(A M Janos ) The 72 Genii of the Tetragrammaton

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The 72 Genii of the Tetragrammaton

A.M. Janos
Author’s Note

Brief Definitions

On the Tetragrammaton

The Name YHVH

Why Seventy Two?

Understanding the Genii’s Names and Functions

Genii Index


#1. VHV

#2. YLY

#3. SIT

#4. OoLM

#5. MHSh

#6. LLH


#7. AKA

#8. KHTh

#9. HZI

#10. ALD

#11. LAV

#12. HHO


#13. IZL
#14. MBH

#15. HRI

#16. HQM

#17. LAV

#18. KLI


#19. LVV

#20. PHL

#21. NLK

#22. YYY

#23. MLH

#24. ChHV


#25. NThH

#26. HAA

#27. YLTh

#28. ShAH

#29. RYY

#30. AUM


#31. LKB

#32. VShR

#33. YChV

#34. LHCh

#35. KVQ
#36. MND


#37. ANI

#38. ChOM

#39. RHO

#40. YYZ

#41. HHH

#42. MIK


#43. VVL

#44. YLH

#45. SAL

#46. ORI

#47. OShL

#48. MIH


#49. VHV

#50. DNY

#51. HChSh

#52. OMM

#53. NNA

#54. NITh


#55. MBH

#56. PVI
#57. NMM

#58. YYL

#59. HRCh

#60. MYzR


#61. VMK

#62. IHH

#63. ONV

#64. MChI

#65. DMB

#66. MNQ


#67. AIO

#68. ChBV

#69. RAH

#70. IBM

#71. HYY

#72. MVM

Angel or Djinn?

Final Words
Author’s Note

In a modern age of medicine and technology, it is hard to imagine

that many might still feel the need to put their dependence and trust in unseen

forces of light or darkness; however, there is a certain fascination with

ancient mysteries that surround each culture on earth. And that same thrilling
enigma is what brought to write this text. A curious child with a knack for

seeing the truth, I grew up in a deeply oppressed, obscure, and cult-like

religious setting where questions and critical thought were punished as
defiance and ultimately crushed in many. Headstrong and willful, nothing

could shake my interest in occult sciences and quench my desire to know that
which was called forbidden. And here I am years later, presenting to you the
Scholar and Reader, my research and thoughts on hidden things.

Before I continue with my brief monologue, I would like to note that

this is not for uninformed persons as I make a few references to texts that you
must at least know the overall essence of its contents to capture the full

meaning of what it is that I am imparting. The materials, conjectures, and

overall backdrop of components written herein are of my own research and

thoughts rather than simple report. My work in this case is influenced to some

degree by the ideas of Aleister Crowley and Aaron Leitch – two figures I
admire in the scripts regarding the little understood and often misunderstood

occult Tetragrammaton.

To avoid the misfortune of boring you, good reader, I will keep this

note simple and short. My purpose in this script is not to enthrall or mystify
but to hopefully clear some of the misconceptions that one might have on the

subject of the Tetragrammaton names; and to crystallize a straightforward

comprehension of rich history and mythos that surround the Tetragrammaton.

I encourage you to use my investigations and knowledge as a springboard for

your own inspection of the matter. So please sit with a cup of tea, or coffee

(whichever you prefer), and enjoy an hour or so of light reading on the names

of YHVH.

Brief Definitions

Gematria: Eastern numerology technique in which each letter of an alphabet

is systematically ascribed a numerical value and interpreted in a geometrical


Pentagram : a five point geometric figure used to symbolize the classical

elements/directions and spirit. It is sometimes turned upside down to

represent the head of Moloch or Baphomet, which are generally viewed as

pagan gods.
Quran: a spelling of Koran, the sacred text of the Islam religion.

Romanized: v, past tense of Romanize; means to write a different writing

system in Latin alphabetical characters without changing the actual language.

Seal of Solomon: an occult symbol made of two triangles facing opposite

directions, usually up and down, said to be the design with which the

infamous King Solomon used to bind demons/Djinn to do his bidding.

Sephirot: shortened form of Sephirot Kabbalah, the universe system similar

to the Nordic Yggdrasil that Jewish occultism attribute the Infinite world to

be; emanations or attributes of the Tree of Life

Tetragrammaton: the mathematical interpretation of the letters YHVH sacred

to in Jewish occultism using numerology (see: Gematria) as the name of God

Torah: the first five books of the Jewish Scriptures said to have been

written/spoken by Moses, a legendary figure in Jewish history: Genesis,

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; also, Pentateuch.

Zodiac: in Western astrology, the systematic assignation of a pattern of

celestial bodies to dates as a means of foretelling the future of events and

persons; also used as a means of personality psychology.

On the Tetragrammaton
What many do not realize about the Tetragrammaton is that none can

agree as to the actual pronunciation of the four letters inscribed therein.

Various different vowels can be placed between the consonant letters. It is

through this method that the names of God are derived. When it comes to this
mystery, one can only decide that perhaps the point was to keep the true name

of Shem haMephoresh a secret. And, it may as well be the best kept secret in
history. Even the Hebrews who can boast of a favourable relationship with

the powerful entity cannot know the true name. Likely, the true name of
YHVH cannot be pronounced by human lips anyways.

Although the 72 genii of the Zodiac are widely recognized as

important components of the Tetragrammaton, there is a reflection presented
by popular, darker beliefs that some might call a perversion of it identified as

the Demonic Rudd. This list of 72 names is the negation of the angelic genii
names and however twisted it seems, it stands to reason that there must exist

an opposite in some form. Whether the Rudd carries weight or not in reality
is not known; but perhaps Satan did indeed try to build a kingdom after the

one he was cast from to a sort of order. On my account, I do not doubt the
validity of such speculations but rather the reliability due to the disagreement
on the Tetragrammaton alone. I include the Rudd for further objective study

rather than a statement of its credibility.

Gematria, a form of numerology adopted by Jewish culture from the
ancient civilizations of Assyria, Babylon, and Greece, is a geometric system

that encode letters with a number parallel in order to derive some

mathematical meaning from it. In YHVH, Y (Yod) is 10, H and H (Heh) are
5, and V (Vav) is 6. When the letters of YHVH are arranged in a triangular

format starting with the last H to the Y as such - 1 H, 2 V, 3 H, and 4 Y - the

math is multiplied thusly: 1 times 5, 2 times 6, 3 times 5, and 4 times 10

equaling 5, 12, 15, and 40. When the product of all four are added together
(5+12+15+40), the sum is 72. That is where the names are derived from.

The Name YHVH

Shem haMephoresh, also spelled Shemhameforash and a few other

ways, means “the ineffable name” or “the unutterable name.” It was drawn
from the four letters given to the Jewish God YHVH (also YHWH) that is

called the Tetragrammaton. Essentially, it contains the permutations of the

four letters in each combination is said to be a ray in the crown of YHVH.

The Jewish were afraid to say the name aloud and therefore, created varied
manners in which to refer to their most holy God like Shem haMephoresh,
Adonai (my Lord), and commonly Jehovah. Different forms of the name were

believed to have different invocation power.

According to pasts archeological finds, the four letters first occur in
Phoenician, then Proto-Hebrew, and finally, in Aramaic that was transcribed

as the final version in Torah. When the classical elements of Fire, Earth,
Water, and Air are applied to the four Hebrew letters as Y (Atziluth) = Fire,

H (Briah) = Water, V (Yetzirah) = Air, and H (Assaiah) = Earth, the letters

delineate in four spheres of divinity, creation, formation, and action. Many
scholars of the Sephirothic systems argue that in the Tetragrammaton there

exists a fifth sphere called “Ain” that is “nothing” and an unknowable, divine
source. Fire and Air are considered, in Greek and Jewish traditions, to be

masculine and positive whereas Water and Earth are feminine and negative.
It from this theory that the now popular Pentagram is formed as the five
points represent the all -encompassing nature of God and appropriately

describe in the fifth point the elemental spirit powers that are said to
surround the physical world.

The reason the astrological Zodiac, a product of the ancient

Babylonians, is applied because of the perfection of the zodiac circle in

correlation with the twelve permutations of the four letters YHVH. There are
three states that rule the nature of the elements: fixed (stable, cool), cardinal

(unstable, warm), and mutable (changing, neutral). When written in order

from Pisces, the letters coordinate into four groups of three that are the
Zodiac signs according to their element. The number of names, being they
seventy two, are also derived from the Torah and The Key of Solomon the
King. These same permutations were be-puzzled by Agrippa, whose work on

the subject is rivaled by few.

Why Seventy Two?

As mentioned previously, 72 is derived from the permutations of

four Hebrew letters YHVH. The four classical elements times their positive
and negative aspects are therefore eight, and so eight multiplied by the triad

of fixed, cardinal, and mutable qualities arrives at the product of 24. Then

according to the Key of Solomon the King, the Elders - the positive and

negative forces are dual aspects of each letter - who sat upon the thrones in
heaven (also, assigned as planetary forces) wore a crown with three rays on

them in which there were written on each ray a name; and that concludes with

seventy two.

In the Torah, the seventy two names are found in Exodus 14:19-21

and scholars also believe in many other places throughout the Jewish
scriptures as well. Interestingly in Sephirothic traditions, the identities of

unnamed angels are commonly derived from taking the first letter of each

word in the angel’s message and finding the name in Jewish traditions. But in
the case of the seventy two names of Shem haMephoresh, the genii are
representatives of YHVH as extensions rather than separate creatures. They

are bound to the crowns of the Elders by symbol and name.

The number 72 has a special significance in Jewish and Islamic

traditions because of its close relationship with the number 12: 12 stones on
the breastplate of the Priests, 12 fold power of Moses’ staff, 12 disciples of

the Jesus (also, Iesus), 12 months, etc. These qualities are fully realized by

the ancient technique of numerology. 1, the number of masculinity denoting

the singularity of body – an aggressive, primal, and creative energy of being

and consciousness. On the other hand, 2 is feminine, humble, and flexible in

nature representing the absolute of duality and equality – equal opposites.

To many, the number 7 designates a mysteriousness and perfection

and those influenced by Judaism say it represents perfect love in relation to

the Star of David (similar to the Seal of Solomon). In numerology, 7 means

absolute, truth, and seeker of truth – absolute truth. When 7 and 2 are
combined, it means the absolute duality of opposite truths. This is an attribute

that is seen in many physical manifestations such as light/dark,

masculine/feminine, up/down, and protons/electrons. Though not everything

draws a perfect line, for one thing to exist, an opposite force must also exist.

As Newton’s Third Law states: “For every action, there is an equal and

opposite reaction.”
Understanding the Genii’s Names and Functions

For the ease of understanding, I included the common pronunciations

for the Hebrew form using the letters and put the letters in their Romanized
form so it might be more direct. The pronunciations are accepted as the

typical manner in which to verbally say the accepted Hebrew names, though

they have some bias of contemporary works by Bardon, Agrippa, and

Abulafia – all of which wrote on the seventy two names of the

Tetragrammaton. The degrees are the placement of the traditional star sign

correspondent in the observable sky and the time is calculated by dividing

the hours and minutes of the day by 72.

The capital letters that are headings for each genii are essentially the

Romanized version of the Hebrew letters. So if one were to write the letters
in Hebrew of MIK, it would be from right to left MIK not KIM. Misspelling

the names or incorrectly ordering letters is common until come practice in

Hebrew is achieved. The genii are not only positive or negative, but both. In
essence, the 72 of the Tetragrammaton serve a dual purpose. This is crucial

to understand their names and functions as well as how to invoke them.

Invocation is usually done by writing the Hebrew name or sigil of the genii

and reading aloud the correlating verse at the time of day over which it rules.
This is not to be taken lightly, as the genii are powerful and unforgiving to

amateurs who would use them incorrectly.

Each name was also translated from its Hebrew meaning into Latin

that derives into English lexicon. Planetary influences, title, and Rudd – these
are detailed by the demonic Tetragrammaton - which I noted to apply some

perspective. Since there are two major ways to divide the 72 names, I

included the first way which is to divide 72 by 3 and arrive at three Orders

(also, Hierarchies) of 18. The second way that is most common to the
Sephirothic system and employed by the esteemed author and occultist

Ambelain is to divide the 72 into nine groups or Orders. These two methods

correlates: Seraphims, Cherubims, and Thrones in the First Hierarchy,

Dominions, Virtues, and Thrones in the Second, and Principalities,

Archeangels, and Angels in the Third. The First Order are considered the

closest to God, the Second as Priests and Princes of Heaven, and the Third

Hierarchy the Ministering Angels.

The planetary influence for each genii is derived from the Jewish

occult teachings that each planets is a heaven or level of dwelling for the
angels. It is believed that each planet is a kingdom that is head by high

ranking princes. In Western and Eastern (mainly, Vedic) astrology, planets are

used in the Zodiac as a mean of archetype. For example, the moon is

feminine, occulted, and mysterious while the Sun is masculine, creative, and
denotes fertility. The celestial bodies were also used in polytheistic religions
as physical images of their gods and the planets known today are named after

Roman major gods. Also, in Western alchemy and herbology, planetary

significance is traced back to esoteric Jewish teachings in which each

planets symbolizes one of the ten spheres in the Sephirot Kabbalah.

Genii Index


Alternate: None

#1. VHV

Pronunciation: VaHeVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Vehuiah,
Vehujah, Vahevayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Exaltator meaning “Exalting God”

Title and Job Description : Will and New Beginnings; rules over the

Hebrews and (negative) turbulent men, promptness, anger

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: March 21-25; 00:01 - 00:20 a.m.

Corresponding Rudd: Bael

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: If the 72 are divided into three groups or Orders of 18 in each,

Vehuiah would belong to the First Order. According to Ambelain who was
influenced by the Sephirothic system, this genii is part of the Seraphim

(Keter) Order of angels. Invocation: Psalms 3:3: “But thou, O Lord, art a

shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” KJV [1] ; “But You,
O Lord, are a shield for me. My glory and the One who lifts up my head.”

NKJV [2]

#2. YLY

Pronunciation: YoLaYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jeliel,
Jeliel, Yolayoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Auxiliator meaning “Helping God”

Title and Job Description : Love and Wisdom; rules over Turkey, kings,

princes, animals realms and (negative) all that detriments animate beings,
delights in sundering spouses by distraction, celibacy, bad morals

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: March 26-30; 00:21 - 00:40

Corresponding Rudd: Agares

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Belongs to the First Order of Genii and by Ambelain, is part of the

Seraphim Order. Invocation: Psalms 22:19: “But be not thou far from me, O

Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me.” KJV; “But You, O Lord, do not
be far from me; O My Strength, hasten to help me!” NKJV

#3. SIT

Pronunciation: SaYoTeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Sitael,

Sitael, Sayoteel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Spes meaning “God of Hope”

Title and Job Description : Construction of the Universe/Worlds; rules over

nobility, magnanimity, great works and (negative) hypocrisy, ingratitude,


Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: March 31 –April 4; 00:41 - 1:00

Corresponding Rudd: Vassago

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: First Order; or, Seraphim Order according to Ambelain. Invocation:
Psalms 91:2: “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my

God; in him will I trust.” KJV; “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and
my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” NKJV.

#4. OoLM

Pronunciation: ALaMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Elemiah,
Elemjah, Ealameyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Absconditus meaning “Hidden or

Concealed God”

Title and Job Description : Divine Power; rules over travel, maritime

expeditions, useful discoveries and (negative) bad education, discoveries

dangerous to society, hindrance to all enterprises

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: April 5-9; 1:01 - 1:20

Corresponding Rudd: Gamigin

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: First Order and of Seraphim (Keter) Order. Invocation: Psalms 6:4:

“Return, O Lord, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.” KJV;
“Return, O Lord, deliver me! Oh, save me for your mercies’ sake!” NKJV

#5. MHSh

Pronunciation: MeHeShiYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Mahasiah, Mahasjah, Meheshiyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Salvator meaning “God the Saviour”

Title and Job Description : Rectification; rules over high sciences, occult

philosophy, theology, liberal arts and (negative) ignorance, libertinage, all

bad qualities of mind and body

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: April 10-14; 1:21 - 1:40

Corresponding Rudd: Marbas

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: First Order and of Seraphim (as cited by Ambelain) Order.

Invocation: Psalm 34:4: “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered
me from all my fears.” KJV; “I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and
delivered me from all my fears.” NKJV

#6. LLH
Pronunciation: LaLAHeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Lelahel,

Lelahel, Lalaheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Laudabilis meaning “Praiseworthy


Title and Job Description : Light of Understanding; rules over love, renown,
sciences, arts, and fortune and (negative) ambition, elevation above fellow

man, those who seek fortune through illicit means

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: April 15-20; 1:41 - 2:00

Corresponding Rudd: Valefar

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Lelahel is the sixth of the First Order and of the Seraphim Order.

Invocation: Psalms 9:11: “Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion:
declare among the people his doings.” KJV; “Sing praises to the Lord, who

dwells in Zion! Declare His deeds among the people.” NKJV


Alternate: Leo
#7. AKA

Pronunciation: AChaAYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Achaiah,

Achajah, Aacaheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Longanimis meaning “Forbearing or

Patient God”

Title and Job Description : Patience; rules over patience, reveals secrets of
nature, knowledge, industry and (negative) enemy of knowledge, negligence,

laziness, insouciance for study

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: April 21-25; 2:01 - 2:20

Corresponding Rudd: Aamon

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: First Oder and Seraphim. Invocation: Psalms 103:8: “The Lord is
merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” KJV; “The
Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.”


#8. KHTh

Pronunciation: ChHeTeEL
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Kahetel,

Cahetel, Cahethael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Adorandus meaning “Adored God”

Title and Job Description : Divine Blessings; rules over agricultural

production and (negative) all things harmful to agriculture, incites men to

blaspheme god

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: April 26-30; 2:21 - 2:40

Corresponding Rudd: Barbatos

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Of the First Order and of the Seraphim Order of angels according to

Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 95:6: “O come, let us worship and bow down:
let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” KJV; “Oh come, let us worship and
bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” NKJV

#9. HZI

Pronunciation: HeZaYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Aziel , Haziel, Hezayoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Misericors meaning “Merciful God”

Title and Job Description : Divine Mercy and Forgiveness; rules over good

faith, reconciliation and (negative) hate, hypocrisy, seek to deceive by any

means, keeps enemies irreconcilable

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: May 1-5; 2:41 - 3:00

Corresponding Rudd: Paimon

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: First Order and the first of the Cherubim (Chokmah) Order according

to Ambelain and tradition Sephirothic systems. Invocation: Psalms 25:6:

“Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses; for they

have been ever of old.” KJV; “Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and
your loving kindnesses, for they are from of old.” NKJV

#10. ALD

Pronunciation: ALaDaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Aladiah,
Aladjah, Aaladayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Propitiabilis meaning “Favorable

Title and Job Description : Divine Grace; rules over rabies, plague,
recovery from illnesses and (negative) neglect of health and business

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: May 6-10; 3:01 - 3:20

Corresponding Rudd: Buer

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: First Order, and of Cherubim Order. Invocation: Psalms 33:22: “Let

thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” KJV; “Let
Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, just as we hope in You.” NKJV

#11. LAV

Pronunciation: LaAVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Lauviah,
Lavijah, Laaavayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Exaltandus meaning “Exalted or

Praised God”

Title and Job Description : Victory; rules over renown, great persons, wise,

famous through talent and (negative) pride, ambition, jealousy, slander

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: May 11-15; 3:21 - 3:40

Corresponding Rudd: Gusion

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: First Order, and Cherubim (Chokmah) Order. Invocation: Psalms

18:46: “The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my

salvation be exalted.” KJV; “The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let the
God of my salvation be exalted.” NKJV

#12. HHO

Pronunciation: HeHeAYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Hahaiah,
Hahajah, Heheeayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Refugium meaning “God the


Title and Job Description : Refuge/Shelter; rules over depths, reveals

hidden mysteries to mortals and (negative) indiscretions, untruth, abuse of

peoples' trust

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: May 16-20; 3:41 - 4:00

Corresponding Rudd: Sitri

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: This genii belongs to the First Order and the Cherubim Order.

Invocation: Psalms 10:1: “Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? Why hidest
thou thyself in times of trouble?” KJV; “Why do You stand afar off, O Lord?
Why do You hide in times of trouble?” NKJV


Alternate: Sagittarius

#13. IZL

Pronunciation: YoZaLaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jezalel,
Jezalel, Yozalael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Superia omnia decantabils meaning

“God sung above all”

Title and Job Description : Fidelity, Loyalty, Allegiance; rules over

friendship, reconciliation, conjugal fidelity and (negative) ignorance, error,

lies, limited souls that neither learn nor do anything

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: May 21-25; 4:01 - 4:20

Corresponding Rudd: Beleth

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Of the First Order and of Cherubim. Invocation: Psalms 98:4: “Make

a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and
sing praise.” KJV; “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth in
song, rejoice, and sing praises.” NKJV

#14. MBH

Pronunciation: MeBeHeEl

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mebahel,

Mebahel, Mebeheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Custos and Servator meaning “God

Protector and Saviour”

Title and Job Description : Truth, Liberty, Justice; rules over justice,
liberty, truth, oppressed, makes truth known and (negative) calumny, false
witness and proceeding

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: May 26-31; 4:21 - 4:40

Corresponding Rudd: Leraje

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: First Order and Cherubim Order. Invocation: Psalms 9:9: “The Lord
also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” KJV;
“The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of

trouble.” NKJV

#15. HRI

Pronunciation: HeReYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Hariel,

Hariel, Hereyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Sublenator meaning “Comforting


Title and Job Description : Purification; rules over arts, sciences, new
methodologies and (negative) schisms, religious wars, impious, spreaders
and re-establishers of dangerous sects

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: June 1-5; 4:41 - 5:00

Corresponding Rudd: Eligor

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: This genii belongs to the First Order and the Cherubim Order.
Invocation: Psalms 94:22: “But the Lord is my defense; and my God is the

rock of my refuge.” KJV; “But the Lord has been my defense, And my God
the rock of my refuge.” NKJV

#16. HQM

Pronunciation: HeKoMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Hakamiah, Hakamjah, Heqometyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Erector meaning “Rousing/Raising


Title and Job Description : Loyalty; rules over crowned heads, great

captains, victory and (negative) traitors, provokes treason, sedition and


Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: June 6-10; 5:01 - 5:20

Corresponding Rudd: Zepar

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Belongs to the First Order and is the last of the Order of Cherubim.

Invocation: Psalms 88:1: “O lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and
night before thee:” KJV; “O Lord, God of my salvation, I have cried out day

and night before You.” NKJV

#17. LAV

Pronunciation: LaAVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Lanoiah,
Leavjah, Laaavayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Mirabils meaning “Marvelous God”

Title and Job Description : Revelation; rules over high sciences, marvelous
discoveries, dream revelations and (negative) atheism, impious
philosophers, those who attack religion

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: June 11-15; 5:21 - 5:40

Corresponding Rudd: Botiz

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Of the First Order and the first of the Thrones (Binah) Order of
angels according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 8:9: “O Lord our Lord,
how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” KJV; “O Lord, our Lord, How
excellent is Your name in all the earth!” NKJV
#18. KLI

Pronunciation: ChaLaYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Kaliel,
Caliel, Calayoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Invocandus meaning “Invocable


Title and Job Description : Justice; rules over truth in proceedings,

innocence to triumph and (negative) scandalous proceedings, vile and
rampant men, confounders of business, enriched through deceit

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: June 16-21; 5:41 - 6:00

Corresponding Rudd: Bathin

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Belongs to the First Order and the Thrones Order. Invocation: Psalms
35:24: “Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousness; and let
them not rejoice over me.” KJV; “Vindicate me, O Lord my God, according
to Your righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.” NKJV

Alternate: None

#19. LVV

Pronunciation: LaVaVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Laeuviah, Levujah, Lavavayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Festinus ad audiendum meaning

“Listening God”

Title and Job Description : Expansive Intelligence/Fruition; rules over

memory, human intelligence and (negative) unknown

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: June 22-26; 6:01 - 6:20

Corresponding Rudd: Saleos

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: First Order and Thornes Order. Invocation: Psalms 40:1: “I waited

patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.” KJV; “I
waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry.”
#20. PHL

Pronunciation: PeHeLaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Pahaliah,

Pahaljah, Pehelayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Redemptor meaning “God the


Title and Job Description : Redemption; rules over religion, theology,

morality and (negative) irreligion, apostates, libertines, renegades

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: June 27-July 1; 6:21 - 6:40

Corresponding Rudd: Purson

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Belongs to the First Order and the Thrones Order. Invocation: Psalms
120:1-2: “In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me. Deliver my
soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.” KJV; “In my
distress I cried to the Lord, and He heard me. Deliver my soul, O Lord, from
lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.” NKJV

#21. NLK

Pronunciation: NuLaChaEL
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Nelekael,
Nelchael, Nulacael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Solus meaning “Only God”

Title and Job Description : Ardent Desire to Learn; rules over astronomy,
mathematics, geography, abstract sciences and (negative) ignorance, error,


Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: July 2-6; 6:41 - 7:00

Corresponding Rudd: Morax

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: A part of the First Order and the Thrones Order. Invocation: Psalms
31:14: “But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.” KJV; “But as

for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” NKJV

#22. YYY

Pronunciation: YoYoYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jeiaiel,
Jeiiel, Yoyoyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Dextera meaning “Intelligent God”

Title and Job Description : Fame, Renown; rules over fortune, renown,

diplomacy, commerce and (negative) pirates, corsair, slaves, maritime


Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: July 7-11; 7:01 - 7:20

Corresponding Rudd: Ipos

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Third to last of the First Order and a part of the Thrones Order.

Invocation: Psalms 121:5: “The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade
upon thy right hand.” KJV; “The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade
at your right hand.” NKJV

#23. MLH

Pronunciation: MeLaHeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Melahel,
Melahel, Melaheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Declinans malum meaning

“God deflecting evil”

Title and Job Description : Healing Capacity; ruling over water, products of
earth, plants that cure illness and (negative) harmful to vegetation, illnesses
and plague

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: July 12-16; 7:21 - 7:40

Corresponding Rudd: Aim

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Second to last in the Order of the First and belongs to the Thrones
Order. Invocation: Psalms 121:8: “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and
thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” KJV; “The Lord
shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and
even forevermore.” NKJV

#24. ChHV

Pronunciation: CheHeVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Hahuiah,
Hahvijah, Chehevayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Bonus ex siepso meaning “God the
Good of Good”

Title and Job Description : Protection; rules over exiles, fugitive prisoners,
condemned prisoners and (negative) harmful beings, leads men to commit
crimes, those who live by illicit means
Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: July 17-22; 7:41 - 8:00

Corresponding Rudd: Naberus

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: The last of the First Order and the last of the Thrones Order.

Invocation: Psalms 33:18: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear
him, upon them that hope in his mercy;” KJV; “Behold, the eye of the Lord is
on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy;” NKJV


Alternate: Scorpio

#25. NThH

Pronunciation: NuTaHeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Nithhaiah, Nithajah, Nuthaheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Largitor meaning “Generous God”

Title and Job Description : Spiritual Wisdom and Magic; rules over occult

sciences, wise men, revelations in dreams and (negative) black magic of evil
principal, brings evil to mankind, animals and earth

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: July 23-27; 8:01 - 8:20

Corresponding Rudd: Glasya-Labolas

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: First of the Second Order and of the Order of Dominions (Chesed)
according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 9:1: “I will praise thee, O Lord,
with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works.” KJV; “I
will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your

marvelous works.” NKJV

#26. HAA

Pronunciation: HeAAYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Haaiah,

Haajah, Heaaaayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Auditor in abscondito meaning “God

listening concealed”

Title and Job Description : Political Science and Ambition; politicians,

diplomats, ambassadors, peace treaties and (negative) traitors, ambitious,

and conspirators
Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: July 28-August 1; 8:21 - 8:40

Corresponding Rudd: Bune

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and to the Dominions (Chesed) Order.
Invocation: Psalms 119:145: “I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord:
I will keep thy statutes.” KJV; “I cry out with my whole heart; hear me, O
Lord! I will keep Your statutes.” NKJV

#27. YLTh

Pronunciation: YoReTaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jerathel,
Jerathel, Yorethael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Propulsator meaning “Preventing


Title and Job Description : Propagation of Light; rules over propagation of

light, civilization, and liberty and (negative) ignorance, slavery, intolerance

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: August 2-6; 8:41 - 9:00

Corresponding Rudd: Ronove

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Second Order and Dominions Order according to Ambelain.

Invocation: 140:1: “Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me

from the violent man;” KJV; “Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; Preserve
me from violent men;” NKJV

#28. ShAH

Pronunciation: ShiAHeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Seeiah,
Seejah, Shiaaheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Sublator malorum meaning “Healing


Title and Job Description : Longevity; rules over health, longevity and

(negative) catastrophes, accidents, cause of apoplexies, people who act

without thought

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: August 7-12; 9:01 - 9:20

Corresponding Rudd: Berith

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Of the Second Order and the Dominions Order. Invocation: Psalms
71:12: “O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.”
KJV; “O God, do not be far from me; O my God, make haste to help me!”


#29. RYY

Pronunciation: ReYoYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Reiiel,
Reiiel, Reyoyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Expectatio meaning

“Expected God”

Title and Job Description : Liberation; rules over religious sentiment,

divine philosophy, meditation and (negative) fanaticism, hypocrisy,

propagation of irreligion through writings

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: August 13-17; 9:21 - 9:40

Corresponding Rudd: Astaroth

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Second Order and Dominions Order. Invocation: Psalms 54:4:

“Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.”
KJV; “Behold, God is my helper;

The Lord is with those who uphold my life.” NKJV

#30. AUM

Pronunciation: AVaMeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Omael,

Omael, Aavameel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Patiens meaning “Patient God”

Title and Job Description : Fertility, Multiplicity; rules over animal

kingdom, generations of beings, doctors and (negative) enemy of propagation
of beings, monstrous phenomena

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: August 18-22; 9:41 - 10:00

Corresponding Rudd: Forneus

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the Dominions Order. Invocation:
Psalms 71:5: “For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my
youth.” KJV; “For You are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my
youth.” NKJV

Alternate: Pisces

#31. LKB

Pronunciation: LaChaBeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Lekabel,
Lecabel, Lacabeel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Doctor meaning “God, the Teacher”

Title and Job Description : Intellectual Talent; rules over vegetation,

agriculture and (negative) avarice, usury, enriched by illicit means

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: August 23-28; 10:01 - 10:20

Corresponding Rudd: Foras

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Of the Second Order and of the second to the last Dominions Order.
Invocation: Psalms 71:16: “I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will
make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only.” KJV; “I will go in the
strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of
Yours only.” NKJV

#32. VShR

Pronunciation: VaShiReYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Vasariah,
Vasarjah, Vashireyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Rectus meaning “Good/Just God”

Title and Job Description : Clemency and Equilibrium; rules over justice,
nobility, legal executives and (negative) all bad qualities of body and soul

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Aug 29 – Sept 2; 10:21 - 10:40

Corresponding Rudd: Asmodeus

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Second Order and the last of the Dominions Order. Invocations:
Psalms 33:4: “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done
in truth.” KJV; “For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in
truth.” NKJV

#33. YChV
Pronunciation: YoCheVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jehuiah,

Jehujah, Yochevayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Omnium cognitor meaning “All

knowing God”

Title and Job Description : Subordination to Higher Order; rules over

Christian princes and (negative) insubordinate beings, provokes seditions to


Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Sept 3-7; 10:41 - 11:00

Corresponding Rudd: Gaap

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the first of the Powers (Tipheret)
Order as cited by Ambelain. Invocation: 94:11: “The Lord knoweth the
thoughts of man, that they are vanity.” KJV; “The Lord knows the thoughts of

man, that they are futile.” NKJV

#34. LHCh

Pronunciation: LaHeCheYA
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):
Lahabiah, Lahahjah, Lahecheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Clemens meaning “Gentle God”

Title and Job Description : Obedience; rules over crowned heads, princes,
nobles, harmony and (negative) discord, provokes war, treason, and ruin of

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Sept 8-12; 11:01 - 11:20

Corresponding Rudd: Furfur

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Of the Second Order and the Powers Order. Invocation: Psalms
131:3: “Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and forever.” KJV; “O
Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forever.” NKJV

#35. KVQ

Pronunciation: ChaVaKoYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Kevakiah, Cavacjah, Cavakoyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Gaudiosus meaning “God of

Title and Job Description : Reconciliation; rules over testaments,
successions, amiable distributions and (negative) discord in family
arrangements, unjust and ruinous procedures

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Sept 13-17; 11:21 - 11:40

Corresponding Rudd: Marchosias

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the Powers (Tipheret) Order.
Invocation: Psalms 116:1: “I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice
and my supplications.” KJV; “I love the Lord, because He has heard my
voice and my supplications.” NKJV

#36. MND

Pronunciation: MeNuDaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Menadel,

Manadel, Menudael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Honorabilis meaning “Honorable


Title and Job Description : Inner/Outer Work; rules over calumnies,

delivers prisoners and (negative) protects those who seek to flee abroad to
escape justice

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Sept 18-23; 11:41 - 12:00 p.m.

Corresponding Rudd: Stolas

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Second Order and Powers Order. Invocation: Psalms 26:8: “Lord, I
have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour

dwelleth.” KJV; “Lord, I have loved the habitation of Your house, and the
place where Your glory dwells.” NKJV


Alternate: None

#37. ANI

Pronunciation: ANuYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Aniel , Aniel, Aanuyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Dominus Virtutum meaning “God of

all Virtues”
Title and Job Description : Breaking the Circle; rules over secrets of nature,
inspires wise philosophers and (negative) perverse spirits, charlatans, those

who excel in misleading

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Sept 24-28; 12:01 - 12:20

Corresponding Rudd: Phenex

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: This genii belongs to the Second Order and the Powers Order.
Invocation: Psalms 80:3: “Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine;

and we shall be saved.” KJV; “Restore us, O God; because Your face to
shine, and we shall be saved!” NKJV

#38. ChOM

Pronunciation: CheAMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Haamiah,
Haamjah, Heeameyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Spes omnium finium terrae meaning

“God hope of all which ends”

Title and Job Description : Ritual and Ceremony; rules over religious cults,

protects seekers of truth and (negative) error, falsehood, influences those

with no religious principles

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Sept 29 – Oct 3; 12:21 - 12:40

Corresponding Rudd: Halphas

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the Powers Order. Invocation:

Psalms 91:9: “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the
most High, thy habitation;” KJV; “Because you have made the Lord, who is
my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place;” NKJV

#39. RHO

Pronunciation: ReHeAEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Rehael,
Rehael, Reheeael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Velox ad condonandum meaning

“Quickly Forgiving God”

Title and Job Description : Filial Submission; rules over health, long life,
paternal and filial love and (negative) infanticides, patricides

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Oct 2-8; 12:41 - 1:00

Corresponding Rudd: Malphas

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Second Order and second to last of the Order of Powers. Invocation:
Psalms 30:10: “Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my
helper.” KJV; “Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me; Lord, be my helper!”

#40. YYZ

Pronunciation: YoYoTaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Ieaizel,
Jeiazel, Yoyozael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Vivum laerificans meaning “God

delighting in living things”

Title and Job Description : Divine Consolation and Comfort; rules over
printing, libraries, men of letters, artists and (negative) all evil qualities of
body and soul, somber spirits, those who flee society

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Oct 9-13; 1:01 - 1:20

Corresponding Rudd: Raum

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the last of the Powers Order.
Invocation: Psalms 88:14: “Lord, why castest thou off my soul? Why hidest
thou thy face from me?” KJV; “Lord, why do You cast off my soul? Why do

You hide Your face from me?” NKJV

#41. HHH

Pronunciation: HeHeHeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Hahahel,
Hahael, Heheheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Triunus meaning “God of Trinity”

Title and Job Description : Mission; rules over Christianity, disciples and
(negative) apostates, renegades who dishonour priesthood through
scandalous behavior

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Oct 14-18; 1:21 - 1:40

Corresponding Rudd: Focalor

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Of the Second Order and the first of the Virtues (Gevurah) Order
according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 120:2: “Deliver my soul, O Lord,
from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.” KJV; “Deliver my soul, O
Lord, from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.” NKJV

#42. MIK

Pronunciation: MeYoChaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mikael,
Micael, Meyocael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Quis Sicut Ille meaning “Virtuous

Title and Job Description : Political Authority and Order; rules over
monarchs, princes, nobles, uncovers conspiracies and (negative) traitors,
malevolence, those who propagate false information

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Oct 19-23; 1:41 - 2:00

Corresponding Rudd: Vepar

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Second Order and the second of the Virtues (Gevurah) Order.
Invocation: Psalms 121:7: “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he
shall preserve thy soul.” KJV; “The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He
shall preserve your soul.” NKJV

Alternate: Aquarius

#43. VVL

Pronunciation: VaVaLaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Veubiah,
Vevaljah, Vavalayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Rex Dominator meaning “God, King

and Ruler”

Title and Job Description : Prosperity; rules over peace, prosperity of

empires and (negative) discord among princes, destruction of empires,

supports revolutions and party spirit

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Oct 24-28; 2:01 - 2:20

Corresponding Rudd: Sabnock

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: This genii belongs to the Second Order and the Order of Virtues
according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 88:13: “But unto thee have I
cried, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.” KJV; “But to
You I have cried out, O Lord, and in the morning my prayer comes before
You.” NKJV

#44. YLH

Pronunciation: YoLaHeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Ielahiah,
Jelahjah, Yolaheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Aeternum, manens meaning “Eternal

Lasting God”

Title and Job Description : Karmic Warrior; rules over protection against
arms, victory and (negative) war, calamities of war, those who violate
surrenders and massacre prisoners without pity

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Oct 29-Nov 2; 2:21 - 2:40

Corresponding Rudd: Shax

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Second Order and Virtues Order. Invocation: Psalms 119:108:

“Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and
teach me thy judgments.” KJV; “Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my
mouth, O Lord, and teach me Your judgments.” NKJV

#45. SAL

Pronunciation: SaALaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Sealiah,
Saaljah, Saaalayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Motor omnium meaning “God who
stirs all men”

Title and Job Description : Motivation and Willfulness; rules over

vegetation, life, health and (negative) atmosphere, incites great heat and cold,
great aridity or excessive humidity

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Nov 3-7; 2:41 - 3:00

Corresponding Rudd: Vine

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Second Order and the Order of Virtues. Invocation: Psalms 94:18:
“When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up.” KJV; “If I
say, “My foot slips, Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.” NKJV
#46. ORI

Pronunciation: AReYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Ariel,
Ariel, Eareyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Revelator meaning “Revealing God”

Title and Job Description : Perceiver and Revealer; rules over hidden
treasures, great secrets of nature and (negative) tribulations of spirit,
influences men to commit great indiscretions, feeble people

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Nov 8-12; 3:01 - 3:20

Corresponding Rudd: Bifrons

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Belongs to the Second Order and the third to last of the Virtues Order.
Invocation: Psalms 145:9: “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies
are over all his works.” KJV; “The Lord is good to all, And His tender
mercies are over all His works.” NKJV

#47. OShL

Pronunciation: AShiLaYA
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Asaliah,

Asaljah, Eashilayah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Iustus Uidex meaning “God, Just


Title and Job Description : Contemplation; rules over justice, men of

probity, contemplation of spirits and (negative) immoral and scandalous acts,

all who spread dangerous and chimerical schemes

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Nov 13-17; 3:21 - 3:40

Corresponding Rudd: Vual

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Second to last in the Second Order and the second to last of the
Virtues Order. Invocation: Psalms 92:5: “O Lord, how great are thy works!
And thy thoughts are very deep.” KJV; “O Lord, how great are Your works!
Your thoughts are very deep.” NKJV

#48. MIH

Pronunciation: MeYoHEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mihael,
Mihael, Meyoheel
Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Pater Mittens meaning “Generous
God, father”

Title and Job Description : Fertility, Fruitfulness; rules over generations of

beings, friendship, conjugal fidelity and (negative) luxury, sterility,
inconstancy, creates discord between married couples, jealousy, inquietude

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Nov 18-22; 3:41 - 4:00

Corresponding Rudd: Haagenti

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: This is the last of the Second Order and the last of the Order of
Virtues. Invocation: Psalms 98:2: “The Lord hath made known his salvation:
his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.” KJV;
“The Lord has made known His salvation; His righteousness He has revealed

in the sight of the nations.” NKJV


Alternate: Gemini

#49. VHV
Pronunciation: VaHeVaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Vehuel,
Vehuel, Vahevael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Magnus and excelsus meaning

“Great, Exalted God”

Title and Job Description : Elevation, Grandeur; rules over great people,
raised through talents and virtue and (negative) egotistical men, hate,

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Nov 23-27; 4:01 - 4:20

Corresponding Rudd: Crocell

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: The first of the Third Order and the first of the Principalities
(Netzach) Order according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 145:3: “Great is
the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.” KJV;

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is

unsearchable.” NKJV

#50. DNY

Pronunciation: DaNuYoEL
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Daniel,
Daniel, Danuyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Iudex misericors meaning “God,

Merciful Judge”

Title and Job Description : Eloquence; rules over counsels, magistrates and
(negative) live by wits, hate work, live by illicit means

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Nov 28-Dec 2; 4:21 - 4:40

Corresponding Rudd: Furcas

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Third Order and Principalities (Netzach) Order. Invocation: Psalms

145:8: “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of
great mercy.” KJV; “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to
anger and great in mercy.” NKJV

#51. HChSh

Pronunciation: HeCheChiYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Hahasiah, Hahasjah, Hecheshiyah
Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Secretus impenetrabilis meaning
“God, Impenetrable Secret”

Title and Job Description : Universal Medicine; rules over chemistry,

physics, reveals secrets like Philosopher’s stone and (negative) charlatans,
those who abuse others' job faith by promising extraordinary things

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Dec 3-7; 4:41 - 5:00

Corresponding Rudd: Balam

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Third Order and Principalities Order. Invocation: Psalms 104:31:

“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in his
works.” KJV; “May the glory of the Lord endure forever; May the Lord
rejoice in His works.” NKJV

#52. OMM

Pronunciation: AMeMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Imamiah,
Imamjah, Eamemyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Caligine tectus meaning “God hidden
in darkness”
Title and Job Description : Expiation of Errors; rules over all travel,
protects prisoners, seekers of truth and (negative) pride, blasphemy, evil,
course and quarrelsome men

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Dec 8-12; 5:01 - 5:20

Corresponding Rudd: Allocer

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and the Principalities Order as cited by
Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 7:17: “I will praise the Lord according to his
righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high.” KJV;
“I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, and will sing praise
to the name of the Lord Most High.” NKJV

#53. NNA

Pronunciation: NuNuAEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Nanael,
Nanael, Nunuaael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Superborum depressor meaning

“God humiliating the proud”
Title and Job Description : Spiritual Communication; rules over high
sciences, religious men, teachers and (negative) ignorance, all qualities of

body and soul

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Dec 13-16; 5:21 - 5:40

Corresponding Rudd: Caim

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Third Order and Order of Principalities. Invocation: Psalms 119:75:

“I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast
afflicted me.” KJV; “I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right, And that
in faithfulness You have afflicted me.” NKJV

#54. NITh

Pronunciation: NuYoTaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Nithael,
Nithael, Nuyothael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Rex Coelestis meaning “God King of


Title and Job Description : Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth; rules over

emperors, kings, princes and (negative) ruin of empires, revolutions,

overthrows, overthrowing of monarchies to seize authority and positions

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Dec 17-21; 5:41 - 6:00

Corresponding Rudd: Murmur

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: A part of the Third Order and the third to last of the Principalities
Order. Invocation: Psalms 103:19: “The Lord hath prepared his throne in the
heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.” KJV; “The Lord has established
His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all.” NKJV


Alternate: None

#55. MBH

Pronunciation: MeBeHeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mebaiah,
Mebahjah, Mebeheyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Sempiternus meaning “Eternal God”

Title and Job Description : Intellectual Lucidity; rules over morality,
religion and (negative) enemy of virtue, those who wish to destroy religion

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Dec 22-26; 6:01 - 6:20

Corresponding Rudd: Orobas

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Third Order and Principalities Order. Invocation: Psalms 102:12:

“But thou, O Lord, shall endure forever; and thy remembrance unto all

generations.” KJV; “But You, O Lord, shall endure forever, and the
remembrance of Your name to all generations.” NKJV

#56. PVI

Pronunciation: PeVeYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Poiel,
Poiel, Pevayoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Fulciens omnia meaning “God

sustaining everything”

Title and Job Description : Fortune and Support; rules over fame, fortune,
philosophy and (negative) ambition, pride, those who wish to raise
themselves above others
Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Dec 27-31; 6:21 - 6:40

Corresponding Rudd: Gremory

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and is the last of the Principalities Order.
Invocation: Psalms 145:14: “The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up
all those that be bowed down.” KJV; “The Lord upholds all who fall, and
raises up all who are bowed down.” NKJV

#57. NMM

Pronunciation: NuMeMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Nemamiah, Nemamjah, Numemeyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Amabilis meaning “Lovely God”

Title and Job Description : Discernment; rules over great captains,

admirals, generals, fighters of just cause and (negative) treason, cause
disagreement among leaders, influences pusillanimous men, attackers of the

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Jan 1-5; 6:41 - 7:00

Corresponding Rudd: Ose

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and is the first of the Order of Archangels
(Hod) according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 115:11: “Ye that fear the

Lord, trust in the Lord: he is their help and their shield.” KJV; “You who fear
the Lord, trust in the Lord; He is their help and their shield.” NKJV

#58. YYL

Pronunciation: YoYoLaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jeialel,
Jeialiel, Yoyolael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Auditor gemituum meaning “God

listening to sighs”

Title and Job Description : Mental Force; rules over fire, armourers, metal
workers, cutlers and (negative) anger, evil, homicides

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Jan 6-10; 7:01 - 7:20

Corresponding Rudd: Uuns

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Third Order and Archeangel Order. Invocation: Psalms 6:3: “My
soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long?” KJV; “My soul also is
greatly troubled; But You, O Lord—how long?” NKJV

#59. HRCh

Pronunciation: HeReCheEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Harahel,
Harahel, Herecheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Omnia penetrans meaning

“All-pervading God”

Title and Job Description : Intellectual Richness; rules over treasures,

agents of change, public funds, archives and (negative) enemies of

illumination, causes ruin and destruction through fire, embezzlement,
fraudulent bankruptcy

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Jan 11-15; 7:21 - 7:40

Corresponding Rudd: Orias

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and Archeangel Order. Invocations:

Psalms 113:3: “From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same
the Lord's name is to be praised.” KJV; “From the rising of the sun to its
going down the Lord’s name is to be praised.” NKJV

#60. MYzR

Pronunciation: MeTzaRaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mizrael,
Mizrael, Mezareel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Sublevans opressos meaning “God

liberating the oppressed”

Title and Job Description : Internal Reparation; rules over illustrious

people distinguished through talent and virtue and (negative) insubordinate
beings, influences all bad physical and moral qualities

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Jan 16-20; 7:41 - 8:00

Corresponding Rudd: Vapula

Planetary Influence: Sun

Notes: Third Order and the Order of Archeangels. Invocation: Psalms

145:17: “The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.”
KJV; “The Lord is righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works.”

Alternate: Taurus

#61. VMK

Pronunciation: VaMeBeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Umabel,
Umabel, Vamebeel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Super Omne Nomen meaning “God
above all elevated names”

Title and Job Description : Affinity and Friendship; rules over astronomy,
physics, those in field and (negative) libertines, those who deliver
themselves to passions contrary to the order of nature

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Jan 21-25; 8:01 - 8:20

Corresponding Rudd: Zagan

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Of the Third Order and Archeangel Order. Invocation: Psalms 113:2:
“Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.”
KJV; “Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and
forevermore!” NKJV

#62. IHH

Pronunciation: YoHeHeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Jahhel,

Jahhel, Yoheheel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Ens supremum meaning “God the
highest being”

Title and Job Description : Desire to Know; rules over philosophers,

enlightened ones, wish to retire from world and (negative) committers of
scandals, luxury, inconstancy, divorce, provokes disunion between spouses

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Jan 26-20; 8:21 - 8:40

Corresponding Rudd: Valac

Planetary Influence: Venus

Notes: Third Order and Archeangel Order. Invocation: 119:159: “Consider

how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy
lovingkindness.” KJV; “Consider how I love Your precepts; revive me, O
Lord, according to Your lovingkindness.” NKJV
#63. ONV

Pronunciation: ANuVaEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Anianuel,
Anavel, Eanuvael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Mansuetus meaning “Meek God”

Title and Job Description : Perception of Unity; rules over commerce,

bankers, businessmen, clerks and (negative) folly, prodigality, those who ruin
themselves through bad conduct

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: Jan 31- Feb 4; 8:41 - 9:00

Corresponding Rudd: Andras

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Of the Third Order and the second to the last of Archeangel Order.
Invocation: Psalms 100:2: “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his
presence with singing.” KJV; “Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before
His presence with singing.” NKJV

#64. MChI

Pronunciation: MeCheYoEL
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mehiel,
Mehiel, Mecheyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Vivificans meaning

“Vivifying God”

Title and Job Description : Vivification; rules over wise teachers, orators,

and authors, printing and bookshops and (negative) false wise men,
controversies, literary disputes and criticism

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: Feb 5-9; 9:01 - 9:20

Corresponding Rudd: Flauros

Planetary Influence: Mercury

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and is the last of the Archeangel Order as
noted by Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 33:18: “Behold, the eye of the Lord
is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;” KJV; “Behold,
the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,

On those who hope in His mercy;” NKJV

#65. DMB

Pronunciation: DaMeBeYA
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):
Damabiah, Damabjah, Damebeyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Fons Sapientiae meaning “God,

source of Wisdom”

Title and Job Description : Fountain of Wisdom; rules over sea, rivers,
springs, maritime expeditions and (negative) tempests and ship wrecks,
unhappy expeditions

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: Feb 10-14; 9:21 - 9:40

Corresponding Rudd: Andrealphus

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Third Order and the first of the Angels (Yesod) Order according to
Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 90:13: “Return, O Lord, how long? And let it
repent thee concerning thy servants.” KJV; “Return, O Lord! How long? And

have compassion on Your servants.” NKJV

#66. MNQ

Pronunciation: MeNuKoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Manakel,
Menakel, Menukoel
Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Omnia Pascens and Lactens meaning
“God nurturing and maintaining”

Title and Job Description : Knowledge of Good and Evil; rules over
vegetation, aquatic animals, sleep and dreams and (negative) all bad physical
and moral qualities

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: Feb 15-19; 9:41 - 10:00

Corresponding Rudd: Cimeries

Planetary Influence: Moon

Notes: Third Order and Angels Order. Invocation: Psalms 38:21: “Forsake
me not, O Lord: O my God, be not far from me.” KJV; “Do not forsake me, O
Lord; O my God, be not far from me!” NKJV


Alternate: Virgo

#67. AIO

Pronunciation: AYoAEL
Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Eiaiel,

Eiael, Aayoeael

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Deliciae filiorum hominum meaning

“God taking pleasure in man's children”

Title and Job Description : Transformation to the Sublime; rules over

change, preservation of monuments and long life, occult science and

(negative) error, prejudice, and those who propagate erroneous schemes

Degree: 0° - 5°

Dates and Times: Feb 20-24; 10:01 - 10:20

Corresponding Rudd: Amduscias

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Of the Third Order and Angels (Yesod) Order. Invocations: Psalms
37:4: “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of
thine heart.” KJV; “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you
the desires of your heart.” NKJV

#68. ChBV

Pronunciation: CheBaVaYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Habuiah,
Habujah, Chebevayah
Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Liberalissimus Dator meaning “God,
Kindest Giver”

Title and Job Description : Healing; rules over agriculture, fertility and
(negative) sterility, famine, plague, influence insects to harm produce from

Degree: 5° - 10°

Dates and Times: Feb 25-28; 10:21 - 10:40

Corresponding Rudd: Belial

Planetary Influence: Saturn

Notes: Third Order and Angels Order. Invocation: Psalms 106:1: “Praise ye
the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth
forever.” KJV; “Praise the Lord!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

#69. RAH

Pronunciation: ReAHeEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Rochel,
Roehel, Reaaheel
Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Omnia videns meaning “God seeing

Title and Job Description : Restitution; rules over renown, fortune, and
succession and (negative) reports, testaments, bequests made to detriment of
legitimate inheritors, ruin of families, high fees

Degree: 10° - 15°

Dates and Times: March 1-5; 10:41 - 11:00

Corresponding Rudd: Decarabia

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Belongs to the Third Order and the Order of Angels. Invocation:
Psalms 16:5: “The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup:
thou maintainest my lot.” KJV; “O Lord, You are the portion of my
inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot.” NKJV

#70. IBM

Pronunciation: YoBeMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia):

Jabamiah, Jabamjah, Yobemeyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Verbo omnia producens meaning

“God creating everything with word”
Title and Job Description : Alchemy/Transformation; rules over generations

of beings and phenomena of Nature and (negative) atheism, spreaders of

dangerous writings, critics, literary disputes

Degree: 15° to 20°

Dates and Times: March 6-10; 11:01 - 11:20

Corresponding Rudd: Seere

Planetary Influence: Jupiter

Notes: Third Order and Angels Order. Invocation: Psalms 1:1: “Blessed is
the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way
of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” KJV; “Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of the scornful;” NKJV

#71. HYY

Pronunciation: HeYoYoEL

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Haiel,
Haiaiel, Heyoyoel

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Dominus universorum meaning

“God, master of the universe”
Title and Job Description : Divine Warrior/Weaponry; rules over confound
evil, deliver the oppressed and (negative) discord, traitors, those famous for

Degree: 20° to 25°

Dates and Times: March 11-15; 11:21 - 11:40

Corresponding Rudd: Dantalion

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: Of the Third Order and the second to the last of the Angels Order.
Invocation: Psalms 109:30: “I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth;
yea, I will praise him among the multitude.” KJV; “I will greatly praise the

Lord with my mouth; Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.” NKJV

#72. MVM

Pronunciation: MeVaMeYA

Forms of the name (in order of Bardon, Agrippa, and Abulafia): Mumiah,
Mumjah, Mevameyah

Latin Meaning and Translation: Deus Finis universorum meaning “God,

end of the universe”

Title and Job Description : Endings and Rebirth; rules over chemistry,
physics, medicine and (negative) despair, suicide, those who hate their life
and the day they were born

Degree: 25° to 30°

Dates and Times: March 16-20; 11:41 - 00:00 a.m.

Corresponding Rudd: Andromalius

Planetary Influence: Mars

Notes: The last of the Third Order and the last of the Order of Angels
according to Ambelain. Invocation: Psalms 116:7: “Return unto thy rest, O

my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.” KJV; “Return to your
rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” NKJV

Angel or Djinn?

Though many times referred to as “angels” in name, the 72

manifestations of the Tetragrammaton are in actuality “genii.” The term
“genii” is often used in the context of referring to multiple geniuses as cited
in various dictionaries; however, “genii” is more correctly utilized in its
older, precedent meaning to describe a Djinn: a spirit being that is both
fantastic and terrifying to the human with supernatural powers, both of good
and bad motive. This idiom is found in classical literature such as The
Arabian Nights, David Copperfield, Ivanhoe, The Count of Monte Cristo,
Oliver Twist, and even the First and Second Series of Essays by Ralph

Other authors, namely Mark Twain, Washington Irving, Henry

Fielding, Edgar Allan Poe, and the like, weave the word carefully into their

work in relation to other supernatural or mythical creatures called fairies,

giants, and ghosts. Genii is applied to ascribe a spirit of an item, place, and
time in each case, rather than a persona or being, and is coupled with an
adjective of “good” or “evil” – more frequently evil than good since humans
commonly assign “evil” to that which is little understood – a weakness
exploited by authors in their works. Genii are, however, shown to help
humans on several occasions depicted in literature and paintings.

In the Arabian Nights’ “The Story of the Merchant and the Genius”,
genii is applied to the spirits in frightening, lonely darkness that many a
person find unsettling. It is easy to attribute a fixed altruistic personality on
“angels” because it is, by its very root, to mean “messenger” that by
historical right is derived from the feudal times’ usage of messengers to not
only send written and oral communications to loved ones but also important
collaborations of alliances and treaties between countries and/or allies

Aforementioned in the Arabian Nights, “genii” is used as a similar

expression of “djinn” or “jinn”, who were supernatural creatures cited in the
early Arabian texts and then later in Islamic myths and theos.
Though many recall Robin William’s lovable, flamboyant genie from
Disney’s Aladdin as the main mental schema for what a djinn might be, the
Djinn were regarded with fear and were one of the three creatures said to

have been made by Allah/God. Interestingly, the 72 nd sura of the Islamic

Quran is titled the Surat al-Jinn. The Quran comments on the nature of the
Jinn as made of smokeless but scorching fire, physical and tactile, and
possessing free will that can be good, evil, or neutral like humans. According
to the Quran, the well-known Christian devil Lucifer is actually a Jinn called
Iblis. Some even believe that each person is designated their own personal
djinn, much like in some Christian and New Age sects. In the Jewish
mythology text “The Key of Solomon the King”, the great Solomon enslaves
demons or djinn with seals and sigils made from copper, from which we
draw the name “Seal of Solomon.” Cited in the Quran, Solomon is said to
have placed Jinn (not Iblis) in bondage to serve his ranks and purpose.

Angels, in contemporary literature, are usually messengers or

guardians. But we know from many ancient manuscripts that the angel race
are terrifying in appearance. In the Jewish and Christian scriptures, angels

often say “Do not be afraid” because of this monstrous countenance.

However, it is seen on several occasions that angels took the form of an
animals or a human to fulfill a certain purpose; much like common beliefs
about the physical attributes of djinn. They were also known to carry out
tasks like mass infanticide and raining down fire on entire cities. The
description of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions on “angels/demons”
and “djinn” coincide with the diverse qualities attributed to them: animals’
heads and body parts, monstrous appearances, and intensity (repeatedly
recounted as heat or fire).

Like angels, the Djinn were feared and respected, but never
worshipped. Even now, jinn are seen as a source of mischief and mayhem
and even blamed for urban legends like Shadow people and Watchers as

well as some poltergeist activity. They are said to have their own society,
propagate the continuation of their species (sometimes through humans), and
have monarchies within them that rule days of the week. Djinn were later
demonized with the introduction of Christianity who ascribed the term to
disgraced “pagan gods” that turned into demons. Both angels and djinn are
rumoured to have hybrid offspring, though that does pose a major issue on the
subject of free will.

Traditionally, the main difference between angels and Djinn is that

angels do not possess free will while Djinn do. Not having free will would
make it a little difficult for an angel to decide to breed with humans a create
hybrid offspring (usually called Nephilim). Unless higher ranking angels
possess free will – in which case, the entire argument that angels do only
God’s bidding is thrown out the window of semi-truck on the highway. When
it comes to djinn, one might easily see why or for what motive hybrids would
be sired because it is also thought that on occasion a djinn can become

attached to a human. This further would support the theory that djinn are
feelings entities as well.

On the other hand, according to the Quran there exists a breed of

powerful, blue Djinn who can become bound to objects or vessels and are
then only able to do biddings and fulfill wishes called the Marid who assist
kings and priests. This might be where the confusion lies on the race of the
72 representatives of Tetragrammaton as they may in fact be Marid djinn
bound in service. As noted in the description of each genii and what they rule
over (see: Genii Index), one may be persuaded to think that these are indeed
Marid djinn.

It is from the analysis of resemblance that one must be draw a

distinction between the idea that the angels of the Zodiac are guardians rather
than genii representatives bound to the four letters YHVH. So one questions
if the 72 representatives of the zodiac are of angelic origin or of djinn; the
fact is that no one knows for certain. We know their names, functions, ranks,
overall temper; but we do not know their actual race. Because “genii” can
either be used to mean “jinn” or the plural of “genius” applied to angels

excelling in their work (but one asks whether genius can exist without free
will), the irresolution remains.
Final Words

It is my hope that this text be used for its informative value and as a
starting point for you, the reader, to ask more questions. Not all things can be
certain in life and nothing says intellectual adventure more than occulted
knowledge. That begs the query of why some things are hidden; buried
underneath the commonplace and the trivial. Some would rather live
peacefully in their safe shells of dogmatism and stability than to venture out
of the cave and experience awareness greater than themselves. That is why
so few completely dedicate themselves to the occult as it is a difficult and

treacherous path.

My aim was to make this manuscript light on the mind in a format

that that could be easily navigated. Since I included the positive and negative
aspects of each genii, I expect the reader to act with wisdom in regards to the
data I have presented. I would say “do not try this at home” except I know
from my own nature that such a phrase inspires the opposite effect. Do
exercise caution, though, as I promise that meddling with unknown elements
can cause greater harm than good. This document was meant to provoke
critical thought and I take no position on the conveyed information. I
encourage you to seek out your own conclusions and use this as a tool to fuel
your interests in such mysteries of the world as the 72 genii of the

[1] KJV is meant as King James Version of the scriptures widely used in Christianity.
[2] NKJV means New King James Version.

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