and
amount of [P]440,545.71, or in the aggregate amount of assessment notice, and that the alleged “factual bases” in
[P]4,200,771.40. the advice, preliminary letter and “audit working papers” did
Petitioner filed its protest and Supplemental Protest to the not suffice.
FANs on October 14 and November 4, respectively. But on
the Final Decision on Disputed Assessment (FDDA) issued In this case, we agree with the respondent that petitioner
on April 10, 2003, petitioner was still held liable for the was sufficiently apprised of the nature, factual and legal
alleged tax liabilities. bases, as well as how the deficiency taxes being assessed
against it were computed. Records reveal that on October
On May 29, petitioner filed an appeal with the CTA in 19, 2001, prior to the conduct of an informal conference,
Division. On May 27, 2008, the petition was partially granted. petitioner was already informed of the results and findings of
Both appealed to the CTA En Banc. the investigations made by the respondent, and was duly
furnished with a copy of the summary of the report submitted against Daza’s illegal assessment when it filed its
by the Revenue Officer. Said summary report contained an petition for certiorari before the RTC.
explanation of Findings of Investigation stating the legal and
factual bases for the deficiency assessment. Ruling:
On April 9, 2002, petitioner received the PAN dated February A taxpayer dissatisfied with a local treasurer’s denial of or
28, 2002 which contained the computations of its deficiency inaction on his protest over an assessment has thirty (30)
income and withholding taxes. Attached to the PAN was the days within which to appeal to the court of competent
detailed explanation of the particular provision of law and jurisdiction. Under the law, said period is to be reckoned from
revenue regulation violated. Although the FAN and demand the taxpayer’s receipt of the denial of his protest or the lapse
letter issued to petitioner were not accompanied by a written of the sixty (60) day period within which the local treasurer is
explanation of the legal and factual bases of the deficiency required to decide the protest, from the moment of its filing.
taxes assessed against the petitioner, the records showed This much is clear from Section 195 of the Local
that respondent in its letter dated April 10, 2003 responded Government Code which provides as follows:
to petitioner’s October 14, 2002 letter-protest, explaining at
length the factual and legal bases of the deficiency tax SEC. 195. Protest of Assessment. - When the local treasurer
assessments and denying the protest. or his duly authorized representative finds that correct taxes,
fees, or charges have not been paid, he shall issue a notice
Considering the foregoing exchange of correspondence and of assessment stating the nature of the tax, fee or charge,
documents between the parties, we find that the requirement the amount of deficiency, the surcharges, interests and
of Section 228 was substantially complied with. Petitioner’s penalties. Within sixty (60) days from the receipt of the notice
right to due process was thus not violated. of assessment, the taxpayer may file a written protest with
the local treasurer contesting the assessment; otherwise, the
assessment shall become final and executory. The local
treasurer shall decide the protest within sixty (60) days from
the time of its filing. If the local treasurer finds the protest to
be wholly or partly meritorious, he shall issue a notice
34. Team Pacific Corporation vs. Daza as Municipal canceling wholly or partially the assessment. However, if the
Treasurer of Taguig, G.R. No. 167732, July 11, 2012. local treasurer finds the assessment to be wholly or partly
correct, he shall deny the protest wholly or partly with notice
Facts: to the taxpayer. The taxpayer shall have thirty (30) days from
TPC was assessed in the sum of P208,109.77 by the receipt of the denial of the protest or from the lapse of
respondent Josephine Daza, in her capacity as then the sixty (60) day period prescribed herein within which to
Municipal Treasurer of Taguig, by applying the full value of appeal with the court of competent jurisdiction otherwise the
the rates provided under Section 75 of the Taguig Revenue assessment becomes conclusive and unappealable.
Code, instead of the one-half (1/2) rate provided under
paragraph (c) of the same provision. Absent any showing of the formal denial of the protest, we
find that TPC’s filing of its petition before the RTC on 19 April
On 19 January 2004, TPC filed on the same day a written 2004 still timely.
protest with Daza.
Reckoned from the filing of the letter protest on 19 January
On 15 April 2004, TPC filed its Rule 65 petition for certiorari 2004, Daza had sixty (60) days or until 19 March 2004 within
before the RTC alleging that no formal action was taken which to resolve the same in view of the fact that 2004 was a
regarding its protest on or before 19 March 2004 or within leap year. From the lapse of said period, TPC, in turn, had
the period of sixty (60) days from the filing thereof as thirty (30) days or until 18 April 2004 within which to file its
prescribed under Article 195 of the Local Government Code. appeal to the RTC. Since the latter date fell on a Sunday, the
RTC correctly ruled that TPC’s filing of its petition on 19 April
While finding that the absence of proof of denial of TPC’s 2004 was still within the period prescribed under the above
letter-protest meant that the latter had thirty (30) days from quoted provision.
the lapse of the sixty (60) days prescribed under Article 195
of the Local Government Code within which to perfect its Rule 65 petition for certiorari was not the appropriate remedy
appeal, the RTC ruled that, rather than the special civil action from Daza’s inaction.
of certiorari provided under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure, an ordinary appeal would have been the TPC erroneously availed of the wrong remedy in filing a Rule
proper remedy from the assessment complained against. 65 petition for certiorari to question Daza’s inaction on its
Without moving for the reconsideration of the foregoing letter-protest. The rule is settled that, as a special civil action,
order, TPC filed the petition under Rule 45 before the SC on certiorari is available only if the following essential requisites
28 April 2005, on pure questions of law. concur: (1) it must be directed against a tribunal, board, or
officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions; (2) the
Issue: tribunal, board, or officer must have acted without or in
1. Whether or not the Petition for Certiorari before the excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
RTC was filed on time. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and, (3) there is
no appeal nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in
2. Whether or not TPC availed of the correct remedy the ordinary course of law.
Judicial function entails the power to determine what the law 35. Lucas G. Adamson, et al. vs. CA, et al., G.R. Nos.
is and what the legal rights of the parties are, and then 120935 & 124557, May 21, 2009
undertakes to determine these questions and adjudicate
upon the rights of the parties. Quasi-judicial function, on the DOCTRINE:
other hand, refers to the action and discretion of public When fraudulent tax returns are involved, a proceeding in
administrative officers or bodies, which are required to court after the collection of such tax may be begun without
investigate facts or ascertain the existence ofof facts, hold assessment.
hearings, and draw conclusions from them as a basis for
their official action and to exercise discretion of a judicial FACTS:
nature. • Lucas Adamson and AMC sold 131,897 common
shares of stock in Adamson and Adamson, Inc. (AAI)
Gauged from the foregoing definitions, Daza cannot be said to APAC Holding Limited (APAC). The shares were
to be performing a judicial or quasi-judicial function in valued at P7,789,995.00.[1] On June 22, 1990,
assessing TPC’s business tax and/or effectively denying its P159,363.21 was paid as capital gains tax for the
protest as then Municipal Treasurer of Taguig. For this transaction.
reason, Daza’s actions are not the proper subjects of a Rule • AMC sold to APAC Philippines, Inc. another 229,870
65 petition for certiorari which is the appropriate remedy in common shares of stock in AAI for P17,718,360.00.
cases where a the tribunal, board, or officer exercising AMC paid the capital gains tax of P352,242.96.
judicial or quasi-judicial functions acted without or in grave • The Commissioner issued a “Notice of Taxpayer” to
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D.
jurisdiction and there is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, informing them
adequate remedy in law. of deficiencies on their payment of capital gains tax
and Value Added Tax (VAT). The notice contained a
TPC’s availment of the wrong mode of appeal from the schedule for preliminary conference.
RTC’s assailed 5 April 2005 Order has, moreover, clearly
rendered the same final and executory. Granted that a Rule G.R. No. 120935
45 petition for review on certiorari is the proper mode of o Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D.
appeal when the issues raised are purely questions of law, Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes were
TPC lost sight of the fact that, as amended by RA No. charged before the Regional Trial Court
9282,24 paragraph c (2) [a], Section 725 of RA No. 112526 (RTC) of Makati, Branch 150 in Criminal
has vested the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) with the exclusive Case Nos. 94-1842 to 94-1846. They filed
appellate jurisdiction over, among others, appeals from the a Motion to Dismiss or Suspend the
judgments, resolutions or orders of the RTC in tax collection Proceedings. They invoked the grounds
cases originally decided by them in their respective territorial that there was yet no final assessment of
jurisdiction. As amended by Section 9 of RA No. 9282,27 their tax liability, and there were still pending
Section 11 of RA No. 1125 likewise requires that the appeal relevant Supreme Court and CTA cases.
be perfected within thirty (30) days after receipt of the o Initially, the trial court denied the motion. A
decision and shall be made by filing a petition for review Motion for Reconsideration was however
under a procedure analogous to that provided for under Rule filed, this time assailing the trial court’s lack
42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. of jurisdiction over the nature of the subject
TPC’s erroneous availment of the wrong mode of appeal and o On August 8, 1994, the trial court granted
direct resort to this Court instead of the CTA both warrant the the Motion. It ruled that the complaints for
dismissal of the petition at bench. The rule is settled that the tax evasion filed by the Commissioner
perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the period should be regarded as a decision of the
fixed by law is not only mandatory but jurisdictional and non- Commissioner regarding the tax liabilities of
compliance with these legal requirements is fatal to a party’s Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D.
cause. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, and
appealable to the CTA. It further held that
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED the said cases cannot proceed
for lack of merit and being the wrong mode of appeal. independently of the assessment case
pending before the CTA, which has
jurisdiction to determine the civil and
criminal tax liability of the respondents
o Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s
decision and reinstated the criminal
▪ The appellate court held that, in a
criminal prosecution for tax
evasion, assessment of tax
deficiency is not required because
the offense of tax evasion is
complete or consummated when tax returns filed and the audit findings of
the offender has knowingly and the revenue examiner.
willfully filed a fraudulent return
with intent to evade the tax. o The Court of Appeals sustained the CTA’s
▪ It ruled that private respondents denial of the Commissioner’s Motion to
filed false and fraudulent returns Dismiss. Hence, this petition.
with intent to evade taxes, and
acting thereupon, petitioner filed ISSUES:
an Affidavit of Complaint with the (1) Did the CIR issue an assessment?
Department of Justice, without an (2) Must a criminal prosecution for tax evasion be preceded
accompanying assessment of the by a deficiency tax assessment?
t a x d e fi c i e n c y o f p r i v a t e (3) Does the CTA have jurisdiction on the case?
respondents, in order to
commence criminal action against HELD:
the latter for tax evasion. (1) NO. The recommendation letter of the Commissioner
cannot be considered a formal assessment as (a) it was not
G.R. No. 124557 addressed to the taxpayers; (b) there was no demand made
o AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. on the taxpayers to pay the tax liability, nor a period for
Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes filed a payment set therein; (c) the letter was never mailed or sent
letter request for re-investigation with the to the taxpayers by the Commissioner. It was only an
Commissioner of the “Examiner’s Findings” affidavit of the computation of the alleged liabilities and thus
earlier issued by the Bureau of Internal merely served as prima facie basis for filing criminal
Revenue (BIR), which pointed out the tax informations.
(2) YES. When fraudulent tax returns are involved as in the
o On March 15, 1994 before the cases at bar, a proceeding in court after the collection of
Commissioner could act on their letter- such tax may be begun without assessment considering that
request, AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, upon investigation of the examiners of the BIR, there was a
Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de preliminary finding of gross discrepancy in the computation
los Reyes filed a Petition for Review with of the capital gains taxes due from the transactions. The Tax
t h e C TA . They assailed the Code is clear that the remedies may proceed simultaneously.
Commissioner’s finding of tax evasion
against them. (3) NO. While the laws governing the CTA have expanded
the jurisdiction of the Court, they did not change the
o The Commissioner moved to dismiss the jurisdiction of the CTA to entertain an appeal only from a final
petition, on the ground that it was decision of the Commissioner, or in cases of inaction within
premature, as she had not yet issued a the prescribed period. Since in the cases at bar, the
formal assessment of the tax liability of Commissioner has not issued an assessment of the tax
therein petitioners. liability of the Petitioners, the CTA has no jurisdiction.
Thus the income tax return filed by CIC with intent to evade As stated above, the prescriptive period to assess the
payment of taxes was thus false and fraudulent. Since such correct taxes in case of false returns is ten years from the
falsity or fraud was discovered by the BIR only on 8 March discovery of the falsity. The false return was filed on 15 April
1991, the assessment issued on 9 January 1995 was well 1990, and the falsity thereof was claimed to have been
within the prescriptive period prescribed by Section 223 (a) discovered only on 8 March 1991. The assessment for the
of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which 1989 deficiency income tax of CIC was issued on 9 January
provides that tax may be assessed within 10 years from the 1995. Clearly, the issuance of the correct assessment for
discovery of the falsity or fraud. The Estate filed a petition for deficiency income tax was well within the prescriptive period.
Section 269 of the NIRC of 1986 (now Section 222 of the Tax Metro Star Superama is a domestic corporation duly
Reform Act of 1997) read: Sec. 269. Exceptions as to period organized under Philippine Law.
of limitation of assessment and collection of taxes.-(a) In the
case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or On January 26, 2001, the Regional Director of Revenue
of failure to file a return, the tax may be assessed, or a Region No. 10 (RD), Legazpi City, issued Letter of
proceeding in court after the collection of such tax may be Authority for Revenue Officer Daisy G. Justiniana to
begun without assessment, at any time within ten years after examine Metro Star’s books of accounts and other
the discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission: Provided, That accounting records for income tax and other internal revenue
in a fraud assessment which has become final and taxes for the taxable year 1999. Said Letter of Authority was
executory, the fact of fraud shall be judicially taken revalidated on August 10, 2001 by the RD.
cognizance of in the civil or criminal action for collection
thereof. Put differently, in cases of (1) fraudulent returns; (2) For Metro Star’s failure to comply with several requests for
false returns with intent to evade tax; and (3) failure to file a the presentation of records and Subpoena Duces Tecum, the
return, the period within which to assess tax is ten years OIC of BIR Legal Division issued an Indorsement dated
from discovery of the fraud, falsification or omission, as the September 26, 2001 informing Revenue District Officer of
case may be. It is true that in a query dated 24 August 1989, Revenue Region No. 67 (RDO), Legazpi City to proceed
Altonaga, through his counsel, asked the Opinion of the BIR with the investigation based on the best evidence
on the tax consequence of the two sale transactions. obtainable preparatory to the issuance of assessment notice.
Jurisprudence is replete with cases holding that if the
On November 8, 2001, RDO Ramos-Lafuente issued a taxpayer denies ever having received an assessment from
Preliminary 15-day Letter, which Metro Star received on the BIR, it is incumbent upon the latter to prove by
November 9, 2001. The said letter stated that a post audit competent evidence that such notice was indeed received by
review was held and it was ascertained that there was the addressee. The onus probandi was shifted to respondent
deficiency value-added and withholding taxes due from to prove by contrary evidence that the Petitioner received the
petitioner in the amount of ₱ 292,874.16. assessment in the due course of mail.
On April 11, 2002, Metro Star received a Formal Letter of The facts to be proved to raise this presumption are (a) that
Demand dated April 3, 2002 assessing petitioner the amount the letter was properly addressed with postage prepaid, and
of ₱292,874.16 for deficiency value-added and withholding (b) that it was mailed. Once these facts are proved, the
taxes for the taxable year 1999. presumption is that the letter was received by the addressee
as soon as it could have been transmitted to him in the
Subsequently, Revenue District Office No. 67 sent a copy of ordinary course of the mail. But if one of the said facts fails to
the Final Notice of Seizure dated May 12, 2003, which appear, the presumption does not lie.
Metro Star received on May 15, 2003, giving the latter last
opportunity to settle its deficiency tax liabilities within ten (10) In the case at bar, the Court agrees with the CTA that the
[days] from receipt thereof, otherwise respondent BIR shall CIR failed to discharge its duty and present any evidence to
be constrained to serve and execute the Warrants of show that Metro Star indeed received the PAN dated
Distraint and/or Levy and Garnishment to enforce collection. January 16, 2002. It could have simply presented the registry
receipt or the certification from the postmaster that it mailed
On February 6, 2004, petitioner received from Revenue the PAN, but failed. Neither did it offer any explanation on
District Office No. 67 a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy why it failed to comply with the requirement of service of the
No. 67-0029-23 dated May 12, 2003 demanding payment of PAN. It merely accepted the letter of Metro Star’s chairman
deficiency value-added tax and withholding tax payment in dated April 29, 2002, that stated that he had received the
the amount of ₱292,874.16. FAN dated April 3, 2002, but not the PAN; that he was willing
to pay the tax as computed by the CIR; and that he just
On July 30, 2004, petitioner filed with the Office of wanted to clarify some matters with the hope of lessening its
respondent Commissioner a Motion for Reconsideration tax liability.
which was denied on February 8, 2005, through its
authorized representative, Revenue Regional Director of Moreover, Section 228 of the Tax Code clearly requires that
Revenue Region 10, Legaspi City. the taxpayer must first be informed that he is liable for
deficiency taxes through the sending of a PAN. He must be
Metro Star claimed that it was not accorded due process informed of the facts and the law upon which the
because it denied having received a Preliminary Assessment assessment is made. The law imposes a substantive, not
Notice. Hence, the Petition to the CTA. merely a formal, requirement. To proceed heedlessly with tax
collection without first establishing a valid assessment is
The CTA-Second Division opined that "[w]hile there [is] a evidently violative of the cardinal principle in administrative
disputable presumption that a mailed letter [is] deemed investigations - that taxpayers should be able to present their
received by the addressee in the ordinary course of mail, a case and adduce supporting evidence.
direct denial of the receipt of mail shifts the burden upon the
party favored by the presumption to prove that the mailed It is clear that the sending of a PAN to taxpayer to inform him
letter was indeed received by the addressee." It also found of the assessment made is but part of the "due process
that there was no clear showing that Metro Star actually requirement in the issuance of a deficiency tax assessment,"
received the alleged PAN, dated January 16, 2002. It, the absence of which renders nugatory any assessment
accordingly, ruled that the Formal Letter of Demand dated made by the tax authorities. The use of the word "shall" in
April 3, 2002, as well as the Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy subsection 3.1.2 describes the mandatory nature of the
dated May 12, 2003 were void, as Metro Star was denied service of a PAN. The persuasiveness of the right to due
due process. process reaches both substantial and procedural rights and
the failure of the CIR to strictly comply with the requirements
The CIR insists that Metro Star received the PAN, dated laid down by law and its own rules is a denial of Metro Star’s
January 16, 2002, and that due process was served right to due process. Thus, for its failure to send the PAN
nonetheless because the latter received the Final stating the facts and the law on which the assessment was
Assessment Notice (FAN). made as required by Section 228 of R.A. No. 8424, the
assessment made by the CIR is void.
Hence, this Petition.
Lastly, the Court need not belabor to discuss the matter of
ISSUE: Metro Star’s failure to file its protest, for it is well-settled that
Whether or not Metro Star was denied due process for not a void assessment bears no fruit.
having received a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)
were not valid substitutes for the mandatory notice in writing
of the legal and factual bases of the assessment. These
44. CIR vs. Enron Subic Power Corp., G.R. No. 166387, steps were mere perfunctory discharges of the CIR's duties
January 19, 2009 in correctly assessing a taxpayer.
FACTS: The law requires that the legal and factual bases of the
Enron, a domestic corporation registered with the Subic Bay assessment be stated in the formal letter of demand and
Metropolitan Authority as a freeport enterprise filed its annual assessment notice. Thus, such cannot be presumed. This
income tax return wherein it indicated a net loss of P7, 684, requirement is in keeping with the constitutional principle that
948. The BIR informed it of a proposed assessment for no person shall be deprived of property without due process.
deficiency income tax in the amount of P2,880,817.25. In view of the absence of a fair opportunity for Enron to be
Enron, through its first protest letter, disputed the proposed informed of the legal and factual bases of the assessment
assessment. against it, the assessment in question was void.
Although taxes are the lifeblood of the Government and
Enron received from the CIR a formal assessment notice, should be collected without unnecessary hindrance, such
thus prompting it to protest this deficiency tax assessment. collection should be made in accordance with law.
Such protest was not resolved within the 180-day period.
Enron filed a petition for review in the CTA, questioning the
substantive validity of the assessment and arguing that it did
not provide sufficient factual and legal bases.
The CTA granted the petition and ordered the cancellation of 45. CIR vs. Isabela Cultural Corp., G.R. No. 135210, July
the deficiency assessment, reasoning that it failed to comply 11, 2001
with the requirement of a valid written notice. CIR’s motion
for reconsideration of the CTA decision was denied. The CIR FACTS:
argues that Enron was informed of the legal and factual Isabela Cultural Corporation’s 1986 books were investigated,
bases of the deficiency assessment. Hence, this petition for and it was ascertained that there was an income tax
review. deficiency of P9,985,392.15. Isabela protested the said PAN
and was reduced to P325,869.44.
ISSUE: Whether or not the assessment is valid
2/23/1990 – Isabela received assessment later dated
RULING: No. 2/9/1990 demanding payment of P333,196.86 and
Section 228 of the NIRC provides that the taxpayer shall be P4,897.19 for 1986.
informed in writing of the law and the facts on which the
assessment is made. Otherwise, the assessment is void. To 3/23/1990 – In a letter dated, 3/22/1990, Isabela requested
implement the provisions of Section 228 of the NIRC, RR for a reconsideration with CIR.
No. 12-99 was enacted. Section 3.1.4 of the revenue
regulation reads: 4/18/1990 – In a letter dated, 4/2/1990, supporting
documents were attached as well as a Waiver of the Statute
3.1.4. Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment Notice. - of Limitations dated 4/17/1990, where it was indicated that
The letter of demand calling for payment of the CIR would only have until 4/5/1991 to assess and collect the
taxpayer's deficiency tax or taxes shall state the facts, taxes CIR may have found from the reinvestigation.
the law, rules and regulations, or jurisprudence on
which the assessment is based, otherwise, the formal 2/9/1995 – Isabela received Final Notice before Seizure
letter of demand and assessment notice shall be void. dated 12/22/1994. CIR demanded payment within 10 days
The same shall be sent to the taxpayer only by registered from receipt thereof. Otherwise, CIR would be constrained to
mail or by personal delivery. collect the assessment through summary remedies.
It is clear from the foregoing that a taxpayer must be 3/9/1995 – Isabela filed with CTA a petition for review
informed in writing of the legal and factual bases of the tax thinking that the Final Notice was considered a final decision.
assessment made against him. The use of the word 'shall' in
these legal provisions indicates the mandatory nature of the ISSUE:
requirements laid down therein. Whether the Final Notice before Seizure constitutes a final
decision appealable to the CTA.
Here, the CTA found that the CIR merely issued a formal
assessment and indicated therein the supposed tax, RULING:
surcharge, interest and compromise penalty due thereon. The Final Notice must be considered as the final decision
The CIR did not bother to explain how it arrived at such an disposing of the request for reconsideration.
assessment. More so, he failed to mention the specific
provision of the Tax Code or rules and regulations which There was no other notice received regarding the
were not complied with by Enron. reconsideration. The title stated that it was the FINAL notice,
and the content of the letter provided that this was the last
The advice of tax deficiency, given by the CIR to an opportunity for the taxpayer to pay the deficiency.
employee of Enron, as well as the preliminary five-day letter,
Regardless, Sec. 228 of the NIRC provides that a taxpayer In such cases, the ten-year period began to run only from the
may proceed directly to the CTA if there is inaction regarding date of discovery by the BIR of the falsity, fraud or omission.
the protest for 180 days from the submission of the If the BIR issued this assessment within the three-year or the
documents. Within 30 days, after the lapse of the 180-day ten-year period, whichever was applicable, the law provided
period can the taxpayer file with the CTA. Lastly, another three years after the assessment for the collection of
jurisprudence provides that a final demand letter for payment the tax due thereon through the administrative process of
of delinquent taxes may be considered a decision on a distraint and/or levy or through judicial proceedings. The
disputed assessment. three-year period of collection of the assessed tax began to
run on the date the assessment notice had been released,
What makes this case unique is that in the final notice, CIR mailed or sent by the BIR.
admits as a fact that it has received the request for
reconsideration. While the Notice may not have mentioned
categorically that this was a ruling as regards the request, it
can be implied that this was indeed a decision as it had
acknowledged receipt of the request, and despite such
request, CIR proceeded to deliver the Final Notice. Petition = 47. Fishwealth Canning Corp. v. CIR, G.R. No. 179343, 21
DENIED. January 2010
• On May 16, 2000, CIR ordered the examination of
the internal revenue taxes for the taxable year
1999 of petitioner Fishwealth Canning Corp. It
46. CIR vs. Phil. Global Communication, Inc., G.R. No. disclosed that petitioner was liable for income tax,
167146, October 31, 2006 VAT, withholding tax deficiencies and other
miscellaneous deficiencies. Petitioner settled
FACTS: these obligations on August 30, 2000.
• On August 25, 2000, CIR reinvestigated
Respondent was pre-assessed for a deficiency tax for the petitioner’s books covering the same period. It
year 1990. In 1994, final assessment was sent to respondent issued a subpoena duces tecum requiring
and through counsel, respondent sent protest letter to CIR. petitioner to submit its records and books of
In 2002, after 8 long years, respondent received from CIR a accounts.
final decision denying the respondent’s protest and affirming • Petitioner requested the cancellation of the
said assessment. CTA ruled on prescription and ordered CIR subpoena on account that the same set of
to withdraw and cancel assessment previously issued documents had previously been examined.
against petitioner. • Respondent sent, on August 6, 2003, petitioner a
FAN of income tax and VAT deficiencies. Petitioner
ISSUE: contested the assessment on September 23,
Whether or not CIR’s right to collect alleged deficiency tax is • Respondent issued an FDDA dated August 2,
barred by prescription 2005 denying its protest and apprising it of its
income tax and VAT liabilities for the taxable year
RULING: 1999. Petitioner received the FDDA on August 4,
Yes. The assessment, in this case, was presumably issued • Instead of appealing to the CTA, petitioner filed, on
on April 14, 1994 since the respondent did not dispute the September 1, 2005, a Letter of Reconsideration
CIR’s claim. Therefore, the BIR had until April 13, 1997. dated August 31, 2005. Still, CIR demanded
However, there was no Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy payment of petitioner’s tax liabilities thru a
served on the respondents nor any judicial proceedings Preliminary Collection Letter dated September 6,
initiated by the BIR, the earliest attempt of the BIR to collect 2005.
the tax due based on this assessment was when it filed its • Petitioner filed a Petition for Review before the
Answer, which was several years beyond the three-year CTA. CTA dismissed the petition.
prescriptive period. Thus, the CIR is now prescribed from • Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which
collecting the assessed tax. was also denied.
• Petitioner filed a petition for review before the CTA
The law prescribed a period of three years from the date the En Banc. CTA En Banc held that the petition
return was actually filed or from the last date prescribed by before the First Division, as well as that before,
law for the filing of such return, whichever came later, within was filed out of time.
which the BIR may assess a national revenue tax. However,
the law increased the prescriptive period to assess or to ISSUE:
begin a court proceeding for the collection without an WON CTA En Banc erred in holding that the petition
assessment to ten years when a false or fraudulent return petitioner ︎led before the CTA First Division as well as that
was fled with the intent of evading the tax or when no return filed before it (CTA En Banc) was filed out of time -- YES
was filed at all.
Section 228 of the 1997 Tax Code provides that: • CA reversed the decision of the CTA. Thus, this
If the protest is denied in whole or in part, or is not acted petition by Lascona.
upon within one hundred eighty (180) days from submission
of documents, the taxpayer adversely affected by the ISSUE:
decision or inaction may appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals WON the taxpayer’s failure to appeal before the CTA within
within thirty (30) days from receipt of the said decision, or 30 days after the lapse of the 180-day period renders the
from the lapse of the one hundred eighty (180)-day period; assessment final and executory-- NO.
otherwise, the decision shall become final, executory and
demandable. RULING:
In the case at bar, petitioner's administrative protest was • In RCBC v. CIR, the Court held that where the
denied by an FDDA dated August 2, 2005 issued by Commissioner fails to act on the disputed
respondent and which petitioner received on August 4, 2005. assessment within the 180-day period from the date
Under Section 228 of the 1997 Tax Code, petitioner had 30 of submission of documents, a taxpayer can either:
days to appeal respondent's denial of its protest to the CTA. (1) file an appeal with the CTA within 30 days after
the expiration of the 180-day period; or (2) await the
Since petitioner received the denial of its administrative ︎final decision of the Commissioner on the disputed
protest on August 4, 2005, it had until September 3, 2005 to assessments and appeal such ︎final decision to the
file a petition for review before the CTA Division. It filed one, CTA within 30 days after receipt of a copy of such
however, on October 20, 2005, hence, it was filed out of decision. These options are mutually exclusive,
time. A motion for reconsideration of the denial of the such that resort to one bars the application of the
administrative protest does not toll the 30-day period to other.
appeal to the CTA. • This ruling of the court in RCBC is consistent with
Section 3A(2), Rule 4 of the Revised Rules of the
Court of Tax Appeals. To wit:
• In case of disputed assessments, the inaction of the
CIR within the 180-day period under Section 228
shall be deemed a denial for purposes of allowing
48. Lascona Land Co., Inc. vs. CIR, G.R. No. 171251, the taxpayer to appeal his case to the Court and
March 5, 2012 does not necessarily constitute a formal decision of
the CIR on the tax case; Provided, further, that
DOCTRINE: should the taxpayer opt to await the ︎final decision of
In cases where the Commissioner fails to act on the disputed the CIR on the disputed assessments beyond the
assessment within the 180-day period from the date of 180-day period, the taxpayer may appeal such fi︎︎nal
submission of documents, a taxpayer can either: (1) file an decision to the Court under Section 3(a), Rule 8 of
appeal with the CTA within 30 days after the expiration of the these Rules.
180-day period; or (2) await the ︎final decision of the • The term “decision” as quoted above should be
Commissioner on the disputed assessments and appeal interpreted to mean a decision on the protest of the
such ︎final decision to the CTA within 30 days after receipt of taxpayer, and not on the assessment itself.
a copy of such decision. These options are mutually • A taxpayer cannot be prejudiced if he chooses to
exclusive, such that resort to one bars the application of the wait for the ︎final decision of the CIR on the protested
other. assessment.
• Accordingly, considering that Lascona opted to await
FACTS: the final decision of the Commissioner on the
• The CIR assessed Lascona and found that it had a protested assessment, it then has the right to appeal
deficiency of income tax payment for the year 1993. such ︎final decision to the Court by ︎filing an appeal
• Lascona filed a letter protest but this was denied by
within thirty days after receipt of a copy of the CIR’s
the Regional Director of the BIR on the ground that decision. This is true even after the 180-day period
the assessment had already become final and fi︎xed by law has already expired.
executory when Lascona failed to appeal the case • Thus, Lascona, when it ︎filed an appeal on April 12,
with the CTA within 30 days after the lapse of the
1999 before the CTA, after its receipt of the Letter
180-day period mandated by Sec. 228 of the NIRC.
• Lascona appealed this decision with the CTA. It dated March 3, 1999 on March 12, 1999, the appeal
was timely made as it was filed within 30 days after
alleged that the Regional Director erred in its ruling.
• CTA ruled in favor of Lascona, and it nullified the receipt of the copy of the decision.
• The CIR should be reminded that taxpayers cannot
assessment. It held that in cases of inaction by the
be left in a quandary by its inaction on the protested
CIR on the protested assessment, Sec. 228 of the
assessment. It is imperative that the taxpayers are
NIRC provided two options to the taxpayer: (1)
informed of its action in order that the taxpayer
appeal to the CTA within 30 days from the lapse of
should then at least be able to take recourse to the
the 180-day period, or (2) wait until the
tax court at the opportune time.
Commissioner decides on his protest before he
elevates the case.
• CIR moved for reconsideration, but it was denied so
it elevated the case to the CA.
49. CIR vs. Primetown Property Group, Inc., G.R. No.
162155, August 28, 2007
The computation of legal periods is governed by the 50. CIR vs. Smart Communication, Inc., G.R. Nos.
Administrative Code of 1987, being the more recent law than 179045-46, August 25, 2010
the New Civil Code, such that the two-year prescriptive
period to claim for refund or credit shall consist of 24 DOCTRINE:
calendar months without regard to the number of days. A withholding agent is considered a proper party to file a
claim for refund with the withheld taxes of a foreign company.
FACTS: However, while the withholding agent has the right to recover
On 11 March 1999, Primetown Property Group, Inc. (PPGI) the taxes erroneously or illegally collected, he nevertheless
applied for the refund or credit of income tax respondent paid has the obligation to remit the same to the principal taxpayer.
in 1997 due to the slowdown of the real estate industry
where respondent suffered losses. It contended that it was FACTS:
not liable for income taxes. Nevertheless, respondent paid its Smart entered into three Agreements for Programming and
quarterly corporate income tax and remitted creditable Consultancy Services with Prism (Non-resident corporation),
withholding tax from real estate sales to the BIR therefore, wherein the latter was to provide programming and
respondent was entitled to tax refund or tax credit. consultancy services for the former. Prism billed Smart
$547,822.45. Thinking that these payments constitute
On 13 May 1999, revenue officer required respondent to royalties, Smart withheld 25% royalty tax under the RP-
submit additional documents to support its claim. Malaysia Tax Treaty, and filed its Monthly Remittance Return
Respondent complied but its claim was not acted upon. of Final Taxes Withheld. Within the two-year period to claim a
Thus, on 14 April 2000, it filed a petition for review with the refund, Smart filed with the BIR an administrative claim for
CTA. tax refund.
On 15 December 2000, the CTA dismissed the petition as it Due to the failure of CIR to act on the claim for refund, Smart
was filed beyond the two-year prescriptive period for filing a filed a Petition for Review with the CTA. Smart claimed that it
judicial claim for tax refund or tax credit, as provided under is entitled to a refund because the payments made to Prism
Section 229 of the NIRC as it found that respondent filed its are not royalties but “business profits,” pursuant to the
final adjusted return on 14 April 1998. Thus, its right to claim definition of royalties under the tax treaty, and such is taxable
a refund or credit commenced on that date. The rule is that in the Philippines only if attributable to a permanent
the two-year prescriptive period is reckoned from the filing of establishment in the Philippines. The payments made to
the final adjusted return. Prism, a non-resident foreign corporation with no permanent
establishment in the Philippines, should not be taxed.
Which between the Civil Code and the Administrative Code CIR argued that Smart, as a withholding agent, is not a
should be used in computing the two-year prescriptive party-in-interest to file the claim for refund since it did not file
period? the claim on behalf of Prism. CIR argued that Smart has no
legal standing to claim for the refund, and to rule otherwise
RULING: would result to the unjust enrichment of the respondent, who
Both Article 13 of the Civil Code and Section 31, Chapter never shelled-out any amount to pay the royalty taxes. Smart
VIII, Book I of the Administrative Code of 1987 deal with the argued that it is the proper party to file a claim for refund as it
same subject matter on the computation of legal periods. has the statutory and primary responsibility and liability to
Under the Civil Code, a year is equivalent to 365 days withhold and remit the taxes to the BIR. It points out that
whether it be regular year or a leap year. Under the under the withholding tax system, the agent-payor becomes
Administrative Code of 1987, however, a year is composed a payee by fiction of law because the law makes the agent
of 12 calendar months. Hence, the number of days is personally liable for the tax arising from the breach of its duty
irrelevant under the Administrative Code of 1987. to withhold.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of the May 3,
2006 decision of the Court holding that contracts of pledge
entered into by pawnshops are subject to DST. The Court
ruled therein that DST is essentially an excise tax; it is not an
imposition on the document itself but on the privilege to enter
into a taxable transaction of pledge.
Whether or not pawn tickets are subject to DST
YES. Section 195 of the NIRC imposes a DST on every
pledge regardless of whether the same is a conventional
pledge governed by the Civil Code or one that is governed
by the provisions of PD No. 114. All pledges are subject to
DST, unless there is a law exempting them in clear and
categorical language.
Sec. 7. Jurisdiction. – The CTA shall exercise: In Makati, they were barred from entering the place, but
some members of the team were able to force themselves
(a) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal xxx; inside. They were able to inspect the premises and noted
that some articles were present which were not included in
xxx xxx xxx the list contained in the warrant. Hence, on August 15, 1990,
amended warrants of seizure and detention were issued by
4. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases Villanueva.
involving liability for customs duties, fees or other money
charges, seizure, detention, or release or property affected, On August 25, 1990, customs personnel started hauling the
fines, forfeitures or other penalties in relation thereto, or articles pursuant to the amended warrants. This prompted
other matters arising under the Customs Law or other laws petitioners Narciso Jao and Bernardo Empeynado to file a
administered by the Bureau of Customs; case for Injunction and Damages, docketed as Civil Case
No. 90-2382 with prayer for Restraining Order and
These decisions of the respondent involving customs duties Preliminary Injunction before the Regional Trial Court of
specifically refer to his decisions on administrative tax Makati Branch 56 on August 27, 1990 against respondents.
protest cases, as stated in Section 2402 of the Tariff and
Customs Code of the Philippines On the same date, the trial court issued Temporary
Restraining Order.
In the present case, the facts reveal that Shell received three
On September 7, 1990, respondents filed a Motion to
sets of letters:
Dismiss on the ground that the Regional Trial Court has no
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint, claiming
a. the Center’s November 3 letter, signed by the Secretary of
that it was the Bureau of Customs that had exclusive
Finance, informing it of the cancellation of the TCCs;
jurisdiction over it.
b. the respondent’s November 19 letter requiring it to replace
On November 20, 1990, the trial court denied respondents'
the amount equivalent to the amount of the cancelled TCCs
motion to dismiss and petitioners' application for preliminary
used by Shell; and
prohibitory and mandatory injunction was granted
conditioned upon the filing of a one million peso bond.
c. the respondent’s collection letters issued through Atty.
Valera, formally demanding the amount covered by the
cancelled TCCs. The Court also prohibited respondents from seizing,
detaining, transporting and selling at public auction
None of these letters, however, can be considered as a petitioners' vehicles, spare parts, accessories and other
liquidation or an assessment of Shell’s import tax liabilities properties located at No. 2663 Honduras St., San Isidro,
that can be the subject of an administrative tax protest Makati and at No. 240 Quirino Avenue, Tambo, Paranaque,
proceeding before the respondent whose decision is Metro Manila. Respondents were further prohibited from
appealable to the CTA. disturbing petitioners' constitutional and proprietary rights
over their properties located at the aforesaid premises.
Lastly, respondents were ordered to return the seized items
and to render an accounting and inventory thereof.
3. Jao v. CA, G.R. No. 104604, October 6, 1995
On December 13, 1990, respondents filed a motion for
reconsideration based on the following grounds:
On May 17, 1993, petitioners moved for the reconsideration A certain Butch Martinez informed the Commissioner of
of said resolution, but the same was denied on July 8, 1993. Customs by letter that there 20 Toyota Lite Aces which were
assembled and disassembled in the compound of CVC
Petitioners claim that respondent Ombudsman gravely trading owned by Cesar Sonny Carlos in Pampanga. Then
abused his discretion in dismissing the case and in denying informant requested for investigation and prosecution for
petitioners' motion for reconsideration. violation of customs laws.
Thus, the remand of this case to the CTA is warranted for the The Special Investigator found that there was an irregularity
proper verification and determination of the factual basis and in the filing and acceptance of the import entries beyond the
merits of the petition and in order that the ends of substantial 30-day non-extendible period prescribed under Section 1301
justice and fair play may be subserved. In the light of of the TCC and in the release of the shipments after the
Sections 2308 and 2309 of the Tariff and Customs Code, it same had already been deemed abandoned in favor of the
appeared that in all cases subject to protest, the claim for government. Petitioner was then ordered to pay
refund of customs duties may be foreclosed only when the P1,180,170,769.21 representing the total dutiable value of
interested party claiming refund fails to file a written protest the importations.
before the Collector of Customs. Accordingly, once a written
protest is seasonably filed with the Collector of Customs the The CTA en banc held that it was the filing of the IEIRDs that
failure or inaction of the latter to promptly perform his constituted entry under the TCC. Since these were filed
mandated duty under the Tariff and Customs Code should beyond the 30-day period, they were not seasonably
not be allowed to prejudice the right of the party adversely "entered" in accordance with Section 1301 in relation to
affected thereby. Technicalities and legalisms, however Section 205 of the TCC. Consequently, they were deemed
exalted, should not be misused by the government to keep abandoned under Sections 1801 and 1802 of the TCC. It
money not belonging to it, if any is proven, and thereby also ruled that the notice required under Customs
enrich itself at the expense of the taxpayers. Memorandum Order was not necessary in view of
petitioner's actual knowledge of the arrival of the shipments.
It likewise agreed with the CTA Division's finding that
petitioner committed fraud when it failed to file the IEIRD
within the 30-day period with the intent to "evade the higher
rate." Petitioner was ordered to pay respondent the total
6. Chevron Phils. Inc. v. CTA, G.R. No. 178759, 11 August dutiable value of the oil shipments amounting to
2008 P893,781,768.21.
Chevron Phils. Inc., is engaged in the business of importing, 1. Whether or not “entry” under Section 1301 in relation
distributing and marketing of petroleum products in the to Section 1801 of the TCC refers to the IED or the
Philippines. In 1996, the importations subject of this case IEIRD;
arrived and were covered by 8 bills of lading. The shipments 2. Whether or not "entry" under Section 1301 in relation
were unloaded from the carrying vessels onto petitioner’s oil to whether fraud was perpetrated by petitioner; and
tanks over a period of 3 days from the date of their arrival.
3. Whether or not the importations can be considered
Subsequently, the import entry declarations (IEDs) were filed
and 90% of the total customs duties were paid. The import abandoned under Section 1801.
entry and internal revenue declarations (IEIRDs) of the
shipments were thereafter filed. RULING:
The importations were appraised at a duty rate of 3% as 1. The position of petitioner, that the import entry
provided under RA 8180 and petitioner paid the import duties to be filed within the 30-day period refers to the
amounting to P316,499,021. Prior to the effectivity of RA IED and not the IEIRD, has no legal basis.
8180 on April 16, 1996, the rate of duty on imported crude oil Under the relevant provisions of the TCC, both
was 10%. the IED and IEIRD should be filed within 30
days from the date of discharge of the last
Three years later, then Finance Secretary received a letter package from the vessel or aircraft. The IED
denouncing the deliberate concealment, manipulation and serves as basis for the payment of advance
scheme employed by petitioner in the importation of crude duties on importations whereas the IEIRD
oil, thereby resulting in huge losses of revenue for the evidences the final payment of duties and
government. This letter was endorsed to the Bureau of taxes. The operative act that constitutes "entry"
Customs (BOC) for investigation. of the imported articles at the port of entry is
the filing and acceptance of the "specified entry
On August 1, 2000, petitioner received a demand letter from form" together with the other documents
the District Collector requiring the immediate settlement of required by law and regulations. The "specified
the amount of P73,535,830 representing the difference entry form" refers to the IEIRD. The word
"entry" refers to the regular consumption entry
(the IEIRD) and not the provisional entry (the
2. Evidence showed that petitioner bided its time 7. Republic vs. Unimex Micro-Electronics B, G.R. No.
to file the IEIRD so as to avail of a lower rate of 166309-10, 9 March 2007
duty. A clear indication of petitioner's deliberate
intention to defraud the government was its FACTS: Unimex shipped computer cartridges, duplicators,
non-disclosure of discrepancies on the duties expanders, remote controllers, parts, and accessories to
declared in the IEDs (10%) and IEIRDs (3%) Handyware Philippines. It was transported by Don Tim
covering the shipments. Shipping Corporation Evergreen Marine Corporation as
shipping agent. When the shipment arrived in the Port of
Due to the presence of fraud, the prescriptive Manila, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) agents discovered
period of the finality of liquidation under that it did not tally with the description appearing on the
Section 1603 was inapplicable. cargo manifest, so, the BOC instituted seizure proceedings
against Handyware and issued a warrant of seizure and
3. Petitioner's failure to file the required entries detention against shipment.
within a non-extendible period of thirty days
from date of discharge of the last package from The Collector of Customs issued a default order against
the carrying vessel constituted implied Handyware for failing to appear in the seizure proceedings
abandonment of its oil importations. This and after an ex parte hearing, the goods were then forfeited
means that from the precise moment that the in favor of the government. On their end, Unimex, as shipper
non-extendible thirty-day period lapsed, the and owner of the goods, filed a Motion to Intervene in the
abandoned shipments were deemed the seizure proceedings which the Collector of Customs granted,
property of the government. but later on, the latter declared the default order against
Handyware as final and executory, hence, affirming the
Therefore, when petitioner withdrew the oil shipments for goods’ forfeiture in favor of the government.
consumption, it appropriated for itself properties which
already belonged to the government. Accordingly, it became
Further, Unimex filed a Petition for Review against petitioner
liable for the total dutiable value of the shipments of imported
Commissioner of Customs in the Court of Tax Appeals
crude oil amounting to P1,210,280,789.21 reduced by the
total amount of duties paid amounting to P316,499,021.00
thereby leaving a balance of P893,781,768.21.
Due notice was not necessary in this case. The purpose of
posting an "urgent notice to file entry" is only to notify the The CTA reversed the forfeiture decree and ordered the
importer of the "arrival of its shipment" and the details of said release of the subject shipment to respondent, subject to the
shipment. Since it already had knowledge of such, notice payment of customs duties, however, Unimex’s counsel
was superfluous. It was thus incumbent upon it to know its failed to secure a Writ of Execution to enforce the CTA
obligation to file the IEIRD within the 30-day period decision and filed separate claims for damages against Don
prescribed by law. As a matter of fact, importers such as Tim Shipping Corporation and Evergreen Marine Corporation
petitioner can, under existing rules and regulations, file in which were unfortunately dismissed by the Court.
advance an import entry even before the arrival of the
shipment to expedite the release of the same. However, it Moreover, Unimex filed a Petition for Revival with the CTA
deliberately chose not to comply with its obligation under andt prayed for immediate release by the BOC of its
Section 1301. shipment of payment of the shipment’s value plus damages
but the BOC Commissioner failed to file his answer and was
Petition DENIED. Petitioner Chevron Philippines, Inc. is declared in default.
ORDERED to pay P893,781,768.21 plus six percent (6%)
legal interest per annum accruing from the date of The BOC then informed the Court that the subject shipment
promulgation of this decision until its finality. Upon finality of could no longer be found at its warehouses. The CTA
this decision, the sum so awarded shall bear interest at the declared that its previous decision could no longer be
rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum until its full executed because of the loss of shipment. So, it ordered the
satisfaction. BOC Commissioner to pay Unimex the commercial value of
the goods based on the prevailing exchange rate at the time
of their importation. With that, the BOC Commissioner filed a
Motion for Reconsideration (MR) arguing that that the CTA
altered its decision by converting it from an Action for
Specific Performance into a Money Judgment. Also, Unimex
contended that the exchange rate prevailing at the time of
actual payment should apply.
However, the CTA denied both MRs, hence, both parties filed
separate petitions with the Court of Appeals. (CA).
COURT OF APPEALS cannot be held liable for governmental acts (jus imperii), we
still hold that petitioner cannot escape its liability. The
The CA dismissed the BOC Commissioner’s appeal and circumstances of this case warrant its exclusion from the
granted Unimex’s. It declared that the BOC Commissioner purview of the state immunity doctrine.”
was liable for the value of the subject shipment as the same
was lost while in its custody and that the CTA erred in using As previously discussed, the SC cannot turn a blind eye to
as basis the prevailing peso-dollar exchange rate at the time BOC's ineptitude and gross negligence in the safekeeping of
of the importation instead of the prevailing rate at the time of respondent's goods. And that, they are not likewise unaware
actual payment pursuant to RA 4100. Additionally, Uni,ex is of its careless attitude in failing to provide a cogent
entitled to legal interest. The BOC Commissioner and explanation on the goods' disappearance, considering that
respondent again filed their MRs. The Commissioner insisted they were in its custody and that they were in fact the subject
that there was no liability and Unimex sought payment of the of litigation. This situation does not allow them to reject
goods value in euros not US dollars and demanded that the respondent's claim on the mere invocation of the Doctrine of
6% legal interest be reckoned from the date of judicial State Immunity. Concisely, the doctrine must be fairly
demand. observed and the State should not avail itself of this
prerogative to take undue advantage of parties that may
The CA denied the Commissioner’s MR but granted have legitimate claims against it.
Unimex’s. The Republic of the Philippines as represented by
BOC Commissioner petitioned to the Supreme Court (SC). Moreover, the Sc agreed with the Lower Courts’ directive
that, upon payment of the necessary customs duties by the
ISSUES: respondent, the petitioner’s "payment shall be taken from the
sale or sales of goods or properties seized or forfeited by the
1) Whether or not there was a modification of a final Bureau of Customs.”
and executory order?
1. Congressman Mandanas, et. al. vs. Exec. Sec. Ochoa, Sec. 21. Sources of Revenue. xxx xxx xxx deemed
Jr., et. al., GR No. 199802, April 10, 2019 to be national internal revenue taxes:
2. The OSG premises its contention on the fact that the (2)
article “the” immediate precedes the phrase “national
taxes” in Section 6, thereby manifesting the intent to Whether or not the Congress can manipulate, by law, the
give Congress the discretion to determine which of base of the allocation of the just share in the national
the national taxes the just share will be based on. taxes of the LGUs.
Issue: Whether or not UP, as a chartered academic NPC religiously paid real property taxes from 1998 up to the
institution with specifi c legislated tax exemptions, is legally first quarter of 2003 for the land, buildings, machinery, and
liable for the real property tax on the land leased to ALI equipment pertaining to the power plant.On the second
under the LGC. quarter of 2003, NPC stopped paying said taxes, purportedly
pursuant to the provisions of R.A. No. 7160, which grants
Held: NO. UP is Exempt under Republic Act No. 9500. certain exemptions from real property tax liabilities.This
prompted the Office of the Municipal Treasurer of Sual,
RA 9500, which took effect in 2008, was not yet enacted Pangasinan to issue a Notice of Assessment for the payment
when UP and ALI entered into their lease contract in 2006. of real property taxes thereon.
However, Republic Act No. 9500 was already operative when
the City Treasurer issued the Statement of Delinquency and NPC then filed a petition for exemption with the LBAA, then
Final Notice of Delinquency to UP in 2014. Republic Act No. with the Central Board of Assessment Appeals (CBAA), then
9500 was also operative when the City Assessor issued a with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) which all denied NPC’s
Notice of Assessment to ALI in 2012, a Statement of petition for exemption stating that since the ownership and
Delinquency to UP North Property Holdings, Inc. in 2012, actual use of the subject facilities are with Mirant, a non-
and a Statement of Delinquency to UP North Property exempt entity, NPC may not rightfully claim that it has the
Holdings, Inc. in 2013. requisite legal interest to question the assessment and
assert tax exemptions under Sections 234( c) and (e) ofR.A.
No. 7160, as well as the privilege under Section 225 thereof.
Issue: Whether NPC has legal personality and interest to
claim for such exemptions and privileges.
Held: NO. the Court has concluded in many prior cases that
the tax exemptions and privileges claimed by NPC in cases
such as these cannot be recognized since it is not the actual, 4. City of Davao v. Randy Allied Ventures, Inc., G.R. No.
direct, and exclusive user of the facilities, machinery and 241697, July 29, 2019
equipment subject of the cases.
Indeed, real property tax liability rests on the owner of the Facts:
property or on the person with the beneficial use thereof
such as taxes on government property leased to private RAVI is one of the Coconut Industry Investment Fund (CIIF)
persons or when tax assessment is made on the basis of the holding companies established to own and hold the shares
actual use of the property. 29 In either case, the unpaid of stock of San Miguel Corporation (SMC). On January 24,
realty tax attaches to the property but is directly chargeable 2012, the Supreme Court rendered its decision in Philippine
against the taxable person who has actual and beneficial use Coconut Producers Federation, Inc. v. Republic (CClCOt~D),
and possession of the property regardless of whether or not docketed as G.R. Nos. 177857-58 and 178793. declaring the
that person is the owner. 30 NPC was, therefore, corre~t in CllF companies, including RA VI, and the CIIF block of SMC
arguing that a beneficial user may also be legally burdened shares as "public funds necessarily owned by the
with the obligation to pay for the tax imposed on a property Govemment."4 On January 17, 2013, RA VI filed with the
and as such, has legal interest therein and the personality to Regional Trial Court (R TC), a claim for refund or credit of
protest an assessment or claim exemption from tax liability. erroneously and illegally collected LBT for the taxable year
In this case, however, NPC is neither the owner nor the
possessor or beneficial user of the subject facilities. Hence, it RA VI claimed that petitioners erroneously and illegally
cannot be considered to have any legal interest in the collected LBT in the amount of P503,346.00, corresponding
subject property to clothe it with the personality to question to its dividends from its SMC preferred shares, on the
the assessment and claim for exemptions and mistaken assumption that it is a non-bank financial
privileges.There is nothing in the ECA which expressly intermediary (NBFI)
grants the NPC the right or authority to use directly or
indirectly the power plant and the facilities therein during the In a Decision dated June 22, 2015, the RTC denied the claim
cooperation period. Thus, it is crystal clear that the NPC for refund or credit. It held that RA VI' s dividends and
cannot claim for the exemptions it so desires. interests are not merely incidental to its business but are its
principal sources of income, in line with the primary purpose
To conclude,it must be pointed out that protracted and stated in its Amended AOL Being a financial inti~rmediary,
circuitous litigation has seriously resulted in the local RA VI's income from dividends and interests is subject to
governments' deprivation of revenues. The power to tax is LBT under Section 143 (f) of. Republic Act (RA) No. 7160, or
the most potent instrument to raise the needed revenues to the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC).
finance and support myriad activities of local government
units for the delivery of basic services. Thus, the right of local CTA reversed.
government units to collect taxes due must always be upheld
to avoid severe tax erosion. This consideration is consistent Issue: The issue for the Court's resolution is whether or not
with the State policy to guarantee the autonomy of local the CTA EB erred in fi nding that RA VI is not an NBFI subject
governments and the objective of the Local Government to LBT under Section 143 (f) of the LGC?
Code that they enjoy genuine and meaningful local
autonomy to empower them to achieve their fullest Ruling: The petition is without merit. This case involves a
development as self-reliant communities and make them refund of erroneously paid LBT.
effective partners in the attainment of national goals.
Essentially, LBT are taxes imposed by local government
Thus, petition is DENIED. units on the privilege of doing business within their
jurisdictions. To be sure, the phrase "doing business" means
some "trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a
means of livelihood or with a view to profit." Particularly, the
LBT imposed pursuant to Section 143 (t) is premised on the
fact that the persons made liable for such tax are banks or
other financial institutions by virtue of their being engaged in
the business as such. This is why the LBT are imposed on
their gross receipts from "interest, commissions and
discounts from lending activities, income from financial
leasing, dividends, rentals on property and profit from
exchange or sale of property, insurance premium." In this
case, it is clear that RA VI is neither a bank nor other
financial institution, i.e. 1 an NBFI.
consistency with the prevailing laws. Otherwise, it shall be
Indeed, there is a stark distinction between a holding void.
company and a financial intermediary as contemplated under
the LGC, in relation to other laws. A "'holding company' is It is not disputed that at the time the ordinance in question
'organized' and is basically conducting its business by was enacted in 1992, the local government of Pasig, then a
investing substantially in the equity securities of another municipality, had no authority to levy franchise tax. Article 5
company for the purpose of controlling their policies (as of the Civil Code explicitly provides, "acts executed against
opposed to directly engaging in operating activities) and the provisions of mandatory or prohibitory
'holding' them in a conglomerate or umbrella structure along laws shall be void, except when the law itself authorizes their
with other subsidiaries." validity." Section 32 of Municipal Ordinance No. 25 is, thus,
void for being in direct contravention with Section 142 of the
FACTS: Petitioner City of Manila, through its treasurer, Facts: RTC Manila granted petitioner’s request for tax
petitioner Liberty Toledo, assessed taxes for the taxable refund or credit assessed under Section 21 of the Revenue
period from January to December 2002 against the private Code of Manila, upon fi nding that there was double taxation
respondents. In addition to the taxes purportedly due from in the imposition of local business taxes. In its dispositive
private respondents pursuant to Section 14, 15, 16, 17 of the portion, the court said that defendants City of Manila, etc. are
Revised Revenue Code of Manila (RRCM), said assessment enjoined from collecting the tax from plaintiff (herein
covered the local business taxes. private respondents were petitioner) Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils.
constrained to pay the P19,316,458.77 assessment under The decision later became final and executory.
protest. On January 24, 2004, private respondents filed
before the RTC of Pasay City the complaint denominated as Petitioner Coca-Cola Bottlers filed with the RTC-Manila a
one for “Refund or Recovery of Illegally and/or Erroneously– Motion for Execution for the enforcement of the decision and
Collected Local Business Tax, Prohibition with Prayer to the issuance of a corresponding writ of execution. RTC-
Issue TRO and Writ of Preliminary Injunction. The RTC Manila issued an Order granting petitioner's Motion for
granted private respondents’ application for a writ of Execution and directed the Branch Clerk of Court to issue
preliminary injunction. the corresponding writ of execution to satisfy the judgment.
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration4 but the RTC
denied. Petitioners then filed a special civil action for Aggrieved, respondents filed a Motion to Quash Writ for
certiorari with the CA but the CA dismissed petitioners’ Execution. RTC-Manila issued an order granting the Motion
to Quash Writ of Execution finding that said motion is or portion of the tax protested shall be refunded to the
prejudicial to the defendants if implemented, and considering protestant, or applied as tax credit against his existing or
that the projects of the City will be hampered, the same is future tax liability." It was not necessary for petitioner to
hereby granted. move for the issuance of the writ of execution because
the remedy has already been provided by law.
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration, but the same Under Article 286 of AO No 270 prescribing rules and
was denied by the RTC-Manila , reasoning that both tax regulations implementing the Local Government Code
refund and tax credit involve public funds. Thus, pursuant to provides that the tax credit granted a taxpayer shall be
SC Administrative Circular No. 10-2000, 15 the enforcement applied to future tax obligations of the same taxpayer for
or satisfaction of the assailed decision may still be pursued the same business, to wit:
in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down in A RT I C L E 2 8 6 . C l a i m f o r
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1445, otherwise known as the Refund or Tax Credit. — All taxpayers
Government Auditing Code of the Philippines. entitled to a refund or tax credit
provided in this Rule shall file with
Petitioner’s Contention: the local treasurer a claim in writing
(1) Writ of execution issued by the Branch Clerk of duly supported by evidence of
Court does not involve the levy or garnishment of funds payment (e.g., official receipts, tax
and property used or being used for public purpose clearance, and such other proof
(2) RTC-Manila seriously erred when it failed to evidencing overpayment) within two
consider that the respondents have been issuing tax (2) years from payment of the tax, fee,
credit certificates to other taxpayers for illegally collected or charge. No case or proceeding shall
taxes even without any appropriate measure be entertained in any court without this
(3) Reason cited in the Order quashing the Writ of claim in writing, and after the expiration
Execution is not one of the grounds laid down by law of two (2) years from the date of
(4) Assailed decision of the RTC-Manila granting the payment of such tax, fee, or charge, or
Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution has, in effect, from the date the taxpayer is entitled to
reversed the judgment in the instant case a refund or tax credit.
The tax credit granted a
Issue: WON the enforcement of the writ of execution issued taxpayer shall not be refundable in
by RTC-Manila was proper cash but shall only be applied to
future tax obligations of the same
Ruling: We fi nd that the issuance of the Writ of Execution taxpayer for the same business. If a
was superfluous, given the clear directive of the RTC- taxpayer has paid in full the tax due for
Manila in its Decision. the entire year and he shall have no
other tax obligation payable to the LGU
In its decision, RTC-Manila directs respondents to either concerned during the year, his tax
refund or credit the tax under Section 21 of the Revenue credits, if any, shall be applied in full
Code of Manila, which was improperly assessed but during the first quarter of the next
nevertheless paid for by petitioner on the first quarter of year calendar year on the tax due from him
2000 in the amount of P3,036,887.33. The judgment does for the same business of said calendar
not actually involve a monetary award or a settlement of year.
claim against the government. Any unapplied balance of the
tax credit shall be refunded in cash in
Under the first option, any tax on income that is paid in the event that he terminates operation of
excess of the amount due the government may be the business involved within the locality.
refunded, provided that a taxpayer properly applies for the
refund. On the other hand, the second option works by Accordingly, while we find merit in petitioner's contention
applying the refundable amount against the tax liabilities that there are two (2) ways by which respondents may
of the petitioner in the succeeding taxable years. satisfy the judgment of the RTC-Manila: (1) to pay the
petitioner the amount of Php3,036,887.33 as tax refund; or
Hence, instead of moving for the issuance of a writ of (2) to issue a tax credit certificate in the same amount
execution relative to the aforesaid Decision, petitioner which may be credited by petitioner from its future tax
should have merely requested for the approval of the liabilities due to the respondent City of Manila, the issuance
City of Manila in implementing the tax refund or tax of the Writ of Execution relative thereto was superfluous,
credit, whichever is appropriate. In other words, no writ because the judgment of the RTC-Manila can neither be
was necessary to cause the execution thereof, since the considered a judgment for a specific sum of money
implementation of the tax refund will effectively be a susceptible of execution by levy or garnishment nor a
return of funds by the City of Manila in favor of petitioner special judgment.
while a tax credit will merely serve as a deduction of
petitioner's tax liabilities in the future. It could not have been the intention of the law to burden the
taxpayer with going through the process of execution under
In fact, Section 252 (c) of the Local Government Code of the Rules of Civil Procedure before it may be allowed to avail
the Philippines is very clear that "[i]n the event that the its tax credit as affirmed by a court judgment. If at all, the
protest is finally decided in favor of the taxpayer, the amount City of Manila Local Treasury may be allowed to verify
documents and information relative to the grant of the tax and; (3) whether its real properties are exempt from
refund or tax credit (i.e., determine the correctness of the warrants of levy and from tax sale for non-payment of
petitioner's returns, and the tax amount to be credited). real property taxes.
This Court has already ruled upon the validity of the tax Ruling:
refund or the tax credit due to the petitioner and has
rendered the same final and executory. The lower court, GSIS is Exempt from Real Property Taxes Pursuant to
therefore, has not effectively reversed the judgment in favor the Latest Law; If It is Liable for Any Real Property Tax, It
of petitioner. The court a quo's reason for quashing the Writ is from the Year 1992-1996 Following the Chronological
of Execution was to allow the parties to enforce the judgment Order of Laws
by complying first with the rules and procedures of P.D. No.
1445 and Administrative Circular No. 10-2000. ● In 1977, PD 1146 otherwise known as the Revised
Government Service Insurance Act of 1977, was issued,
Decision: Petition is GRANTED. Petitioner Coca-Cola providing for an expanded insurance system for
Bottlers, Inc. is entitled to a tax refund or tax credit without government employees. Sec. 33 of PD 1146 provided for
need for a writ of execution, provided that petitioner complies a new tax treatment for GSIS.
with the requirements set by law for a tax refund or tax ● RA 7160 enacted in 1991 lifted the GSIS tax exemption
credit, whichever is applicable. under Section 193 and 234.
● In 1991, the Republic Act sought to remove the tax
exemption given to GSIS insofar as the realty tax was
● However, full tax exemption was later reenacted through
11. Government Service Insurance System vs. City RA 8291 in 1997.
Treasurer and City Assessor of the City of Manila, G.R. ● The following conclusions may be assumed from the
No. 186242, December 23, 2009 chronology:
● According to Sec. 33 of PD 1146, GSIS enjoyed tax
Facts: exemption from real estate taxes, among other tax
burdens, until January 1, 1992 when the LGC took effect
● GSIS owns or used to own two parcels of land which and withdrew exemptions from payment of real estate
are both in Manila. The title from the Concepcion- taxes privileges granted under PD 1146
Arroceros property was transferred to the Supreme Court ● RA 8291 restored in 1997 the tax exempt status of
in 2005. GSIS by reenacting under its Sec. 39 what was once
● Both GSIS and METC occupy the Concepcion- Sec. 33 of P.D. 1146.
Arroceros property while the other one was under ● If any real estate tax is due to the City of Manila, it is, only
lease. for the interim period, or from 1992 to 1996, to be
● The issue began when the City Treasurer of Manila precise.
addressed a letter to GSIS President and General ● Furthermore, GSIS like MIAA (Manila International
Manager Winston F. Garcia, informing him of unpaid Airport Authority) is considered an instrumentality of
real property taxes for the years 1992-2002. The letter the National Government, so it cannot be taxed by
threatened to have it sold in a public auction if they the local government.
remained unsettled before October 30, 2002. ● The subject properties are owned by the government
● On September 16, the City Treasurer of Manila issued since GSIS is considered merely as a trustee of such
separate Notices of Realty Tax Delinquency for subject properties.
properties with the warning of seizure/sale.
● GSIS stated that it was exempt from all taxes under RA The Property Leased Shall Be Taxable Pursuant to the
8291. Beneficial Use Doctrine under Sec. 234(a) LGC
● GSIS later filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition
with prayer for a restraining and injunctive relief ● Sec. 234 (a), quoted below, exempts from real estate
before Manila RTC, praying for nullification of taxes real property owned by the Republic, unless the
assessments made and that the respondents be beneficial use of the property is, for consideration,
permanently enjoined from proceeding against the transferred to a taxable person.
properties. ● The provisions allow the Republic to grant the
● It amended the petition by stating additional facts, beneficial use of its property to an agency or
namely: that the Katigbak property was leased to instrumentality of the national government. Such grant
Manila Hotel Corporation and the other property was does not necessarily result in the loss of the tax
partly owned by METC Manila. exemption.
● (RTC RULING) RTC dismissed GSIS’ petition for lack of ● Tax exemption is only stripped away once the
merit. Motion for reconsideration was denied. Thus, the beneficial use over the property has transferred from
instant petition for review was made to the SC. a non-taxable entity (GSIS) to a taxable entity
according to Sec. 234(a) LGC.
Issue: (1) whether petitioner is exempt from real ● GSIS lost that tax exemption provided under law over
property taxes; (2) whether petitioner is exempt from the property when it leased such to Manila Hotel
payment of real property taxes leased to a taxable entity, Corporation.
● Thus, the real estate tax assessment covering 1992-2002 remedy of ordinary appeal provided under Article 195 of the
is valid insofar as the Katigbak property is concerned. Local Government Code.
● Manila Hotel Corporation is liable to pay such realty
taxes. Held: Yes. A taxpayer dissatisfi ed with a local treasurer s
denial of or inaction on his protest over an assessment has
GSIS Properties are Exempt from Levy thirty (30) days within which to appeal to the court of
competent jurisdiction. Under the law, said period is to be
● A valid tax levy presupposes a corresponding tax liability. reckoned from the taxpayer s receipt of the denial of his
● Nonetheless, it will not be remiss to note that it is protest or the lapse of the sixty (60) day period within which
without doubt that the subject GSIS properties are the local treasurer is required to decide the protest, from the
exempt from any attachment, garnishment, moment of its fi ling. This much is clear from Section 195 of
execution, levy, or other legal processes. the Local Government Code which states that a taxpayer
● Even assuming arguendo that subject properties were has 60 days from written notice to protest the assessment as
subject to real property taxes, it still cannot be levied well as 30 days from denial or the lapse of the 60 day period
since the enforced law at the time is RA 8291 which in which the local treasurer must decide on the matter to
prohibits levy on public property. appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction, otherwise, the
● Such proscription applies even to the Katigbak property, assessment becomes fi nal and unappealable.
notwithstanding the beneficial use doctrine.
Absent any showing of the formal denial of the protest by
Atty. Miranda, then Chief of the Taguig Business Permit and
Licensing Office, we find that TPC s filing of its petition
before the RTC on 19 April 2004 still timely. Whether or not a
12. Team Pacific Corporation v. Daza, G.R. No. 167732. Rule 65 Petition for Certiorari was the appropriate remedy
July 11, 2012. from Daza s inaction on TPC s letter-protest is, however, an
entirely different issue which we are now called upon to
Facts: resolve, considering the RTC s ruling that it should have filed
Team Pacific Corporation (TPC), a domestic corporation an ordinary appeal instead. As correctly observed by TPC,
engaged in the business of assembling and exporting after all, Section 195 of the Local Government Code does
semiconductor devices, conducts its business at the FTI not elaborate on how an appeal is to be made from the
Complex in the then Municipality of Taguig. It appears that denial by a local treasurer of a protest on assessment made
since the start of its operations in 1999, TPC had been by a taxpayer.
paying local business taxes assessed at 1/2 rate pursuant to
Section 75 (c) of the Taguig Revenue Code (TRC). Significantly, the Local Government Code, or any other
statute for that matter, does not expressly confer appellate
When it renewed its business license in 2004, however, jurisdiction on the part of regional trial courts from the denial
TPC’s business tax for the first quarter of the same year was of a tax protest by a local treasurer. On the other hand,
computed by Josephine Daza, in her capacity as then Section 22 of B.P. 129 expressly delineates the appellate
Municipal Treasurer of Taguig, by applying the full value of jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Courts, confining as it does
the rates provided under Section 75 of the TRC, instead of said appellate jurisdiction to cases decided by Metropolitan,
the 1/2 rate provided under paragraph (c) because, Municipal, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. Unlike in the
according to her, Section 75 (c) of the TRC applies only to case of the Court of Appeals, B.P. 129 does not confer
exporters of essential commodities – e.g., (1) rice and corn; appellate jurisdiction on Regional Trial Courts over rulings
(2) wheat or cassava flour, meat, dairy products, locally made by non-judicial entities.
manufactured, processed or preserved food, sugar, salt and
other agricultural, marine, and fresh water products, whether From these premises, it is evident that the stance of the City
in their original state or not; (3) cooking oil and cooking gas; Treasurer is correct as a matter of law, and that the proper
(4) laundry soap, detergents, and medicine; (5) agricultural remedy of the Corporation from the RTC judgment is an
implements, equipment and post- harvest facilities, fertilizers, ordinary appeal under Rule 41 to the Court of Appeals.
pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and other farm inputs; (6) However, we make this pronouncement subject to two
poultry feeds and other animal feeds; (7) school supplies; important qualifications. First, in this particular case there are
and (8) cement. nonetheless significant reasons for the Court to overlook the
procedural error and ultimately uphold the adjudication of the
Constrained to pay the assessed business tax on January jurisdiction exercised by the Court of Appeals in this case.
19, 2004 in view of its being a precondition for the renewal of Second, the doctrinal weight of the pronouncement is
its business permit, TPC filed on the same day a written confined to cases and controversies that emerged prior to
protest with Daza, insisting on the 1/2 rate on which its the enactment of Republic Act No. 9282, the law which
business tax was previously assessed. Subsequent to its expanded the jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA).
demand for the refund and/or issuance of a tax credit for the Thus, even if, in the interest of substantial justice, we were to
sum of P104,054.88 which it considered as an overpayment consider its petition for certiorari as an appeal from Daza s
of its business taxes for the same year, TPC filed s Rule 65 denial of its protest, because the remedy pursued by TPC
petition for certiorari before a Regional Trial Court (RTC). was the wrong one, the decision of the City Treasurer has
now become final and unappealable. To our mind, TPC s
Issue: Whether or not the RTC correctly dismissed TPC s erroneous availment of the wrong mode of appeal and direct
petition for certiorari in view of its failure to avail of the proper resort to this Court instead of the CTA both warrant the
dismissal of the petition at bench. The rule is settled that the RTC: Dismissed PRA’s petition in its decision, ruling that
perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the period PRA was not exempt from payment of real property taxes
fixed by law is not only mandatory but jurisdictional and non- because:
compliance with these legal requirements is fatal to a party s
cause. ● It was a GOCC under Section 3 of P.D. No. 1084
Although appeal is an essential part of our judicial process, it ● It was organized as a stock corporation because it
has been held, time and again, that the right thereto is not a
had an authorized capital stock divided into no par
natural right or a part of due process but is merely a statutory
value shares
privilege. Thus, the perfection of an appeal in the manner
and within the period prescribed by law is not only ● PRA admitted its corporate personality and that said
mandatory but also jurisdictional and failure of a party to properties were registered in its name as shown by
conform to the rules regarding appeal will render the the certificates of title.
judgment final and executory. Once a decision attains finality, ● Hence, as a GOCC, local tax exemption is withdrawn
it becomes the law of the case irrespective of whether the by virtue of Section 193 of R.A. No. 7160 Local
decision is erroneous or not and no court not even the
Government Code (LGC) which was the prevailing
Supreme Court has the power to revise, review, change or
alter the same. law in 2001 and 2002 with respect to real property
● The tax exemption claimed by PRA under E.O. No.
654 had already been expressly repealed by R.A.
No. 7160
13. Republic of the Philippines represented by the
● PRA failed to comply with the procedural
Philippine Reclamation Authority vs. City of Paranaque,
G.R. No. 191109, July 18, 2012 requirements in Section 206 thereof.
● Clearly, the test of economic viability does not There is also no reason for local governments to tax national
apply to government entities vested with government instrumentalities for rendering essential public
corporate powers and performing essential services to inhabitants of local governments. The only
public services. exception is when the legislature clearly intended to tax
government instrumentalities for the delivery of essential
public services for sound and compelling policy 14. Sta. Lucia Realty & Development, Inc. vs. City of
considerations. There must be express language in the law Pasig, G.R. No. 166838, June 15, 2011
empowering local governments to tax national government
instrumentalities. Any doubt whether such power exists is Facts:
resolved against local governments. The local governments of Pasig and Cainta were in dispute
regarding the titles of the parcels of land owned by Petitioner
The Court agrees with PRA that the subject reclaimed Sta. Lucia Realty and Development, Inc. (Sta. Lucia). This
lands are still part of the public domain, owned by the has been after the TCT’s of their parcels of land located in
State and, therefore, exempt from payment of real estate Pasig were consolidated with the TCT that covers their land
taxes. situated in Cainta. The problem here is Sta Lucia has been
paying taxes to Cainta, but Pasig is the location stated in the
● The reclaimed lands being leased or sold by PEA are TCT’s. So while the case for settlement of land boundary
not private lands, in the same manner that DENR, dispute was pending in RTC Antipolo, Pasig filed a
Complaint against Sta. Lucia for the collection of real estate
when it disposes of other alienable lands, does not
taxes, including penalties and interests, on the lots covered
dispose of private lands but alienable lands of the by the titles in issue including the improvements thereon.
public domain. Sta. Lucia, in its Answer, alleged that it had been religiously
● Only when qualified private parties acquire these paying its real estate taxes to Cainta, just like what its
lands will the lands become private lands. In the predecessors-in-interest did, by virtue of the demands and
hands of the government agency tasked and assessments made and the Tax Declarations issued by
Cainta believing that the subject properties were within its
authorized to dispose of alienable of disposable
territorial jurisdiction. Sta. Lucia further argued that since
lands of the public domain, these lands are still
1913, the real estate taxes for the lots covered by the above
public, not private lands. TCTs had been paid to Cainta.
● PEA's charter expressly states that PEA "shall hold
lands of the public domain" as well as "any and all Cainta filed its own Answer-in-Intervention and averred that it
kinds of lands." had been collecting the real property taxes on the subject
● PEA can hold both lands of the public domain and properties even before Sta. Lucia acquired them. Cainta
further asseverated that the establishment of the boundary
private lands.
monuments would show that the subject properties are
● Thus, the mere fact that alienable lands of the public within its metes and bounds.
domain like the Freedom Islands are transferred to
PEA and issued land patents or certificates of title in Sta. Lucia and Cainta thereafter moved for the suspension of
PEA's name does not automatically make such lands the proceedings (for the collection of taxes), and claimed that
private. the pending petition in the Antipolo RTC, for the settlement of
● Reclaimed lands such as the subject lands in boundary dispute between Cainta and Pasig, presented a
“prejudicial question” to the resolution of the case. The RTC
issue are reserved lands for public use. They are
denied this lack of merit holding that the TCTs were
properties of public dominion. The ownership of such conclusive evidence as to its ownership and location, the
lands remains with the State unless they are RTC, rendered a Decision in favor of Pasig. Pasig then filed
withdrawn by law or presidential proclamation from a Motion for Execution Pending Appeal, to which both Sta.
public use. Lucia and Cainta filed several oppositions, on the assertion
that there were no good reasons to warrant the execution.
The mere reclamation of these areas by PEA does not
convert these inalienable natural resources of the State Issues:
into alienable or disposable lands of the public domain. 1. Whether the boundary dispute case between Pasig
There must be a law or presidential proclamation officially and Cainta is a prejudicial question to the (present)
classifying these reclaimed lands as alienable or disposable tax collection case.
and open to disposition or concession. Moreover, these 2. Whether Sta. Lucia should continue paying its real
reclaimed lands cannot be classified as alienable or property taxes to Cainta or to Pasig.
disposable if the law has reserved them for some public or
quasi-public use.
Yes. The resolution of the boundary dispute between Pasig
and Cainta would determine which local government unit
(Pasig or Cainta) is entitled to collect realty taxes from Sta.
The City of Pasig and the Municipality of Cainta are both A writ of possession is a mere incident in the
directed to await the judgment in their boundary dispute case transfer of title. In the instant case, it stemmed from the
in RTC Antipolo to determine which local government unit is exercise of alleged ownership by respondent over EDSA
entitled to exercise its powers, including the collection of real MRT III properties by virtue of a tax delinquency sale. The
property taxes, on the properties subject of the dispute. In issue of whether the auction sale should be enjoined is
the meantime, Sta. Lucia is directed to deposit the still pending before the Court of Appeals. Pending
succeeding real property taxes due on the subject determination, it is premature for respondent to have
properties, in an escrow account with the Land Bank of the conducted the auction sale and caused the transfer of
Philippines. title over the real properties to its name.
Principle: FACTS:
The Local Government Code's procedure on local
government tax assessment DOES NOT repeal the On Feb. 25, 2000, City Mayor of Manila approved
procedure of the Real Property Tax Code. The Municipal Tax Ordinance No. 7988, otherwise known as “Revised
Assessor can not SOLELY make an assessment. Revenue Code of the City of Manila”, repealing Tax
Ordinance No. 7794, the old revenue code of City of Manila.
Facts: It increase the tax rates applicable to certain establishments
On 06 January 1994, respondent Assessor sent a notice of operating within the City of Manila, including herein
assessment respecting certain real properties of petitioners petitioner.
located in Pasig, Metro Manila. In a letter dated 18 March
1994, petitioners through counsel "request(ed) the Municipal Petitioner filed before the DOJ against the City of
Assessor to reconsider the subject assessments"3 . Manila and its Sangguniang Panglungsod questioning the
constitutionality or legality of Sec. 21 of the said tax
Not satisfied, petitioners on 29 March 1994 filed with the ordinance. By virtue of the said provision, additional
Regional Trial Court of the National Capital Judicial Region, business tax will be imposed on businesses that are already
Branch 163, presided over by respondent Judge, a Petition subject to business tax under other sections of the said
for Prohibition with prayer for a restraining order and/or writ revenue code. Thus, it exceeds the limitation on the taxing
of preliminary injunction to declare null and void the new tax power of the City of Manila under Sec. 143 (h) of the LGC
assessments and to enjoin the collection of real estate taxes and manifests violation of the clear mandate of Art. X, Sec. 5
based on said assessments. In a Decision4 dated 14 July of the 1987 Constitution.
1994, respondent Judge denied the petition "for lack of
merit". The DOJ issued a Resolution declaring the said
ordinance null and void and without legal effect for the
In disposing of the above issues against petitioners, the reason that the respondents failed to comply with the
court a quo ruled that the schedule of market values and the mandatory publication requirement set forth by the law..
assessments based thereon prepared SOLELY by Such Resolution attained finality upon the lapse of the period
respondent assessor are valid and legal, they having been to appeal because the City of Manila failed to file the same.
prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Local
Government Code of 1991 (R.A. 7160). Atty. Aurelio then, in behalf of Singer Sewing
Machine Company wrote to BLGF asking whether the Offfice
Issue: of the City Treasurer of Manila has the right to enforce the
Did the LGC impliedly repeal PD 921? said Tax despite the Resolution of the DOJ. BLGF then
ordered the City Treasurer of Manila to cease and desist
Ruling: from enforcing Tax Ordinance No. 7988.
No. R.A. 7160 has a repealing provision (Section 534) and, if
the intention of the legislature was to abrogate P.D. 921, it Despite the said order, respondents continued to
would have included it in such repealing clause, as it did in assess petitioner business tax for year 2001 as prescribed
expressly rendering of no force and effect several other under the said ordinance. Hence petitioner filed a complaint
presidential decrees. Hence, any repeal or modification of with the RTC of Manila, which rendered a decision in favor of
P.D. 921 can only be possible under par. (f) of said Section the petitioner.
534, as follows:
During the pendency of the said case, the City
(f) All general and special laws, acts, city charter, decrees, Mayor of Manila approved Tax Ordinance No. 8011 which
executive orders, proclamations and administrative amended certain provisions of Ordinance No 7988. This was
regulations, part or parts thereof which are inconsistent with challenged by the petioner before the DOJ. DOJ rendered a
any of the provisions of the Code are hereby repealed or decision declaring the said ordinance null and void and
modified accordingly. legally not existing. Respondents filed a motion for
reconsideration, however this was denied by the DOJ. It
The foregoing partakes of the nature of a general repealing appealed before the RTC of Manila, but this was dismissed
provision. It is a basic rule of statutory construction that for lack of jurisdiction. The same was dismissed with the
repeals by implication are not favored. An implied repeal will Supreme Court when it appealed via Petition for Review on
not be allowed unless it is convincingly and unambiguously Certiorari for filing beyond the reglamentary period of 15
demonstrated that the two laws are so clearly repugnant and days. Its omnibud motion for reconsideration was also
patently inconsistent that they cannot co-exist. This is based denied.
on the rationale that the will of the legislature cannot be
overturned by the judicial function of construction and On the basis of the enactment of Tax Ordinance No.
interpretation. Courts cannot take the place of Congress in 8011, respondents filed a motion for reconsideration with the
repealing statutes. Their function is to try to harmonize, as RTC of Manila, court a quo, which the court granted. The
much as possible, seeming conflicts in the laws and resolve motion for reconsideration filed by the petitioner was denied.
doubts in favor of their validity and co-existence. Hence, the present case.
the City of Manila; and (2) Section 21, by deleting the proviso
ISSUE: WON Tax Ordinance No. 7988 is null and void and of found therein, which stated "that all registered businesses in
no legal effect the City of Manila that are already paying the
aforementioned tax shall be exempted from payment
HELD: thereof". Petitioner City of Manila approved only after a year,
on 22 February 2001, another tax ordinance, Tax Ordinance
YES. As required under Sec. 188, LGC and Art. No. 8011, amending Tax Ordinance No. 7988.
277, Rules and Regulations Implementing the LGC, tax
ordinances or revenue measures shall be published in full for Tax Ordinances No. 7988 and No. 8011 were later
3 consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation. declared by the Court null and void in Coca-Cola Bottlers
However, in provinces, cities, and municipalities where there Philippines, Inc. v. City of Manila.
are no newspapers or local circulations the same may be
posted in at least 2 conspicuous and publicly accessible However, before the Court could declare Tax Ordinance
places. No. 7988 and Tax Ordinance No. 8011 null and void,
petitioner City of Manila assessed respondent on the basis of
ITCAB, Tax Ordinance No. 7988 has already been Section 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794 in the total amount of
declared by the DOJ as null and void and without legal effect P18,583,932.04
due to respondents’ failure to satisfy the requirement of
publication as required by law. Said order was never Respondent filed a protest with petitioner Toledo on the
appealed by the City of Manila, thus it had attained finality ground that the said assessment amounted to double
aster the lapse of the period to appeal. Such findings was taxation, as respondent was taxed twice, i.e., under Sections
reiterated by the RTC of Manila. 14 and 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, as amended by Tax
Ordinances No. 7988 and No. 8011
Despite its nullity, the court a quo went on to
dismiss petitioner’s case on the force of the enactment of Issue:
Tax Ordinance No. 8011 which was likewise declared null 1. WON the Coca-Cola case is not doctrinal and cannot
and void by the DOJ Secretary in a Resolution, which ruled be considered as the law of the case.
that the passage of the assailed ordinance did not have the
effect of curing the defects of Ordinance No. 7988 which 2. WON that notwithstanding the declaration of nullity of
does not legally exist. Thus, such decision must be reversed Tax Ordinance No. 7988 and Tax Ordinance No.
for the amending law, having been declared as null and void, 8011, respondent could still be made liable for local
in legal contemplation, therefore, does not exist. business taxes under both Sections 14 and 21 of Tax
Ordinance No. 7794.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED.
SC Ruling:
1. Yes, Coca-Cola case is applicable to the instant case.
Respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. is 2. No, respondents can only be made liable for local
a corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing and business tax under Sec. 14 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794
selling beverages, and which maintains a sales office in the ONLY.
City of Manila.
Emphasis must be given to the fact that prior to the
Prior to 25 February 2000, respondent had been paying passage of Tax Ordinance No. 7988 and Tax Ordinance No.
the City of Manila local business tax only under Section 14 of 8011 by petitioner City of Manila, petitioners subjected and
Tax Ordinance No. 7794, being expressly exempted from the assessed respondent only for the local business tax under
business tax under Section 21 of the same tax ordinance. Sec. 14 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, but never under Sec. 21
of the same. Sec. 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794 exempts
Petitioner City of Manila subsequently approved on 25 from payment of the local business tax imposed by said
February 2000, Tax Ordinance No. 7988, amending certain section, businesses that are already paying such tax under
sections of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, particularly: (1) Section other sections of the same tax ordinance. The said proviso,
14, by increasing the tax rates applicable to certain however, was deleted from Sec. 21 of the Tax Ordinance No.
establishments operating within the territorial jurisdiction of 7794 by Tax Ordinances No. 7988 and No. 8011.
NPC fulfills both requisites. To stress, a franchise
Yet, with the pronouncement by this Court in the tax is imposed based not on the ownership but on the
Coca-Cola case that Tax Ordinance No. 7988 and Tax exercise by the corporation of a privilege to do business. The
Ordinance No. 8011 were null and void and without legal taxable entity is the corporation which exercises the
effect, then Sec. 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, as it has franchise, and not the individual stockholders. By virtue of its
been previously worded, with its exempting proviso, is back charter, petitioner was created as a separate and distinct
in effect. Accordingly, respondent should not have been entity from the National Government. It can sue and be sued
subjected to the local business tax under Sec. 21 of Tax under its own name, and can exercise all the powers of a
Ordinance No. 7794 for the third and fourth quarters of 2000, corporation under the Corporation Code.
given its exemption therefrom since it was already paying the
local business tax under Sec. 14 of the same ordinance. We also do not find merit in the petitioner's
contention that its tax exemptions under its charter subsist
despite the passage of the LGC.
Issue: Whether NPC is liable to pay an annual franchise tax Doubtless, the power to tax is the most effective
to the City government. instrument to raise needed revenues to finance and support
myriad activities of the local government units for the delivery
Held: One of the most signifi cant provisions of the LGC is of basic services essential to the promotion of the general
the removal of the blanket exclusion of instrumentalities and welfare and the enhancement of peace, progress, and
agencies of the national government from the coverage of prosperity of the people. As this Court observed in the
local taxation. Although as a general rule, LGUs cannot Mactan case, "the original reasons for the withdrawal of tax
impose taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National exemption privileges granted to government-owned or
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, this rule now controlled corporations and all other units of government
admits an exception, i.e., when specifi c provisions of the were that such privilege resulted in serious tax base erosion
LGC authorize the LGUs to impose taxes, fees or charges and distortions in the tax treatment of similarly situated
on the aforementioned entities. enterprises." With the added burden of devolution, it is even
more imperative for government entities to share in the
As commonly used, a franchise tax is "a tax on the requirements of development, fiscal or otherwise, by paying
privilege of transacting business in the state and exercising taxes or other charges due from them.
corporate franchises granted by the state." It is not levied on
the corporation simply for existing as a corporation, upon its "IN VIEW WHEREOF, the instant petition is
property or its income, but on its exercise of the rights or DENIED and the assailed Decision and Resolution of the
privileges granted to it by the government. Hence, a Court of Appeals dated March 12, 2001 and July 10, 2001,
corporation need not pay franchise tax from the time it respectively, are hereby AFFIRMED."
ceased to do business and exercise its franchise. It is within
this context that the phrase "tax on businesses enjoying a
franchise" in section 137 of the LGC should be interpreted
and understood. Verily, to determine whether the petitioner is
covered by the franchise tax in question, the following
requisites should concur: (1) that petitioner has a "franchise"
in the sense of a secondary or special franchise; and (2) that
it is exercising its rights or privileges under this franchise
within the territory of the respondent city government.
20. Palma Devt. Corp. v. Municipality of Malangas, G.R. law without a full-blown trial on the merits, CA could not
No. 152492, October 16, 2003 determine whether the facts of the case were within the
ambit of the stated sections of RA 7160. The appellate court
Doctrinal Pronouncements/one liners: rules that petitioner still had to adduce evidence to
Local government units, through their Sanggunian, may substantiate its allegations that the assailed ordinance had
prescribe the terms and conditions for the imposition of toll imposed fees on the movement of goods within the
fees or charges for the use of any public road, pier or wharf municipality in the guise of a toll gee for the use of municipal
funded and constructed by them. However, RA No. 7160 roads and a service fee police surveillance. Thus, CA held
prohibits the imposition, in the guise of wharfage, of fees -- that the absence of such evidence necessitated the remand
as well as all other taxes or charges in any form whatsoever of the case to the trial court.
-- on goods or merchandise.
Whether Section 5G.01 of the Municipal Revenue Code
Relevant Facts: imposing services fees is proper and valid?
Petitioner, Palma Development Corporation is engaged in
milling and selling of rice and corn to wholesalers in SC Ruling:
Zamboanga City. It uses the municipal port of Malangas, NO. By express language of Sections 153 and 155 of RA
Zamboanga del Sur as transshipment point for its goods. No. 7160, local government units, through their
The port, as well as the surrounding roads leading to it, Sanggunian, may prescribe the terms and conditions for the
belong to and are maintained by the Municipality of imposition of toll fees or charges for the use of any public
Malangas, Zamboanga del Sur. The municipality passed road, pier or wharf funded and constructed by them. A
Municipal Revenue Code No. 09, an ordinance imposing service fee imposed on vehicles using municipal roads
service fee for its use of the municipal roads or streets leading to the wharf is thus valid. However, Section 133(e) of
leading to the wharf and to any point along the shorelines RA No. 7160 prohibits the imposition, in the guise of
within the jurisdiction of the municipality and for police wharfage, of fees -- as well as all other taxes or charges in
surveillance on all goods and all equipment harbored or any form whatsoever -- on goods or merchandise. It is
sheltered in the premises of the wharf and others within the therefore irrelevant if the fees imposed are actually for police
jurisdiction of the municipality. surveillance on the goods, because any other form of
imposition on goods passing through the territorial
Section 56.01 of the ordinance reads as follows: jurisdiction of the municipality is clearly prohibited by Section
Sec 56.01 Imposition of Fees. There shall be
collected service fee for its use of the municipal Under Section 131(y) of RA No. 7160, wharfage is defined
roads or streets leading to the wharf and to any as a fee assessed against the cargo of a vessel engaged in
point along the shorelines within the jurisdiction of foreign or domestic trade based on quantity, weight, or
the municipality and for police surveillance on all measure received and/or discharged by vessel. It is apparent
goods and all equipment harboured or sheltered in that a wharfage does not lose its basic character by being
the premises of the wharf and other within the labeled as a service fee for police surveillance on all goods.
jurisdiction of the municipality [xxx]
Unpersuasive is the contention of respondent that petitioner
Accordingly, the service fees imposed by Section 5G.01 of would unjustly be enriched at the formers expense. Though
the ordinance were paid by petitioner under protest. It the rules thereon apply equally well to the government, for
contended that under RA 7160, or the Local Government unjust enrichment to be deemed present, two conditions
Code of 1991, municipal governments did not have the must generally concur: (a) a person is unjustly benefited, and
authority to tax goods and vehicles that passed through their (b) such benefit is derived at another’s expense or damage.
jurisdiction. Thereafter, before the RTC of Pagadian City,
petitioner filed against the Municipality of Malangas an action In the instant case, the benefits from the use of the municipal
for declaratory relief assailing the validity of Section 5G.01 of roads and the wharf were not unjustly derived by petitioner.
the municipality ordinance on the premise that the case Those benefits resulted from the infrastructure that the
involved the validity of a municipal ordinance, the RTC municipality was mandated by law to provide. There is no
directed respondent to secure the opinion of the Office of the unjust enrichment where the one receiving the benefit has a
Solicitor General as well as the opinions of the Department legal right or entitlement thereto, or when there is no causal
of Finance and Justice. As these opinions were still relation between ones enrichment and the others
unavailable, petitioner’s counsel filed without objection from impoverishment.
respondent, a Manifestation seeking the submission of the
case for the RTC’s decision on a pure question of law. The
trial court rendered its decision declaring the entire Municipal
Revenue Code No. 09 as ultra vires and hence, null and
“(n) Gross Sales or Receipts include the total amount of 25. Allied Thread Co., Inc. v. Manila, G.R. No. L-40296,21
money or its equivalent representing the contract price, Nov. 1984
compensation or service fee, including the amount charged
or materials supplied with the services and the deposits or Doctrinal Pronouncements:
advance payments actually or constructively received during The power to levy an excise upon the performance
the taxable quarter for the services performed or to be of an act or the engaging in an occupation does not depend
performed for another person excluding discounts if upon the domicile of the person subject to the excise, nor
determinable at the time of sales, sales return, excise tax, upon the physical location of the property and in connection
and value-added tax (VAT);”
with the act or occupation taxed, but depends upon the place
in which the act is performed or occupation engaged in.
The law is clear, the provision specifically states that basis
should be gross receipts.
Relevant Facts:
Municipal Board of the City of Manila enacted
Gross receipt vs gross revenue (discussion by court) Ordinance No. 7516 imposing on manufacturers, importers
or producers, doing business in the City of Manila, business
Gross Receipts Gross Revenue taxes based on gross sales on a graduated basis. The
ordinance underwent series of amendments.
Include money or Covers money or its
its equivalent Equivalent actually or Allied Thread Co., Inc. is engaged in the business
of manufacturing sewing thread and yarn under duly
Actually or Constructively registered marks and labels. It operates its factory and
Constructively Received, including maintains an office in Pasig, Rizal. In order to sell its
Received in The value of products in Manila and in other parts of the Philippines,
petitioner Allied Thread Co., Inc. engaged the services of a
Consideration Services rendered sales broker, Ker & Company, Ltd., the latter deriving
Of services Or articles sold, commissions from every sale made for its principal.
Rendered or articles Exchanged or Having been affected by the aforementioned
Sold, exchanged Leased, the Ordinance, being manufacturers and sales brokers, on July
or leased, whether Payment of which 22, 1974, Allied Thread Co., Inc. and Ker & Co., Ltd. filed
with the Court of First Instance of Manila, a petition for
actual or Is yet to be Declaratory Relief, contending that Ordinance No. 7516, as
constructive, (what Received. (expected amended, is not valid nor enforceable as the same is
you really received, To be received) contrary to Section 54 of Presidential Decree No. 426, as
clarified by Local Tax Regulation No. 1-74 dated April 8, 1974
actual or of the Department of Finance.
Allied Thread Co., assert that due to the series of
amendments to Ordinance No. 7516, the same Ordinance
Application to case
fell short of the deadline set by Sec. 54 of P.D. No. 426 that
In Ericssons’ case, its audited financial statements
"for an ordinance intended to take effect on July 1, 1974, it
reflect income or revenue which accrued to it during the
must be enacted on or before June 15, 1974." Necessarily,
taxable period although not yet actually or constructively
so it is asserted, the said Ordinance No. 7516 as amended,
received or paid, because Ericsson uses the accrual method
is not valid nor enforceable.
of accounting, where income is reportable when all the
events have occurred that fix the taxpayers right to receive
In addition it is also argued that, the questioned
the income, and the amount can be determined with
ordinance did not comply with the necessary publication
reasonable accuracy; the right to receive income, and not
requirement in a newspaper of general circulation as
the actual receipt, determines when to include the amount in
mandated by Sec. 43 of the Local Tax Code. Petitioner Allied
gross income.
Thread Co., Inc. also claims that it should not be subjected
to the said Ordinance No. 7516 as amended, because it
does not operate or maintain a branch office in Manila and the City of Manila, where the subject Ordinance only applies.
that its principal office and factory are located in Pasig, Rizal. This contention is devoid of merit. Allied Thread Co., Inc.
admits that it does business in the City of Manila through a
Issue: broker or agent, Ker & Company, Ltd. Doing business in the
1. Whether or not Ordinance No. 7516 was validly City of Manila is all that is required to fall within the coverage
enacted. of the Ordinance.
2. Whether or not the publication requirement was It should be noted that Ordinance No. 7516 as
complied with. amended imposes a business tax on manufacturers,
importers or producers doing business in the City of Manila.
3. Whether or not Allied Thread, Co. is subjected to The tax imposition here is upon the performance of an act,
the tax imposed on the ordinance. enjoyment of a privilege, or the engaging in an occupation,
and hence is in the nature of an excise tax.
The power to levy an excise upon the performance
1. YES of an act or the engaging in an occupation does not depend
Ordinance No. 7516 was validly enacted upon the domicile of the person subject to the excise, nor
upon the physical location of the property and in connection
There is no dispute that Ordinance No. 7516 was with the act or occupation taxed, but depends upon the place
enacted by the Municipal Board of Manila on June 12, 1974 in which the act is performed or occupation engaged in.
and approved by the City Mayor on June 15, 1974. Fifteen
(15) days thereafter, or on July 1, 1974, the said ordinance Thus, the gauge for taxability under the said
became effective pursuant to Sec. 42 of the Local Tax Code. Ordinance No. 7516 as amended does not depend on the
location of the office, but attaches upon the place where the
It is clear therefore that Ordinance No. 7516 has respective sale transaction(s) is perfected and
fully conformed with P.D. No. 426 and Local Tax Regulation consummated. Since Allied Thread Co., Inc. sells its
No. 1-74 which require that "a local tax ordinance intended to products in the City of Manila through its broker, Ker &
take effect on July 1, 1974 should be enacted by the Local Company, Ltd., it cannot escape the tax liability imposed by
Chief Executive not later than June 15, 1974". Ordinance No. 7516 as amended.
RTC granted the writ of preliminary which NULL and VOID the sale in public auction of 27 of
was later on lifted upon motion by the respondents. petitioner’s properties and the eventual forfeiture and
purchase of the said properties by respondent City of Lapu-
Court of Appeals held that petitioner’s Lapu. We likewise declare VOID the corresponding
airport terminal building, airfield, runway, taxiway, and the Certificates of Sale of Delinquent Property issued to
lots on which they are situated are not exempt from real respondent City of Lapu-Lapu.
estate tax reasoning as follows: Under the Local
Government Code (LGC for brevity), enacted pursuant to the
constitutional mandate of local autonomy, all natural and
juridical persons, including government-owned or controlled
corporations (GOCCs), instrumentalities and agencies, are
no longer exempt from local taxes even if previously granted
an exemption. The only exemptions from local taxes are
those specifically provided under the Code itself, or those
enacted through subsequent legislation.
WON Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority is
a government-owned or controlled corporation and is thus
not taxable.
respect to equipment purchases made by, or for the Lung
2. Lung Center of the Philippines v. Quezon City, GR No. Center.
144104, June 29, 2004
It is plain as day that under the decree, the
petitioner does not enjoy any property tax exemption
FACTS: privileges for its real properties as well as the building
1. The petitioner Lung Center is a non-stock and non-profit constructed thereon. If the intentions were otherwise, the
entity. same should have been among the enumeration of tax
exempt privileges under Section 2.
2. It is the registered owner of a parcel of land. Erected in
the middle lot is a hospital known as the Lung Center of Section 28(3), Article VI of the 1987 Philippine
the Philippines. A big space at the ground floor is being Constitution provides, thus: Charitable institutions, churches
leased to private parties, for canteen and small store and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques,
spaces, and to medical or professional practitioners who non-profit cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and
use the same as their private clinics for their patients improvements, actually, directly and exclusively used for
whom they charge for their professional services. religious, charitable or educational purposes shall be exempt
from taxation.
3. Almost one-half of the entire area on the left side of the
building along Quezon Avenue is vacant and idle, while a The tax exemption under this constitutional
big portion on the right side, at the corner, is being leased provision covers property taxes only. What is exempted is
for commercial purposes to a private enterprise known as not the institution itself; those exempted from real estate
the Elliptical Orchids and Garden Center. taxes are lands, buildings and improvements actually,
directly and exclusively used for religious, charitable or
4. The petitioner accepts paying and non-paying patients. It educational purposes.”
also renders medical services to out-patients, both paying
and non-paying. Aside from its income from paying In light of the changes in the Constitution, the
patients, the petitioner receives annual subsidies from the petitioner cannot rely on our ruling in Herrera v. Quezon City
government. Board of Assessment Appeals which was promulgated on
September 30, 1961 before the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions
5. Both the land and the hospital building of the petitioner took effect.
were assessed for real property taxes in the amount of
P4,554,860 by the City Assessor of Quezon City. Under the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions and Rep.
Act No. 7160 in order to be entitled to the exemption, the
6. The petitioner filed a Claim for Exemption from real petitioner is burdened to prove, by clear and unequivocal
property taxes with the City Assessor, predicated on its proof, that (a) it is a charitable institution; and (b) its real
claim that it is a charitable institution. The petitioner’s properties are ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY
request was denied. used for charitable purposes.
“Exclusive” is defined as possessed and enjoyed to the
ISSUE: exclusion of others; debarred from participation or
WON the real properties of the petitioner are enjoyment; and “exclusively” is defined, “in a manner to
exempt from real property taxes. exclude; as enjoying a privilege exclusively.” If real property
is used for one or more commercial purposes, it is not
RULING: exclusively used for the exempted purposes but is subject to
The portions of the real property leased to private taxation.
entities are not exempt from real property taxes as these
are not actually, directly and exclusively used for charitable The words “dominant use” or “principal use” cannot
purposes. be substituted for the words “used exclusively” without doing
violence to the Constitutions and the law. Solely is
The settled rule in this jurisdiction is that laws synonymous with exclusively.
granting exemption from tax are construed strictissimi juris
against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive use of
power. Taxation is the rule and exemption is the exception. the property for charitable purposes is the direct and
The effect of an exemption is equivalent to an appropriation. immediate and actual application of the property itself to
Hence, a claim for exemption from tax payments must be the purposes for which the charitable institution is
clearly shown and based on language in the law too plain to organized. It is not the use of the income from the real
be mistaken. property that is determinative of whether the property is used
for tax-exempt purposes.
Section 2 of Presidential Decree No. 1823, relied
upon by the petitioner, specifically provides that the petitioner Accordingly, the portions of the land leased to
shall enjoy the tax exemptions and privileges: The Lung private entities as well as those parts of the hospital leased
Center of the Philippines shall be exempt from the payment to private individuals are not exempt from such taxes. On the
of taxes, charges and fees imposed by the Government or other hand, the portions of the land occupied by the hospital
any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof with and portions of the hospital used for its patients, whether
paying or non-paying, are exempt from real property taxes.
MIAA is not a government-owned or controlled
3. Manila International Airport Authority v. CA, GR No. corporation but an instrumentality of the National
155650, July 20, 2006, En banc, GR No. 163072, April 2, Government and thus exempt from local taxation.
MIAA is not a stock corporation because it has no
FACTS: capital stock divided into shares. MIAA has no stockholders
or voting shares.
MIAA received Final Notices of Real Estate Tax
Delinquency from the City of Parañaque for the taxable MIAA is also not a non-stock corporation because it
years 1992 to 2001. MIAA’s real estate tax delinquency was has no members. A non-stock corporation must have
estimated at P624 million. members.
The City of Parañaque, through its City Treasurer, MIAA is a government instrumentality vested with
issued notices of levy and warrants of levy on the Airport corporate powers to perform efficiently its governmental
Lands and Buildings. The Mayor of the City of Parañaque functions. MIAA is like any other government instrumentality,
threatened to sell at public auction the Airport Lands and the only difference is that MIAA is vested with corporate
Buildings should MIAA fail to pay the real estate tax powers.
When the law vests in a government instrumentality
MIAA filed with the Court of Appeals an original corporate powers, the instrumentality does not become a
petition for prohibition and injunction, with prayer for corporation. Unless the government instrumentality is
preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order. The organized as a stock or non-stock corporation, it remains a
petition sought to restrain the City of Parañaque from government instrumentality exercising not only governmental
imposing real estate tax on, levying against, and auctioning but also corporate powers. Thus, MIAA exercises the
for public sale the Airport Lands and Buildings. governmental powers of eminent domain, police authority
and the levying of fees and charges. At the same time, MIAA
Paranaque’s argument: exercises “all the powers of a corporation under the
Corporation Law, insofar as these powers are not
Section 193 of the Local Government Code inconsistent with the provisions of this Executive Order.”
expressly withdrew the tax exemption privileges of
“government-owned and-controlled corporations” upon the 2. Airport Lands and Buildings of MIAA are Owned by the
effectivity of the Local Government Code. Respondents also Republic
argue that a basic rule of statutory construction is that the
express mention of one person, thing, or act excludes all a. Airport Lands and Buildings are of Public Dominion
others. An international airport is not among the exceptions
mentioned in Section 193 of the Local Government Code. The Airport Lands and Buildings of MIAA are
Thus, respondents assert that MIAA cannot claim that the property of public dominion and therefore owned by the
Airport Lands and Buildings are exempt from real estate tax. State or the Republic of the Philippines.
b. Airport Lands and Buildings are Outside the Commerce of 4. Quezon City Govt v. BayanTel Corp., GR N0. 162015,
Man March 6, 2006
First Private Power Corporation (FPPC) entered into a build- 7. NPC v. Quezon Power, G.R. No. 171586, July 15, 2009
operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement with NAPOCOR for the
construction of Bauang Diesel Power Plant and creation of
Bauang Power Plant Corporation (BPPC). The pertinent Doctrinal Pronouncements/one liners:
provisions of the BOT agreement, include among others.
Who may appeal a real property tax assessment? –
2.03 NAPOCOR xxx shall be responsible for the payment of Those who have legal interest.
all real estate taxes and assessments, rates, and other Legal interest is defined as interest in property or a claim
charges in respect of the site and the buildings and cognizable at law, equivalent to that of a legal owner who
improvements thereon.’’. has legal title to the property. Given this definition, Napocor
is clearly not vested with the requisite interest to protest the
The Municipal assessor of Bauang issued a Notice of tax assessment, as it is not an entity having the legal title
Assessment and Tax bill to BPPC. over the machineries. It has no solid claim of ownership or
NAPOCOR sought tax exemption on the basis of Sec. 234 even of use and possession of the machineries.
(c) of R.A. No. 7160
Relevant Facts:
Whether the GOCC under the terms of the BOT be deemed The Province of Quezon assessed Mirant Pagbilao
the actual, direct, and exclusive user of machineries and Corporation (Mirant) for unpaid real property taxes in the
equipment for tax exemption purposes? If not, can it pass on amount of ₱1.5 Billion for the machineries located in its
its tax-exempt status to its BOT partner, a private power plant in Pagbilao, Quezon. National Power
corporation, through the BOT agreement? Corporation (Napocor), which entered into a Build-Operate-
Transfer (BOT) Agreement (entitled Energy Conversion
HELD: Agreement) with Mirant, was furnished a copy of the tax
No. Neither can NAPOCOR pass its tax exemption status to
its BOT partner. Napocor protested the assessment before the Local
NAPOCOR’s basis for its claimed exemption, Section 234(c) Board of Assessment Appeals (LBAA), claiming entitlement
of the LGC is clear and not at all ambiguous in its term. to the tax exemptions provided under Section 234 of the
Exempt from real property taxation are: Local Government Code (LGC), which states:
a. All machineries and equipment
Section 234. Exemptions from Real Property Tax. –
b. Actually, directly and exclusively used The following are exempted from payment of the
real property tax:
c. [Local water districts and) government-owned- or- (c) All machineries and equipment that are actually,
controlled corporations enagaged in the (supply and directly, and exclusively used by local water districts
and government-owned or –controlled corporations
distribution of water and/or] generation and
engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/
transmission of electric power or generation and transmission of electric power;
(e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution
By BOT’s express terms, BPPC has complete control and environmental protection.
ownership both legal and beneficial of the project, including
the machineries and equipment used, subject only to the However, assuming that it cannot claim the above
transfer of these properties without cost to NAPOCOR after tax exemptions, Napocor argued that it is entitled to certain
the lapsed of period agreed upon. As agreed upon, BPPC tax privileges, namely:
provided the funds for the construction of the power plant,
including the machineries and equipment needed for the (a) the lower assessment level of 10% under
power generation; thereafter, it actually operated and still Section 218(d) of the LGC for government-owned
operates the power plant, uses its machineries and and controlled corporations engaged in the
equipment, and received payment for these activities and the generation and transmission of electric power,
electricity generated under defined compensation scheme. instead of the 80% assessment level for
Notably, BPPC- as owner-user- is responsible for any defect commercial properties imposed in the assessment
in the machineries and equipment letter; and
(b) an allowance for depreciation of the subject
Consistent with the BOT concept and as implemented, machineries under Section 225 of the LGC.
BPPC, the owner-manager-operator of the project is the
actual user of its machineries and equipment. BPPC’s To prove that it had legal interest in the taxed machineries,
ownership and use of such are actual, direct, and immediate, Napocor relied on:
while NAPOCOR’s is contingent and at this stage of the BOT
(1) the stipulation in the BOT Agreement that authorized the
transfer of ownership to Napocor after 25 years;
(2) its authority to control and supervise the construction and
operation of the power plant; and
(3) its obligation to pay for all taxes that may be incurred, as
provided in the BOT Agreement
(1) Can Petitioner file the protest against the real property
tax assessment?
(2) Can Petitioner claim exemption given the BOT
arrangement with Mirant?
(3) Is payment under protest required before an appeal to
the LBAA is made?
SC Ruling:
Doctrinal Pronouncements/one liners: A claim for unutilized input value-added tax is in the nature of
Observance of the 120+30-day period is crucial in filing an a tax exemption. Thus, strict adherence to the conditions
appeal before the CTA.
prescribed by the law is required of the taxpayer. Refunds
need to be proven and their application raised in the right
Facts: manner as required by law. Here, noncompliance with the
Steag State Power, a domestic corporation primarily 120+30-day periods is fatal to the taxpayer's judicial claim.
engaged in power generation and sale of electricity to the Hence, the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc properly sustained
NPC is registered with the BIR as a VAT taxpayer. the Special First Division's dismissal of the Petition for lack of
SSP started building its power plant and during the jurisdiction.
construction, filed its quarterly VAT returns from the 1st to the
4th quarter of 2004. It later amended its VAT returns for the
taxable quarters and likewise filed the 2005 quarterly VAT
2. Team Sual Corporation vs. CIR, G.R. No. 201225-26 /
SSP filed before the BIR administrative claims for refund of 201132 / 201133 April 18, 2018
its allegedly unutilized input VAT payments on capital goods
for 2004 and 2005 in the amount of P670,950,937.97. Doctrinal Pronouncements/one liner: Before a judicial
Due to the inaction of the CIR on the said admin claims, SSP claim for refund may be filed with the CTA either of the two
filed a Petition for Review on Certiorari before the CTA for its must happen: (1) the full or partial denial of the claim within
claims for refund for the taxable year 2004 and 2005. the 120-day period, or (2) the lapse of the 120-day period
However, the CTA denied the petitions due to insufficiency of without the CIR having acted on the claim. It is only from the
evidence and held that the claims were filed late and the happening of either one may a taxpayer-claimant file its
others were prematurely filed. The CTA also denied the 2nd judicial claim for refund or tax credit for unutilized input VAT.
judicial claim for failure to prove that its purchases and If not observed, the judicial claim is premature and CTA will
importations related to the claimed input tax payments were have no jurisdiction to act on it.
treated as capital goods in its books of accounts and were
subjected to depreciation. [Note: Don’t mind the values/amounts; I just included it for
better presentation of the claims. The important numbers are
The CTA Special 1st Division dismissed the consolidated the date of filing of claims for refund/tax credit and the time
cases for lack of jurisdiction and further denied the appeal for of filing of appeal to CTA on the counting of period when
having been filed late. filing is allowed.]
Petitioner insists that its claims are timely. That although filed
beyond the 120+30-day period, they were nonetheless filed Relevant Facts:
within the 2-year period. Team Sual Corp. (TSC) is a VAT-registered
domestic corporation (principal office at Brgy. Pangascasan,
Issue: WON SSP timely fi led its judicial claim for refund. Sual, Pangasinan) principally engaged in the business of
power generation and its sale to the National Power
Ruling: Corporation (NPC) under a Build, Operate, and Transfer
scheme. It was originally registered under a different name
No. Sec. 112 of the Tax Code provides that the but was 3 times until it became "Team Sual."
taxpayer may appeal the Commissioner’s denial or inaction
only within 30 days upon receipt of the denial of the claim, or TSC filed with the BIR RDO an application for zero-
when the 120-day period to decide on the claim expires. rating from its sale of power generation services to NPC for
the taxable year (TY) 2001. This was approved. VAT returns
Under the CTAs Charter, the Commissioner's were filed for the 4 quarters of taxable year 2001.
inaction on a claim for refund is considered a "denial" of the
claim, which may be appealed before the Court of Tax 1st quarter input VAT: P37,985,009.25; 2nd quarter
Appeals within 30 days from the expiration of the period fixed input VAT: P29,298,556.12; 3 rd quarter input VAT:
by law for action. P32,869,835.40; 4th quarter input VAT: P32,869,835.40; Total
excess input VAT: P166,720,367.79.
Furthermore, jurisprudence provides that
observance of the 120+30-day period is crucial in filing an March 20, 2003 – TSC filed a claim for refund or tax
appeal before the CTA and claims for refund of excess input credit with BIR (for the P166,720,367.79) for its unutilized
tax are governed by Sec. 112 and not by Sec. 229. The 2- input VAT for TY 2001
March 31, 2003 – without waiting for the resolution
of its claim, it filed with the CTA Division an appeal praying The petitions are bereft of merit.
for the refund or issuance of a tax credit certificate (TCC) for
its alleged unutilized input VAT for the 1st quarter of TY For the CTA to acquire jurisdiction over a judicial
2001. claim for refund or tax credit arising from unutilized input
VAT, the said claim must first comply with the mandatory
July 23, 2003 – another appeal was filed for refund 120+30-day waiting period. Any judicial claim for refund or
or issuance of a TCC for its alleged unutilized input VAT for tax credit filed in contravention of said period is rendered
t h e 2nd, 3rd, a n d 4th q u a r t e r s o f T Y 2 0 0 1 ( o f premature, depriving the CTA of jurisdiction to act on it.
P128,735,358.54). Pursuant to Section 112, Subsections (A) and (C) of
the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, the
The CTA Division partially granted the claim and procedure in claiming a refund or tax credit of unutilized input
allowed refund of unutilized input VAT for the 1st, 3rd, and 4th VAT are as follows:
quarters of TY 2001, but disallowed refund for the 2nd
quarter. It ruled that the claim for 2nd quarter did not fall Sec. 112. Refunds or Tax Credits of Input Tax. —
within the 2-year prescriptive period. (A) Zero-rated or Effectively Zero-rated Sales. — Any VAT-
Only P117,330,550.62 from Mirant Sual Corp was registered person, whose sales are zero-rated or effectively
allowed to be refunded or to have a TCC issued in its favor, zero-rated may, within two (2) years after the close of the
representing unutilized input VAT from its domestic taxable quarter when the sales were made, apply for the
purchases of goods and services and importation of goods issuance of a tax credit certificate or refund of creditable
attributable to its effectively zero-rated sales to the National input tax due or paid attributable to such sales, except
Power Corporation for the 1st, 3rd, and 4th quarters of TY transitional input tax, to the extent that such input tax has not
2001. been applied against output tax: Provided, however, That in
the case of zero-rated sales under Section 106(A)(2)(a)(1),
CIR fi led a Motion for Partial Reconsideration for (2) and (b) and Section 108 (B)(1) and (2), the acceptable
denial of the entire claim for refund. It argued that 1) TSC foreign currency exchange proceeds thereof had been duly
has not suffi ciently proven its entitlement to refund and 2) accounted for in accordance with the rules and regulations of
that the CTA had no jurisdiction to act on the judicial claim for the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP): Provided, further,
refund because the same was prematurely fi led. That where the taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or
effectively zero-rated sale and also in taxable or exempt sale
Motion for Partial Reconsideration by TSC prayed of goods of properties or services, and the amount of
that the CTA, in addition to the amount already granted, creditable input tax due or paid cannot be directly and
refund: (1) P29,298,556.12, the input VAT for the 2nd quarter entirely attributed to any one of the transactions, it shall be
of TY 2001, and (2) P12,761,224.50, input VAT on local allocated proportionately on the basis of the volume of sales.
purchases of goods and services for the same year. Provided, finally, that for a person making sales that are
zero-rated under Section 108(B) (6), the input taxes shall be
CTA Division partially granted TSC's additional allocated ratably between his zero-rated and non-zero-rated
claim for refund. It denied the claim for input VAT on local sales.
purchases of goods and services, but allowed the refund for (C) Period within which Refund or Tax Credit of Input Taxes
input VAT for the 2nd quarter of TY 2001. (Grant was reduced shall be Made. — In proper cases, the Commissioner shall
from P29,298,556.12 to P27,233,561.57 for failure to grant a refund or issue the tax credit certificate for creditable
substantiate the difference.) input taxes within one hundred twenty (120) days from the
date of submission of complete documents in support of the
TSC appealed to the CTA En Banc saying that the application filed in accordance with Subsections (A) hereof.
CTA Division erred in disallowing the amount for input VAT
In case of full or partial denial of the claim for
on local purchases of goods and services on the mere fact
tax refund or tax credit, or the failure on the part
that the pertinent supporting documents were issued under
of the Commissioner to act on the application
TSC's former name. It argues that a corporation's change of
within the period prescribed above, the taxpayer
name does not affect its identity or rights. Thus, it should still
affected may, within thirty (30) days from the
be entitled to claim the said input VAT.
receipt of the decision denying the claim or
after the expiration of the one hundred twenty
CTA En Banc granted TSC’s claim for refund of
day-period, appeal the decision or the unacted
i n p u t VAT f o r t h e 2 n d , 3 r d , a n d 4 t h q u a r t e r s
claim with the Court of Tax Appeals.
(P123,110,001.68). It also ruled that the CTA did not
acquire jurisdiction over the claim for 1st quarter as it Any taxpayer seeking a refund/tax credit arising
had been filed prematurely. from unutilized input VAT from zero-rated or effectively
zero-rated sales should first file an initial administrative
Issue: claim with the BIR. This claim must be filed within two
Did the CTA have jurisdiction over the claims for refund for years after the close of the taxable quarter when the sales
the 4 quarters of TY 2001? were made.
Thus, it filed a petition for certiorari with the 2. Whether or not the PPA committed a violation of the rules
Court of Appeals, arguing that the City of Davao’s taxation against forum shopping when it filed the case to CA.
of its properties and their subsequent auction and sale to
satisfy the alleged tax liabilities were without or in excess of
its jurisdiction and contrary to law. It argued that it had no
other speedy and adequate remedy except to file a petition
1. NO. CA had no jurisdiction to issue the injunctive
for certiorari with the Court of Appeals.
relief prayed for by PPA.
In real property tax cases such as this, the remedy
While the petition was pending with the Court of
of a taxpayer depends on the stage in which the local
Appeals, the Court of Tax Appeals promulgated a
government unit is enforcing its authority to impose real
decision, granting the Philippine Ports Authority’s
property taxes. Moreover, as jurisdiction is conferred by law,
appeal, ordering that its properties and buildings in the site
reference must be made to the law when determining which
are EXEMPT from real estate tax imposed by Davao City,
court has jurisdiction over a case, in relation to its factual and
and voiding all the real estate tax assessments issued by
procedural antecedents.
Davao City on such properties.
Thereafter, the Court of Appeals dismissed the Petitioner has failed to cite any law supporting its
petition, and held that the Court of Tax Appeals had contention that the Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over this
exclusive jurisdiction to determine the matter and said case. On the other hand, Section 7, paragraph (a)(5) of
that the Philippine Ports Authority “should have applied for Republic Act No. 1125, as amended by Republic Act No.
the issuance of writ of injunction or prohibition before the 9282, provides that the Court of Tax Appeals has
Court of Tax Appeals.” It further found the petition dismissible exclusive appellate jurisdiction over: Decisions of the
on the ground that the Philippine Ports Authority committed Central Board of Assessment Appeals in the exercise of its
appellate jurisdiction over cases involving the assessment
and taxation of real property originally decided by the 4. Duty Free Philippines vs. BIR, G.R. No 197228,
provincial or city board of assessment appeals October 8, 2014.
Yes, motion for reconsideration should be granted.
Respondent Petron Corpotatio’s petition for review is hereby
5. CIR vs. CTA and Petron Corporation, G.R. No. 207843, declared to be within the jurisdiction of the CTA, which is
February 14, 2018 declared to resolve the case with dispatch.