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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the
basic concepts of trigonometry.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the concepts of

trigonometric ratios to formulate and solve real-
life problems with precision and accuracy.
C. Learning Competency Illustrates angles of elevation and angles of

Objectives: 1. Identify the angles of elevation, angles of

depression and the line of sight using the
given figures.
2. Illustrate problems that involve angle of
elevation and angle of depression.
3. Solve real-life and word problems
involving angle of elevation and angle of

I. Content Lesson 3: Angles Of Elevation And Angles Of


II.Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teachers Guide Pages Teachers Guide for Mathematics 9 (pp.287-291)
2. Learners Material Pages Mathematics 9 Learners Material (pp.457-464)
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials For Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resource Visual Aid/Instructional Materials

III. Procedures
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Or Presenting The
New Lesson
 Greetings
Good morning class? Good morning ma’am, it’s nice to see you this
 Prayer
Please remain standing for a prayer. Miss Acasio, please Our father, who art in heaven hallowed be your
lead the prayer. name your kingdom come your will be done on
earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us, lead us
not into temptation but deliver us from evil,
Before you take your seats, kindly arrange your chairs
properly and pick up some pieces of trashes under your
 Attendance Checking
Who are absent for today?
 Setting of Standard
What should a good students do when someone or your Keep silent, seat properly and listen carefully
teacher is talking in front? ma’am.
Very good!
 Reviewing of the Previous Lesson
What was our lesson last meeting class? About the Trigonometric Ratios of Special
Triangles ma’am.
Any question about Trigonometric Ratios of Special None ma’am.
 Reading of the Objectives
A chart will be posted on a side of the board. Let the
students read the objective so that they will be able to
track the accomplishment of the different objectives as
the lesson is taught.

1. Identify the angles of elevation, angles

of depression and the line of sight
using the given figures.
2. Illustrates problems that involve angle
of elevation and angle of depression.
3. Solve word problems involving angle
of elevation and angle of depression

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

 ACTIVITY (Identify Me) The teacher will divide the students into 5
groups. Each group will be given 1 figure and
they are going to identify the segment that
represents the line of sight, and identify the
angles (if any) that represent the angle of
elevation or angle of depression. Every group
will have a representative to show and explain
their output. The group who has done first and
have correct answers will be declare as a

Guide question:
How did you identify the line of sight, angle of
elevation and angle of depression?
Angle of Angle of Line of sight
elevation depression

Angle of Angle of Line of sight

elevation depression

Angle of Angle of Line of sight

elevation depression

Angle of Angle of Line of sight

elevation depression
Angle of Angle of Line of sight
elevation depression

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new

Based on the activity class, what do you think our ANGLE OF ELEVATION AND
lesson for today? ANGLE OF DEPRESSION
Very Good!

The teacher will going to define the Line of sight, Angle

of Elevation and Angle of Depression.
 Line of sight – is an imaginary line that connects the
eye of an observer to the object being observed.
 Angle of Elevation – is the angle from the horizontal
to the line of sight of the observer to the object
 Angle of Depression – is the angle from the
horizontal to the line of sight of the observer to the
object below.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills #1
Trigonometric ratios may be used to solve problems
involving angles of elevation and depression.
A tower is 15.24m high. At a certain distance away from
the tower, an observer determines that the angle of
elevation to the top of it is 41°. How far is the observer
from the base of the tower?


𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜽 =
𝟏𝟓. 𝟐𝟒
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝟒𝟏° =

𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝟒𝟏° = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟐𝟒

𝒙 𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝟒𝟏° 𝟏𝟓. 𝟐𝟒

𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝟒𝟏° 𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝟒𝟏°

x = 17.53

Therefore, the observer is 17.53m away from the base

of the tower.
Take note:
A trigonometric ratio often helps us set up an equation,
which can then be solved for the missing
measurement. If two legs of the triangle are part of the
problem, then it is a tangent ratio. If the hypotenuse is
part of the problem, then it is either a sine or cosine

E. Developing Mastery
The teacher will give a board work to the students and Try to solve this problem.
call a representative to show/explain his/her answer. A hiker is 400 meters away from the base of the
radio tower. The angle of elevation to the top of
the tower is 46°. How high is the tower?

F. Finding practical applications of concepts and

skills in daily living
 Activity (Illustrate and Solve My Problem) Direction: Draw the pictures presented by the
With the same group. information in the problem given and solve what
is asked in the problem. Clear, neat and accurate
The teacher will let the students share their ideas illustrations are necessary. Every group will have
of the possible practical applications of the a representative to show and explain their
concept. output.
G-1: A 12 meter high post cast a 19 meter
shadow. Find the angle of elevation to the sum.
Assessment Rubric: G-2: The angle of elevation from a boat to the
top of a 92 meter hill is 12°. How far is the boat
Criteria Understan Understandi Understand No from the base of the hill?
ding of ng of ing of understan
concept, concept, can concept, ding
G-3: From the top of the control tower 250m
can apply apply but but not (1) tall, an airplane is sighted on the ground below.
accurately commits able to If the airplane is 170m from the base of the
(4) errors in apply
calculation (2) tower, find the angle of depression of the
(3) airplane from the top of the control tower.
Able to G-4: From the top of a cliff 280 meters high, the
draw figure
or angle of depression of a boat is 25°. How far
illustration from the base of the cliff is the boat?
of the
G-5: From an airplane at an altitude of 1200m,
Able to the angle of depression to a rock on the ground
apply measures 28°. Find the horizontal distance from
the plane to the rock.
ric ratio.

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about

the lesson
The teacher will ask the students, what is a line Line of sight – is an imaginary line that connects
of sight? What is the angle of elevation? What is the eye of an observer to the object being
the angle of depression? observed.

Angle of Elevation – is the angle from the

horizontal to the line of sight of the observer to
the object above.
Angle of Depression – is the angle from the
horizontal to the line of sight of the observer to
the object below.
H. Evaluate Learning
The teacher will give a quiz to the students. Direction: Solve the ff. problems.
1. A plane is flying at an altitude of 14,500 ft.
the angle of depression from the plane to
a control tower is 15°. What is the
horizontal distance from the plane to the
tower? Round to the nearest foot.
2. A woman is standing 122 ft. from the
sculpture. The angle of elevation from her
eye to the top of the sculpture is 30°, and
the angle of depression to its base is 22°.
How tall is the sculpture to the nearest

I. Additional application for renovation For your assignment answer the following
1. The angle of elevation from point A to the
top of the press box is 49°. If point A is 400
ft. from the base of the press box, how
high is the press box?
2. Find the angle of elevation of the sun
when a 1222.5 ft. post cast an 18 ft.
3. A ladder leaning up against a barn makes
an angle of 78° with the ground when the
ladder is 5 ft. from the barn. How long is
the ladder?



Prepared by:
Airez Cabute Magallano
Practice Teacher

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