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Alto , Keziah Mae P.

Ecoras , Jhalijah C.

Orillo, Rio Marie R.

Ramirez , Kristine Joy F.

Toroba , Jesrey D.




In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in up and coming

issues such as Same-sex Marriage. As of the recent date, Same-sex Marriage remains banned in
many countries, and the expansion of broader lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights
has been uneven globally (Felter & Renwick, 2019), including the Philippines despite being ranked
as 10th most gay-friendly nations in the world and most gay-friendly in Asia (Pew Research
Center, 2013). Many recent studies have focused on Same-sex marriage being legalized in twenty-
seven countries, including the United States, and civil unions in many Western democracies.

However, these paradigms have failed to recognize the comparative analysis between
two diverse worlds of United States of America and Philippines regarding the factors that led to
the approval and denial of Same-sex marriage. It is best said that only the edge of the said matter
has been extensively studied. Less attention has been paid to the cultural differences between an
individualistic and collectivistic country, similar countries such as United States and Philippines
(Hofstede, 2001). Despite prior observations of possible reaps and consequences, the reasons
behind the implementation/non-fulfillment of the Same-sex marriage remains unclear. The
vagueness of the report leads researchers into the theory presented by Hofstede entitled “Cultural
Dimensions Theory” where he stressed the differentiation between collectivist and individualist
cultures. In this research, these factors will be examined in more detail. Evidence suggests an
interesting distinction; therefore, it is desirable to contrast several components in terms of
marriages, social roles and independence between the two representative countries.

The investigation requires to differentiate the cultural variation present in the

Philippines and United States along with the cultural factors that supports or invalidate Same-sex
marriage as a finalized law. To focus in the thorough investigation, the researchers will recognize
and scope with the diversity already present in what appear to be heterogenous groups of
Philippines and United States. The findings indicate a need for list of the cultural differences
existing in both countries. The researchers suggest investigative approach, critical thinking and an
honest attempt to reveal the comparison of countries involved. The remainder of this paper is
divided into five sections: Introduction, Review of Related Literature, Methodology, Results of
the Study, and the Findings.
Statement of the problem

This study will be conducted to explore the diverse worlds of Philippines and United
State of America and their cultural factors leading to the approval/disapproval of Same-sex
Marriage inside both countries. Pointedly, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What defines cultural differences in the Philippines and United States of America?
2. What are the cultural factors that supports or negates Same-sex Marriage in both
3. In what way do the implementation of Same Sex Marriage reap benefits or impose
consequences in United States of America and Philippines?

Conceptual Framework

Hofstede (1980) defines cultural dimensions as a framework used to understand the

differences in culture across countries and to discern the ways that business is done across different
cultures. In other words, the framework is used to distinguish between different national cultures,
the dimensions of culure, and their impact on a business setting.nAmong the Nine National
Cultural Value Differences, the distinction of Individualism and Collectivism has been a topic of
debates and discussions.

Collectivistic cultures emphasize the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the
needs and desires of each individual. In such cultures, relationships with other members of the
group and the interconnectedness between people play a central role in each person's identity.
Cultures in Asia, Central America, South America, and Africa tend to be more collectivistic
(Cherry, 2019). The Philippines, with a score of 32, is considered a collectivistic society. This is
manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member ‘group’, be that a family, extended
family, or extended relationships (Hofstede Insights, n.a).

The definition of Individualistic culture is exactly different from that of Collectivistic:

The collectivist is motivated by group goals. Long-term relationships are very important (Purdue
University, n.a). In Individualist societies people are only supposed to look after themselves and
their direct family. In Collectivist societies people belong to “in groups” that take care of them in
exchange for unquestioning loyalty .The US scores below average, with a low score of 46, on the
Uncertainty Avoidance dimension. As a consequence, the perceived context in which Americans
find themselves will impact their behaviour more than if the culture would have either scored
higher or lower. Thus, this cultural pattern reflects itself individualistic (Hofstede Insights, n.a).

The definition of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions will be used in the current study,
given the importance of culture in every country. According to Hofstede, so far as international
business is concerned, the dimensions of culture form an important facet. Knowledge of the
manner in which different features of a nation are viewed in different cultures, can help citizens in
understanding and sailing successfully across different laes and bills like Same-sex Marriage.
Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender or same sex partners of
the Philippines and United States of America .This type of relationship has been considered in
many places and is now becoming more and more acceptable in the society.However, in some
places like the Philippines, homosexuals are not accepted and are discriminated by the society
and this study will give people a better understanding about the same sex marriage.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following

Researchers. The results of the study wil provide comparative cultural analysis
between a collectivistic and individualistic countries to the future researchers with the same goal
of differentiating differences of the culture.

Students. This study will provide information regarding the cultural variation that
exists among countries .

Definition of Terms

Cultural Differences. Refers to the diverse and various beliefs, behaviors, languages,
practices and expressions that are considered unique to members of Philippine and American
ethnicity. Since Filipinos and Americans may live in a wide variety of cultures, such as being
individualistic or collectivism in nature, the term if often used as a more accurate or preferred
alternative to belief system , which has traditional set of norms and conducts.

Philippines. As used in the study, is being contrasted with United States of America
and considered a collectivistic society. Loyalty in Philippine culture is paramount since Filipinos
fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group
and functions mainly over societal rules and regulations.

United States of America. Its individualistic culture differs from the collectivistic
nature of non-western country, Philippines. Compared to Filipinos, Americans are proudly
individualists. Their constitution clearly states they want no further laws introduced that can
potentially take away some of the freedom they enjoy. They are very particular about legislation
they deem to be infringing on their human rights such as Same-sex Marriage.

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