Pollination Fao PDF
Pollination Fao PDF
Pollination Fao PDF
Pollination of AGRICULTURAL
6-lina ion of FAO
cultivated plan s
in t e tropics
Edited by
David W. Roubik
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Balboa, Panama
Rome, 1995
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or
area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-103659-4
FAO 1995
PlELi. uion are ted PlauAr
General Acknowledgments
For providing excellent working facilities and assistance the Ogorzaly, M. 1986. Economic botany - plants in our
editor thanks the USDA-Utah State University Bee Biology world. New York: McGraw-Hill.
and Systematics laboratory and its personnel, particularly P p. 30 honeybee, Apis mellifera, visiting but not
Torchio, T. Griswold, Twilla Hansen, J. Vandenberg and V. pollinating a flower of red clover.
Tepedino, and also the Utah State University Graphics-4 p. 31 queen Bombus pollinating the flowers
T aboratory (P. Wood) and Publication Design and Production of red clover.
Department. Special thanks are also given for bibliographic p. 32 histogram showing improved clover seed yield
assistance by L. J. G. van der Maesen (Apicultural University with increased bumblebee colony number.
Wageningen, the Netherlands), R. Villanueva (University of p. 39 Rosaceae: belly flowers and multiple fruit
Cardiff, U. K.) and ME Chaichanazsuwat (ASEAN-Canada (Rubus) reprinted by permission from: Simpson, B. B.,
Forest Ree Seed Centre Project, Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand). Conner Ogorzaly, M. 1986. Economic botany -
plants in our world. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Figures, Tables, & Acknowledgments p. 40 Table of available bee, bird and bat
pollinators on Atlantic and Indian Oceanic islands.
p. 2 a hummingbird, Phaethorninae. p. 42 Table of available bee, bird and bat
p. 2 a worker honeybee, Apis mellifera. adapted pollinators in tropical Pacific oceanic islands.
from G. Nixon, 1955. The world of Bees. New York p. 44 passion fruit flower and fruit (Passiflora
Philosophical Library, New York, illustration by
Arthur Smith.
p. 3 a fly, Calliphoridae.
Conner Ogorzaly, M. 1986. Economic botany
plants in our world. New York: McGraw-Hill.
edulis) reprinted by permission from: Simpson, B. B.,
p. 112 floral diagrams showing nectar abundance publisher and artist..
and sugar concentration. p. 141 phenology of the major pome crops, showing
p. 113 equipment for sampling nectar and bud, flower and fruit stages (original drawing by C.
meastuing sugar concentration. Kevan).
p. 113 centrifuge tubes for Scheul method of p. 142 a hive design for Apis cerana.
extracting nectar from flowers. p. 143 two designs of pollen traps for Apis cerana.
p. 114 instruments for determining nectar sugar p. 144 frame and open hives of Apis cerana; hives
concentration and photograph showing application of placed in coconut plantation in southeast Asia.
nectar to refractometer with microcapillary and bulb. p. 145 hives for nests of carpenter bees.
p. 115 plot of nectar volume against 4 diameter of p. 146 individual frame for carpenter bee nest
nectar spotted on chromatography paper. hives.
p. 115 standard curve of absorbance versus quality p. 146 two comb stacks of carpenter bee hives,
of nectar sugar. showing procedure for obtaining progressive
p. 117 roll of chromotography paper spotted at colonization of frames by dividing occupied nesting
baseline with nectar and standard sugars. box.
p. 117 paper chromatograms. p. 147 nest hives boxes with carpenter bees
p. 118 graphs demonstrating reabsoiption of nectar (Xylocopa) showing frames, bees in tunnels, and nest
sugar, after Corbet and Delfosse. box placement in bee shelter.
p. 119 bagging and labelling techniques applied to p. 149 the 'pollinator force' concept graph, applied
Echium. to African oil palm pollination by weevils.
p. 122 diagram of anther of a "buzz-pollinated" p. 150 queen of stingless bee, Scaptotrigona,
plant. Original drawing by M. D. Buchmann. surrounded by workers on brood comb. adapted from
p. 123 halictid bee buzz-collecting pollen from Sakagami and Camargo, 1966.
anthers of a porieidally dehiscent plant. after J. M. E p. 152 basic stingless bee hive design.
Camargo, in Gottsberger, G., Camargo, J. M. E, p. 157 Table of relative acceptance of Amando
Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I. 1988. Bot. Jahrb. Syst and Ricinus stems as nest tunnels by different wild
109:469-500. Permission given by publisher and pollinators during different years.
artist. p. 157 soda-straw nesting sites in boxes and waste
p. 125 Table of the basic chemical composition of stems of Arundo for nesting by megachilids and
pollen. Xylocopa.
p. 127 SEM of the pollen grain of a Cucurbitaceae p. 158 cells of Chalicodoma rubripes and C. lanata
in the branched hairs on a bee's body. in opened nesting tunnels of castor stems.
p. 131 diagram of the basic pollen transfer schemes p. 158 particle board nesting domiciles for bees
in plant breeding systems (after Richards). showing inserted soda straws.
p. 132 selfing and crossing in sexual reproduction p. 158 drilled nesting tunnels in particle boards,
of plants (original drawing by C. Kevan). held together with an iron frame.
p. 136 diagram showing zig-zag movement through p. 159 Table of nesting behavior, nest tunnel
crop, both in rewarding situations when many flowers diameters, ambient flight temperatures of some
are visited, and in less rewarding situations, when the megachilid and xylocopine bees.
crop is traversed more rapidly. p. 159 permanent bee shelters, made from mud
p. 137 aspect of the dance language of a honeybee, and angle-iron.
Apis mellifera, showing the waggle dance (original p. 159 permanent bee shelter erected at the edge
drawing by C. Kevan). of an alfalfa field.
p. 138 diagram showing pollinator movement
between trees (original drawing by C. Kevan).
p. 139 diagram showing pollinator movement from
bottom to top - both on a large inflorescences and
between inflorescences or plants.
p. 140 female Xylocopa robbing nectar by
perforating the flower of Centrosema. after J. M. E
Camargo, in Gottsberger, G., Camargo, J. M. E,
Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I. 1988. Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
109:469-500. Permission given by publisher and
p. 140 female Xylocopa harvesting the nectar of
Canavalia. after J. M. E Camargo, in Gottsberger, G.,
Camargo, J. M. E, Silberbauer-Gottsberger, I. 1988.
Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 109:469-500. Permission given by
About 600 years ago plant crops entered a phase of of tropical organisms (see following section) often
increasingly being grown in countries far from their supports the reproduction of exotic plants. In terms
origin, with subsequent massive changes in world of pollination, however, only a fraction of economically
production. Few pollinators or pollination needs were important plants have been studied anywhere in the
considered, despite knowledge that plants often require world. This is easily appreciated in the confusion that
pollen transfer by animals (rather than by wind, gravity exists about pollination requirements among different
or water). At present, it is evident that crops cultivated cultivars for widespread crops. We now know that some
in the tropics are often productive with pollinators that mango, citrus, mangosteen and Shorea can make
did not travel with them to their new homes. Some, mature seed and fruit through 'asexual' processes. For
like Vanilla, are pollinated by hand, lacking the native plants that produce without pollinators, the resulting
neotropical pollinating euglossine bee, Eulaema. Others, seeds a.nd offspring plants are clones, genetically like
the vast majority, are pollinated by animals similar to the female parent. Although vegetative propagation
those in their place of origin, and these include insects, is the rule for some crops, many are established from
bats, and birds. A few have benefited dramatically from seed. Seed production is, with few exceptions, greatly
purposeful introductions of selected native pollinators, improved by outcrossing, or pollination whereby pollen
such as the weevil, Elaeidobius for the African oil palm is exchanged between different plants. Plants may
in the plantations of Asia and the Americas. fuither require specialized pollinators or costly hand
pollination for normally seedless fruits like
Certainly many plants need fairly specialized pineapple and banana.
pollinators, such as the megachiropteran bats tha.t
pollinate the durian of southeast Asia. However, Without reliable information on the breeding system
seemingly most crops are pollinated by the and mechanics of pollination, explanations for success
unspecialized flower-visitors found almost everywhere or failure of a crop will be incomplete. For instance,
cardamom, a seed crop ginger that is native to Asia
in the tropics, such as native sting-less bees, honeybees,
and in wide areas of the tropics, introduced western and pollinated by Apis dorsata and A. cerana, was
hive bees, Apis mellifera, either in wild, unmanaged imported long ago to Jamaica, where Apis is for the
populations, or in apiaries. most part absent. Native bees likely take the place of
honeybees, but this knowledge is insufficient for
Selective breeding of plants also has made it possible pollinator conservation or pollination management.
to obtain some fruits and seeds without pollination
for example Mission and Kadota figs do not need What does the future hold for tropical agriculture and
pollinators, but their wild Ficus progenitors and almost its pollination needs? Consider the following: About
all other figs need a species of tiny wasp. Even so, 60 years ago in the United States of America, where
despite the convenience of extremely domesticated many of the fruit, seed and nut crops grown on
crops that have no pollinator requirement, the need commercial scale anywhere in the world were under
for cross pollination in seed and fruit production exploitation (particularly in warmer areas of California,
predominates and should receive greater attention as Florida and Hawaii), it became very clear that
more crops are raised commercially. We can already production could increase by careful management of
list over 750 plant genera cultivated on a large or pollination. Size and quality of the crop improved with
small scale in tropical areas, including the cooler better pollinator service. Two other observations were
highlands (see Appendix I). Only fragmentary also very important. First, agricultural areas were
information is available on pollination needs and coming under such intensive use that the pollinating
pollinators for many of these important plants. Many insects and other animals living in the more natural
processes are involved in obtaining marketable crops habitats were being driven out or destroyed. There
from the varied plant species used in the subtropics were fewer potential pollinators available. Second,
and tropics. Some have been cultivated for thousands large-scale crop production required large populations
of years, and some only now are being converted from of appropriate pollinators. The rational answer seemed
wild forest crops to managed, sustained populations then to be, and still is, 'bees in boxes' the familiar
under cultivation. How, then, can pollination European honeybee, brought in by truck by the
science best serve the needs of tropical agriculture thousands whenever and wherever needed. Now there
now and in the future? are other 'bees in boxes' that do not form large colonies
but can be reared in large number and managed
Much more work is needed both in research and ready to bring to a crop as flowering begins. The age
applied technology. Fortunately, many pollinators and of the 'designer pollinator' is beginning, and it will
plants are flexible enough to fit into new settings. ta.ke many years of dedicated effort to decide how best
Within mixed plantings and in cultivated areas that to employ this tool.
are not extensive monocultures, the natural diversity Most developing countries have yet to go through the
Pollinator Group Approximate No. Species in Given Tropical Region
3) Flies (order Diptero)
Pollinator Group Approximate No. Species in Given Tropical Region
G) utterflies and Moths (order Lepidoptera)
Pollinator Group Approximate No. Species in Given Tropical Region
Opossums (Didelphidae) 9
Shrews (Microbiotheriidae) 7
Ringtails and Gliders (Pseudocheiridae)
Bush Rats (Muridae) 2
'York: Macmillan, 1200 pp. [for the United States, Bawa. K. S., Peny, D. R., Bullock, S. H., Coville, Dail* A. 1992. Pollination ecology - a practical
covering many tropical plants; little information R. E., Grayum, M. H. 1985. Reproductive biology approach. Oxford: (Word Univ. Press, 250 pp.
oil pollination] of tropical loMand rain forest trees. B. Pollination [a general treatment of pollination in a manner
Baker, H. G. 1976. "Mistake" pollination as a mechanisms. Amer. J. Bot. 72:346-356. [field similar in diagnostic form to medical entomology
reproductive system with special reference to study outerossing, documenting anival of large - methods and terminology emphasized]
the Cancaceae. In: Tropical trees: variation, bees at flowers] Day, M. C. 1991. Towards the conservation of
breeding and conservation. J. Burley, B. T Styles Bohan, G. E. 1972. Management of wild bees for aculeate Hymenoptera in Europe: an outline of
(eds.). London: Academic Press for the Linnean the pollination of crops. Aim. Rev. Entomol, the case for recognition of the high value of
Society. [review of subject; hawkmoths pmvide 17:287-312. Hymenoptera Actdeata as indicators of biotope
outcrossing for papaya] Boonithee, A., Juntawong, N., Pechhacker, H., integrity and diversity, ivith relevant examples
Baker, H. G., Bawa, K. S., Frankie, G. W, Opler, Hilttinger, E. 1991. Floral visits to select crops and proposals for conservation actions. Nature
P. A. 1982. Reproductive biology of plants in by fourApis species and 71-igona sp. in Thailand. and environment series, No. 45. Council of
tropical forests. In: E B. GoHey (ed.). Tropical In; VI Ind. Symp. Poll. C. van Heemert, A. de Europe, Strasbomg. [stinging bees and wasps
rain forest ecosystems: stmcture and function. Ruijter (eds.). pp. 74-80. [N. Thailand can and have been intensively surveyed and
Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 183-215. [botanical, orchards of Pyrus, prunus and Euphoria many also are essential to plants for pollination]
behavioural and ecological evaluation of longan showed more visits by native Apis and Dhaliwal, H. S., Adlakha, R. L. 1977. Insect
reproduction, primarily Costa Rican plants] Bigamia than imported A. mell(era). pollination of seed cauliflower: foraging
Banaszak, J., Manole. T. 1987. Diversity and Bracher, H. 1992. Useful plants of neotropical behaviour of major pollinators. Proc. XXVI Ind.
density of pollinating insects (Apoidea) in the origin and their wild relatives. Berlin: Beekeeping Cong.: 395-396. [Eristalis (Diptera),
agticultural landscape of Rumania. Polsk. Pism. Springer-Verlag, 296 pp. [comprehensive Ceratina, Hatic-tus, Lasioglossum and Apis
Ent. 57:747-766. botanical and economic discussion but pollination cerana are pollinaton]
Batra, S. W T. 1967. Crop pollination and the seldom mentioned] Dressler, R. L. 1981. The orchids: nattwal history
floiver relationships of the ivild bees of Campbell, D. G., Hammond, H. D. 1989. Floristic and classification. Cambridge, Mass.: flitivard
Ludhiana, India. J. Kan. Entomol. Soc. 40:164- inventory of tropical countries. New York: The Univ. Press, 332 pp. [comprehensive treatment
177. [97 Punjab bee species, including Apts, New York Botanical Garlen. 555 pp. [worldwide of orchids and, particulady for neoiropical spp.,
collected at flowers] summmy of species richness; appendices on their pollination]
Batra, S. W T. 1976. Comparative efficiency of collection techniques for germ plasm, pollen, Faegri, and van der Pijl. 1979. Principles of
alfalfa pollination by Aromia melanderi, wood, bark, etc.] pollination ecolog,y (3rd ed.). Oxford: Pergamon
Megaehile roto/data, Anthidium flarentinum Compton, S. G., Holton, K. C., Rashbrook, V K., Press, 312 pp. [comprehensive and well-
and Pithitis smaraghda. [subtropical species van Nowt, S., Vince»t, S. L., Ware, A. B. 1991. illustrated reference work and general textbook]
and greenhouse studies] Studies of Ceratosolen gatili, a non-pollffiating Falcáo, M. de A., Lleras, E., Kerr, W E.,
Batra, S. W T. 1980. Ecology, behaviour, agaonid fig wasp. Biotropica 23:188-194. [African Medeiros Carreira, L. M. 1981. Aspectos
pheromones, parasites and management of the fig Ficus sycomorus visited by two fig wasps but geológicos, ecológicos e de produtividade do
sympatric venial bees Colletes inaequalis, C. only pollinated by one, Comosolen ara bicos] binbá (Rollina natcosa (Jacq.) Baill.). [this sp.
thoracicus and C validas. J. Kansas Entomol. Cooper, R. C., Cambie, R. C. 1991. New Zealand's of Annonaceae is visited by chrysomelid
Soc. 53:509-538. economic native plants. Auckland: Oxford Univ. beetles near Manaus, Brazil]
Bawa, K, Hadley, M. (eds.) 1990. Reproductive Press, 234 pp. [bistoncal and economic Ferwerda, F. P, Wit, F. (uds.). 1969. Outlines of
ecology of tropical forest plants. France: Paris, not emphasized] botanpollination perennial crop breeding in the tropics, H.
UNESCO, 647 pp. [botanical and pollination CoMet, S. A., Williams, I. H., Osboume, J. L. 1991. Veenman & Zonen N. V.: Wageningen, the
inquiries, reviews by tropical forest eeoloOsts Bees and the pollination of crops and wild Netherlands. 511 pp. [Comprehensive review of
and silviculturists] flowers: changes in the European conimunity. 21 tropical crops, with details of breeding
Bawa, K. S. 1990. Plant-pollinatior interactions in Scientific and Technical Options Assessment, programs, genetics, pollination and general
tropical rain forests. Am. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 21:399- European Parliament, pp. 1-50. [meagre but biology and management]
422. [discusses varied breeding systems and convincing data show population declines] Ford, H. A., Paton, D. C., Farde, N. 1979. Birds
pollinators of forest plants] Crane, E., Walker, P. 1983. The impact of pest as pollinators of Australian plants. New Zealand
Bawa, K. S. 1992. Mating systems, genetic management on bees and pollination. hid. Bee Bot. 17:509-519. [Over 100 bird species
differentiation and speciation in tropical rain Res. Assn. Trop. Dev. Res. Inst., London. 199 visit 250 plants, some, like Pawl:This, are visited
fomst plants. Biotropica 24:250-255. [emphasizes Pp. [a source book for lists of crops and research, both by birds and bees; bircls are less specific
outcrossing and self-incompatibly as the rule as well as a statement on the negative effects of than in the Neotropics]
in tropical woody plants] careless pesticide application] Frankie G. W, Haber, W A., Oplei; P. A., Bawa,
Bawa, K. S., Ashton, P. S., Salleh Mohd, N. 1990. Crane, E., Wgker, P. 1984. Pollination director), S. 1983. Characteristics and organization of
Reproductive ecology of tropical forest plants: for ivorld crops. Intl. Bee Res. Assn., London. the large bee pollination system in the Costa
management issues. In: K. S. Bawa, M. Hadley 184 pp. [pollination requirements of over 400 Rican dry forest. In: C. E. Jones, R. J. Little
(uds.). Reproductive ecology of tropical forest species, tabular references] (eds.). Handbook of experimental pollination
plants. France: Paris, UNESCO, pp. 3-13. Cumaraswamy, A., Bawa, K. S. 1989. Gender biology. Nelv York: van Nostrand & Reinhold
[emphasis on reproductive modes of timber, fmit allocation and mating systems in pigeonpea Co, pp. 411-447. [detailed account of flower
trees in forest settings; very high frequency of (Cajanus cojan L.). Pl. Syst. Evol. 168:59-69. visitation by the largest local bees]
dioecy (separate sexes), and apomixis in Shorea, [pollination science of a common tropical Free, J. B. 1975. Observations on the pollination
Carcinia, Mangifera and Chnts] cultivated plant] of papaya (Calico papaya L.) in Jamaica. Trop.
Pub. No. 29, 185 pp. [emphasizes the variety of 1989. Lost crops of the Incas: little-known polmits crops, i.e. >4000 Megachile rotundata per
soils found in the tropics, from extremely rich of the Andes with promise for worldwide hectare needed for alfalfa]
to poor, and most with potential for growers] cultivation. Washington, D. C.: Nall. Acad. Press. Puneglove, J. W 1968. Tropical crops: dicotyledons
Lee, D. 1980. The sinking ark. Malaysia: Kuala National Research Council. (Board on Science (vols. 1 & 2). New York: John Wiley, 719 pp.
Lumpur, Heinemann Educational Books. [the and Technology for International [concise but extensive; pollination considered]
donan is pollinated by cave-roosting Development). 1991. Managing global genetic Purseglove, J. W. 1972. Tropical crops:
Eonycteris spelea bats, which also visit flowers resources: forest nyees. Washington, D. C.: monocotyledons (vols. 1 & 2). New York: John
of mango, banana, Oroxylum, petai, Natl. Acad. Press. 228 pp. Wiley, 607pp. [concise but extensive; pollination
Artoempus, jambu merah, Duabanga and Nelson, B.W, Absy, M.L., Barbosa, E.M., Prance, considered]
Sonneratia - a mangrove] G.T. 1985. Observations on flower visitors to Raawal, K. M., Bryant, P., Racine, K. O., Porter,
Liengshi, C., Piewluang, C., Boyle, T. J. B. 1990. Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K. and Couratari W M. 1978. Cross pollination studies of male-
Starch gel electrophoresis of tropical trees: a tenuicarpa A.C. Sm. (Lecythidaceae). Acta sterile genotypes in cowpeas. Crop Sci.
manual. Muak-Lek, Sarahmi 18180, Thailand: Amazonica 15, suppl., 224-234 [large bees are 18:283-285. [Nigerian studies showed Apis
ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project. pollinators: Bombus, Epicharis, Centris, mellifera adansonii the chief pollinator]
52 pp. [simplified guide to practical population Eulaema, Eufriesea, Euglossa] Ramirez, N. 1989. Biología de polinización en ima
genetics and forest research, some standard Newton, L. E., Lomo, A. 1979. The pollination of comunidad arbustiva tropical de la alta
recipes given] Ficus vogellii in Ghana. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 78:21- Guyana venezolana. Biotropi-ca 21:319-330.
Mabberley, D. J. 1988. The plant-book. Cambridge, 30. [agaonid wasp Allotrioznom hetemndromomo- [62 visitor species seen on 55 plants; 80% said
England: Cambridge Univ. Press, 706 pp. phum is the obligate pollinator] to be pollinators. Plants pollinated 56%by
[essential guide to plant genera, common names Nur, N. 1976. Studies on pollination in Musaceae. bees and wasps, 11% by butterflies & moths,
and origins] Ann. Bot. 40:167-177. [wikl bananas pollinated 10% by flies, 3% by beetles,12% by bircls; 8%
Maesen, L. J. G. van der. 1985. Cojanus DC and by macroglossine bats, honeyeateis and sunbirds, by Avind]
Atylosia, W & A. Agricultural University of and even twe slams] Ramírez, W. B. 1974. Coevolution of Ficus
Wageningen, Papers 85-4, the Netheitands. 225 O'Malley, D. M., Buckley, D., Apsit, V, Prance, and Agaonidaó. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.
PP. [review of the fotuth most impoitant tropical G. T, Bawa, K. S. 1988. Genetics of Brazil-nut 61:770-780.
vegetable and 30 related species of value for (Bertholletio excelsa Humb. & Bonpl. Rashad, S. E. 1978. Utilization of non-Apis bees
breeding programs; cross-pollination varies Lecythidaceae), II. Mating system. Theor. Appl. as crop pollinators (EG-ARS-66); first annual
tremendously and `pre-anthesis cleistogamy' Gen. 76:929-932. [pollination science of a report. Giza, Egypt: Cairo Univ., 48 pp. [Prosopis,
produces selling; the stigma is receptive longer intensively-harvested wikl crop] Nomia, Chalicodoma and Halictus as visitors of
than pollen is shed; megachilids and xylocopines (Mole, C. 1993. Diversity of native bees and medicinal plaras Canon, Mentha,
are pollinators] agroecosystems. In: J. LaSalle, I. D. Gaukl (eds.). Raw, A. 1979. Centris dirrho da (Antho-
McGregor, S. E. 1975. Insect pollination of ttnpical Hymenoptera and the biodiversity crisis. Phoridae), the bee visiting West Indian cheny
crops. Proc. ITT Intl. Symp. Poll.: pp. 47-55. Wallingford, U.K.: C. A. B. International, pp. flowers (Malpighia punicifo-lia) Rev Biol. Trop.
McGregor, S. E. 1976. Insect pollination of 169-196. [review of domesticated and wild crop- 27:203-205. [oil-bees, not Apis, visit oil flowers]
cultivated crop plants. Agrie. Handbk. 496. visiting apoids] Rhem, S., Espig, G. 1991. The cultivated plants
Washington, D. C.: U.S. Dept, Agrie. 411 pp. Onim, J. F. M., Eijnatten, C. L. M., Paffiak, R. S. of the tropics and subtropics: Cultivation,
[well-illusixated, helpful for deciding whether 1979. Some factors which encourage outcrossing economic value, utilization. Weikersheim,
crops need bees, biased toward Apis mellifera] in pigeon pea. Proc. IV Int. Symp. Poll.: 219- Germany: Verlag Josef Margraf, 552 pp. [most
Michelbacher, A. E., Hurd, P. D., Linsley, E. G., 225. [Api,s meli jtala scutellata is abundant but complete reference available on offitivated plants
Jr. 1971. Experimental introduction of squash relatively inefficient compared to Chalicodoma, in the tropics, but pollinators not treated]
bees (Peponapis) to improve yields of squashes, Megachile and possibly Xflocopo] Richards, A. J. 1986. Plant breeding systems.
gourds and pumpkins. Bee Wad. 52:156-166. Owens, J. N., Sornsathapornkul, P., Tang- London: George Allen and Unwin, 529 pp. [a
[Peponapis and Xenoglossa are the natural mitcharoen, S. 1991. Studying flowering and clear and full treatment of the breeding
pollinators] seed ontogeny in tropical forest trees. Muak- systems of plants, genetics and related
National Research Council. (Board 011 Science Lek, Sarabmi 18180, Thailand: ASEAN-Canada evolutionmy ecology]
and Technology for hiternational Development). Forest Tree Seed Centre Project. 134 pp. Richarclson, R. W, jr., Alvarez, E. 1957. Pollination
1975. Underexploited tropical plants with [illustrated guide and current references to relationships among vegetable crops in Mexico.
promising economic value. Washington, D. C.: seedling growth and flowering, including T. Natural cross-pollination in cultivated tomatoes.
Natl. Acad. Press. 186 pp. [plants and research pollination and laboratory procedures, and Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 69:366-371. [halictid
recommendations, but no mention of pollination research in general] bees are primmy pollinators]
and almost nothing on breeding systems] Pandey, R. S., Yadava, R. P. S. 1970. Pollination Roecklein, J. C, Leung, R-S. 1987. A profile of
National Research Council. (Board on Science oflitchi (Litchi chinensis) by insects with special economic plants. New Brunswick: Transaction
and Technology for Internatio»al Development). reference to honeybees. J. Apic. Res. 9;103-105. Books, 623 pp. [catalog of useful plants
1977. Tropical legumes: resources for the future. [Apis and Thigona are the impoitant pollinators] cultivated in the Hawaiian islands, by scientific
Washington, D. C.: Natl. Acad. Press, 331 pp. Parker, F. D., Torchio, P. E 1980 Management name, common name, end-use, summoty of
[thorough economic treatment for the tropics, of wild bees. In: Beekeeping in the United economic and botanical infonnation for each;
but excludes breeding systems and pollination] States. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Dept. Agrie. no family names, no pollination or breeding
National Research Council. (Board on Science Handbook, 335 pp. 144 160. [describes rearing, systems discussed]
aun Technology for International Development). parasites and population requirements for some Roubik, D. W 1989. Ecology and natural histoty
In angiosperms, pollination
is an important event that is a
prerequisite of sexual
reproduction. This is because
pollen is to do the same thing
in plants that sperm (loes in
animals. Success of pollen
transfer is very important.
However, pollen is a non-
motile spore. It must be
transfened from anthers (the
seat of their production) to the
stigma (the seat of their
germination) by some vector.
Water-pollination (hyclrophily) is
found only in some water plants where
inflorescences float or are submerged.
However, many freshwater plants
produce aerial inflorescences.
Wind-pollination (anemophily) is
found in many plant families including
crop plants especially grasses.
Characteiistics of plants using the wind-
pollination mode include: a) a reduced
Selipoilination or selling. leaf sin-face area; b) exposed flowers; e) reduced perianths;
When pollination takes place within a flower, this is called el) long stamens and sometimes explosive anther dehiscence;
self-pollination (see Figure). Sell-pollination will take place e) smooth, dry pollen gains that may bear air sacs; f) lack
if: a) Flowers are bisexual and have stigmas and of nectaries and nectar in flowers, and y) flowers having
anthers at the same heights (stamens and style are of the no colour or scent.
same length); b) both the sexes mature simultaneously
(protancky orprotogyny are absent); e) contact of newly Relative disadvantages of the wind-pollination mode are
dehisced anthers (releasing fresh pollen) with the receptive that a) there is little accuracy; b) pollen concentration
stigma is imminent. Proximity of anthers to stigma under declines with the distance from the emitting source; e)
the above conditions should result into self-pollination. pollen is intercepted by all sinfaces in the line of dispersal;
If selfing results in fertilization, this should indicate at el) pollen availability may diminish with height for flowers
least some occurrence of strict inbreeding. of wind-pollinated trees.
Characteristics of plants using the biotic-pollination mode successful inbreeding species. The chances of the
include: a) relatively small amounts of pollen are produced; former remain larger than the latter. Obligate selling is a
b) there is some kind of relationship between the pollen rare event and is found in a small minority of plants.
vector and pollination unit (see Sections 2.2-2.4); e) pollen However, individual species may show high levels of
varies greatly in size and external sculpture but is usually selfing, -which may exceed 99% of all fertilizations.
sticky; d) flowers have attractive colours, odors and also Examples are wheat, barley, oats and beans. Selling is
produce nectar. Biotic pollination naturally falls into normally foimd in opportunistic annual plants.
several distinctive classes:
Repeated selling renders the majority of species relatively
pollination of by insects (entomophily), e.g. by beetles less vigorous, when measured as height, weight or
(cantharophily), flies (myophily), bees (melittophily), reproductive and survival capabilities. Inbreeding
butteiflies (psychophily), moths (phalaenophily) depression occurs in organisms that normally are
pollination by invertebrates like snails and slugs ,outcrossers' and much less in those that have evolved to
(malacophily) be `selfers'. Selling is a secondary derivative of outcrossing.
pollination by vertebrates, such as birds (omithophily), Environmental changes that made a failure of self-
and bats (chiropterophiW. incompatibility among outcrossers led to the evolution of
selling in plants.
In the evolution of angiosperms, entomophily has played
a great role, the other pollination modes are considered The role of windspollination
to be secondary derivatives of entomophily. Among these (anemophily)
modes, the effectiveness of bee-pollination is highest Like selfing, anemophily is also considered a later derivative
due primarily to two reasons. First, bees visit the flowers of a widespread, pre-existing condition biotic pollination
to gather food rewards, thus reliably seek the flowers dining in this case. Retention of floral colour and scent, a well
all times. Second, flower constancy of bees (their persistence formed corolla, effective wind- and insect-pollination at
in looking for the flowers of one species) is very high. the same time, and similar features in a wind-pollinated
plant indicates its recent development and a connecting
In nature, all kinds of pollination modes are present, link between biotic pollination and anemophily. Sudden
however, these are scattered in space and time. For example, environmental change resulting in failure of pollination is
ornithophily can best be -witnessed in Neotropical and considered to be the fundamental cause of anemophily.
Australian forests. Hummingbirds and large nectar- However, unlike selfing, anemophily provides some chances
producing floweis are the best example. Different pollinating of genetic recombination through outcrossing. Anemophily
animals are in fact associated with different sizes and might be considered a highly wasteful pollination mode
shapes of flowers (see Section 2.2) and are usually the because the pollen falls -where it may. A recent analysis
effective pollinators of these flowers, whatever the species show this is not the case, and it is precisely its greater
happen to be, and wherever they come from originally (see economy that promotes the evolution of anemophily
Appendix I). These relationships vary from the most wherever possible. Nonetheless, large amounts of
specialized to the least specialized twes, as illustrated energy and material are used in production of massive
in much of the pollination literature (see 1.1.3) and amounts of pollen and feathery styles on flowers. In
elsewhere in this book. compensation the perianths are highly reduced and
mdimentaiy. Therefore, floral features are greatly resnicted.
As a consequence, anemophiles exhibit low floral diversity.
10202 Eeologjeul limportance of
21b8U MN'S Pollination Modes Effective anemophily requires dry weather, and either
low plant species richness or a large number of
Pollination modes and pollinators strongly influence individuals in a relatively small area. The frequency of
ecological relationships, genetic variation in the plant anemophily increases with both latitude and elevation.
commtmity, floral diversity, speciation, plant evolution and Wind pollination is generally uncommon in lowland
ecosystem conservation (see especially Section 1.2.4) tropical environments, especially in rain forests, and
Pollination modes (e.g. abiotic or biotic) have a very broad is dominant in temperate deciduous and boreal forests.
range of effects, some of which are discussed below. These latter forests show low plant and floral diversity.
I) Fruit crops 3) Oilseed crops
Acerola Malpighia glabra 1-3% (S), 6.7- Flax L11711171 usitatissimum BP increases seed
55% yield 22.5-38.5%
(H), 6.7-74% (C) Niger Guizotia abbyssinica BP increases
Ahnond Prunus amygdalus no bees, no fruit yield
Apricot Primus armenica benefited from Rapeseed &
BP Mustard Brassica 64.7 seed set
Blackberry Rubus benefited from (BE),
BP 95.3% (BP)
Cashew At/act-mint/1i occidentale 55.5% (S), need Oil palm Elaeis guineensis CE
BP Olive Olea europaea C increases
Cherimoya Annona cherimola 6% (OP), 44-60% fruit set
Peanut Amach is hypogaea BP increases seed
Cherry Prunus 20-35% (s), 49% yield 6-11%
(H) Safflower Carthamus tinctorius 32-47% (BE),
Chestnut Castanea 1.3% (S), 100% (BP)
613%(0P), Sesame Sesamum indicum BP increases
34.9% C(H) seed yield
Kiwifruit Actinidia deliciosa CE Sunflower Helianthus annuus 311 lb/A (BE),
Citrus Citrus 40-60% (H), 80- 931 11i/A (OP)
100% (OP)
Coconut Cocos nzicifera CE 'Pulse' crops
Date Phoenix dactylifera CE
Grape Vitis vinifera 1.7 seeds/cage, Broad bean Vicia faba BP increases
1.8 seed yield
(BP), 1.8 (OP) Cicer milkvetch Astragalus cicee 2.3% (S), 12.4%
(BE) (H), 23.1% (C)
Guava Psidium guajava CE Pio.eon pea Cajanus cojan BP increases
Janum Syzygium valga re CE seed yield 10%
Jujube Ziziphus jujuba CE
Litchi chinensis 0.01-0.03%(BE),0.7- Spices, condiments & beverages
11.2% (BP)
Mango Mangifera in chica Cincreases fruit set Black pepper Piper lligrum BP essential
Illusktnelon Cuctunis melo 1.6 crates/A (BE), Cacao Theobroma cacao CE
242 crates/A Carambola Averrhoa carambola C obligatory
(BP), CE Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum 11% (BE),
Pawpaw Ashnina triloba CE 67% (BP)
Papaya Carica papaya CE Chicory Cie/107411111 illtybliS 0% (S),
Passion fruit Pussylora CE 61% (OP)
Peach Prunus persica BP increases Clove Syzygium aromaticum CE
yield Coffee Coffea 61.7% (BE),
Watermelon Chi-units lan atas CE 75.3% (BP)
Coriander Coriandrum satiM1111 C obligatory
2) Vegetable crops Felmel Foeniculum vulgare BP increases seed
yield 7 times
Balsam pear Momordica charantis CE Kolanut Cola acuminata CE
Beet Beta .vidgaris BP increases seed Methi Trigonella corniculata 0.09 kg/plot (BE)
yield 14% 6.2 kg/plot (BP)
Cabbage Brassica oleracea CE Pinfento Pimenta dioica 19 berries (BE),
Carrot Daucus carota 128 lb/A (JE), >1000benies (BP)
435 11i/A (TI) Tea Camellia sinensis CE
711 lli/A (OP), Vanilla Vanilla CE
840 lb/A (BP)
Chayote Sechium echa le CE 6) Forage crops
Cucumber Cucumis sativus CE
Egg plant Solan11171 melongena C increases Alfalfa Medicago sativa 0.3 kg/A (BE),
production 20.3 kg/A (BP)
Lettuce Lactuca sativa C increases seed Berseem Trifolium alexandrinum 0.27-0.64 seed/
yield head (BP)
Onion Allimn cepa 9.8% (BE), 19.58-70.54 seed/
93.4% (BP) head (BE)
Pumpkin Cucurbita 6.8% (BE), Lespedeza Lespedeza C level 61.480.9%
61.2% (BP), CE Vetch Vicia BP increases
Radish Raphanus sativus CE seed production
Tomato Lycopsersicon escalentum buzz pollina-
tion essential 7) Fiber crops
Turnip Brassica rapa CE
Loofah Luffa cylindrica CE Cotton Gossypium 2.3-3.4% (BE),
White Gourd Benin casa hispida CE 40-53% (BP)
Bottlegourd Lagenaria siceraria CE Kenaf HibiSCUS CCIMTabinus C helpful in
seed yield
Sisal Agave C necessary
Simnhemp Crotalaria juncea 2.6% (OP ) 65%
A=Area, BE=Bees excluded, BP=Bee Pollination Present, (BP)
C=Cross-Pollination, CE=Cross-Pollination essential,
H=Hand Pollination, IE=All Insects Excluded,
TI=Tiny Insects Permitted, OP=Open Pollination, S=Self-Pollination. Pollination of Cultivat3d Plants in the Tropics 15
seed production in many entomophilous and anemophilous to agriculture. Figures calculated for the U.S.A., Canada,
crops. For the preservation of floral diversity in the ecosystem, and Australia, mostly in regard to honeybees, show that
conservation of pollinators and pollination services for plants the value of pollination far exceeds that of hive products
are essential. For increased crop yield of seed and fruit, like honey. The recognition of the problem in Europe
managed pollination shoukl receive top priority. prompted several serious and pioneering studies.
Nevertheless, the economics of animal pollination in
Acknowledgment agriculture within any one country are complex and difficult
I wish to thank Prof. R.B. Mathur for general facilities, to assess. That notwithstanding, agriculture and other equally
Nirmala, my wife for encouragement, Dr. Manju Singh for vital economic ventures cannot do without their variety
her critical suggestions, and Anju Rathi for her timely of pollinators, including the most generally important, the
help for the preparation of this article. The funds for this honeybees. The total value of animal pollination to world
article were utilized from the projects `C(a)Zoo-2-NP- apiculture has not been estimated, and the value to world
Agri.' and `C(g) Zoo-6-0A' sponsored by the State ecosystemic health is beyond measure!
Government of Haryana and Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India, respectively.
The demise of pollinators
has come about- through
four major human
activities ca) Pesticide
use; b) Habitat
destruction; ci Diseases;
and d) Competition from
introduced flower visitors.
Most information comes
from temperate regions,
but the same problems can
be assumed to be equally
or more severe in the
tropics (see Sections 1.5.2,
1.5.3). The aim of this
Section iS to review briefly
the information available on
each factor and to place into
perspective the potential
seriousness of ignoring what
has already taken place.
1.2.1 Conserving Poi& ios for Another issue in pollinator conservation is an increasing
Agrieulter.e, Forestry & Nature recognition by scientists and others that 'non-honeybees'
are important as crop pollinators. Nevertheless, the lack
Pollination is a pivotal, keystone process in almost all of general acceptance of the greater efficiency of other
biotically productive terrestrial ecosystems. These include pollinators for certain crops, and the failure to recognize
the most remote wildernesses of the Arctic to the most that some crops are poorly, if at all, pollinated by honeybees
highly managed farming operations such as hydroponics have hampered appropriate developments towards
in greenhouses. In the accompanying Figure pollination pollinator conservation for agricultural productivity.
is at the center of a multi-spoked wheel which has human,
livestock, and wildlife consumers around its rim. There 1) Pes117zrZ2s. The dangers associated with pesticides,
are a few other such important relationships in maintaining especially insecticides, and pollinators are well documented
the ecosystemic health of the planet fungal and microbial and understood, especially with regard to European
relationships with roots affecfing plant growth and nutrition, honeybees. Current available information is summarized
biophysical interactions in the soil, biophysical interactions in Appendix III (see also the references, listed after
of life and the atmosphere, plant propagule (seeds etc.) Section 2.1). Johansen and Mayer (1990) have recently
dispersal by animals, the role of forests, and multifarious written a highly informative book on the subject, with the
pollution problems. main emphasis on the U.S.A. For most pesticides used
worldwide there is published information on the toxicity
Recently, conservation concerns for pollination have started to European honeybees, and sometimes to other bees.
to take on a greater profile. Some of this concern has Many pesticide containers, in fact, bear labels with cautions
come about because of the recognized value of pollination about the dangers to pollinators.
Recent trends in many parts of the world towards reducing reference to these problems with respect to biological
the use of pesticides in apiculture and forest"), (see Section control, LPM, and pollination in the tropics. Documentation
1.6) have gone far toward lessening the incidence of of the negative effects on pollinator populations in
pollinator poisonings. Nevertheless, in developing countries, agricultural areas of removing "umvanted" vegetation come
the problems are still severe. It must also be remembered from Europe and North America.
that pesticides are a.n integral part of integrated pest
management practices (IPM) for crop protection in modem The desuuction of nesting and oviposition sites has been
apiculture and forestry. The dangers must still be kept documented in central Canada for the demise of populations
in mind and a constant vigilance maintained. of leaf cutter bees (Megachildae) left without nesting sites
in stumps and logs as fields of alfalfa expanded, in Europe
Most pesticide problems stem from accidents, carelessness for bumblebees as the amount of relatively "mdisturbed
in application, and deliberate misuse despite label warnings land in hedgerows and greenbelts declined, and in the
and recommendations . As pesticide applications become tropics for the inadequate pollination of cacao by midges
more and more regulated and users are required to take in plantations from which oviposition substrates, rotting
safety courses before certification, the problem should -vegetation, had been too fastidiously removed.
diminish. However, in many countries regulations are
wanting, lax, or ignored. The general problems are Examples of the destruction of special mating or resting
exacerbated by the free availability in developing countries sites would pertain to pollinators with rather special
of pesticides that are outmoded or illegal elsewhere. In requirements and to those associated with rare plants.
agTicultural settings, pesticide use can be easily monitored Although this problem is suspected to be real,
and controlled by a) responsible agents of the documentation is not available and would be very difficult
agrochemical industries manufacturing and selling to obtain without special study.
pesticides, b) diligent applicators who pay heed to labels,
recommended application rates, and warnings about The general issue of habitat desuuction for pollinators has
pollinator poisonings and human health, e) government evoked concern on a broad scale. Janzen's 1974 article
extension agents, and d) other interested persons in "The deflowering of America" exemplifies the problem.
apiculture, pollination services, or the general public. He points to a vicious cycle of reduced vegetation for
pollinators' resources, reduced pollination of the vegetation,
Issues in non-agricultural settings and agro-forestry are the demise of plant reproductive success and reductions
more complex because of the importance of a wider in seed and fruit set. These result in the failure of
diversity of pollinators, both wild and managed. The most revegetation with a level of biodiversity that would have
well understood situation is in eastern Canada where otherwise come about. This cycle applies to all parts of
fenitrothion, sprayed against spruce budworms that the world where pollination by animals is an integral part
were defoliating forest trees. It had devastating side effects of the ecosystem. Nevertheless, recent books on
on wild, native pollinators of commercial blueberry fields. conservation of insects and other animals give short
Effects were also immediately felt on the pollinators shrift to pollinators and all but ignore the consequences
servicing the sexual reproductive needs of native of their demise. In the context of the present book, this
-vegetation. A number of differem plant species of the attitude is very difficult to understand.
forest and forest margins suffered reduced fruit and
seed set, which in turn would be expected to impact Ez:7.777y,om:or diseases. Mite diseases of honeybees
wildlife by depriving them of natural quantities of food. have evoked major concern as tracheal mites and Vanpa
The effects on pollinators resulting from other extensive haVe spread at alarming rates. The impact of these diseases
applications of pesticides against other major pests, such On colonies of honeybees is well documented, but little
as other forest defoliators, locusts, and grassland herbivores information is available on the effects on pollination. It
have been investigated hardly at all. has been suggested that many amateur and small-scale
beekeepers will abandon their activities because of the
2) arabitat clestructiì There are three ways additional complexities of bee management associated
that habitat destruction affects pollinator populations, as with monitoring for mite disea.ses and controlling them
Avith populations of any organism: tg) destmction of food once detected. Further, chemical control of mites may not
sources; to destmction of nesting or oviposition sites, and be acceptable to producers of pure honey.
e) destniction of resting or mating sites.
The destruction of food sources is best illustrated by The expected changes in the face of beekeeping, which
examples of the removal of vegetation, which provides is mostly in the hands of small-scale operators -widely
pollinator food when the crops are not in bloom, from dispersed over the agricultural landscape, seems to be
agricultural areas. Very often the vegetation which is resulting in fewer beekeepers and lesser dispersion of free
removed is regarded as unwanted, as weeds or competitiOn pollination from bees in their hives. Already their are
for the crop plants, yet is invaluable to pollinators and complaints from parts of the U.S.A. about inadequate
other beneficial insects. Kevan (1986) has made special numbers of honeybees for pollination of pome, stone, and
-,--7r Forage
E7 puovAged
Fruits, Berries, Nuts
parasitoids, and predators are
known to attac1( native bees, and
other pollinators, in nature.
4) Pollinator
LI (fertililzer) The most studied of the
competitive interactions
between pollinators as they relate to pollination is that
small, soft fmit crops. Pollination services may come to of the effect of the Afrieanized and African honeybees
be provided by commercial beekeepers at an additional on native pollinators and European honeybees in South
cost to the grower and consumer (see Section 2.1). and Central America. Roubik first pointed out the
apparent reductions in abundance of native bees in
That scenario would apply to beekeeping operations in the Neotropies after the invasion of Africanized bees.
other parts of the world where non-native diseases have Subsequently he placed the phenomenon in a broader
invaded the native stocks of honeybees. In India, the context, but the issue of the competitive interactions
possible transfer of diseases from European honeybees of African bees with native pollinators in South and
to the Asiatic hive bee (Apis cerana) was suggested to have Central America seems complex. Information in recent
caused the demise of the latter to the deniment of honey articles has been misused and misinterpreted. A
production. detailed field study in the Cenado of Brazil showed
there was a relatively small (about 33%) overlap of
Great care is needed for the introduction of honeybees African honeybees with native bees on flower species.
from one part of the world to another. The spread of This article did not deal specifically with competition
honeybee diseases, from place to place and between species among the bees, but has sometimes been said to show
is mostly attributable to human activity (e.g. VatToa the African honeybee was not a significant competitor.
North and South America, Europe and western Asia; Besides simply being poor ecology, such interpretations
tracheal mites in North America; etc.). Quarantine protocols ignore the absolute necessity of recording changes
are well established in some countries, but unfortunately brought about by honeybee invasion almost all
lacking in others. Bailey and Ball (1991) provide up-to- studies focus on phenomena that take place after the
date information on honeybee pathology worldwide. fact. This, unfortunately, is the case throughout the
world, where Apis has been introduced and no studies
Leaf cutter bees also suffer from diseases. The most important of any kind were made on possible impact on native
are the many chalk brood fungal diseases, such as that or other animal species.
affecting the alfalfa leaf cutter bee, Megachile rotundata.
This disease has a major impact on the culture of the bees In Australia there has been recent debate on the effects
and diagnosis facilities have been established in some places of the introduced European honeybee on the native flora
(e.g. western Canada) where these bees are highly impoitant and fauna of pollinators. Some conclude there is
to pollination in agriculture. Research on the diseases other justification for the concern that the European honeybees
managed pollinators, such as orchard bees (Osmia) and llave caused reductions in the pollination of some native
plants, especially bird-pollinated ones, by removing f7rtional References
the nectar sought by the birds and causing changes in
their populations and foraging habits. The issue of the Bailey, L., Ball, B. V. 1991. honeybee pathology (2 ed). London:
effects on native pollinating insects is not so clear from Academic
the botanical side, but the same trends are evident with Beekeeping in the United States. 1980. United States
respect to the native bees. Department of Agriculture, Handbook No. 335. Washington,
D. C. 20402: U. S. Government Printing Office, 193 pp.
5) Dirersirwrlfon of pollinators. Janzen, D. H. 1974. The de-flowering of Amefica. Nat. Hist. 83:48-53.
Although it must be conceded that honeybees are the most Jones, C. E., Little, R. J. (eds.). 1983. Handbook of experimental pollina-
valuable of pollinators in apiculture, they are not the 'be- tion biology. NeAv Yolk: van Nostrand Reinhold, 558 pp.
an' and `end-all' of crop pollination. The examples of the Kevan, P. G. in press. Wind or insects: pollination of coconut
greater efficiencies of orchard bees for pome fiuit pollination, (Cocos nucifera) in the Maldive Islands. In: L. Conner, T.
alfalfa leaf cutter bees for alfalfa pollination, bumblebees Rinderer, I. Sylvester, S. Wongsiri (eds.). Asian honeybees
for pollination of tomatoes and other solanaceous crops in and bee miles. Cheshire, Connecticut, USA: Wicwas Press.
greenhouses, blueberry bees for blueben-ies, and cmpenter Kevan, P. G., Hussein, M. Y., Hussey, M. N. , Wahid, M. B.
bees for passion fruit illustrate the point. The lack of 1986. Modelling the use of Elaeidobium kainerunicus for
pollination brought about by honeybees on oil palm, valions pollination of oil palm. Planter, Kuala Lumpur 62:89-99.
annonaceous fmit crops, red clover and other crops with Kevan, P. G., Plowright, R. C. 1989. Fenitrothion and insect pollina-
flowers too deep for honeybees to work, and bat-pollinated tors. In: Ernst, W R, Pearce, A., Pollock, T C. (eds.). Environmental
dmian are even more extreme as sound examples of the effects of fenitrothion use in forestry. Dartmouth, Nova Soctia,
need to consider alternative pollinators for many crops. Callada: Environment Callada, pp. 1342.
The issues in the tropics are especially important because Menezes Pedro, S. R., Camargo, J. M. F. 1991. Interactions on
the natural pollination mechanisms of so many plants floral resources between Africanized honeybee, Apis melli-
(crops and others) are not understood. fera L. and the native bee community in a natural "cerrado"
ecosystem in southeast Brazil. Apidologie 22:397-416.
LI;M RS Mishra, R. C., Sihag, R. C. 1987. Apicultural Research in
Conservation of honeybees, other domesticated bees, India. Hisar: Hisar Agricultural Univ. Press, 120 pp.
wild bees, and other pollinators raise an important issue Osborne, J. A., Williams, I. H., Corbet, S. A. 1991. Bees, polli-
in the global context of agricultural and natural nation and habitat change in the Eiuropean community. Bee
sustainable productivity. It is extremely important that Wld. 72:99-116.
apiculturists expand their horizons to embrace the culture Parker, E. D., Batra, S. W T, Tepedino, V. J. 1987. New polli-
of alternative species and to embrace the importance nators for our crops. Agrie. Zool. Rev. 2:279-304,
of other pollinators in agriculture. The importance of Real, L. (ed.). Pollination biology. London: Academic Press, 338 pp.
pollination, and its being adversely affected on a wide Roubik, D. W. 1978. Competitive interactions between
front through habitat destruction, poisonings, disease, Africanized honeybees and native neotropical pollinators.
and competitive interactions with alien species, needs Science 201:1030-1032.
to be fully recognized by biologists, ecologists, Roubik, D. W 1988. An ovderview of Africanizerd honeybee
agriculturalists, and the general citizenry of the world populations: reproduction, diet, and competition. In: Proc.
in the new spirit of global, environmental sustainability Intl. Conf. on Africanized Honeybees and Bee Mites.
and the conservation of biodiversity Delfinado-Baker, M., Needham G., Page, R. and Bowman,
C. (eds.) Chichester, U.K., E. Horwood, Ltd., pp. 45-54.
Roubik, D. W. in press. Direct costs of forest reproduction, bee-
cycling and the efficiency of pollination modes. In: D. W.
Roubik, T. Inoue, P. S. Ashton (cris.). Diversity and Stability
of Ecological Communities in Fluctuating Environments. J.
Bioscienees (Supplement).
Sihag, R. C. 1986. bisect pollination increases seed production
in cruciferous and umbelliferous crops. J. Apic. Res.
Southwick, E. E., Southwick, L., Jr. 1992. Estimating the eco-
nomic value of honeybees as agricultural pollinators in the
United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 85:621-633.,
Williams, I. H., Corbet, S. A., Osborne, J. A. 1991.
Beekeeping, wild bees and pollination in the European
community. Bee Wld. 72:170-171.
Accounts of crop pollination in temperate climates are Punjab. Rape is a useful nectar source for honeybees.
given by McGregor for North America, Batra, Kapil, Some pollen is gathered from crops too, but 40.0-95.5%
Jai, Ahmad and Dafni for the Indian subcontinent and of foragers later discard the pollen and deliberate pollen
the middle east, Free for the world, and Crane and Walker collecting is rare.
for tropical countries. They include illustrations of flower
moiphology, valuable bibliographies, and accounts of some Bmssica is mainly pollinated by insects, bees in particular,
regional pollinators, their effectiveness, and the need to but shaking of the plants by wind contributes to pollination.
control insecticide use on crops. The 21 crop groups Most insects pollinate the yellow rape flowers. Two
summarized in this section focus on major tempenue beetle pests only canied about 10% of the pollen of
crops grown in highland regions of the tropics. The honeybees and bumblebees. In spring rape, some
plant families treated here include many major families honeybees take nectar without pollinating the flowers.
of crop, weed and indigenous (native) plants. Shmbs, vines, Honeybee flower visitation rate increases and the flowers
herbs and trees are covered. These species flower in spring visted per plant decline as temperatures increase, whereby
to autumn, and their flowering penod is short to fairly long. cross-pollination is probably improved. Pollen collection
The 21 groups fairly represent the variation in floral reaches its peak in the morning, thus effective pollination
structure and breeding system found in crops pollinated may barely exceed 10 hours even on a fine day. In 10
primarily by insects or having a mixture of wind/insect hours, each honeybee should visit 5,000-8,000 flowers.
and bird/insect pollination. Crops from the less specialized Hive density of 2-6/hectare is recommended for pollination.
plant families, often suited to general pollinators are The giant honeybee Apis dorsata is an effective pollinator
considered first. Crops that are not well pollinated and increased yields ha-ve been reported when hives of
by honeybees are revietved in more detail to ilhtstrate A. cerana were introduced to crops.
the subtleties that can be involved.
In Europe, Bombas is a consistent pollinator of rape
Cr(*I'7,fferelle (3,200 species, 380 genera) flowers. In India, the solitary bee Andrena leaena is a
Eight of the 40 Brassica species are cultivated as crops. consistent pollinator. Frequent visitors in India and Pakistan
The dwaif honeybee, Apis florea fails to pollinate floNvers include Apis florea, which is not an effective pollinator,
of all cruciferous crops toria, mustard, cabbage, rape, and Andrena ilerda, which may nest in rape fields. Other
cauliflowers, turnip rocket cress and radish. A. cerana common visitors include Halictus, two more Andrena, and
could well behave like the western honeybee by removing less often Amegilla, Anthophora, Ceratina, Golletes,
nectar from some crops -without contacting the anthers and Lasioglossum, Nomada, Nomia, Nomioides, Pithitis
stigma. smaragdula, Sphecodes, Thyreus, and Xylocopa.
1. ;;;irethe roive, 3rassica ntupus, and iIL110saceue (3,500 species, 120 genera)
turnip, B. eampese friso The rose family have open flowers NV-1th stamens near the
These crucifers are mainly grown for oil seed but the former stigma on each flower. Each flower can usually be pollinated
is used as a greenfodder crop for livestock. Over 60% of by generalist insect visitors. Flowering is intense and
the rape oil crop is grown in Asia and the Indian virtually completed in two to three weeks. Pollination is
subcontinent in temperate and subtropical areas. Tropical most frequent on the first day of flowering. Almond (Prunus
countries grow about 64% of the woild crop. The main amygdalus var. dukis) flowers first in eaily spiing, then
rape growing countries are China, India, Bangladesh and peaches and nectarine (Prunus persica), apricot (P.
to a lesser extent Ethiopia, Colombia and Brazil. Rape annenica), plum (Prunus domesticus), Japanese plum (P.
flowers provide an important source of honey in Bangladesh, salicina), sweet cherry(P. avium), tart cherry (P cemsus)
China, Pakistan, Japan, Taiwan and Argentina, but honey , then European pear (Pyrus communis), nashi peal' (P.
yields are a modest 7-14 kg per hectare. serotina) and finally apple (Pyrus malus). Daytime
temperatures are critical for pollinator activity on almonds
Swede rape is self-fertile, but it produces a greater and rather less important for apples that flower a month
weight of seed from longer pods with more seeds in them later. Peaches, nectannes and apples will be unevenly
chiefly the result of pollinator visits. Seed set and -yield shaped with inadequate pollination. Seed size is small and
are poor in glasshouses that rely on self-pollination, and fruits elongate in poorly pollinated pears, and part of the
seed viability is better with cross-pollination. Flowers of apple core will lack pips if not pollinated. Almonds, apricots
winter rape (sown in autumn) remain open and can be and peaches have single flower buds, while apples, chenies,
pollinated for one to three days. Spring rape flowers can pears and plums contain multiple flowers in each bud
be pollinated during one or two days. Winter crops giving them 2-10 times the density of flowers. Information
flower for about six weeks in late spring, and spring is scarce on flower density even though fruit set is discussed
crops bloom in early summer in temperate zones, but (usually based on the proportion of multiple-flower buds
during the cool season (late autumn-early spring) in the that make fruit), which makes all data on fruit-set difficult
to interpret. Most orchards are planted with 100 t6 400 In Japan, Osmia cornifrons is used for peach pollination.
trees/hectare, while intensively trellised multitier apples In Korea, Megachile are common wild pollinators. And in
and dwarf pears can have up to 1,150 trees/hectare. northern India, Apis clorsata was the most common
honeybee and began visiting the flowers about an hour
2. AlEconds. Prunus antyydalas earlier than imported A. mellifero. Flies remained active
var. didek. on flowers in overcast and rainy weather, unlike the
Almond flowers decline in receptivity during the three honeybees.
days they may remain open. Almond has early-, mid-
and late-flowering varieties, but most flowering occurs in 4,5, Phones and cherries.
the month that winter turns to spring. A profitable crop From 21 to 26% of the chenies are produced in Asia, with
depends on cross-pollination of most flowers and 20-40% production in the Neotropics mainly in Mexico, but also
of flowers usually set fruit. Chile and Argentina. 'Stella' is the only one of 30 common
sweet cheny eultivars that does not need another variety
The white flowers of almond are relatively attractive to to serve as a pollinizer. Tart cherries are largely self-
honeybees and open when honeybee colonies are at about pollinating but can yield twice the crop with cross-
their smallest size in the season when -weather often pollination. Their flo-wers have a low sugar concentration.
restricts foraging to 1-3 hours per day. Nectar collectors
rarely contact the stigma as they perch on the petal and Yearly fluctuations of 200-400% in yields of plums have
probe nectaries between bases of the stamens. About 150- been reported in New Zealand and the USA. Lo-w
200 honeybees/tree or 5 to 10 strong hives/hectare are availability of pollinizing trees and degree of pollination
recommended so that honeybees investigate more flowers and fruit formation are considered to cause such vatiation.
and more often perform cross-pollination services. California With European plums, greengage, about hall the purple
produces about one-third of the almonds in the world to blue pirate plums, and some yellow egg and lombard
and there are not enough honeybee colonies to completely (red to pink plums) do not need another pollinizer
satisf'y the need for pollinators. variety. In all, 19 of the 30 main commercial varieties
require a pollinizer to set fruit. Self-fertile plum var-ieties
In the USA, the mason bee, Osmia lignaria has been used usually have 20 to 23 stamens on each -white flower, while
experimentally in almond orchards, while the orange self-sterile varieties have 24 to 32 stamens on a flower.
orchard bee, O. comuto has been introduced for pollination Fruit set with pollinating honeybees can be six times that
of almonds. O. comuta is being used commercially for of bagged flowers, thus plums are more responsive to
almond pollination in Spain, where 60-80% of the pollen pollinating bees than are peaches.
collected by these bees comes from the fruit trees. In
Kashmir, the temperature threshokl for foraging on almond Honeybees are effective pollinators of plums and cherries.
is 8°C for Apis cerana and Xylocopa fenestrata. In New In Australia, \\There there are few additional pollinators,
Zealand, the queens of Bombas terTestris freely use almond fruit set reaches 36% when 7 to 21 honeybees are seen
flowers. Flowering occurs before most nesting has begun, at one time on the flowers of each tree. From 1.3 to 5.0
so that queens are the main visitors and nectar the primary and 2.5 colonies/hectare are recommended, respectively,
resource they seek. Pollinating Lasioglossum need both for pollination of cherry and European plum. In northern
sunny conditions and 13.5°C for flight. Apis cerana foraged longer each day than the imported
honeybee A. mellifera on both plum and apples. A density
Petuzhes and nectarines. of 2.5 honeybee colonies/hectare is recommended for
These need \\Tinter chilling, like apples, which restricts pollination in Europe.
them to temperate and subtropical climates. From 11 to
16% of all peaches and nectarines are produced in Asia The ornamental trees and shrubs, kowhai (Sophora
ancl India, about 4% in Africa, over 3% in Central America microphylla), Grevillea and Hakea saligna are more
and nearly 3% in tropical South American countries. attractive nectar sources for honeybees and bumblebees,
The main producers from the above regions are China, while pollen of Brassica and gorse compete with plums
Japan, Mexico, Korea, South Africa and Brazil. for honeybee use. In USA and England, cherry pollen has
Most peach varieties are self-fertile, but 'Hale', been favored by honeybees, but kale can be a competing
`Marsan', 'June Elberta', `Hallberta', `Candoka', pollen source.
'Chinese cling', `Almarand', 'Crawford', and 'Giant'
require cross-pollination. The pink peach flowers are The horn-faced bee, Osmia cornifrons is being used
receptive for three days. Wind can dislodge pollen commercially for pollination of plums in Japan and has
and set fruit. In the field, bees and other visitors been introduced to the USA. Chenies and plums have
contribute to pollination, but show little evidence of been favored pollen sources for the mason bee, Osinia
improving yields or fruit quality. Fruit set with honeybees couta, in France. This bee is used to a limited extent in
can be twice that of bagged flowers. The use of 0.2-2.5 Yugoslavia and Spain for pollination of fmit orchards. O.
hives/hectare is recommended for pollination. cornuta forages at lower temperatures than the
At 1,300 m elevation in
Northern Thailand,
Pear & peach flowers & fruit (sections) - Trigona, A. florea and A.
Rosaceae Prlt7lltS & Pyrus cerana were the main bee
visitors of pear flowers, and
the hover fly, Eristalis
honeybee, and over smaller distances. Andrena varians cerealis was a main visitor in Korea (along with the non-
was well-synchronized with Amy and plum flowering, wild honeybees). Hover fly abundance on flowers declined
often collecting over 90% of its pollen from flowers. In by two-thirds when temperatures fell from 19° to 17°,
northem Thailand, A. florea, Pigona, and A. cerana were and no flies were present at 16°C.
the main bee visitors to plum flowers. Bumblebees that
emerge early in the season and have relatively short tongues Apples.
B. terrestris, B. Ittcomm, B. terricola, and B. bimaculatus These are a major fruit crop in temperate and to a lesser
extent the subtropical regions, with at least 25 % of
are the main species fotmd on plums. Groweis especially
value their contribution to pollination in seasons with production in Asia and the Indian subcontinent and around
adverse weather during flowering. Chenies are among the 2% in Africa, Central and South America respectively.
favoured flowers for the first of the longer-tongued The main tropical countfies producing apples are China,
bumblebee species, e.g B. hortorum, that emerge in spring. India, Brazil, Mexico, Mauritius and Pakistan. The flowers
are an important source of honey, with reported crops of
6. Pears. 20-40 kg/hectare.
Woddwide, 40-44% of pears are produced in Asia and
India, 4% in Africa and <2% in Central America and the Most important commercial apple cultivars need pollen
tropical areas of South America. Each white pear flower from another cultivar to set huit. However, Johnathan',
sheds pollen for two to seven days and each tree flowers 'Rome beauty', `Oldenberg', Wealthy', 'Golden delicious',
for about seven days. Adequate crops require that 2-6% of 'Newton', `Glimes,', 'York', 'Red gokl' and 'Yellow transparent'
the flowers set fruit. A 12-ton yield/hectare is possible. Most will set fruit in large blocks from their own pollen. Even
pear vatieties need pollinizers, but under ideal conditions, these varieties, with the possible exception of 'Yellow
Taitlett', 'Cornice' and 'Hardy' will set heavy crops of seedless transparent' produce heavier crops with cross-pollination.
Most of the honeybees that visit apple flowers are nectar others in China, Korea and Japán. Bumblebees do not
collectors in N. America and Europe. Nectar-collecting 'side-work' the flowers and visit them two or three times
workers are effective pollinators of apple flowers except faster than nectar-collecting honeybees. Bumblebees
"Delicous" varieties that have gaps in the stamen ring. also forage under cooler conditions, but the effect this
Honeybees work from the side around the bases of these has on daily pollination of apples, compared to
apple flowers, while standing on the petals. Apparently honeybees, has apparently not been recorded.
the percentage of "side-working" honeybees increases
as the season progresses, which is after most flowers have In England, Andrena varians used more apple pollen
been cross-pollinated. Individual honeybees tend to (usually over 80%) than seven other bees of this genus,
continue visiting the same foraging area, which while in Germany A. albicans was the most common flower
discourages cross-pollination. Pollen-collecting visitor. Like the honeybees, these bees were less active
honeybees, which effect fruit set better than nectar or in cooler conditions and visit flowers at about half the rate
nectar-and-pollen collectors, are in a minority unless of A. mellifera, making up for their slowness by consistently
nectar is unattractive or unavailable. In orchards with pollinating each visited flower and carrying more viable
about 130,000 flowers/hectare, around 200 pollinating pollen. Flies (mainly hover- and blowflies) also visit apple
honeybees/hectare were needed to set 5% of apple flowers. flowers, shown wherever the pollinating guild has been
However, it was estimated only one in six of the honeybee thoroughly investigated. Studies in England and Callada
visits resulted in maturation of a fruit. The needed show flies carry about 10% the pollen carried by bees on
revisitation could double the numbers of pollinator visits their bodies. Flies may act as poor supplementary pollinators
required. This explains why 2.5 hives/hectare, which in the absence of bees, as the author has obsenTed
can provide 2,400 pollinating honeybees in a hectare at Chatham Island.
any one time, are needed for pollination. In the western
USA, 20 honeybee visits/tree/minute are recommended C. I1litti7raceue (2,000 species, 88 genera)
for pollination, and 1-5 hives/hectare are recommended Cottons are the major malvaceous crop, utilizing 4 of the
for pollination in Europe. 32 Gosswium species. Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinos) and
okra (H. escidentus) have, like cotton, large flowers and
In the USA, oak (Quercos) and dandelion (Taraxacom extrafloral nectaries. Honeybees appear unlikely to be
officinale) can be important pollen for honeybees while efficient pollinators of kenaf and okra.
apple is flowering. Dandelion can be a temporary floral
source, because it is used for nectar in cool conditions, UjingiV7.9 ANNUrti7 tree cotton.
when apple flowers are rmattractive. Pollen from dandelion Gossypiant birsedium. G. arboretum.
is collected rather earlier (mainly in the morning) than About 50% of cotton is grown in Asia and the Indian
apple pollen, but very few honeybees collecting pollen subcontinent, 12% in Africa and 10% in South America.
from dandelion switch to collecting apple pollen. The major cotton growing countries in the tropics are India,
Mowing dandelion to concentrate pollen collectors on China, Pakistan, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Egypt, Nigeria
the apple flowers dming the earlier part of flowering, when and Sudan. Cotton is a minor source of honey in Senegal
most fruit is set, would seem to be justified. Gorse (Ulex and El Salvador, producing 30-90 kg/hectare.
eoropeaus) at the start of flowering and horse chestnut
(Aesculus) near the end of flowering can be competing Cotton is self-fertile but benefits from cross-pollination by
pollen sources. insects. Flowers last one day and begin to wilt in mid-
afternoon. Each flower has one floral and fom- extrafloral
Three species of mason bee, Osmia cornifi-ons (from Japan) nectaries. Nectar secretion is best at 25-35°C; extrafloral
O. lignaria (from N. America) and O. comma (from Europe) nectaries secrete for several days and are difficult for small
are valued apple and fmit tree pollinators. All are used bees to use until the flower withers. The stigma projects
commercially in Japan, Europe and USA. One bee can 2.5 mm beyond the stamens.
pollinate and cause 2,450 flowers a day to set fruit, causing
50-60% fruit-set within 50-100 in of their nests. Brood Honeybees forage from extrafloral nectaries, which contain
cells in nests of O. lignaria can contain 84% apple pollen. concentrated nectar (see Section 2.3.1) until they are
In France, apple pollen was less common in bee nests, drained, leaving as few as 6% of bees visiting the floral
while plum and cherry accounted for 47-87% of pollen nectaries. Boll retention (fruit set) on Asian cotton flowers
stores in nests. Competing pollen sources for O. conotta visited by honeybees averaged 57-62%, 50% for solitary
have been Salix and Brassica. bees of similar siZe, and 30% for self-pollinated flowers.
In the USA the highest yields were obtained when one
The bumblebees that emerge the earliest in spring honeybee was present per each 100 flowers. In addition,
predominate on apple flowers in Europe B. terres tris, there was a 500% increase in yield of hybrid seed
B. lucorum, B. pratorum in North America, B. cotton with 16 honeybee colonies/hectare (compared to
terricola, B. occidentalis, B. affinis, B. impatiens, in no honeybee hives present). Honeybees usually prefer
northern India, two species of Bombus and presumably nectar from the male-sterile (pollen-less) flowers. In
In Pakistan and India, Apis dorsata, Xylocopa, Anthophora E. Lilliaceae (1,200 species, 90 genera)
confusa, A. quadrifasciata, Megachile monticola, and scoliid 10. Onion, Allinnt cepa, shallot,
wasps are recorded as the main pollinators of cotton flowers. A. ascolonicum, spring onions,
The flowers are also visited by Apis florea which may be A. fistulosum, leek, A. portng', garlic,
less effective pollinators due to their smaller size, and A. saticum, chives, A. schoenoprasum.
Andrew, ilerda Coelioxys, Halictas, Nomada, Nomia, Pithitis These are used for food and onion is produced throughout
smaragdula, and Xylocopa. In Egypt, Xylocopa pubescens the world. Garlic and shallot seldom flower, being
and Scotia, and in North America solitaiy bees, Melissodes, propagated vegetatively.
and scoliid wasps, Elis plumipes always visit the floral
nectaries and their bodies become dusted with pollen. The best seed yields of onion are up to 1,500 kg/hectare
but yields of 500-700 kg are more common. Each flower
Bumblebees and probably caipenter bees are considerably head bears 50-2,000 flowers, and the pollen is shed in the
more effective pollinators than other bees, because they first 24-36 h, before the stigma is receptive. Cross-pollination
usually visit the floral nectary and touch both the stamens is only needed for plants used in hybrid seed production.
and stigma during foraging. In the USA, a bumblebee Up to 94% of the flowers produce seeds. In the USA,
averaged 1.2 flower visits/plant and in 9 hours potentially honeybees are considered essential for pollination of hybrid
visited 1,700-2,750 flowers. crops, but the erratic use of onion flowers by the bees has
made it necessary to stock them at exceptionally high
D. Linaceue (290 species, 12 genera) numbers 10-30 colonies/hectare.
9. Linseed or flax, iiiikount
tasitatissimum Onion is pollinated by bees and generalist flower-visiting
The plants are grown for oil and linseed fibre. Some 28- insects, notably flies, with 267 species being recorded from
34% of the wodd crop is grown in India and Bangladesh, crops in midwestem USA. Shallot flowers can be quite
13-15% in Argentina, 2-4% in China and 1-3% in Africa, attractive to honeybees and bumblebees. In India, Apis
mainly in Ethiopia. dors ata, A. florea and iiigona iridipennis were the most
common visitois to onion flowers and Trigo/la -Worked the
The crops flower in summer for several weeks, but the peak flowers at about half the rate of the honeybees.
occurs after the first week. A crop can produce dense
flowers and plant density is up to 400/1112. In most cultivars 71Lanelliferue (3,000 species, 300 genera)
the anthers are level with the stigma, but some have a lower The flowers of Umbelliferae and upright Compositae have
or higher stigma. Linseed is self-fertile and self-pollinated. extensive flat platfonns and shallow &we's that allow insect
At least 5-6% cross-pollination occurs, notably in vaiieties visitors to walk, thereby economizing on energy expended
vith the longest stigmas, and the larger flowering cultivars. when not much nectar is available. Umbelliferae include
nine species of vegetables, herbs and spices as follows:
Cage studies with honeybees in USA, Germany and England anise (Pimpinella anisum), cerelac or celery (Apium
did not register increased yields, tmlike Egyptian and Russian graveolens), chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), coriander
studies that included open plots and mentioned 22-43% (Coriandrum sativam), dill (Anethum graveolens), fennel
increases in seed weight using pollinating honeybees. These (Foeniculum vulgare), parsley (Petroselium crispidum),
different results could be partly clue to different cullivars. parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), but canots (Daucus carota) are
Honeybees visit linseed most intensively in the morning for the most important cosmopolitan species.
both nectar and pollen. Most workers stand on the petals, /1. Carrot, Elaucus carota.
Carrot is the most important cultivated umbellifer
which are prone to dropping off, and probe the flower from
the top. Some workers cling to the stalk and probe species and must be cross-pollinated. Its flowers are
between petals, but may still cause selling as they shake mainly used for pollen by honeybees. The crops are in
the flower. Linseed is a major honey source in Mozambique flower for about four weeks. Each white flower remains
and a major pollen source in Egyo. It is a medium honey open at least a few days and flowering within a flower
and pollen source in Argentina and Mexico, and crops may head lasts for up to seven days. The flowers have the
yield a modest 2-12 kg/hectare of honey. reputation of being a good honey source but
quantification of yield is difficult, due to the limited
Short- and medium-tongued generalist B. terrestris, B. areas cultivated for seed production.
lucoram, B. lapidarius and B. ruderarius in Europe or
New Zealand are the more common visitors. In Eygpt, Carrot seed crops are mainly pollinated by honeybees,
the bees Andrena pseudoorulata, Andrena spp., with no stocking rates calculated thus far. Pollen collecting
Xylocopa aestaans, Chalicodoma secula, Tetralonia, bees of male-sterfle lines carry al3out 10% of the pollen
Anthophora, and the wasps Cryptocheilus discolor, compared to nectar on male-fertile flowers.
Maximum seed production is achieved with 10 honeybees and some of the larger bees are likely to be more important
per square meter. Pollination increases yiekl and evenness in the pollination of gum species E. ficifolia, E. casophylla,
of seed size. In India, yields have been two to five times E. cosmophylla, E. macrocalpa, E. sideroxylon and E.
higher in open-pollinated flowers than those in caged plots. leucoxylon which have larger red or yellow flowers, and
In the USA, 860 kg seed/hectare has been produced using those with little scent and large nectar volumes.
honeybees in caged plots.
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), guava (Psidium guajava),
In Eygpt, Anthophora were abundant as the honeybee on and allspice (Pimento dioica) are shrubs or trees with
carrot flowers. In the USA, 334 insect species, mainly yellow to white flowers. Bees and other insects visit clove
bees (Andrena, Halictus, Chloralictus, Golletes), sphecid, and guava flowers, which are a bit smaller and lack the
vespid, pompilid and ichneumonid wasps (Cerceria, red of Feijoa, which implies that the bee and other insect
Lindenius, Nyssa, Philanthus, Sceliphron), and syrphid, visitors are probably more effective pollinators than for
bombyliid, sarcophagid, stratiomyid and tachinid flies feijoas and the large grini flowers. The larger flowers of
(Syritta, Thbifera, Eulalia, Stratiomys), visited flowers. allspice could limit the effectiveness of some insect visitors.
Gnats and midges help pollinate carrot flowers. Such predictions need to be verified by more definitive
studies on the pollination of these crops, which have so
Ilyrtacene (3,000 species, 100 genera) far received little attention.
Over 523 species of gum trees, Eucalyptus, exist in
Australia and Indonesia. While birds alone are not 12. Feijoa, Feijoa selloncrquoac.
exclusive pollinators of eucalyptus, they contribute to This species comes from southern Brazil and Uruguay,
pollination of about half the species, and are the main where flowers are visited at least by bumblebees, caipenter
pollinators of perhaps 2%. Nearly 200 species are grown bees, and birds. Feijoa flowers in the early summer. The
on 3.4 million hectares elsewhere, from highland stigma of each flower protrudes by about 9 mm from the
temperate to tropical climates in Africa, South and North ring of stamens. With cross-pollination, 88% of the flowers
America and the Indian subcontinent, primarily for timber set fruit, which was 2.5 times the level for self-pollinated
and firewood with added value as windbreaks, shade, flowers. Fruit and pulp weight of cross-pollinated flowers
erosion control, livestock fodder, and bee forage, were 200-300% higher than selfed flowers and fmit mobility
depending on the species. Insect visitors of the open was reduced by 6% (10 days) in the "Apollo" cultivar.
brush-cup flowers include honeybees, stingless bees,
solitary bees, and birds. At least 20 species are recognized In Italy, New Zealand, Japan, and the USA the larger insect
as important sources of nectar or pollen for honeybees. visitors that can at least intermittently transfer pollen
A number of eucalyptus are recommended for planting include honeybees, Polistes wasps, bumblebees and
as bee forage in the tropics and subtropics in Africa, carpenter 13ees. Smaller halictid bees, ants and longhorn
South America, and India. This suggests that honeybees beetles may just collect pollen or chew the petals without
visit their flowers freely, 1Jilt we still do not know how accomplishing pollination. The larger blackbirds, Turdus
well the honeybee pollinates these flowers. merula and mynahs, Acriodtheres tristis approach the
- Honeybees, stingless bees and other bees are believed to flower from the top, consume the red petals, and deposit
be effective pollinators of species with smaller flowers, 5-10 times as much pollen on the stigma as honeybees.
such as Ettcalmitus melliodora. (see Appendix I). Birds From 30 to 50% of flowers formed fruit after one visit.
However, blackbirds apparently tend to work the margins
of crops from shelter belts near their nests, because
significantly less fruit was set in the middle of larger blocks
(0.5-0.7 hectares) of feijoa. The smaller silver eye, Zosterops
lateralis approached from below, seklom touched the stigma
and deposited only 25% as much pollen on the stigma as
honeybees. This was not enough to initiate huff formation.
In the USA, mockingbirds, Mimus polyglottis visited the
flowers, but their effectiveness in pollination has not been
investigated. In two orchards and an enclosure where birds
did not visit the flowers, 0 and 3% set fruit, compared to
25-34% for hand pollination. Honeybees approached
the flower from the correct angle, but typically they visited
older flowers with available pollen, where the stigma was
no longer receptive. Honeybees visited an average of 13
flowers per plant (about 10 times more than blackbirds)
before moving to the next one, and none of 15 flowers
Guava - Psidium visited formed fruit. Thus in effect, honeybees tend to act
as pollen thieves for this crop.
Twenty-six percent of kiwifruit flowers exposed to a single Grapes are more important as a source of pollen for
visit by honeybees produced a minimum-sized (72 g) honeybees. When other flowers were scarce in Russia,
commercial alit, and 14% a size at least as large as a preferred 68-84% of the pollen gathered into hives was from
fruit. This implies that at least fotir visits to a female flower gTapes, but this is an exceptional level of pollen collection.
were needed to produce a high proportion of export quality With some grape varieties, Russian studies have claimed
fruit. Most kiwifruit pollen at commercial stocking rates has yield increases of 23-54% with a maximum improvement
been gathered by midday. Therefore most honeybees forage when honeybees were fed sugar.
for 3.0-4.5 hom-s daily on ki-Mfiuit, during which time 740- TarAffeene (19,000 species, 650 genera)
1,120 flowers could be visited. Kiwifiuit orchards have arotmd The four legume crops chosen for review are herbs that
500 females flowers per vine. An estimated of tWO or three produce both pollen and nectar for insect visitors. Available
honeybees per two female vines are needed to effect adequate summaries on pollination, the structure and response of
pollination, which agrees with the initial studies on fruit the flowers to visitors and the importance as nectar sources
formation and bee densities per vine. for honeybees, taken together, demonstrate that honeybees
Phaseolus. At least attempts at
cultivation have been made with
most of these genera, but Instia,
Schizolobium, Enterolobium,
Tipuana and Samanea have
barely gone beyond local trials,
despite their rapid growth and
valuable wood. Of the cultivated
Fruit (section
plants, sissoo Dalbergia sissoo
(India and Pakistan), honey
locust, Gleditsia tricanthos
(Pakistan, South Africa)
bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella
Brazil), round-leaved bloodwood
(Pterocarpus rotundifolius
- Caesalpiniaceous legume - Cassia Mozam-bique, South Africa) and
tipa (Tipuana tipa Bolivia)
are rated as important honey
sources. Thus they are likely to
be visited often by honeybees.
Central American studies of
are satisfactoly pollinators of trefoils (Lotus, Lespedeza), pollination ori Cassia and Cochlospermum showed that
sweet clovers (Melilo-tus), and sanfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia). some of the tree legumes are pollen-rich flowers that are
European and Canadian pollen analysis of Bombas, direct buzz pollinated by Centris and Xylocopa. The principles
observations of eight legume species in Denmark, and the derived from pollination of temperate legumes seem to
author's observations in New Zealand and Canada shows have the greatest potential application for studies of tree
t short-tongued B. tein-estris, B. lucorum, and B. terricola crops in the tropics, which are in need of much research
include Lotus as a favored pollen and nectar source. Sweet effort to place them on a par with herbaceous species.
clover is also a favored nectar source. Conversely, some
of the vetch species (Vicia) and everlasting peas (Lathyrus) 15. White clover, Trifolinna repense This
are favored by longer-tongued bumblebees of Europe and herb is mainly used in temperate regions but grows well in
North America. Most temperate zone studies of pollination subtropical climates. White clover is of particular value in
in legumes have little relevance to tropical legume crops, well-stocked pastures, where its stolons enable it to survive
because the major tropical food crops are self-pollinating repeated heavy grazing. White clover and other legumes
(Appendix I). have high digestibility and protein for grazers. White clover
Andrena flavipes, A. ovulata (two adult generations and pollinating bees may reach 4,520 kg/hectare.
long activity) are the major pollinating bees. In France,
important alternative pollen sources were white clover, Faba bean is partially selling and partially outbreeding.
red clover, lotus and vetch for solitary bees, Eucera, It represents a legume crop that forms seed readily without
Melitturga, Melitta, Andrena labialis, and A. oval ata. St. a pollinating bee, provided it comes from cross-pollinated
John's wort, Hypericum and Compositae including stmflower seed. Plants from self-pollinated seed form virtually no
were important for A. flavipes. Rhophites canes are farmed seed unless the flowers are cross-pollinated. Crops have
by securing food supplies and protecting the ground nest 20-80 plants/meter, 50-80 flowers/plant and 13.5 million
sites in the Czech republic. Initial management studies flowers/hectare at peak flowefing. Flowers can be pollinated
have been made on Osmia latreillei in Israel. for up to six days and pollen up to five days okl will fertilize
ovules. Flowers start to open at 12°C and only open freely
European Anthophora parietina can be pattially managed above 13°C. The extrafloral nectaries are on the underside
at nesting sites as a general legume seed pollinator, and of the stipules, often with dark spots. In England 8-20%
in Eygpt the mason bee Chalicodoma mucorea is a of flowers on the better crops will form seed pods. Cross-
potentially domesticated species for hotter climates. pollination allows for setting of pods lower on the stem,
Medium and shorter-tongued bumblebees are generally accelerates setting, pod maturation and reduces the duration
more effective pollinators of lucerne, because they trip of crop flowering and harvesting losses. Selling increases
lucerne more consistently and prefer lucerne more than plant losses in -winter-sown crops. Outcrossing of 30-40%
do longer-tongued species. In India, Megachile nana and (range 4-54%) apparently represents an equiliblium and
flavipes have been used for pollination. Similarly, in selling increases on later flowers up the stem. The
South Africa, Xy/ocopa and Megachile gmtiosa have been randomness of crossbred seeds within pods suggested that,
tested as potential lucerne pollinators. In Argentina, in England, 67% of the flowers were visited by cross-
Megachile pallefacta, Xylocopa ordinaria, X. splendidul a, pollinating bees.
Melissodes nigToaenea and possibly Bombus robustos are
efficient pollinators of lucerne, as are colletid bees in Chile. Some shorter-tongued bumblebee species of the subgenus
Nectar-collecting honeybees and shorter-tongued Bombus, carpenter bees and apparently some ant
bumblebee species are largely ineffective pollinators. species (at least Cataghphis bicolor) make holes at the
These bees rapidly learn to insert their tongue through the base of the broad bean to rob nectar. Nectar-collecting
side of the flower and only trip the pollinating mechanism honeybees use these holes and subsequently do not
accidentally. They nip as little as 0.2-5.0% of flowers, pollinate the flowers. Honeybees visit the extrafloral
with the higher percentages in hot dry regions. In New nectaries before any flawers open and continue to use
Zealand, where pollination relied largely on honeybees, extrafloral nectaries more intensively as flowering
an average of only 75 kg/hectare seed production was progresses. Honeybees collecting pollen make pollinating
achieved -without control of mirid bugs. This is about 5% visits mainly as the new flowers open between 13,00 and
of the potential 1,500-2000 kg/hectare lucerne yiekl wider 16,00 h. Pollen collection can decline after peak flowering.
ideal conditions. The daily percentage of bean pollen collected in honeybee
hives near the crop varied depending on competing
Pollen-foraging bees on lucerne are few, because lucerne crops and inherent colony preference for bean pollen, with
does not produce much pollen per flower and the pollen an average of about 20% (range 1-88%). In the Nile valley,
broad bean is a primary pollen source for honeybees,
of other crops like mustard, Brassica nigra is often more
attractive to honeybees. Hence honeybees are only suggesting there is are appreciable numbers of effective
moderately effective pollinators on large crops in pollinating workers on the crop. Rape is an important
Mecliterranean climates, where there is very little alternative competing pollen source for honeybees.
pollen available. Conversely, on crops that are largely
served by leaf cutter and alkali bees, the removal of nectar LOW temperature during bean flowering can restrict both
by honeybees may reduce the propagation of these bees foraging by honeybees and the formation of seed in the
and thus perhaps also reduce seed yields. early flowering crops of temperate zones. In England,
crops up to two hectares are considered to have enough
18. Field, rtillTheff, tick or hot-se beans, wild pollinators, but crossing decreased with larger crops
Vicia ¡«bu. from 12-32 hectares. Larger crops may need 2-5
These beans are the sixth most impottant world 'pulse' colonies of honeybees/hectare for pollination.
crop. The beans remain a staple food in Aral) countries. Cross-pollination at the margins-of fields can be almost
China produces about 60% and Egypt and Ethiopia about twice the levels within the field. Stocking with honeybees
6% of world supply. Mexico, Morocco, Brazil and can therefore improve the distribution of yield within
Tunisia each produce about 1% of the world crop. In 1981, the crop. Australian experience suggests that crops may
Chinese yields were 40%, while Ethiopian to Brazilian not need stocking widi extra honeybees in a Meditetranean
yields (358 kg/hectare) were 11-25% of the best European climate, because the flowers open in late winter and early
producing countries (3,200 kg/hectare). Yields with spring when honeybees must search for pollen. Milder
Megabombas: hortontm, ntderatus, argillaceus urope- than colonies of longer-tongued bumblebees and usually
Asia); Fervidobombus: fervidus , pennsylvanicus, dahlbomi 4-10 hives of honeybees/hectare are recommended for red
(N. or S. America): Thoracohombus: pascontm, sylvantm, clover pollination. Studies on the same farm demonstrated
pseudobaibalensis (Europe-Japan); Diversobombus: &versus, that increases of up to five fold in seed yield could be
montivagus (E. Asia); Subterranobomus: subterraneus, achieved with up to 12 colonies of Bombus horturum and
borealis, distinguendis, apposistus (Holarctic);Bombias: B. ruderatus per hectare (see figure). Bombus hortorum
nevadensis, auricomus (N. America), Seperato-bombus: has colonies that on average are 50% larger than those of
griseocollis, monisoni (N. America); Pyrobombus: vagans, B. ntderatus. Estimated yields of between 500 to over 600
ardens (Holarctic but only species with the longer k iectare can be produced, when only 5-10 colonies of
tongues are effective in red clover pollination). Species B. hortorum are used per hectare . In Washington state,
such as B. dahlbomi and B. subten-aneus that start colonies yields of 1,850 kg/hectare have been achieved.
Bumblebee colonies, mainly of B. hortorum, have
late in the season tend to form small colonies. They become
abundant during only part of the red clover flowering. been commercially supplied to red clover growers
in New Zealand. This began in 1982 with hives
At the start of flowering, often 80-100% of honeybee occupied by queens in suburban sites with a favorable
foragers collected pollen from red clover. At the time of sequence of food supplies. It is technically
the main flowering, however, only 5-11% of honeybees possible to rear some of the longer-tongued species
and shorter-tongued bumblebees were pollinating the crop.
The decline was due to an influx of nectar-collecting
honeybees from adjacent white clover crops and weeds
which stop flowering as the red clover comes into flower.
Honeybees visited an average of 12 flowers/minute
less than half the rate of longer-tongued species. Honeybee
foraging on red clover declined below 25°C and ceased
altogether at 16-17°C. Persistent low temperatures reduced
honeybee foraging to 5.6 h/day, compared to 10 hours for
bumblebees. The cumulative effect was such that longer-
tongued bumblebees visited about fotn- times more flowers
per day than honeybees. In the field, seed formation
improved until bee numbers reached levels at which
they coukl pollinate each flower during a day. A predictive
model was used to estimate that 2,0004,000 longer-tongued
bumblebees/hectare (or their equivalent) can pollinate the
average and best crops at peak flowering. The model
estimated that the usual combined honey and
bumblebee populations could only pollinate up to one-
third the flower crop.
Bumblebee, pollinating the flower of red clover
Crops that flower in early summer can be too early to help
colony development of the late-season emerging too, but a colony of less than half that of B. terrestris,
bumblebees. Such crops receive competition for honeybees which is used in tomato pollination, and poorer
from lotus or white clover. Box gum trees and thistles revenue returns compared to glasshouse crops have
(Cirsium, Carduus) act as complementary flowers for so far prevented the development of a major supply
honeybees pollinating red clover, because honeybees of bumblebee colonies for red clover pollination. The
mainly use these flowers for nectar. In the Murray basin, best prospects seem to be to develop a farming system
Australia, seed yiekls °flip to 300 kg/hectare were achieved for suitable bumblebee species especially in regions
on a tetraploid red clover where box gums were common that lack the main colony enemies Psithyrus,
and no bumblebees or carpenter bees existed. Detailed Melittobia acasta, Vitula and Aphomia sociella
studies on lucerne and red clover crops in New Zealand all of which are difficult to control.
also show lucerne was a complementary crop for pollination
of red clover by honeybees. Foxgloves (Digitalis) may be Most regions have some effective solitary bee pollinators
a competing floral source for bumblebees dming the early of red clover, which include Osmia coerulescens (from
part of red clover flowering, but even foxglove should Europe but also in the USA),Xylocopa (in the Middle East
probably not be removed near red clover crops because and China), Eucera socialis in Japan, 0 smia bruneri,
it is often used by longer-tongued bumblebees. This Melissodes, and Tetralonia in North America and Centris
'competitor' acts as a vital food source for colonies before chilensis and Anthophora in South Ammica. The-lucerne
most commercial crops are in flower. leaf cutter bee can increase seed yields on diploid red
Honeybee hives have about 500-1,000 times more bees clovers from 291 to 410 kg/hectare.
K. Cumirr/Dositue (Asteracene) In the highlands of southern India, Apis cerana, A. dors ata,
(25,000 species, 1,100 genera) and A. florea accounted for 85% of flower visitors on
sunflowers. Approximately 9% of the 412 bee species that
The close association of the tubular florets and the outer have been recorded visiting sunflower in western USA
ray florets make the inflorescence more conspicuous to restricted all pollen and nectar collection to sunflower.
bee, wasps, beetles, flies and moths that visit the flowers. Yiekls of up to 4,960 kg/hectare have been achieved where
Hummingbirds are among visitors to some composite solitary bees were the main pollinators, compared with
species, often in Neotropical highlands and páramo. Nectar the USA average of 1,460 kg/hectare. Less than 1,000
of composites, unlike that of Umbelliferae, is protected sunflower leaf cutter bees, Megachile pugnata per hectare
from rain by its position in the small, tubular florets. The are needed for sunflower pollination. Four solitary specialist
weedy Artemesia, Ambrosia and Xanth jam are wind- pollinators averaged 1.02-0.24 million pollen grains on
pollinated, but Bathurst bud X. spinoosum) provides a their bodies, compared to 0.06-0.002 million for non-
little nectar and pollen for honeybees. The sunflower, specialist honeybee, buinblebee and solitary bee pollinators.
Helianthus annmis is the most extensively grown composite.
Other Compositae crops such as artichoke (Cynara Specialist stmflower pollinators, Melissodes agilis, Andrena
scolymus), chicory (Chicontm intybus), endive (Chiconun helianthi, M. pugnata, Svastra and Diadasia, were more
endiva), and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) have smaller to much active earlier in the day than the generalist pollinators
smaller flower heads, which are also produced in summer. Apis , Bombus and Halictus . Megachile agilis and Andrena
The small flower heads should allow for more movement helianthi can cause a seed set 5-11 times higher per visit
with fewer visits per head and, thus, better cross-pollination than the honeybee. Bagged flower heads with visits
than with sunflowers. restricted to as few as 7 visits produced 540 seeds,
compared to 240 for heads receiving over 100 visits per
20. Sunflower, Melionthus (Nu holgus. day. Seed-set declined as the season progressed and the
Sunflowers are grown in subtropical and highland tropical sunflower specialists formed a greater pad of the pollinating
South America, Asia, India and Africa. The major countries guild. Specialist solitary species seemed to displace
growing sunflower are India, China, Turkey, South Africa generalist pollinators from sunflower to other flowers
and Sudan. Sunflower was cultivated first in the southern onion, carrot, red clover, and white sweet clover.
USA and Mexico mainly grown for oil, but also used
for livestock feed and human food. In South Africa, the long-tongued Tetralonia and short-
tongued Lasioglossum visited sunflowers, while maize,
Sunflower has 1,000-2,000 flowers/flower head, 100,000 grasses, Xanthium, and Clematis were competing pollen
flower heads and 2-40 million flowers/hectare. Each head sources for honeybees. In Spain, 31 bee species were
flowers for 6-10 days; stigmas may remain receptive for recorded on sunflowers. In India, 21 genera of insects were
up to 14 days, but receptivity declines each day. A crop found on the flowers, and in Pakistan, Andrena fidvicrus,
flowers for three to five weeks in summer to early autumn. Ceratina viridissima, Xylocopa di ssimilis , X rufescens, and
X fenestra were the main pollinating bees. Sunflower is flowers, indicated herein by region: (Peru): Bombusfinzebris,
a favored food source for Bombus lucorum or B. terrestris, Centris sunnamensis, Xylocopa brasilianontm, Anthophora
which extend to northern Israel, northem Iraq and Kashmir, are quipensis, A. trin-cincta, Exomalopsis bruesi, Aug-ochlora
while B. terrestns extends to northwest Africa. matucanensis, A. nigromarginata and Lonchopria.; (North
America): Anthophora urbana, Augochloropsis ignita;
L. Solanacene (2,000 species, 90 genera) (Puerto Rico); Exomalopsis glubosa; (Guadeloupe):
Solanaceous crops, tomato (Lycopersicon escu-lentum), Exomalopsis. With one pollen-collecting bee seen during
sweet pepper and chillies (Capsicum annum and C. each minute, 40% of flowers set fruit in Peru, compared
frutescens), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), eggplant to a 10% fruit set observed in California. In Guadeloupe,
(Solanummelongena), potato (S. tu-berosum) and tamarillo 67% of pollen gathered by Exomalopsis came from the
(Cyphomandra betacea) mainly have pendulous flowers solanaceous crops of tomato, egg plant and sweet pepper.
that produce little or no nectar for foraging bees. They
originated in the Americas. Bees visit the flowers to gather Addiaonual ileferenees
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20 wet 0 0 0 0 0 ?0 0 0
Seychelles 453 humid + 0 0 - - + 3 1*
Cocos 14 wet 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Mauritius 2040 humid 1721 0 0 - ?+ ?+ 0-4* 2'd
Reunion 2504 wet 1666 0 0 - ?+ ?+ 0-3* 2*
Christmas 155 wet + 0 0 0 3 4 0-1* 1*
Maldives 298 wet 0 0 1988 ? 1X ?+ ?0 0 2*
Comoros 2171 wet ?+ 0 0 - ?+ ?+ 1-6* 2*
Andaman 8249 wet 0 + + - ?+ ?+ 3-12* 2*
Lacadives 32 humid 0 0 ?+ - ?+ ?+ 0 0
Socotra 3582 dry + 0 0 - ?+ ?+ 1 0
TOTAL 19627
Table I. Availability of bee, bird and bat pollinators on Atlantic and Indian oceanic islands. Islands farthest from the continents are listed first.
Climate and annual precipitation: Wet: > 2000 mm, no prolonged dry season; Humid: 300-999 mm; Arid: 130-260 mm; Dry: 100-
199 mm. Pollinators date when introduced given for Apis; other information in table: + = present, O = absent, ? = insufficient
records, number shows number of species. Bats and birds include only flower-visiting species, * = maximum potential number
Animals confronted with a new range of floral resources consideration when assuming the responsibility for stocking
often show suiprising flexibility in their choice of plants, pollinators in managed habitats.
belying past assumptions about their supposed preferences.
Islands also provide, in the clearest manner possible, 1.z1.1 A\ enikuble Pollinators IT:crtAre Flora
examples of the importance of 'stocking density' that may Oceanic islands, those relativély far from the mainland
guide management decisions for mainland areas and or other islands, are a distinctive tropical habitat. Their
more complicated 'systems' in general. Beginning with an combined area, excluding the West Indies, (see Tables I
and 2) exceeds Iceland, Cuba or the South island of Newalso delayed their establishment on Kangaroo island
off the coast of Australia. Most of the crops and fruits
Zealand. With the exception of the Canary Islands, these
47 tropical and subtropical islands are separated from gro-wn there, such as bananas, plums, guayas, pears,
papayas, mangoes, and granadillas, have at least
adjacent continents by 200 to 5,000 km. Even the closer
Canary Islands were about 60 km away from Africa some varieties that set fruit without honeybees or
when sea levels were lower in the last ice age. The any pollinators at all.
mountainous, older, and remote large islands Hawaii,
Canary, New Caledonia have up to 89% endemism in Hawaii, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomons, and presumably New
the flora, while the younger islands like the Galápagos, Caledonia and Tahiti apparently have had European
Vanuatu and Ascension, and all relatively flat islands have honeybees for up to 150 years. Honeybees are on at least
smaller floras. Their endemism usually ranges between 5 some but not all (e.g. Vanuatu, Fiji) of 27 and possibly 5
and 40%. New Caledonia, with 3,500 indigenous species, other oceanic island groups. Hive density in the South
has the largest distinctive flora. The oceanic islands retain Pacific is relatively low (> 35 km2/hive to 2 hives/km2 )
relatively many endemic plant species. The average on depending on whether there is commercial beekeeping
22 island groups is one endemic species per 17 km2 (range (Fiji, Cooks, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Solomons) or
1.3 to 88.0 km2). virtually a cottage industry (Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, W.
Samoa) with few hobby beekeepers. Commercial
Oceanic islands contain only vestiges of the bee, bird and beekeeping was established on Niue in 1967), Tonga in
bat pollinators found on the neighbouring continents. For 1971, Samoa in 1977, and Solomons in 1989.
instance, Vanuatu has 12 species of native bees, Hawaii
62 species, New Caledonia 28 and Fiji 7. The more remote Niue is the only island nation where human disturbance
atolls like Wake, Midway, and Arno Island in the Marshal's to the habitat is low enough, and beekeepers active enough,
have an extremely limited fauna of flo-wer-visiting insects. to expoit honey. Sugar cane, which provides no bee forage,
Diurnal flower visitors of Wake island include only imported is a major crop on cultivated land in Mauritius, Reunion
honeybees, a hover fly, two flies of the genus Lucilia, some and to a lesser extent Fiji. However, only on Retmion are
muscid flies, one butterfly and one sphingid moth. Faunal imports significant.
diversity is influenced by rate of mrival by potential
colonists. Colonists are affected by the distance of the Honeybees on many of the oceanic islands lack diseases
island from the continent and direction, persistence and such as European foul brood, chalk brood and the impoitant
strength of prevailing winds and sea currents. There are mite enemies Varroa jacobsoni and Acarapis woodi. Van-oa
also significant differences among the long-range dispersal is spreading in Papua New Guinea. Protection against the
and colonization abilities (including fecundity especially) spread of this mite and diseases ranges from an informal
of different animals. Establishment is greatly influenced arrangement (Vanuatu) or the need to implement
by island size and topography, patterns of rainfall, and beekeeping and quarantine legislation for Fiji, Samoa and
floral diversity. the Cook islands, similar to the 1991 legislation to control
honey and bee imports in the Solomon Islands. Pollination
The only islands that naturally had generalist social bee on oceanic islands is vulnerable to fluctuations in the
pollinators were the Andaman, Nicobar and Laccadive number of hived bees. There could well be eventual
islands, Avith giant and Asian honeybees which can now disruption of beekeeping and managed pollination if the
be at least partly managed. Stingless ligona bees (subgenus worst mites and pathogens become established.
Heterotrigona, or the Tetragonula' group) occur on the
Caroline Islands and on the Solomons T iridipennis on Maintaining and developing beekeeping on small
Truk and Solomon, and T. Ascobalteata on Paulus of the islands faces a combination of difficulties not experienced
Caroline islands. Colonies of stingless bees can be in larger areas. Road access on mountainous oceanic
transferred to wooden hives. islands is often limited. Honeybee populations cannot be
controlled on smaller islands, where a commercial
In the Atlantic and Indian oceans, Apis mellifera of beekeeper is unable to make a living. Hobby beekeepers
Malagasy and European origin were likely introduced may need to import expensive wooden hives and mated
to the larger islands 200-300 years ago for honey queens or othenvise inbreeding will lead to colony failure.
production, although few actual dates have been Fluctuations of up to 300% in hive numbers have been
recorded. Since the 1830s repeated efforts were recorded in Bermuda, West Samoa and the Tonga Islands.
made to establish honeybees on Ascension and These have a maximum of 60,000 inhabitants and at
presumably the large St. Helena island. On best one commercial beekeeping enterprise. Thus, islands
Ascension island, at least, these efforts failed. Failure with less than one or two thousand inhabitants can quite
was attributed to the climate, but inbreeding is likely readily lose the skills or interest in keeping bees. In addition,
an important, unacknowledged factor. Inbreeding the insecurity of apiary sites, hives and the honey crop
prevented the establishment of honeybees up until can cause local problems. Islands with extended dry seasons
as late as the 1960s on the Chatham Islands, and it and restricted floras e.g. Ascencon surely possess a severely
No information has been presented on the effectiveness dispersed farther or more freely in the Pacific, being able
to float over large expanses of ocean in their nests.
of flies, wasps, beetles or moths in pollination on oceanic
islands. In the Pacific there are at least 55 species of Some sphingid moths are active daytime visitors of
Syrphidae with 6 species introduced to Hawaii. The 'drone flowers and a total of 15 species has been found in New
fly' is present on Easter Island, but apparently no syrphids Caledonia, 5 in American Samoa and 6 in Hawaii. Only
extend yet to the Pitcairn and Galápagos islands. The Hippottion celerio, H. Mon.; H. scrofa, Theretra nessus, T
largest island groups have 11 syrphid species in cloth°, and Gnathothibus eras
Hawaii, 2 in French Polynesia, 5 in Samoa, 10 in Fiji, extend into the southwest Pacific. The butterfly fauna
11 in New Caledonia and 6 in Vanuatu. The oceanic of Fiji, Micronesia and Hawaii consists of 10 to 19 species.
islands in the Pacific have an impoverished bombyliid The Lepidoptera are not known to have any
(bee fly) fauna, partly because of the limited host species effect on crop pollination but they are significant as
of ground-nesting bees and wasps needed as hosts by pollinators of Lantana, which is a major weed in the
these parasites, and also the wet climate. In the Pacific, Pacific islands, and they also visit wild ginger.
bee flies have only been recorded from Vanuatu (4 species),
New Caledonia (4 species), French Polynesia (2 species) In many parts of the tropics small nectar- and pollen-
and the Bonin islands (3 species), with one species feeding bats pollinate banana mango, hemp, kapoc, balsa,
introduced to Hawaii. Presumably this also applies to the dmian and are most impoitant in pollination of
Atlantic and Indian oceans. Bombacaceae, Bignoniaceae, and Sapotaceae. Some species
of Cactaceae, Gesneriaceae, Sonneratiaceae. Mucina and
In Australasia, some stratiomyid and tabanid flies are Musa depend on bats for pollination. Some bats are
among the commoner, largest and hairiest insects On generalist pollinators and fruit-eating
umbellifer and composite flowers. Stratiomyids species that consume nectar primarily in the dry season.
(Odontomyia) are found in -Vanuatu, New Caledonia and In all, 24 species of Pteropus, Pteralopex macrodonta
Fiji, while Philolche on New Caledonia is in the same tribeand Notopteris maedonaldi are found on many islands in
the Indian ocean and as far east as the Caroline islands
(Philolchini) as the flower-visiting tabanids of New Zealand.
Even the smallest and most remote oceanic islands of and Samoa in the Pacific (Tables 1 and 2). Most of these
Bonin, Micronesia, Pitcairn and Easter Island have several fruit bats or flying foxes are basically fruit eating species
species of Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae. that visit flowers opportunistically and may also
Studies in temperate zones show flies can transfer limited consume them. The Indo-Asian to western Pacific bats
amounts of pollen on their bristly bodies as they move are not well-adapted to hovering flight for pollination,
quickly from flower to flower. Other abundant, large and compared to bats from Southern USA to South America.
hairy diurnal flower-visiting flies, e.g. Bibionidae, at In the Solomon Islands, the flowers ofHeliconia (Musaceae)
least in the temperate zone, may often walk from flower are visited at night by Melanycteris. Perhaps other Heliconia
to flower. Observations by the author on Chatham island as far east as Samoa may be bat-pollinated.
showed that walking reduced the average rate of flower Thus on western Pacific and Indian ocean islands, bats
visitation three to six times, compared to flies flying between are likely to contribute to the pollination of only a slight
flowers. Bibionids are apparently only found in Vanuatu portion of the flora, which also applies to New Zealand
and New Caledonia. Most of the other nematoceran fly and Australia.
families have some flower-visiting species (see Introducfion),
and are active more at dusk or at night. The most persistent and specialized flower-feeding birds
that occur on tropical oceanic islands are Meliphagidae,
In the Australasian region buprestid, languriid, oedomerid, some Drepanidae, Nectariniidae, Dicaeidae and
scraptiid and trixiagid beetles exclusively bmshtongued honey panots or loiikeets (Trichoglossidae,
visit flowers, -while cantharid, melyrid, clerid, phalamid, Loriinae). More opportunistic flower visitors include
rhipiphorid and dermestid beetles commonly visit flowers Zosteropidae, parakeets and perhaps parrots (Psittidae),
adapted to generalist insect pollinators. However, many tropical bulbuls (Pycnonotidae), orioles (Oriolidae) and
of these beetle species are relatively small. Small size t-wo Galápagos finches. There are one to five species of
would reshict their ability honeycreepers that forage on flowers on each island gToup
to pollinate flo-wers where the stamen and stigma are from Vanuatu, the Marianas, Carolines, and to Samoa.
well separated. Generally, Scarabaeidae (Cetoninae)
Trichiinae or Melolonthinae) and Elateridae form a The role of birds in pollination on tropical islands has
conspicuos but less mobile part of the insects visiting been studied on Hawaii. In Hawaiian forests five of the
flowers of át least the composites, umbellifers and some surviving species of Hawaiian honeycreepers include
Myrtaceae. Oceanic islands tend to have limited species nectar as an important food item, and for five more species
or subfamily representation of soil-inhabiting scarabaeids, nectar is used occasionally. The honeyereepers are
compared to the adjacent continents. Coiwersely, flower- important for pollination in lobelioid flowers. On
visiting insects that inhabit twigs or wood, e.g. longhorn Meterosideros calina (Myrtaceae) three honeyereeper
beetles and the small almost hairless bees Hylaeus have species and the white eye carry pollen much more often
on the Comoros and is a minor crop on the Seychelles and formally recorded, in 1990. In New Zealand the author
Vanuatu. The flowers mainly produce a sticky pollen. has seen that queens of Bombas terrestris and B. ntderatus
Elsewhere in the tropics the main pollen depositing visitors have potential as consistent pollinators for Passiflora. They
are Forcipomyia midges and gall midges. Seed formation contact the stigma while visiting the flower for nectar.
per flower is often low but in Central America it varied Thus, an alternative is to experimentally introduce these
as much as 1400% between locations. In Malaysia, less bee species to Niue.
than I% of the flowers formed pods due to the combined
effects of poor fruit set and disease. Elsewhere in the kiircyy(L'oTiqufilTj7,1u, Nlaeaclal,,?7,Q1 7r4yrifotia.
tropics the midges breed in rotting vegetation. This crop miginally came from Australia. The small trees
have pendulous racemes with small flowers. Hawaii is a
None of these six island countries have a problem of 7i-igona major producer of Macadamia nuts, and Macadamia is
bees robbing pollen from flowers; these bees are rare or the third most extensive Hawaiian crop. In the 1960s, Fiji
absent (Table 2). Fortunately, several species of Forcipomyia attempted to diversify into Macadamia production but
midge exist on many of islands in the Pacific. But which failed due to a variety of problems.
flies are effective pollinators on these islands, and where
they breed, remain to be investigated. Research in Hawaii and New Zealand has shown that
some varieties respond to cross-pollination. During two
3) Vellove passioiA Vrtait, Passffileir years nut-set was increased 70, 10 ancl 0% in three vaiieties,
ednrlso when one honeybee hive per 60 trees was supplied in
This fruit remains a major expoit item for Niue, -while Hawaii. Queensland studies in the 1980s showed that
Fiji and Hawaii are among the six main producing Trigona were more effective pollinators than honeybees,
countries. Cultivation of this Neotropical vine extends because they consistently collected pollen from the flowers.
to the more isolated mountainous islands in Micronesia, Pollen-collecting honeybees were, ho-wever, effective
Tahiti and Pitcairn. pollinators. In New South Wales, beetles were the only
other flower visitors to carry significant amounts of
Yellow passion fruit has a large, primarily white flower so pollen among Macadamia flowers.
that only larger insects regularly contact the stigma when
they seek nectar. In Hawaii, the commonest, largest and Watermelon and other eneurbits.
hairiest flower visitors were the camenter bee, the honeybee, Watermelons are an African plant -widely cultivated in
the drone fly and a gem blo-wfly. In the Caribbean most Pacific and Indian oceanic islands as the major cuciabit
honeybees used the flowers only for nectar. Nectar collecting crop. Only on Tonga and French Polynesia is production
A. mellifera are too small to contact the stigma on a regalar as high as 1-3,000 tons. The yields achieved in Tonga,
basis, although they touch stigmas as they search the flower Guam, and French Polynesia are half that of Asian countries
for rewards (L. Escobar, pers. comm. to D. Roubik). A having intensive production.
Malaysian study showed that A. dorsata and A. cerana
usually depleted nectar before the effective camenter bees Honeybees are shipped between islands in Tonga for
came to pollinate the flowers, which discouraged visits by -watermelon and squash pollination. The introduction of
the carpenter bees. Fly visitors also are unlikely to be honeybees to Tuvalu was made so that cucumbers, melons
effective in pollination if they visit the flower for nectar. and other crops did not require pollination by hand. A 1991
In Fiji, where there were no carpenter bees, yields of review of pollination in Europe concluded watermelon was
passion fruit were increased 300% with hand pollination. moderately dependent on honeybees and solitary bees
other cucurbits being more dependent (see also Section 1.5.3).
Hand pollination is largely responsible for passion fruit
requiring up to three times as much labor as other crops. Mauritius, with a population of 1 1 million, is the only
This reduces the net margin to low levels for gowers. minor producer of pumpkins, squashes and gourds among
Apparently no effort has been made to introduce carpenter the oceanic island nations. Matnitian yields are about 33%
bees to Fiji and production there has declined. On Niue, of those achieved in Chile and other large producers, where
a scientist that investigated passion fruit pollination the native specialist squash and gourd bees, Peponapis
recommended that efforts be made to find a sport (variety) and Xenoglossa, are found. Cucumber yields in Guam
of passion fruit with a smaller flower. This would allow the and Mauritius are average for Africa and Oceania,
honeybee to be an effective pollinator. When subsequent respectively. Worker honeybees do not transfer pollen very
initial investigations on the suitability of introducing the well in the larger cucurbit flowers, because they do not
Hawaiian carpenter bee were made by another scientist necessarily contact the stigma when they collect nectar
the impetus to resolve this inadequacy in production had from the female flower. In pumpkin patches, the author
already been lost. This case reveals the ineffectiveness has seen that individual honeybee workers of-ten go between
of trying to make the flower fit the pollinator, rather than female flowers and may even discard the sticky pollen
providing an effective pollinator for the crop. Eventually from male flowers. In the New Zealand region, larger
the recoMmendation for carpenter bee introduction was bumblebees contact the stigma more often. On islands
carpenter bees or bumblebees could affect pollination, occupy different nest sites as unmanaged pollinators. 7iigona
particularly of weedy Passifloraceae and Solanaceae. The in Australia are frequent visitors to flowers of papaya,
creeper poke or banana passion fruit, Passiflora passion fruit, mango, grape and grandilla. South American
is a significant weed in native habitats in Hawaii, but the stingless bee species of the Thigona s. str. do have the
author has observed that its flowers are less attractive to potential for robbing flowers of nectar and pollen, while
bumblebees and honeybees compared to other Passiflora aggressively defending them from legitimate pollinators,
species. Carpenter bees and to some extent honeybees and such interactions should be assessed before
are likely to effect most of the cross-pollination of introductions are attempted. Increasing the stocks of
banana passion fruit. Carpenter or bumblebees can be honeybee hives coukl have some adverse effects on seed
safely introduced to Niue, because this weedy Pass/lora fonuation in a few legume weeds, especially gorse in the
does not occur there, unlike Fiji. On Fiji, the possibility uplands of Hawaii. Honeybees and, to a lesser extent,
of eradicating this weed should be assessed before trying Bombus teuesnis are the main pollinators' of gorse in England
to introduce the carpenter bee for pollination. and from the author's observations, in New Zealand. On
Chatham island extensive areas of gorse formed very little
In Australia, Amegilla and Nomi a have been the most seed, unlike patches nearest to honeybee hives. On the
effective cross-pollinators of Solamun species, while Tiigona Chathams there are few roads and a low density of honeybee
is more significant for within-plant crossing. Flowers of hives or feral colonies, and no other bees apart from Hylaeus.
Solanum offer only pollen, which bees may collect
surprisingly quickly, so that few are seen visiting the
flowers. Canadian researchers found Solanum was a Additional References
primary source of pollen in the nests of bumblebees. Thus Ahmad, R. 1989. A note on migration of Apis ultimata in the Andaman and
if bumblebees or Trigona were considered for crop Nicobar Islands, Bee World 70:62-65.
pollination on a Pacific island, their possible impact on Anderson, G. J., Symon, D. 1988. Insect foragers on Solanum flowers in
pollination of Solanum, weeds should be assessed before Australia. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75:842-852.
making such introductions. Anonymous. 1982. Does coconut palm benefit from bee pollination? Indian
Bee J. 44(424.
The safest new pollinators to consider for introduction to Anonymous, 1990. Report to Australian national parks and wildlife service:
island communities would be the squash bees Peponapis CSIRO entomological sinTey of Christmas island.
and Xenoglossa because they concentrate on the flowers Armstrong, J. A. 1979. Biotic pollination mechanisms in the Australian flora:
of Curcubitaceae and are not aggressive, stinging bees. A review. N. Z. J. Bot. 17:467-508.
So far, the single attempt to introduce squash bees to Barrows, E. M. 1976. Nectar robbing and pollination of Lantano camant
Hawaii has apparently failed, probably because too few (Ver-benaceae). Biotropica 8:132-135.
coukl be released. Releasing weevils for oil-palm pollination Barrows, E. M. 1980. Robbing of exotic plants by introduced carpenter and
seems likely to be a safe introduction. Carpenter bees from honeybees in Hawaii, with comparative notes. Biotropica 12(423-29.
Hawaii may be introduced to other islands -without risk Bohart, R. M., Menke, A. S. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world, a generic
to timber in buildings or posts, and there are no other revision. Berkeley: Univ. California Press.
apparent risks, apart from pollination of some weeds. Bramwell, D. 1979. Plants and islands. Academic Press. London, 459 pp.
Callan, McC. E. 1990. Sphecidae of New Caledonia. Sphecos 19:22
Parasite- and relatively pathogen-free bumblebees, ivith Calquist, S. J. 1974. Island biology. New York: Columbia Univ. Press,
mild temperaments, might be imported from New Zealand 660 pp.
or elsewhere as generalized, unmanaged pollinators. They Cardate, J. C. (in press). A catalogue of Australian Hymenoptera: Apoidea.
would pollinate pasture legumes, fluit crops and curcubits CSIRO series.
in highland regions of mountainous tropical islands or on Cadquist, S. J. 1980. Hawaii, a natural history, geology, climate, native flora
those such as Ascension or Easter Island where upper and fauna above the shoreline. (2nd ed.) Honolulu: Pacific Trop. Bot.
ground temperatures seldom exceed 30°C and air Gard., 468 pp.
temperatures remain in the upper 30s. The extent of Carpenter, F. L. 1976. Plant -pollinator interactions in Hawaii. Ecology
possible infections of queen Bombus from tropical South 57:1125-1144.
America by internal parasites has yet to be determined. Chandler, P. J. 1979. Flies, bees and butterflies un La Palma, Canary Islands
Costs of quarantine and removal of parasites and diseases in 1976. Ent. Rec. J. Variation 91:103-107, 117-121
could preclude importations from being made at present, Chandra, S. 1976. A review of recent research on the yellow passionfruit.
even though rearing enough of these 'pocket-making' Fiji Agrie. J. 38:41-48.
species is now technically possible. These Fervidobombus Chandra, S. 1977. Productive effeciency of Fijit-tn and Indian farming systems
form small colonies in protected sites and defend them in semisubsistent agriculture Part 2. Description of the farming systems
relatively aggressively, compared with other bumblebees. and partial productivity residts. Fiji Agrie. J. 39:57-70.
Chandra, S. 1979. Crop production statistics for Sigota valley, Fiji. Fiji Agic.
The introduction of stingless bees for macadamia and J. 41. 21-30.
avocado may be supported because of their relative efficiency Common, I. F. B. 1990. Moths of Australia. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne
in pollination compared to honeybees, and their ability to Univ. Press, 535 pp.
Mardan, M., Yatim, I. M., Kai"lid, M. R. 1991. 127:95-102. and subtropical Pacific. Pacific SM. congr. 7 pp.
Nesting biology and foraging activity of Shigeura, G. T., Lee, J., Silva, J. A. 1970. The Wirth, W W, Howarth, E G. 1982. The Toiripom)ia
carpenter bee on passi 0 /1 fruit. Acta role of bone)ibees in Macadamia nut (Macadamia ingramiiicomplex in Hawaii (Diptera.
Hortculturae 288:127-130. integritblia Maiden and Betche) production in Ceratopoginidae). Frac. Hawaii Ent. Soc. 24:127-
Marshall, A. P. 1981. Beekeeping in the Marshall Hawaii. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 95:544-546. 151. [distribution, habits for native cocoa
Islands. Glean. Bee Cult. 109:430, 433-434. Sholdt, L. L. 1966. Insects associated with the pollinators]
Michener, C. D. 1965. A classification of the flowers of the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera I,. Yasumatsu, K. 1939. A review of the genus
bees of the Australian and south Pacific regions. in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaii Entomol. Soc. Megochile in the Ryukyu- group (Hym.,
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. hist. 30, 362 pp. 19:293-296. Megachilidae). Aikitu 246-50.
Muthiah, S. 1986. A social and economic atlas of Sholdt, L. L., Mitchell, W A. 1967. The pollination Yasumatsu, K., Hirashima, Y 1964. Red-haired
India. New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, 254 pp. of Cocos nuclfera L. in Hawaii. Trop. Agr. leaf-cutter bees of the group of/Uwe/die bicolor
Nashida, G. M. 1992. Hawaiian tropical (Tnniclad) 44:133-142. from Japan, the Ryukyus and Formosa
arthropod checklist. Bishop Museum Tech. Silben-ad, R. E. M. 1970. Beekeeping in Seychelles. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Kontyu, Tokyo
Report 1, 262 pp. Rep. Seychelles Dept. Agrie. 21 pp. (Apic. Abstr. 32:175-187.
Nashida, T. 1958. Pollination of passion fruit in 8171178) Yasumatsu, K., Hiroshima, Y 1965. Bees (excluding
Hawaii. J. Econ. Ent. 51. 146-149. Skotsberg, E. 1953, The natural history of Juan Halictidae) of the Ryukyu Islands taken in the
Nashida, T. 1963. Ecology of the pollinators of Fernadez and Easter Island. Vol. Geography, 1963 and 1964 surveys (Hymenoptera, Apoidea).
passion fruit. Hawaii Agrie. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. geology, origin of island life. Uppsala, 439 pp. Kontyu 32:247-259.
55, 38 pp. Stoddard, D. R. 1984. Biogeopiaphy and ecology Young, A. M. 1986. Cocoa pollination. Cocoa
Owen, R. P. 1977. A checklist of the birds of of Seychelles Islands. Amsterdam: Junk, 691 pp. Growers Bull 37:5-23.
Micronesia. Micronesia 13:65-81. Sykes, W R .1970. Contributions to the flora Zimmerman, E. C. 1958. Insects of Hawaii:
Pardede, D., Randriani, E., Marfuarti, A. 1986. of Niue. Bull N. Z. Dep. Sci, Ind. Res. 200, Macrolepidoptera. Vol. 7., Honolulu: Univ. Hawaii
The pollination of coconut at the Pakuwon sub 320 pp. Press, 542 pp.
research institute for coconut (Indonesian). Apic. Thampma, P. K. 1975. The coconut ancl its products.
Abstr. 42:27-28. Green villa, Kerala, 302 pp. Acknowledgements
Rao, M. R. N. 1987. Prospects of beekeeping in The Africa Review 1992. Economic and Business I thank Jo Berry, Landcare at GSM°, Canberra, who
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indian report for 1991/92(15 ed.)Essex: Sallion Walden, provided an unpublished record from Cocos island
Farming 36:8-9, 12. 232 pp. from the Australian National insect collection and
Reid, G. M. 1992. A review of Apiculture in Vithanage, H. I. M. V 1986. Insect pollination of help with other unpublished records for Christmas
the south Pacific. MAF, Apicultural services avocado and macadamia. Acta Horticulturae island. Alt Murray Reid MAF, Hamilton, Nexv
Report. 79 pp. [Cook, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, 175:97-101. Bally D01101'all, DSTEI, Lincoln and Eva Crane plOVided
Papua New Guinea, Solomons, Tonga, Tuvalu, Wagner, W L., Herbst, D. R., Sohmer, S. H. 1990. invaluable guidance or access to literature about bees.
Vanuatu, W Samoa] Manual of the flowering plants of Hawaii. Bishop The author is indebted to the curators of the New
Schulter, D. 1986. Character displacement Mus. Special publ. 83, 1853 pp. Zealand national Artlu-opod collection in Auckland
between distantly related taxa? Finches and Walton, G. M. 1983. Aiding the establishment and the Bishop Museum collection in Honololu for
bees in the Galápagos. Amer. Natur. and development of beekeeping in the tropical access to bee collections from islands in the Pacific.
The requirements for pollination by insects of crop mainland tropics and subtropics as possible. Some species
plants throughout the world are presented in two of the highlands are also treated in Section 1.3. Native
encyclopedic volumes which summarize the state of and important introduced plants, excluding ornamentals
knowledge on a crop-by-crop basis. These books, one and many weeds, are treated by groups that seem logical,
by J. B. Free (1970 and second edition, 1993) and regarding experience in each of these regions.
another one by S. E. McGregor (1976), are indispensable
as reference material both for
development of beekeeping and Tamarind - Tamarindus
on the roles of bees and other
animals in pollination. What also
emerges from these books is
the lack of knowledge about
tropical and subtropical crops
(Appendix I). Research on crop
pollination in the tropics, and
on economically valuable plants
in general, is urgently needed to
fill gaps in our knowledge, to
resolve confusing and conflicting
studies and to suggest ways
of improving productivity 0 ary(s e eti an)
by pollinator management,
conservation and other means.
unnecessary to outcrossing or facilitation by deposition
of pollen being required. All of these crops may vary
with the particular cultivar. Grapefruits do not require
cross-pollination; and citrus trees are excellent sources
of nectar and pollen.
Apples (see also Section 1.3) generally require inter-
plantings of varieties, along with cross -pollination by
insects. Pear is similar, but is not a good bee plant as
the nectar is watery; bees do not collect the pollen.
Plums and prunes are mostly self-incompatible; they
require insect pollination and offer good nectar and
pollen forage for bees. Apricots are variable in their
pollinator requirements depending on the variety or
cultivar. Cherries cannot self-pollinate, but some are
self-compatible. Thus, inter-plantings of varieties and
the presence of bees for pollination are advised. Peach
and nectarine pollination is not well studied, despite
the economic importance of these crops. At least
some varieties appear to set fruit using their own pollen,
but cross-pollination by bees is needed for good
crops. All these Rosaceae are good nectar and pollen
plants for bees.
Avocado (Persea gTatissima) is grawn widely throughout cultivars is not needed. Papaya (Carica papaya) has a
Asia and is dependent on cross-pollination by insects. complex breeding system of male, hermaphrodite (3
Carambola or star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) and nimbi types) and female flowers in which the best fruit results
A. bilim-bi) are similar, as are Ziziphus (Z. jujuba, from cross-pollinations. Bees are sometimes
jujube and Z. mauri-tania, ber). Nephelium species: recommended as pollinators. They collect pollen from
N. litchi, N. lappace-um, A longan, litchi or lychee, male and hermaphrodite flowers. The normal
rambutan and longan are excellent honey plants and Neotropical pollinators, however, are hawkmoths.
seem to depend on insect cross-pollination as well. The Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is dioecious (see Section
mango (Mangifera indica) generally requires insects 2.3.3), and some cultivars produce _f ru.4 wwiout
for pollination, but cross-pollination between pollination, but most cannot. The flowers produce nectar
and pollen thst are used by bees. McGregor (1975) lists
Diospyms discolor, the mabolo, as dependent on insects
for pollination. Honeybees are the most important
pollinators of phalsa (Grewia asiatica) in India. In the
loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) benefits from visitation by
Apis and Bombus, and is minimally self-pollinating.
not known. The plants are propagated by cuttings, but Of the periodic crops, semi-seasonal crops or pulses,
seeds are used in breeding programs. cowpeas (Vigna sinensis) are highly attractive to
bees. Pollination is best effected by large bees,
For vegetables in which the fruit is eaten, pollination rather than by smaller bees or honeybees. Large
must be considered it often determines the size and bees like Xylocopa or Chalicodoma are probably the
'quality' of the fruit, as emphasized throughout this chief pollinators of the horse bean (Canavalia
book. The eggplant (Solanum m,elongena) is poorly ensiformis), at least in Indonesia, although this
studied but requires pollination, for which bees can species and the sword bean (C. gladiata) are reported
be used. Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) are not to be self-pollinating. The lentil (Lens culinaris),
automatically self-pollinating but movement of the mung bean (Phase°lus aureas), and gram (Cicer
plant causes pollen to fall from the anthers onto the arietinum) are thought to be self-pollinating.
stigmas. Thus, wind, insects or artificial vibration will Horsegran (Lablab niger) requires pollination by
bring about fruit set. The hot peppers (Capsicum) seem insects. However, the pollination requirements of
to be able to bear fruit and seed in the same -way as many leguminous crops are unknown, although the
tomatoes, but they do better if cross-pollinated. The wild progenitors almost certainly all needed insects,
flowers of solanaceous crop plants (including potatoes, preponderantly bees. Soybean (Glycine max) has
Solanum tuberosum, from which seeds are grown to been considered to be self-fertile. However, the
produce seed-potatoes for plants) are not attractive to benefits that bees bring in terms of increased
many bees (see Section 2.3.2) but probably would seed-set and .oil yield suggest that more research is
benefit from their foraging by being more productive needed to clearly establish their value.
in fruit quantity and quality. The cucurbit vegetables,
pumpkins and squash (Cucurbita) cucumbers and 3) Cereals.
gherkins, (Cucumis sativus), balsam pear (Mormodica Most cereals are independent of insects for pollination.
charantia), musk melon (Cucumis melo), other Wind pollination prevails in the grasses. Maize (Zea
watermelons (Citrullus) and gourds, including bottle mays), although a pollen source for bees, is wind-
gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), ash gourd (Benincasa pollinated. Many cereals do not reproduce by pollination
hispida) and sponge gourd or luffa (Laffa aegyptica), the grain develops apomictically. Pearl millet
require pollinators for fruit set. Bees are the (Pennisetum typhoides) may benefit from insect
principal pollinators. Okra (Hibiscus esculentus) is pollination, as bees are sometimes abtmdant, collecting
self-pollinating but is well visited by bees. The value pollen from the flowers.
of outcrossing has not been assessed.
4) Drtu:y, tererage,
condiment and spire
There is no comprehensive account
of pollination needs among the wide
variety of medicinal plants grown
throughout Asia. Many are not
economically prominent (yet) and
are grown in small patches for
specific uses. Poppy (Popover somni-
Flower (section)
ferum) is grown for the illicit drug
trade. It produces only pollen and is
visited extensively by pollen-foraging
bees. The number of seeds prOduced
is greater when pollinators are
abundant. Hemp (Canabis sativa) is
wind-pollinated, but the male flowers
are visited by bees for pollen.
Tobacco (Nicotiana) cross-pollination
can be brought about by honeybees
for hybrid seed production.
5) Oil eli-tkLos.
The rapeseed, mustards
and related Brassica are
grown extensively I'oi
oilseed production in Asia.
Brassica campestris is
dependent on insects
for pollinaton; it is
glossum) may also pollinate the small flowers. excellent source of pollen and nectar for bees.
Condiment and spice plants have been neglected in B. juncea is also more fruitful if bees are present.
light of pollination or value as bee plants. The crops Niger (Guizotia abyssinica) is a good bee plant and
of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) are much seed yield are greater when beehives are placed
improved by honeybee visitation.Pepper (Piper ingrain) in niger fields. Sunflower (Helianthus animas) is
remains an enigma. Although visited faithfully by both being grown more and more in Asia. Even though
flies and bees, self-pollination, effected by rain, is new self-compatible varieties are available, they
still suggested as tenable. Coriander (Coriandrum benefit from cross-pollination and oil yields are
sativum) is grown extensively in India and seems to greater. Self-incompatible varieties require insect
benefit from cross-pollination by bees and other insects pollination and bees are the primary agents. The
in Europe. Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is grown for Flowers provide nectar of high quality and also pollen.
its oil-rich seeds and is reportedly self-pollinating. Flax (Linum usitatissum) is grown for oil and fiber
Bees collect nectar and pollen from the flowers, but and benefits from outcrossing by bees. Safflower
their importance in crop production has scarcely been (Carthamus tinctorius) is a good source of nectar and
studied. In Egypt the wide variety of flower visitors, pollen for bees and yields more oil when cross-
mostly honeybees, substantially increased seed pollinated. The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is a very
yield in open pollinated plants compared with those commercially successful oil-producing plant in
in cages). Vanilla is grown in Asia. Pollination is tropical Asia (see also Section 2.5). It is pollinated
usually done by hand. The mustards (Brassica) are effectively by weevils). While bees sometimes collect
the pollen, it is not a good forage plant. The coconut pollinators but the trees also seem to be self-fertile.
(Cocos nucifera) is grown for the fruit which provides Pollination of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) is not
food, drink, oil and fuel. Evidence is accumulating fully understood but outcrossing by bees may be more
slowly that coconut production may be improved by important than now thought. Sunn (or sann) hemp
augmented pollination by bees. Wind pollination (Crotalaria juncea) seems to require pollination by
is still apparently most important, especially in bees, at least for maximun fruit set. Carpenter bees
pla.ntations. The coconut offers ample nectar and (Xylocopa) are more valuable than honeybees.
pollen to bees. Castor bean (Ricinus communis) is Cannabis sativa is wind pollinated but is used by
not understood in terms of its pollination bees for its pollen. Information on flax and coconut
requirements. It is pollinated by bees in Botswana. is given above (see also Section 1.4).
Tung (Aleurites fordii) and tong A. montana) are
grown for their nuts, which wben pressed yield oil Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) is pollinated by
used in varnishes, electrical insulators and protective insects, mostly Diptera (midges). However, it is an
coatings. A. fordii may be dependent on insects for important honey plant in the tropics as many bees
pollination, but this is still not clear. forage for nectar from the extrafloral nectaries on the
petioles of the leaves (Sections 2.3.1, 2.1).
FOrneye crops.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is grown in drier parts of With the continued large-scale cutting of tropical
tropical Asia. It requires insects for pollination, and subtropical forests in Asia, attention must be
honeybees and leaf cutter bees are the most effective. paid to `reaforestation' programs. In some cases, as
Kudzu (Pueraria thun-bergiana) is pollinated by with Calliandra introduced into Java, beekeeping
bees. Berseen (Trifolium alexandrinum) has a wide projects have gone hand-in-hand. Nevertheless, all
variety of pollinators on which it is dependent for too little is known of the reproductive biology of most
seed set. Honeybees are effective pollinators. valued timber trees of the forests (see Appendix I).
To obtain seeds for reaforestation, either by natural
Timber trees and natural processes or aided by human effort, the trees must
vegetation. be pollinated. If the trees are highly specific in their
It is very difficult to obtain information on the requirements for pollinators, and the pollinators finely
pollination biology of the more valued timber trees attuned to the tree for their own reproduction, then
of tropical and subtropical Asia. Chan and Appanah over-cutting could produce a vicious cycle of decline
have discussed the role of thrips in pollination of in both the plant and pollinator. These issues are
dipterocarps and other trees in Malaysia, and urgently in need of consideration. Honeybees or other
Appanah has made some generalizations on the roles managed pollinator groups may need to be
of bees in pollination in Malaysian primary forests. incorporated in future plans to ameliorate the
There are a few publications on the pollination of foreseeable problems in such situations.
plants of the tropical forests (see General References,
e. g. Panayotou and Ashton, Bawa, Appanah, Faegri Conclusion.
and van der Pijl, Owens et al.) but, in general, this One can readily appreciate that many economically
is a much neglected area of botany, forestry and now, vital plants of tropical and subtropical Asia are
since many formerly forested areas are being 'unknown' insofar as pollination requirements are
replanted in timber species, applied ecology. The concerned. Those listed are currently the most important
value of the forest trees in honey and pollen harvests and have received some attention, if only to indicate
is well known. the lack of information about them. Certainly, of
those economic plants for which documentation on
Fibre plants and rubber. breeding systems is available, the number
The most important fibre giant is cotton (Gossypium), requiring insect pollination is high. If to those are
however, it is not thought to depend on insects for added the plants tbat certainly benefit from cross-
cross-pollination. In fact, cross-pollination has been pollination by insects, and those suspected of belonging
considered detrimental, because the resultant seeds in this category, only the cereals, bananas and seedless
and progeny are not necessarily bred exclusively fruits remain outside the influence of pollinators. At
from the desired cultivar. Nevertheless, benefits do the same time, one can see that most of the economic
accrue from cross-fertilization larger crops, more plants for which insect cross-pollination is at least
oil and hybrid vigor in progeny. Honeybees are used beneficial are also useful to honeybees and other honey-
extensively in cotton fields where pure-line seed is making bees (the stingless bees), which may also
not sought. The flowers provide income to those exploiting these insects. Thus,
produce abundant pollen and nectar. Kapok (Ceiba beekeeping and agricultural productivity are as clearly
pentandra) is a copious producer of nectar and interwoven in the tropics as they are in the temperate
.excellent bee forage. In nature, bats are important regions of the world.
1.5.2 Applied Pollination in Africa
1) Introduction.
The importance of pollination to the yield of most crops pollination, all of which will raise farmers' income (see
grown in temperate climates is known, at least partially, also Sections 1.2, 2.1).
but there is relatively little information about pollination
of tropical crops. In Africa and other tropical regions, many PorrAtt, flor rpermi vr our tend
studies on crop pollination have been preliminaiy, mainly tmrunfigehient.
because of insufficient facilities. Insects recorded visiting flowers of crops are assumed to
be pollinators. However, their real value as pollinators,
or other types of visitors (see Sections 2.2 to 2.4) may not
be known. Many species of insects and small animals visit
flowers for nectar or pollen, or both, but few may be good
pollinators. The most efficient pollinators carry plenty of
pollen, brush against stigmata hence transfening
visit several flowers of the same species in succession and
move frequently from flower to flower and plant to plant.
However, cells containing prepupae and pupae were
successfully transplanted into artificial cells punched in
newly made mud bricks.
introduced on a large scale since the early 1970s in Kenya, requirements for each plant, such studies are important
few commercial uses of honeybees in pollination have as reference bases for fmiher research.
been initiated. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) has been fotmd
to increase outcrossing of two inbred lines by 25-94.5 % South °lea. This region comprises mainly the S.
when insects were used. In Kenya, the major insects found African Republic and adjoining countries. In the north
visiting the pigeon pea included 10 species of Chalicodoma, along the Tropic of Capricorn, there is the Kalahari desert
5 of Megachile, 5 of Xylocopa, Amegilla plumipes, Apis and in the south, climate tends again to the Mediterranean.
mellifera, Lampides boeticus and Thymus. Some trials in Honeybees are important pollinators of subtropical crops
in South Africa (see also Section 1.3). Annual yields
from litchi, macadamia and other fruit or nut crops have
been found to be closely related to hive numbers in the
orchards. However, in many cases, no recommendation
for commercial use of honeybee colonies in pollination
exist. Before 1986, less than 5% of Transvaal beekeepers
were involved in pollination of subtropical crops although
colonies were taken to litchi, macadamia and mango
orchards primarily to obtain honey. A recent estimate is
that 52,000 bee colonies are needed for pollination of
apples, pears and plums in the cape province, but only
12,000 are employed at present. There is great need for
cooperation between beekeepers and growers of such crops
to increase their production. In Transvaal, some beekeepers
move honeybee colonies to crops such as kidney beans
for pollination. They pay the growers a small fee or give
them some honey.
solanaceous vegetable crops in Ghana with Organization Plant Production and apicultural development programmes. In:
special reference to the role of African Protection Paper No. 89, Rome: FAO, Apiculture in Tropical Climates, London:
honeybee (Apis mellifem adansonii) for fruit 434 pp. International Bee Research Association,
set. In: van Heemen, C., Ruijter, A. de, Beyleveld, G. P 1968a. Nectar and pollen pp. 119-124.
(eds.), The Sixth Int. Symp. on Pollination producing trees and plants of the Transvaal. Eisikowitch D., Dafni, A. 1988. The use and
Tilburg, Netherlands, 27-31 August 1990. S. African Bee Journal. 40:10-11. abuse of introducing honey plants. Bee
Netherlands, Research center for insect Beyleveld, G. P. 1968b. Detailed list of nectar Wld. 69:12-14,
pollination and beekeeping, and and pollen producing plants of Economic El-Banby, M.A. 1977. Ecological studies on
International Society for Horticultural Importance in the Transvaal. S. African Nosema disease in the Libyan Arab
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(Hymenoptera:Apidae). J. Kansas Entomol. 28:63-68, Proceedings of the 1977 British Crop
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clover (73-ifolium alexandlinum L.) at Kafr climates. E. Crane (ed.). London:
El-Sheikh Egypt. In: Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. International Bee Research Association,
on Apic. in Trop. Climates, Cairo, Egypt. pp.115-118.
Nov. 1988. London: International Bee van Drunen, B. 1977. Pollination of fruit tree
Research Association, pp.134-137. in the Western Cape. In: African bees:
Shawer M. B, Saleh, R. S., El-Dakhakn, T taxonomy Biology and vconomie use. D. J.
N.,Hendawy, A. S. 1989. Attempt to reduce C. Fletcher (ed.). S. Africa: Pretoria,
the hazard to honeybee colonies of Pesticide Apimondia, pp. 4-6.
applications. In: Proc. of 4th hit. Conf. on Wafa, A. K., Ibrahim, S. H. 1964. The effect
Apie. in Trop. Climates, Cairo, Egypt. Nov. of the honeybee as a pollinating agent on
1988. London: International Bee Research the yield of broad bean. Bull. Fac Agrie.
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in Tanganyika 1949-1957. Bee Wld. of the honeybee as a pollinating agent on
39(2): 29-36. the yield of clover and cotton. Bull. Fac,
Smith, F.G. 1956. Bee botany in Agrie. Cairo University No. 206, 44 pp.
Tanganyika. Scotland, UK.: Univ. Wafa, A.K., Ibrahim, S. H. 1960. The
Aberdeen: Thesis.17 pp. honeybee as an important insect for
Staden, D. F. A. von. 1987. Kiivifruit pollination. Bull. Fac. Agrie. Cairo
pollination in South Africa. South Afiican University No. 162,13 pp.
Bee Journal.59(3):59-61. Wafa, A. K, SharkaAvi, S. G. 1972.
None of these plants was dependent in any way on
honeybees, because no Apis were present in tropical
America until the late 1600s, and almost certainly none
were widespread until the last 20 to 30 years due to release
of Apis mellifera scutellata in Brazil. Natural selection and
evolution produced by interactions between plants and a
flower visitor such as honeybees could result in very slight
changes to plants and their breeding systems, if any, in
such a short time.
not exist in the Olcl World), frequently collect nectar plantations. Although fruit-set is increased by
and pollen at flowers. pollinators, wind is another major pollinating agent
and selling is insignificant.
CitrUS OreRages, etc. (Thetneene).
These small Asian trees are widely cultivated through Coffeu coffee (Ruidaeeue).
tropical and subtropical America. To produce seeds, citrus C. arabica is one of the nine African cultivated species
requires a pollinator, but the same is not always true for (of 60 species in the genus) and is the only tetraploid, thus
fluff production. Agamospenny is common (see Section likely an artificially-selected hybrid. All diploid species
1.1.3) Breeding systems vary gTeatly between species. are self-sterile and require outcrossing, done largely by
Endosperm may be initiated by fertilization and normal bees but also by wind. Large Neotropical producers of C.
pollination, but shortly thereafter an apomictic embryo arrabica are Brazil and Colombia with Costa Rica and
invades the embryo sac, outcompeting the sexually- Mexico considerably smaller exporters. Hives of honeybees
produced embryo. Flowers may be self-pollinating (see are introduced in the extensive coffee plantation areas and
Section 1.5. and Appendix I). Citras farmers in the generally are believed to improve yield. One hive each
Neotropics use honeybee colonies, now solely Africanized 100 m has been recommended. However, flowers are
honeybees, within extensive plantations. hermaphrodite, self-fertile and autogamous; they also may
be amphicarpic, meaning that some flowers require
visitation and outcrossing,
while others do not. Studies
Cucumber - Cucunis
on enhancement of
female flower, production through cross-
fruit & ovules pollination by bees are
female flower (section) fairly numerous; insect
visitors appear not to
greatly enhance seed-set
and fruit maturation,
although many species and
genera, with Apis and
Melipona predominating,
gather pollen or nectar at
Cucumis oneelona
and cucumber
Fruits of C. anguria
(Neotropical) C. melo
(African) and C. sativus
(South Asian) are either
cooked or eaten raw, all
but the first are
cultivated worldwide in
male flower
the tropics. Honeybee
hives are introduced to
improve yield, and bees
in general are strongly
attracted to nectar and
cross section of 11.114 pollen of the flowers.
Flowers are male or
female, but some plants
have hermaphrodite and
1.7(rTips etoimt (Pr7firrme)0 male flowers. Plants are self-compatible but insect
This southeast Asian palm is visited heavily by visitors are required, and honeybees are the most
honeybees and stingless bees. While the bees common. One foraging honeybee per each 10
collect pollen, wasps and other insects also anive and, hermaphrodite flowers was recommended to obtain full
along with bees, collect nectar. Separate male and fruit set. Efficient pollination of cantaloupe and
female flowers are borne on the same inflorescence. sweet melon in the Neotropics should require 2-3
Hives of honeybees are used for pollination in honeybees colonies/hectare.
ti jo (AnacardiaceGue).
M. indica is among the more than 60 Asian species; 5
Centris visiting PassWora
Sechium chayote
S. Mule is a perennial vine whose
main product is the fruit, eaten
cooked. Outcrossing is needed
because flowers are either male or
female, with female flowers more
attractive to visiting bees and -wasps.
Small bees were by far the most
frequent visitors in Costa Rica and
included primarily meliponines,
genera Tri gotta and P art amona Chili pepper
Honeybees very seldom visited
Siinmodsict jojoba
Simmondsia chinensis is a native
subtropical shrub of southwestern
USA that is dioecious and has seeds
yielding wax and oil. The largest
producers include the southwestern
USA, Costa Rica, Australia, Brazil
and Paraguay. Flowers are pollen
resources for bees, and honeybees
contribute to pollen dispersal by
enhancing wind pollination when Solanaceae native to the Neotropics -
landing on flowers to forage. Capsicum, lycopersicon, Solanum
Theobroma cacao (Sterculiaceae). Costa Rica: Editorial Tecnologica de Costa Rica, 406 pp.
T cacao, a small tree among what are interpreted as 4-11 Frankie, G. W, Haber, W. A., Opler, P. A., Bawa, K. S. 1983.
species, is cultivated principally in West Africa, Brazil Characteristics and organization of the large bee pollination system
and Malaysia. Flowers are hermaphrodites but selfing is in the Costa Rican chy forest. In: C. E. Jones, R. J. Little (eds.).
impossible due to separation of anthers and stigma; self- Handbook of experimental pollination biology, NewYork: van
incompatibility has been shown. Principal pollinators Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 411-448.
are flies, Lasioshelea and Forcipomyia (Ceratapogonidae). Hedström, I. 1986. Pollen carriers of Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) in
Costa Rica and Ecuador (Neotropical region). Rev. Biol. Trop.
Vanilla manilla (GmFt:Mucci-ye). 34:297-301.
At least two of the crop species used, planifolia and Heiser, C. B., Jr. 1972. The relationships of the naranjilla, Soh-mum
pompona, originated in southern Mexico and Central quitoense. Biotropica 4:77-84.
America, where the pollinator is the social euglossine bee, Henderson, A. 1986. A review of pollination studies in the Palmae.
Eualema nornially the smaller species polychroma, Bot. Rev. 52:221-259.
speciosa, cingul ata and nigrita. The pollinarium is a Meeuse, B., Morris, S. 1984. The sex life of flowers. London: Faber
triangular wedge carried on the bee's scutellum, and is and Faber, 152 pp.
easily identified in the field. Only outcrossing produces Opler, P. A. 1983. Nectar production in a tropical ecosystem. In:
fertile seed. The flowering schedule of this plant, at least The bio-logy of nectaries, B. L Bentley, T. S. Elias (eds.). New
in nature, is not well understood and does not occur yearly. York: Columbia Univ. Press, pp. 30-79.
Literature reference to Melipona as a piimary pollinator Rodríguez, R. 1979. Principales plantes Altiles de la Amazonia colom-
is based either on inconect identification or an aberrant biana. Bogotá: Centro Interamericano de Foto-interpretación,
occmTence. Melipona does occasionally visit the orchids 263 pp..
Maxillaria and Xylobium, but far less than do other stingless Roubik, D. W. 1979. Africanized honeybees, stingless bees, and
bee genera. the structure of tropical plant-pollinator communities. In: D.
Caron (ed.). Proc. Fourth Intl. Symp. on Pollination. College
Additional References (see also Section Park, Maryland: Maryland Agricultural Sta, Misc. Pub. No. 1.,
1.1.3) pp. 403-417.
Blirquez, A., Sarukhán, J. 1980. Biología floral de poblaciones silvestres Schatz, G.A. 1990. Some aspects of pollination biology in Central
y cultivadas de Phaseolus coccineus L. I. Relaciones planta- American forests. In: K. S. Bawa, M. Hadley (eds.). Reproductive
polenizador. Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 39:5-27. ecology of tropical forest plants. Man and the Biospher Series,
Búrquez, A., Sarukhán, J. 1984. Biología floral de poblaciones silvestres Vol. 7, Paris: UNESCO, pp. 69-84.
y cultivadas de Phaseolus coccineus L. II. Sistemas reproductivos. Spivak, M, Fletcher, D. J. C, Breed, M. D. (eds.). 1990. The 'African'
Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx. 46:3-12. honeybee. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 537 pp..
Corrêa, P. 1984. Dicionário das plantas uteis do Brasil. Vols. 1-6. Wine, A., Orozco, E. 1983. Polinización del chayote Sechium echtle -
IBDF, Rio de Janiero. (Jacq.) Swartz en Costa Rica. Rev. Biol.Trop. 31:145-154.
Croat, T. B. 1978. The flora of Barro Colorado Island. Stanford, Calif.: Wille, A.1985. Las abejas Peponapis y Xenoglossa en Costa Rica y
Stanford Univ. Press, 943 pp. su importancia en la polinización de las Cucurbita domésticas.
Espiar Perez, D., Ordetx Ros, G. S. 1983. Flora apícola tropical. Cartago, Rev. Biol. Trop. 33:17-24.
Cacao - Theobroma
1.6.2 HaVICat A-anagement for 1Vild extreme of the migratory range should be preserved, in
Pol-nnators order to assure that sufficient numbers return during the
next migratory season. In short, we have to know the life
The natural pollinators of wild plants and also agricultural
crops include a wide variety of organisms, not only bees history and requirements of those species we Avant to
and certainly not only honeybees (as shown in other sections conserve or multiply. This is a demanding task even for
of this manual). But asirle from the pollinators whose the much less diverse fauna of the better-studied temperate
populations we can manipulate or manage in large numbers, climates. Fortunately, however, as long as we preserve
there is a wide array of bee and non-bee pollinators capable wildlands with their original plant cover, much of the
of pollinating agricultural crops. Not the least important diversity will maintain itself.
are a variety of flies. Over a hundred different insect
species can be observed on flowers of some fruit trees, How can one determine the right size of habitat for such
though not all contribute significantly to their purposes? Here we find divided opinions. Because few
pollination. Maintaining such a diverse insect fauna definitive scientific studies will ever be completed in time,
increases the chance of sufficient pollination Avithout the the only safe approach is to conserve the largest possible
need for additional pollinator populations. areas. Minimum requirements for some of the better studied
larger animals and some ecosystems are known. Insect
In order to have sufficient Avild pollinators, their habitats populations probably do not need the large habitat required
must be preserved and maintained. That means adult and by, for exampleonammalian predators. Since many insects
larval stages of the pollinators need to find their food (often do, however, depend on other plant and animal species,
highly specific flowers, leaves, other insects, etc.). For they likely need somewhat extensive habitats for their
many, nesting sites are also required. Some insects require survival. The more Ave learn about the beneficial insects
certain soil conditions to survive dming one of their life and other animals, the better Ave can prepare smaller
stages. For migratory species like some hummingbirds or habitats for them.
Asian and African honeybees, the habitats needed at each
In case we are able to maintain only small islands of
non-cultivated land, Ave may have to selectively plant and
control species in those habitats in order to maintain the
pollinator populations that better suit the needs of our
special environments (see also Section 1.4). If the more
important natural pollinators for the crops are known, plant
species used by these pollinators can be planted or
maintained selectively. Thus, availability of flowers would
be assured at the conect time. These selected habitats
need more advanced planning in land use and they also
need more management because they are less stable, being
largely artificial. The less that management of an area is
possible, the larger the area will have to be in order to
maintain the required species diversity and abundance.
Abundant soil in the
water is not only a loss
to the farmer, but also a
threat to fish and other
aquatic fauna. The soil
changes the river bottom
and the river course, and
fills up reservoirs and
lakes. Trees on steep
slopes or ravines should
never be removed, but
even on level river banks,
borders of 30 to 100 m
should be maintained.
Again, local conditions
of flooding, aquatic life,
river changes, land
orientation and rainfall
patterns need to be
A roadside planted with Glyricidium, Musa, Cocos, and 'elephant' grass' for fodder. considered. In addition,
This could be improved by seeding more legumes among the grass. possible alternative use
of these areas, as
Fiet4, Ilmomarfaries. described below for small forest patches, must be taken
Field boundaries, in contrast to hedges, may or may into consideration in order to plan the size of these borders.
not consist of perennial or woody species. They can
be cultivated as boundaries by ploughing, cutting. or Thus, leaving ripatian forests has many ecological benefits,
spraying for maintaining selected beneficial plant among them providing unusually rich sources of
species for weed, pest and soil control as well as for nectatiferous plant species and nesting sites for many
providing alternative food sources for pollinator species. kinds of pollinators. Where these habitats have already
Their width and maintenance may change more been destroyed it is worthwhile replanting water edges
frequently, with rotation of crops. with native tree and shrub species. Selecting the right
species constitutes an active area of new research in much
Roadsides may cover considerable areas in some countaies. of the -world.
These smfaces can be managed by cutting, which is fairly
expensive, or by seeding and selective planting in order Small forest pattellies.
to maintain growth in certain successional stages. Thus Similar to the planting of hedges, forest vegetation can be
they can serve ftmetions similar to those of field botmdaries, planted near aglicultural fields. Just like natural forests,
hedges or even small forest patches. these patches can have a multitude of uses in addition to
that of maintaining pollinators. Selecting only the fastest
1.111onvue gourallease growing species for firewood or timberproduction is similar
Home gardens, due to their size, usually cannot contribute to planting highly-selected monocultures for agricultural
much to feed the larger pollinator populations. Ho-wever, production. Application of sustained-yiekl concepts fmther
when entire villages plant flowering hedges around their considers the benefits of selected species to the soil,
homes, plant fruit trees and bushes, and cultivate other alternative uses and the habitats they provide for other
flowers and some vegetables, these habitats do provide crops and healthy populations of plants and animals. Mixed
limited support of pollinator populations. Most of all, they plantings should allow some undergrowth management.
supply food while there are few or no wild flowers Future crop breeding might select for forest undergrowth
neat* This can be particularly helpful for beekeeping conditions, thus simulating multilevel natural forests.
with the Asian Apis, stingless bees, and many non-Apis
pollinators. The classic eucalypt or pine groves do not present the best
solution in most situations, neither short-term nor long-
Riparian I rests. ternt, since these plants are selected for only some of many
Riparian forests those growing in the immediate impoitant criteria maximum rate of biomass production.
vicinity of a creek or river are different from normal Even though most Eucalytits species provide abundant
forests and ha-ve a special and important ecological nectar, their pollen is deficient in nutrients and very few
function. They prevent soil runoff into the creeks, thus companion plants can grow in the understoty of these trees.
keeping water clear, and also less contaminated by Thus there are no sources of cover, forage or alternative
Traditional slash-and-him-1 apiculture continuously creates The abundance of attractive alternative food sources
areas of successional growth. If small enough, and not may in some cases reduce the efficiency of artificial
too dense, these plots might maintain the desired pollinator as well as natural pollinator populations, if flowering
species. In regions having only such slash and burn occurs simultaneously with crop flowering. Whether
agriculture, there should not be pollinator shortages. controlling such competing flora will decrease next
This is because vast monocultures are lacking. The principle year's pollinator populations more than it will increase
of cutting only small areas and letting them regenerate, this year's pollination efficiency should be tested,
or replanting them with forest species, might be practiced whenever possible. This should be done again
even in larger forest plantations. The same may be true alternative choices in pollinator species, crop varieties
in intermediate forest-agriculture zones or some of the or timing of planting and pollinator introduction.
8) Corer crups. friendlier' cultivation methods can in the end also be more
The practice of crop rotation allows planting of cover crops profitable. Maintaining wild pollinators and sustaining
during the fallow period. While the soil is recuperating, imported ones requires careful selection of crop and
the cover crop may provide flowers to pollinators needed non-crop (cover crop) species.
in neighbouring fields. Self-seeding plants like
Mellilotus or other nitrogen-fixing legumes enrich the Good management practice includes cover crops and
soil while they may even provide a commercial honey perennial crop varieties, including timber species or
crop, very iich fodder to livestock and/or "gTeen manure". lubber, are selected among other criteria for their high
A combination of Mellilotus vaiieties can provide flowers nectar secretion. Unfortunately, this subject has not been
for over six months even on poor soils (at <40°C). Some sufficiently considered in the past, nor been given due
of these varieties have been developed by INTA in importance by plant breeders. Particularly, as already
Argentina for extreme subtropical climates. mentioned, in forest plantations where harvest and
therefore income are realized many years after the initial
Some problems do arise, similar to those stemming from investment, nectariferous species can provide a "balancing
highly nectariferous successional growth or forests. income" cash flow and provide for natural as well
Attractive nectar producing non-crop flowers can compete as managed pollinator species. The selection of
with crop flowers for pollinators. In the case of natural nectariferous tree crops is relatively easy because many,
pollinators, planting schedules and flowering periods must if not most tropical tree species are naturally good
be synchronized as much as possible. The same problem producers of nectar. Their indiscriminate cutting also
with artificially-enhanced pollinator populations can drastically reduces the nectar sources available to all
also be solved by placing colonies directly in the middle pollinator species, not only to honeybees.
of the crop area, or by providing more pollinators than
are usually recommended and/or by introducing the The creation or consenTation of large wildlands for honey
pollinator populations at a time when already 20 to 30% production can have strong secondary effects on pollinator
of the crop flowers have opened. In extreme cases competing availability in distant agricultural areas. This is
floral resources may have to be temporarily reduced or demonstrated by an example from Sri Lanka. After the
eliminated during the crop flowering period. disappearance of most the natural forest suitable for honey
production, rubber plantations (Hevea brasiliensis) have
1.6.3 (Jii'OLLCet2ctiloit become the major areas for beekeeping. Recent
improvements in bee management techniques are only
It might be possible, as seen for many crops, to select noly starting to permit beekeeping on a larger semi-
additional varieties that do not require external commercial scale. However, the new varieties of rubber
pollination agents like insects. Those varieties that will slowly replacing those of old plantations are said to produce
continue to require pollinating insects, however, need little or no nectar. If this proves true, the developing
to be made more attractive to pollinators (see Section beekeeping industry will ha-ve no future. Simultaneously,
2.3.1). This means that plant breeders have to pay more in part due to .the same environmental
attention to flowering times and duration, nectar degTadation, deforestation and increased pesticide use
secretion and/or pollen attractiveness. the need for moveable pollinator populations is growing.
They are needed for increasing seed production
More emphasis on indigenous crops will reduce the need requirements and exotic cash crops such as gherkins, i. e.
for exotic pollinators such as Apis mellifera in most of the pickling cucumbers. Thus eliminating profitable beekeeping
world. Certain pollinators may prove less difficult to on a commercial scale also eliminates manageable pollinator
manage and propagate than imported honeybees, under populations. The latter can only be made available in
local conditions. For example, it is generally well- sufficient numbers through migTatory beekeeping (i. e.
appreciated that Apis cerana is superior to Apis mellifera moving hives into areas where pollinator enhancement is
in much of the Asian tropics, due to better resistance to required). In effect, the selection of the new rubber vaiiety
natural enemies and gTeater tolerance of environmental might restrict the agricultural cultivation possibilities in
and resource conditions (see Section 2.5). parts of the country far removed from the mbber gTowing
areas. This example demonstrates the far-reaching
IntegTated into crop rotations between rice cultivation and consequences a slight change in cultivar or crop can have
cattle gazing, and the planting of Mellilotus in northern on the apicultural productivity of apparently um.elated,
Argentina shows a promise for profitable honey production distant regions, not only on neighbouring fields.
(Krell, pers. obs.). A study by Accorti (1992) for Italy
also showed substantial savings in fertilizer expenses and 1.6.4 Pesticides
petroleum resources for producing honey under improved
environmental conditions, rather than using sugar from Apart from habitat destruction, application of pesticides
sugar beets. Further studies on similar subjects most likely in large quantity, and over large areas, is the primary
will demonstrate that converting to environmentally reason that wild pollinator populations have been reduced
Hedges re;
Multiple-Crop a
or completely destroyed. Large aerial applications over deformed and of uneven gTowth a clear indication of
100,000s of hectares of Central American and African insufficient pollination. Unfortunately there is little that
tropical forests to control the Mediterranean fruit fly, can be done. Together with increased pesticide use, habitat
tsetse fly, and malaria mosquito have undoubtedly made was destroyed which otherwise could have allowed re-
an impact on the pollinator fauna. Documentation of establishment of honeybee colonies. Years of replanting
agricultural chemical effects, however, is incomplete will have to precede an increase of the native pollinators.
(see Appendix I I I for the most recent evaluations
regarding bees and beneficial insects). Farm applications Over the last decades, pesticides have become more potent,
are more frequent and widespread, also coveting very and only recently more specific. The broader a spectrum
large areas. Agricultural pesticides are often misapplied of pest species a pesticide potentially controls, the more
and have much more toxic effects on the local animals. devastating its effect will be on the total fauna, pest and
A comprehensive list of available pesticides and their beneficial alike. Its longevity in the environment and
known effects is given as an appendix to this Section. application timing and methods may further contribute
to its destractiveness.
Along the northwest coast of Sri Lanka, pesticides may
have led to a production loss involving cucumber cultivation. Although many broad-spectrum pesticides have been
Initial production, during the first and second year, was banned from the markets of industrialized countries for
fairly high. Dining the third and fourth year, production health and environmental safety reasons, many if not most
strongly declined, and after five years it was only 30% of of them are still being used in tropical and subtropical
the first year's production despite increased fertilizer countries. Less farmer and consumer education and strong
and pesticide use. During the same time more land was political and economical interests permit the continued
cleared in the dry forest zone and pesticides were applied, use of these often cheaper but more dangerous toxins. The
not only by the cucumber farmer. The cucumbers are now newer, sometimes less toxic or more specific pesticides
are usually much more expensive and therefore less exchange (pesticides and fertilizers) a.nd farmer's
accessible to the rural poor. At the end of this section is lives (poisoning). In tbe long term they preserve and
a recently updated list of pesticides that describes their likely increase yields for the future and reduce health
toxicity to honeybees. Toxicity values for other pollinating costs, because of healthier food and water. The modern
insects cannot necessarily be obtained from this list, but meaning of the 'green revolution' is no longer equated
a general impression is given. with 'highest output of biomass by any available means',
but instead with the healthiest, least destructive,
Integrated pest management methods which will reduce sufficient output of food.
pesticide use require very disciplined and well-educated
farmers with more technical assistance than is available ons
in most rural areas. Organic farming without the use of To generally solve pollination-related problems, the easiest
artificial or toxic chemicals requires traditional methods solution would be to switch to crop varieties that do not
and even more education with new crops or at least a need pollinators, or to pollinator species that are easily
different kind of education than the one commonly taught. manipulated and multiplied, like some honeybees. This
quick fix, often demanding large investment, may be the
1.6.5 Cultivation Practices remedy for some circumstances, but is unlikely to provide
a long-term or sustainable solution. Fundamentally, it
Studies of pollinator distribution in crop fields showed does not address the need for hybrid seed production, or
very limited foraging ranges of honeybees in situations for outcrossing in the many plant species that must be
with many more flowers than foragers. Similarly unsaturated cross-pollinated to produce seed or fruit. Unless sufficient
conditions would occur with low natural pollinator natural, non-cultivated flora are available, even the
populations or exceedingly large smfaces planted with ubiquitous western honeybee cannot provide the
one crop. The overabundance of food (nectar) cannot be solution to pollination needs. Only a few highly specialized
exploited, pollinators will concentrate on the areas closesl pollinator species with relatively short lifespans, like the
to their natural habitat or nest. Uneven or incomplete alfalfa leaf cutter bee, may be maintained with one or a
pollination is often the result. Smaller field sizes, and few crop species alone.
shapes following contours of forest edges, are therefore
vely important for pollination with 'imenhanced' or natural The next most efficient change would be to increase
pollinator populations. natural pollinator populations through reduced pesticide
use. Alternative cultivation methods, conservation and
Intercropping, or the planting of different crops in selective planting will further increase natural pollinator
alternating rows or otherwise mixed, breaks up the uniform populations and improve environmental conditions, as
surfaces, reduces the overabundance of one food well as reduce farming costs.
source and thus increases fruit set across the field.
Although there are less plants to produce a crop, the Knowing the requirements, deficiencies and the costs,
production per plant is increased and the mixture of crops ceitain pollinator-limited crops may simply be poor choices
maintains or improves farmer income. Intercropping may for the economics of a given area. This is particularly
also reduce relative production costs due to lessened pesticide true for some exotic or expoit crops which have to meet
and fertilizer requirements. vely specific standards of fruit shape or quality. Taken into
account early enough, these conditions can prevent
The most pressing changes to be made in order to preserve disappointing results, failed projects and farmers' losses.
natural pollinator populations are the adoption of less
toxic and more balanced cultivation practices. Many .of For any sustainable, and at the end, affordable solution,
the alternatives have already been mentioned, such as less destructive cultivation methods are necessary.
reduced and more focused pesticide application (within Conseivation efforts and sound agricultural practices
integrated pest management progams where pesticide- are central to this goal. Creation or preseivation of diverse
free cultivation is impossible), selection of more resistant eiwironments, not only in National Parks, is also required.
locally-adapted or indigenous crops, a larger variety of This is true to the same extent for natural and managed
crops, multicropping systems, crop rotation, less tillage, pollinator populations.
and more manuring. Last but not least, the soil must be
regarded and taken care of as a highly complex living ACIeUrtiottal References
organism a concept firmly established in many Accord, A. 1992. Lapporto delle api all 'equilibrio energetics in
traditional cultures, but so utterly disregarded by most of agricoltmu zucchero e mieli: produzioni alternative compatibili.
this century's agricultural development. Congr. Int. di Apicoltma, Lazise, Italy.
Agnew, C.,Warren, A. 1990. Sandtrap. The Sciences. N. Y. Acad. Sci.
Initially some of the suggested changes may mean lower 30:14-19.
yields than the ones praised by the so-called "Green Ahmadjian, Paracer, S. 1986. Symbiosis: an introduction to biological
Revolution", but in the short term they save foreign associations. Hanover, New Hampshire: Univ., Press of New England.
Sinclair, M. Norton-Griffiths (eds.). Academic Press, Inc. Eroding Future. Ottawa: Standing
Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press. Paul, E A., Robertson, G. P. 1989. Ecology committee on agriculture, fisheries, and
Margalef, H. 1968. Perspectives in ecological and the agricultural sciences: a false forestry to the Senate of Canada.
theory. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press. dichotomy? Ecology 70:1594-1697. Smith, R. L. 1974. Ecology and field biology.
McNaughton, S. J. 1979. Grassland-herbivore Phillips, H. E., Blevins, R. L.,Thomas, G. W, New York: Harper & ROW.
dynamics, In: Serengeti: dynamics of an Frye, W W, Phillips, S. H.. 1980. No-tillage Switzer-Hoivse, K. D., Coote, D. R. 1984.
ecosystem, A.R.E. Sinclair, M. Norton- agriculture. Science 208:1108-1113, Agricultmal practices and environmental
Griffiths (eds.). Chicago: Univ. Chicago Pimentel, D., Hall, C. W (eds.). 1984. Food conservation. Publ. 1772/E. Ottawa:
Press. and Energy Resources. Orlando: Academic Agriculture Canada.
Milne, R. 1987, Putting the land out to grass. Press, Inc. Thomas, V G., Kevan, P. G. 1993. Basic
New Scientist 116:10-11. Pimentel, D., Wameke, A. 1989. Ecological principles of agroecology and sustainable
Middleton, J. D., Merriam, G. 1988. effects of manure, sewage sludge and other agriculture. J. Agrie. Env. Ethics. 1-19.
Distribution of woodland species in organic wastes on arthropod populations. Trenbath, B. R. 1974. Biomass productivity
farmland. J. Appl. Ecol. 20: 626-644. Agric. Zool. Rev. 3:1-30. of mixtures. Advances in Agronomy 26:
Munloch, W W 1976. Diversity, complexity, Pimentel, D., Stachow, U., Takacs, D. A., 177-210.
stability and pest control, J. Appl. Ecol. 12: Brubaker, H. W, bumas, Meaney, J. 1, Vallentyne, J. F. 1990. Grazing management.
796-807. O'Neil, J. A. S., Onsi, D. E., Corzilius, D. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc.
National Research Council. 1989. Alternative B. 1992. Conserving biological diversity in Vandermeer, J. H. 1989. The Ecology
apiculture. Washington, D. C.: Nat. Acad. apicultural/forestry systems. Bioscience ofintercropping. Cambridge: Cambridge
Press. 42:354-362. Univ. Press,
O'Connor, R. J., Shrubb, M. 1986. Farming and Postel, S. 1989. Halting land degradation. In: Villachica, H., Silva, J. E., Peres, J. R.,
birds. Cambridge: Camblidge Univ. Press. State of the world 1989. New York: WW daRocha, C. M. C.. 1990. Sustainable
Odum, H. T. 1983. Systems ecology. New Norton & Company. agricultural systems in the humid tropics
York: Wiley. Power, J. F. 1987. Legumes: Their potential of South America. In: Sustainable
Odum, H. T. 1971. Environment, power and role in agricultural production. Amer. J. agricultural systems, C.A. Edwards, R. IA,
society. New York: Wiley, Alter. Agric. 2: 69-73. P. Madden,R. H. Miller, G. House (eds.).
Okigbo, B. N. 1990. Sustainable agricultural Purvis, G., Curry, J. P. 1984. The influence Ankeny, Iowa: soil and water conservation
systems in tropical Africa. In: Sus-tainable of weeds and farmyard manure on the society.
agricultural systems, C.A. Edwards, R. activity of Carabidae and other ground- Wall, G.J., Pringle, E. A., Sheanl, R. W 1991.
Lal, P. Madden, H. H. Miller, G. House dwelling arthropods in a sugar beet crop. Intercropping red clover with sileage corn
(eds.). Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and water J. Appl. Ecol. 21: 271-283. for soil erosion control. Canadian Journal
conservation society. Risser, P. G. 1958. Diversity in and among of Soil Science 71: 137-146.
Paarlberg, D. 1980. Farm and Food Policy. grasslands. In: Biodiversity, E. O. Wilson Wegner, J., and G. Meniam, 1979. Movements
Lincoln, Nebraska: Univ. Nebraska Press. (ed.). Washington, D. C.: National Academy by birds and small mammals between a
Panayotou, T, Ashton, P. S. 1992. Not by Press. wood and adjoining farmland habitats.
timber alone.Washington, D. C.: Island Ruttan, VW 1986. Increasing productivity Journal of Applied Ecology 16: 349-357.
Press. 282 pp. and efficiency in agriculture. Science World Commission for Environment and
Paul, E. A., Clark, F. E. 1959. Soil 231: 781' Development. 1987. Our Common Future.
microbiology and biochemistry. San Diego: Senate of Callada. 1984. Soil at risk; Canada's Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Uni-versity Press.
ri 1,
A short list of organizations with useful J' F
1) Arid lands information network: International Council for Research International Federation o,f Organic
274 Banbury Road in Agroforestty (ICRAF) Agriculture Movement (IMAM)
Oxford 0X2 7DZ P. 0. Box 30677 General Secretariat
United Kingdom, Nairobi, Kenya 6695 Tholey/Imsbach FRG
Tel: 02-521-450 Tel: 49-6853-5190
2)Réseau d'Informations des Terres FAX: 02-521-001 Fax: 6853-30110
C. P. 3 Dakar Fono, Senegal International Institute for Tropical Organic Crop
Agriculture (IITA) Improvement Association
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Tropische Oyo Road Route 3, Box 326
und Subtropische Agmforschung e. 17. PMB 5320 Alachua, Florida 32615, USA
(ATSAF) Ibadan, Nigeria Tel: 904-462-1302
Hans Bödeler Ste 5 Tel: 234-2
5300 Bonn 3, Germany 2-4003001316 Netv Dawn
Tel: 0228-4001313/320 or Apartado 371-8000
FAX: 0228-4001311 Telex: 886710 c/o Lambourn & Co. Ltd. San Isidro, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
DSEBND Carolyn House, 26 Attn.: Dr. E. Bentharch
Dinpvall Road
GATE/GTZ Croydon CR9 3EE, United Kingdom Rodale Press, Inc.
Dag Hattimarskjeild Weg 1-2 Tel: 081-686-9031 33 Minor Street
Postfach 5180 FAX: 081-681-8583 Telex:946979 Emmaus, Pennsylvania 18049, USA
D-6236 Eschborn LWL G [for extensive information on orgunic
Tel: 06196-790/ 7911 ((Oculture]
FAX:06196-794820Telev:407501-0GTZD Regional Environmental an(1 Natural
Resources Infolmation Centre (RENRIC) Forschungersing f. Biologisch
Food And Agriculture Organizaiton No. 84 Lorensz Road Dyna-mische Wirtschaftsweise e. V.
of the United Nations) (FAO)/ Forestry Colombo 4, Sri Lanka Baumschulen Weg 11
Division Tel: 01-582-553 D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany
Via Terme di Cara calla FAX 01-589-369 FAX: 06155-5774
00100 Rome, Italy
FAX: 06-5797-3152 I 0) International Union for the Alternative Apiculture
Conservation of Nature and Natural University of iVagettingen
Multiple Use Tree Research Network Resources (IUCN) Haariveg 333
(MUTRN) Avenue de Mont Blanc NL - 6 709 RZ Wageningen, the
Winrock International CH 1196 Gland, Switzerland Netherlands, Attn.: Dr. I. C. van Vella()
1611 N. Kentucky Street Tel: 031-8370/83522 or 84676
Arlington, Virginia 22209, USA 11) nee Aid FAX: 031-84575
Tel: 703-525-9430 Mayfield, The Street Farmborough, Bath
FAX: 703-522-8758 BA3 IAL, United Kinplont
Diversification of Pollination Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Logan, Utah) in
Strategies for U.S. CreLls* the late 1940s to determine the efficacy of non-honeybee
species as pollinators of targeted crops. As a result of
P. F. TORCHIO those studies, several bee species ha-ve been developed
Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, into commercially managed pollinators of various crops
Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-5310 (reviewed by Torchio 1987).
Environ. Entomol. 19:1649-1656 (1990)
As acreages of bee-pollinated crops have increased,
ABSTRACT. The close affiliation between the honeybee inquiries have periodically been made concerning the
industry and commercial pollination of U.S. crops is honeybee industry's capacity to supply additional
described, followed by a literature review that numbers of pollinators for these crops (Free 1970,
demonstrates why insufficient numbers of honeybees McGregor 1976, Prescott & Allen 1986, Parker et al.
may be available to support adequate crop pollination 1987, Robinson et al. 1989, Levin & Waller 1989,
servi ces in the near future. Recent recommendations Kevan et al. in press, E. E. Southwick & Southwick in
offering different methods to increase numbers of crop press). The legitimacy of these questions has increased
pollinators (continued honeybee research, establishment during the past 15 years, because the total number of
of management habitats, and development of additional U.S. honeybee colonies has been decreasing (Robinson
non-honeybee pollinators) are described, and the positive et al. 1989). As a result, alternative methods designed
and negative characteristics of each proposal are to increase numbers of U.S. pollinators have been
discussed. The status of crop pollination is then reviewed
proposed, and these proposals have been partially
in some detail, followed by a recommendation to combine
reviewed by Parker et al. (1987), Torchio (1987, in
pollinator studies into one collaborative pollination press), Kevan (1987), and Kevan et al. (in press).
programme focused on producing the maximum number
of efficient crop pollinators in the shortest possible time This paper reviews three programs that are developing
frame. different methods to increase numbers of crop
KEY WORDS Insecta, bees, crop pollination, pollinators. In addition, the strengths and -weaknesses
management systems. of each programme are evaluated, and the potential of
these programs to fulfill future pollination needs for
'Trhe unrelenting drive to maximize efficiency in U.S. crops is also discussed.
agronomic practices over the past 80 90 years has
resulted in a dramatic intensification of agriculture in irIVItEp ¡!re Increased! Nnntbers
the United States. These practices have been primarily of -l'oUttitiattors Needed?
responsible for the diversification of crop species in
commercial production and the rapid expansion of some When Metcalf et al. (1962) estimated the total value
established crops. Many of the newly cultivated species of U.S. bee-pollinated crops at 84.5 billion based on
and cultivars require, or are benefited by, insect 1957 harvest data, they focused attention on the rapidly
pollination provided mostly by bees. In addition, increasing dollar -value of pollinated crops and the need
acreages of some well-established, bee-pollinated crops to produce more pollinators to service those crops. Ware
(e.g., apple, avocado, blueberry, almond) have increased (1973) then increased the estimate to $7.6 billion by
rapidly within the past 40 yr in direct response to simply including additional acreages in commercial
consumer demand, improved technology in agriculture, production, and Levin (1983, 1984) added indirect
and the successful expansion of domestic as well as beneficiaries (10% of the enormous cattle and dairy
international markets (Eck & Childers 1966, McGregor indusbies) in his $18.9 billion estimate. O'Grady (1987),
1976, Eck 1988, Robinson et al. 1989). The USDA however, used less subjective formulations in amending
recognized the need to increase numbers of pollinators Levin's pyramidical figures downward to $4.6 billion.
nearly 50 years ago, and the Agricultural Research Parker et al. (1987), while not offering their own
Service (ARS) provided support to the beekeeping estimates, also found Levin's $18.9 billion figure to be
industry by establishing additional bee research misleading, because it included $12 billion allocated
laboratories and other funded programs on a "need" to alfalfa (and a number of its products), a crop that is
basis (Levin 1983). Direct and indirect support were very effectively pollinated by commercially managed
founded on the concept that adequate numbers of populations of solitary bees (Torchio 1966, 1987).
honeybees, Apis mellifera L., would be maintained for Robinson. et al. (1989), by expanding tbe formula
pollination services within a thriving industry that developed by O'Grady (1987), estimated honeybee-
derived most of its income from the sale of honey and pollinated crops to be valued at $9.3 billion. They
bees-wax (Levin 1983). also suggest that approximately one million honeybee
colonies are rented annually for pollination services
The USDA-ARS also established a research unit (Bee with some hives moved onto two crops per annum (p.
number even though supportive data have never been seed crops planted in western North America (Torchio
obtained. O'Grady (1987) lowered the percentage number 1966, Bohart 1972, Parker & Torchio 1980, Bitner1982).
by deductive reasoning, but Robinson et al. (1989) Much of the baseline information obtained from studies
reestablished the 80% honeybee pollination figure, and on alternative pollinator species before 1970 has been
L. Southwick & Southwick (1989) provided other summarized by Free (1970, 1982) and McGregor (1976),
estimates. Yet, none of these studies was based on whereas Crane & Walker (1983, 1984), Prescott & Allen
quantitative comparisons of pollination efficacy among (1986), Parker et al. (1987), and Torchio (1987) have
bee species. As a consequence, the "data" presented in reviewed more recent literature.
these reports should be considered as unsubstantiated
estimates until such time as quantitative and comparative The most recent reviews of crop pollination by insects
results are obtained. (Prescott & Allen 1986, Parker et al. 1987, Robinson
et al. 1989, Kevan et al. in press, E. E. Southwick &
Derelopwent of Different Strategies Southwick in press) have devoted generous discussions
for Increasing Numbers of Cl*Op to a few subjects that have been previously ignored,
Pollinators summarized as low-priority items, or considered as
conunon knowledge. They include the recognition of (1)
Apicuhurists consider the European honeybee the most a large reservoir of managed or unmanaged bees that
important pollinator of U.S. crops, and other pollinate specific crops (see listing compiled by Crane
agriculturists accept the statement as fact (Free 1970, & Walker [1983]), (2) reduction of honeybee and native
McGregor 1976, Parker et al. 1987, Kevan 1987, Kevan bee populations exposed to pesticides or bee losses
et al. in press). Thus, there is almost total agreement attributed to indirect effects of herbicides, (3) dwindling
in the agricultural community for a need to increase bee populations in habitats disturbed by human activities,
numbers of honeybee colonies used in pollination rental (4) fewer numbers of bee species and smaller populations
services. Many agriculturists also recognize the of remaining bees distributed in and adjacent to areas
importance of non-honeybee species as pollinators of of intensive agriculture, and (5) the formidable problems
crops, but others believe the establishment of managed currently facing the honeybee industry. Some of these
habitats in and around agricultural zones may be the same reviewers have also used these subjects in different
best strategy to increase the total number of pollinators combinations to establish proposals outlining methods
in agricultural environments. for increasing numbers of pollinators.
Proposed a econmeendations by
Bohart (1951, 1962) was one of the first to recognize
Aviculturists and Nonapiculturists
the beneficial and detrimental effects on bees caused
by human manipulation of the environment. He to Lacrease Numbers of Pollinators
recommended the development of habitat management
programs as one method to increase numbers of native These recommendations fall into two general
species in natural as well as agricultural ecosystems categories:
(Bohart 1971). He also developed methods for using The apiculturists (e.g., Robinson et al. 1989)
native bee species as commercially managed suggest that studies of native pollinators show promise
pollinators of specific crops and concluded that this and should continue, but the main thrust of support
latter approach offered greater returns (in pollination must be reserved for honeybee research to resolve
effectiveness) in less time compared with results the most threatening problems plaguing that industry.
obtained in habitat management studies (Bohart 1972, After these problems are resolved, many in the
personal communication). honeybee industry believe that they could once again
supply adequate numbers of bees for the majority
Stephen (1955) also recognized the decimation of native of U.S. crops requiring pollination. The apiculturists
bee populations resulting from extensive land clearing reason that an established industry, an active research
in Canada. He too proposed conservation and habitat support group, and past successes in pollination
management of areas in and adjacent to agricultural services justify the continued use of European
zones as a viable strategy to maintain populations of honeybees as the primary pollinator of U.S. crops.
native pollinator species. His later studies were, however, The nonapicuhurists (including those studying
focused on developing candidate species into native bee pollinators) agree that support of honeybee
commercially managed pollinators of alfalfa seed crops research should be continued, especially in areas
of western North America (Stephen 1959, 1960, 1962). focused on maintaining or increasing numbers of
Grower acceptance and support of these programs colonies available for pollination rental. One group
facilitated rapid growth of the alkali bee, Nomia nzelanderi of non-apiculturists place a higher priority on the
Cockerell, and alfalfa leaf cutting bee, Me gachile developing habitat management programs for native
rotundata (F.), industries, -which in turn quickly satisfied bees as the best strategy to ensure against inadequate
pollination requirements of the large acreages of alfalfa pollination of many agricultural crops in the future
Pollination efficacy is determined on the basis of be used as the major justification for those proposals;
quantitative data obtained for each targeted crop. a large group of nonapiculturists will cite the growing
Pollinator populations of known numbers are introduced literature on native bee biology and pollination (mostly
into agTicultural environments to determine migTatory basic research) as primary reasons for suggesting the
habits of nesting bees and the subsequent increase establishment of habitat management programs; and
or decrease of populations based on numbers of live those working to develop commercially managed non-
progeny obtained. honeybee species will recommend more intensive
use of these bees as alternative crop pollinators.
Results from these combined studies have then been
used to develop management programs for each If honeybee numbers do, in fact, decline rapidly in
pollinator species introduced into intensive agricultural the near future, it is likely that a pollination crisis will
environments devoid of managed habitats (Torchio 1966, first appear in areas of intensive agriculture because
1976, 1979, 1985, in press a,b). (1) acreages of cross-pollinated crop species have
increased dramatically, and each of these crops is
It should be obvious from the above review that at least
three different approaches can be considered in any dependent on the importation of large numbers of
progTamme designed to increase numbers of pollinators pollinators during short flowering periods, (2) one
used for U.S. crops: (1) additional honeybee colonies can species (the honeybee) is used as the primary pollinator
be made available; (2) habitat management programs for the majority of U.S, crops, and (3) fewer numbers
can be established for the first time to increase numbers of honeybee colonies would be available to pollinate
of pollinator species and the population size of each these crops.
species; and (3) additional non-honeybee species can be
developed as managed, alternative pollinators of specific The status of U.S. crop pollination and the possible
crops. It is also possible that these three areas of research changes that may occur in this particular field of interest
interests can be combined into a unified national within the next 5 years can be summarized in the form
progTamme responsible for developing the best pollination of three pertinent questions: (1) Will a pollination crisis
occur after the African honeybee enters the United
strategy for specific crops or cultivars planted in various
climatic zones across the country. States? (2) If so, should the United States reevaluate
cuiTent pollination strategies? (3) What alternatives
There should be no doubt, however, that honeybees are available to increase numbers of pollinators in
(European or African, or both) will continue to be used the shortest time frame possible? A response to each
as the major pollinator force of U.S. crops in the immediate question is given below.
future because alternative progTams have not been fully
developed: i.e., managed habitats have yet to be If the African honeybee enters the United States
established, and commercially managed non-honeybee before alternative pollination strategies are
pollinators have not been developed for many U.S. crops. established, and if the public's reaction proves to be
This situation will not change unless a national pollination as negative as now expected by most apiculturists
progTamme is implemented to provide recommendations (Taylor 1985, Rinderer 1986), there is little doubt
for the best pollination strategies of U.S. crops, If a that the U.S. honeybee industry will experience
pollination programme is not established, the long- temporarily a rapid decline in the total number of
standing and dominant practice of accommodating one managed bee colonies available for honey production
pollinator species to fit the pollination needs of most and pollination services. Local ordinances may well
crops will be perpetuated, and future recommendations be adopted to pre-vent hobbyist beekeepers from
On crop pollination will continue to be based on maintaining backyard colonies, migratory beekeeping
incomparable, qualitative results. practices would probably be disrupted through
enforcement of restrictive laws, and various lawsuits
Discussion involving different aspects of the bee industry would
When the pugnacious and feared African honeybee probably increase. These negative factors would work
enters the United States, the number of managed in concert to reduce further the availability of crop
honeybee colonies reserved for crop pollination is pollinators, and the first symptoms of inadequate
expected to decline rapidly. Inadequate crop pollination pollination would probably be expressed in the
associated with reduced numbers of honeybee colonies western sector of the country where large tracts of
will likely occur, resulting in a crisis that will produce monocultured, cross-pollinated crops are planted
a flood of papers offering different resolutions to the (e.g., almond, apple, avocado, citrus, melons).
problem. These proposals will no doubt repeat much Recovery of the honeybee industry would then occur
of what has already been reviewed herein: apiculturists as the public's negative perception of the African
can be expected to recommend additional support for honeybee slowly modified as has happened in other
honeybee research, and the time-honored rationale countries already invaded by this pugnacious
(too few numbers of other pollinators available) will subspecies (Taylor 1985).
from the Utah Agricultural Academic, London. Press, New Haven, Conn.
Experiment Station, Utah State 1982. Bees and mankind, George Allen & Rinderer, T. E. 1986. Africanized bees: the
University, Logan, Journal Paper Unwin, London, Africanization process and potential
3931; and Bee Biology and Garcia, L. E. 1981. Attractiveness of range in the United States. Bull,
Systematics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, rabbiteye blueberry cultivars to Entomol, Soc. Am. 83:222-227.
Utah State University, Logan, pollinating insects and the effects of Robinson, W S., B. Nowogrodzki & B. A.
honeybees and gibberellic acid on fruit Morse. 1989. The value of honeybees as
References Cited set and development. M.S. thesis, North pollinators of U.S. crops. Am. Bee J. 129:
Barclay, J. S. & J. O. Moffett. 1984. The Carolina State University, Raleigh. 411-423, 477-487.
pollination value of honeybees to wilcllife Kevan, P. G. 1987. Alternative pollinators Southwick, E. E. & L. Southwick, Jr. In
Am. Bee J. 124:497-498. for Ontario's crops: prefatory remarks to press. Economic value of honeybees in
Bitner, H. M. 1982. Cunent management papers presented at a workshop held at the United States. Econ. Entomol.
practices with the leaf cutter bee in the University of Guelph, 12 April, 1986. Southwick, L., Jr., & E. E. Southivick.
Idaho, USA,, pp. 161-164. In Proc. Entornol. Soc. Ont. 118:109-110. 1989. A comment on 'value of honeybees
Proceedings 1st International Symposium 1989. Keeping up with pollination concerns as pollinators of U.S. crops.' Am. Bee
on Alfalfa Leaf cutting Bee Management. and options for the future. Can. Beekeep. J.129: 805-807,
University of Saskatoon, Canada. 14:79-80. Stephen, W P. 1955. Alfalfa pollination in
Bohart, G. E. 1951. Alfalfa seed growers Kevan, P. G., E. A. Clark & V. C. Thomas. Manitoba. J. Econ. Entomol. 48: 543-548.
of Utah should protect their wild bees. In press. Insect pollinators and 1959. Maintaining alkali bees for seed
Utah Agrie. Exp. Sta. Farm Home Sci. sustainable agriculture. Am. J. Ahern. production. Oregon State College
12: 32-33. Agrie. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin
1962. Introduction of foreign pollinators, Levin, M. D. 1983. -Value of bee 568, Corvallis.
prospects and problems, pp. 181-188. In pollination to U.S. Agriculture. Bull. 1960. "Artificial" bee beds for the
First International Symposium on Entomol. Soc. Am. 29:50-51. propagation of the alkali bee, Nomia
Pollination, 1960, Swedish Seed 1984. Value of bee pollination to melanderi. J. Econ, Entomol.
Association, Copenhagen Publ. Comm. 7. United States agriculture. Am. Bee 53:1025-1030.
1971. Management of habitats for wild bees. J. 124:184-186. 1962. Propagation of the leaf cutter bee,
Proc. Tall Timbers Conf. B:255-266. 1986. Using honeybees to pollinate Megachile rotundata, for alfalfa seed
1972. Management of wild bees for the crops. USDA-ARS Extension Service production. Oregon State University
pollination of crops. Ann. Rev. Entomol. Leaflet. 549. Aglicultural Experiment Station Bulletin
17: 287-512. Levin, M. D. & G. D. Waller. 1989. The 586, Corvallis.
Cane, J. H. & J. A. Payne. 1988. role of pollinating insects in future world Taylor, O. R., Jr. 1985. African bees:
Foraging ecology of the bee food production. Apiacta 24:18-21. potential impact in the United States.
Habropoda laboriosa (Hymenoptera: Marucci, P. E. 1966. Bluebeny pollination. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 31:15-24.
Anthophoridae), an oligolege of 33rd Ann. Blueberry Open House Proc. Tepedino, V. J. 1981. The pollination
blueberries (Ericaceae: Vaccinium) in N. J. Agr. Exper. Sta. 33:16-19. efficiency of the squash bee (Peponapis
the Southeastern United States. Ann. McGregor, S. E. 1976. Insect pollination pruinosa) and the honeybee (Apis melli-
Entomol. Soc. Am. 81:419-427. of cultivated crop plants. USDA-ARS fera) on summer squash (Cueurbita pepo).
Crane, E. & P. Walker, 1983. The Agricultural Handbook 496. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 54:359-377.
impact of pest management on bees and Metcalf, C. L., W. P. Flint & B. L. Torchio, P. F. 1966. A survey of alfalfa
pollination. International Bee Research Metcalf, 1962. Destructive and useful pollinators and pollination in the San
Association Tropical Development and insects, 4th ed. MeGraw-Hill, NeW York. Joaquin Valley of California with
Research Institute, London. Oertel, E. 1983. Estimated honeybee emphasis on establishment of the
1984. Pollination directory for world crops. pollination business in selected states. alkali bee. M.S. thesis, Oregon State
International Bee Research Association, Am. Bee J. 125:200-201. University, Corvallis.
London. O'Grady, J. H. 1987. Market failure in the 1976. Use of 0 sinia lignaria Say
DeGrandi-Hoffman, G. 1987. The provision of honeybee pollination: a (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) as
honeybee pollination component of heuristic investigation. M.S. thesis, a pollinator in an apple and prune orchard.
horticultural crop production systems. University -Vermont, Burlington. J. Kans, Entomol. Soc. 49:475-482.
Hortic. Rev. 9:237-272. Parker, F. D. & P. F. Torchio. 1980. 1979. Use of Osinia lignaria Say as a
Eck, P. 1988. Blueben-y science. Rutgers Management of wild bees, pp. 144-180, pollinator of caged almond in California,
University Press, New Brunswick, N.J. in USDA Agricultural Handbook 535. pp. 285-293. In Dewey M. Caron ed.,
Eck, P. & N. F. Childers. 1966. Bluebeny Parker, E D., S. W T. Batra & VJ. Tepedino. Proceedings IV International Symposium
culture. Rutgers University Press, New 1987. New pollinators for our crops. on Pollination. Maryland Agricultural
Brunswick, N. J. Agrie. Zool. Rev. 2:279-304. Experiment Station Special
Eckert, J. E. & F. B. Shaw. 1960. Prescott, C. & B. Allen. 1986. The first Miscellaneous Publication 1, University
Beekeeping. Macmillan, New York. resource: wild species in the North of Maryland, College Park, Md.
Free, J. B. 1970. Insect pollination of crops. American economy. Yale University 1982. Field experiments with 0 smia
The tenn 'enhanced pollinator abundance' is used As a guideline, it may be assumed that any crop requiring
here in reference to artificially manipulated or managed pollination will produce less without extra pollinators, if
it is planted in fields wider than 50 to 100 in, even
populations for the pmpose of crop pollination (in contrast
to wild pollinator populations that have not been if the field is near the edge of areas with abundant
manipulated directly, see Sections 1.2, 1.6). In order to pollinators. Pollination success of course also depends on
use enhanced pollinator populations for agricultural crop many other conditions (see Sections 2.2-2.4). For crops,
pollination, a vanety of conditions must be fulfilled. Not we must always consider:
only do we need to understand the local requirements of
a crop. Additional environmental, economic, infrastructural the species of natural pollinators
and social conditions must exist in order to have access and their foraging ranges
to the necessary pollinator populations. This chapter gives the attractiveness of the crop flotvers
a broad discussion of necessary conditions for successful the use of pesticides in the area
pollination services. the total size of the field
the distance to the natural habitat
The exceptional advances made with temperate races of of the wild pollinators
Apis inellifera allow such observations as those of Free
(1993, p. 52): A Macadamia nut plantation in Malawi, for example,
revealed the natural pollinators (mostly Apis mellifera
When it is know that a crop is difficult to pollinate, scutellata) were effective only in the first few rows of trees,
usually because it is a species relatively despite abundant honeybee colonies in forested slopes not
unattractive to honeybees, more than 2.5 colonies more than 100 ni from the edge of the plantation.
(and often 3 to 6) per hectare are sometimes
recommended. In contrast, when a crop is Distnbution studies of honeybee foragers in field crops
attractive, but, its flowers are comparatively sparse, show the importance of saturation of the area with bee
or can be self-pollinated, fewer than 2.5 colonies colonies and the resulting irregular distfibution with lower
per hectare are suggested (e.g. Cucumis melo, densities. Depending on the crop's flowering characteristics,
Tifolium repens). lower pollinator populations may be sufficient. A 'rule of
thumb' for the density of honeybee colonies that might
Unfortunately, I am not aware that any such generalized be needed for successful pollination is that approximately
figures exist for pollinators other than one or two races of 2.5 colonies per hectare (1 colony per acre) should be
temperate Apis mellifera (usually ligustica). Some distributed evenly through the crop. The number increases
recommendations were recently given for the 'stocking with unattractive crops, for hybrid seed production, or in
density' of Apis cerana in crop fields. These seem similar the presence of significant competition from other floral
to the recommended densities for the western hive bee resources.
because, although the eastern hive bees maintain much
smaller colonies than those of A. mellifem, they do not 2.1.1 Selection of Crops
forage as far from the hive, and consequently more will dc Cultivation Methods
visit the target crop. No studies for the many other tropical
pollinators are complete enough to permit such basic In many countries, food `self-sufficiency at any cost' often
estimates of pollinator abimdance requirements in croplands termed the 'green revolution' (Section 1.6) has brought
or other 'managed systems'. much environmental destruction. Many of the resulting
agricultural systems are not self-sustaining or efficient,
Before a crop is selected for cultivation in any because they depend to increasing degrees on outside
environment, its pollination needs should ideally be input of impoited pesticides, fertilizers, machines and fuel.
evaluated. Clearly, from the information given in the Large-scale extensive cultivation practices have
Appendix I, we are ignorant of the pollination demonstrated their destructive nature under most tropical
requirements of many plants cultivated in the tropics. climates, soil conditions and management. Yet they are
Frequently, for commercially grown crops it is known still continued because of the expected high, short-term
whether their fruit or seed production and quality will yields, which are often not sustained. This is a familiar
be increased by abundant pollinators. However, what is scenatio for many enterwises in South and Central America
not known for most local conditions is -whether the and East Asia. Meanwhile, nondestructive agricultural
pollination need can be taken care of by local, or wild, methods have been demonstrated to be just as profitable
pollinator populations. This question becomes more as high-technology, high-input apiculture.
difficult when little or no pollination research has been Throughout the world, the selection of the right crop or
done with a particular crop. crop variety is very important, as this ultimately
2.2.2 577jAltecy Peekeephig
Migratory beekeeping, despite the higher cost and need 1) Ecf,riuFfprree nat.
for reliable transport, offers the opportunity for much higher The pollination services of honeybees require colonies
honey yields. Many migratory beekeepers rely upon the domiciled in advanced hives that can be used to provide
income from rental of their colonies for pollination. Most colonies of the right strength (see 'Conditions of Colonies
also benefit from installing their colonies at sites that are, used for Pollination Service', Appendix II) and at the right
even if only temporarily, very productive. time. These can be topbar or frame hive equipment, but
for migratoiy beekeeping, the frames must be wired to
The procedure for hiring commercial pollination suppoit combs during transport, and screening material
services requires agreements in th.e form of contracts. must be used to allow adequate ventilation dming transport
The most advantageous form and legal structure may be (Section 2.5.1).
different from country to country, but a few key items
should be contained in any verbal or written agreement. Top bar hive beekeeping., as widely practiced in most
Sample contracts that can be used by the grower and tropical climates, is ill-suited for migratory
beekeeper are provided in Appendix II. beekeeping. Comb breakage during transport occurs,
with subsequent loss of the colony. Extremely careful
Once pollinators have been chosen, it must be possible transpoit of topbar hives can nonetheless be attempted,
to transpoit them to the fields where their services are but only when combs contain little or no honey and sealed
required. In the case of insects kept in containers this brood, and when roads are smooth and colonies well
is relatively easy, but where specific nesting sites or ventilated. However, relatively high losses are likely.
domiciles are used, mobility is often more limited. The
more frequently pesticides are used, the more important Alternatively, smaller colonies, or "nuclei" may be used,
this mobility becomes. Perennial pollinators, those living which allow easier transport and do not llave combs or
in colonies or established aggregations, must be protected frames. A larger number of colonies would be needed,
from poisoning. The future abundance of annual however. The use of small, 'disposable' honeybee
populations is less susceptible to spraying as long as colonies or "pollination units" was tiied experimentally
their broods are already provisioned with food and in the USA and may be feasible elsewhere where large
protected from exposure. numbers of swarms can be easily captured during the
time of year when pollinators are needed. This could be
Where abundant floral resources are present when the particularly useful in Latin America, where during the
target crops are not in bloom, permanent colonies may swarming season of the African honeybee very large
be kept, and the pollinators kept from flying when pesticides numbers of colonies can be obtained. They can be
are applied to crops. Once crop flowering has ceased, the maintained temporarily in almost any kind of
prevention of spray drift, use of less toxic insecticides in container and place. However, absconding by the queen
lower quantities (less frequently, and application dming and colony occurs frequently after transport. TWO means
the evening or at night) will considerably reduce risk to are available to reduce this tendency the queen is
managed pollinators. (see Appendix III). either confined in a small "queen cage" prior to transport,
or "queen excluder" material is placed over the entrance.
Where permanently established or immobile colonies are The latter method has the drawback that, despite its
used for pollination, these usually cannot be kept within relative ease, a queen that is temporarily starved by
crop fields and many foragers may visit non-crop flowers. the workers may still pass through the excluder, and the
Thus larger numbers of colonies may be required, compared colony can escape. Furthermore, African honeybees A.
to the usual guidelines mentioned above. If the natural mellifera scutellataffrequently abandon their OWT1 queen
flora does not support such large numbers of colonies, in such situations, somehow joining other colonies.
then some additional colonies must be brought in when
pollination services are needed. Habitat improvement Stingless bees (meliponines) and bumblebees require hives
would diminish the need for migratory beekeeping. or, sometimes for the former, log hives of suitable size and
design to accommodate their colonies and for easy
Migratory beekeeping with stingless bees may be possible access by the beekeeper. They also need to be
under conditions similar to honeybees (Section 2.5.3). transportable, in order to concentrate them in large numbers
Some non-bee species such as flies may be reared in large where they could serve as pollinators. Carpenter bees and
numbers and simply released where needed, when the solitary bees require specially prepared nesting sites. The
adult insects emerge (Section 2.5) bees often are kept in holding for several months as
immatures, and their use therefore requires advanced
Several phases of development apply to migratory planning. Some of these domiciles may not be movable.
beekeeping, outlined and discussed in the following More research is required to develop appropriate containeiN
categmies: for bee species and other pollinators (see Section 2.5).
of new skills easier. But most of all it will require specialized Consequently there is a difficult gap to bridge. On the one
service and training. hand, improvement of beekeeping material and techniques
are seldom justified for honey production alone. On the
Therefore, prior to introducing crops that require pollination other hand, pollination of crops is not feasible until this
services, not only an economic feasibility study is required, more expensive type of beekeeping is widely practised
but also a realistic survey of the possibilities to transfer and cultivation practices are adequate. It will be very
the required skills; be this for frame-hive beekeeping, difficult and uneconomical to introduce crops requiring
management of other pollinator species, or different pollination unless they can, from the beginning, be
cultivation methods. Most of all, it will take serious long- grown profitably without pollination service (until
term commitment at various levels. beekeepers and growers have learned and have put
into practice the mutual benefits).
5) Economic feasibility.
Increased production or the higher quality of a crop must The prospects for managing non-Apis pollinators appear
justify the additional expense for pollination services. The to be even less promising because of their more limited
additional cost first has to be determined. The following use. However, it is exactly their higher degree of
have to be included: specialization or adaptation to more extreme conditions
that makes them valuable. More specialized skills will
cost of improved crop cultivation practices be necessary for their management. The latter again
(mechanization, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) increases the overall cost, but the special applications may
fame hive beekeeping or management of other render this profitable, not only in an economic sense, but
pollinators also for the choice of crop.
alternative planting schemes
extra transport requirements To summarize, several questions must be asked:
costs to society or govermnent for skills acquisition,
technical assistance, and research into local Are there other crops or vatieties that produce
requirements slightly lotver yields, but with less investment and
pollination requirements?
Alternative improvements always merit consideration, Is the netv crop worth the extra costs of
such as soil fertility, varietal selection, irrigation, pest additional training, technical assistance and
damage, and post harvest losses. These alternatives may research?
be less expensive to improve, and may bring larger benefits Is the cost, particularly the 'hidden' or
than improved pollination. An in-depth feasibility study 'secondary cost' of training, research, and so forth,
is needed to establish the weight of these factors and not better spent on improving. environmental
priorities. conditions (Section 1.6)?
Adequate cultivation practices are essential with enhanced The market must recognize improved quality of the crops
pollination, otherwise the production increase is sacrificed. with higher prices, or storage losses must be compensated.
(Plants that are starved for nutrients do not produce more It also follows that consumer demand must be equal to
seeds and fruit after receiving better pollinator seivice). the increased production.
This, too, may mean higher investments by the farmer and If these conditions are not met, all time additional
more chemical imports, unless cultivation methods are costs are not economically sound and cannot be
changed. The cost to society consequently increases. recommended.
The higher investment in beekeeping equipment will have
to be justified by additional income from pollination fees, G) Social acceptance.
and secondarily from higher honey yields. Otherwise, less For new methods to be put into practice, the people who
costly beekeeping methods are usually more adequate for are supposed to use them will have to accept them. Will
local beekeeping conditions. a beekeeper want to move his bees or hire them out?
More important, will a farmer be willing to pay for
Investment capital is an important limitation. It is unlikely pollination seivices? Does the one trust the other to comply
that the beekeeper has the required funds. Bank credits with a contract or agreement? In several countries it has
are usually very expensive and difficult to obtain. Banks taken a long time to convince farmers that hiring the
in general are not willing to accept beekeeping equipment additional service for special crops is very much
as collateral and thus are umvilling to finance beekeepers, worthwhile. In a Latin American country where I have
unless the beekeeper can offer standard collateral property. worked it took several years after the introduction of
Even with sufficient finances available, the establishment sunflowers as a crop until farmers actually were willing
of beekeeping operations capable of providing considerable to pay for honeybee colonies in their fields. Initially,
numbers of bee colonies will take time and at best a few beekeepers were content to have their colonies in or near
seasons with highly expelienced beekeepers and managers. sunflower fields because of the high honey yields. Larger
Pollination Research Environmental
crop selection Research
& requirements 414, conservation & creation of a
diverse flora & fauna
alternative biocontrol
cultivation IPM soil & water
sustainable protection
practices land use
Technical Assistance
(Technical Assistance & Public Education
Improved Abundant Enhanced
Cultivation Managed Pollinator
Practices Pollinators Abundance
' Financing
I 'I
Services '
insectes pollinisateurs contre les produits M., Hellmich, R. L. 1987. Responses of College, Lawes (Gatton). Queensland,
antiparasitaires. La Defense des Vegetaux Africanized honeybees (Hymenoptera: Australia: 4.9.1-4.16.9.
243:15-18 APidae) to pollination-management stress. hffor Vie Saine, Nature et progres, les amis
Contessi, A. 1990. In tossicazioni ed J. Econ, Entomol. 80:621-624. de la terra, aves. 1979. La mort des
avvalenemarffi da pesticidi. In: "Le api". Drescher, W R., Crane, E. 1982. Technical abeilles: un signal d'alarme. Les
Edagricole, Bologna, (2 ed.), pp. 159-168. cooperation acvtivities: beekeeping. A herbicides, une menace pour Papiculture
Corbet, S. A., Williams, I. H., Osborne, J. directory and guide. Deutsche geseldschaft et le monde vivant. Infor Vie Saine,
L., 1991. Bees and the pollination of crop ftir technische zusammenalbeit, Eschorn, Champion (Belgium), 198 pp.
and wikl flowers: changes in the European Germany. Jaycox, E. R. 1985. Pesticides and hone3bees.
Community. Draft to Scientific and Fabbricatorie, A. J.1988. Sostanze attive In: "Beekeeping in the Midwest",
Technical Options Assessment European autorizzate in apicoltura. Rome: Ist. Spec Cooperative Extension Service, Univ.
Parliament, 50 pp. per la Patologia Vegetale, 517 pp. Illinois, circular 1125, pp.145-148.
Craig, S. M., McCutcheon, D. M., Miller, Graham, J. M. (ed.) 1992. The hive and the Johansen, C. A. 1966. Digest on bee
A. V. 1986. Pesticides and bee honeybee. Hamilton, Illinois, USA: Dadant poisoning, its effects and prevention with
poisoning. In: Handbook for pesticide and sons, 1324 pp. an annotated list of 92 insecticides. Bee
applicators and pesticide dispensers. Hartmann, W. H. 1991. Commercial World, 47:9-25.
Ministry of Environment., Pesticide pollination in the Western Cape. In: Proc. Johansen, C. A. 1972. Toxicity of field
Control Branch, British Columbia, New Intl. Beekepers Symp., R. H. Anderson, weathered insecticides residues to four
Zealand, pp.125-130. B. Buys (eds.). Capetown: South Africa, kinds of bees. Environmental
Crane, E., Walker, E, 1983. The impact of pp. 21-25. Entommology: 1:393-394.
pest management on bees and pollination. Huges, A.R. 1984. A selection of information Johansen, C. A. 1979. honeybee poisoning
London: Interational Bee Research regarding controls on agricultural by chemicals: sign, contributing factors,
Association., 129 pp. chemicals. In: A.D.A.B. Course in current problems and prevention. Bee
Danka, R. G., Rinderer, T. E., Collins, A. Apiculture Notes, Queensland Agricultural World 60:109-127.
The factors influencing effectiveness of pollinator species
must be considered when pollination of any plant is studied.
Flower stnicture provides the framework in which biotic
and abiotic pollination agents operate and gives initial
clues to the likely effective pollinating agents. By
themselves, these considerations are not enough; studies
of visitor behaviour and critical field a.ssays are
essential, as emphasized elsewhere in this manual and
particularly in Sections 2.3 and 2.4.. Studies should also
focus on availability of the pollinating agents to determine
the most important and manageable species in the particular
habitat and circumstances.
2.2.1 Parameters
for Measuring Pollination
There are several measurements, both direct and indirect,
that can be taken to assess pollination. However, these
measurements differ greatly in their dependability as
indices of pollination. Particularly in the past, fruit or seed
yiekls (e.g., weights, numbers, size) have been emphasized.
Unfortunately, these can be poor estimators of pollination
for several reasons. First of all, fruit production, a
measure of flower fertilization, can only be an indirect
measure of pollination or the placement of pollen grains
on the stigma (Fig. ll)). The problem with counting fruits
is that the investigator is at the merey of plant-matemal
influences that occur after pollination. That is, pollination
can be grossly underestimated in plants that undergo
abortion of developing fruits. Such is the case when
relatively low nutritive resources are available to the plant
(see Section 1.6). And therefore, even though pollination
did occur, it is not represented by the fruit. Another
hindrance to determining pollination from fruit yields can
occur in plant species having low ovule numbers per flower
relative to the nimiber of pollen grains placed on the stigma.
In such cases, the potential number of ovules that could
have been fertilized will never be known from alit counts,
and hence pollination will again be underestimated. Yet
another problem is that some plant species can develop
fruit parthenocaipically (Section 2.3.10, Appendix I),
in the complete absence of pollination. In this case,
pollination would be overestimated, if it was measured by
fruit counts. It is also important to determine whether a
plant species is self-compatible or not. Zero fruit counts
may not truly indicate lack of pollination, when
incompatibility systems are present. And as stated
elsewhere, 100%frait setfromflowers fertilized is ex,-treniely
rare, even in optimum conditions. A much more direct
method to quantify pollination is to actually count the
pollen grains placed on the stigma. This can be
accomplished by various methods, the suitability of -which
depends largely on flower size and morphology of the Fig. 1. a) SEM of branched body hairs of Apis niellifera showing
stigma and pollen. One method (see Beattie) involves lodged pollen grain of HitscIlfildia meona; b) SEM of the stigma of
the mounting of the upper pait of the pistil (gynoecium) Brassica napus, showing numerous papillae and several pollen
in acid fuchsin/gelatin on microscope slides in the field, grains; c) Higher magnification showing a pollen grain (pg) just
and then counting pollen grains with the light microscope germinating a pollen tube (mow); stigmatic papilla (pa)
plant species under investigation. Typically, prevention and belong to plant species pollinated by airborne gTains
of floral visitation has been achieved in the field by bagging are also easily assessed for outcrossing by abiotic means.
or caging. This practice serves as a valuable control, of
course, to determine first of all whether insects or other Simple bagging expeiiments to permanently exclude flower
vectors are even required for pollination. Mesh bags can visitors are useful to determine the need for biotic agents
be easily sewn by hand or machine, and often are made of pollination (Section 2.3.10). However, there are even
from curtain lining, cheesecloth, bridal veiling, or other more intricate things that can be done with bagging
porous material. What can be of utmost importance, of experiments, which further disclose valuable information.
course, is the mesh size of the material used, and this These uncomplicated, additional steps are essential to
can give some very useful information. For instance, in determine which insects, etc., are responsible for the lion's
a study of Echium plantagineum in Australia, although share of the pollination of that crop in that region. For
large insects were excluded, it was found that adult thrips instance, the procedure of allowing single visits to virgin
could traverse the bagging material used, and the low flowers allows the discrimination of actual pollinators from
levels of pollination in emasculated, bagged flowers of this mere flower visitors, and also gives the poweiftil advantage
species, has been attributed to their activity (see Davis). of ranking various insect species accoiding to their efficacy
as pollinators of the crop in question. The procedure is
Emasculation, if it can be performed, is a very nice outlined in Fig. 3. Virgin flowers are those blossoms
technique when used in conjunction with bagging initially bagged as unopenedonature buds, to exclude any
experiments, because any pollination of emasculated visitors. Then, after the buds have opened within the bags,
flowers must °caw by introduction of pollen from elsewhere. they are carefully unbagged, labelled and then continuously
The availability of this technique depends much on the watched for the first insect visitor to them. As soon as that
floral morphology. In addition, anther or stamen removal initial visitor departs, the flower is carefully rebagged, as
should be conducted with extreme care, in order to prevent it stays for the rest of its flowering lifetime. For comparison,
selling during the process. However, if available, it allows other flowers are bagged for their entire lifetime, or bagged
the investigator to get a cpantitative handle on how much only at night or only during the day or left permanently
pollen foreign to that flower the insect species 'X' can open to multiple visits. After the necessary, predetermined
introduce from its body during each visit. This is very time period for pollen tubes to reach the style base has
pertinent information from the standpoint of assessing elapsed, styles are harvested and processed for pollen-
predominant pollinators, and also with the long-term hope tube counts (see above).
of managing and cultivating these particularly useful
species. Emasculated, virgin flowers that are bagged Insect visitors must be identified, and this may involve
capture of the insect upon departure from the virgin flower,
and its subsequent identification by a specialist, if need
be (see 1.1.3). Also, by recording characteristics such
as what the insect was seeking (pollen, nectar, both, or
other?), how long the visit lasted, or whether the insect
canied pollen loads during these single visits allows the
investigator to build an even stronger picture of the
pollination story. The method even allows one to
disciiminate pollination efficacy within an insect species:
queen vs. worker, male vs. female. Another advantage is
that one can determine how many visits by ins6ct species
'X', on average, are necessary to achieve adequate
pollination of the crop species in question.
2.2.3 Hallmarks
of PlantPollinator Associations
For wind, bat, bird and to some extent large bee-
pollinated flowers, the concept that flowers have marked
features associated with their major pollinators has
some utility. However, less efficient pollinators also
visit flowers better suited to other animals. Very different
kinds of pollinators and flower visitors do in fact
occur at each species of flowering plant. For instance,
bumblebees and carpenter bees use so-called 'bird
flowers', and long-tongued bumblebees use flowers
suited to butterflies. In other cases a mixture of wind
Principal Flower Features & Corresponding Flower Visitors
ment corolla corolla stamens standard petal lips limb & tube corolla corolla, lip
visual &
Pollinator keel
Helpers: whole flower lateral petals margin margin
any part lower lip margin
landing sinface iThwer margin (foothold)
symmetry & nectar guides nectar guides color & pattern
guiding marks marks on
guiding structures whole flower
none or hairs surface structures narrow tube hairs
whole flower scales, hairs
Pollen partly hidden hidden hidden
exposed exposed hidden hidden somewhat hidden
Cache centralized
Nectar centralized
localized diffuse centralized centralized centralized
Cache (if present)
Pollen *** 44.
Nectar *- ***
2.2.4 Pollinator Efficacy & the Crop and many of the less specialized flower families,
stigmatic contact is achieved easily by most visitors.
The effectiveness of a pollination agent depends on:
2) Amount and availability
1) Freiptency crud kind of pollen carried per pollinator.
of stigmatic contact. On large and relatively unspecialized flowers, bumblebees,
This can be a major factor in pollination of large flowers honeybees and solitary bees can average 20-90,000 (max.
or flowers with nectaries on outer parts. Some flowers 0.5 million) pollen grains on their body, compared to
need at least 10 stigmas to be contacted for a bee to only a few on thiips. Other bee species, Hylaeus and other
transfer enough pollen to form a full-sized fruit with Hylaeinae can-y pollen internally they are relatively
one visit. A few bees (Bombas, subgenera Bombus small and haidess. On kiwifruit the pollen can-ying ability
and Mendacibombus) and Xylocopa or wasps of Hylaeus, with 100-500 pollen grains each, was similar
(Ropalidia) make a hole or a slit at the base of flowers to that of smaller hover flies (Syrphidae).
of red clover, field beans and bluebenies, then Apis
mellifera uses this hole. Failure to pollinate also results Some pollinator species frequently carry pollen on part
from probing through the side of the flower, for example of the head, claws or body that closely contacts the
in crucifers or almonds, or from failure to 'trip' flowers stigma. Flower structure and the grooming habits of
such as alfalfa. This can occur consistently with the pollinator usually combine to make some part of the
nectar-collecting A. mellifera and A. florea. On small body carry pollen available for pollination (other pollen
and open flowers such as Umbelliferae, Compositae is lost during grooming and pollen feeding or storage
2,000-4,000 pollinating bumblebees/hectare will fully bumblebees?) have done the actual robbing. Shading
pollinate red clover crops with 36-72 mil.lion and fine mesh cut wind velocity within the cage and
flowers/hectare opening per day. Thus low populations reduce wind flow and its effect on various crops.
of alternative bee species can serve some selected
crops if they are efficient in pollination. An assessment Caging bees, especially honeybees, also has the inherent
of the previous six factors above should allow for studies weakness of eliminating competing blooms, which are
to focus on more detailed aspects of the impact of a quickly located by the colony (in contrast to many bees).
few pollinator species, or the use of mechanical Thus consistent or high yields may not be obtainable in
pollinators on seed formation or fruit production. field conditions. Megachilid bees, carpenter bees or
bumblebees forage more comfortably in restricted cages.
2.2.5 Assessment of Reqr7re(l On fruit and tree crops this may be equal to only a part
17'oLdinator Numbers of the vine or tree. A cage can conceivably disturb parasite
populations by excluding or concentrating them, or
Four distinct methods can be used to assess the impact increasing the humidity thereby affecting plant
of a pollinator on crop yiekls and the number of pollinators diseases that may influence yields. Initial testing of
or bee hives needed for optimum production. Too fetv alternative pollinators is usually restricted by the limited
pollinators can lead to low crop yiekls, delays in harvesting supply of bees in hives, nesting material, flies, butterflies
and poorer quality fruit. Too malty pollinators will result or other pollinators. A range of stocking rates can be
in excessive pollination expenses and over-investment achieved for small numbers of alternative pollinators in
in bee equipment. High populations will virtually force a cage to provide an initial estimate on the numbers of
honeybees to seek other food sources more a.ssiduously pollinators needed for application to commercial crops.
beyond the crop and possibly cause diurnal periods of An alternative is to use small plots in open fields -while
pollen depletion, less than optimal honey production, carefully monitoring the visitors.
and increased exposure to losses of bees from insecticides
and natural enemies. It is desirable to test the effect of 2) COiDepeff risohn off yields
alternative native pollinators as soon as adequate on large crop fields.
pollinators can be managed. Thais on yield responses Judicious use of large and small crop areas can allow
aid selection of the better species to develop for contrasting populations of the pollinating guild to be
management. Done carefully (see Sections 2.2.1-2.2.2), studied, where competition occurs in a commercial setting
they also allow direct checks to be made on the needed (unlike cage studies). Feral populations of alternative
quantity of pollinators. bee pollinators are usually limited, so that in a large crop
of at least 15 hectares, the effect of feral bees often
Approaches for determining the needed numbers of becomes minimal compared to pollination from crops
pollinators are all based on field trials. After this phase, stocked with honeybees. (Exactly the opposite, however,
the infomiation so gained can be handled in various -ways. occurs where there are large numbers of -wild honeybees,
The basic methods are as follows: or any other kind of pollinator). The introduced pollinators
cannot find unused flower patches and must cease to
1) Yields in cages with bees enclosed forage or seek resources elsewhere.
or excluded, compared to open fields.
Cages that exclude insects and compare yields with Honeybees fly up to 10 km or more to forage, but in
open fields allow appreciation of effective response doing so they gain little resource for the colony.
to pollination. However, the insight gained from such Honeybees prefer to forage near their hives and the
cages is limited evident now that this approach majority may forage within 400-500 meters, provided
has been applied for many crops. The enclosure of the crop is attractive, while a minority may freely fly to
bees has mainly involved small honeybee colonies. alternative flowers within 1.5 to 4.0 km. With adverse
The apparent merit of caging honeybees with a crop weather (12-15°C) and winds, activity can be
is to determine the approximate upper response in concentrated within 200-300 meters of the hives as
plant production of seed or fruit. At times, however, foragers normally on more distant flowers remain inside.
excessive bees in cages have caused poorer Studies of production on strips of apple, longan and
production, perhaps because of rapid pollen depletion, crops at varying distances from honeybee hives have
or shading that may affect both foraging behaviour concluded there was differential pollination by
and plant resources. Shading reduces nectar honeybees, but the possible confounding effect of
production and hours of bee flight. Results with caged other pollinators has seldom been clearly demonstrated.
honeybees have quite often produced yields that are
difficult to interpret. Claims have even been made The large, active carpenter bees apparently forage up
that honeybees rob (perforate) flowers in such to 1.5 km from their nests from a Malaysian study on
situations, which is not known in nature and suggests passion &Lift pollination. Most bumblebees forage within
that other organisms in the cages (short-tongued 400-800 meters of the colony, based on marked
2.3.1 Nectar those actively secreting in open flowers and usually
located near the base of the flower's reproductive structures
Although it usually contains a number of minor the stamens and/or the ovaries (Fig. I), or those
chemical constituents, nectar is composed largely of positioned elsewhere on the flower (e.g., spurs of the
water and sugars produced by the photosynthetic corolla, Fig. 2). Their location and the timing of nectar
machinery in plant leaves. This sweet exudate is secretion ensure pollinator contact with the anthers and
secreted from glands called nectaries. stigma when the gland is probed by a visitor of the
appropriate size. Thus, of the four nectaries situated on
petal floral paits in Campsis, it is the gland below the ovary
that is associated with pollination.
s tyle
Fig. 1
Fig. 6. a) flower of Hibiscus showing five stigmas (Sg) at tip of style, extending beyond staminal column and anthers (A), b) SEM of calyx
base (Ca) showing band of nectary secretory frichomes (center right), c) close-up of trichomes at gland edge
can in many cases be reclaimed or reabsorbed by the although the two have equal volumes, one holds 1.26 mg
gland. In this way, plants have the ability to conserve sugar, and the other only a quarter as much sugar, 0.315
nectar constituents and utilize them elsewhere. There mg. These quantities were calculated by multiplication of
are several -ways that nectar volume can decrease. Besides nectar volume by sugar concentration (e.g. 3,5 pL x 36 g
resmption or embedment a third means is evaporation. sugar/100 mL water = 1.26 mg sugar).
Water evaporation from floral nectar is greater when
nectar is relatively exposed to the atmosphere instead of Let's take another example. In this instance the volumes
protected at the base of a long corolla tube. When of nectar in two flowers differ. In Fig. 10, the flower on the
evaporation is intense, nectar volume can decrease despite left bears 5.0 pL of 12% sugar. The flower on the right
continuing nectar secretion. Similarly, increases in floral
nectar volume can be brought by rain drops that fall or
run into the flower and mix with standing nectar. In
addition, standing nectar of relatively high sugar
concentration, and in humid air, can gain water vapor
from the atmosphere. Nectar accumulates whenever
net secretion rate exceeds the combined losses of
reabsorption, embedment by visitors, and evaporation.
1) Nectar vGlume.
Several techniques available for nectar collection can also
yield, without too much difficulty, estimates of nectar
volume. Accuracy depends of course on the method used.
One relatively simple technique does not involve nectar
collection visual observation is coupled Ayith a scale
Fig. 8. a) trees of yellow gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) in bloom, measurement. This technique can be performed most
1)) mature flowers, composed of rings of stamens around top of accurately for tubular corollas where the accumulated
floral cup, lack a calyx and corolla, c) SEM of floral cup, without nectar can be measured within the cylindrical tube.
stamens, revealing nectaly surface (N), CO higher magnification of However, in a meaningful analysis of nectar, measurement
nectar), surface, showing pores (arrows) of the nectar sugar is needed either nectar sugar
concentration (percentage) or nectar sugar content (weight).
contains 2.0 pL of 30% sugar. Therefore, both flowers have This involves direct sampling of nectar.
exactly the same sugar content in their nectars (5.0 pL x
12 g sugar/100 mL water = 0.60 mg sugar = 2.0 pL x 30 A popular technique to collect nectar and measure its
g sugar/100 niL water), despite the flower on the left having volume involves glass microcapillary tubes. Many types
a nectar volume 2.5 times higher. It follows that by are commercially available, such as those of Fig. 11a.
measuring two of the three nectar characteristics (volume, One end of the capillary is inserted into the nectar
sugar concentration, quantity of sugar), an estimate of droplet, and the nectar is drawn into it by capillary
action. Using capillaries of a specified inside
diameter, marked to show exact volume, (also called
calibrated microcapillary tubes) allows the length of the
sample column to be expressed as a fraction of total
microcapillary capacity. Capillary tubes work best when
the viscosity of the nectar is not too high; capillary
movement of the nector is low when nectar concentration
exceeds 60%. In certain cases it is ideal to be able to
remove all standing nectar, such as when comparisons
of absolute nectar sugar content are being made between
cultivars of a crop species. With many flower and nectary
moiphologies, it is not uncommon that capillaries fall
short of removing all accumulated nectar.
Fig. 11. a) assorted micro-capillaries for nectar collection, black bull) used for expulsion from capillaries,
b) forceps, pins and filter paper wicks for nectar colleciton
in Fig. 12, an inflorescence is inverted into the top of a the flower to collect nectar is that other sources of floral
specially-designed glass centrifuge tube and secured with sugar (e.g., leakage from flower parts, or leaching of the
a stopper. Nectar spinning from the florets during sugar from the stigmatic exudate, in the case of wet stigmas)
centrifugation flows to the bottom into a calibrated tube, may confound the tme sugar level of the nectar.
where nectar volume can be assessed. However, a recent
study utilizing this system for Brassica napus gave a low A related technique to rinsing, but not involving
estimate of nectar sugar, compared to that sampled directly submersion of the entire flower in water, is the controlled
by a capillary. Nectar volume during centrifugation addition of a measured small volume of water onto the
might have been artificially increased when water nectar droplet. This technique again has application for
condensation inside the centrifuge tubes entered the spun small nectar quantities, or when nectar is too viscous to
nectar. If this system is to be used extensively for be otherwise collected. Repeated and careful uptake and
measurements of nectar volume, it would first be expulsion of this water using a micropipette will mix it
recommended to determine the time required to extract with the residual nectar, thus providing another way to
the nectar from the flowers under investigation and to recover nectar sugar. Again, with this technique, nectar
compare nectar sugar concentration of spun nectar with volume is not measured directly. Occasionally, a
nectar withdrawn by capillary. Keeping centrifugation combination of these various techniques may be yen,
durations identical between samples will also help to useful. For instance, when it is desirable to obtain all
minimize variation clue to technique. available nectar from the base of a flower, such as one
Filter-paper wicks are becoming increasingly popular as possessing a protmding nectar), (Fig. 5b), the task can
tools to collect floral nectar. Small pieces of filter paper be vely difficult to perform with only a microcapillary. It
can be held at one end with forceps (Fig. 5a) or impaled is advisable to draw some nectar first, with the
on pins (Fig. 11b), and their edges dipped into the microcapillary, from the edge of the nectar droplet (without
nectar. The wicks are then air-dried and stored, preferably probing the nectary, which may be damaged by the glass
in a desiccator that will prevent growth of microorganisms capillary). Nectar volume and concentration (see
on the emiched wicks. When analysis is performed, the section B, below) are determined from this subsample.
nectar sugar is eluted from the wicks by placement in a The nectaiy is then gently swabbed to gather residual
known volume of water and shaken vigorously and nectar at the flower base, using a filter-paper wick.
periodically. Although the use of wicks alone does not
permit direct measurement of nectar volume, there are
instances where volumes of nectar are too low to be
determined by the other methods (capillaries, syringes,
centrifugation, see section C, below).
Subsequent determination of the sugar content from wick instance, the pair shown in Fig. 13a yield concentration
and capillary allows total nectar -volume to be calculated, measurements for samples in the range of 0-50% (left)
assuming the nectar to be a homogeneous solution. Such or 40-80% (right). If studying only nectar at the base of
a combined method of nectar collection is recommended long-tubed corollas, the smaller refractometer may be all
where repeated sampling from the same nectary is desired. that is necessary, but if the intent is to study nectar from
Experimental studies of the effect of nectar removal on the relatively smaller flowers visited by bees, it often will
total nectar production, or of resorption, should utilize a be necessary to be able to measure nectar concentrations
-wick and thereby a-void inflicting physical damage to greater than 50%. To obtain a concentration reading,
the nectar), dming a previous collection petiod by contact the minimum volume of nectar required depends on the
of the gland with the probing end of a glass capillary. type of refractometer, but can be as low as 1/50th of a tiL
in those excellent refi-actometers specially modified by
2) Nectar gelyetr coancentradon. the manufacturer to accommodate small samples. This
A simple taste of a nectar sample often allows distinction type of refractometer is preferable, because it allows the
between weak and strongly-concentrated nectars, but this measurement of nectar solute concentration on a small
cannot pro-vide sufficient accuracy. Refractometry is the nectar sample available per flower, and thus conserves
common and most accurate method of measming solute the variation between individual flowers that is lost when
concentration of a nectar sample. Because sugars make pooling nectar from several flowers.
up almost all of the dry weight of a nectar, it is generally
a safe assumption that solute concentration represents a. The procedure to measure nectar sugar by refractomeny
close estimate of the sugar concentration. Amino acids, is quite simple. The sample is expelled onto one of the
as secondary constituents of nectar, have been shown in two prisms (Fig. 13b) -which oppose each other when
certain species to make up 10% of the nectar dry weight. the sample area of the refractometer is closed. This
Amino acids are difficult to quantify chemically. When closure spreads the sample into a very fine layer, through
comparisons are being made between nectar samples of which light passes. The more concentrated the nectar
the same species, the dependability of refractometry to solution, the greater its refractive index. Refractometers
give a close, relative estimate of sugar concentration is assured. vary with the manufacturer, but types are available
that give readings in 'VG' directly On a sucrose sugar
Particularly in the past, nectar concentration has been scale. It is important to note that refractive index of the
determined in the laboratory using Abbe refractometers. nectar sample is dependent on temperature, and therefore
NOW it is possible to obtain lightweight hand-held a record of the latter during nectar handling is also
refractometers (Fig.13a) that can be carried and utilized important, in order to calculate tire true concentration
easily in the field. For capillary and syringe collection, adjusted to 20.0°C. The data tables necessary to allow
this flexibility allows nectar concentrations to be such temperature conversions usually are supplied by
determined outside, immediately after volume tire manufacturer of the refractometer. Other
measurements are taken. Refractometers can be obtained refractometers give concentration readings after
to give concentration readings across valious ranges. For automatically compensating for temperature.
68% 48% 28% 18%
o 3.0 (
2.0 78%
o 4 6 0 0.5 1.0
Spot diameter (mm) Amount of Sugar (pg)
Fig. 14. plot of nectar -volume against diameter of nectar spot after Fig. 15. standard curve of absorbance versus quantity of nectar
application of different concentrations to Whatman No. 1 sugar, determined by the technique of R. B. Roberts
chromatographic paper (redrawn from Punchihiwa)
There is another conversion to this refractometer reading curves can be constmcted, in which nectar concentrations
of % concentration that needs to be performed before the later can be extrapolated. The curves are created by using
true solute concentration of the nectar is known. This freshly-prepared sugar solutions of known concentration,
conversion is necessary because the refractometer reading such as in 5% increments. The use of different nectar
is expressed as the gram weight of sucrose (or its equivalent volumes (pL) (e.g., 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, etc.) of each
as glucose and fructose) in 100 g solution, instead of in concentration allows a series of diameters to be plotted
the volume measurement of 100 niL of solution. Fommately, against nectar volume, for each concentration. Then,
a simple quadratic equation makes the conversion. The knowing the volume of the nectar sample, it is possible to
equation is: estimate its sugar concentration from the standard curves.
Other Methods As well as the spectrophotometric Each curette must be clean and free from scratches.
and paper-chromatographic techniques detailed below, Each nectar sample should be analyzed at least twice, and
there are other methods available including enzymatic preferably, in triplicate, ciad the mean absorbance then
analysis, gas chromatography and high-pressure liquid calculated.
chromatography. Because of the specialized
instrumentation required, these three methods are much Greatest accuracy is achieved if the absorbance
more expensive to apply, and will not be presented here. reading- is kept in the range of 0.10 to 0.90. Prior
For further information about these other methods, the experimentation involving- changes in, the total volume in
reader is referred to Erickson and Severson or Kronestedt- the curette, in the amount of rinsate placed into the ctwette,
Robards et al, at the end of 2.3. the minimum volume required in the curette to achieve
absorbance readings, etc., to register routine absorbance
4) Speetrophot ont aetry. in this range, is necessary.
Spectrophotometric techniques differ in the information
that they provide. Some can determine quantitatively Sometimes after the initial analysis, the rinsate is found
the relative amounts of sugar components of a nectar to be too concentrated (i.e., absorbance > 0.90). Then it
sample. Below we give three spectrophotometric must be diluted to achieve a reading-. Remember to
methods for nectar analysis. The first two are the include this dilution factor and the initial volume of rinse
simplest and hence only provide the total quantity of water used, when working- back from the standard curve to
nectar sugar, whereas the third is more complex and find out how much nectar sugar was present in the flowem:
can yield additional information about the relative
abundance of dominant sugars in nectar. One of the 5) inuenobsulpkurie acid test
two simplest methods is usually sufficient. An advantage for total sugar.
of the third protocol is that knowledge about relative WARNING: Both phenol (carbolic acid) and sulphuric
quantities of sugars may be subjected to artificial acid (H2504) at high concentrations can be extremely
selection in plant breeding programs. caustic to the skin, and must only be handled with
extreme care by authorized laboratory personnel, wearing
Nectar sugar content by spectrophotometry can be adequate eye and cloth protection. In case of skin contact,
determined either using freshly collected samples or, rinse the arca repeatedly with wato:
fortunately, when a gTeat number of stored samples can Prepare the nectar sample in water:
be analyzed at once. A large number of small wicks on Filter paper wick Soak the wick in a known
which nectar has been previously gathered and allowed volume of distilled water in a test tube or vial, with periodic
to dry in air can be stored at room temperature for long and vigorous shaking, over a 5 min period. Because this
periods in a desiccator. This affords greater ease than test is strongly exothermic and non-selective, even sugar
using the rinsates of diluted nectar recovered from shaking in the form of lint or plant tissue, such as pollen grains,
flowers in water. The latter must be stored under or fibres loosened from the wicks during shaking, can be
refrigeration or, better yet, frozen in vials that withstand broken down and measured erroneously as nectar sugar.
freezing temperatures, to ensure the prevention of Therefore, it is strongly recommended after shaking to
microbial gowth which normally consumes sugar. centrifuge the vials or tules containing the wick rinsate,
to cause any such particles of potential contamination to
The appropriate volume of water to be used for soaking sediment at the bottom, and then to draw the aliquot to
each flower or eluting the dried sugar from each wick be assayed for nectar sugar from the top portion of the
will vary with the flower size and nectar production of centrifuge.
the species under investigation, but commonly falls in Nectar collection by rinsing Shake the flower
the range of 1 to 5 mL. Determination of this water vigorously in a known volume of distilled water in a vial,
volume requires prior experimentation. Generally, use and let it soak for 45-60 min. Transfer the rinsate to a tube,
the minimum volume necessary, because it is better to and centrifuge to remove particulate matter to the bottom.
dilute the rinsate by measured addition of water, rather If the rinsate was previously collected and stored frozen,
than use sugar concentration too weak to analyze. thaw it now.
Using a pipette, transfer a known volume of the
o Using a pipette, a known volume of rinsate is transferred rinsate to a glass cuvette. For spectrophotometers requiring
a minimum volume of 3 mL in the cuvette, 0.5 mL of
rinsate works welt
Add 0.5 mL of 5% phenol to the rinsate in the cuvette.
To the cuvette, now add 2.5 inL of concentrated
sulphmic acid, being careful of spattering. In this example,
the final assay volume is 3.5 mL
Mix this hot sohttion thoroughly (e.g., a clean glass
rod; care must be taken not to scratch the cuvette) and
allow 45 minutes for a yellowish-orange colour to develop
at room temperature. Once developed, the color is stable
for as long as two hours.
Measure the absorbance at 490 nm wavelength
compared to a blank containing the same volumes of
phenol and sulphuric acid, but having water instead of
rinsate, and calculate sugar content from a linear standard
curve. The standard curve, like that in Fig. 15, is created
by plotting the absorbances obtained against quantity of
sugar analyzed after assaying standard sugar solutions
(i.e., solutions carefully prepared of known sugar
concentrations). For instance, take 0.5 mL of a 10 uM Fig. 16. roll of chromatography paper spotted at baseline with
nectar and standard sugars, after placement in sealed glass
sucrose solution (prepared by diluting 1.0mL of a 10 mM
chamber containing solvent
sucrose solution [3.42 g sucrose dissolved in water in a
1000 mL vohmietric flask] in 999 mL of water). Add
0.5 mL of 5% phenol (step c), 2.5 mL of H2SO4 (step life to one or two weeks. However, as the reagent darkens
d), and then measm-e absoibance. For final assay vohunes with storage, it is imperative that sugar standards always
of 3.5 mL, the functional range of this test is 0.1 to 1.5 are analyzed as -well.
pg sugar (see Fig. 15). Heat the test tubes for 10 minutes at 100° C (boiling
water bath). A blue colour develops.
When preparing the standard sugar solutions, ideally Alter the test tubes have cooled to room temperature,
the ratio of sucrose/glucose/fructose used in the standards transfer the contents to cuvettes for spectrophotometry.
matches the ratio of these three sugars in the nectar Measure the absorbance at 620 nm wavelength, after
species being analyzed. A semi-quantitative method to zeroing the spectrophotometer against a blank
determine the approximate ratios of these three sugars containing only water and anthrone reagent. The sugar
is given in section 8). content of the nectar is calculated from a plot of absorbance
versus sugar prepared from standard solutions.
6) Anthrone reagent test
for total sugar content.
The anthrone reagent test is less sensitive than that of
phenol-sulphinic acid, and hence it is useful for relatively e e o
large amounts of nectar sugar, but can fall short of detecting
sugar with sufficient accuracy in nectars low in volume
or sugar concentration. Like the phenol-sulphuric acid
test, the anthrone reagent reacts with all carbohydrates: Fructose Sucrose Fructose Sucrose
Glucose Nectar Glucose Nectar
mono-, di- and polysacchalides, dextrins, dextrans, starches,
gums and glucosides. Because the saccharides are by far Fig. 17. Examples of paper Aron atograms developed according to
the predominant carbohydrates in nectar, total cati)ohydrate Block and collaborators
content is assumed to represent total sugar content.
Prepare the nectar sample in water, as in the phenol- 7) Acid hydrolysis test reducing sugars
sulphuric acid test. Centrifuge the rinsates to avoid any and sucrose content
foreign debt-is in the analysis. With this method the amount of reducing sugars (mostly
Transfer a known volume of the rinsate to test tubes. glucose and finctose, although maltose is found in some
Two mL of rinsate works well per test tube. Tubes with nectars) is determined both before and after subsamples
screw caps are ideal for this test, because at some stages are subjected to acid hydrolysis. The apparent sucrose
the tubes will be subjected to a boiling water bath. content of the nectar is calculated as the difference in
To each test tube add 4.0 mL of fresh (0.2%) anthrone sugar quantity between the two assays.
reagent. This reagent is prepared by dissolving 0.4 g of
anthrone in 200 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid. Prepare the nectar sample in watei; as in the phenol-sulphwic
Storage of the reagent in the refrigerator extends its usable acid test, using at least 2.0 niL water: Gem-Owe the sample.
Fig. 19. open flowers of Echium plantagineum labelled with identifying tape at bases; left is a flower open for insect visitation; at right is a
bagged flower protected from visits by large insects
ethanol (e.g., 0.5 g p-anisidine hydrochloride dissolved in 2.3.3 Measuring Dates of Nectar
50 mL ethanol). The chromatogram is then heated in a SeeretioLL & Elesc rption
75°C oven for one-half hour.
Plant species can vaiy tremendously in flower size and
Apart from the distances they have travelled from the morphology, and in the location and anatomy of their
baseline, identification of the sugars is assisted by their floral nectaries. Thus it is not surprising that
characteristic color reactions with the reagent. The spot characteristic properties of floral nectars, such as volume
of sucrose, which travels least, and that of fructose, and sugar concentration, also can differ dramatically.
which migTates farther than the glucose standard, both Even the relative quantities of vascular tissue (phloem,
stain yellow. In contrast, the spot of glucose stains dark less often accompanied by xylem) that enter the glands
brown. Example chromatograms are drawn in Fig. 17. of different species, can influence the sugar
Judging from the size of the sugar spots of the nectar, the concentration of freshly secreted nectar. Each species
exudate analyzed on the left chromatogram is found to be has its own initial nectar sugar concentration, commonly
sucrose dominant, with minor amounts of glucose and in the order of 5 to 20%. Nectars taken by foragers at
fructose, whereas the nectar assayed On the right flowers are usually between 15 and 60% sugar. Besides
chromatogram contains some sucrose but is dominated by the properties inherent to individual species, many
the monosaccharides glucose and fructose. Because in environmental factors influence nectar sugar production
both chromatogTams the monosacchaddes llave similar- and eventual concentration, including sunlight,
sized spots, their proportions in the nectars are therefore temperature, humidity and plant nutrition.
approximately equal.
To understand more about nectar production, other aspects
If the spots stain weakly, it may be possible to better elucidate of flower "behaviour" are worthy of investigation. Answers
the chromatogram by examining it exposed to the bulb of an to particular questions 'When does nectar secretion
ultraviolet lamp, under which the spots will fluoresce. To commence?', 'Is secretion continuous or does it stop at
prevent eye damage, wear a recommended sidety shield some time?', and 'Are there differences in the rate of nectar
for the eyes, or take care not to stare at the bulb. secretion or reabsoiption during the life of a flower?'
Although there is still great potential in this field of and fructose, but very low in sucrose, have tended to be
research, significant discovelies have already been made. less attractive to honeybees (Apis mellifera) in feeding
More applications for nectar breeding will surface when tests. Plants within a species might have gTeater appeal
our knowledge of the process of nectar secretion to these insects if their nectar were not so rich in hexose.
becomes more complete. Most attempts at selection for Furthermore, nectar of Brassicaceae is notorious for
nectar sugar production have been made empirically, and high glucose content. Honey produced by A. mellifera
these include assessments of the number of flowers per from such nectar crystallizes (granulates) quickly, a physical
plant, the number of flowering periods per year, flower property that can be a nuisance for honey extraction from
color, aroma, size, receptacle diameter, vokune of ftmetional the comb, and also causes a reduced shelf life of honey
phloem in the flower stalk (pedicel), and munber of nectary in the liquid state.
stomata. Species of the Leguminosae have been studied
most extensively. 2.3.5 Pollen, Anthers at Dehiscence
Regarding flower color, honeybees were found to prefer Anthers are the floral organs that produce and house pollen
clones of Medicago sativa that had pmplish flowers rather grains which contain the male gametophytes or nuclei.
than yellowish-green ones (the latter tended to yield lower Although technically incorrect, the pollen gTains may be
amounts of nectar). Florets with yellow-gTeen petals were considered roughly the plant equivalent to animal
also found to have a musty smell, which may account for spermatozoa -without tails. Eady -within the floral bud stage,
their relative unattractiveness to Apis mellifera. Also, pollen microsporogenesis from mother cells occurs within
weakly-scented flowers of Lotus corniculatus produce the young anther loonies. The pollen grains are even
relatively little nectar. They can be rejected early in the nourished by the anthers. It is at this time that grains
artificial selection process for improved nectar sugar also take on their final structural details and acquire a
production. lipoidal/carotenoid coating known as the stuface pollenkiff.
There is a method of selection for nectar production, based Anthers may be relatively sessile or attached to long thin
on flower size, that is vely practical and may be suitable filaments that extend the anthem' beyond the floral perianth.
for a wide variety of species. By inserting the bases of They almost always consist of two chambers, the loonies,
flowers into a template (previously drilled to provide holes in which the pollen gTains are produced and from which
of increasing diameter), one can rapidly screen lines with they are released and carried away by vectors such as
the largest flowers. Flowers of Lotus corniculatus that wind and water or animals including bees, -wasps, flies,
produced the most nectar had the largest diameter. Alfalfa butterflies, beetles, birds or bats.
clones with the greatest receptacle diameter also yielded
the most nectar. I) Pollen release.
Dining the floral life history the anthers split (known as
The final two parameters, nectaty stomata and phloem in dehiscence), opening along a predetermined line of
the flower stalk, require microscopy and hence are not as weakness, the stomium, to release their precious cargo.
practical, but still potentially very useful. In selections of This longitudinal stomial dehiscence occurs and the locule
birdsfoot trefoil a strong relationship has been demonstrated walls fold back exposing the pollen to insects and other
between nectar yield and the quantity of phloem in floral visitors. Pollen is then shed (remember that anthers
cross-sections of the flower stalk. That is, flowers producing dehisce but pollen is shed).
the most nectar were those that apparently could receive
the gTeatest quantities of photosynthate. Anther dehiscence is largely mediated by environmental
humidity levels such that dehiscence often takes place
Investigations of the relationship between number of nectary during tire driest times of tire day. A little-understood
stomata and floral nectar production now have been and equally important factor that controls anther dehiscence
conducted in three legume species. Results obtained with is tire amount of water (turgor pressure) mediated by the
Lotus corniculatus and Medicago sativa were inconclusive. supporting anther filaments (see Schmid & Alpert, 1977
InViciafaba, however, an inverse relationship was detected for a detailed explanation of this, called Burck's hypothesis
those plants with the largest number of nectaiy stomata for anther dehiscence).
per gland produced the lowest quantities of nectar sugar.
Therefore, for breeding purposes, one should not seek Rarely does anther dehiscence depart from tire typical full-
plants whose floral nectaiies bear relatively large numbers length stomial mpture pattern. Some flowering plants have
of stomata. High stomatal number might best be avoided, anthers that dehisce by means of valves or flaps of tissue
if the results for the faba bean are applicable elsewhere. (such as in the Berberidaceae). The only other major fonn
of anther dehiscence considered here is the widespread
As well as selection for total nectar sugar production, type known as poricidal dehiscence, which occurs in
similar efforts can be directed at selecting for desirable many crop plants. About 8-9% of the workl's flowering plants
sugar types in nectar. For instance, sugar solutions have highly specialized anthers that do not dehisce along
(mimicking nectar) with very high proportions of glucose the entire length of tire locules. Instead, these floral anthers
these stigmas. They can be acetolyzed or simply placed
on a microscope slide, with an appropriate pollen stain,
and the stigmatic pollen load quantified. The fruit resulting
from the same flower is left in place and labeled, in older
to compare the determined pollen grain load and quality
of the fruit produced by this amount of pollen.. A "stigmatic
loading curve" might be useful to assess the minimum
number of grains needed to effect fertilization or to produce
a fruit or seeds of the desired size. This infonuation is still
very scarce for many crops.
within and on the stuface of pollen grains and their relative of almost 25%, protein is a major component of pollen
importance for pollinator diets. A summaty of commonly and clearly the most important for pollinator nutrition.
reported values for the chemical composition of pollen
harvested by honeybees is given in Table I. Pollen typically Pollen protein levels are especially high in pollen from
contains from 20 to 50% water and the indigestible exine bee-pollinated plants (25 to 56% protein) those pollinated
comprises about 8 to 35% of the pollen clry weight. Protein by bats (40 to 44% protein). This is likely due to the fact
levels for pollen harvested by bees typically ranges from that plants are very dependent upon these pollinators and
7 to 35% (see Table) but levels are much lower (e.g. from have 'upped the stakes', providing rich protein for their
5 to 20%) in pollen from anemophilous plant species. The pollinators. All bees, even those that are parasites and
highest yet recorded nitrogen (7 to 9%) and protein levels collect no pollen themselves, and many flower-visiting
(48 to 56%) in any type of pollen were futmd in a buzz- bats, are dependent on nitrogen and protein in pollen to
pollinated Solanum. satisfy their adult and juvenile demands for amino acids
and proteins. Certain aminoid acids (e.g. proline and
It is apparent from the above Table that while pollen may tyrosine) are very iich in pollen from bat-pollinated tropical
be a perfect food for certain pollinators, such as bees, it plants and have been hypothesized to be important in
is far from perfect as a diet for humans, as sometimes forming strong wing membranes. Roles for ceitain amino
claimed in the modem health food literature. Pollen contains acids for invertebrate pollinators are unknown. Most
none of the important lipid-soluble vitamins (A, E, and nutritional studies have revealed that bees, and most other
K). The impact of these and other pollen intuitional findings insects, require the same so-called `rat/mouse' 10 essential
for pollinators is largely unknown at the present time, amino acids, as do humans.
but a fertile area for new research. With an average value
1) Determining Protein Levels
in Pollen.
General chemical composition of pollen Getting reliable and accurate nitrogen, protein
and amino acid determinations can only be
Component No. Spp. Average Typical performed in a well-equipped chemical laboratory
Analyzed Levels Ranges and often using expensive specialized modem
equipment. Nitrogen determinations are usually
Protein 277 24% 7.5-35% performed on pollen, or food or soils, with the
Lipids 52 5% 1-15% use of an traditional technique known as the
Carbohydrates47 27% 15-45% micro-Kjeldahl reaction. The method requires
Phosphorous 54 0.5% 0.1-0.6% high temperature cooking, a mercuty catalyst,
Ash 60 3.1% 1-5% and a specialized apparatus (e.g. manufactured
Potassium 56 0.6% 0.2-1.1% by the Braun & Luebbe corporation in Elmsfonl,
Calcimn 60 0.2% 0.1-0.5% N.Y). Recently, progress has been made in
Magnesium 60 0.2% 0.1-0.4% combusting small amounts of a sample in a
Sodium 30 0.04 0.15-0.8% furnace and then examining the pyrrolysis
Iron 51 140pg/g wide products for nitrogen. Also available are very
Manganese 28 100pg/g wide expensive, dedicated amino acid analyzers (for
Zinc 21 78pg/g wide both hydrolysates and native proteins/peptides-
Copper 27 14pg/g 6-25pWg the so-called physiological "free" amino acids)
Nickel 23 5pg,/g 0-?pg/g for the quantification of amino acids in pollen.
Boron trace These are usually found only in the most modern
Iodine 4-10pg/g biochemistiy department laboratories, where
Thiamin 8 9pg/g 4-22pg/g samples can sometimes be mn on a fee basis.
Niacin 6 157pg/g 130-210pg/g Alternatively, amino acids can be qualitatively,
Riboflavin 8 19pg/g and somewhat quantitatively, determined from
Pyridoxine 2 9pg/g pollen and nectar samples using a miniaturized
Pantothenic acid 33 28pg/g 5-50pg/g 2-dimensional TLC (thin layer
Folie acid 8 5pg/g chromatography) methodology perfected by
Biotin 4 0.3pg/g 0.2-0.6pg/g the late I. Baker, a pioneer in experimental
Vitamin C 7 350pg/g 0-740pg/g pollination biology (see account on pp. 156-159
Vitamin A ? o o in Dafni, 1992). Readers are directed to the
Carotenes 4 95pg/g 50-150pg/g nectar analysis section for a brief account of
Vitamin D 4 o O semi -quantitative amino acid concentration
Vitamin E 4 14pg/g technique, called the histidine scale (also
Vitamin K 4 O o developed by Baker and Baker) using ninhydiin
reagent and sucrose solutions.
collected with the use of pollen traps installed on honeybee
colonies in Langstroth wooden equipment. The details of
constructing and using these traps has been reported
elsewhere. Our preference is for the use of a bottom twe
trap known as the modified O.A. C. pollen trap. This
trap removes about 60-65% of the incoming pollen,3yhich
the bees offset by sending out more pollen foragers. The
chwer can 13e opened and pollen removed at hourly, daily
or weekly intervals to suit the needs of the user. These are
excellent devices not only to examine the diet of honeybees
living in various ecosystems, but also useful for determining
phenological patterns in the local plant community. One
honeybee colony over the course of a year harvests
pollen and nectar from a territory at least 80-100 km2 in
extent. Pollen traps have also been useful in the study of
diet breadth in African honeybees in the tropics and
European honeybees in the Sonoran desert and for studies
of competition between honeybees and native bees ).
The standard pollen treatment technique used by Small bits of stained glycerine jelly are sticky and can be
professional palynologists worldwide is the traditional picked up on the tip of an insect pin or dissecting probe
Acetolysis technique devised many years ago by Erdtman then applied to different body areas of pollinators to
(see Faegri and Iversen, 1989). This technique should be selectively sample the adhering pollen grains. The blob
applied with caution since acetolysis involves caustic acids with pollen is simply placed on a microscope sude then
in a highly exothermic chemical reaction. It should always heated over a small flame and a coverslip added. This is
be done in an approved chemical fume hood while wearing an easy and inexpensive technique.
a protective laboratory coat, gloves and safety glasses or
face shiekl. The complete recipe for the Acetolysis reagent Acetolysis Method
and procedure is given at the end of this section. The Materials:
chemical reaction progresses rapidly and the pollen samples Concentrated Sulfmic Acid (>98%)
must not contain any water. Water in the samples can Acetic Anydride (anhydrous)
provide a -violent explosion of boiling acid to vent from the Procedure:
open test tubes. Floral tissue or bee materials can be placed
directly into concentrated glacial acetic acid as a CAUTION-NO WAT 1M MUST RE
pretreatment dehydration step prior to acetolysis. PUESENT INSIDE riTiE REACTION
Acetolyzing pollen grains (from pure pollen, anthers, WEAR A COAT, GLOVES AND
flowers, bee materials etc.) involves gently boiling the FIITIOTIECI1VE EVEIVE
After the KOH treatment, or without, the pollen accurate techniques is a combination of volumetric dilution
residue in a centrifuge tube is dehydrated with glacial and cotmting with the aid or a haentocytometer (blood-
acetic acid, centrifuged and the supernatant discarded. cell counting reticle microscope slide). In this scenario,
Treat sample with a fresh (made daily) mixture an unknown number of pollen grains, as from a
of 9 parts acetic anhydride (concentrated anhydrous honeybee col-bicular load, are dispersed into a kno-wn
acetic acid) and 1 part concentrated sulfuric acid. This volume of water or ethanol (often with the aid of a stufactant
reaction is highly exothermic so mixing should be slow and ultrasonic dispersing probe). Then, a subsample,
and with stirring. The tube can be cooled by partial perhaps 10 pl, of the s-wirling mixed solution plus pollen
immersion in an external beaker of cold water. Heat grains (not allowing them to settle out of solution) is placed
the tube gently in the same test tube in a beaker on the haemocytometer cotmting Rid and counts are made
partly full of boiling water on a hot plate under the fume according to standardized procedures used by medical
hood. Heat to the boiling point (e.g. by immersion for technologists for decades in counting red blood cells. This
some 3-5 min. in the boiling water bath). Allow solution, is a handy technique for pollen grains.
now black, to cool, centrifuge for 3-5 minutes (at least
3-5,000 rnm) then decant supernatant and discard. The If no haemocytometer counting slide is available, then
pollen residue will be a blackened mass in the bottom there is another simple counting method which can be
of the tube. used in its place. Using about 400 X magnification, one
Wash the pollen residue 1-2 times with glacial first calculates the area of the microscopic visual field.
acetic acid, centrifuge and decant supernatant. This area is then divided into that of the area of the covet-slip.
Wash 1-2 times with water, centrifuge and decant. This will yield a number on the order of 4,000 which will
At this time you may want to put the sample, with traces remain a constant for future use with the same microscope
of water, into a desiccant environment or vacuum objective and ocular lenses. Count the pollen grains (usually
oven to remove any water before further processing. a cotmt of 300-500 even up to 700 is necessary) in 10
Store the acetolyzed pollen residue in glycerine randomly- selected visual fields and compute the mean.
(glycerol) or mount in glycerine on microscope slides Multiply the mean by the constant determined above, and
under a coverslip. Silicone oil can also be used but since the pollen "stew" does not cover the entire area
requires additional steps. under the cover glass, also by an estimate of the fraction
Glycerol slide mounts should be water-free and of the area which is covered.
then sealed with fingernail polish to make
semipermanent mounts. These slides will last for many Palynologists use exotic pollen or spores (usually from
years, stored horizontally in a darkened slide cabinet. Ettca6ptus, Zea or Lycopodium) as an internal calibration
They also have the advantage (for glycerine or Silicone method. This calibration technique- also allows the
Oil) that the pollen grains can be rotated while viewed summation of results from different microscope slides,
at high magnification simply by taping gently on the prepared from the same pollen mixture. Methods such
coverslip with the point of a lead pencil. as the "Lycopodium Method" are preferable for
achieving repeatable quantitative results. Floral biologists
The necessity of a fume hood, follotving strict can use this relatively simple and inexpensive technique
safety precautions, etc. will be amply repaid the to good advantage in their own studies. The technique
floral biologist who uses this technique. Important is based upon an original method developed by Stockmarr
morphological details necessary for accurate (1971). One or more commercial Lycopodium clavatum
identifications can only be seen (often at 1000 X) in spore tablets [available commercially from Lunds
acetolyzed pollen grains. Acetolysis also allows so- University, Department of Quaternary Geology, Tornavagen
called LO analysis (focus changed slightly from the 13, S-223 63, Sweden].
stuface to the interior of the grains) whereby one can
see structural wall elements within the exine Each tablet contains approximately 10,000 acetolyzed
which may be important diagnostic features allowing spores. The number per tablet, based upon a referenced
specific identification. batch munber and accompanying calibration sheet, is stated
to an accuracy of 3.3%;. [The price is about U.S. 510.00
4) Counting Pollen Grains. per bottle of 500 tablets; they also come in larger tablets
Diverse methods have been developed for counting pollen with more spores per tablet]. The user selects how many
grains in anthers, from sediments, or on bees and then tablets to use and first dissolves these completely in 10%
establishing relative pollen frequencies. Pentsal of HCL. The sample is centrifuged and the supernatant
modern palynology textbooks is often an excellent place decanted. The unknown test sample is added to the tube
to become acquainted with these methods and their with the internal spore standard. The sample is thoroughly
mixed, acetolyzed or othenvise processed carrying the
statistical analysis. If one has access to sensitive electronic
microbalances (Cahn-type electrobalances), then spores throughout. A microscopic count (usually 500-
gravimetric methods can be utilized for estimating pollen 1,000 grains) is made and the number ofpollen grains
grain numbers. One of the oldest, and least expensive, and spores is tabulated. This functions like a "mark-
terms (see Glossary) unfamiliar to many people After fertilization has been accomplished, and in some
involved in pollination and agriculture. plants even before, the fruit starts to develop. There are
numerous kinds of fruits (such as pomes, drupes, berries,
As flowers develop, the sexual organs or sporophylls siliques, follicles) depending on how they are fomied and
undergo genetic changes in some of their cells. In the which of the parent plant's tissues expand to give the seed-
anthers, special cells called "pollen mother cells" are containing fruit. That, however, is not of direct
formed (see also Section 2.3.2). These go through the importance to the issues of pollination, but it behoves
process of reduction-division, or meiosis, during which pollination biologists to understand the nature of the
the number of chromosomes in the resulting cells is halved. fruits and seeds with which they are concerned. Further
From each pollen mother cell, four pollen grains are aspects of the mechanics of pollination have been reviewed
generated, each with half the number of chromosomes (i.e. in Section 2.3.1.
haploid) of the parent plant (which is diploid). In the ovary,
similar, but more complex, events take place which give 2) Sexuality in MIAs.
rise to a multicelled ovule in which each cell is haploid. Most crop plants are hermaphroditic, i.e. with both male
andfemale reproductive organs functional on every plant, but
After pollination has taken place, the pollen grains on not necessarily at the same time. When the male and female
the receptive stigma germinate. They produce a pollen flowers are separated the plants are termed monoecious. Some
tube which grows clown through the style and into the monoecious, hermaphroditic plants self-pollinate readily, and
plant's o-vary. While the tube is growing, it contains two some of these may be self-fertile. Some monoecious plants
nuclei. The one at the tip of the pollen tube is the tube have pollen-producing flowers on one part of the plant, but
nucleus and the one that follows is called the generative ovary-bearing flowers on other parts. For some, there may
nucleus. As growth of the tube proceeds, the generative be difference in the timing of maturation of the two kinds of
nucleus divides into two sperm nuclei. These two nuclei flowers. For hermaphroditic plants with hermaphroditic (the
are liberated into the ovary to fertilize a single ovule. Each so-called "perfect") flowers, there may be spatial or temporal
ovule in the ovary comprises several cells, one of which separation of the sexual function as well.
is the egg nucleus. One of the sperm nuclei unites with Some plants, however are unisexual. The plants bear
the egg nucleus eventually to give rise to the embryo, while flowers that produce only pollen, with others
the other spemi nucleus unites with one or more of the producing flowers which bear the ovaries, and eventually
other nuclei in the ovule to give rise eventually to the the fruits and seeds. Clearly, self-pollination or self-
endosperm. This is referred to as "double fertilization" fertilization is impossible.
and is peculiar to the flowering plants (Angiospermae),
to which nearly all crop plants belong. Through this process, If one considers the pathway taken by pollen during
the embryo becomes diploid and ready to grow into another the natural process of pollination, and notes whether
plant. The endosperm is often rich in stored resources or not the pollination results in fertilization and seed-
from which the growing embryo can draw during its growth. set, the spectrum of possibilities can be summarized
However, the relative importance of the endosperm and as in the above Figure (after Richards, 1987). This
other tissues in providing nutrients to the growing embryo diagram also helps introduce some of tbe technical
and seedling varies much between plants. terms used in pollination biology.
pollen donation
e e
same flower
same flower
autogamy e allogamy
e different ramet
same genet
(Selfing) e different genet
xeno gamy
general breeding systems of plants as
indicated by the path of fertilizing pollen
Autogamy, or self-pollination results from the pollen self-fertile plants, xenogamy is encouraged by differences
fertilizing the ovules of the same flower. The opposite of in the timing of maturation of the anthers and stigmata,
this process is cross-pollination, or outcrossing or by the structure of the flowers. Further, as noted
(technically, xenogamy). Many crop plants are autogamous above, the quality of the crop may be higher if natural
(tomatoes, some citrus, peanuts and many other `selfers' are `outcrossed
at:titivated legumes, see also Appendix 1). Plant breeders
have selected for autogamy in some plants that are naturally However, there are many crop plants that require exchange
outcrossing. Nevertheless, it is well worth remembering of pollen with other plants of the same species to set
that many self-compatible crop plants may still produce fruit. These are referred to as "obligate outerossers".
a higher quality crop if cross-pollination takes place Obligate out-crossers have various mechanisms by which
(sunflowers and oil-sed vatieties of Brassica). Autogamy self-fertilization is prevented
and xenogamy are shown in the next Figure.
In some monoecious plants, the staminate and pistillate
Geitonogamy refers to self-fertilization, in tliat the pollen flowers may be produced at different times (e.g.. in oilpalm),
fertilizing the ovules originates from the same parent plant, in others the flowers are produced at about the same
or from a genetically identical clone (called a ramet). The time but mature separately (e.g. in coconut),
second Figure also presents this situation. Geitonogamy in others, staminate flowers and pistillate flowers are
and autogamy are genetically exactly, or almost, equivalent produced at different places (and sometimes times) 071 the
in that both result in self-fertilization and inbreeding.. plant (e.g. squashes, gourds, pumpkins, melons,
However, it is known that minor genetic differences can cucumbers).
occur between flowers of the same plant or clone.
Geitonogamy is common in self-fertile plants with flowers In those with herniaphroditic flowers, there may be spatial
that are of different sexes, or that have flowers in which separation of the anthers and stigmata which prevents self-
the anthers and stigmata mature at different times. pollination (this is called herkogamy), in others there may
be a temporal separation of maturation (called dichogamy).
Xenogamy takes place when pollen from one plant (or In dichogainous plants, the anthers matming first is called
genet) results in the fertilization of the ovules of a different protandry and the stigmata matming first is called protogyny.
plant (another genet). Of course, most plants which are
self-fruitful, can be xenogamous as well. These may be A special case of herkogamy is known in starfruit and
referred to as facultative inbreeders or facultative out- bilimbi. In these species, different plants produce flowers
crossers, depending on one's point of view. In fact, in many with different forms in a system called heterostyly. This
refers to the flowers of one kind having long styles and others are hennaphroditic. The combination of female-
short stamens, while flowers of the other kind are the sterility and hermaphroditism (androdioecy) is almost
reverse. Not only are the sporophylls of different sizes on unknown in nature. Some _species show various
the different plants of the same species, but the pollen intergradations of sexuality and are variously referred to
from the long stamens is larger than that from the short as polygamous, polygamo-dioecious, subgynoecious, and
stamens, perhaps a reflection of the length of the style so on. Gynodioecy has been bred into some crops, e.g.
through which the tubes of each must grow, respectively. cotton and oilseed rape, to produce hybrid seed which is
harvested from the male-sterile variety planted with
In many monoecious plants which produce hermaphroditic pollen-donors.
hermaphroditic flowers, dichogamy and herkogamy may
be poorly developed. These plants rely on incompatibility 3) Apomixis Purthenocoopy.
mechanisms (which are often also operating in other Apomixis refers to asexual reprockcction. This category of
obligately xenogamous plants) to prevent self-fertilization. reproduction includes agamospermy and vegetative
Plants with self-incompatibility can not self-fertilize. If reproduction.
self-pollination takes place, as it often does, seed-set
will not eventuate. Self-incompatibility is quite complex. Agamospermy is the process by which a plant's ovules
Gametophytic, multiallelic self-incompatibility is the develop into seed -without fertilization. Pollination is not
most common form. This sort of incompatibility is required, even though flowers, sometimes very showy, are
genetically controlled by two or more alleles (called S produced. Agamospenny seems rare among crop plants,
alleles) and is effected by the genetic make-up of the but it is represented in Citnts (oranges, grapefruit, lemons,
pollen, the tubes of which grow into the stylar tissue, but etc.), mango, mangosteen, some bramble bellies (Rubus),
fail to penetrate the ovary. Sporophyticonultiallelic self- and some cereals and grasses (see also Appendix I).
incompatibility is also controlled by two or more
alleles, but is effected by the genetic make-up of the There are a number of crops which are propagated vegetatively
anther and the failure of the pollen to germinate on the and for which pollination is never, or rarely, a problem.
stigma. This form of self-incompatibility is best known Tropical crops which are propagated vegetatively include
in the Brassi-caceae or cabbage family. Other some of the impoitant tube's, such as potatoes, yams, manihot,
incompatibility mechanisms are known, involving bananas, and sugar cane. Many trees and shrubs can be
gametophytic or sporophytic interactions, but with single propagated vegetatively finm cuttings. For these, seeds are
or double allelic genetic control. Breeders have bred not used except in the case of plant breeding for new vaneties.
lines of self-incompatible plants as a means to produce
hybrid seeds in plants which are nomially self-compatible.Some plants, which produce harvested fruits (as fruits or
vegetables) do not require pollination by any means. The
The concept of plants of different "sexes" -would seem to flints develop without fertilization of the ovules taking
ha-ve been introduced through heterostyly and self- place. This is called parthenocarpy. Examples of these are
incompatibility. But, even in such plants, each breeding bananas (although wild bananas are pollinated by birds
type has both male (pollen donor) and female (seed and bats), pineapples, some vaneties of citrus (seedless
production) function. In some plants, though, the sexes vaiieties especially), and seedless cucumbers (which if
are separated to greater or lesser extents. The soils of pollinated become misshapen and bitter).
breeding systems included are included in the tenn
Within dicliny, dioecy is the most marked form of sexual From the viewpoint of crop pollination biology, the
separation with plants which are pollen donors only details of breeding systems are important, although the
(males) and others which are pollen recipients (seed actual mechanisms of self-incompatibility need not be
producers) only (females). There are few dioecious and of much concern. Artificial crop selection for
widely domesticated crop plants, but some grapes (Vitis), breeding systems, however, would necessarily involve
jojoba, asparagus, and spinach seive as examples. Clearly the most detailed knowledge obtainable. Understanding
if one is interested in harvesting seeds or fruits of such breeding systems helps investigators, or the pollination
plants, then pollinizer, male, plants are needed is technologist to determine pollination requirements of
some minimum number to allow for pollination but to the plants of interest, and aids in making appropriate
maximize crop production. For crops such as asparagus, and informed recommendations. The published literature
male plants tend to grow more vigorously and are the that involves pollination contains many errors ancl
plants of choice for crop production. Seed is needed partially correct generalizations. Much apicultural
only for breeding or re-planting. literature, which encompasses a great deal of pollination,
fails to recognize the complexities of plant breeding
There are examples of plants which are incompletely systems, as does a lot of literature in plant sciences.
dioecious, but still diclinous. In species of gynodioecious The latter also tends to oversimplify zoological and
plants, some individuals are male sterile (i.e. female) -while physical issues in pollination.
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The behaviour of flower visitors can be broken down 2.4.1 Dabtee language
into activities at different scales. At the largest scale is
the movement of flower visitors between plants on the All species of honeybees have well developed dance
landscape or between areas under crop production. On language of communication through which they impart to
a smaller scale is the movement of flower visitors between their nest (hive) mates information about the distance and
plants in patches or within areas under crop production. direction to various resources, usually floral nectar and
On yet a smaller scale is the movement of flower visitors pollen. When that information is exchanged in the colony,
within a particular plant. The actual dimensions of these the richness of the resource is also cotweyed along with
scales are variable, depending on the spacing of areas, chemical infoimation about it (e.g. floral scents canied on
on the spacing of the plants, and on the size of plants. the bees' bodies).
For the latter two, small herbaceous plants contrast with
large orchard trees. On the finest scale is the movement In general the dance-language consists of honeybee foragers
of flower visitors within flowers. returning to their colonies and perfolming a dance on the
wax comb of the nest. If resources are beyond a particular
The most effective pollinators are those moving between distance from the colony, the dance comprises two loops,
plants and flowers in such a way as to transfer pollen to to left and to right, with a central run during which the
satisfy the breeding system of the plant. From the viewpoint bee wags its abdomen (see Figure). The directional
of agriculture, and the production of most component of the dance is indicated by orientation of the
central run with respect to the
direction to the sun, and the
distance indicated by the tempo
of the dance. In the darkness of
the hive for Apis mellifera, A.
cerana and A. koschevnikovi, the
orientation of the dance is such
that vertically upwards represents
the position of the sun. Thus, if
the forager dances its central 1TM
vertically, recruits to foraging
interpret this as an instruction to
go to the resource by flying in the
4-2 horizontal direction of the sun. If
the dancer orients its central rtm
60° to the left of verically upwards,
the recruits fly 60° to the left of
the horizontal direction to the sun.
The distance component of the
instructions is given by the tempo
/ of the dance, the closer the
faster. If resources are nearlw, the
wagging dance is not used; a
simple round dance conveys the
message that resom-ces are closeby.
Details of the dance-language can
be found in most beekeeping and
differing paths of movement between flowers with bee biology books.
different pollination consequences (see text)
issue is not that serious. However, overcrowding of crops
with bees can quickly cause a decline in the pollinator
force as they move off to other forage or even debilitate
each other's colonies by depleting resources.
2.4.3 Movements on Individual Plants downward motion by either, and crawling is much more
energy- conserving that highly expensive flight. Often the
Tree crops, which are particularly important in the tropics, volume of nectar in lower flowers is higher than in upper
when in bloom, present to pollinators vast mays of flowers ones, but is a less concentrated solution of sugars. Taste
and copious quantities of resources. The problems of satiation by going from relatively insipid to relatively
pollination for blooming trees are poorly understood. In strong woukl not happen and allow the forager to recognize
general, on a given tree, the flower-visiting insects tend the quality of reward as it progressed. From the plants'
to work their way down the tree over the period of a day standpoint, it is important to note that many plants -which
or hall-day. The reasons for that presumably have to do produce inflorescences do so with flowers that are first
with the sequence of the opening of flowers and tbe way in male phase, producing pollen, and then in female phase
the rewards are disnibuted in the flowers over the crown with receptive stigmas. Thus, as the youngest flowers
of the tree. Individual bees generally enter a flowering tree are at the tops of inflorescences, pollen is removed from
at a higher level than they leave. This pattern has been male-phase flowers of a given plant after the pollinator
atuibuted to the energetics of flight and canying the foraging has already -visited the female-phase flowers. Self-
load it being more consenting of energy to start 'high pollination is, thereby, discouraged.
and light' and to descend while becoming loaded with
nectar or pollen. Movements onto the next tree have not 2.4.4 Behaviour 011 Flowers
been studied. However, recent studies in Malaysia (Roubik,
unpublished) show that Apis koschevnikovi and A. It is crucial that pollinators work at flowers in such a
dors ata readily move between large trees, staying at roughly way as to cause the transfer of pollen. If they fail to do
the same level above the ground. that, they may not be pollinators at all, or they may be
inefficient to greater or lesser extents. The least efficient
The pattern of movement of bees, moths, and birds on flower visitors as pollinators are nectar or pollen robbers.
smaller plants with inflorescences is generally similar. These visitors cause damage to the flowers they visit,
The forager ascends the plant, visiting the flowers as it remove nectar or pollen, and cause no pollination
does so. Several reasons have been given for this behaviour themselves. They have been shown to discourage visits
and concern the presentation of the flowers, the amount by the legitimate pollinators, either by attacking them, or
of resource within the flowers, and the energetics of flight by making flowers less rewarding. Some carpenter bees
and crawling. The flowers are usually fairly close together, and bumblebees are notorious for making punctures in
pollinator movements from bottom to top - both flowers in which the rewards
on a large inflorescence and on plants are hidden within, such as in
nectar the tubes of flowers of
the mint family (Lamiaceae)
and legumes (Leguminosae)
or hidden pollen in the
blueberry family (Ericaceae)
or tomato family (Solanaceae),
require special skills for the
pollinator. Researchers have
found that pollinators (e.g.
bumblebees, honeybees,
and leaf cutter bees) must
invest some time in learning
how to manipulate such
complex flowers to become
speedy and efficient in
extracting the rewards they
seek, and, coincidentally,
causing pollination.
the bases of flowers and removing nectar that way. Several Watching naive bees fumble with complex flowers during
Old-World and New-World Thigona are also nectar and their first few encounters with them can be quite
pollen robbers, taking many minutes to chew holes in amusing. It is worth keeping in mind that the more
anthers or corollas. Such bees never even enter the flower complex flowers usually produce more reward of a higher
to touch the stigmata or anthers. quality, obtainable only by a restricted guild of
pollinators. The value of good education is suggested
Other visitors may just be thieves. They do no physical to humans from the study of pollination.
damage to the flower, but remove pollen or nectar
without bringing about pollination. Small bees, particularly
Tigona and small Halictidae in the tropics, visit a wide 2.4.5 Memory & Constancy
diversity of flowers, removing pollen from the anthers or
nectar from the nectaries of large flowers -without touching As noted above, bees and other pollinators in general are
the stigmata. Even honeybees can be nectar thieves. They capable of learning to recognize \rations cues and to perform
have been recorded often as visitors to flowers of passion vatious tasks. Although the dance language is of prime
fruit, from which they remove nectar, but, because of the importance in mientation and the transfer of information
large size of the flowers they very rarely touch the among honeybees, foragers are able to memorize the
anthers nor the stigmata. Honeybees also are known for landscape over which they forage. They develop what are
"side-working" flowers by which they remove nectar by called cognitive maps which enable them to orientate
inserting their probo-scides between floral parts from the themselves independently of, and to supplement information
side. This is a common problem with some varieties of from, the position of the sun. These cognitive maps use
apple, some legumes, and cole crops. visual and olfactory landmarks. Other pollinators are
also know to use their familiarity of landscape in their
Such 'floral larceny' detracts from the activities of home ranges for orientation.
legitimate pollinators by depleting the resources that
they are seeking as they visit flowers and touch both The advantage of such behaviour to accuracy in
anthers and stigmata. Careful observation of flower visiting homing of bees, or other pollinators, as they return to
behaviour can allow discrimination between effective their nests or roosts is plain, but it also works on outbound
pollination and mere floral visitation. Unfortunately, there foraging flights. This results in individuals having a
are many published accounts about "pollination" that tendency to return to the same foraging sites, especially
do not attend to this important detail. if the resources there are plentiful. The phenomenon of
site constancy can detract from pollination efficiency,
Many crop plants have relatively simple flowers from the especially if the site happens to be a single, large tree
standpoint of a pollinator's being able to obtain the reward that requires cross pollination.
it seeks. Open, bowl shaped flowers, and the complex
inflorescences of the sunflower (Asteraceae) and carrot The importance of floral constancy by pollinators is clear
(Apiaceae) families pose little challenge to flower visitors from the plants' viewpoint: the pollinator visits the flowers
extracting the resources they seek. However, the complex of only that species and so is more efficient at transferring
is to saturate the blooming crop to
assure maximum pollination. This
creates intense competition amongst
the pollinators so that their
populations exceed the canying
capacity and so weaken. A
pollinator population, such as of
honeybees, so weakened shoukl be
moved to a resource-rich young bud bud full-pink bud
environment for recoveiy-. One of
the most serious cases requiring
this sort of management is in
pollination in greenhouses.
two pollen traps for the hive base: one with horizontal or vertical pollen trap screens
to maintain A. cerana is to incorporate the salient biological flowering tempo. A pollen trap, -which sequesters some of
aspects of the species and environmental conditions in the colony's incoming pollen, can also be designed such
hive design and other equipment. By that measure, that the landing board is unexposed. The trap is placed
adoption and modification of the A. mellifera hive design beneath the hive, like the well known 'O. A. C. pollen
for A. cerana must of course consider the smaller bee and collector' (see Section 2.3.2), rather than exposed on the
colony size of A. cerana. In addition, the takeoff and landing landing board. Pollen collection by the colony is stimulated,
behaviom- ofA. cerana at the hive, tumid weather conditions when some of the normal pollen income is removed.
or heavy rains, and protection from predators at the hive
entrance all must be considered. Colony preparation for migratory
Many of the successful traditional southeast Asian hives Colonies selected for moving are to be prepared in advance
"gelodogs" from hollaw tree trunks, and the modified and a schedule should be follo-wed. In general, the
Langstroth hive design (see Figure) incorporate such management procedure is similar to the management of
features. Traditional hives may be suitable for permanent A. mellifera, i.e. boosting colony population, re-queening
apiaries. The Taiwanese hive design with wire mesh if necessary, and feeding.
windows for ventilation, and adjustable entrance gaps
was developed for migratory beekeeping and the Stocking density
confinement of colonies during chemical spraying. Superior Numbers of colonies needed to service crops like
ventilation of the hive is given by the removable wire mesh -watermelon, coconut and starfruit varies from 4-8
which is critical for the bees during transportation under colonies/hectare. Although no proper studies have been
hot and humid conditions. made, this suggested stocking density has been widely
used in southeast Asia. The distribution of colonies in the
In all the above hive designs, control of hive humidity and crop area is influenced by the availability of shade, water
predator access at the nest entrance can be achieved by sources, resources that can be reached by the bees in a
constructing or adjusting nest entrances to provide an foraging radius of about 400 meters, protection from natural
unexposed landing board. This both reduces exposure to enemies, and public safety.
torrential rains and also reduces detection by natural Vehicle
enemies, like wasps, toads and birds. The landing board For a short distance, the practical mode of transporting
should not project beyond the hive platform. Thus bees colonies through narrow and difficult access roads is a
are able to fly rapiclly once outside the hive. Small hive three-wheel motorbike rather than a truck or lorry. The
entrances will assist the bees in regulating temperature, small vehicle is easily maneuvered. This method is widely
humidity and the evaporation of water from nectar to make used in the coconut-growing areas of peninsular Malaysia
honey in the hive, especially under hot and humid and Vietnam. Small trucks (2-ton) can also be used for
conditions. The choice of a relatively small volume of the longer distances if good roads are available.
hive, and small frames and honey 'super', allow for the
intermittent and small volume of floral resources harvested Agreement
by bees from the crop plants having a sustained Making an agreement for pollination services requires that
Morinti colonies
Transpon is usually done at night for several reasons
such as eliminating the problem of overheating dining
travel by day, and to ensure that colonies are confined
within their hives. The hives are closed immediately
following sunset, when all the bees have returned. Timing
of colony transport is ciitical and depends on the crop (see
Modified Langstroth hive containing colony of Apis cerana,
and hives placved in coconut palm plantation
Sections 1.2, 2.1). The Taiwanese hive design has a
collapsible entrance a board used either to close the
entrance or the window. When moving colonies the entrance
the beekeeper and grower or plantation owner sign a is closed and the wire-mesh screen window allows
document (see sample contracts in Appendix II). For ventilation on both sides of the hive. Upon arrival the
large plantation owners, small-scale beekeepers can best entrance can be opened and the window is closed.
work through beekeeping cooperatives to provide the Confinement of bees in this type of hive is also easy to
required number of bee colonies for pollination service. achieve at times when pesticides are applied especially
Agricultural institutions can provide organizational useful for hives that are kept in starfruit fields.
skills and extension services. Beekeeping cooperatives When colonies are stacked on top of each other during
can negotiate for a collective bargain, for the interest of moving, sufficient ventilation must be provided between
semi-literate beekeepers and act on their behalf:in drawing adjacent colonies. Shaking dming transportation can cause
up a pollination contract). This is seen as an essential step combs in the hive to break and therefore the combs shoukl
in facilitating migtatory beekeeping and pollination work have complete frame and wire cross-support (Section 2.1)
(see Section 2.1). and care must be taken to minimize vibration during
moving. Water is sprayed occasionally on the hives to
0 Iff(ru Engel/Rent team prevent overheating. The floor of the truck, which vibrates
The management team of the beekeeping cooperative and is a source of heat, must be properly ventilated from
will initially conduct an evaluation on the condition the front of the vehicle, and preferably insulated. An eke-hie
of bee colonies (see Appendix II), in terms of colony fan may be used.
size and health. They may also set standards for
management and a work schedule. Standard hives, Itionnaging the colonies
in this context, are a great aid to management efforts. Upon anival, the hives are unloaded immediately into the
Beekeepers can either participate by renting out new apiary site and, if necessary, colonies are fed with
their colonies, selling them, or invest fully by collecting sugar-syrup to reduce the chance of absconding. While
the dividends after the season. A management team, feeding with sugar syrup or granulated sugar, comb
consisting of few good beekeepers from the cooperative, conditions may be inspected, to remove or repair damaged
can be responsible for the maintenance and combs shaken out of frames during transport. Utmost care
transportation of colonies. This form of management and attention must be given to ants near the hive-support
helps to avoid confusion that may arise from or on the ground. The ants might attack the colony
involvement of all participating beekeepers. Work during the first day. The colony will usually be able to take
schedules, such as feeding, boosting colony strength, care of ants after being settled more than a day.
Weeds are omnipresent in tropical orchards and heflicide The passion fruit usually requires a large bee for
application or cutting should be considered. At times, pollination. Because passion fruit blooms throughout
strip-cutting of flowering -weeds is necessary to induce the year, it benefits from the continued presence of
visitation by bees at crop flowers, by eliminating competing carpenter bees, which are largely seasonal. Certain
blooms. Management of weeds can be done by cutting management techniques can help to create an adequate
before introduction of the bee colonies. environmental niche for Xylocopa:
<4111 flight.
o st:(Et1,77sni7T:?,,.(r nests
The recommended hive design for rearing
carpenter bees is similar to the multiple-
(Beim Enter in Frame Bottoms) comb hive of the honeybee because the "bee
Nest Box & Full Frames space" concept of Langstroth is incorporated.
The bee space for Xylocopa latipes is 2.1 cm
e Additional techniques
For promoting new nest establishment by carpenter
bees, locating wild nests for initial buikl up of the population
is usually quite easy. Apparently, lack of nesting substrates
and floral resources for pollen and nectar are problems
individua , solid wood fi-ame of carpenter
for the bees. Techniques for colony establishment, and a
FRONT VIEW colony division technique to increase the number of nests,
bee nest box (see text)
have been successfully developed, as described below.
- 171,Z:4
Nest hive boxes for Xylocopa, showing individual frames, tunnels made by bees (exposed for photograph) within a frane
and placementof nest boxes in a bee shelter, suspended by wires
If the wood is relatively soft, gallery construction can be 0 Elol4ggivijJ'110 ests for pelTinettion,
accomplished within a week to ten days. The management of carpenter bees for passion fruit
pollination considers both the passion fruit plant and the
Splitting a hive of carpenter bees is recommended to expand carpenter bees. All sources of bee forage must be av-ail able,
and spread the population in new hives so that it can be weeds and pests must be controlled, and there should be
distributed. Expansion can be done by alternate mixing of supplements provided to encourage the growth of
colonized and uneolonized frames together in the 'mother' established 'colonies'.
hive. This is achieved by replacing alternate frames with Competition from most weeds is not a problem for
tmcolonized frames in the hive, thus two hives can be made. pollination using carpenter bees because they are not like
The remainder of the colonized frames from the mother honeybees, which often visit a wider variety of flowers at
hive are also mixed alternately with uncolonized frames any given time. Plants that bloom in the afternoon compete
in the new hive (see Figure). Similar inducement of caipenter with the passion flowers.
bees to build nests in introduced new frames can be
accomplished as described previously, but it must be done Pest management of certain mites, ants, flies, parasitic beetles
only on frames that are filled with bee nests. To accelerate (Meloidae) and others is difficult because caipenter bees
occupation of new frames in the hive, the sealing of nest buikl tunnels that are not easily inspected. Little is known
entrances can be perfonned, as described above. The hived on the extent of damage, if any, caused by mites that are
bees must be supplied with water if the weather is dry. This abundant in bee cells. Many Xylocopa carry mites in special
is used by the bees to soften and excavate wood while pockets on the body, so they are apparently beneficial to the
building their tunnels. When moving an artificial nest bees. Ants, small flies and wasps have been observed to co-
(the hive) one must ensure that it is done at night, exactly inhabit carpenter bee nests, but their activities in the cavities
in the way performed for honeybees. are not known. However, it has been observed that some of
for the bats to navigate in; pruning of some branches to
open gaps is recommended; b) the planting of other bat- Maxi-
Crop Not Increased
pollinated plants, such as Musa, Oroxyhtm, and Ceiba in mum Further with More
the vicinity of durian plantations may increase visitation Pollinators
to trees of the plantations or provide supplementary feeding
for bats; e) roosting places for the cave bats are ordinarily
Critical Pollinator Force
provided in the -wikl areas, but it may be possible to provide
smaller shelters, of attap, to provide roosting places for
for a Crop Worth
the cave bats or other small bats.
To understand how oil palm is pollinated by these beetles, Thus, the aim of plantation management to maximize fruit
it is necessaly to examine the sexuality of the palms. Oil and oil yield must optimize the ratio of expression of male
palms are hermaphroditic plants, but normally only and female inflorescences to allow for complete pollination
reproduce through male or female function at any one of female inflorescences. That, in tum, requires that the
time. The inflorescences may be either male or female. population of weevils not drop below the threshold for
The male inflorescence consists of numerous long, finger- complete pollination. Of course, absolutely complete
like spikelets, each comprising thousands of pollen- pollination should not be expected (Section 2.2).
producing florets. The bulky, female inflorescence consists
of hundreds of densely packed florets, each of which is Kevan and coworkers proposed "Pollinator Force" (see
an egg-shaped ovary tipped by a nifid stigma 0.5 cm across. Figure) as a practical measure for monitoring pollinators
for oil palm. To calculate the pollinator force, the following
The weevils breed in male inflorescences of the oil palm. information is required:
While the spikelets are shedding their copiously produced
pollen, female weevils visit them. It is here they become I) The density of male inflorescences
dusted with the pollen and lay their eggs. The female Or spikelets
weevils, and the males which also visit the spikelets
presumably in search of mates move from palm to palm. The number of weevils emerging
They thus effect outcrossing. Dming some such movements from those spikelets
they visit palms with female inflorescences. The reasons
they visit the female inflorescences is not fully understood, The proportion of weevils not
but the characteristic scent of the beetles, shared by the visiting male inflorescences tvhich
male in orescences, is the main attractant. are shedding pollen
The spikelets remain on the male inflorescences, attached The proportion of weevils not visiting
to the palms and protected in the axils of the fronds, after a receptive female inflorescence.
in greenhouses. All stingless bees except those that o Ants attack fi-equently at night and attempt to overcome
repeatedly damage flowers (7iigona s. str.) or are obligately the defenses of g-uard bees at the nest entrance, or find
parasites of other stingless bees (Lestrimelitta, a neotropical unprotected openings through which they can enter. Water
genus of seven species, and Cleptotrigona, an African in a container will keep ants from crawling up a hive stand.
genus of one species), contribute on a daily basis to the Suspending the hive by wire or rope from a roof can also
pollination of flowers. prevent ants from gaining access to the bee nest.
A few species of stingless bees are highly adapted to Phorid, stratiomyid and some sylphidflies have species
disturbed habitats such as cities, or areas with little that apparently do little more than seek damaged stingless
forest. They are 'weedy' in the sense that they propagate bee nests, which flies lay their eggs in. In the Neotropics,
rapidly when able to find nesting sites often provided the phorids mount a pheromone-guided atta& and deposit
by holes in cement block, stone buildings or walls, eggs throughout the nest, always laying in areas too small
structural timbers with hollow sections, or in bamboo to be reached by the bees. Within a few hours or overnight,
internodes. These are the Neotropical Trigona a nest having any openings, including the entrance,
(Tetragonisea) angustula (formerly called Thigona`jaty) be thoroughly parasitized, and the fly larvae will kill the
this bee also is a parasite of other stingless bee colony in a few days. The flies find the nests by smell,
colonies may usurp their nests; and the southeast Asian particularly the acetic acid of fernienting pollen and the
Rigona (Heterotrigona) biroi, nigona (Heterotrigona) smell of honey. Plugging all the holes with cotton, and
fuscobalteata, T. (Heterotrigona) iridipennis, T. keeping- all edges sealed with tape, will temporarily help
(Heterotrigona) geissleri, T. (Heterotrigona) itama, and to keep flies out. The best defenses are intact nests and
T. (H.) minangkabau. Other genera that inhabit marginal nest contents (which the bees repair in a few days after a
secondary growth habitats or disturbed areas (as well major disturbance, such as moving the nest). The other
as forests), utilize artificial domiciles, aun do not present important defense is a restricted nest entrance, one of the
the drawbacks described above are: Melipona (a proper size for the bees in a natural nest. A gaping hole
Neotropical germs of about 45 species), Nannotrigona for a nest entrance is an invitation for disaster.
(Neotropical, 15 species), Trigona (subgenus
Frieseomelitta ) Neotropical, 20 species, Trigona Termites constantly attack the wood of lifives and
(subgenus Tetragona) Neotropical, 10 species, logs. The bees can defend themselves by applying resin
Scaptotrigona (Neotropical, 40 species) and to the inside of the cavity, which will sometimes hold
Cephalotrigona (Neotropical, 4 species). the hive together even if the wood is consumed by
termites. Termites also enter the nest entrance of stingless
A few Neotropical genera, such as Cephalotrigona and bees, building their galleries through the bees' only exit.
Melipona, have been "domesticated" (actually, maintained This may kill the colony, but it is likely that some termites
in sections of tree trunks, close to their natural forest also attack bees and their food stores. Chemical
habitat) for hundreds of years by avid beekeepers like deterrence of termites is inadvisable. Such insecticides -
the Maya of southern Mexico and Central America. They are extremely toxic and, even if applied outside the hive
produce abundant honey (a few kilograms), which is and only to one extreme, such as the base, the bee colony
normally harvested once a year. A significant advance in will usually succumb to the poison. The same methods
management has been made with these bees: their colonies used to prevent ants from reaching the nest will -work
are propagated artificially (see following). for protection from termites.
2) Natural enemies of stingless bees. The parasitic stingless bees ('robber bees') are ordinarily
The most significant enemies of stingless bees are ants, the only bees that can overcome stingless bee defenses
phorid and other flies, termites and parasitic stingless bees and enter their nests. Although their attacks do not usually
(Lestrimelitta and Cleptotrigona). Specific management result in death of the host colony, it is debilitated and will
problems caused by each, and their suggested be attacked again. Because the robbers, Lestriinelitta
remedies, are given here. The larger animals, which attack and Cleptotri-gona, are small bees, less than 7 mm long,
colonies of honeybees as well (tamanduas, tayras, honey constriction of the host nest entrance to keep them out
badgers and the -weasel family in general, bears, and would be impractical. To protect stingless bee nests from
civets), do not often attack natural nests of meliponines the robbing parasites, the only permanent solution is the
in the forest. The same can be said of toads, lizards and location and destniction of the robber colony.
birds. However, any hive is much more vulnerable and
should be protected. In Africa, primates such as 3) ¡living stingless bees.
chimpanzees attempt to obtain food from stingless bee The stingless bees suitable for `meliponiculture' .normally
nests by inserting flexible sticks in nest entrances. There build their nests in hollows found in living trees, OT those
is little that the bees can do to defend from their attacks. in dead trees of extremely hard wood. A few species,
Many African species of stingless bees avoid such apparently only Trigona, can variously nest in the ground,
harassment by nesting deep underground. in tree hollows, or in artificial domiciles like buildings or
o brood area
side view
containers. Most stingless bees, however, have a suipisingly can close off spaces that are too large. Minimum space is
limited range of suitable nesting sites although their the more important consideration and depends upon the
dimensions can vary substantially. The stingless bees bee species. Adequate space for a nest is generally 1 to
nesting in tree hollows-generally use cylindrical cavities. 10 liters. Trees are felled to obtain nests of stingless
Because of this, the nests may be extensive and range bees, either by axe or chain saw. The nest entrance is
from about 3 to 30 cm in diameter. Many of the species sealed before or immediately after the tree is cut. A tree
too large in girth to permit transport of the section with like that used for the three species of hive-Apis) is for the
the bee nest can be reduced in size with the same tools, stored honey and pollen, or for artificial feeding. The
leaving at least 5 cm of wood around the nesting cavity. next lower compartment is for the brood, and, if another
Closing a part of the nesting cavity exposed by cracks in compartment is attached, it is for colony refuse and, for
the wood, or by cutting in the wrong place, can be some species, a drainage or ventilation area. Hives may
accomplished quickly with leaves or vegetation, cloth, also be holizontally elongate, in which case there is little
newspaper, plastic sheet stapled in place, or with mud. A need to make more than one section of the hive. It is
stronger and more permanent closure must be provided advisable, however, to make more than one hive cover
if the bees are to be kept in the log hive. section so that only one extreme of the nest is opened
at a time, leaving the rest intact. Honey can be removed,
Dining the felling of trees and transportation of the nest, bees fed, or colony divisions made either by removing
all of the younger brood and eggs will be lost. This the top cover or, for the long log lives, by removing one
results from strong shocks and vibration. The bees will end cover. Some species do require additional holes in a
open some brood cells, then reuse their contents and the lower and/or upper comer of the hive, either so they can
cell -wall material. More extensive damage, such as spillage dispose of waste water or to let moisture and carbon dioxide
of honey or loosening of honey and pollen storage pot escape. These modifications can be provided by the
masses which will crush brood, will result in more serious beekeeper, but should be made after the nest and colony
damage to the colony. After a tree is felled, it is desirable are well established. Any new openings that are made
to place the log hive upright in its former position, as close should first be sealed with a fine mesh metal screen or
to the original nest location as possible. In this way, substantial cotton, to prevent the entry of parasites.
many of the 'field bees' and returning foragers will locate
and enter their nest. Also for this reason, the original 4) Propagating stingless bee colonies.
nest entrance tube or structure should be maintained as In order to reproduce, stingless bee colonies first find a
intact as possible. However, when the phorid flies start to ne-w nesting site and make part of a new nest complete
anive, it is best to seal all nest entrances. with stored honey and pollen. After several days to several
months, the new nest is occupied by adult bees from the
The bees are much better off left in their tree trunks. mother nest, including a new queen. This event does not
Unless taking honey stores, or artificial feeding within take place on a regular basis. It is not seasonal or yearly,
the hive and colony propagation are essential, there is no because without the new nesting site, there is no colony
reason to remove the often delicate and complicated bee reproduction. Artificial division of colonies is essential
nests from the tree cavities and place them in hives. It is to increase the numbers of bees available for management.
not a rational practice and often will result in loss of bee
colonies. The most successful stingless bee management Colony divisions should be made with great care, following
in the world has relied on using hollow tree trunks. To a relatively simple procedure:
complete this choice of hive structure, the two extremes
of the nest shoukl be sealed with a rock-hard, thick material Divisions should be made when the weather cmcl
that fits as exactly as possible the inner contour of the bee forage are optimad
hi-ve. The Maya accomplish this with pieces of
limestone rock, chiseled to form a tight-fitting plug in Carefidly remove half of the brood combs (both
each end of the hive. The hives can be suspended, or mature pupae and young brood), along with wodeers
stacked horizontally, or stood on one end. on the combs, and some of the stored pollen cmd honey.
Place them in a new hive box. Make sure that the
Wooden hives should be constructed of smooth hardwood lay* queen is not removed. Place the nzother and
at least 2.5 cm (one inch) tbick. It may be painted on the daughter hives next to each other, allowing foraging
outside, preferably with a latex or a water-base paint. bees to enter each hive.
The hive should not be painted inside. After seeing
many different hive designs for different pmposes, I am That night, place the new hive with its half nest in
convinced that most stingless bees adapt to the container the position formerly occupied by the mother colony.
they are given, provided it is not far too large or wet. Move the hive of the mother colony, with its queen, to
They may, however, abscond. (leaving their mated queen a new location, at least 200 meters but not more
behind) if their container is greatly infeiior to the natural than ct kilometer away. Seal each nest ttith cotton or
nesting site. Hives of/new/ cans, hollow gourds, or styrofoctin some other material that will allow air but not parasites
coolers also work well. These materials have the advantage to pass through.
that, while seldom as strong as the -wooden hive, they are
not attacked by termites or much damaged by water. The next day awl thereafter, let the bees forage
Hive dimensions may be vertically elongate (see Figure), freely. Do not open the hives unless absohttely tsecessaty.
in which case they can be of a single or two to three Some of the foragers from the mother colony will return,
compartments. The upper compartment (a honey 'super', to their former site, thereby strengthening the netv
Prudent experimental use of sprays, bee attractants and with short flight range and long tongue length are more
repellents Some sprays and attractants are used to lure useful in the pollination of red clover; e) specialist
the bees or to increase the attractiveness of target crops strains of bees have been bred for alfalfa, and it may
still be possible to arrive at strains that are both
during flowering. Foragers are first trained to visit the crop
by exposing the recruits to the flowers soaked in certain viable and vigorous for other crops (although the
attractants, like scented sugar syrup; the scent of course, inbreeding needed to produce specialists generally
should be from the target crop. Carbohydrate sprays on reduces fitness and vigor, see Section 1.2), and O bees
the crops do sometimes increase the bee visits, but that fit into an agricultural setting, by not stinging
unfortunately do not necessarily increase pollination. viciously after disturbances.
Likewise, pollen and certain phytosterols attract foraging
honeybees. Nasanov gland secretion components, citral 4) Management of honeybee colonies.
and geraniol in a sucrose solution, sprayed on crops were The equatorial tropics witness high humidity and high
found to mask the repellent odor (purportedly applied by temperature, while the subtropics and semi-mid tropics
bees to flo-wers in order to avoid re-visitation of unrewarding present low humidity, high temperatures during summer
flowers), and may attract bees to crops. It is doubtful that and lower temperatures during -winter. General management
they generally improve yield. Anethole (1-methoxy-4(1- practices for honeybees in the tropics therefore vary from
propenyl) benzene) also attracts honeybees. Its utility place to place and mainly relate to the respective conditions.
has yet to be demonstrated. In the tropics, queens engage in brisk egg-laying activity
after mating and become exhausted within a year. Therefore
Certain repellent chemicals are used to reduce the bee the queen is replaced every year. Other conditions required
poisoning from insecticides and also to reduce the in the colonies used for pollination (see Appendix II) are:
attractiveness of some competing crops. Guidelines for
pesticide compatibility with beekeeping and managed presence of a newly mated and laying queen
pollination are given in Appendix III. presence of an ample quantity of brood and honey
(specified below)
Removal of oral competitors The best way of feeding with sugar syrup during- dearth
avoiding negative impact from floral competitors is through prevention of diseases, pests and enemies
their elimination. For example, for the effective pollination General management practices for beekeeping with
of Bmssica, adjacent chick pea is removed. For effective European A. mellifera lipstica in tropical Australia and
pollination of alfalfa, adjacent mustard crops are cut. In Asia, and that of A. inellifera scutellata, A. m. adansonii
the second case, pollen foraging on alfalfa by bees, and and other races in Africa and tropical America are now
seed set, are increased. known. A. cerana indica is found in much of tropical Asia
and its management practices for this region, though a
3) Breeding efficient pollinators bit different from A. mellifera, are also known.
and specialists.
Selection and breeding of honeybees through artificial Specific management techniques forA. mellifera in tropical
insemination is possible in A. mellifera and in A. cerana. Asia include avoidance of the ectoparasitic mite 71-opilaelaps
To date, this technology has failed to produce the desired clareae, which normally (originally) was a parasite solely
specialist pollinators (Free, 1993), and now agronomists of Apis dorsata, the common giant honeybee.
look more seriously at alternative pollinator species. The
introduction of African Apis mellifera scutellata has created Mites that kill or debilitate brood are not easy to control
many significant changes in the Neotropics (Section 1.5.3). and require a mixture of chemical and cultural management.
For beekeeping, their main advantage is in the prevention Another mite, Varroa jacobsoni, is also a pest of Apis
of hive theft, and their wide abundance and availability. mellifera, but not quite as serious. It was originally
They are, however, difficult to manage because of often associated only with Apis cerana. These mites infest brood,
unpredictable behaviom- and frequent absconding (Section feeding on the pupae and killing them or preventing
2.1). Their use in apiculture, however, is widespread, their nonnal development. Central to control schemes is
and beekeepers can deal with them. the need to break the brood rearing cycle of the honeybees.
In Burma, this is done by caging the queen for about three
When bees of desired pollination and other weeks and fumigating the hive with phenothiazine.
characteristics are selected, these should include: a) Thailand, brood is removed and allowed to die, and fine
traits promoting strong colonies (unfortunately, this is sulphur and naphthalene is applied as a fumigant in hives.
incompatible with bees that are unaggressive, specialists
on a given plant species and slow to reproduce); b) In many tropical regions, management against American
colonies having high resistance to diseases or pesticide and European foulbrood diseases is required. In the Indian
poisoning; e) colonies that intensively collect pollen subcontinent, A. cerana indica is severely threatened by
(hence reproduce rapidly); d) bees with flight range Thai sac brood virus due to the recent recurrence of the
and tongue length matched to target crops, e.g. bees epidemic. In other parts, this honeybee is safe. Though
honey production. Benefits of honeybee pollination in specialist pollinators of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Another
the tropics are still largely inaccessible to the seed two megachilid species, Chali-codoma lanata and
growers. However, the benefits of honeybee pollination Chalicodoma cephalotes, are pollinators of pigeon pea
are much greater than the benefits from other hive (Cajanus cojan), and one large carpenter bee, the xylocopine
products. In order to tap this underutilized pollination Xylocopafenestrata, pollinates several cucudits in semi-
potential in tropics for increasing food production, arid and subtropical climates. For pollination of these
managed pollination will have to be recognized as one crops, the bees can be managed in artificial nesting devices,
using management practices described here. These
of the several mainstays of agriculture. This is of utmost
importance to meet the food demands of a rapidly particular bees are active during high ambient temperature
increasing world population. and low relative humidity.
Acknowledgments: I wish to thank Prof. R.B. Mathur for
the general facilities, Nirmala Sihag for encouragement, For many crops, honeybees are unreliable pollinators that
Dr. Manju Singh for her valuable suggestions, and Anju act mainly as nectar or pollen thieves. Although they do
Rathee for extending help at various stages of preparation not perforate or rob the flowers, they do not transfer the
of this article. Funds for this article were utilized from pollen between anthers and stigmata. Therefore, in such
the project `(Cg) Zoo-6-Oh' financed by Ministry of crops they are of no use and also detract from the pollination
Environment, Government of India, New Delhi. value of other organisms by competition making the
resource less attractive or available. This is true in several
2.5.5 MCV Lc wine att of Subtropical leguminous and other crops such as alfalfa, pigeon pea
Solitary Bees for Pollination and some cucurbits (see also Sections 1.2 to 1.5 and
Appendix I).
Soda straws (for megachilies only). the bee species to be domiciled (see Figure). These
This involves the use of paper drinking straws of domiciles make a permanent structure. Straws can be
put inside the holes for the easy removal of the cells.
different diameters. Straws are cut with sharp blades into
desired lengths, with one end kept open and other end One end of the holes is kept blind either by taking a block
closed with cotton plugs. The straws are tightly packed of larger breadth or by applying an iron or metal sheet
in smAll wooden boxes carrying a thin cotton sheet at the behind to check the activity of parasites and nest destToyers.
base and closed from one side (see Fig. 1). These boxes Wooden blocks are tightened together with ropes or
are kept in the wooden baskets and placed in bee-shelters. metal wires and then are placed or hung in the bee shelters
The cells can be removed simply by tearing off these (see Fig. 4).
tunnels by hand if need be. The limitation of such nesting
tunnels is that they are very easily taken out by the nest P !wardsoda straw
predators like birds and reptiles. complex (for metjachilids flak).
The most handy and pemianent structues are the domiciles
;Vo o de n r, blocksoda strum, complex of particle board, though these are also the most costly
(for megccohirals only). domiciles. The particle boards with holes of desired length
This nesting complex consists of rectangular wooden blocks and diameter chilled between pairs are put one above the
having holes, uniformly drilled, 10-12 cm in length and other and fitted with the help of nuts and bolts on the
4.5 to 7.5 mm in diameter, depending upon the size of side iron rods in the iron frames. (Fig. 3). The whole
Bee species Crops Nesting- behaviour Nest tunnel accepted T° for activity
Pollinated diameter (nun) length (cm)
Table 2. Nesting behaviour, nest acceptance and temperature tolerances of sub-tropical megachilid and xylocopine bees.
structure is then hung in the bee shelter with the help of can be cleaned very easily and can be reset in the form
metal wires. After the filling of the tunnels with bee cells, of blocks for fresh use. For this pmpose, individual particle
the particle boanls can be opened and the cells can be boards of eight blocks are serially numbered.
taken out (if need be) with the help of fine forceps. However,
if difficulty arises in the removal of cells, the soda straws The bee shelten
can be slipped inside the holes (one side kept blind) Bee domiciles are protected from sun and rain in the bee
from which cells can be taken out as described above (Fig. shelters. A moveable bee shelter is of utmost importance
3). The use of particle boards has an advantage that they for taking the bee domiciles from one place to the other.
However, a permanent bee shelter that is erected beside
the field, and fixed in one place can also serve the pmpose,
where the target crop is grown year after year. The
shelter can be constructed on angle iron covered on the
top with the help of asbestos or cement sheets firmly
pipped with the help of iron hooks, or it can be in the
form of a simple mud hut. (Fig. 4). Tn tbe former type of
shelter, between the horizontal angle-irons, a space is
left for placing the wooden baskets or hanging the -wooden
blocks or particle board complexes (Fig. 3). In the latter
type of shelters the domiciles are suspended by ropes from
the roof supports, or iron rods, and so forth, or placed on
the supports positioned for this purpose along the sides
of the walls. However, there is a great risk of attacking
the immature bees. This can be prevented either by placing
containers filled with -water at the bases or by applying
one of the available insecticides that is not highly toxic to
bees (see Appendix HI), around the bottom of nest boxes.
Bees commonly using trap nests Additional References
The principal types of bees induced to nest in tbe blocks (see also Section 1.7)
were Centris analis, Megachile spp., Heriades ar.rd Beekeeping in Rural Development. 1979. Commonwealth Secretariat;
Paratetrapedia. The first species is extremely common International Bee Research Association, London: Marlborough
from Mexico to Brazil and is one of a strictly Neotropical House, Pall Mall, U.K.,196 pp.
group of anthophorines. This small centris and a few other Danka, R. G., Gary, N. E. 1987. Estimating foraging populations of
species that colonized tunnels preferred trap nest honeybees from individual colonies. J. Econ, Ent. 80:544-547.
tunnels of 1/4 to 3/8 inch diameter. They would be ideal Jay, C. 1986. Spatial management of honeybees on crops. Ann. Rev.
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Roubik, 1989). The next two genera are megachilids, with Chacaras e Quintais.
the latter considerably smaller and usually colonizing only Nogueira-Neto, P., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V. L., Kleinert-Giovarmini,
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cleptoparasitic megachilid, Coelioxys. Each of these lays Project, 1991-92.
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Recommendations for Attire work crops. Bioresource Technology 42:159-162.
The trap-nesting bees of the lowland Neotropics should Sihag, R C in press. Behaviour and ecológy of the subtropical carpenter
be explored as potential pollinators for a variety of crops. bee, Xflocopafènestmta, F. 6. Foraging dynamics, crop hosts and
Some of the drawbacks are that the same nesting sites pollination potential. J. Apic. Res
attract insects such as Mpoxylon wasps, which use potential Sihag, R. C. in press. Behaviour and ecology of the subtropical carpenter
nesting tunnels and seal them off with mud. In addition, bee, Xylocopa fenestrata F. 7. Nest preferences and response to
the common Centris use a strategy to deceive their natural nest translocation. J. Apic. Res.
enemies, primarily Leucospis, that uses a large number of
nest tunnels they seal them off with the resin-like plug,
even though they have not constructed or provisioned cells
within them. This behaviour makes the use of nest
blocks with several hundred holes more likely to
produce the desired results.
International Funds ßr Agricultural Development , 107 o) International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Oyo
Via del Serafico Road, PMB 5320, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
00142, Rome, Italy b) Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development
Institute, University Campus, St. Augustine, Trinidad
1) World Health Organization (WHO) supports projects e) Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria,
on 'food and nutrition' in collaboration with Rivadavia 1439, 1033 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
UNICEF/UNDP/FAD. Projects on quality food production ti) International Center for Tropical Apiculture
and nutrition are accepted. Projects on honey production Apartado Aereo 67-13, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
through beekeeping should find support from WHO. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado
WHO headquarters 2072, Balboa, Panama.
World Health Organization Instituto Agronomico de Campinas (Sffo Paulo
Avenue Appia, 1211 Agricultural Institute) C. P. 28, Avenido Barao de
Geneva 27, Switzerland Itapura 1481, 13100, Campinas, SAo Paulo, Brazil.
liaison Office with the UN: University of Guelph, Department of Environmental
WHO, New York, New York, 10017, U.S.A. Biology, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada
Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center,
other UN funding sources: i) United Nations Tunialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
Environment Programme (UNEP) supports projects on National Research Centre, El-Tahrir Street, El-Dokki,
environmental conservation. Bees and many other Cairo, Egypt
pollinators form an important component of environment; Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Falulti Pertanian, 43400
ii) United Nations Financing Systems for Science and UPM Serdang, Selangor, Dam" Ehsan, Malaysia
Technology for Development (UNFESSTD) provides funds Haiyana Agricultural University, Hisar, India.
for projects in developing countries to enhance their 1) University of Phillippines, Los Baños, 3720, Laguna,
scientific and technical capabilities, especially through Philippines
training; managed pollination in crop and seed production no) University of Madan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
should find a place to secure ftmds from UNFESSTD; iii) m) Sind Apicultural University, Tandojam, Bind, Pakistan
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP is a if) Agricultural Research and Extension Institute,
model UN organization, funding development programmes Nakornsrithammaraj Agricultural Campus, Tungsong,
Nakomsrithammaraj, Thailand.
the world over, especially in developing countries; UNDP
provides assistance to the projects of great national 0) University of Zambia, P. 0. BOX 32379, Lusaka,
importance including related to agriculture, and Zambia.
development of managed pollination should find high p) National Institute of Research on Biological Resources,
primit). Apartado Postal 63, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
q) National Agricultural University, Apartado 456,
Other regional banks: i) Asian Development Bank Avenida, La Universidad S/n, La Molina, Lima, Peru
(ADB) supports limited programmes of agricultural r) University of Natal, hivate Bag 375, Pietermaiitzburg
3200, Natal, South Africa
research, headquarters: Asian Development Bank, P.O.
Box 789, Manila, 2800, Philippines; ii) African s) Board on Science and Technology for International
Development Bank Development, Office of International Affairs, National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington,
International funding resources. Several governments D. C. 20418
and agencies provide funds for research and development t) INRA, Laboratoire de Zoologie, Lusignan 86600, France
in developing countries. Some of these are: i) USAID: (see also references in Section 1.6)
U.S. Aid for International Development (USA); ii)
CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency o Informal journals specifically for research on pollinators
(Callada); iii) DANIDA: Danish International Development and beekeeping in developing countries also exist, among
Agency (Denmark); iv) Dutch government Assistance them are: i) Sphecos,: a fonunfor aculeate wasp researchers,
for Agricultural Development in Developing Countries; v) c/o National Museum of Natural Histoiy, Smithsonian
German Government Assistance for Agricultural Institution, Washington, DC 20560, Attn.: Dr. A. Menke,
Development in Developing Countries Systematic Agricultural Laboratmy, NHB Stop 168; ii)
Bilateral cooperation and mutual funding between Melissa: the melittologist's newsletter, Department of
governmes on agreed disciplines or priority areas, such Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, NHB-105,
as development of managed pollination technical capability Washington, DC 20560, Attn.: Dr. R. McGinley; iii)
and pollination research, through mutual funding and Cornucopia (International Agency for Apiculture
exchange programmes. Development, P. 0. Box 240, Litchfield, Ohio 44253-0240,
International collaboration, via institutes in tropical USA; iv) Beekeeping & Development (International Bee
countries, may support pollination research. Some of the Research Association, 18 North Road, Cardiff CF1 3DY,
following may provide infonnation on programmes or support United Kingdom; Fax 0222-665522)
from a single sexual fusion or zygote, and through which sperm enters to Peduncle: the primary flower stalk of
consisting of one to many ramets fertilize the egg inflorescence
Germination: development of plant from seed Mitosis: the ordinary changes through which Perfect flower: bisexual or hermaphroditic; a
Gynodioecylgynodioecious: where female and a cell nucleus passes during cell flower having both stamens and pistil
hermaphrodite genets coexist multiplication, producing daughter cells Perianth: the entire floral envelope including
Gynoecious: producing only or predominantly of chromosome number equal to the both corolla and calyx
pistillate flowers parent cell Pericatp: the ovary or fruit wall
Gynoecium: the female parts, the carpels, Mixed inflorescence: a branched Perisperm: storage tissue similar to the
of a flower inflorescence with both racemose and endosperm but formed from the nucellus
Gynomonoecy/gynomonoecious: where a cymose components, as in grape and Petak a leal or unit of a usually colored corolla
hermaphrodite bears both female and mango, in which the main inflorescence or inner floral envelope
hermaphrodite flowers axis is racemose, the small ultimate Petiole: the leafstalk
Haploid: having a single set of chromosomes branches cymose Pistil: the normally central, seed-producing
from a single parent; usually refers to a Monoecy/monoecious: having separate male part of flower; usually consisting of ovary,
germ cell or gamete and female flowers, but on the same plant st0e, and stigma
Herkogamy/herkogamous: separation of Multiple fruit: a fruit consisting of the Pistiilate: having pistils but no stamens
anthers and stigma within a flower such compressed fleshy fruidets of tbe many Placenta: the surface or tissue part of ovary
that autogamy cannot occur in the flowers of a compact inflorescence in to which ovules become attached
absence of a pollinator which the axis also becomes fleshy, as Pollen: the powdery grains produced by
Hermaphrodite: (see perfect flower) in pineapple, custanl apple and Monstera angiosperm anthers or the microsporangia
HeterogamAeterogamous: a plant having WO Myophily/myophilous: pollination by flies of gymnosperms, which contain the
or more kinds of flowers Nectar: sweet liquid produced in the nectary nucleus that fertilizes the oosphere to
Heterostyly/heterostylous: a genetically- of plant, usually within a flower form a seed
determined condition in which stamens Nectar guide: Certain ultraviolet-reflectant Pollen tube: a thin tubular outgrowth of
and styles come in two or three distinctive markings on a flower that guide or direct pollen grain usually upon contact with
lengths, and individual flowers have nectar feeders to the nectar source stigma, and which penetrates style to
stigmas and styles of different lengths Nectary: a plant gland that secretes nectar ovary, permitting sperm nuclei to unite
thus promoting crossing; e.g. distyly Nucellus: the central body of the ovule with egg cell
and tristyly containing the embryo-sac, which acts Pollenizer: plant source of pollen for fertilizing
Homogamy/homogamous: coincidence of as a nurse to the archesporium receptive stigmas
anther dehiscence and stigma receptivity Oosphere: the unfertilized female gamete Pollinarium: in orchids and asclepiads,
within a flower, so that autogamy is Ornithophily/ornithophilous: pollinated by the structure detached from the male
possible if herkogamy does not exist birds plant bearing saes of pollen grain,
Indehiscent: not splitting open by its valves Outcrossing: sexual reproduction between united to an adhesive dise that attaches
Indeterminate: continuing to grow after different genets , usually plants that are to the pollinator
flowering staffs different individuals Pollinating: Transferring pollen from anthers
Inflorescence: flower or group of flowers Ovary: a seedcase or part of the pistil, bearing to stigmas.
on a stem ovules that develop into seed or fruit Pollination: placement of pollen on a stigma,
Intersterile: failure to set fruit when flowers Ovule: the structure that contains the egg the first step in plant fertilization
are crossed with pollen of certain other nucleus and develops into a seed alter Pollinator: an animal that moves compatible
cultivars of the same species fertilization of the egg-cell inside it pollen to a receptive stigma of the same
Legume: a one-celled fruit (pod) usually Panicle: an inflorescence with the main axis plant species, such that fertilization and
dehiscing clown both sutures, and having branched into an open racemose flower seed production can occur
the seed attached along a ventral cluster Pod: a monocarpellary fruit that dehisces
suture Papilionoceous: butterllylike, pealike flowers, down both sutures
Loco/e: compartment or cell of ovary, anther, with a large upper petal, hvo lateral wing Polyembryony with more than one embryo in
or fruit petals, and two small united keel petals a fertilized ovule, e.g. mango
Megaspore: in plant species producing two Papillae: specialized epidermal cells of the Polygamy/polygamous: having both perfect
kinds of spores, the spore-type that gives stigma which receive the pollen grains flowers and those of one sex (staminate
rise to the female gametopbyte Parthenogenesis: production of new individuals or pistillate)
Meiosis: the reduction division of from unfertilized egg cells Polyemblyonic: the presence of more than one
chromosomes, giving rise to hvo gametes, Parthenocmpharthenocalpic: development embryo in a fertilized ovule, formed
each with balf the chromosomes of the of a fruit without fertilization and adventitiously from the nucellus, for
parent cell therefore without seeds as in navel example mango(Mangifera)
Melittophilyhnelittophilotts: pollination by bees orange, some figs, seedless grapes, Pome: a fleshy fruit derived from several
Mesocatp: the middle layer of pericari) or pineapple and banana carpels, the receptacle and outer pericarp
fruit wall Pedicel: stalk or stem of individual flower of being fleshy, and the inner pericarp,
Micropyle: the pore or hole in end of egg inflorescence PaPerY
IrtrcTc117rtion ircer7 tr(.-Tn.
Appendix I. The number of species grown in tropical countries and harvested in semi-wild habitats is enormous.
A list given here includes those widely accepted as economically important; most are planted, while a few are harvested
from wild plants that are to some extent tended or planted. A few are used for breeding purposes, crossing them with
more familiar crop species of the same germs. I have not included species that are sold as ornamental plants, used
for ordinary timber or firewood, or used for home remedies. While a few of the pollinator associations indicated here
are unpublished personal observations, most are given in the literature cited in Section 1.1.3. The generic names of
pollinators follow their general kind, i.e. bird, bee, bat. Abbreviations for some genera in the Appendix are as follows:
Xylo = Xylocopa (bee); Pt = Pteropus (bat); Mc = Macroglossus (bat); Eon = Eonycteris (bat); Na Nanonycteris (bat)
Ei = Eidolon (bat); Ron = Rousettus (bat); Bla Blastocephala (wasp), Cera = Ceratopogonidae (fly); Ap = Apis (bee);
Mel = Melipona (bee); Franklin = Frankliniella (thrip); Cul = Culicoides (fly); Stil = Stilobezzia (fly); Ancylo = Ancyloscelis
(bee); Bo = Bombus (bee); Os = Osmia (bee); Mega = Megachile (bee); Anth = Anthophora (bee); Trig = Trigona s.
str. (bee); Meg = Megachiropteran (bat); And = Andrena (bee); Fo + Forcipomyia (fly); La = Lasiohela (fly). Plant
breeding systems are indicated by the following abbreviations: SC = self-compatible; AU = autogamous (and also
sell-compatible); AG = agamospennous (adventitious embryony indicated by a tilde before this abbreviation); OC =
obligately outcrossing (either dioecious, monoecious, self-incompatible or, when used in combination with SC,
signifying that the pollen must be carried by a vector the plant is not capable of selling) PC = parthenocarpic.
Appendix II. Two sample pollination contracts are given, one and English and one in French. As added appendices
to each, hive standards and definitions of terms are provided.
Appendix III. Three lists are given from an extensive review of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals and
their known effects on bees. The danger of the chemicals for bees is indicated in each section of the appendix as
serious, moderate or slight (when used with recommended precautions). The literature from which the information
was taken can be found cited at the end of Section 1.6.
1 Abelmoschus escaleatus Okra MALA' Vegetable Af-As AU, OC luce, Apis, Bombus 879 Abaca
2 Abelmoschus Inaudito Sunset Hibiscus, Aibika MALV Vegetable SE Asia AU, OC? 284 Abarco
3 A belmoschus moschatus Musk Okra MALV Essence S Asia AU, OC luce,Apis, Bombus 399 Abata Kola
4 Abraina augustunt Perennial India Hemp STER Filter S Asia 609 Abilla
Abutilon indicara Counttty Mallow MALA' Filter S Asia 408 Abyssinian Alynit
6 /Nailon theophrasti China Jute MALA' Filter Asia 166 Abyssinian Oat
7 Acacia albida Ana Tree LEG Forage Africa SC, OC? luce, bird? 1156 Aceituna
8 Acacia aneara Aliaga LEG Forage Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 811 Acerola
9 Acacia auricuhtqfitrtnis THI1 Wattle LEG Timber Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 1299 Adzuki Bean
10 Acacia catecha Curch LEG Dye Neot SC, OC bee 1230 Afma
11 Acacia cyattophylla Orange Wattle LEG Energy Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 515 African Bitter Yam
12 Acacia decurrens Green Wattle LEG Tannin Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 744 Atacan Gum Vine
13 Acacia decurrens/narmalisGreen -Wattle LEG Timber Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 955 African Locust Bean
14 Acacia fianesiana Huisache LEG Essence Neot SC, OC bee 734 African Mahogany
15 Acacia graveolens/dalce Celery UMBE Vegetable W Asia SC, OC bee 329 African Oak
16 Acacia graveolens/rapaceum Celeriac UNIBE Vegetable W Asia SC, OC bee 554 African Oil Palio
17 Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle LEG Tannin Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 932 African Rice
18 Acacia melanoxylon Australian Blackwood LEG Timber Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 673 African Spiderflower
19 Acacia ailatica Babul LEG Gum S Asia SC, OC bee? 337 African Star-Apple
20 Acacia pendula Weeping Alyall LEG Forage Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 1114 African Violet
21 Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle LEG Dye Aust SC, OC bee, bird? 1180 African Yam Bean
22 Acacia rosqedora/antazonica Rosewood UMBE Essence Asia SC, OC bee, bird? 49 Afzelia
23 Acacia salicina Cocha I,EG Timber Aust SC, OC bee, Mal? 652 Agba
24 Acacia senegal Gum Arabic I,EG Gum Africa SC, OC bee, bird? 989 Aguacatillo, Cuyo
25 Acacia seyal Shittim-Wood LEG Forage Africa SC, OC bee, bird? 936 Ahipa
26 Acacia tortilis Umbrella Thorn LEG Multiple Africa SC, OC bee, bird? 511 Airpotato
27 Acacia victoriae Narran LEG Forage Aust SC, OC bee, binl? 272 Ají
28 Acanthosicyos horridus Nucas CUCU Nut W A fr 1251 Ajmud
29 Acca sellowiana Feijout MYRT Fruit Neot OC, SC luce 194 Akee
30 Acorus calamos Sweet Flag ARAC Essence S A Sia SC? bee, fly? 65 Aleurtes Trisperma
31 Acracarpus fraxinifolius Shingle Tree LEG Timber S Asia 1142 Alexandrian Senna
32 Acrocomia aculeata Paraguay Palm, Macaya PALM Oil Neot 843 Alfalfa
33 Acrocomia mexicana Coyol, Babosa PALM Oil Neot 238 Algarobilla
34 Acrocomia scleroempa Gi-Gi PALM Fruit, Oil Neot 1048 Algara°
35 Acrocomia total Mbocayá PALM Fruit Neot 693 Algarrobo
36 Acrocornia vinikra Vinifera Palm PALM Fruit Neot 1049 Algarrobo Blanco
37 Actinidia mota Tara vine ACTIN Foil t S Asia OC luce 68 Alkanna Root
38 Actinidia deliciosa Kiwifruit ACTIN Fruit S Asia OC insect, wind, bee, Apis 1010 Allspice
39 Adansonia digitata Baobab BOMB Vegetable Africa bee, Apis, bat 1053 Almond
40 Adhatoda vasica Malabar Nut ACAN Medicinal S Asia 1058 Almond
41 Aegle manados Indian Bael RUTA Frita S Asia 82 Alyceclover
42 Aerva tomemos,' Kapok Bush AMAR Foilder S Asia OC? luce? 153 Anuan Palio
43 Aframomli711 angustifidium Madagascar Cardamom ZING Spice Africa OC? bee? 85 Amaranth
44 10-(1771071111711 danielli Camerouns Cardamom ZING Spice Africa OC? luce? 1077 Amboyna
45 4fiantomum granum-paradisi Grains uf Paradise ZINC Spice Africa OC? bee? 132 Amendoim
46 Aframorman hararima Korarima Cardamom ZINC Spice Africa OC? luce? 647 American Licorice
47 Afraniom11711 melegueta M-elegueta-Pepper ZINC Spice Africa OC? late? 555 American Oil Palma
Afrantomum sector= Tablus Spice ZINC Medicinal Africa OC? luce? 91 Ammi
49 Afzelia spp. Afzelia LEG Timber Africa 1250 Ammi, Ajowan
50 Agathis (laminara Manila Copal ARAU Resin SE Asia 7 Ana Tree
Agathosma betalina Buchu RUTA Medicinal Africa 385 Anchoté
52 Agave ami gusifilia Dwarf Aloe, Babsi AGAV Eiber Neot OC? bat, Macroglossus 108 Andrographis Paniculata
53 Agave camilla Cantata AGAV Fiber Neot 789 Angled Luffa
54 Agave fourcroydes Hennequen AGAV Fiber Neot SC,OC bat, bee 504 Angleton Bluestem
55 Agave lecheguilla Istle AGAV Fiber Neot 1013 Anise
56 Agave sisalana Maguey, Sisal AGAV Fiber Neot OC? wind,bee,bat,Pteropus 193 Annatto, Achiote
57 Agave spp. Pulque AGAV Beverage Neot SC, OC bat, bee 1273 Afm
58 Agave tecla Giant Maguey AGAV Beverage Neot 812 Apple
59 Albizia fu/cato Batai LEG Timber S Asia 813 Apple
60 Albizia fideataria Jeungjing LEG Timber SE Asia 1086 Apple
61 Albizia lebbek Kokko I,EG Timber Paleot 1055 Apricot
62 Aleuritesfinolii Tung-Oil-Tree EUPH Oil SE Asia bee, wasp 389 Arabica Coffee
63 Aleurites maluccana Candlenut EUPH Oil SE Asia SC, OC bee, wasp, thrip 1279 Aramina Fiber
64 Alearires montarla Mu-Oil-free EUPH Oil SE Asia OC bee, wasp 466 Archucha
65 Alearites trisperma Aleurtes Trispenna EUPH Oil SE Asia OC bee, wasp 513 Argue Pheasant-Tree
66 Alhagi pseudalhagi Camehhorn I,EG Forage W Asia 726 Aricauguá
67 Aliberta edulis Trompillo RUB Fruit Neot 1073 Arrayán
68 Alkanna tuberculata Alkanna Root BORA Tantán W Asia 1197 Anow Poison
69 Allium ampeloprasum Leek LILI Spice Asia -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 1265 Arrowleaf Clover
70 Allium cepa Onion LILI Vegetable Asia -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 831 Arrowroot, Aru-Aru
71 Allium chinense Rakkyo LILI Vegetable Asia -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 607 Asafetida Gum
72 Allium ,fistalosian Welsh Onion LILI Vegetable Asia -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 518 Asian Bitter Yam
73 Alijara sativam Garlic LILI Spice Asia -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 516 Asiatic Yam
74 Mima schoenoprasum Chives LILI Vegetable Medit -AG,S-OC bee, Apis, fly 150 Asparagus
75 Miura taberosam Chinese Chives LILI Vegetable Asia -AG,S-OG bee, Apis, fly 226 Asparagus Broccoli
76 Alocasia macrorrhiza Giant Taro ARAC Starch S Asia 1233 Asparagus pea
77 Aloe barbadensis Barbados Aloe AGAV Medicinal Africa OC? Lee, Apis, bat, Rousettus 18 Australian Blackwood
78 Aloe jicro.r Cape Aloe AGAV Medicinal Africa OC? bee, Apis, bat, Rousettus 203 Australian Bluestem
79 Aloe perryi Socotrine Aloe AGAV Medicinal Africa OC? bee, Apis, bat, Rousettus 569 Australian Desert Lime
Alpinia galano Greater Galanga ZINC Spice S Asia 1161 Australian Nightsbade
81 Alpinia officinaram Lesser Galanga ZINC Spice S Asia 984 Australian Sheepbush
Alysicarpus vaginalis Alyceclover LEG Forage Af-As 764 Australian Tea-Tree
83 Amaranthus caudillos Inca-AVheat AMAR Cereal Neot 906 Australian Tobacco
84 Amaranthas cruentas Spanish Greens AMAR Cereal Neot 861 Australian Wild I,imes
85 Amaranthas gangeticas Amaranth AMAR Vegetable S Asia 301 Avaram
86 Amaranthus hypachandriocus Princess-Feather AMAR Vegetable Neot 987 Avocado
87 Amaranthus leucacarpas Grain Amaranth AMAR Grain Neot 154 Awarra Pa/un
88 Antaranthas lividus Bondue, Bayam Betul AMAR Vegetable S Asia 537 Ayan
89 Amaranthas nuantugazzianns Chagualón AMAR Cereal Neot 452 Ayote
No. Scientific Name CO111711011 NalIle Family Use Origin Breed. Sys, Pollinators No. CO111711011 NC1711e.
179 Ilaccaurea ramillora Mafai EUPH Timber SE Asia 793 Blue Lupine
180 Bactris gasipaes Peach Palm, Pejibaye PALM Fruit Neot OC beetle 565 Boer lovegrass
181 Bacckea jigteseens Ufliung A tup LEG? Essence SE Asia 377 BolaBolo
182 Balanites aegyptiaea Desert Date PALM Fruit Al-As SC? fly? 433 Bologi
183 Balanocarpits heimii Thai Dammar DIPT Resin SE Asia 88 Bondue, Bayam Betul
134 Bambusa spp. Bambusa POA Timber Asia 1008 Bonete
185 Baphia nitida Camwood LEG Dye Africa 201 Borojó
186 Barosma betulina Bacco CHEN Essence S Afri 740 Bottle Gourd
187 Barringtonia procera Nua BARR Nut Solo. Is 1123 Bowstring Hemp
188 Base//a alba Malabar Spinach BASE Vegetable Africa 191 Brazil-Nut
189 Bauhinia esculenta Camel's-Foot LEG Beverage Africa OC? bat, Pteropus 1069 Brazilian Guasa
190 Benincasa hispida Waxgourd, Kundor CUCU Vegetable S Asia OC,SC? bee? 1201 Brazilian Lucerne
191 Bertholletta creels,' Brazil-Nut LECY 'Nut' Neot OC bee, euglossine, Epicharis 240 Brazil-wood
192 Beta vulgaris Beet CHEN Vegetable Asia OC bee, thrip 1,12 Breadfruit
193 Bixa arel/olla Annatto, Achiote B1XA Dye, Misc. Neot OC, SC bee, Melipona, Eulaema 1075 Breadroot
194 Blighia sapida Akee SAPI F6tit Africa SC, OC luce, asp, fly? 753 Broad-Leayed Lavender
195 Boesenbergia rotundata Chinese Keys ZINC Spice SE Asia 1292 Broadbean
196 Bombacopsh (pinata Pochote BOMB Timber Neot OC bat, bird, bee 583 Broadleaf Peppermint
197 Bombay buonopozense Silk Cotton BOMB Filien Africa 220 Broccoli
198 Bombay ceiba Red Silk-Cotton 1305113 Fiber Neot OC bat Pteropus,bird,bef noth 222 Broccoli, Cauliflower
199 Bombay- malabaricum Indian Silk Cotton BOMB Fiber S Asia OC bat, bird, bee, moth 216 Brown Mustard
200 Borassus jlabellijer Palmyra Palm PA 1,M Sweetener S Asia 211 Browntop Millet
201 Boro jo patinoi Borojó RUB1 Beverage Neot 221 Brussels-Sprouts
202 Baswellia sacra Bible Frankincense BURS Resin W A si a 51 Buchu
203 Bothriachloa intermedia Australian Bluestein POA Forage Aust -AG 523 Buck Yam
204 Bothrioehloa pertusa Comagueyana POA Forage Neot -AG? 604 Buckwheat
205 Banco nuterophylla Kundang ANAC Fruit SE Asia 449 Buffalo Gourd, Chilicote
206 Bowdiehia nitida Sucupira LEG Timber Neot 562 Buffalo Spinach
207 Brachiaria brizantha Signal Guasa POA Forage Africa 313 Buffelgrass
208 Brachiaria decumbens Surinam Grass POA Forage Africa 1276 Bullrush
209 Brachiaria de/lira Vague POA Cereal Africa 319 Bungu
210 Braehiaria 'milieu Para' Guasa POA Forage Africa 310 Burma Cedar
211 Brachiaria winos(' Browntop Millet POA Forage S Asia 643 Burmese Lacquer
212 Brach ylaena hutchinsii Mulfulm Oil COMP Essence E Afr 1271 Burweed
213 Brassie(' algogabm Chinese Kale CRUC Vegetable S Asia OC insect, bee 382 Butterfly Pea
214. Brassier/ campestris Bird Rape CRUC Oil S Asia OC, AU bee, Apis 296 Butternut, Almendra
215 Brassica carinata Ethiopian Mustard CRUC Oil Medit OC, AU hice, Apis 842 Button Medie
216 Brassier' furrow Brown Mustard CRUC Oil S Asia OC, AU bee, Apis 224 Cabbage
217 Brassier! moms Rape CRUC Oil Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 1107 Cabbage Rose
218 Brassier' napushuipobrassica Rutabaga CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 420 Cabbage Tree
219 Brassica nigra Black MustaM CRUC Spice Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 599 Cabeludinha
220 Brassica oleraccabottytis Broccoli CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 888 Cabreuva Oil
221 Brassica oleracca/genuniftra Brussels-Sprouts CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 631 Cabuya
222 Brassiea okraeea Broccoli, Cauliflower CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 627 Cabuya, Pia Floja
223 Brassiea oleracea/acephala Collards CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 1237 Cacao Blanco, Pataste
224. Brassiea aleraceakapitate Cabbage CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 1235 Cacao Cimarrón
225 Brassie(' aleraceagongylocles Kohlrabi CRUC Vegetable Medit OC, AU bee, Apis 1241 Cacao de Mico
226 Brassier, oleracerditalica Asparagus Broceo]] CRUC Vegetable Meclit OC, AU bee, Apis 1236 Cacao Rana
227 Brassier' pekinensis Chinese Cabbage CRUC Vegetable S Asia OC, AU bee, Apis 92 Cafoun
228 Mossier' rapa Bird Rape, Pak-Choi CRUC Oil, Veget. S Asia OC, AU bee, Apis 846 Cajeput, Gelam
229 Bmsimum alieastrum Ramón MORA Fruit, Fora. Neot OC wind, bee 435 Calabash Tree
230 Brosimum Cow-Tree MORA Gum Neot OC wind, luce 248 Calopo
231 Broussonetia papyrifera Papen Mulbeny MORA Fiber SE Asia 95 Cambodian Cardamom
232 Buehanania Cuddapah Almond ANAC Oil S Asia 585 Camden Wollybut
233 Bulnesia sarmienti Balsam° ZYGO Essence S Amer 189 Camel's-Foot
234 Bunium bulbocastanum Black Zit-a UMBE Spice E Asia 251 Camellia
235 Bursera penicillata Linaloe Oil BURS Essence Mexico 66 Camelthorn
236 Byrsonima crassifolia Nance, Murici MALP Fruit Neot SC,OC bee, Centris, Epicharis 44- Camerouns Cardamom
237 Caephaelis ipecacuanha Ipecac RUB1 Medicinal Neot 35] Camphor-Tree
238 Caesalpinia brevifolia Algarobilla LEG TUM1111 Neot SC, OC bee 883 Camu-Camu
239 Caesalpinia coriaria Divi-Divi LEG Tannin Neot SC, OC bee 185 Camwood
240 Caesalpinia eehinata Brazilwood LEG Dye Neot SC, OC bee 266 Canavalia Maritima
241 Caesalpinia sappan Sappanwood LEG Dye Neat SC, OC bee 601 Candelilla
242 Caesalpinia spinosa Tara LEG Tannin Neot SC, OC bee 63 Candlenut
243 Cajanus rajan Pigeonpea LEG Vegetable Africa AU, OC bee, Chalicodoma, Xylo 957 Candletree
244 Calanms spp. Rattan PALM Multiple SE Asia 97'l- Canelilla
245 Calathea alhotia Cornroot, Larién MARA Wax,Tuber Neot 53 Cantata
246 Calocarpum IllaMMOSUM Mamey Sapote SAPO Multiple Neot 446 Cantaloupe
247 Calophylluni ionophAum Domba Oil, Penaga Laut GUTT Oil S Asia Cape Aloe
248 Calopoganium coeruleum Calopo 1,EG Forage Neot 1001 Cape Gooseberry
249 Calopogonium mueunaides Prisolilia I,EG Erosion Neot 269 Caper
250 Caltha palttstris Cowslip RANU Vegetable Europe 1065 Capulfn
251 Camellia sasanqua Camellia THEA Oil S Asia SC, OC insect, fly, bee 414 Caranday
252 Camellia sinensh Tea THEA Beverage .S Asia SC, OC insect, fly, bee 292 Caraway
253 Campanula rapunculus Rampion CAMP Vegetable Medit 558 Cardamom
254 Campnosperma brevipetiolata Terentang OCH Timber Oceania 571 Caribgrass
255 Cananga odorata Ylang-Ylang ANOS Essence SE Asia OC? moth 287 Carissa Lunatus
256 Canarium album Chinese White Olive BURS Fruit SE Asia 289 Carissa Oxycantha
257 Canarium indien4at Jasa Almond 13URS Nut SE Asia 415 Carnauba Wax Palm
258 Canarium indium) Java-Almond I3URS Not SE Asia 318 Carob
259 Canarium luzonicum Pili Nut BURS Nut SE Asia 173 Carpetgrass
260 Canarium luzonieum Pili Nut BURS Resin SE Asia 4138 Carrot
261 Canarium °outwit Pili Nut BURS Nut Phil ipp. 1094 Cáscara
262 Canarium pimela Chinese Black Olive BURS Fruit S Asia 103 Cashew, Alarafion
263 Canarium vidgare Kenai Nut BURS Oil SE Asia 824 Cassava
264 Canora/ja ensiformis Jackbean, Frijól Burro I,EG Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee 822 Cassava, Yuca
265 Canavalia gladiata Slyordbean, Poroto I,EG Forage Neot AU, OC bee 303 Cassia
266 Canana/jet maritima Canayalia Maritima I,EG Erosion Neot AU, OC bee 352 Cassia
267 Canavalia plagiosperma Giant Bean, Poroto I,EG Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee 306 Castilloa Rubber
No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Use Origin Breed. Sys. Pollinators No. Common Name
268 Canna edulis Edible Canna CANN Starch Neot 1104. Castorbean
269 Capparis spinosa Caper CAPP Spice Europe 1306 Ujung
270 Capsicum annuunt Red Pepper SOLA Spice Neot AU, OC bee 16 Celeriac
271 Capsicum baccamm/pendulum Pimentchien SOLA S1/ice Neot AU, OC bee 15 Celery
272 Capsicum chinense Ají SOLA Spice Neot AU, OC bee 128 Celery
273 Capsicum .fruteseens Chili Pepper SOLA Spice Neot AU, OC bee 315 Centro
274 Capsicum pubescens Goat Chili SOLA Spice Neot AU, OC bee 1215 Ceylon Spinach
275 Ciampi' guianensis Cnihwood, hangares MEL1 Timber Neot 539 Ceylon-Goosebeny
276 Carica cardiflora Wild Papaya CART Fruit Neot OC moth, bird, bee 993 Chaguita
277 Carica microcarpa Wild Papaya CARI Fruit Neot OC moth, bird, bee 89 Chaquillón
278 Carica monoica Wild Papaya CART Fruit Neot OC moth, bird, bee 691 Chaulmoogra
279 Carica papaya Papaya CARI Fruit Neot SC, OC moth, bird, bee 384 Cl/aya
280 Carica perangona Babaeo CARI Fruit Neot OC, PC? moth, bird, bee 1137 Chayote
281 Carica pubescens Mountain Papaya CART Fruit Neot SC, OC moth, bird, bee 144 Chempedale
282 Carica quercifolia Naracatia CART Fruit Neot SC, OC moth, bird, bee 113 Cherimoya
283 Carica stipulata Ecuadorian Papaya CART Fruit Neot SC, OC moth, bird, bee 1061 Cherry Laurel
284 Cariniana pyriformis Abano 1,ECY Timber Neot 124 Chervil
285 Carissa carandas KarAnda APOC Fruit S Asia OC? moth, bee? 935 Chestnut of America
286 Carissa edulis Egyptian Carissa APOC Fruit Africa OC moth, bee? 326 Chia
287 Carissa haulms Curiosa Lunatus APOC Oil Af-Asia OC? moth, bee? 830 Chicle, Níspero
288 Carissa macrocarpa Natal-Palm APOC Fruit Africa OC? moth, bee? 341 Chicory
289 Carissa regacaritha Carissa Oxycantha Al'OC Oil Af-Asia OC? moth, bee? 827 Chicozapote
290 Carludonica palmate Panama Hat Palm CYCL Filien Neot SC, OC beetle, bee, Trigona 761 Chijura
291 Carthamus iinctorius Safflower COMP Oil W Asia SC, OC insect, bee, Apis 621 Chilean Strawberry
292 Carron carvi Caraway UNIBE Spice Europe bee, fly 273 Chili Pepper
293 Carya illinoensis l'ecan JUGL Nut Neot OC wind, insect? 6 China Jute
294 Caryocar am ygdaliferum Searing CARY Oil Neot 90 Chinese Amaranth
295 Caryocar brasiliensis Piqui Brava CARY Oil Neot 1113 Chinese Arrowhead
296 Caryocar nuciferum Butternut, Almendra CARY Nut, Mutt. Neot 1188 Chinese Artichoke
297 Caryocar villosum Pequiti CARY Oil Neot 262 Chi//ese Black Olive
298 Caryodendron orinocense Orinoco Nut, Cucuy EUPH Nut Neot 227 Chinese Cabbage
299 Caryota oreos Fishtail Palm PALM Sweetener SE Asia 304 Chinese Chestnut
300 Casimiroa edulis Mexicim Apple RUFA Fruit Neot 75 Chinese Chives
301 Cassia auriculata Avaram LEG Tannin Africa SC, OC? Xylocopa, Amegilla 1328 Chinese Date
302 Cassia fistula Indian Laburnum LEG Medicinal S Asia SC, OC? Xylocopa, Amegilla 561 Chi//ese Ephedra
303 Cassia siamea Cassia LEG Timber SE Asia SC, OC? Xylocopa, Amegilla 42,1 Chinese Hazelnut
301 Castanea nrollissima Chinese Chestnut FAGA Nut Asia OC wind, insect, bee 213 Chinese Kale
305 Castanopsis sumatratuz Berangan FAGA Nut SE Asia 195 Chinese Keys
306 Castillia elastica Castilloa Rubber MORA Resin Neot 1247 Chinese Lacquer Tree
307 Castillia ulei Gaucho Rubber MORA Resin Neot 871 Chinese Mulberry
308 Catha edulis Khat CELA Medicinal Africa 530 Chinese Persimmon
309 Catharanthos roscos Periwinkle APOC Medicinal S Asia 1098 Chinese Rhubarb
310 Cedrela toona Burma Cedar MEL1 Timber SE Asia 1126 Chinese Tallow Tree
311 Ceiba pe//tundra Kapok BOMB Fiber Neot? SC, OC bat,Pt,Mc,Eon,Pt,Na,Elbird 557 Chinese Waterchestnut
312 Celosia argenten Mirabel, Soko AMAR Vegetable \V Afr 256 Chinese White Olive
313 Cenchrus ciliaris Buffelgrass POA Forage Neot AU 522 Chinese Ya//I
314 Centrosema acutifolitun Vichada LEG Forage Neot SC, OC bee 1026 Chios Mastic
315 Centroserna pubescens Centro LEG Forage Neot SC, OC bee 74 Chives
316 Cephaelis ipecacuanha Ipecac RIIIR Medicinal Neot OC? butterfly, bee 719 Chlabato
317 Cephalonema polyandrum Punga TILI Filien Africa 626 Chuchao
318 Ceratonia siliqua Carob LEG Gum, Mutt. W Asia OC 477 Chufa, Earth Almo//d
319 Ceratotheca sesamoides Rupp PEDA Oil Africa 834 Chupa-Chupa
320 Ceroxylon alpinum Wax Palni PALNI Wax Neot 115 Cimarrona
321 Cero:xylon raile Wax Palm PALM Wax Neot 356 Cinnamon
322 Chamaedora ,spp. Palmheart, Palm to PAIAI Vegetable Neot 372 Citron
323 Chamaerops humilis Dwarf Fan Palm PALM Filien N Afr 358 Citropus
324 Chenopoiliant album Pigweed CHEN Vegetal/le S Asia 378 Clapper Polyandra
325 Chenopodium ambrosioides Wormseed, Epazote CHEN Medicinal Neot 379 Clausena Dentata
326 Chenopodium nuttaliae Chia CHEN Vegetable Neot 1209 Clove
327 Chenopodium quinoa Quinoa CHEN Cereal Neot 575 Coca
328 Chloris gayana Rhodesgrass POA Forage Africa AU wind, insect? 909 Cochineal Cactus
329 Chlorophora excelsa African Oak MORA Timber Africa 1238 Caca//
330 Chlorophora tinctoria Fustic-Mulberry SIDRA Tannin Neot 1174 Corona, Peach Tomato
331 Chrysanthemum balsamita Costmary COMP S1/ice W Asia OC, AU? insect, bee 388 Coconut
332 Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium Pyrethrum COMP Pesticide Africa OC, AU? insect, bee 838 Cocorita P//h//I, Jaguá
333 Chrysanthemum coccineum Persian Insect-Flower COMP Pesticide W Asia OC, AU? insect, bee 629 Cocuiza
334 Chrysanthemum coronarium Garland Chrysanthemum COMP Vegetable Asia OC, AU? insect, bee 393 Coffea Excelsa
335 Ch rysan them um spatiosum Crown Daisy COMP Medicinal Europe OC, AU? insect, bee 394 Coffea Liberica
336 Chrysophyllum ramito Star Apple, Cainito SAPO Fruit Neot 395 Coffea Pugenoides
337 Chrysophyllum deleroyi African Star-Apple SAPO Multiple Africa 164 Cohune Nut Palm
338 Cacti distichus Dial/cite Gooseberry EUPH Fruit W Asia 926 Cohune Nut Palm
339 Cicer arietinum Garbanzo, Chickpea LEG Vegetable Asia AU, OC h//se 403 Colchicum
340 Ciehorium codicio Endive COMP Vegetable Medit bee, Apis 223 Collards
311 Cichorium intybus Chicory COMP Beverage Me/lit bee, Apis 359 Colocynth
342 Cinchona calisap Quinine RUBI Medicinal Neot OC bee, butterfly, tly 576 Colombian Coca
343 Cinchona lansifirlia Quinine RUBI Medicinal Neot OC hice, butterfly, fly 578 Color Azafrán
344 Cinchona kdgeriana Quinine RUBI Medicinal Neot OC hice, butterfly, uy 1274 Coltshmt
345 Cinchona ofticinalis QUitline RUBI Medicinal Neot OC bee, butterfly, fly 204 Comagneyana
346 Cinchona pitayensis Quinine RUH Medicinal Neot OC bee, butterfly, fly 996 CO111171011 Bean
347 Cinchona pubescens Quinine RUBI Medicinal Neot OC hice, butterfly, fly 611 Common Fig
348 Cinchona succiruba Quinine RUBI Medicinal Neot OC bee, butterfly, fly 1068 Common Guava
349 Cimunnomum aromatic= Saigon Cinnamon LAUR Spice SE Asia OC fly 710 Common Indigo
350 Cinnamorman burma1171ii Padang-Cassia 1,AUR Spice SE Asia OC lly 751 Common Lavender
351 0711111772077111711 camphor(' Camphor-Tree LAUR Medicinal S Asia OC fly 646 Col//I/ion Licorice
352 Cinnamomum ca/'s Cassia LAUR Essence SE Asia OC fly 1093 Common Mignonette
353 Cinnamomum massoia Massoia LAUR Essence Papua OC fly 169 Common Oat
354 Cinnamomum olireri Oliver's Bark LAUR Essence Aust OC ily 1309 Common Periwinkle
355 Cinnamomum tamala Indian-Bark LAUR Spice S Asia OC fly 532 Common Persimmon
356 Cinnamomum rerum Cinnamon LAUR Spice S Asia OC fly 1111 Common Rue
No Scientific Name Common Name Family Use Origin Breed, Sys. Pollinators No. C MILM 011 N (1111C
446 Cucumis melo Cantaloupe CUCU Fruit Africa SC, OC bee, Apis Eastern Elderbeny
447 Cucumis sativas Cucumber CUCO Vegetable S Asia OC, PC bee, Apis Eboe Yam, Mime blanco
448 Cucurbitajìcfiulio Malabar Gourd CUCU Oil Neot SC, OC bee, insect Ecuador Walnut
449 Cucurbita foetidissinui Buffalo Gourd, Chilicote CUCU Oil Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Ecuadorian Papaya
450 Cucurbita llundelliana Peten Gourd CUCU Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Eddoe
451 Cucurbita maxima Zapallo, Winter Squash CUCO Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Edible Canna
452 Cucurbita mixta Ayote CUCO Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Eggfruit Tree, Canistel
453 Cucurbita moschata Crookneck Pumpkin CIICU Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Eggplant
454 Cucurbita pepo Vegetable Marrow CUCO Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Egyptian Carissa
455 Cucurbita pepohnedullosa Marrow CUCO Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Egyptian Henbane
456 Cucurbita pepohnelopepo Marrow CUCO Vegetable Neot SC, OC bee, Peponapis, Xenoglossa Ekki, Eba
457 CUM ill11717 cyminum Cumin UMBE Spice S Asia AU, OC bee, Apis Elephant apple
458 Curcuma amada Mango Ginger Z/NG Spice S Asia bee Elephant Bush
459 Concomo angustifolia East Indian Annwroot ZING Vegetable S Asia bee Elephant Grass
460 Concomo aromatic(' Yellow Zedoary ZING Dye S Asia bee Elephant Yant
461 Carcoma longa Turmeric ZING Spice S Asia OC? bee? Elephant Yam
462 Curcuma mangga Temu Mangga ZINC Spice SE Asia bee Emblic
463 Concomo xanthorrhiza Temu Lawak ZING NIed., Spice SE Asia bee Emping Great Fruit
464 Concomo zedoaria Zedoary ZINC Essence S Asia OC? bee? Endive
465 Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Guar, Clusterbean LEG Gum Af-As AU, OC bee, Apis Engorda Caballo
466 Cyclanthera pedalo Archucha CUCIJ Fruit Neot Ensete
467 G'ydonia oblonga Quince ROSA Starch Medit Esehweilera Odorata
468 Cylicodiscus gabunensis Okan LEG Timber Africa Esparto
469 Cymbopogon eitratus West Indian Lemongrass POA Essence Africa wind, insect? Esparto
470 Cymbopogon flexuosus East Indian Lemongrass POA Essence Africa wind, insect? Ethiopian Mustard
471 Cyrnbopogon martinii Rosha Grass POA Essence SE Asia wind, insect? Eucalyptus
472 Cymbopogon nardus Nardus Grass POA Essence SE Asia wind, insect? Eucalyptus
473 Cymbopogon winteranus Winter's Grass POA Essence Africa wind, insect? European Arnica
474 Cynara scolymus Globe Artichoke C01\ 1P Vegetable Africa OC bee, Bombus European Pennyroyal
475 Cynodon dactylon Bermudagrass COMP Erosion Africa European Strawberry
476 Cynodon plectostachyus Stargrass COMP Forage Africa Feijoa
477 Cy_perus esculentus Chufa, Earth Almond CYPE Forage Africa SC, OC bee? Fennel
478 Cyperus papyrus Papyrus CYPE Fiber Africa SC, OC bee? Fenugreek
479 C57ierms rotundas Nutgrass CYPE Tuber Africa SC, OC bee? Fig
480 C>phomandra betacea Tree Tomato SOLA Fruit Neot Fingen Millet
481 Cyrtosperma chamissonis Giant Swamp Taro ARAC Tuber Polynes fly Fique
482 Daelydium spp. Huon Pine PODO Resin,Timb, Asia OC? wind, bee? Fishtail Palm
483 Daeryodes edulis Safou, Eben BURS Fruit W Afr, Fitweed
484 Daemonorops draco Dragon's 'flood PALA.' Resin SE Asia Flax
485 Daniellia spp. Copal, Ogea, Insenso LEG Resin,Timb, Africa Florigraze Peanut
486 Datum metel Hindu Datura SOLA Medicinal S Asia SC, OC? bee Fluted Gourd
487 Datura stramonium Jimson Weed SOLA Medicinal Mexico SC, OC? bee Foxtail Millet
488 Daucus carota Carrot UMBE Vegetable N Amer SC, OC fly, bee, Apis French Lavender
489 Dendrocalam us aspen Bamboo Betoong POA Vegetable SE Asia wind, insect? Fustic-Mulberry
490 Dendrocalamus spp. Dendrocalamus POA Timber S Asia wind, insect? Gala Dinich
491 Dennis elliptica Tuba Root LEG Pesticide Papua OC? bee? Galanga
492 Dennis spp. Loba Root LEG Pesticide SE Asia Galbanum, Kasnih
493 Desmanthus virgatus Desmanthus Virgatus LEG Forage Neot Galo
494 Desmodium barbatum Tick Clover LEG Forage Neot A U?,SC,OC bee Gambier
495 Desmodium discolor Horse Marmalade LEG Forage Neot A U?,SC,OC bee Gamboge
496 Desmodium distortion Desmodium Distortum LEG Forage Neot AU?,SC,OC bee Gamboge Tree
497 Desmodioni gyroides Desosad/uso Gyroides LEG Forage SE Asia AU?,SC,OC bee Garbanzo, Chickpea
498 Desmodium intortion Beggarlice LEG Forage Neot? AU?,SC,OC bee Garcinia Xanthocarpus
499 Desmodium nicaraguense Engorda Caballo LEG Forage Neot A U?,SC,OC bee Garden Angelica
500 Desmodium ovalifoliton Desmodium Ovalifolium LEG Forage Neot A U?,SC,OC bee Garden Cress
501 Desmodium tortuosum Mozoton LEG Forage Neot AU?,SC,OC bee Carden Myrrh
502 Desinadium orientation Silverleaf Desmadium LEG Forage Neot A U?,SC,OC bee Garden Orach
503 DichanthiliM annulatum Diaz Bluestem LEG Forage SE Asia Garden Rhubarb
504 Dichanthium aristatum Angleton Bluestem LEG Forage SE Asia Garden Strawberry
505 Digitalis purpurea Purple Foxglove SCRO Medicinal Medit bee Garland Chrysanthemum
506 Digitaria Hungry-Rice POA Cereal Africa SC, OC bee? Garlic
507 Digitaria iburua Black Fonio POA Cereal Africa SC, OC? bee? Gaucho Rubber
508 Dillenia indica Elephant apple DILL Fruit S Asia Gbanja Kola
509 Dioscorea abyssinica Rikua DIOS Tuber E. Afr OC beetle, fly, bee? Gendarussa vulgans
510 Dioscorea alata Winged Yuso DIOS Tuber S Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Geocaipa
511 Dioscorea bulbifera Airpotato DIOS Tuber SE Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Geranium
512 Dioscorea cayen.sis Yellow Guinea Yam DIOS Tuber Africa OC beetle, fly, luce? Gherkin
513 Dioscorea composita Composite Yam DIOS Medicinal Neot OC beetle, fly, bee? Ghia, Chia
514 Dioscorea convolvulacea Convolvulacca Yam DIOS Tuber Neot OC beetle, fly, bee? Gi-Gi
515 Dioscorea dametoram African Bitter Yam DIOS Tuber Africa OC beetle, fly, bee? Giant Bean, Poroto
516 Dio.scorea esculenta Asiatic Yam DIOS Tuber S Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Giant Filbert
517 Dioscorea floribunda Wild Yam DIOS Medicinal Neot OC beetle, fly, luce? Giant Granadilla
518 Dioscorea hispida Asian Bitter Yam DIOA Tuber S Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Giant Maguey
519 Dioscorea macrostachya Cuculmeca DIOS Vegetable Neot OC beetle, fly, luce? Giant Swamp Taro
520 Dioscorea mexicana Wild Yame DIOS Medicinal Neot OC beetle, fly, bee? Giant Taro
521 Dioscorea nummularia Kenmg DIOS Tuber SE Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Gilo
522 Dioscorea opposita Chinese Yam DIOS Tuber S Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Ginger
523 Dioscorea pentaphylla Buck Yam DIOS Tuber SE Asia OC beetle, fly, luce? Ginko
524 Dioscorea rotundata Eboe Yam, flame blanco DIOS Tuber W Afr, OC beetle, fly, bee? Ginseng
525 Dioscorea trifida Yampi DIOS Tuber Neot OC beetle, fly, luce? Girt Vaso Pea
526 Dicorynia guianensis Basralocus LEG Timber Neot Gissard, Nanac
527 Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii Serendipity-Berry MENI Sweetener Africa Globe Artichoke
528 Diospyros digyna Black Sapote EBEN Fruit,Timb. Neot OC bee, wasp, fly Goat Chili
529 Diospyros ebenaster Barbacoa EBEN Fruit Neot OC bee, wasp, fly Golden Timothy Grass
530 Diospyros kaki Chinese Persimmon EBEN Frui t S Asia OC, PC bee, wasp, fly Golden Wattle
531 Diospyros lotos Date Plum, Kaki EBEN Fruit S Asia OC bee, wasp, fly Gombi Bean
532 Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon EBEN Eruit Neot OC bee, wasp, fly Gow-Kee, Box Thorn
533 Dipterocarpus costatus Gurjun DIPT Resin SE Asia Grain Amaranth
534 Dipterocarpus kerrii Keruing Gondol DIPT Timber SE Asia Grains of Parad/se
535 Dipteryx odorata Cumaru I,EG Spice Neot AU, OC? insect 373 Grapefruit
536 Dipteryx oppositifolia Tonka Bean LEG Spice Neot AU, OC? insect 80 Greater Galanga
537 Distemonanth os benthamiamis Ayan LEG Timber Africa 1047 Green Sapote
538 Doliehos Horsegram LEG Cereal S Asia AU, SC bee, Apis 12 Green Wattle
539 Doryalis hebeempa Ceylon-Goosebeny ELAC Fruit S Asia OC bee? 13 Green Wattle
540 Doryalis spp. Kei Apple FLAC Fruit SE Asia OC bee? 916 Greenheart
541 Dracaena cinnabod Dragon's Blood AGAV R esin Africa 131 Ground Nut
542 Dracaena draeo Dragon's Blood A GAV Resin Africa 596 Grumichana
543 Draeontomelon mangiferum Argue Pheasant-Tree ANAC Fruit SE Asia 714 Guabo Real
544 Drimys winteri Winter's-Bark Sli\GN Medicinal Neot 668 Guaiac
545 Dryobalanops spp. Kapur DIPT 'f imber SE Asia 713 Guamo
546 Duboisia leiehhardtii Corkwood SOLA Medicinal Aust 465 Guiar, Clusterbean
547 Dori° spp. Durians 130518 Fruit SE Asia OC bat, Eon, Pt, Mae 969 Guaranzi
548 Durio sibethinus Durian BOMB Fruit SE Asia OC bat, Eon, Pt, Mac 669 Guarea
549 Dyera costulata Jelutong APOC Elast,Timb. SE Asia 598 Guayabo
550 Echa/lioso elaterium Squirting Cucumber CUCO Medici nal Medit 959 Gua)",ule
551 Ecelinosa balata Coquirana SAPO Elastomer Neot 1320 Guinea Pepper
552 Eliteagnos angustifidia Russian Olive ELAE Timber Asia OC? bee? 588 Gully Gum
553 Elaeagnus philippensis Litigare ELAE Fruit S Asia OC? bee? 24 Gun; Arabic,
554 Elaeis goineensis African Oil Palm PALM Oil Africa OC beetle, Elaeidobius, insect 120 Gum (Matti
555 Elaeis oleifitra American Oil Palm PALM Oil Neot OC beetle, insect 152 Gum Tragaeanth
556 Eleteocurpos dent ales Hinau ELAE Tannin Aust OC? bat, Pteropus 533 Ouija 11
557 Eleocharis adds Chinese Waterchestnut CYPE Tuber S Asia 972 Culta Sundek
558 Elett aria cardamomom Cardamom ZINC Spice S Asia OC bee, Apis, Amegilla 939 Gutta-Percha
559 Eleusine coracana Finger Millet POA Cereal S Asia AU wind, bee 708 Hairy Indigo
560 Ensete ventricosom Ensete PALM Fiber, Veg. Africa 1297 Haity Vetch
561 Eilt androphragma utile Utile MELI Timber Africa 973 Harmala Shrub
562 Enydra fluctuans Buffalo Spinach COMP Vegetable SE Asia 1178 Hausa Potato
563 Ephedra gerardiana Pakistan Ephedra GNET Medici nal Asia 681 Hemigraphia Alternata
564 Ephedra sise/ca Chinese E,phedra GNET Medicinal Asia 755 Henna
565 Era grostis chloromelas Boer Lovegrass POA Erosion Africa 54 Hennequen
566 Eragrostis curvula Weeping Lovegrass POA Forage Africa 426 Himalayan Hazel
567 Eragrostis lehmanniana I,ehmann Lovegrass POA Erosion Africa 556 Hinau
568 Eragrostis Teff POA Cereal Africa AU wind, bee? 486 Hindu Datum
569 Eremocitrus glauca Australian Desert Lime RUTA Fruit Aust 637 Hire Tai
570 Eriobotrya japoniCa Loquat ROSA Fruit S Asia AU, OC bat, Rousettus, bee, Apis 696 Ilirta Grass
571 Eriochloa polystaehya Caribgrass POA Forage Neot 913 Hoary Basil
572 &um yesicaria Roquette CRUC Oil S Asia OC luce, Apis 1184 thig Plum, Lobo
573 Er yn gium foetidum Eitweed UM13E Spice S Asia 914 Holy Basil
574 Erphea salvadorensis Palma PALM Oil Neot 1155 Holy Thistle
575 Erythroxylum coca Coca ERYT Medicinal Neot 642 Honeyloeust
576 Erphroxylum novogratense Colombian Coca ERYT Medicinal Neot 806 Horse Gram
577 Eschwedera odorata Eschweilera Oil orata LECY Nut Neot 495 Horse Marmalade
578 Eseobedia seabrifolia Color Azafrán SCRO Dye S Amer 538 Horsegrain
579 Eucalyptus astringens Mallee MTRT Tannin Aust SC, OC hee 135 Horseradish
580 Eucaliptos canialdulensis Red River Gum MYRT Multiple Aust SC, OC luce 610 Huang T'eng
581 Eucalyptus citriorlora Lomon-Scented Guau MTRT Essence Aust SC, OC bird, bee 860 Huemega
582 &canals eladocaliw Sugar Gum MYRT Multiple Aust SC, OC bee 14 Huisache
583 Eucalnitus dices Broadleaf Peppermint MYRT Essence 0.WId. SC, OC hat, bee? 1294 Hungarian Vetch
584 Eucalyptus globulus 'fasmanian Blue Gum MYRT Essence Aust SC, OC bird, bee 506 Hungry-Rice
585 Eucaliptus macarthorii Camden Wollybut mywr Essence OldWorld SC, OC bird, bat, bee? 482 Huon Pine
586 Eucalyptus radical Narrowleaf Peppermint MYRT Essence Aust SC, OC bird, bat, bee? 1259 Hybrid Clover
587 Euealiptus saligna Sydney Blue Gum MYRT Timber Aust SC, OC luce 700 Hyssop
588 Eucaliptus smithii Gully Gum MYRT Essence Aust SC, OC bat, bee? 597 lba-jayi
589 Eucalyptus spp. Eucalyptus MYRT Timber 0.WId. SC, OC bird, bat, Pteropus, bee 920 Matta
590 Euealiptus sideroxylon Red Iron Bark MYRT Timber 0.WId. SC, OC bird, bee 711 lcecream Bean, Sipo
591 Eucaliptos staigeriana Lemon Iron Bark MYRT Essence Aust SC, OC bat, bee? 1229 Idigho
592 Eucaliptus wandoo Eucalyptus MYRT Tannin 0.WId. SC, OC mt, bee? 114 llama
593 Euehlaena mexicana Teosinte POA Forage Neot 701 Ilex Argentina
594 Eugeissona otitis Kudjatoa PALM Multiple SE Asia 634 hube
595 Eugenia brasiliensis Pitomba MYRT Frui t Neot SC?, OC bee 1186 Imbu
596 Eugenia dombgyi Grumichana mywr Frui t Neel SC?, OC luce 83 Inca-Wheat
597 Eugenia myreianthes MYRT Fruit Neot SC?, OC bee 612 India Rubber Fig
598 Eugenia pungens Guayalio MYRT Fruit Neot SC?, OC bee 41 Indian Bael
599 Eugenia tomentosa Cabreludinha MYRT Fruit Neot SC?, OC luce 161 Indian Belladonna
600 Eugenia un//loro Surinam-Cherry MYRT Fruit Neot SC?, OC bee 1032 Indian Borage
601 Euphorbia antisiphilitica Candelilla EUPH Wax Neot 1283 Indian Copal
602 Euterpe edulis Palmheart, Palmito PALM Vegetable Neot SC, OC? fly, beetle? 1329 Indian Jujube
603 Euterpe olaracea Gissard, Nanac PALM Vegetable Neot SC, OC? Ily, beetle? 302 Indian Laburnum
604 h _'agopyrion eSCIden111711 Buckwheat POLG Cereal S Asia OC bee, Apis 737 Indian Lettuce
605 Fagopyrum (Noricum Tartary Buckwheat POLG Cereal S Asia OC bee, Allis 1020 Indian Long l'epper
606 Feronia le/nonio Indian Wood-Apple RUTA Fruit S Asia 1109 Indian Madder
607 Ferola assa7foetida Asafetida Gum MBE Resin W Asia 868 Indian Mulberry
608 Ferulo gommosa Galhanum, Kasnih UMBE Resin W Asia 199 Indian Silk Cotton
609 &Melia cerdo/olio CUCU Oil Neot 360 Indian Squash Melon
610 Fibraurea linctoria Huang Teng MENI Medicinal SE Asia 850 Indian Sweetclover
611 Fleas carica Common Fig MORA Fruit SE Asia PC, OC wasp, 131a, Cera 606 Indian Wood-Apple
612 &cos elastic° India Rubber Fig MORA Resin SE Asia OC wasp, 131a, Cera 355 Indian-Bark
613 Rices roxburghii Fig MORA Fruit Neot PC, OC wasp, Bla, Cera 716 mula
614 Maus vogelii Vogel Fig MORA Resin Africa OC wasp, Bla, Cera 237 Ipecac
615 Rimbristylis globulosa Tikus CY PE Fiber S Asia 316 Ipecac
616 Flacourtia catophracm Runeala Plum FLAC Fruit SE Asia OC? bee 55 Istle
617 Placourtia rokant Rukam FLA C Fruit S Asia OC? bee 1321 halm, Izote
618 Flemingia vestal Soh-phlong LEG Tuber S Asia 1006 Ivory-Nut Palm
619 Foeniculum vagare Fennel UMBE Spice S Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 386 Ivy Gourd, Kundiri
620 Fortonella spp. Kumquat RUTA Fruit S Asia AG, OC bee 1009 ,Taborandi
621 Fragaria chiloensis Chulean Strawberty ROSA Fruit Neot AU, OC luce, fly 882 Jahoticaba
622 Fragaria yesca European Strawberry ROSA Fruit Europe AU, OC bee, fly 264 fackbean, Frijol Burro
623 Fragaria virginiana Virginia Strawbeny ROSA Fruit Nearc AU, OC bee, fly 143 Jaeltfruit
No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Use Origin Breed. Sys. Pollinators No. Common Name
624 Fragaria X ananassa Garden Strawberry ROSA Fruit Near(' AU, OC bee, fly 1097 Jacomico
625 Funtumia elastica Lagos Silk-Rubber APOC Elastomer Africa 725 Jagua
626 Furcraea andina Chitchat, AGAV Fiber Neot 720 Jalap
627 Furcraea cabuya Cabuya, Pia Hula AGAV Fiber Neot 865 Jamaica Nutmeg
628 Farcraea gigantea Mauritius Hemp AGAV Fiber Neot 1210 Jambolan
629 Furcraea humboldtiana Cocuiza AGAV Filien Neot 1208 Jambu Ayer
630 Furcraea macrophylla Pique AGAV Fiber Neot 1246 Japan Tallow
631 Furcraea quicheensis Cabuya AG AV Fiber Neot 1103 Japan WaX
632 Garcinia dukis GUTT Emit SE Asia AG, OC? 768 Japanese Lespedeza
633 Garcinia lateriflora Karl is GUTT Fruit SE Asia AG, OC? 1064 Japanese Plum
634 Garcinia livingstonei Imbe GUTT Beverage Africa AG, OC? 689 Japanese Raisin Tree
635 Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen GUTT Fruit SE Asia AG, OC? 697 Jaragua Grass
636 Garcinia morella Gamboge GUTT Resin SE Asia AG, OC? 722 Jasmine
637 Garcinia multilIora H i re Ta/ GUTT Fruit SE Asia AG, OC? 257 JaVil Almond
638 Garcinia tinctoria Gamboge Tree GUTT Fruit SE Asia AG, OC? 1213 JaVil Apple
639 Garcinia ranthocarpas Gareinia Xanthoearpus GUTT Fruit SE Asia AG, OC? 1092 Java Devil Pepper
640 Gendarussa vulgaris Gendarussa vulgans ACAN Medicinal S Asia 258 Java-Almoncl
641 Ginko hilaba Ginko GINK Nut E Asia 1023 Javanese Long Pepper
642 Gleditsia tricanthos Honeylocust LEG Multiple Neare OC bee 5,19 Jelutong
643 Glieta usitata Burmese Lacquer ANAC Resin SE Asia 678 Jerusalem-Artichoke
614. Glycine max Soybean LEG Oil S Asia AU, -OC bee 1254. Jesuit Nut, Four Horns
615 Glycine wightii Perennial Soybean LEG Forage S Asia AU, -OC? bee 60 Jeungjing
646 GlygTrhiza glaka Common Licorice LEG Multiple Medit 938 Jicarna
617 Glynyrrhiza kpidota American Lieorice LEG Spice N Amer 418 Jicib Bean, Ye-eb
618 Ginalina arborea Yeinane VERB Timber S Asia SU, OC? bee? 487 Jimson Weed
649 Gmelina leiehhardtii White Beech VERB Timber Aust SC, OC? bee? 398 Job's Tears
650 Gnetum gnemon Emping Great Fruit GNET Nut S Asia 1157 Jojoba
651 Gonysiyhts butternuts Ramin THYM Timber SE Asia 1192 Kaa He'e
652 Gossweiferodendron balsam Agba LEG Timber Africa 703 Kaa-Chiri
653 Goss)pium anomalan? Wild Cotton MALY Fiber Africa AU, OC bee 123 Kadam
654 Gossypium arboreum Tree Cotton MALY Fiber S Asia AH, OC bee 594 Kadjatoa
655 Gossypium barbadense Sea Island Cotton MAIM Fiber Neot AU, OC luce 1034 Kafir Potato, Dazo
656 Goss)pium herbaceum Levant Cotton MALV Fiber Africa AU, OC bec 679 Kannaj
657 Gossypium hirsutum Upland Cotton MALV Fiber Neot AU, OC luce 1167 Kangaroo Apple
658 Gossypium klotzchianum Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC bee 311 Kapok
659 Gos.sypium raimondii Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC luce 42 Kapok Bush
660 Gossypittin robinsonii Cotton MALY Fiber Aust OC I)e, bird
eAU, 176 Kapoondong
661 Gossypium somalense Cotton MALV Eiber Africa AU, OC bee 545 Kapur
662 Gossypium stocksii Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC bee 285 KarAnda
663 Goss)pitan thurberi Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC luce 1191 Karaya Gum
664 Goss ypium trilobum Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC bee 633 Kariis
665 Gossypian? Tinfoil= Cotton MALY Fiber Neot AU, OC bee 1189 Kataya Gum
666 Grevillea robusta Silky Oak PRO'!' Timber SE Asia OC? I tempus
'hat, 1190 Kataya Gum
667 Grewia asiatica Phalsa TILl Beverage S Asia AU, OC bee, bird, butterfly 1128 Katuk
668 Gurrjacum officinale Guaiac ZYGO Resin,Mult. Neot 1021 Kava
669 Guarea eedrata Guarea MEL1 Timber Africa 803 Kawakawa
670 Guibourtia demeasii Copal Noir LEG Resin W Afr 1183 Kedondong
671 Guizotia abyssinica Nigei-Seed COMP Oil Afiica SC, OC bee, Apis 735 Kempas
672 Gustavia superba Membrillo LECY Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Xylocopa, Melipona 685 Kenaf
673 Gynandropsis gynandra Ah/casi Spiderflower CAPP Vegetable Africa 263 Kenai Nut
674 Haematoxylon campechianum Logwood LEG Dye Neot SC, OC? bee 534 Kerning Gondol
675 Hedysaram earmark??? Spanish Sainfoin LEG Forage Medit OC, SC luce. Apis 521 Kerung
676 Helianthus annuus Sunflower COMP Oil Neot SC, OC bee, Ap, Mel, fly 308 Khat
677 Helianthus annuas X tuberosas Sunchoke (311) COMP Multiple Neot SC, OC bee, Ap, Mel, fly 125 Kidney-Vetch
678 Helianthus tuberosas Jerusalem-Artichoke COMP Tuber Neot SC, OC luce, Ap, Mel, fly 979 Kikuyu Grass
679 Helminthostachys zeflanica Kaniraj POLY P Vegetable SE Asia 699 Kindi, Benefing
680 Hemarthria altissima Limpo Grasa POA Forage Af-As 1285 Kinka Oil lronweed
681 Hemigraphia alternata Hemigraphia Alienista ACAN Medicinal SE Asia 971 Kiri
682 Heritiera spy. Mengkulang sTER Timber SE Asia 743 Kirk's Gum Vine
683 Herea benthamiana Rubber EUPH Elastomer Neot SC, OC fly,Cul,StiLthrip,Franklin 540 Kitembilla, Kei Apple
684 Hevea spp. Para Rubber EUP11 Elastomer Neot SC, OC Erankliniella, etc. 38 Kiwifruit
685 Hibiscus cannabinus Kenaf MALV Fiber Africa SC, OC 225 Kohlrabi
686 Hibiscus sabdarilin Rosella MAIM Bes., Fiber Africa AU, OC? insect? 61 Kokko
687 Hordeum balbosum Barley l'OA Cereal W Asia AU wind, luce? 46 Korarima Cardamom
688 Houttaynia cordata Tsi SAUR Vegetable SE Asia 767 Korean Lespedeza
689 Horenia dalcis jo pusiese Raisin Tree H AM Fruit S Asia 1080 Kudzu
690 Hydnocarpits anthelm ica Lukrabao ELAC Medicinal SE Asia 1081 Kudzu Vine
691 Hydnocarpus kurzii Chaulmoogra FLAG Medicinal SE Asia 931 Kumis Kuching
692 Hylocereus ocamponis Pitaya ruja CACT Fruit Neot 620 Kumquat
693 Hymenaea courbaril Alga/nub° LEG Resin Neot 205 Kundang
694 Hyoscyamus milieus Egyptian Henbane SOLA Medicinal N Afr 818 lIte/usi
695 Hyoscyanias niger Black Henbane SOLA Medicinal N Afr 357 Labdanum
696 Hy,oarrhenia hirta Ilirta Grass POA Erosion Af-As 736 Ltdilab
697 Hrparrhenia rufa Jaragua Grass POA Forage Af-As 1135 Lac-tree
698 fbnhaene thebaica D11111 Pulso PALM Vegetable Africa 625 Lagos Silk-Rubber
699 Hpnis spicigera Kindi, Benefing LABI Oil Africa SC, OC luce, wasp, bird? 904 Lajalu
700 Hyssopus nfficinalis Hyssop LABI Spice Eur-As 440 I.anceleaf Crotalaria
701 Ilex argentina Ilex Argentina AQUI Timber Neot OC 742 Landolphia Rubber
702 Ilex brevicuspis Yerba Mate Mimic AQUI Beverage Neot 745 Langsat, Duku
703 Ilex rhanosa Esa-Chiri AQUI Beverage Neot OC 1272 Lapulla
704 Ilex guayusa Yerba Mate Mimic AQUI Beverage Neot OC 94 Large Cardamom
705 Hex paraguariensis Yerba Mate AQUI Beverage S Amer OC 748 Lathyrus Pubescens
706 Hlicium veram Star-Anise Tree MAGN Essence S Asia 419 Laurel, Frejo
707 Indigakra arrecta Natal Indigo LEG Dye Africa OC bee 752 Lavandin
708 halignkra hirsuta Hairy Indigo LEG Dye S Asia OC insect 101 Leafless Anabasis
709 haligalent spicata Spicata Indigo LEG Dye Africa OC luce? 69 Leek
710 Indinfera tinctoria Common Indigo LEG Dye Africa OC luce, Apis 567 Lehmann lovegrass
711 ¡siga edulis Icecream Bean, Sipo I,EG Fruit Neot SC, OC i used, bi rd 370 Lemon
712 Ingaokuillei Pakay LEG Fruit Neot SC, OC i used, bi rd 371 I.emon
713 Inga nobilis Guamo I,EG Fruit Neot SC, OC insect, bird Lemon Iron Bark
714 Inga spectabilis Guabo Real LEG Fruit Neot SC, OC insect, bird Lempoyang
715 Intsia palembanica Merbau LEG Timber SE Asia Lentil
716 Ioula helenium Inula COMP Essence \V Asia Lesser Galanga
717 Ipomoea (Jamaica Water Spinach CON \' Vegetable Pan-tro. OC bee, Melitoma, Ancylo. Lettuce
718 Ipomoea batatas Sweet Potato CON \' 'haber Neot OC bee, Melitoma, Aneylo. Leucaena Diversifolia
719 Iponwea hispida Chlabato CONV Vegetable Neot OC bee, Melitoma, Amyl°. Leucaena Esculenta
720 Ipontoca purga Jalap CONV Medicinal Neot OC bee, Melitoma, Ancylo. Leucaena Glauca
721 Iris pallida Oris Root 1RID Essence Medit Leucaena Leucocephala
722 Jasminum officinale Jasmine OLEA Essence Asia Leucaena Macrophylla
723 Jatropha cureas Physic Nut EUPH Oil Neot Leucaena-Salvadorian
724 Jessenia batalla Patauá PALM Oil Neot Levant Cotton
725 Jessenia polycarpa Jagua PALM Oil Neot Levant Storax
726 Jessenia repanda Aricauguá PALM Oil Neot Lima Bean
727 fabrica chilensis Wine Palm PALM Beverage S Amer Lime
728 Juglans neotropica Ecuador Walnut JUGL Nut S Amer Limeberry
729 Juglans regia Persian Walnut JUGL Nut W Asia Limpo Grass
730 JWICUS maritimus Sea Rush JUNC Erosion Neot Linaloe Oil
731 Justicia insularis Tettu ACAN Vegetable W Afr Ling, 'liso Horns
732 Kaempferia galanga Galanga ZING Spice S Asia Lingaro
733 Kerstingiella geocarpa Geocaipa LEG Vegetable Africa Litchi
734 Khayt ivorensis African Mahogany MELI Timber Africa Little Millet
735 Koompassia malaccensis Kempas LEG Timber SE Asia Logwood
736 Lablab purintreus Lablab LEG Vegetable S Asia Lomon-Scented Gum
737 Lactuca indica Indian Lettuce COMP Vegetable SE Asia AU, OC insect Longan
738 Lactuca sativa Lettuce COMP Vegetable Medit AU, OC insect Loofah
739 Lactuca vi rosa Bitter Lettuce COMP Medicinal Medit AU, OC insect Loquat
740 Lagenaria siceraria Bottle Gourd CUCU Vegetable Af, As OC bat, moth, bee Lotonaris
741 Lallemantia iberica Dragon's Head APOC Oil, Veg. Asia Lotong
742 Landolphia heudelotii Landolphia Rubber APOC Elastomer Africa Luba Root
743 Landolphia kirkii Kirk's Gum Vine APOC Elastomer Africa Lucuma
744 Landolphia owariensis African Gum Vine APOC Elastomer Africa Lukrabao
745 Lansiant domesticum Langsat, Duku MELI Fruit SE Asia Ma-ha-,va-soo
746 Lathyrus hirstaus Rough Pea LEG Forage W Asia AU Macadamia
747 Lathyras latifolias Bite!' Pea LEG Cereal Neot Madagascar Cardamom
748 Lathyrus pubescens Lathyrus Pubescens LEG Forage Neot Mafai
749 Launaea taaraxacifolia Wild Lettuce COMP Vegetable W Afr Maguey, Sisal
750 Laurus nobilis Street Bay LAUR Spice Medit Mahogany, Caoba
751 Lavandula angustifolia Common Lavender LABI Essence Medit OC, SC bee, Bombus, Apis Mahua
752 Lavandula hybrid° Lavandin LABI Essence Medit OC, SC bee, Bombus, Apis Makimbeira
753 Lavandula Broad-Leaved Lavender LABI Essence Medit OC, SC bee, Bombus, Apis Malabar Gourd
754 Lavandula stoechas French Lavender LABI Essence Medit OC, SC bee, Bombus, Apis Malabar Nut
755 Lawsonia inermis Henna LYTH Dye, Orna. W Asia Malabar Spinach
756 Lecythis elliptica Monkey l'ot, Sapucaja LECY `Nut' Neot OC bee, eulgossine, Bo, Xy Mallee
757 Lecythis minor Sapucaja LECY 'Nut' Neot OC bee, eulgossine, Bo, Xy Mamey
758 Lecythis allana Monkey-Pot LECY Timber Neot OC bee, eulgossine, Bo, Xy Mamey Sapote
759 Lens culinaris Len til LEG Cereal Medit AU, OC insect, bee Mandarin
760 Leopoldinia piassaba Piassaba Palm PALM Fiber S Amer Mango
761 Lepidium mayennii Chijura CRUC Tuber Neot Mango
762 Lepidium sativam Garden Cress CRUC Vegetable Europe Mango
763 Leptospermum flavescens Yellow Tea Tree MYRT Essence Aust Mango
764 Leptospermum laeltigatum Australian Tea-Tree MYRT Erosion Aust SC, OC bee Mango Ginger
765 Leptospermum scopariam Manuka MYRT Essence Aust SC, OC bee Mangosteen
766 Lespedeza cuneata Sericea Lespedeza LEG Forage Asia AU, OC bee Mangrove
767 Lespedeza stipttlacea Korean Lespedeza LEG Erision Asia AU, OC bee Manicoba
768 Lespedeza striata Japanese Lespedeza LEG Forage Asia AU, OC bee Manicoba Rubber, Jequie
769 Leucaena diversifolia Leucaena Diversifolia LEG Timber Neot SC, OC? bee Manila Copal
770 Leucaena escalenta Leueaena Eseulenta LEG Fruit,Timb. Neot SC, OC? bee Manilkara achuras
771 Leucaena glauca Leueaena-Salvadorian LEG Timber Neot SC, OC? bee Manuka
772 Leucaena glauca Leucaena Glauca LEG Forage Neot SC, OC? bee Maracujá
773 Leucaena leucocephda Leucaena Leucocephala LEG Forage Neot SC, OC? bee Mamma Bean, Tsi Bean
774 Leucaena macrophPla Leucocito Macrophylla LEG Timber Neot SC, OC? bee Maripa
775 Licania rigida Oiticica Oil CHRY Oil Neot Maritime Wormwood
776 LiMIM usitatissimum Flax LINA Filter S Asia AU, OC thrip, bee, Apis Marking-Nut Tree
777 Lippia Micromera Spanish Thyme VERB Spice Neot Marrow
778 Liquidambar orientalis Levant Storax HAMA Resin SW Asia Marrow
779 Litsea cubeba May Chang Oil LAUR Essence S Asia Massaranduba
780 Lodoicea maldiuica Double Coconut PALM Medicinal Seyche Massoia
781 _onc.locarpas
I nicou Timb6 LEG Pesticide Neot Mata Kuching
782 Lonchocarpus urucu Urucu Timbo LEG Pesticide Neot Mauka
783 Lonchocarpus twills Barbasco LEG Pesticide Neot Mauritius Hemp
784 Lophira alata Ekki, Rho OCHN Timber Africa May Chang Oil
785 Lotonaris bainesii Lotonaris LEG Forage W Asia SC, OC? bee, Megachile Mbocayii
786 Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot Trefoil LEG Erosion W Asia SC, OC? bee, Os, Meg, Xy, Anth Mecca Myrrh
787 Lotus tenuis Narrowleaf Trefoil LEG Forage W Asia SC, OC Melegueta-Pepper
788 Lotus idiginosus Big Trefoil LEG Forage Europe SC, OC bee, Boinbus Membrillo
789 Luffa acutazigula Angled Luffa CUCU Fruit S Asia SC, OC moth, bee, Trigona, Apis Mengkulang
790 Luffa cylindrica Smooth Loofah CUCU Multiple Africa OC bee, Xy, Ap, Trig Menteng
791 Luffa operculata Loofah CUCU Multiple Neot OC bee, Xy, Ap, Trig Merbau
792 Lupinus albas White Lupine LEG Forage Africa AU, OC luce Mersawa
793 Lupinus angustifolius Blue Lupine LEG Forage Europe AU, OC bee Mesquite
794 Lupinus latetw Yell OW Lupine LEG Forage Europe AU, OC bee Mexican Apple
795 Lupinus mutabilis Tarwi LEG Oil Neot SC, OC bee Mexican Husk Tomato
796 Lupituts ternas White Lupine LEG Forage Europe AU, OC bee Mijao
797 Lydian chinense Gow-Kee, Box Thorn SOLA Vegetable S Asia Millet
798 Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato, Tomatle SOLA Fruit Neot AU,PC,OC bee, Bombas, Exornalopsis Mirabel, Solio
799 L. pimpinellifoliam Currant Tomato SOLA Fruit Neot AU, OC bee, Bombus, Exomalopsis Miracle-Fruit
800 Lygeum spartum Esparto POA Fiber Africa Molasses Grass
801 Macadamia integrifolia. Macadamia pRoT Nut Aust SC, OC bee, Trig, Ap, beetle, wasp Monkey Jack
No. Scientific Name C0111711011 Natne T'ami!). Use Origin Breed. Sys. Pollinators No. Comino!! Nanie
802 Macadamia tetraphylla Rough-Shell Macadamia PROT Nut Aust SC, OC bee, Trig, Ap, beetle, wasp 756 Monkey Pot, Sapucaja
803 Macropiper excelsam Kawakawa PIPE Essence Aust 758 Monkey-Pot
804 Macrooloma atropurparea Siratro LEG Forage A frica A U? 867 Mora
805 Macrotyloma geocarparn Bindi, Kandela LEG Vegetable A frica A U? 145 Morang
806 Macrotyloma anillar-tan Horse Gram LEG Vegetable S ASia AU? 836 Moriche
807 Madhuca longifolia Mahua SAPO Oil S Asia 1136 Monda
808 Madia sativa Oil-madi COMP Oil S Amer 1298 Moth Bean
809 Maesopsis eminii Musizi RHAM Tirnber A frica 281 Mountain Papaya
810 Malachra capitata Bhanbhendi MALV Fiber S Asia 1319 Mountain 1111111
811 Malpighia punicifolia Acerola MALP Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Centris 1255 Mozinda
812 Malus putada Apple ROSA Fruit Medit AG, SC, OC luce, Apis 501 Mozoton
813 Malus sflvestris Apple ROSA Fruit Medit AG, SC, OC bee, Apio 64 Mu-Oil-Tree
814 Mammea americana Mamey Gurr Fruit Neot OC? bee, bat? 141 Mugwort
815 illangikra caesia Mango ANAC Fruit S Asia OC, SC fly 212 Muhuhu Oil
816 Illangikra j'oetida Mango ANAC Fruit S Asia OC, SC fly 8 Mulga
817 Mangillma indica Mango ANAC Fruit S Asia AG, OC fly, lace, bat Ptetopus 1303 Mung Bean
818 Mangi fera odorata Kwini ANAC Fruit SE Asia AU, OC fly 155 Murmuru Palm
8] 9 Maneen( zeylanica Mango ANAC Fruit S Asia AU, OC fly 1314 Muscadine Grape
820 Manicaria sacci fera Sleeve Palm PA LM Oil Neot 809 Musizi
821 Mandan' dichotoma Manicoba Rubber, Jequie EUPH Resin Neot OC bee 3 Musk Okra
822 Mundial' esculenta Cassava, Yuca EUPH Energy Neot OC bee 1325 Myoga, Japanese Ginger
823 Manihat Manicoba EUPH Elastomer Neot OC bee 881 Myoporum
824 Manilla( spp. Cassava EUPH Multiple Neot OC bee 1228 Myrobalans
825 Manilkara achras Manilkara achras SAPO Fruir Neot SC, OC bee 892 Myrde
826 /fan ilkara bidentata Balata SAPO Elastomer Neot SC, OC bee 236 Nnnce, Murici
827 Manilkara chicle Chicozapote SAPO Elastotner Neot SC, OC bee 282 Naracatia
828 Alanilkara elata Massaranduba SAPO Elastorner Neot SC, OC bee 1173 Naranjilla, Lulo
829 Manilkara inundan( True Balata SAPO Elastomer Neot SC, OC lace 1095 Naranjito
830 Manilkara zapata Chicle, Níspero SAPO Elastomer Neot SC, OC bee 28 Raras
831 Maranta arundinacea Arrowroot, Aru-Aru MARA Starch Neot OC bee 472 Nardus Grass
832 Marjorana hortensia Sweet Marjoram LABI Spice icleclil 27 Narran
833 Marjorana onites Pot Majoram LABI Spice Medi t 586 Narrowleaf Peppermint
834 Matisia cordato Chupa-Chupa OMB Frti t Neo t 787 Narrowleaf Trefoil
835 Matricaria chamomilla Wild Chamomile COMP Essence Asia 707 Natal Indigo
836 Maaritia vinifera Moriche PALM Misc. Neot 288 Natal-Palm
837 Maximiliana mar/pa Marina PALM Oil Neot SC, OC? bee 1168 Native Eggplant
838 Maximiliana regia Cocorita Pahn, Jagua. PALM Oil Neot SC, OC? bee 121 Neem
839 Medicago arabica Spotted 13111T Medic LEG Erosion W Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 96 Nepal Cardamom
840 Medicago fa/cato Sickle Medic LEG Forage W Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 999 New Zealand Flax
841 Medicago lupulina Black Medic LEG Forage W Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 1232 New Zealand Spinach
842 Medicago orbicalaris Button Medic LEG Forage W Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 847 Niaouli Oil
843 Medicago sativa Alfalfa LEG Forage W Asia AU, OC bee, Nornia, Megachile 671 Niger-Seed
844 Medicago scutellata Snail Medic LEG Forage W Asia AU, OC bee, Apis 1200 Nigerian Lucerne
845 Melaleuca alternifolia Tea Tree MYRT Essenc e A ust OC? bat, Pteropus 175 Nim Tree
846 Melaleuca cajapati Cajeput, Gelam MYRT Medicinal SE Asia OC? bat, Pteropus 910 Nipa Pahn
847 Melaleuca viridiflora Niaouli Oil MYRT Essence Oceania OC? bat, Pteropus 187 Nua
848 Melicocca bijuga Spanish Lime, Mamon SAPI Fru i t Neot 479 Nutgrass
849 Melilotus alba White Sweetcloyer LEG Forage Europe SC, OC bee, Bombus,Anthidium,Meg 887 Nutmeg
850 Me/ilotas indica Indian Sweetclover LEG Forage Eur-As SC, OC bee, Apis, Bombus 1268 Obeche
851 Me/mis minatiflora Molasses Grass POA Pest icide Neot 934. Oca
852 Melissa officinalis Sweet Bahn LABI Essence Medit 915 Ocotea, Sassafras Oil
853 Mentha arvensis Corn Mint LABI Essence Medi t 921 Oenocarpus Mapora
854 Manilla cardiaca Scotch Spearmint LABI Essence Medit SC? fly, bee? 982 Oil-Bean 'free
855 Mentha pulegium European Pennyroyal LABI Essence Medi t SC? fly, bee? 808 Oil-madi
856 Mentha spicata Spearmint LABI Essence N'edil SC?, OC fly, lace, Apis 775 Oiticiea Oil
857 Almilla X gentilis Scotch Spearmint LABI Essence Medit SC? fly, bee? 468 Okan
858 Mentha X piperita Peppermint LABI Essence Medit SC? fly, bee 165 Okomné, Gaboon
859 Aletroxylon spp. Sago Palm PALM Starch, Fib. SE Asia OC beetle, bee, Apis, Trigona 1 Okra
860 Micrandra mimar Huemega EUPH Resin Neot 923 Olive
861 Microcitrus spp. Australian Wild Limes RUTA Fruit Aust 354 Oliver's Bark
862 Mirabilis expansa Mauka NYCT Tuber Neot 70 Onion
863 Momordica balsamina Balsam-Apple CUCO Fruit S Asia OC, PC hace, beetle 894 Opepe
864 Momordica charantia Balsam-Pear CUCO Vegetable S Asia OC, PC luce, beetle 953 Opium PopPY
865 Afanadora nofistica Jamaica Nutmeg ANNO Spice W Afr 409 Opopanax Gum
866 Monopteriix noca Uaku LEG Oil Neot 11 Orange Wattle
867 Mora excelsa Mora LEG Timber Neot 929 °regarlo
868 Morinda eitrifolia Indian Mulberry RUBI Dye SE Asia 298 Orinoco Nut, Cacay
869 Moringa oleifera Benoil Tree, Murungai LEG Oil, Mult, S Asia 721 Oris Root
870 Moras alba White Mulberry MORA Multiple S Asia PC? 338 Otaheite Gooseberry
871 Moras australis Chinese Mulberry MORA Fruit S Asia PC 1000 Otaheite Gooseberry
872 Moras nigra Black Mulberry MORA Fruit S Asia PC? 1194 Ouabain
873 Macana deeringiana Velvetbean LEG Forage SE Asia OC? bat, Pteropus, Nan, llega 1130 Ouricomy
874 Macana pruriens Bengal Bean LEG Forage SE Asia OC? bat, Pteropus, Nan, Alega 402 Owe Kola
875 Muera ya koenigii Curry-Leaf-Tree RuTA Multiple S Asia 1223 Oyster Nut
876 Masa acuminata Dwarf Banana MUSA Fruit SE Asia PC, OC bat, Cynopterus, Mac. 1096 Pacuri
877 Musa balbisiana Banana MUSA Fruit SE Asia PC, OC bat, bird 350 Padang-Cassia
878 Musa fehi Banana MUSA Fruit Ocea PC, OC bat, bird 712 Pakay
879 Musa textilis Abaca MUSA Fiber SE Asia PC, OC bat, bird 563 Pakistan Ephedra
880 Musanga cecropioides Umbrella Tree CERC Timber Africa 574 Palma
881 Myoporam acuminatum Myoporum M Y PO Erosion Aust 1122 Palma Ixtle
882 Myrciaria can//flora Jaboticaba mywr Fruit Neot lace, Meliponinae? 322 Palmheart, Palmito
883 Myrciaria Camu-Camu NIYRT Fruit Neot bee, Melipona, Scaptotrigona 602 Pahnheart, Palmito
884 Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle, Bayberry MYRT \N'ay Neot 922 Palmito
885 Myristica argentea Papuan Nutmeg YRT Spice Papua OC moth, fly?, beetle? 200 Palmyra Palm
886 Myristica caroliniensis Bayberry MYRI Wax Neot OC moth, fly?, beetle? 290 Panama Hat Palm
887 Myristica fragrans Nutmeg MYRI Spice SE Asia OC moth, fly?, beetle? 279 Papaya
888 Myrocarpcmfrondosas Cabreuva Oil LEG Essence Neot 231 Paper Mulbeny
889 Myroxylon balsamum Tolu Balsam I,EG Resin Neot 885 Papuan Nutmeg
890 Myroxylon bipereirae Pem Balsam I,EG Resin Neot 478 Papyrus
891 illyrrhis odorata Garden Myrrh UMBE Multiple Asia 1181 Para Cress
892 Myrius communis Myrtle MYRT Spice Medit 210 Pard Grass
893 Nasturtium allicinale Watercress CRUC Vegetable Europe 684 Para Rubber
894 Naucka diderichii Opepe RUBI Timber Africa 32 Paraguay Palm, Macaya
895 Nehunbo nucifera Sacred Lotus NYMP Tither S Asia 958 Parmentiera Edulis
896 Neoglaziovia variegata Makimbeira BROM Filien Neot 1270 Paroquet Bur
897 Nephelium cuspidatum/petalum Lotong SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC? bee, 'Friona, Uy, wasp? 968 Parsnip
898 Nephelium lappaceum Rambutan SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC buce, Trigona, fly, wasp 963 Passion Fruit
899 Nephelium litchi Litchi SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC hice, Apis, Trigona, fly, wasp 724 Patauá
900 Nephelium longana Longan SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC bee, Apis, Trigona, fly, wasp 1035 Patchouli
901 Nephelium longana/melasianus Mata Kuching SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC luce, Apis, Trigona, fly, wasp 148 Pawpaw
902 Nephelium mutable Pulasan SAPI Fruit SE Asia SC, OC bee, Apis, Trigona, fly, wasp 1028 Pea
903 Nephelium rambutamake Pulasan SAPI Fruit SE Asia luce, Apis, Trigona, fly, wasp 1063 Peach
904 Nejitimia oleracea Lajaht LEG Vegetable SE Asia 180 Peach Palm, Pejibaye
905 Nicotania rustica Peruvian Tobacco SOLA Multiple Neot AU, OC bee, bird? 130 Peanut, Manf
906 Nicomnia suavolens Australian Tobacco SOLA Multiple Aust AU, OC? bee, bird? 1084 Pear
907 Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco SOLA Multiple Neot AU, OC bee, bird 1085 Pear
908 Nigella sativa Black Cumin RANU Spice \V Asia 1087 Pear
909 Napa/ea cochenillifera Cochineal Cactus CACT Dye, Fruit Neot 980 Pearl Millet
910 Nypa fruticans Nipa Palm PALM AFultiple SE Asia OC fly 293 Pecan
911 Och roma pyTamidale Balsa BOMB Timber Neot OC bat, Eonyeteris 983 Pentadesma Butyraceae
912 (kiln II basilicum Basil LABI Essence S Asia SC, OC bee, Apis 1170 Pepino Dulce
913 OCi111 11kilimandscharicum Homy Basil LAB1 Medicinal Africa SC?, OC bee, Apis 1016 Pepper
914 Ocimum sanctum Holy Basil LABI Med., Spice S Asia SC?, OC bee, Apis 1017 Pepper
915 Ocotea pretiosa Ocotea, Sassafras Oil LAUR Essence Neot 1018 Pepper
916 Ocotea rodiaei Greenheart LEG Timber Neot 1019 Pepper
917 Octomeles sumatrana Binuang DATI Timber SE Asia 1022 Pepper
918 Oenanthe javanica Water Dropwort UMBE Vegetable SE Asia 1133 Pepper Tree
919 Oenocarpus bacaba Bacaba PALM Oil Neot 858 Peppermint
920 Oenocarpus distichus Icaua PALM Oil Neot 297 Pequiti
921 Oenocarpus nutpora Oenocarpus Mapora PALM Oil Neot 985 Perejil
922 Oenocarpus Minor Palmito PA LM Vegetable Neot 4 Perennial Indian Hemp
923 Olen europaea Olive OLEA Oil Medit AG, OC wind, bee, Apis 615 Perennial Soybean
924 Onobrychis viciar/olio Sainfoin I,EG Forage Media OC bee, Bombus, Apis 986 Perilla
925 Opuntia ficus-indica Prickly Pear CACT Fruit Neot AG?, OC bee 309 Periwinkle
926 Orbignya cohune Cohune Nut Palm PALM Oil Neot 1263 Persian Clover
927 Orbignya martiana Babassu PA 1,M Oil Neot 333 Persian Insect-Flower
928 Orbignya ole//era Babassu PALM Oil Neot 729 Persian Walnut
929 Origanum migare Oregano LABI Spice Medit 890 Peru Balsam
930 Ornithopus sativas Serradella LEG Forage Medit 137 Permian Canot
931 Orthosiphon in/Status Kumis Kuching LABI SE Asia Af-As 1134. Peruvian Mastic
932 Oryza glaberri77Ia African Rice POA Cereal Africa AU, OC wind, bee 905 Peruvian Tobacco
933 Oryza sativa Rice POA Cereal S Asia AU, OC wind, bee ? 450 Peten Gourd
934 Oxalis tuberosa Oca OXAL Tuber Neot 667 Phalsa
935 Pachira aquatica Chestnut of America BOMB Seed Neot OC? bat, moth 1002 Phyllanthus Pulcher
936 Pachyrhizas ahipa Ahipa I,EG Tuber Neot SC, OC? bee? 723 Physic Nut
937 Pachyrhizus crasas Yam Bean LEG Tuber Neot SC, OC? bee? 760 Piassaba Palm
938 Pachyrhizus tuberosas Jicama LEG Tuber, Ins. Neot SC, OC? luce? 243 Pigeonpea
939 Palaquitun gutta Gutta-Percha SAPO Elastomer SE Asia 324 Pigweed
940 Palaquium oxleyanum Milan Dammar Darat SAPO Elastomer SE Asia 259 Pili Nut
941 Panax ginseng Ginseng ARAI, Medicinal E Asia AU, SC luce 260 Pili Nut
942 Pandanus andamanensium Screw-Pine PAND Fruit SE Asia OC wind, insect? 261 Pili Nut
943 Pandanus candelabro in Screw-Pine PAND Fiber Africa OC? wind, insect? 271 Pimentehien
944 Pandanus boa let/i Screw-Pine PAND Fruit SE Asia OC? wind, insect? 1011 Pimento, Allspice
945 Pandanus odoratissimus Screw-Pine PAND Essence SE Asia OC? wind, insect? 106 Pineapple, Pifia
946 Pandanus adonis Screw-Pine PAND Essence SE Asia OC? wind, insect? 295 Picini Brava
947 Pandanus spirals Screw-Pine PAND Essence SE Asia OC? NV i nd , insect? 1027 Pistachio Nut
948 Pandanus utilus Screw-Pine PAND Filien Africa OC? wind, insect? 692 Pitaya roja
949 Pangium edule Bault Keluak FLAC Vegetable SE Asia OC 595 Pitomba
950 Panicum miliaceum Millet POA Cereal As, Af AU, OC wind, bee 1059 Plum
951 Panieum sumatrense Little Millet POA Cereal S Asia AU, OC? wind, bee ? 196 Pochote
952 Paperer bracteatum Scarlet Poppy PAPA Medicinal S Asia AU, OC? bee 1007 Poke
953 Paperer somnikrum Opium Poppy PAPA Medicinal SE Asia AU, OC? bee 1040 Polyscias Rumphiana
954 Parashorea spp. White Semya DIPT Timber SE Asia 1083 Pomegranate
955 Parkia bigibbosa African Locust Bean LEG Oil, Spice W Afr OC? bat, Eidolon, bee, beetle 1212 Pomerac
956 Parmentiera aculeata Cuajilote BIGN Fruit Neot 833 Pot Majoram
957 Parmentiera cerifera Candletree BIGN Forage Neot 1172 Potato
958 Parmentiera edulis Parmentiera Edulis BIGN Fruit Neot 1176 Patata
959 Parthenium argentatum Guayule COMP Elastomer Neot OC insect, bee, Apis 127 Potato Beans
960 Paspalum &batman Dallisgrass POA Forage Neot AG 925 Prickly l'ear
961 Passillora caerulea Maracujá PASS Fruit Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 86 Princess-Feather
962 Passiflora Cilleinnata Wild Passion Emit PASS Fruit Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 249 Prisolilia
963 Passillora edulis Passion Fruit PASS Beverage Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 1051 Prosopis Pallida
964 Pass/flora laurifolia Water Lemon PASS Fruit Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, laird 902 Pulasan
965 Pass/flora ligularis Sweet Granadilla PASS Beverage Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 903 Pulasan
966 Pass/flora mollissima Banana Passion Fruit PASS Fruit Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 940 Pulas Dammar Darat
967 Passiflora quadrungularis Giant Granadilla PASS Fruit Neot OC bee, Xylocopa, wasp, bird 57 Pulque
968 Pastinaca satire Parsnip UMBE Tuber Europe OC insect, bee 366 Pummelo
969 Paidlinia cupana Guaraná SAPI ' Beverage Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 367 Pummelo
970 Paullinia yoco Yuca SAPI Beverage Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 368 Pummel°
971 Paulownia tomentosa Kiri SCRO Titnber Asia 317 Punga
972 Payena leerii Gutta Sundek SAPO Elastomer SE Asia 443 Purging Croton
973 Peganum &innate Harmala Shrub ZYGO Medicinal Medit 505 Purple Foxglove
974 Peilanthus pavonis Canelilla EUPH Wax Mexico 1289 Purple Vetch
975 Pelargonium capitatum X radens Geranium GERA Oil Africa 977 Purpleheart
976 Pelargonium graveolens Rose Geranium GERA Essence Africa 332 Pyrethrum
977 Peltogyne purpurea Purpleheart LEG Timber Neot 1131 Quebracho
978 Peltophorum inerme Yellow Flame LEG Multiple SE Asia 467 Quince
979 Pennisetum clandestinum Kikuyu Grass POA Forage Africa SC, OC insect, bee? 342 Quinine
No. Scientific Name CO711111011 Name Family Use Origin Breed. Sys. Pollinators No. C 011111Ion Name
980 Pennisetom glaucain Pearl Millet POA Cereal Africa SC, OC insect, bee? 343 Quinine
981 Pennisetum parporeum Elephant Grass POA Forage Africa SC, OC insect, bee? 344 Quinine
982 Pentaclethra macrophylla Oil-Bean Tree LEG Oil Al/ira SC, OC? bee? 345 Quinine
983 Pentadesma but_yraceae Pentadesma Butyraceae GUTT Oil SE Asia OC? bat, Pteropus 346 Quinine
984 Pentzia virgata Australian Sheepbush COMP Forage Africa 347 Quinine
985 Peperomia viridispica Perejil PIPE Vegetable Neot 348 Quinine
986 Perilla fruiescens Perilla LABI Oil S Asia AU, OC? 327 Quinoa
987 Persea americana Avocado LAUR Fruit Neot OC bee, bat, Pteropus, fly 1280 Rabbit-Eye Blueberry
988 Persea nubigena Wild Avocado LATIR Fruit Neot OC bee, wasp, fly 1090 Radish
989 Persea schiedeana Aguacatillo, Coya LATIR Fruit Neot OC bee, wasp, fly 1091 Raffia Palm
990 Phaseolus aborigineus Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU? bee 1118 Raintree
991 Phaseolus acutifolias Tepary Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU, OC? bee 71 Rakkyo
992 Phaseolus coccineus Scarlet Runner Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU, OC? bee 177 Rambai
993 Phaseolus flarescens Chaguita LEG Vegetable Neot AU? bee 898 Rambutan
994 Phaseolus inamoenus Lima Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU? bee 1318 Rambutan Pachat
995 Phaseolus ha-1mm Tropical Lima Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee 651 Ramin
996 Phaseolus vulgaris Common Bean LEG Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee, thrip 229 Ramón
997 Phoenix dactylifi3ra Date Palio PALM Fruit Africa OC wind, bee 253 Rampion
998 Phoenix reclinata Wild Date Palm PA LAI Fiber Africa OC bee? 217 Rape
999 Phormium tenax New Zealand Flax LILI Fiber Aust OC bird, bee 404 Ratala
1000 Phyllanthus acidas Otaheite Gooseberry EUPII Fruit S Asia SC, OC? bee? 244 Rattan
1001 PhAanthus emblica Emblic EUPH Multiple S Asia SC, OC? liee? 1038 Rau Ram
1002 Phyllanthus pulcher Phyllanthus Pulcher EUPH Medicinal S Asia SC, OC? bee? 1261 Red Cover
1003 Physalis ixocarpa Mexican Husk Tomato SOLA Vegetable Neot 590 Red Iron Bark
1004 Phpalis peruviana Cape Gooseberry SOLA Fruit Neot 1101 Red Mangrove
1005 Physalis philadelphica Tomatillo SOLA Fruit Neot 1185 Red Mombin
1006 Phytelephas macrocmpa Ivory-Nut Palm PALM Veg. Ivory Neot 167 Red Oat
1007 Phytolacca americana Poke PHYT Dye N Amer 270 Red Pepper
1008 Paces mexicanas Bonete BOMB Fiber Neot 1132 Red Quebracho
1009 Pilocarpus microphyllus Jaborandi RUTA Medicinal Neot 580 Red River Gum
1010 Pimenta dioica Allspice MYRT Spice Neot OC insect, bee 1078 Red Sanderswood
1011 Pimenta afficinalis Pimento, Allspice MYRT Spice Neot OC insect, bee? 198 Red Silk-Cotton
1012 Pimenta racemosa Bay MYRT Essence Neot OC insect, bee? 328 Rhodesgmss
1013 Pimpirzella anisum Anise UMBE Essence Medit bee 933 Rice
1014 Piper betel Betel Pepper PIPE Multiple S Asia OC bee, fly 1304 Rice Bean
1015 Piper chaba Bakek PIPE Multiple SE Asia OC bee, fly 509 Rikua
1016 Piper clusii Pepper PIPE Spice Africa OC bee, fly 1140 Ringworm Bush
1017 Piper cubeba Pepper PIPE Spice Af-As OC bee, fly 391 Robusta Coffee
1018 Piper guineense Pepper PIPE Spice Africa OC bee, fly 122 Roman Chamomile
1019 Piper longifolium Pepper PIPE Spice Neot OC bee, fly 149 Rooibos Tea
1020 Piper tinware Indian Long Pepper PIPE Spice S Asia OC bee, fly 572 Roquette
1021 Piper methysticuni Kava PIPE Beverage S Asia OC bee, fly 1211 Rase Apple
1022 Piper 'ligroin Pepper PIPE Spice S Asia AU, OC bee, fly 976 Rose Geranium
1023 Piper officinaram Javanese Long Pepper PIPE Spice S Asia OC bee, fly 686 Rosetta
1024 Piper saigonense Saigon Pepper PIPE Spice SE Asia OC bee, fly 22 Rosewood
1025 Pipindeniastrum africanum Dahoma LEG Timber Africa I11 Rosewood Oil
1026 Pistacia lentiscus Cilios Mastic ANAC Resin Medit 471 Rosha Grass
1027 Pistacia rera Pistachio Nut ANAC Nut Medit 746 Rough Pea
1028 Pisum sainann Pea LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee, thrip 802 Rough-Shell Macadamia
1029 Plantago arenaria Black Phyllium PLAN Medicinal Medit 444 Rubber
1030 Plantago °vela Blonde Phyllium PLAN Medicinal S Asia 683 Rubber
1031 Plutonia esculenta Bacuri do Parana GUTT Fruit Neot 617 Rukam
1032 Plectranthus amboinicus Indian Borage LABI Spice SE Asia 616 Runeala Plum
1033 Plectranthos edulis Gala Dinich LABI Titilen E Afr. 552 Russian Olive
1034 Plectranthus esculentus Kafir Potato, Daza LABI Tuber S Asia 218 Rutabaga
1035 Pogostemon cablin Patchouli LABI Essence SE Asia SC, OC bee, Apis 1112 Ryania
1036 Poliamhes tuberosa Tuberose AGAV Essence Neot 895 Sacred Lotus
1037 Polygala btayracea Black Beniseed POLY Oil W Af.r 291 Safflosver
1038 Polygoman odoratum Rau Ram l'OLYG Vegetable SE Asia 436 Saffron
1039 Polymnia sonchilhlia Yacon Strawberry COMP Veg, Misc. S Amer. 483 Safou, Eben
1040 Polyscias ramphiana Polyscias Rumphiana ARAL Vegetable SE Asia 859 Saga Palm
1041 Ponciras trifoliata Trifoliate Orange RUTA Breed. N Asia 349 Saigon Cinnamon
1042 Portulacaria Elephant Bush l'ORT Misc Africa bee 1024 Saigon Pepper
1043 Pourowna spp. Guarumo MORA Fruit Neot 924 Sainfoin
1044 Pouteria caimito Luctuna SAPO Fruit Neot 1151 Sal
1045 Pouteria campee/liana Eggfruit Tree, Canistel SAPO Fruit Neot OC? bee? 1115 Salak
1046 Pouteria sapote Sapote Mamey SAPO Fusil Neot OC? bee? 1252 Salsify
1047 Pouteria viridis Green Sapote SAI10 Fruit Neot OC? bee? 160 Saltbush
1048 Prosopis alba Algarobo LEG Misc Neot AU,AG?0C bee 1120 Sambucus Javanica
1019 Prosopis chilensis Algarrobo Blanco LEG Fruit Neot AU,AG?0C bee, Centris 1121 Sambucus Mexicana
1050 Prosopis juliflora Mesquite LEG Timber Neat AU,AG?0C bee 1088 Sand Pear
1051 Prosopis pa//ida Prosopis l'allida LEG Mise Neot AU,AG?0C bee 1231 Sandarac Gum
1052 Prosopis tamarugo Tamarugo LEG Timber Neot AU,AG?0C bee, Centris 1046 Sapote Niamey
1053 Primus mnygdalus/dulcis Almond ROSA Nut S Asia SC, OC bee 241 Sappanwood
1054 Prunus ,amygda Ms/anima Bitter Almond ROSA Essence S Asia SC, OC bee 757 Sapucaja
1055 Prunus armeniaca Apricot ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 1159 Sarsaparilla
1056 Prunus mime Sweet Cherry ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 952 Scarlet Poppy
1057 Pranus cerasus Sour Cherry ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 992 Scarlet Runner Bean
1058 Primus communis Almond ROSA Nut S Asia SC, OC bee 854 Scotch Spearmint
1059 Prillius domestica Plum ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 857 Scotch Spearmint
1060 Prunus domestica/insititia Damson Plum ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 942 Screw-Pine
1061 Primus laurocerasus Cherry Laurel ROSA Erosion S Asia SC, OC bee 943 Screw-Pille
1062 Primus maritima Beach Plum ROSA Erosion S Asia SC, OC bee 944 Screw-Pine
1063 Prunes persica Peach ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 945 Screw-Pine
1064 Primus sil//cilla Japanese Plum ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 946 Screw-Pine
1065 Primus serotina Capulfn ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 947 Screw-Pine
1066 Prunus subcordata Sierra Plum ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee 948 Screw-Pine
1067 Psidium friedrichsthalianum Costa Rictus Guava MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 655 Sea Island Cotton
1068 Psidium guafava Common Guava MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Mel, Xy, Las, Bo, bat, Rou 730 Sea Rush
1069 Psidium guineense Brazilian Guava MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 387 Seagrape
1070 Psidium littorale Strawbeny Guava MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona, Bo., Xy. 294 Seaving
1071 Psidium microphyllum Wild Guava MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 1076 Senegal Rosewood
1072 Psidium montanum Wild Guaya MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 1141 Senna Coffee
1073 Psidium sartorianum Arrayán MYRT Fruit Neot SC, OC bee, Melipona 413 Sepetir
1074 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Winged Bean I,EG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee, Xylocopa 527 Serendipity-Berry
1075 Psoralea spp. Breadroot LEG Tuber Aust 766 Sericea Lespedeza
1076 Pterocarpus erinaceus Senegal Rosewood I,EG Dye Africa 930 Serradella
1077 Pterocmpus indicas Amboyna I,EG Timber SE Asia 1144 Sesame
1078 Pterocarpus santalinus Red Sanderswood LEG Dye Africa 1312 Sheabutter
1079 Pterocarpus soyauxii Barwood LEG Oye Africa 31 Shingle Tree
1080 Pueraria Jabata Kudzu LEG Forage E Asia SC, OC bee 25 Shittim-Wood
1081 Pueraria montana Kudzu Vine LEG Tuber, For, S Asia 442 Showy Crotalaria
1082 Pueraria phaseoloides Tropical Kudzu LEG Eorage S Asia 1204 Siam Benzoin
1083 Punica granatum Pomegranate PUNI Multiple W Asia SC, OC insect? 427 Siberian Hazel
1084 Pyrus calleryana Pear ROSA Eruit S Asia OC bee, fly 840 Siekle Medie
1085 Pyrus communis Pear ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee, fly 1066 Sierra Plum
1086 P.)TUS malas Apple ROSA Fruit S Asia OC bee, Osmia, Anth, Anal, Apis 207 Signal Grass
1087 Pyrus pashia Pear ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee, Ily 197 Silk Cotton
1088 Pyrus pyrifolia Sand Pear ROSA Fruit S Asia SC, OC bee, fly 666 Silky Oak
1089 Quassia amara Bitter Wood SIMA Misc, Neot 502 Silverleaf Desmodium
1090 Raphanas sativus Radish CRUC Vegetable W Asia OC, A U bee, Apis 1288 Single-Flowered Vete])
1091 Raphia spp. Raffia Palos PALM Fiber Africa 804 Siratro
1092 Rauwolfia serpentina Java Devil Pepper APOC Medicinal SE Asia 820 Sleeve Palias
1093 Reseda odorata Common Mignonette RESE Essence Medit 437 Slenderleaf Crotalaria
1094 Rhamnus purshianus Cáscara RIJAN Medicinal Neot 441 Smooth Crotalaria
1095 Rheedia acuminata Naranjito GUTT Fruit Neot 790 Smooth Loofah
1096 Rheedia brasiliensis Pacuri GUTT Fruit Neot 844 Snail Medic
1097 Rheedia edulis Jacomico GurT Fruit Neot 407 Snake Bark, Maubi
1098 Rheum officinale Chinese Rhubarb POLYG Medicinal S Asia SC, OC? insect, fly 1256 Snakegourd, Culebra
1099 Rheztm palmaban East Indian Rhubarb POLYG Medicinal S Asia SC, OC? insect, fly 1125 Soapberry, Parapara
1100 Rheum rhaponticum Carden Rhubarb POI,YG Vegetable S Asia SC, OC? insect, fly 79 Socotrine Aloe
1101 Rhizophora mangle Red Mangrove RHIZ Timber Neot wind, insect 1164 Sodom Apple
1102 Rhizophoraceae spp. Mangrove RHIZ Tannin, Oye S Asia SC, OC bat, Eon, Mac, wind, insect 618 Soh-pldong
1103 Rhus succedanea Japan Wax LEG Wax E Asia 1166 Solanum Khasianum
1104 Ricinus C01177711171iS Castorbean EUPH Oil Africa OC avisad, insect 1177 Solenostemon
1105 Rollinia deliciosa Biriba ANON Fruit Neot SC, OC? beetle 430 Sorva Gum
1106 Rosa alba White Cottage Rose ROSA Essence Medit 1057 Sour Cherry
1107 Rosa centifolia Cabbage Rosa ROSA Essence Medit 361 Sour Orange
1108 Rosa damascenahriginiipelala Damask Rose ROSA Essence Medit 1162 Sour-Relish Brinjal
1109 Rubia cordifoha Indian Madder RUBI Dye S Asia 116 Soursop, Guanabana
1110 &bus spp. Blackberty ROSA Fruit Temp. AG, OC bee, Bombus, Apis 644 Soybean
1111 Ruta graveolens Common Rue RUTA Medicinal Europe fly 1179 Spanish Broom
1112 Ryania pyrijera Ryania ELAC Pesticide Neot 84 Spanish Greens
1113 Sagittaria sagittifolia Chinese Arrowhead ALAS Root Crop SE Asia 848 Spanish l,ime, Mamon
1114 Saintpaulia ionantha African Violet GESN Orna. Africa bee, Amegilla? 675 Spanish Sainfoin
1115 &dama edulis Salak PALM Fruit SE Asia 1281 Spanish Tamarind
1116 Salvia divinortan Yerba de Marta LABI Medicinal S Mex 777 Spanish Thyme
1117 Salvia hispanica Ghia, Chia LABI Essenee Neot 856 Spearmint
1118 Samanea saman Raintree LEG 'fimber Neot 709 Spicata Indigo
1119 Sambucus canadensis Eastern Elderbeny CAPR Eruit SE Asia 1182 Spinach
1120 SarnblICUS ja canica Sambucus Javanica CAPR Eruit SE Asia 1187 Spondias venulosa
1121 Sambucus mexicana Sambucus Mexicana CAPR Eruit SE Asia 839 Spotted Burr Medic
1122 Sainada carnerosana Palma Ixtle AGAV Fiber Mexico 550 Squirting Cucumber
1123 Sansevieria spp. Bowstring Hemp AGAV Fiber Africa 336 Star Apple, Cainita
1124 Santalum album White Sandalwood SANT Essence S Asia SC, OC bee 706 Star-Anise Tree
1125 Sapindus saponaria Soapben-y, Parapara SAPI Iliac. Neot 172 Starfruit, Carambola
1126 Sapium sebijerum Chinese Tallow Tree EUPH Multiple S Asia 476 Stargrass
1127 Satureja montarla Winter Savory LABI Spice Medit 170 Sterile Oat
1128 Sauropus androgymts Katuk EUPH Vegetable SE Asia 1258 Strawberry Clover
1129 Saussurea castas Costus, Kuth COMP Medicinal S Asia 1070 Strawberry Guava
1130 Scheelea martiana Ouricomy PALM Oil Neot 1196 Strophanthus Kombe
1131 Schinopsis balansae Quebracho ANAC Tannin Neot 1198 Strychnine Trae
1132 Schinopsis lorentzii Red Quebracho ANAC Tannin Neot 1203 Styrax
1133 Schinus areira Pepper Tree ANAC Gum, Tan. Neot 1264 Subelover
1134 Schinus molle Peruvian Mastic ANAC Spice Neot 206 Sucupira
1135 Schleichera oleosa Lac-tree SAPI Wax S Asia 119 Sugar Apple
1136 Sclerocarya cal:N Morula ANAC Fruit, Mult. Africa 582 Sugar Gum
1137 Sechium edule Chayote CUCU Vegetable Neot OC bee, Trigona, wasp 134 Sugar Pahn
1138 Sechium tacaco Tacaco CUCU Vegetable Neot OC bee, Trigona, wasp 677 Sunchoke (311)
1139 Semecarpus anacardium Marking-Nut 'I'ree ANAC Dye, Mult. S Asia 676 Sunflower
1140 Senna alma Ringworm Bush LEG Medicinal Neot SC, OC lace, Xylocopa, Centris 439 Sunn Hemp
1141 Senna occidentalis Senna Coffee LEG Beverage Africa SC, OC lace, Xylocopa 2 Sunset Hibiscus, Aibika
1142 Senna senna Alexandrian Senna LEG Medicinal Africa SC, OC lace, Xylocopa 208 Surinam Grass
1143 Sesamunt ahilara Tacoutta PEDA Oil S Asia AU, OC? bee, fly, wasp 600 Surinam-Cherry
1144 Sesamum radie= Sesame PEDA Oil Africa AU, OC? lace, fly, wasp 852 Sweet Balin
1145 SeS(171711111 prostratum Wild Sesame PEDA Oil S Asia AU, OC? bee, fly, wasp 750 Sweet Bay
1146 Sesamum radiatum Wild Sesame PEDA Oil S Asia AU, OC? 1207 Sweet Berry
1147 Sesbania bispinosa Dhaincha, Jantar LEG Cuna, Fiber S Asia AU 1056 Sweet Cherry
1148 Sesbania grandillora Turi LEG Misc S Asia 30 Sweet Flag
1149 Setaria italica Foxtail Millet POA Cereal S Asia AU, OC wind, bee 965 Sweet Granadilla
1150 Setaria sphacelata Golden 'Timothy Grass POA Forage S Asia AU, OC wind, bee 369 Sweet Lime
1151 Shorea robusta Sal DIPT Resin S Asia AG, OC? bee? 832 Sweet Marjoram
1152 Shorea sPI). Balan, Meranti DIPT Oil, 'I' imb. SE Asia AG, OC thrip, bee? 375 Sweet Orange
1153 Shorea tviesneri Batavian Dammar DIPT Resin SE Asia AG, OC? thrip, bee? 718 Sweet Potato
1154 Sicana odorifera Curuba, Melocotón CUCU Multiple Neot 151 Sweet Woodruff
1155 Silybum marianum Holy Thisde COMP Medicinal Asia 118 Sweetsop
1156 Simarouba glauca Aceituna SIMA Oil, Fruit Neot 265 Swordbean, Poroto
1157 Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba BUXA Wax, Mult. Neot OC 587 Sydney Blue Guisa
No. Seientifie Name Conanon Mane Family Use Origin Bread. Sys. Pollinators No. Conanon Na,,,,'
1158 Sinapis alba Whi te Mustard BRAS Eorage S Asia SC, OC bee, Apis Tablus Spice
1159 Smilax aristolochiifidia Sarsaparilla SMIL Medicinal Neot Tacaco
1160 Solanum aethiopicum Cut-Egg Plant SOLA Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee Tachibana Orange
1161 Solarium aviculare Australian Nightshade SOLA Medicinal Aust AU, OC bee Tacoutta
_1162 Solanumferox Sour-Relish Brinjal SOLA Medicinal Neot AU, OC bee Tahiti Arrowroot
1163 Solanum gilo Gilo SOLA Fruit Neot AU, OC bee Talisia Esculenta
1164 Solanum j'imitan Sodom Apple SOLA Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee Tamari Ild
1165 SolantIlli indicum Tiberato SOLA Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee Tamarisk
1166 Solanum khasianum Solanum Khasianum SOLA Medicinal Neot AL, OC bee Tamarugo
1167 Solanum laciniatum Kanguro° Apple SOLA Fruit Aust AU, OC it Tan Wattle
1168 Solanum niacrocarpon Native Eggplant SOLA Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee 'l'ara
1169 Solanutn melongena Eggplant SOLA Vegetable Neot AU, OC bee Tara vine
1170 Solanum muricatum Pepino Dulce SOLA Fruit Neot AU, OC bee Taragon
1171 Solanum nigrum Wonderberry SOLA Multiple Neot A U, OC be,' Tartary Buckwheat
1172 Salan tan phureja Potato SOLA Tuber Neot AU, OC bee
1173 Solarium quitoense Naranjilla, Lulo SOLA Fruit Neot AU, OC bee, Bombus, Eulaema Tasmanian Bine Gum
1174 Solanum toprio Cocona, Peach Tomato SOLA Fruit Neot AU, OC bee Tuvo), Cardamom
1175 Solanum torvom Throngan SOLA Vegetable Neot AH, OC bee Tea
1176 Solana/o tuberosum Potato SOLA Tuber Neot SU, OC bee, Bombus Tea Tree
1177 Solenostemon monostachp Solenostemon LABI Medicinal W Afr bee, Apis Teak
1178 Solenostemon rotundifolius Hausa Potato LABI Tuber Af-As bee, Apis Teff
1179 Spartium 11171Cennl Spanish Broom LEG Filien Medit AU Tejocote
1180 Sphenosolis stenocarpa African Yam Bean I,EG Tuber Afriea SC, OC? bee? Tenm Lawak
1181 Spilanthes acmella Para Cress COMP Medicinal N Amer Temu Mangga
1182 Spinacia oleracea Spinach CHES Vegetable W. Asia OC wind, insect Teosinte
1183 .S'pondias eytherea Kedondong ANAC Fruit SE Asia bee Tepary Bean
1184 Spandias 1110711bin Hog Plum lobo ANAC Fruit Neot bee Terentang
1185 Spoodias purparea Red Mombin ANAC Fruit Neot bee Terongan
1186 Spondias tuberosa Imbu ANAC Fruit Neot bee Tettu
1187 Spondias seandosa Spcmdios venulosa ANAC Eruit Neo! bee Thai Dammar
1188 Stachys sieboldii Chinese Artichoke LAI31 Tuber Asia Thundergod Vine
1189 Sierran(' setigera Kataya Gum STER Elastomer Africa Thyme
1190 Sterculia tragacantha Kataya STER Elastomer Africa Ti Pahn
1191 Sfirculia urens Karaya G11111 STER Gum S Asia Tiberato
1192 Sfivia rebaudiana Kaa Ile'e COMP Sweetener Neot Tibetan Hazelnut
1193 Stipa tenacissima Esparto POA Fiber N Afr Tick Clover
1194 Strophanthus gratas Ouabain APOC Medicinal Africa beetle 'i/bus
1195 Strophanthos hispidus Untsuti APOC Medicinal Africa beetle Timb6
1196 Strophanthus kombe Strophanthus Kombe APOC Nledicinal Africa beetle Tobacco
1197 Strophanthus sarmentosos Armw Poison APOC Medicinal Africa beetle Tolu Balsam
1198 Strychnos aux-vonlica Strychnine Tree LOGA Medicinal S Asia SC, OC lime Tomatillo
1199 Stophnodendron adstringens Barbatimao LEG TatmMedic. Neot Tomato, Tomatle
1200 Stylosanthes erecta Nigerian Lucerne LEG Forage Africa Tonka Bean
1201 Stylosanthes guianensis Brazilian Lucerne LEG Forage Neot SC, OC bce, Cephalotrigona Torete, Custard Apple
1202 Stylosanthes humilis Townsville Stylo LEG Forage Neot AU Townsville Stylo
1203 Styrax benzoin Styrax STYR Res/ti SE Asia 'free Cot ton
1204 Styrax tonkinensis Siam Benzoin STYR Medicinal SE Asia Tree Tomato
1205 Swietenia macrophylla Mahogany, Caoba META Timber Neot OC be e, fly? Trifoliate Orange
1206 Syagrus comida Umcuri Palm PALM Wax, Oil Neot Trompillo
1207 Sialsepalum dulcificum Set eet Berry SAPO Stvectener Africa Tropical Carpetgrass
1208 SYzYgium apelan Jambu Ayer MYRT Fruit S Asia AU, OC lime, fly? Tropical Kudzu
1209 Syzygium aromaticum Clove MYRT Spice SE Asia AU, OC bee, fly? Tropical Lima Bean
1210 Syzygium cut,,ini Jambolan MYRT Fruit S Asia AU, OC bat?, bee, fly? True Balata
1211 Syzygium jambas. Rose Apple MYRT Fruit S Asia AU, OC bat, Pteropus, bee, fly? Tsi
1212 Syzygium nutlaccense Poinerac MYRT Fruit S Asia AU, OC hat,Eon,Mac,Pter,bee,fly? Tuba Root
1213 Syzygium samarangense Jasa Apple 51Y111 Fruit S Asia AU, OC bat, bee, uy? Tuberose
1214 Tarea leontopetaloides Tahiti Arrowroot TACC Sima Oceania Tucum-Assu Palm
1215 Talinum triangularae Ceylon Spinach PORT Vegetable W Afr Tung-Oil-Tree
1216 Talisia escaletait Esculenta SAP1 Fruit Neot Turi
1217 Thlisia olivaejiirmis Yellow Genip SAN Fruit Neot Turkish Hazel
1218 Tamarindus indica Tamarind LEG Multiple Africa SC, OC be,', Apis Turmeric
1219 Tamarix articalata Tamarisk TAMA Timber Asia ily, insect Tussa dule
1220 Taraxacum officinale Dandelion COMP Beverage W Asia AG bee Uaku
1221 Tectona grandis Teak VERB Timber SE Asia SC, OC be,', Apis Ucuba Oiltree
1222 Teljairia occidentalis Fluted Gourd CUCU Vegetable Africa Udjung Atup
1223 Tenitiria pedata Oyster N ut CUCU Oil Africa Ulluque, Papa Lisa
1221 Tephmsia candida White Tephrosia LEG Erosion Neo AU, OC bee, Xylocopa, Apis Umbrella Thorn
1225 Tephrosia Vogel Tephrosia LEG Pesticide N eot AU, OC be,', Xylocopa, Apis Umbrella Tree
1226 Terminalia brassii Dalo COMB Timber Oceania SC, OC? fly? Untsuti
1227 Terminalia catappa Bengal Almond COMB Oil S Asia SC, OC? fly, bee? Upland Cotton
1228 Terminalia chelnda Myrobalans COMB Tannin S Asia SC, OC? bee? Urucu Timbo
1229 Terminalia ivorensis Idigbo COMB Timber Africa SC, OC? Lucilia, Chrysomaya Urucuri Palm
1230 Termitudia superba Afara COMB Multiple Africa SC, OC? fly? Urunday
1231 Tetraclinis articulata Sandarac Gum CUPE Resin N Afr Utile
1232 Tetragonia tetragonioides New Zealand Spinach AIZO Vegetable Oceania Uvilla, Guartnno
1233 Tetragonolobus pmpureus Asparagus pea LEG Vegetable Medit Vanilla
1234 Thaumatococcus daniellii M iracle-Fruit MARA Sweetener Africa Vegetable Marrow
1235 Theobroma angustifolia Cacao Cimarrón STER Beverage Neot SU, OC Velvetbean
1236 Theobroma bernouilli Cacao Rana sTER Essence Neot AU, OC uy Vernonia Galamensis
1237 Theobwma bicolor Cacao Blanco, Pataste STER Spice Neot AU, OC lit Vetiver, Khas-Khas
1238 Theobrama cacao Cocoa STER Beverage Neot AU, OC tly, l'o, La, Vichacla
1239 TImobroma cirmolinae Wild Cocoa STER Fruit Neot AU, OC fly Vinifera Palm
1240 Theobroma grandillorum Cupuacu STER Fmit Neot AU, OC fly Virginia Strawberry
1241 Theobroma simiartan Cacao de Mico STER Beverage Neot AU, OC fly Virola
1242 Theobroma speciosum Wild Cocoa STER Fruit Neot AU, OC Vitex Negundo
1243 Theobranut subincanUM Wild Cocoa STER Fruit Neot AU, OC fly Vogel Fig
1244. Thymus vulgaris Common Thyme LABI Spice Medit OC? bee, Apis Vogel Tephrosia
1245 Thymus zygis/gracilis TI, yme LABI Essence Medit OC? bee. Apis Wampi
1246 Toxicodendron succedaneum Iapan Tallow A NAC Was Asia Water Dropwort
1247 Toxicodendron rernicillaum Chinese Lacquer Tree ANAC Resin Asia 964 Water Lemon
1248 Trachacarpus fortunei Wirtchnill Paltn PA LAI Fiber E Asia 717 Water Spinach
1249 Trachylobium verracosam Zanzibar Copal LEG Resin E Afr 893 XI atercress
1250 Trachyspermum ammi Ammi, Ajowan UMBE Medicinal S Asia 361 Watermelon
1251 Trachyspermum rarburghtanum Ajmud UNIBE Medicinal S Asia 884 lb as, Myrtle, Bayberry
1252 Tragapagon porrifolium Salsify COMP Vegetable NV Asia 320 Wax Pillin
1253 Trapa hicornis Ling, Two Horns ONAG Medicinal S Asia 321 lb ax Palm
1254 Trapa nutrias Jesuit Nut, Four Horas ()NAG Nut S Asia 190 Waxgourd, Kunclor
1255 Trecalia alricana Mozinda NIORA Nut Africa 566 Weeping Lovegrass
1256 Trichosanthes cacamerina Snakegourd, Culebra CUCU Med., Veg. SE Asia OC moth 20 Weeping Mytdl
1257 TrifiVium alesandrium Berseem LEG Forage NV Asia OC bee, Aids, insect 72 Welsh On ¡On
1258 Tri jragiferum Stratvberry Clover I,EG Forage NV Asia SC, OC bee, Apis, insect? 469 West Indian Lemongrass
1259 Trifiilium hybridum Hybrid Clover I,EG Forage NV Asitt OC bee, Apis? 649 White Beech
1260 incarnation Crimson Clover I,EG Forage Medit AU, OC bee, Apis 1262 White Cl 01,er
1261 Tri Minn? protease Red Cover I,EG Forage NV Asia AU, OC bee, Bombus, Aids 1106 White Cottage Rose
1262 Trifolium repens White Clover 1,EG Multiple Willi SC, OC bee 416 White Jute
1263 resupinatum Persian Clover LEG Forage Europe OC bee 792 White Lupine
1264 Tri fidium subterranean? Sulutlovei- LEG Forage Medit AU bee 796 White Impine
1265 resiculosum Arrowleaf Clover 1,EG Forage Medit OC bee 870 White Mulberry
1266 Trigonella /Ieauia graecata Fenugreek 1,EG Spice S Asitt SC bee, Apis 1158 White Mustad
1267 Triphasia trifolia Limeberry RUTA Fruit SE Asia 1124 lb hite Sandalwood
1268 Triplochiton scleroxilan Obeche STER Timber Africa 954. b\ Seraya
1269 Tripterygium Thundergod Vine CELA l'esticide E ,ksia 849 lb hite sweetido,,,
1270 Triuntretto bartramia Paroquet Bur TILI Filter Africa 1224 White Tephrosia
1271 Triumfetta cordifolia Burweed TILI Filien Africa 988 Wild Avocado
1272 Triumfetta tomentosa Lapulla TILI Fiber Africa 102 \vim csh,,,
1273 Tropaeohan tuberosum Afiu TROP Vegetable Neot 835 Wild Chamomile
1274 Tussilagofbrfiga Coltsfoot COMP Medicinal Asia bee 1239 lb ild Cocoa
1275 Tylosema esculenium Marama Bean, Tsi Bean LEG Tuber Africa 1242 lb ild Cocoa
1276 Tyh a spp. Bullrush TYPH Forage Europe SC, OC lid, bee?
NV i 1243 Wild Cocoa
1277 Whams tuberosas Whine, Papa Lisa BASE Tuber Neot OC? bee? 396 Wild Coffee
1278 Uncaria gambir Gambier RUBI Dye, Tann. SE Asia 397 Wild Coffee
1279 Urena lobato Alumina Fiber URTI Fiber Africa 653 lb ild Cotton
1280 Vaccinium ashei Rabbit-F.ye Blueberry ERIC Fruit N Amer 998 Wild Date Palm
1281 Vangueria madagascariensis Spanish Tamarind RUB Fruit Africa 1071 lb ild Guasa
1282 Vanilla plan/folia Vanilla ORC Essence Neot OC bee, Eulaenta 1072 Wild Guasa
1283 Vateria indica Indian Copal DIPT Resin S Asia 749 lb ild Lettuce
1284 Vaupesia cataractarum Ala-lia-wa-soo EUPH Oil Neot 168 Wild Oat
1285 Vernonia anthelmintica Kinka Oil Ironweed COMP Medicinal Africa 276 Wild Papaya
1286 Vernania galamensis Yernonia Galamensis COMP Oil S Asia 277 lb ild Papaya
1287 Vetircria zizanioides Vetiver, Khas-Khas POA Essen, Mise S Asia SC, OC? Item? 278 Wild Papaya
1288 Vicia articulata Single-Flowered Vetch LEG Erosion Asia AU, OC bee 962 Wild Passion Fruit
1289 Vicia benghalensis Purple Vetch LEG Erosion Medit AU, OC bee 107 Wild Pineapple
1290 Vicia dasycarpa Woolypod Vetch LEG Forage Nledit AU, OC bee 1145 Wild Sesame
1291 Vicia Bitter Vetch LEG Forage Afeclit AU, OC bee 1146 lb ild Sesame
1292 Vida Abu Broadbean 1,EG Vegetable Medit AU, OC bee 517 Wild Yam
1293 Vicia ?amanita! Bard Vetch LEG Forage Medit AU, OC bee 520 Wild Tame
1294 Vicia pannonica FI ungarian Vetch LEG Forage Medit AL, OC insect, bee 1248 Windmill Palm
1295 Vicia sativainigra Blackpod Vetch LEG Forage Medit AU, OC insect, bee 727 Wine Palm
1296 Vicia sativa/satira Common Vetch LEG Forage Medit AU, OC insect, bee 1074 Winged Bean
1297 Vida Hairy Vetch LEG Forage Medit AU, OC bee 510 Winged Yam
1298 Vigita aconitifolia Moth Bean LEG Vegetable S Asia AL, OC? bee 381 Winter Purslane
1299 Vigna calcaratus Adzuki Bean LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC? bee 1127 Winter Savory
1300 Vigna haeola Dalrymple Vigna LEG Forage Aust AL, OC? bee 473 Winter's Grasa
1301 Vigaa mango Black Gram LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee 544 Winter's-Bark
1302 Vigna °maul Giri Yarn Pea LEG Tither S Asia Al l, OC bee 1171 Wonderberry
1303 Vigna radiato Mung Bean LEG Vegetable, S Asia AU, OC bee 147 Wooly Pawpaw
1301 Vigna am/te/lata Rice Bean LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee 1290 Woolypod Vetch
1305 Vigna unguicidata Cowpea LEG Forage S Asia AU, OC bee 325 Wormseed, Epazote
1306 Vigna unguiculatithylindrica Caffang LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee 138 Wormwood
1307 Vigna anguiculata/sesquipedalis Yanl-Long Bean LEG Vegetable S Asia AU, OC bee 1316 Yacca Gum
1308 Vigna rexillata Gombi Bean LEG Tuber Africa AU, OC bee 1039 Yacon Strawberty
1309 Ham tumor COMMOI1 Periwinkle APOC Afeclicinal W Asia 209 't
1310 Virola sebilera Ucuba Oiltree MYRI Wax Neot 937 't m Bean
1311 Virola spp. Virola MYRI Timber Neot OC fly, bee 525 Yampi
1312 Vitellaria paradox(' Shetabutter SAPO Wax NV Afr 1307 Yard-Long Bean
1313 Vitex negando Vitex legando VERB Afeclicinal S Asia 1317 yautia, Tannia
1314 Vitis ro/undifolia Muscadine Grape VITA Fruit S Asia AU, OC fly, bee, Apis 978 Yellow Flame
1315 I'oandzeia subterranea Bambara Groundnut LEG Vegetable Africa AU, OC bee 1217 Yellow Genii)
1316 ,Yanthorrhoea hastilis Ya, ,ca Gum XANT Resin Aust 512 Yellow Guinea Yam
1317 Xanthosoma spp. Yautia, Tannia AR_AC Tuber Neot 794 Yellow Lupine
1318 Xerospermum noranhianum Rambutan Paella( SAPI Fruit SE Asia 763 Yellow Tea Tree
1319 Ximenia americana Mountain Plum OLAC Fruit, Oil Neot 460 Yellow Zedoary
1320 Xflopia aethiopica Guinea Peppor ANNO Spice W Afr 648 Yemane
1321 Yucca elephantipes Ita! lit, Izote AGAV Vegetable Neot SC, OC moth 1116 Yerba de liaría
1322 Yucca filamentosa Yucca AGAV Fiber Neot SC, OC moth, Prontiba 705 Yerba Mate
1323 Zea ata)? Corn, Maiz POA Cereal Neot SC, OC wind, bee 702 Yerba Mate Mimic
132,1 Zingiber cassumunar Bangle ZINC Medicinal SE Asia OC? bee? 704 Yerba Mate Mimic
1325 Zingiber mioga Myoga, Japanese Ginger ZINC Spice Japan OC? bee? 255 Ylang-Ylang
1326 Zingiber bfficiattle Gillger ZINC Spice S Asia OC? bee? 970 'loco
1327 Zingiber zerumbet Lempoyang ZINC Medicinal SE Asia OC? bee? 1322 Yucca
1328 Ziziphas jujabo Chinese Date RHAM Fruit S Asia OC wasp, hiel', fly 1249 Zanzibar Copal
1329 Ziaiphus maurniana Indian Jujube RHAM Fruit NV Asia OC wasp, bee, fly 451 Zapallo, Winter Squash
1330 Zornia spp. Barba de Burro LEG Forage Neot 464. Zedoary
Appendix II
This AGREEMENT, made this day of 19 , between
(Street & No., R.R., P. 0. Box No., or Lot, Con. & Township)
(Street & No., R.R., P. 0. Box No., or Lot, Con. & Township)
SCHEDULE B: To begin at the time of (e.g. bud break, 10% or 20% bloom) and end at the time
of (e.g. 90% petal fall or cemplete petal fall) as determined by the PRODUCER.
The Producer shall notify- the Beekeeper at least *hours in advance of when he/she estimtes the bees are to be moved.
Payments are to be made in (e.g. cash or check) to the BEEKEEPER at the rate of
** of the agreed amount when the agreement is signed;
** when the bees are moved onto location; and
** within *** day(s) after the crop is harvested.
If any pesticide is to be applied by ground or aerial equipment to any crop, plant, weed or other agricultural
product within **** km of the location of the bees, the PRODUCER or his/her agent will notify the BEEKEEPER
at least * hours in advance of the pesticide appication. The method of notification will be by calling collect
person-to-person via telephone, or in person.
Shotdd the PRODUCER notify the BEEKEEPER to move his/her bees because of pesticides being applied,
and the BEEKEEPER elects to move said bees because of the hazard presented, the PRODUCER shall pay the
Beekeeper $ per colony for moving the bees out, and $ per colony for moving them back on, with
said amount included in the payment to be made
The PRODUCER agrees to compensate the BEEKEEPER in the amount of $ for each hive
damaged by spraying operations over which the PRODUCER has control, including aerial spraying of adjacent fields.
Further compensation will be given to the BEEKEEPER for any losses incuiTed through hives being knocked over
by machinery, vehicles, and/or livestock. Compensation to the BEEKEEPER shall be at a rate of $ for a lost
colony and $ for the total destniction of a hive, with the said amount included in the payment to
be made
The PRODUCER agrees to make a count, or have a count made by his/her agent, of the colonies of bees
placed on location within day(s) after they are placed in order to ascertain that the stipulated number of colonies
have been provided. The BEEKEEPER may be present at such an inspection if he/she so requests.
Shoukl any controversy arise hereunder, between the parties hefeto, such controversy shall be settled by arbitration.
Each party within §§§§ day(s) shall appoint one arbitrator and the two so named shall select a third, and the
decision of any two such arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties hereto. The cost of such arbitration shall be divided
equally between the parties.
Title to the said hectare(s) shall at all times remain in and vested in the PRODUCER
Title to the said colonies of bees and beekeeping equipment shall at all times remain in
and vested in the BEEKEEPER.
This Agreement, and any appendices or exhibits attached hereto, shall constitute the full and complete Agreement
between the parties, and any modification of this AgTeement shall be mutually agreed upon and in writing, and
signed by all parties to be bound thereby.
of , this day of , 19
(Address) (Address)
(Address) (Address)
(Title) (Title)
Province of County of
On this day of , 19
personally appeared before me and is known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person described in and who
executed the foregoing instillment and he acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein contained.
(Notary Public)
Province of County of
On this day of , 19
personally appeared before me and is known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein contained.
(Notary Public)
* Please note that the above has been taken from USA protocol.
Footnote: The different strengths recognize that orchard pollination takes place earlier in the spring, when colonies are not as strong as later
in the season, when field crop pollination is required.
BROOD: The immature stages of bees the eggs, larvae and pupae deposited in the cells or comb.
CERTIFIED GOVERNMENT APIARY INSPECTOR: Any qualified person who has a good working knowledge
about bees, their habits and diseases, and who is officially appointed by a government agency. In addition, he/she
shall have a good knowledge of pollination practices where bees are used.
COLONY: One hive or nest and its contents including frames, comb, honey, bees, brood provisions, pollen and a
laying queen bee.
COMB or CELLS: The wax or other framework in the hive or nest in which bees store honey and pollen, or _n
the brood is reared.
HIVE: Any recaptacle or container, or part thereof, made or prepared for use by bees, or inhabited by bees.
OFFICIAL INSPECTION CERTIFICATE: A certificate issued by a duly authorized Apialy Inspector stating the
results of an inspection for the presence of bee diseases.
PESTICIDE: Any substance or mixture of substanCés intended to be used for defoliating plants or for pre-venting,
destroying, repelling, or mitigating insects, fungi, bacteria, weeds, rodents, predatoly animals or any for of plant or
animal life that is a pest, and which may infest or be deterimental to vegetation, man, animal or households, or be
present in any environment.
SUPER: A receptacle in which bees store surplus honey; so called because it is placed "over" or above the brood
La présente entente entre
(nom) (no civique, me, R.R., B. P.)
1). Payer la somme de $ par colonie soit un montant total de potir les services de pollinisation
sur une superficie de hectares oti il cultive du/des et qui est situeé a l'adresse suivante
Le producteur doit aviser Papicultem- au moins heures d'avance lorsqu'il juge le moment venu de retirer les colonies.
Payer a l'apiculteur (en argent ou par cheque) le/la 2 du montant total à la signature de
l'entente; la somme de $ au moment ou les abeilles sont amenées chez le producteur; et la somme
de dans les
2 3 jours suivant la récolte de la culture pollinisée.
ou aérienne de pesticide sur une culture, une plante, une mauvaise herbe ou sur tout autre produit agricole
qui se trouve à moins de km de Pemplacement des colonies. L'avis est donné à Papiculteur par
4 )Payer a Papiculteur la somme de $ par colonie pour le &placement des abeilles lorsqu'une
application de pesticides présente un risque et que Papiculteur (Wide de &placer ses colonies. Le producteur
s'engage également à payer la somme de $ par colonie pour le retour des abeilles, et d'inclm-e ce
montant dans le paiement qui doit 6'tre fait le
Fournir colonies par hectare sur une superficie totale de hectares afin de
polliniser la culture susmentionnée, au tariff établi.
Disposer les colonies aux endroits du champ indiqués par le producteur. Les ruches seront
disposées 7.
Respecter la propriété du producteur; bien s'occuper de ses abeilles et fournir tout le matériel la
main-d'oeuvre et le transport requis pour maintenir les abeilles dans de bornes conditions de pollinisation.
Avoir en sa possession un certificat d'inspection officiel récent et valide qui atteste que toutes las
colonies d'abeilles louées pour la pollinisation sont exemptes de maladies.
Attester que chaque colonie possède une reins féconde.
Fournir des ruches dont chacune est composée d'au moins hausses.
Placer des colonies d'abeilles qui ont toutes la force minimale requise. Le producteur se réserve
le droit de faire appel à un inspecteur de ruchers autorisé pour évaluer la force de la colonie, selon les
normes établies à l'Annexe 1. Dinspection doit se faire dans les jours suivant Parrivée des abeilles
dans les champs a polliniser.
En cas d'incapacité de livrer le nombre de colonies d'abeilles indiqué dans Pentente ou de livrer
les colonies b. la date prévue, ou lorsque les colonies ne répondent pas aux exigences minimales de qualité,
Papiculteur s'engage b. payer au producteur. à titre de dommages-intéréts, le montant de la location pour chaque
colonie qui n'a pas été livrée, qui n'a pas été livrée à la date prévue dans l'entente ou qui ne répond pas aux
exigences de qualité minimales. It est entendu que les dommages-intétêts ne sont pas exigés lorsque la quantité
totale d'abeilles est livrée dans les j ours.
À la reception de l'avis indiqué au paragraphe 3 de la section A pour avetir qu'une application de
pesticide sera faite à moins de 11 km de remplacement de ruches, l'apiculteur prend immédiatement
les mesures nécessaires pour déplacer ou portéger ses abeilles avant que le traitement ait lieu. Lorsqu'il decide
de laisser ses abeilles sur place apees la reception de l'avis en bonne et due forme, l'apiculteur ne pent tenir
le producteur responsable de tout accident dont pourraient ètre victimes les abeilles ou les ruches par suite
de Papplication du pesticide.
Enlever les abeilles des champs dan les 12 jours suiva.nt l'expiration de Pentente; sinon,
l'apiculteur paye au producteur la somme de $ par colonie par jour pour chaque journée supplémentaire
compter du ième jour après Pexpiration de l'entente, à moins que les deux parties aient stipule
d'autres dispositions par écrit.
Lorsqu'un point de Pentente est Pobjet d'une controverse entre les deux parties, le litige doit être regale
par arbitrage. Chaque partie dispose de 13 jours pour nommer un arbire, et les deux arbitres nommés
doivent en choisir un troisème; la decision rendue par deux des trois arbitres est obligatoire et exécutoire.
Les deux parties au litige paient chacune la moitié du coílt de Parbitrage.
Le titre de propriété du champ de hectares reste dévolu au producteur pendant toute la durée de rentente.
Le titre de proprété des colonies d'abeilles louées en vertu de la présente entente et du materiel
d'apiculture reste dévolu à Papiculteur pendant toute la durée de l'entente.
Le présente entente ainsi que toute annexe et pièce jointe constituent Pentente de services complète entre les
parties, et toute modification de Pentente doit faire Pobjet d'un accord mutuel écrit et signé par toutes les
parties A. la présente entente.
2). La colonie d'un meher de vergers de CATEGORIE 'B' utilisée pour la pollinisation des grandes cultures,
est une colonie dont la population d'abeilles et le couvain sont de 25 % inférieurs à ceux d'un rucher de verger
standard, mais elle possède las autres caractéristiques de la colonie du rucher de vergers standard.
NOTE : L'écart dans la force des colonies est attribuable au fait que la pollinisation des vergers a lieu tôt
au printeps lorsque les colonies ne sont pas aussi fortes que plus tard dans la saison, a la période
de pollinisation des grandes cultures.
Appendix III (cont'd)
Appendix III (pt 3)
Annexe 2
COLONIE : Une ruche et son contenu, soit les cadres, lee rayons, la miel, les abeilles et la reine pondeuse.
COUVAIN: Ensemble des oeufs, des larves et des nymphes déposés dans les rayons d'une ruche.
COUVRIR LE COUVAIN: Avoir suffisamment d'ouvrières adultes pour couvrir au moins 90% chi couvain qui
se trouve dans les rayons.
HAUSSE: Réceptacle dans fequel les Leales emmagasinent le surplus de miel; partie de la ruche placée au-dessus
du nid à couvain.
INSPECTEUR DE RUCHERS AUTORISÉ: Touts persorme qualifiée poSsédant taie bomie expérience pratique
des abeilles, de leur comportement et de leurs maladies; il est nommé officiellement par le ministre en vertu
de la Loi sur l'inspection des ruchers.
PESTICIDE: Stibstance au mélange de substances servant 'a Moller las végétaux ou à éloigner, détruire,
repousser au .combattre des insectes, des champignons, des bactéries, des mauvais herbes, des rongeurs, des
animaux prédateurs ou toute autre forme d'étres vivants animaux au végétaux nuisibles qui parasitent au gênent
la végétation, les humains, les animaux et les biens matériels ou qui sont presents dans un milieu.
RAYONS: Alvéoles de cire construites dans la ruche oti les abeilles emmagasinent le miel et le pollen, ou lieu
d'élevage du couvain.
REINE FÉCONDE: Reins féconde qui dans une colonie pond un couvain d'ouvrière.
RUCHE: Contenant au récipient construit au aménagé pour accueillir les abeilles ou dans level les abeilles habitent.
1 Farm planning in the early stages of development, 34 Farm management data collection and analysis,
1968 (E Rep. 1982 F S) 1977 (E F S)
2 Planning for action in agricultural development, 35 Bibliography of agricultural residues, 1978 (E/F/S)
1969 (E F S) 36 China: rural processing technology, 1979 (E)
3 Karakul processing, 1969 (E) 37 Illustrated glossary of rice-processing machines,
4 Bread from composite flour, 1969 (E* F S) 1979 (Multil)
5 Sun-drying of fruits and vegetables, 1969 (E F S) 38 Pesticide application equipment and techniques,
6 Cashew nut processing, 1969 (E F S) 1979 (E)
7 Technology for the production of protein foods 39 Small-scale cane sugar processing and residue
from cottonseed flour, 1971 (E F S) utilization, 1980 (E F S)
8 Cassava processing, 1971 (New edition, 1977, 40 On-farm maize drying and storage in the humid
available in E, F and S in the FAO Plant Production tropics, 1980 (C E)
and Protection Series, No. 3) 41 Farm management research for small farmer
9 Worldwide list of food technology institutions, development, 1980 (C E F S)
1971 (E/F/S*) 42 China: sericulture, 1980 (E)
10 Technology of production of edible flours and 43 Food loss prevention in perishable crops, 1981
protein products from groundnuts, 1971 (E F S) (E F S)
11 Technology of production of edible flours and 44 Replacement parts for agricultural machinery, 1981
protein products from soybean, 1971 (E F S) (E F)
12 A guide for instructors in organizing and conducting 45 Agricultural mechanization in development:
agricultural engineering training courses, 1971 guidelines for strategy formulation, 1981 (E F)
(E F S) 46 Energy cropping versus food production, 1981
12 Sup. 1 Elements of agricultural machinery, Vol. 1, (E F S)
1977 (ES) 47 Agricultural residues: bibliography 1975-81 and
12 Sup. 2 Elements of agricultural machinery, Vol. 2, 1977 quantitative survey, 1982 (E/F/S)
(E S) 48 Plastic greenhouses for warm climates, 1982 (E)
13 Fruit juice processing, 1973 (E S) 49 China: grain storage structures, 1982 (E)
14 Environmental aspects of natural resource 50 China: post-harvest grain technology, 1982 (E)
management agriculture and soils, 1972 (E F S) 51 The private marketing entrepreneur and rural
15 Manual on sericulture: development, 1982 (E F S)
Vol. I Mulberry cultivation, 1976 (E F) 52 Aeration of grain in subtropical climates, 1982 (E)
Vol. 2 Silkworm rearing, 1973 (E F) 53 Processing and storage of foodgrains by rural
Vol. 3 Silk reeling, 1972 (E F) families, 1983 (E F S)
16 The use of aircraft in agriculture, 1972 (New 54 Biomass energy profiles, 1983 (E F)
edition, 1974, available in E, F and S in the FAO 55 Handling, grading and disposal of wool, 1983
Agriculture Series, No, 2) (Ar E F S)
17 Airtight grain storage, 1973 (E F S) 56 Rice parboiling, 1984 (E F)
18 Rice testing methods and equipment, 1973 (C E) 57 Market information services, 1983 (E F S)
19 Cold storage design and operation, 1973 (E F S) 58 Marketing improvement in the developing world,
19/2 Design and operation of cold stores in developing 1984 (E)
countries, 1984 (Ar E F S) 59 Traditional post-harvest technology of perishable
20 Processing of natural rubber, 1973 (E) tropical staples, 1984 fE F S)
21 Rev. 1 Agricultural residues: world directory of institutions, 60 The retting of jute, 1985 (E F)
1978 (E/F/S) 61 Producer-gas technology for rural applications,
21 Rev. 2 Agricultural residues: world directory of institutions, 1985 (E F)
1982 (UM) 62 Standardized designs for grain stores in hot dry
22 Rice milling equipment operation and maintenance, climates, 1985 (E F)
1974 (C E) 63 Farm management glossary, 1985 (E/F/S)
23 Rice drying (E**) 64 Manual on the establishment, operation and
24 Worldwide list of textile research institutes, 1974 management of cereal banks, 1985 (E F)
(E/F/S) 65 Farm management input to rural financial systems
25 Molasses utilization, 1975 (E F S) development, 1985 (E F S)
26 Tea processing, 1974 (E) 66 Construction of cribs for drying and storage of
27 Some aspects of earth-moving machines as used in maize, 1985 (E F)
agricultura, 1975 (E) 67 Hides and skins improvement in developing
28 Mechanization of irrigated crop production, countries, 1985 (C E F)
1977 (E) 68 Tropical and sub-tropical apiculture, 1986 (E)
29 Non-mulberry silks, 1979 (E) 68/2 Honeybee mites and their control a selected
30 Machinery servicing organizations, 1977 (E) annotated bibliography, 1986 (E)
31 Rice-husk conversion to energy, 1978 (E) 68/3 Honey and beeswax control, 1990 (E** S)
32 Animal blood processing and utilization, 68/4 Beekeeping in Asia, 1986 (E)
1982 (C E S) 68/5 Honeybee diseases and enemies in Asia: a practical
33 Agricultural residues: compendium of technologies, guide, 1987 (E)
1978 (E/F/S) 68/6 Beekeeping in Africa, 1990 (E)
33 Rev. 1 Agricultural residues: compendium of technologies, 69 Construction and operation of small solid-wall bins,
1982 (E/F/S) 1987 (E)
70 Paddy drying manual, 1987 (E) 98 Small-, medium- and large-scale starch processing,
71 Agricultural engineering in development: guidelines 1992 (E F)
for establishment of village workshops, 1988 99/1 Agricultural engineering in development:
(C E F) mechanization strategy formulation - Vol. 1,
72/1 Agricultural engineering in development - The Concepts and principles, 1992 (E F S)
organization and management of replacement parts 100 Glossary of terms for agricultural insurance and
for agricultural machinery, Vol. 1, 1988 (E) rural finance, 1992 (E)
72/2 Agricultural engineering in development - The 101 Date palm products, 1993 (E)
organization and management of replacement parts 102 Experiencias de mercadeo de pequetios agricultores
for agricultural machinery, Vol. 2, 1988 (E) en el marco de proyectos de desarrollo rural
73/1 Mulberry cultivation, 1988 (E) integrado, 1992 (S)
73/2 Silkworm rearing, 1988 (E) 103 Banking for the environment, 1993 (E S)
73/3 Silkworm egg production, 1989 (E) 104 Agricultural engineering in development: agricultural
73/4 Silkworm diseases, 1991 (E) tyres, 1993 (E)
74 Agricultural engineering in development: warehouse 105 Apicultura práctica en América Latina, 1993 (S)
technique, 1989 (E F S) 106 Promoting private sector involvement in agricultural
75 Rural use of lignocellulosic residues, 1989 (E) marketing in Africa, 1993 (E F)
76 Horticultural marketing - a resource and training 107 La comercialización de alimentos en los grandes
manual for extension officers, 1989 (E F S) centros urbanos de América Latina, 1993 (S)
77 Economics of animal by-products utilization, 108 Plant tissue culture: an alternative for production of
1989 (E) useful metabolites, 1993 (E)
78 Crop insurance, 1989 (E S) 109 Grain storage techniques - Evolution and trends in
79 Handbook of rural technology for the processing of developing countries, 1994 (E)
animal by-products, 1989 (E) 110 Testing and evaluation of agricultura) machinery
80 Sericulture training manual, 1990 (E) and equipment - Principles and practices,
81 Elaboración de aceitunas de mesa, 1991 (S) 19?4 (ES)
82 Agricultural engineering in development: design and 111 Low-cost, urban food distribution systems in Latin
construction guidelines for village stores, America, 1994 (E S)
1990 (E F S) 112/1 Pesticide application equipment for use in
83 Agricultural engineering in development: tillage for agriculture - Vol. 1, Manually carried equipment,
crop production in areas of low rainfall, 1990 (E) 1994 (E)
84 Agricultural engineering in development: selection 112/2 Pesticide application equipment for use in
of mechanization inputs, 1990 (E F S) agriculture - Vol. 2, Mechanically-powered
85 Agricultural engineering in development: guidelines equipment, 1995 (E)
for mechanization systems and machinery 113 Maintenance and operation of bulk grain stores,
rehabilitation programmes, 1990 (E) 1994 (E)
86 Strategies for crop insurance planning, 1991 (ES) 114 Seed marketing, 1994 (E)
87 Guide pour l'établissement, les opérations et la 115 SeleCtion, testing and evaluation of agricultural
gestion des banques de céréales, 1991 (F) machines and equipment - Theory, 1995 (E)
88/1 Agricultural engineering in development - Basic 116 Safeguarding deposits - Learning from experience,
blacksmithing: a training manual, 1991 (E S) 1995 (E)
88/2 Agricultural engineering in development - 117 Quality assurance for small-scale rural food
Intermediate blacksmithing: a training manual, industries, 1995 (E)
1991 (E F S ) 118 Pollination of cultivated plants in the tropics,
88/3 Agricultural engineering in development - 1995 (E)
Advanced blacksmithing: a training manual, 119 Fruit and vegetable processing, 1995 (E)
1991 (E F)
89 Post-harvest and processing technologies of African Availability: April 1995
staple foods: a technical compendium, 1991 (E)
90 Wholesale markets - Planning and design manual, Ar - Arabic Multil - Multilingual
1991 (E) Chinese Out of print
91 Agricultural engineering in development: guidelines E English In preparation
for rebuilding replacement parts and assemblies, French
1992 (E S) Portuguese
92 Agricultural engineering in development: human S Spanish
resource development - training and education
programmes, 1992 (E F S) The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized
93 Agricultural engineering in development: post- FAO Sales Agents or directly from Distribution and Sales Section,
harvest operations and management of foodgrains, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
1994 (6F S)
94 Minor oil crops:
Part I - Edible oils
Part II - Non-edible oils
Part Ill - Essential oils, 1992 (E)
95 Biogas processes for sustainable development,
1992 (E F)
96 Small-scale processing of microbial pesticides,
1992 (E)
97 Technology of production of edible flours and
protein products from soybeans, 1992 (E F)
This bulletin introduces the reader to various aspects of natural and insect
pollination. Topics in the first part include the pollinators; the ecological and
economic importance of pollination; applied pollination in temperate areas, tropical
oceanic islands and mainland tropics; and alternatives to artificial pollinator
populations. Prospects for the future are also discussed. The second part considers
successful pollination with pollinator populations; the evaluation of pollinators; floral
biology and research techniques; the behaviour of pollinators and plant phenology;
and various case-studies on the preparation of pollinators for use in tropical
agriculture. A glossary is included, as well as appendixes on cultivated and
semi-cultivated plants in the tropics, pollination contracts and levels of safety of
pesticides for bees and other pollinators.
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