Wearing The Body of Vision

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The key takeaways are that wearing the Body of Vision involves arising in the form of a Partzuf (divine personification) during spiritual practices and rituals to shed one's limited identity and generate a new identity with a fully evolved divine being. This allows one to move divine powers and accomplish wonders.

The purpose of wearing the Body of Vision is to embody and become a divine or enlightened being during spiritual works and ceremonies. It allows one to take on the presence and power of the Partzuf to accomplish intentions and wonders.

Some examples of Partzufim one can arise as include the Bright or Dark Mother, the Bright or Dark Bride, Yeshua Messiah, St. John the Baptist, St. Lazarus, various archangels, angels, animal spirits, and more depending on the nature of the spiritual work.

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Wearing the Body of Vision


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Wearing the Body of Vision
by Tau Malachi Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:44 am

Wearing the Body of Vision

If we look into the various spiritual practices of the Sophian tradition we will find that in many of
them, in one way or another, we arise in a body of vision in the form of the Human One of Light,
assuming the form or image of a Partzuf – a divine personification; arising as the Partzuf in
meditation, we united with and become the Partzuf. This is a practice of divine pride or spiritual
self-worth, shedding our self-identification with limited name and form, and personal history, and
in place of it generating a new self-identity with fully evolved and enlightened being, Divine Being.

If you look at the instructions given for the four Base Rituals, the sacred rituals of the pentagram
and hexagram, you will see that they begin with putting on the Body of Vision – the arising in the
Body of Light as the Partzuf (divine image); throughout the sacred ritual the initiate is “Wearing
the Body of Vision.” This is an essential key in any wonderworking or theurgic movement, for it is
the Person of Light in us, the Divine in us, that moves and directs the Divine Powers and spirits;
hence the saying of the holy apostle, “not I, but Christ in me.”

There are all manner of different Partzufim we may arise as in the Body of Light – the Bright or
Dark Mother, the Bright or Dark Bride, Yeshua Messiah, St. John the Baptist, St. Lazarus, among
others, as well as various Archangels, the Great Kerubim; at times, we may even shape-shift into
an angel of our Earthly Mother, an animal spirit, assuming its medicine power.

At the outset, envisioning ourselves as holy and divine beings may very well be like a flight of
fantasy, a controlled daydream with the equivalent power of a daydream; but in the case of a very
skilled and experiences wonderworker, an adept or master of the wonderworking art, it is far more
than a daydream – assuming the form of a Partzuf, they assume its presence and power, acquiring
the medicine power of the Body of Vision they wear. In fact, arising in the Body of Light as Partzuf,
often they have little need for an elaborate ceremony outwardly, but rather merely speaking an
intention it will come to pass as they speak it, or merely with a thought in the mind it will
transpire, or simply through silent volition, conscious intent; for they are speaking, thinking and
willing as the Partzuf, moving as the Partzuf – all transpires through the presence and power of the
Partzuf, for theirs is the mind, heart and body of the Partzuf.

You might say that this is the great secret of all wonderworking, and it is the aim and fruition of all
wonderworking – being and becoming Divine or Enlightened Being, embodying Divine or Enlightened
Being, and seeking to uplift the whole of creation as Divine or Enlightened Being. This is perfection
at walking in beauty and holiness as we are instructed by Yeshua Messiah and the Holy Gospel.

Now in terms of wonderworking, a wonderworker will assume the form of a Partzuf corresponding
to the Divine Power or spiritual beings-forces they intent to work with, or corresponding to the
intention of the ceremony; thus, for example, in works directly dealing with healing, they might
arise in the image of Adonai Yeshua or Archangel Raphael, as these are two of the principle
Partzufim for healing in life. In generally, frequently male initiates will arise as Adonai Yeshua for
many workings and female initiates will arise as St. Mary Magdalene, the Holy Bride; hence arising
as the “Priest-King or Priestess-Queen of the Order of Melchizedek.” In any case, the form the
wonderworker assumes will depend upon the nature of the spiritual work or wonder to be perform
– but always in a ceremony or wonderworking movement they will arise as Partzuf, holy and divine

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In the case of a true adept of the art there is no need for any outward support for this – rather
naturally and spontaneously they shape-shift, as it were, arising in the form of Divine or
Enlightenment Being necessary for the movement in the power of the moment; for many of us,
though, who might not be as skilled and experienced, some outward support can be helpful at
times – hence actual ceremony, and supports like sacred clothing and robes, various
ornamentations, or even face paint and masks. Whatever we can do to support our kavvanah and
devekut of Wearing the Body of Vision is good, and is rightly called *skillful means*.

Even in the case of a great adept who may have no need of external supports for themselves, often
times they will take them up for the sake of the people, and as a talismanic movement for balance
in the play of cosmic and spiritual forces; likewise, they may do so as creative and artistic
expressions, and as though a child of the Divine Mother at play – for the pure joy of it, for its own
sake. When they do this it proves extremely powerful, and often quite awesome in beauty and
performance – a flow that is incredibly graceful and skillful. Indeed, it can be quite something to
see and experience – a wonderful blessing!

There is something to be said for creativity in the wonderworking art – the word “art” is used for
ceremony in our tradition on account of this; essentially, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Creator –
the *Creative Spirit*, and it is in creativity, and the use of our human and divine intelligence, that
we join ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit to the All-Divine, the Holy One of
Being. Thus we find that the wonderworker is an artist – ceremony representing installation art and
performance art, among other things, though all done in a sacred manner, all in a sacred context,
with Divine Presence and Power.

Indeed! As a wonderworker we are called as artists in the Spirit – artists of the Spirit; it is a
spiritual science and art, and intuitive and creative art within which we experience the Divine
Intelligence, the Perfect Thunder Mind of the Holy Spirit. Thus, truly, the beginner and advanced
practitioner alike will enact sacred ceremony and take up the play of outward talismans for the joy
of it and for the people.

Therefore, in considering such outward supports, as much as supporting your kavvanah and
devekut, they also become a direct talismanic expression of the Divine or Enlightened Being
embodied and moving in this world.

The most common form of outward support of wearing the Body of Vision is through sacred clothing
and ornamentation – dressing the part, as it were; it is not uncommon for a wonderworker to
develop a ceremonial wardrobe over time that gives some range of creativity, including sacred
cloths for outdoor work, as well as cloths for indoor work. Along with this, they often also collect
some sacred jewelry or ornamentation, such pendants, rings and bracelets.

At times, in some sacred ceremonies face paint might be used, which can be its own art form –
accenting the face with color and sacred marks or designs, the painting of the face itself often
becomes an invocation.

At times ritual masks may also be created – some simple, some elaborate, and when they are
created the wonderworker will do so in a sacred manner, with prayer and meditation, and it will
be consecrated in a fashion similar to other prayer weapons. In a certain respect the mask offers
more versatility than face painting, as in the sacred ceremony the wonderworker can put it on and
take it off swiftly, playing between the sacred mask and their actual face.

There are sacred ceremonies that call for the use of masks in the tradition – not only in support
Wearing the Body of Vision, but also playing up the idea of false personas we assume and shedding
them order to accept and be ourselves.

Within the tradition, quite apart from the use of any actual mask, when a lineage-holder takes up
initiation in the play of Crazy Wisdom it is often called the “Dance of Masks,” as by way of Wearing
the Body of Vision and the manipulation of the currents of energy in the subtle body they can
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appear to shift countenance and the entire matrix of energy-intelligence around them will shift,
sometimes very swiftly and in radical ways. At times the same term is applied to the flow of life
and Sacred Circle, for to a certain degree we are putting on masks and “shape-shifting,” as it
were, all of the time throughout the day, depending upon our state of mind and what we are doing
– going through shifts in our countenance and energy; it is this very capacity in all of us that a holy
tzaddik is playing upon when they take up the Dance of Masks.

With or without outward supports, however, Wearing the Body of Vision is part of every
wonderworking ceremony.

Now in closing we can say, as in the integration of Union with Partzuf Meditation into daily living,
our ultimate aim is to Wear the Body of Vision all of the time, integrating the sacred and mundane
in one single weave of the Spirit; hence to walk in power with Ha-Shem in all that we do. At the
outset we seek to develop this capacity in sacred ceremony, but developing it in sacred ceremony
we then begin to extend it into other activities. Study of the methods used for this in Union with
Partzuf will provide insights into how a wonderworker will do this, for basically the methods are
the same.

*In the development of Wearing the Body of Vision taking up practices of Union with Partzuf is part
of the spiritual practice of initiates within the Order of St. Uriel.

Wearing the Body of Vision, may we abide in the Great Palace of Lights – all in the Risen
Messiah; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

by sophia-suzette Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:50 pm

Greetings and Salutations Tau Malachi!

Again I must express my gratefulness for bringing theses teachings. "Wearing the Body of Vision "
has been especially inspiring for me, and makes one reel with delightful possibilities.

"There are sacred ceremonies that call for the use of masks in the tradition – not only in support
Wearing the Body of Vision, but also playing up the idea of false personas we assume and shedding
them order to accept and be ourselves. "

Can you say more about these ceremonies as I can see that they can be particularly useful, and a
powerful way of dealing with any stuckness in personality. Could you also say more about the
"Dance of Masks" or is it entirely a spontaneous play of the moment?

In deep gratitude,

Ceremony of False Masks - True Faces

by Tau Malachi Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:09 pm

Salutations in the Dance of the Shekinah of Messiah!

Yes, truly, the Dance of Masks is not something easily spoken about – it happens in the power of
the moment, when the Holy Shekinah inspires it, and taking it up the tzaddik reflects our own
energy in that moment, as well as assuming various faces of the Divine Presence and Power
interacting with us – when the Holy Shekinah inspires it we can take it up and show it to a person,
but we cannot speak about it very well, not apart from the experience of it.

We can say, though, that it is an energetic psychodrama, but in this drama the Divine Presence and
Power becomes embodied, as though the tzaddik is a chariot in which the Messiah and Shekinah

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ride. The very same art is applied by a wonderworker – the Light Transmission (or initiation) being
the highest form of the wonderworking art.

With time, hopefully, I can share about some rituals involving the use of sacred masks – there is
much to be shared for the Order of St. Uriel, so it is going to take some time to record what needs
to be recorded, all as the Mother Spirit inspires. At the moment, perhaps I can share one example
of a ritual with sacred masks, and it might serve until I can return to the subject later.

The Ceremony of False Masks – True Faces

Very often we find, in retrospect, that we have not been ourselves – have not been true to who and
what we really are, that we have put on false masks, false faces; likewise, sometimes we find that
how others may see us does not reflect who and what we truly are, but that they see us in
distorted ways – we all have masks we wear, and sometimes they are masks it would be best that
we do not wear. When that is true it is a good idea for us to take them off and throw them away!

In circle a group of us can gather and perform a smudging ceremony – then we can make masks
characterizing a false face we assume, or a false face we feel is projected upon us; we make a
mask of a spirit that represents the klippah, like a semblance of a titan, hungry ghost or demon.
Then, we all sit in circle and show our masks and tell our spiritual companions what it represents
and how we feel about it and what we think about it.

It is good is there is a leader in the group not making or wearing any mask – it is very good is they
are a vision bringer for the people or a tzaddik; they can trace a circle, assuming that one has not
already been traced, and they can honor and call upon the powers to help shatter klippot and
liberate the divine sparks. Then, there can be some music, or some drumming or rattling, or all of
the above, and everybody can dance these masks, becoming for a while these spirits of false
masks; they can all interact with one another in the sacred ceremony of the dance, and the leader
or tzaddik can go interact with them, inquiring if they are real, inquiring who they really are – and
when pushed upon by the leader or tzaddik in this way, they can flash and reveal their real face,
removing the mask for a moment.

When all have been approached in this way, then the leader can perform a banishing of all false
and deceptive spirits, and all klippot – as they do this, everyone takes off their masks and throws
them with zeal onto the ground outside of the circle, yelling “Be gone from me!”

Then the leader of tzaddik inquires of every person who they are, and all now speak of themselves
as they really are, and speak in accepting and affirmative terms of who they are – then, as who
they are in the Messiah, as who they really are in life, all will be invited to a Wedding Feast, and
there will be a celebration of a Wedding Feast, sealing the *Ceremony of False Masks – True Faces.*
(Prayers will be spoken for the liberation of all our relations from bondage to falsehood and illusory

Afterwards, usually there will be something of a feast of good food and drink – something of a
party; and the masks will be picked up and ceremonially destroyed, either that, or everyone will
take theirs with them in a bag and in a private ceremony destroy it, as a gesture of shedding it
once and for all.

This can be an incredibly powerful ceremony and experience – though very simple, it’s amazing
how deep it can reach and the healing that can take place through it. It is a sacred ritual of self-
acceptance and self-knowledge, and being blessed as yourself, as who and what you really are – it
is all about being and becoming yourself in the Divine Light, the very purpose of the Spiritual Path.

It is important though that this is done in a group of people – that’s part of the self-acceptance
empowerment, to do this with others; and it is important that a leader is there for the people,
because that role is important, also, this may move some really powerful emotions and there needs
to be someone to help process them with people if there is a need. In fact, if there is more than
say three or five in this ceremony, a leader may need helpers just in case several people may
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require some help processing at the same time – you can’t be in the process and help with the
processing. You really never know what might happen in such sacred ceremonies – they touch deep
places in us.

(In this kind of ceremony people can dance in and out of circle – all over the place; and they really
want to become the spirit-mask and express themselves, and really want to get into it. It is a safe
place to do this because everybody has agreed to be present with one another for this purpose to
allow this and enact this, and the Holy Shekinah and Divine Powers are invoked to help – it’s a good
place for it.)

Not only can this be emotional, as well as powerful in terms of healing – it can also be a lot of fun!

This is one example of a sacred ritual-dance with masks.

May we come to know our True Face – our face in the Spirit before we were born; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

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