Multicultural Paper
Multicultural Paper
Multicultural Paper
Social and academic fraternities have existed on college campuses for many years.
Students join these groups for numerous reasons including making friends, having a sense of
belonging in a new environment, or simply having a network to add to their resume after their
college years. There are a variety of Greek fraternities and sororities that inhabit a university
campus, and these multicultural groups are considered to be a substantial part of a universitys
Fraternities and sororities are grouped into four different categories that are historically
based on their members. Interfraternity Council (IFC) includes fraternities who have primarily
white male students for members. Panhellenic Council is made up of primarily white female
student sororities. National Panhellenic Council includes primarily African-American
fraternities and sororities, and the United Greek Council is home to mostly Latino and other
multicultural fraternities and sororities. The grouping of these organizations originated many
years ago, but continues to be a source of controversy for their multicultural segregation, as well
as for their behavioral influence and academic aspects.
Student organizations, in general, are a great way for students to explore their interests and
social interactions. Students can surround themselves with other students who share their same
hobbies or values, and can also form a bond with other individuals who are working toward a
common goal. All the various groups make up a very diverse population of students and aim to
create an inclusive environment for students from every culture and background.
Overall, student organizations are crucial for a healthy student development; however,
participation in these groups can have a segregating effect or serve as a convenient means for
stereotype labels (Wells & Corts 2008). When student groups have limited diversity, stereotypes
about those groups can easily develop. One recent story caught my attention regarding the
ongoing racial tension that seems to exist for some student organizations across the country.
Recently, a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, a fraternity within the Interfraternity council at the
University of Oklahoma, was caught on video singing a racist chant on a bus trip with the
members of their group (Schnaber & Good, 2015). The chant used extremely derogatory
language to describe individuals of African-American descent. The university has since shut
down the fraternity house, and suspended membership. The two main culprits on the video have
been expelled from the university. Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapters at numerous universities have
been investigated for years due to many incidents like these pertaining to racist allegations.
Unfortunately, the exclusion between different student organizations is common, most often
because of the original foundation and basic ideals of the group when it was started. In February
of 2006, Pi Kappa Alpha started a colony at Howard University, a historically black college.
This was significant because it was the first traditionally white fraternity to begin a colony at an
HBCU (Hughey 2006). Although some students reacted in unfavorable ways at first, the
changing of tradition was a step in the right direction for multiculturalism.
Although law prohibits race-based exclusion in college sororities and fraternities in the
United States, racial segregation prevails. As a result, nonwhite membership in white Greekletter organizations is often hailed as a transformative step toward equality and unity, instead of a
typical occurrence. Historically, fraternities and sororities have always been divided into the
four councils to represent their membership and values based on cultural differences. In an
article written by Matthew Hughey of Mississippi State University, he states that historical
legacy, normative custom, racialized schemas, and unequal resources all yield separate worlds of
racialized organizations and student groups, which often result in profoundly different
interpretations of, and perspectives on, campus and community life. Fraternities and sororities
(particularly historically white fraternities and sororities on historically white campuses . . .)
through their structures and activities encourage homogeneity and discourage interactions across
difference (Hughey 2010).
College campuses are becoming increasingly diverse in their programming, curriculum,
and the student attendees as well. Multicultural competency becomes essential in a college
environment in order to make all staff and students feel a sense of belonging. When considering
the requirements of faculty and staff when dealing with student organizations, these important
administrators must have the awareness, knowledge, and skills to efficiently represent and attend
to the needs of all the members. At NIU, the student organizations are held to the standards of
the Student Associations Constitution, as well as the policies of the university. According to the
bylaws of the Student Association, NIUs student government, every organization shall
guarantee to all students the right to enjoy fair, impartial, and equal treatmentincluding but not
limited to full membership and full participation in the organizationand shall not discriminate
unlawfully on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, color, political
views or affiliation, religious views or affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
handicapped status (Student Association 2012). Fraternities and sororities are also held to the
standards of their national organizations in accordance with all existing chapters at every other
institution. The entire Greek culture at NIU, consisting of all fraternities and sororities, is
governed by the Student Involvement and Leadership Development department, with a specific
Associate Director of Greek Life that acts as an advisor and liaison for these student groups. The
fraternities and sororities must abide by the policies set forth by the university and fulfill the
requirements in order to function as an active organization. Community service hours, meetings,
rosters, academic records and other daily processes must be maintained with the department and
advisor to ensure that the groups are in good standing. All fraternities and sororities are held to
the same standards no matter which council they fall under.
Programming is also important to pay attention to when planning for various multicultural
organization events. There may be events that organizations can host that are cultural in nature,
but they must be open to all students if they are to be held on campus. These events are intended
to create an inclusive campus atmosphere in which students can express their own identity and
teach people about their own culture, while still making others feel welcome. One example that
could be addressed is the Greek Week that is held on many college campuses for fraternities
and sororities. Even though the four councils are all recognized fraternities and sororities, they
often operate as entirely separate groups due to their historical structure. An interesting idea for
this multicultural population may be to increase the combined activities between the four
councils to enhance the brotherhood and sisterhood between chapters, and to promote
inclusiveness between the different cultures. Once a year does not seem to be enough, and
allowing the four councils to become a little less segregated may be a simple solution to start
changing peoples historical mentality. Within these college groups, it becomes essential for
student leaders and advisors to collaborate on ideas and make sure to host activities that cater to
the student body as a whole.
Student affairs practitioners play a large role in the success and equality of student
organizations on a college campus. Along with being multiculturally competent, faculty and
staff can apply numerous helping skills and counseling theories to adequately serve these groups.
A few factors that can influence students of these organizations are peer pressure, behavioral
choices, drugs and alcohol, sexual assault, and interpersonal relationships. Listening skills as
well as knowledge of each cultural group are the first steps to being able to address the situation.
Christine Hall, a multicultural counselor, recommends that all practitioner training programs
should work toward the goal of "cultural competency." In her view, culturally competent
counselors and other helping professionals must understand the impact on individuals of the
following ten cultural dimensions: (a) cultural membership, including foods, music, customs,
ceremonies, and spiritual/religious beliefs (b) family structure, including gender roles and child
rearing practices (c) language of origin and literacy in majority language (d) identity processes,
including individual variations (e) medical, personal helping, and healing proclivities (f)
relevance of testing and other assessment procedures (g) oppression and political issues (h)
stigma of status and social location (i)socioeconomic differences within groups and between
minority and majority memberships and (j) majority culture/minority culture relations (Peavy &
Li 2003). Some of the theories that will be most relevant to the student organizations, namely
fraternities and sororities, would be Reality theory in the sense that all individuals need to be
held accountable for their own decisions. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy could also be utilized
when dealing with possibly destructive behaviors that student peers might have an influence on.
Developing new and more socially desired behaviors in place of irrational or unproductive
thoughts, ideas, and attitudes can reduce the multicultural issues that may exist because of lack
of guidance or knowledge. Lastly, taking a Systems/Family approach with these organizations
will put more focus on an individuals interactions within the group they are a part of, and
analyze what factors may be healthy or unhealthy within that immediate environment (Reynolds
2009). Being aware of your surroundings and behavioral influences can be a major step in
changing unhealthy thoughts and actions.
The prevalence of multicultural entities will continue to rise and challenge university
administrators to strive for the most inclusive environment for our students. Many researchers
have studied the issues of diversity and how to incorporate an ever-changing student population
with the appreciation for each individual culture. One researcher concluded with asking what
formal structures, as well as informal cultural practices, are laboring to create opportunities for
an increasingly diverse student identity? The question of multiple-subject positioning and the
fracturing of identity in our postmodern moment must be investigated for its material impact on
students. Most notably, scholars must inquire as to how students see themselves and engage in
their everyday presentation of self that is also an ongoing accomplishment of increasing
divergent identities (Hughey 2006). Only through the continuous learning of other cultures and
identities can we as administrators fully work to our highest potential in serving the students.
Students attending college look to administrators, practitioners and advisors for general guidance
with everyday matters. Most importantly, students seek out the support that they need to succeed
in their college endeavors, and must have skilled professionals available to them to resolve
conflicts or steer them in the right direction if they veer off track or lose sight of their ultimate
Hughey, M.W (2006). Black, White, Greek . . . Like Who? Howard University student
perceptions of a white fraternity on campus. Educational Foundations. 20(1-2). 935.
Hughey, M.W (2010). A Paradox of Participation: Nonwhites in white sororities and fraternities.
Social Problems. 57 (4). 653679.
NIU Student Association (2012). Student Association Bylaws, Part I general policy/Part III
student organization policy. Northern Illinois University Student Association Constitution and
Bylaws. 16-67.
Peavy, V. & Li, H (2003). Social and cultural context of intercultural counseling. Canadian
Journal of Counseling. 37(3). 186-196.
Reynolds, A. L. (2009). Helping College Students: Developing essential support skills for
student affairs practice. San Francisco: Josey-Bass.
Schabner, D. & Good, D (2015). Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Fraternity closed after video
of racist chant. ABC News. Retrieved from http://
Wells, B. & Corts, D (2008). Measuring attitudes toward fraternity and sorority members:
Indication of implicit, ingroup favoritism. College Student Journal . 42(3). 842-846.