416 - BIS and Intraoperative Awareness
416 - BIS and Intraoperative Awareness
416 - BIS and Intraoperative Awareness
Edited by: Dr. Clara Poon, Anaesthetic Consultant, Queen Mary Hospital–University of Hong Kong
Corresponding author e-mail: bac9046@nyp.org
Intraoperative awareness is a distressing complication of general anaesthesia associated with posttraumatic stress
Bispectral index (BIS) values are generated from an empirically derived algorithm and are meant to reflect a patient’s
hypnotic level during general anaesthesia.
The reliability of BIS values is influenced by age, electrical impedance, electrical interference, electromyographic
activity, and use of ketamine or nitrous oxide.
A BIS-guided protocol performs equally well as an end-tidal anaesthetic gas (ETAG)–guided protocol, which
incorporates alarms for BIS/ETAG values outside of a prespecified range.
BIS monitoring likely decreases the incidence of intraoperative awareness when compared with monitoring for clinical
signs alone and may be relevant during total intravenous anaesthesia cases.
BIS-guided anaesthesia may reduce postoperative recovery time and anaesthetic drug consumption.
Intraoperative awareness with recall, while rare, is a distressing complication of general anaesthesia that is associated with
significant psychological sequelae.
Since the introduction of curare and other neuromuscular blocking drugs, intraoperative awareness has become a significant
anaesthetic concern. As it has become a greater concern, a number of methodologies and devices have been implemented
during general anaesthesia, with the hope of preventing the development of this distressing complication. These methodologies
range from monitoring for clinical signs suggestive of awareness (ie, tachycardia, hypertension, lacrimation, and diaphoresis) to
the use of electroencephalography (EEG) monitors to measure brain activity.
This tutorial summarises the current data and controversies surrounding the use of the bispectral index (BIS; Medtronic,
Minneapolis, MN, USA)—one of the more commonly used processed EEG devices—and provides recommendations regarding
the appropriate use of this technology in general anaesthesia to prevent awareness.
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Implications of Awareness
There are approximately 1 to 2 cases of intraoperative awareness per 1000 administrations of general anaesthetic, and among
those with intraoperative awareness with recall, 43% develop posttraumatic stress disorder.3,4 The primary contributing factor
for intraoperative awareness is related to inadequate anaesthetic dosing for a given procedure. This can occur when
the anaesthesia provider does not adequately dose the anaesthetic;
patients have elevated anaesthetic requirements, which are previously unknown;
patients are too ill to tolerate adequate levels of anaesthesia (ie, American Society of Anesthesiologists class III-V patients or
emergent surgery); or
the anaesthesia delivery system malfunctions.4,5
Figure 1. Representation of basic EEG monitoring. (Images reproduced with permission from Wikimedia and Flickr.) *This represents a full
EEG montage; typically in anaesthesia, we use an abbreviated 2-, 4-, 6-, or 8-electrode montage.
These waveforms are associated with different levels of wakefulness. For example, b waves observed in the frontal electrodes
are associated with an awake state, and d waves in these same electrodes are associated with non–rapid eye movement stage
3 sleep or general anaesthesia.
Quantitative analyses are commonly employed to guide EEG interpretation. These calculations can be grouped into time
domain and frequency domain analyses.
Time domain analysis describes how the pattern of the waveform changes over time.
o The burst suppression ratio is calculated as the proportion of time that EEG activity is suppressed during a given time
interval. Burst suppression is more common in the setting of hypoxia, brain trauma, or while administering high doses of
anaesthetic medication.6,7
Frequency domain analysis describes the EEG signal as a function of frequency.
o Power spectral density is a graphical representation of the Fourier transformation of the raw EEG, with the frequency of
each component wave plotted on the x-axis and its corresponding power (amplitude squared) plotted on the y-axis.7
Figure 2. Frequency domain analyses: power spectrum density and bispectral analysis.8 (Images reproduced with permission from
Wikimedia.) *Bispectral analysis incorporates power and phase information of component waveforms at 2 frequencies (f1 and f2) and a
modulation component, f1 þ f2. B(f1,f2), the bispectral value, is defined as the product of the spectral values at f1, f2, and f1 þ f2. This value is
large when the component waveforms are well aligned and have large amplitudes at the given frequencies, f1 and f2 (as shown above at f1 ¼ 8
and f2 ¼ 2), and the bispectrum value is small when the waveforms are not aligned or have small amplitudes at the given frequencies. In this
figure, Hz ¼ Hertz.
o Bispectral analysis is a higher-order frequency domain analysis, as shown in Figure 2. It quantifies the relationship
between those component waveforms generated from Fourier transformation. It does this by comparing the amplitude and
phase angles of different waveforms at varying frequencies.8
The BIS algorithm interprets raw EEG data gathered from forehead electrodes and provides anaesthesiologists with a
dimensionless BIS value ranging from 0 to 100. This proprietary, complex algorithm was derived empirically and iteratively
using an EEG database and behavioural scales among subjects exposed to different anaesthetic protocols. After removing
noise and artifacts from a variety of sources (eg, electrocardiography, electromyography from facial muscular activities,
peripheral nerve stimulators, electrocautery, etc), it then combines the following parameters described in Table 3: burst
suppression ratio, QUAZI suppression, b power (relative b ratio), and synchronisation of low-frequency activity
(SynchFastSlow) to generate a single BIS value.8
A BIS value of 0 represents persistently suppressed EEG activity, and 100 indicates the fully awake state. A target range
between 40 and 60 is the proposed range in which patients have a lower risk of experiencing intraoperative awareness with
recall during general anaesthesia. Depending on the type of BIS monitor, the anaesthesia provider may also notice additional
values on the monitor, as shown in Table 4.
Erroneous placement or decreased adherence of EEG leads can increase electrode impedance and may lead to falsely
elevated BIS values.
Facial electromyographic (EMG) activity and certain electrical devices (ie, electrical blade and pacemakers) can introduce
high-frequency signal artifacts and falsely elevate BIS values. Although neuromuscular blockers may reduce EMG
interference, it is important to also note that their use may eliminate any awareness-related patient movements, which are
useful warning signs of general anaesthetic underdosing.10 Muscle relaxants alone can cause spuriously low BIS values and
should be used with caution.11
Nitrous oxide can preserve a waves while suppressing low-frequency d waves, and it is the suppression of the low-frequency
d waves that contributes to the falsely elevated BIS values calculated from the raw EEG data.12
The use of ketamine during anaesthesia can lead to a more uniform distribution of higher frequencies and desynchronisation
in EEG patterns, resulting in an elevation in the calculated BIS values.13
ATOTW 416 — Bispectral Index Monitoring and Intraoperative Awareness (31 December 2019)
(goal MAC .0.5)
Zhang et al 201120 5228 patients Intervention (n ¼ 2919): Incidence of intraoperative 4 cases of awareness BIS monitoring reduced
undergoing total BIS-guided group (goal awareness, measured in intervention group the incidence of
intravenous BIS 40-60) on postoperative days 1 vs 15 cases in awareness during TIVA
anaesthesia Control (n ¼ 2309): BIS and 4 control group
monitor used but values
Table 5. Summary Table of Seminal RCTs Studying the Predictive Value of BIS as a Monitor for Intraoperative Awareness
Intraoperative awareness, while rare, is a distressing complication that is associated with psychological sequelae. A number of
EEG-based methods have been implemented to monitor and prevent intraoperative awareness, and the BIS monitor is one of
the most studied. BIS may provide valuable information, if the anaesthesiologist properly interprets the values in various clinical
contexts. A number of factors, including electrical interference, impedance, EMG activity, and use of ketamine/nitrous oxide,
influence the reliability of BIS values.
Studies suggest that maintaining a BIS value between 40 and 60 is more effective for preventing intraoperative awareness
compared with clinical sign monitoring and may be particularly efficacious in cases operated under TIVA without target-
controlled infusions. However, when a volatile-based balanced anaesthesia is used, BIS is not shown to be more effective than
an established ETAG-monitoring protocol in preventing intraoperative awareness. Thus, the routine use of BIS monitoring for
the sole purpose of preventing intraoperative awareness remains controversial.
Current literature suggests that BIS monitoring may have other potential benefits, such as promoting earlier anaesthetic
recovery, lowering anaesthetic drug consumption, decreasing postoperative cognitive dysfunction, and offering perioperative
risk stratification. Ultimately, additional studies are needed for one to appreciate and confirm the full potential of routine BIS use
in general anaesthetics.
1. Mashour GA, Avidan MS. Intraoperative awareness: controversies and non-controversies. Br J Anaesth. 2015;115:i20-
2. Pandit JJ, Andrade J, Bogod DG, et al. 5th National Audit Project (NAP5) on accidental awareness during general
anaesthesia: summary of main findings and risk factors. Br J Anaesth. 2014;113:549-559.
3. Whitlock EL, Rodebaugh TL, Hassett AL, et al. Psychological sequelae of surgery in a prospective cohort of patients from
three intraoperative awareness prevention trials. Anesth Analg. 2015;120:87-95.
4. Sebel PS, Bowdle TA, Ghoneim MM, et al. The incidence of awareness during anesthesia: a multicenter United States
study. Anesth Analg. 2004;99:833-839.
5. Ghoneim MM, Block RI, Haffarnan M, Mathews MJ. Awareness during anesthesia: risk factors, causes, and sequelae: a
review of reported cases in the literature. Anesth Analg. 2009;108:527-535.
6. Bennett C, Voss LJ, Barnard JPM, et al. Practical use of the raw electroencephalogram waveform during general
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7. Hajat Z, Ahmad N, Andrzejowski J. The role and limitations of EEG-based depth of anaesthesia monitoring in theatres and
intensive care. Anaesthesia. 2017;72:38-47.
8. Rampil IJ. A primer for EEG signal processing in anesthesia. Anesthesiology. 1998;89:980-1002.
9. Myles PS, Leslie K, McNeil J, et al. Bispectral index monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: the B-Aware
randomized trial. Lancet. 2004;363:1767-1763.
10. Duarte LTD, Saraiva RA. When the bispectral index can give false results. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2009;59:99-109.
11. Schuller PJ, Newell S, Strickland PA, et al. Response of bispectral index to neuromuscular block in awake volunteers. Br J
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12. Foster BL, Liley DTJ. Nitrous oxide paradoxically modulates slow electroencephalogram oscillations: implications for
anesthesia monitoring. Anesth Analg. 2011;113:758-765.
13. Hans P, Dewandre PY, Brichant JF, et al. Comparative effects of ketamine on bispectral index and entropy of the
electroencephalogram under sevoflurane anesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2004;94:336-340.
14. Avidan MS, Zhang L, Burnside BA, et al. Anesthesia awareness and the bispectral index. N Engl J Med. 2008;358:1097-
15. Avidan MS, Jacobsohn E, Glick D, et al. Prevention of intraoperative awareness in a high-risk surgical population. N Engl J
Med. 2011;365:591-600.
16. Mashour GA, Shanks A, Tremper KK, et al. Prevention of intraoperative awareness with explicit recall in an unselected
surgical population: a randomized comparative effective trial. Anesthesiology. 2012;117:717-725.
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