Senior Project Manual
Senior Project Manual
Senior Project Manual
Table of Contents
Section 3: Research Papers ...............................................................
Section 4: Selecting a External Business/Industry Mentor ...........
Section 5: The Product/Process Project ...........................................
Supplemental Materials in Binder:
High school seniors are nearing the completion of 12 years of education. They have
taken a variety of courses and developed an assortment of skills during those years.
Now is the time for seniors to combine their knowledge and skills in a Senior
Project to show what they have learned. A Senior Project provides an opportunity
for a student to choose an area of interest, conduct in-depth research and
demonstrate problem-solving, decision-making and independent learning skills. It
contributes to a strong senior year of challenging courses and practical experiences
that prepare students for the next step in the workplace or when pursuing further
The student is not alone during the project. Each student meets individually with his
or her Tech Prep Teacher. The student may also work with related academic
instructors depending on the design of their Tech Prep program. In addition, the
student will work with a Product/Process Mentor who has expertise in the student’s
field of study.
· Organizing curriculum around authentic student projects which serve as a basis
for learning from career and academic disciplines in an inter-disciplinary
· Developing capacities not conventionally taught, such as, ability to work
independently, problem-solving which involves students as expert-practitioners
who use and demonstrate their knowledge and skills, etc.
· Engages students in complex, challenging tasks which allow integration of
learning, generation of knowledge, reflection, and creation of a product, and
provides the student with the opportunity to work with business and industry
· Meets rigorous and measurable standards for academic and technical
performance that reflect global demands, are required of all students, and make a
diploma meaningful
· Serves as a capstone to a sequenced course of technical and academic study
Senior Project Roles
Role of the Student:
1. Assist student with selection of project topic and final approval of project
2. Assist and advise student in the technical portion of the project
3. Oversee student in accordance to project guidelines
4. Review rough draft of research paper and advise student as to where revision
may be needed.
5. Evaluate final draft of research paper
6. Allocate related class time to work with students regarding their senior
7. Evaluate the product/process project
8. Coach student in preparation for oral presentation and verify technical
accuracy of presented materials
9. Create an end of project student evaluation survey form for the purpose of
project improvement.
10. If there is no academic instructor connected to the design of the Tech Prep
Program, the Career-Technical instructor will need to assist with the roles of
the English Teacher that follows.
Role of English Teacher (If Tech Prep program design includes the academic
1. Instruct the student in the proper form and process of the research paper
2. Collect and evaluation all written documentation pertaining to the Senior
3. Review rough draft of research paper and advise student as to where revision
may be needed
4. Evaluate final draft of research paper to pre-established standards
5. Discuss with Career-Technical instructor regarding the content of research
paper and integrate evaluations of form and content to final project grade
6. Coach student in appropriate methods of giving an oral presentation
7. Conduct a post presentation discussion with the student for the purpose of
project improvement and implementation.
Guidelines for Senior Projects
The Senior Project is an integral part of a student’s final year of high school. It
integrates skills, concepts and data from the student’s program of study into one
culminating project. Students work on individual projects. Although, the
product/process portion may have some joint relationship to other product/process
project by other students, each presentation is completed independently.
Part 1 - Research Paper – a formal paper that encourages students to develop and
demonstrate proficiency in conducting research and writing about a chosen topic.
· All research papers should be 5-7 content/text pages in length. In addition to the
content/text papers, there should be a title page and a bibliography. An Appendix
support is optional based on topic.
· The student will spend a minimum of 15 hours outside class work on a project
related to the research topic.
· The Tech Prep instructor will approve the Product/Process Project. (Sample
Senior Product/Process Project Approval Form)
· The student identifies an external mentor to assist with the project. The mentor
should be an adult accomplished and experienced in the chosen project area.
Student will meet a minimum of three times with mentor.
Part 3 – Oral Presentation– a formal presentation of the project before a panel of
judges. The presentation consists of a speech, an explanation of how learning was
applied in developing the project and a discussion of lessons learned by the student.
· An 8-10 minute oral presentation (with note cards) given to an audience that
might include administrators, teachers, student peers, parents as well as
business and industry representatives.
· Speech content should include information about the research paper, the
product/process project and how the student personally gains from completing
the senior project. (See Oral Presentation information sheet)
Suggested Time Line
Week #
Week # in a
in One Whole Research Product/ Portfolio
Semester Year Paper Process Presentation Item
2 4 Orientation Orientation Orientation
3 6 Identify topic X
4 8 Begin research Tentatively
product/process X
and get parental
5 10 Begin product/
6 12 Preliminary Select
draft Community or
Business X
7 14 Submit initial
process plan
8 16 Review project
status and Outline Speech
journal presentation
9 18 Submit final
Draft X
10 20 Design Visual
Aids X
11 22 Review project
status and Journal
12 24 Submit
presentation X
13 26 Practice
14 28 Journal /
Product Due Make
15 30 O r i e n t 11 th Presentation to
graders to the Authentic X
S e n i o r P ro j e c t Audience
16 32
17 34
18 36 Reflection Reflection Reflection
Student Activity Checklist
Getting Started
All journeys begin with an important first step. The first step in a Senior Project is to
choose a topic that interests you, will be fun to study and is worthwhile. Refer to the
chart before and begin planning next steps as outlined.
A rubric sets criteria or standards that can be used to evaluate student learning, and gives
observable indicators of various quality levels. Some teachers say, “I know good work when I see
it,” but they have a hard time putting those criteria or standards into words. The description of
quality levels included in a rubric allows teachers to identify what a specific level of work looks
Many teachers use rubrics to assess project-related processes, products and/or student
performance. Benefits of using rubrics include the following:
· Rubrics provide clear and accurate definitions of 3-5 quality levels
· Rubrics allow teachers to customize their assessment of projects by choosing the most
appropriate criteria.
· Rubrics allow teachers to be accurate and consistent in their assessment of processes,
products or student performance.
· Students can understand what is expected of them – before, during and after project
participation. (To encourage student buy-in to criteria included in the rubrics, students can be
involved in developing criteria.)
· Rubrics accept and do not penalize creativity.
To gain an understanding of the components of rubrics, take a few minutes to examine several of
those included in this manual. Notice there are criteria that will be used to access a student’s work.
The remaining columns describe different levels of student performance.
Rubric Template Visit this page for an all-purpose rubric template. Also check out the examples from
teachers who have used this template to build their own rubrics.
. www.esc20. net/etprojects/formats/webquests/summer99/northside/spu rs/ru bric
Web Publishing Rubric This rubric has ways to evaluate projects, which culminate in the publishing of a
web page.
Analytical Thinking Process of Problem Solving Rubric: This rubric assumes the difficult task of
assessing the though processes behind problem solving.
Oral Presentation Rubric: A short rubric for teacher and self-assessment of a student’s oral presentation.
http://projects.edtech health/ru brics/oralpresentation .html
Problem Based Learning with Multimedia: A rubric for assessing multimedia use, collaboration and
project content.
The Rubric Bank: Numerous rubrics in pdf format as well as some tips for choosing which one is right for
you. ml
Senior Project and Project-Based Learning: Some Helpful website and
Before you start re-creating all your own documents, it is great to surf websites from
organizations and schools involved in senior projects and project-based learning that provide
information, forms, resources, rubrics and sample projects.
http ://
Choosing a Senior Project Topic
A Senior Project is about doing and learning something that you want to do and
learn about! This is your chance to choose a topic that will be interesting and
worthwhile and will extend your knowledge of your Tech Prep area. However,
making the decision may not be easy. Choose carefully, consult with your Career-
Technical Instructor and remember to keep your project manageable. Here are some
guidelines that might help you.
· Topics must be related to the student’s career and technical area of interest.
· The topic must be broad enough to provide adequate resources and to yield a
written report of the desired length and depth of study.
· Topics must be narrow enough to be covered within the time frame of the
Sample Senior Project Topic Selection Sheet
Student Name
Sources: 1
Sources: 1
Sources: 1
Sample Senior Project Topic Selection Assessment Rubric
Sample Senior Project Commitment Form
My Senior son/daughter and I have read through the Senior Project material. We
understand that there are three components of the Senior Project, which include a
research paper, 15-hour product/process project and a 8-10 minute oral
We understand that due dates and syllabi will be distributed throughout the course of
the senior year and that these due dates will need to be adhered to. We also realize
that this three-part Senior Project must be completed as part of the grading system
for the Tech Prep program.
If we have any questions throughout the year about the Senior Project, we
understand that we may contact you at (insert phone number).
Sample letter from Lancaster High School
As you may already know, one of the expectations we at Lancaster High School have of
our seniors is that each student completes a Senior Project. The Senior Project was developed
through our continuous improvement plan. Its purpose is not only to challenge all students and
raise expectations to improve our students’ achievement, but also to provide a culminating
activity for seniors to demonstrate the essential skills they all should have before leaving high
Senior Projects consist of three components completed throughout the year. The first
component of the Senior Project is the actual research paper. This should be finished by
January. It will require the student to use specific skills – research, organization, written
expression and critical thinking. For most seniors, this paper will be completed in the Senior
English Class where the research paper is required to pass the course. Students not enrolled in
Senior English will work with a career-technical teacher. The research paper will count as 40% of
the final Senior Project grade.
The second component of the Senior Project is the product/process project that is
related in some way to the research topic. Each student is required to work with a mentor who
can provide expertise and guide, facilitate and document the student’s progress on the project.
This project is to be done outside of class time requiring a minimum of 15 documented hours
usually between December and March. Students are also required to maintain a portfolio and log
to record their time, efforts, thought, etc. while completing the project. Most student find this part
of the project the most fun, but is also is invaluable in developing and sharpening their problem
solving, communication, time management, and “hands-on” real-life skills. The
project/mentorship/portfolio is 40% of the final grade.
The last part of the Senior Project is an 8-10 minute oral presentation of the paper and
project hat each student will make to a broad community membership and teachers in May. This is
the chance where the students will get to brag and show their pride in what they have
accomplished and learned. Although many students, presenting publicly can be stressful, you
will agree that oral communication skills are essential for any person to have no matter what
career path is chosen. The presentation is work 20% of the complete Senior Project grade.
As you can see, the Senior Project develops and hones many important academic skills.
However, many non-academic qualities are also stressed. Students will be expected to meet
deadlines, so they will have to learn to plan and budget their time. They will often be required to
overcome obstacles, move from their “comfort zones” and learn to cope with the healthy stresses
that sometimes accompany that. The student will have to learn to make contacts with other people
and find information in places not traditionally applied in school. Still, everything learned from
completing the Senior Project process will only help a student become a more independent
thinker, learning and problem solver. In turn, it is our hope that they will become a stronger, more
independent and more successful member of society.
Each student determines the topic of his or her Senior Project. Of course, we will set
some parameters. First, the topic must be related to their Career-Technical field and be
appropriate for school. Secondly, the topic for the Senior Project must reflect a true learning
experience or “stretch” for the student. This is, it must be something the student doesn’t know
much about or hasn’t done before. Finally, there must be a connection between the topic of the
paper and the nature of the product. We will not require students to spend money, and we
discourage unnecessary physical risk. Those factors are to be determined by the student and their
parents. Therefore, the school district and its employees will not be held liable for any injury or
You may ask, “How will the Senior Project be graded?” Every student who is required to
complete a Senior Project will be able to earn .5 elective credit which will appear as a second
semester class on the grade card. Please note: no student will be enrolled in an additional class;
the “course” will appear as an independent study credit. The grade earned for the research paper
will be recorded, as the third nine-week’s grade. Then the grade for the actual project will appear for
the fourth nine-weeks. Finally, the final exam will reflect the oral presentation grade. The final
grade for the Senior Project will then be averaged in the same manner as for any other semester
class. However, if a student chooses not to complete one or more components of the Senior
Project – the research paper, the project/mentorship/portfolio, and/or the presentation – an
F will be recorded for the final grade. Please know that the only part of the Senior Project
required for graduation is the research paper; completing it is, and for many years has been required
as part of Senior English. In addition, final exam exemptions do not apply to the Senior Project
While it is expected that each student take responsibility for completing a Senior Project,
no student is expected to do it alone. As was mentioned, English teachers will assist with the
research paper, and the mentor will serve as a guide in completing the project. In addition each
student will be assigned an advisor who is person on the LHS staff who will serve as a coach –
someone the student can go to for help, someone who will help keep the student on track in
meeting deadlines and finding resources, someone to be there to help students through the stressful
times. We are all here to do what we can to make this experience not only a challenging one, but
we also want it to be rewarding and even fun. We want all students to experience a true sense of
accomplishment by having them achieve something they may have thought they’d never be able to
We hope that you as parents and guardians will also take an active role in helping your
student and become part of our team. Kathy Rexford serves as our administrator supervising the
Senior Project, and Paulette Maravich and Doug Stull are our teacher coordinators. Please so not
hesitate to contact any of us with any questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions you have (681-
Best of luck as you all completed your senior year!
Sample Letter of Intent for Senior Project at Clay High School
Paragraph I
Describe the general area of interest. Also explain what you already know about this area and
what experience you have in this field.
Paragraph II
This paragraph should concentrate on the specific area of your paper. What ideas do you hope to
include, and what sources do you plan to use? (Where will you find your information?)
Paragraph III
Begin this paragraph with a transitional sentence that shows the relationship between your
research topic and your product/process project. Then describe your project. What will it be? Who
is involved? What is the potential cost? Estimate the time you’ll need to spend on it and the possible
resources you plan to use.
Paragraph IV
Explain your understanding of plagiarism and its consequences. This is your pledge that you will do
your own work.
Your signature
Your Name (typed)
Assembling Research Information
· Secondary strongest point
· The strongest pro-augment or most important reason/example in the support
of the thesis
· Proper documentation of the sources
The conclusion may:
· Restates the thesis
· Paraphrases or summarizes ideas supporting the thesis
· Take the topic one step beyond and predict the future of the problem
The Bibliography
· Is an alphabetical list
· Contains all sources used in the paper
· Follow either MLA or APA style
· Avoid plagiarism – presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own.
1. Borrowing someone’s words or ideas is acceptable as long as you
give appropriate credit
2. Common knowledge does not require documentation
Sample Research Log
Sample Annotated Bibliography Rubric
1. Discussion:
Sufficient content, significant information,
Main ideas, sentence variety, proper length 40 points
2. MLA Documentation:
Alphabetical order, proper punctuation,
Proper format 25 points
3. Mechanics:
Grammar, mechanics, punctuation,
Spelling (minus 1 point per error) 25 points
Sample Research Paper Student Editing Sheet
Name____________________________________ Thesis
I. Content/Organization
• Length appropriate Yes No
• All sections support thesis Yes No
• Clearly written Yes No
• Well-phrased sentences Yes No
• Good transitions Yes No
• Conclusion restates thesis Yes No
• Conclusion offers solution Yes No
III. Mechanics
• Underlined book, magazine and play titles Yes No
• Quotation marks around magazine articles Yes No
• Parentheses around citations Yes No
• Periods follow parenthesis Yes No
• End punctuation mark before closing quotation marks in a direct quote
Yes No
• Corrected all spelling errors Yes No
• Eliminated fragments Yes No
• Eliminated run-on sentences Yes No
• Eliminated contractions Yes No
• Mechanical/grammatical errors Yes No
Sample Final Copy of Research Paper Grading Sheet
Sample Research Paper Rubric
Sample English Grading Rubric
Format: 20 points
• Correct title page 4 3 2 revise
• Correct outline 4 3 2 revise
• Correct subheadings and titles 4 3 2 revise
• Correct numbering 4 3 2 revise
• Correct margins 4 3 2 revise
Structure 20 points
• Appropriate title sheet 4 3 2 revise
• Thesis statement 4 3 2 revise
• Well developed body (adequate information) and clear method of
development 4 3 2 revise
• Adequate conclusion 4 3 2 revise
• Adherence to outline 4 3 2 revise
Documentation 20 points
• Correct parenthetical documentation 4 3 2 revise
• Correct works cited page 4 3 2 revise
• Variety of sources 4 3 2 revise
• All required citations included (lack of Plagiarism) 8 6 4 revise
Any paper where 10% or more has been plagiarized will
receive a ZERO
Mechanics 12 points
• Spelling 4 3 2 revise
• Capitalization 4 3 2 revise
• Punctuation 4 3 2 revise
Usage 28 points
• Parallel structure 4 3 2 revise
• Sentence variety 4 3 2 revise
• Consistency in tone and voice 4 3 2 revise
• Tense consistency 4 3 2 revise
• Pronoun and antecedent agreement 4 3 2 revise
• Transitions 4 3 2 revise
• Subject and verb agreement 4 3 2 revise
The English Teacher could utilize this rubric (if the Tech Prep program is thus organized).
Total 100
A Product/Process Mentor is someone you trust who knows the subject of your
project and will take a sincere interest in guiding you to successful completion of
your product.
Sample Senior Project Mentor Agreement Form
StudentName__________________________________ Project
Mentors: In order for students to complete their Senior Project, they must work
with a mentor who has expertise in the area being explored. The mentor
must be willing to verify the student’s efforts and time spent. Each
student should spend at least 15 hours creating their product/process
project and additional hours with the mentor. If you are willing to serve
as this student’s mentor, please complete the form below. Thank you for
your participation.
I agree to serve as a mentor for the above named student while they complete the
Senior Project during 200 ___ - 200 ___ school year.
Mentor Name_____________________________(print name)
Signature________________________________ Date
Sample Mentor Verification Form
StudentName__________________________________ Project
You have been chosen to verify this student’s efforts on their Senior Project. Since
most of the time spent on the project phase of the assignment has been out of class,
verification of the student’s efforts is necessary. Please answer the following
questions to help us evaluate/document their 15 hours outside of class. Please keep
in mind that this student’s research paper has already been evaluated. This form
refers to the physical product/process project.
1. Can you verify that they spent at least 15 hours creating this project?
Yes No
2. Have you seen this project at different stages of completion, not just the final
Yes No
Thank you for your support and contribution to the student. It is appreciated.
Choosing a Product/Process for your Senior Project
· Does the research enhance the product? Is there a clear connection between the
research topic and the product / process you want to produce?
· Does the product / process represent significant amounts of time, effort and
appropriate complexity? Does it go beyond what you already know how to do?
· Is the project something you will do outside of your regular class or co-
curricular requirements? A product / process that you produce for a career-
technical student organization will not fulfill the Senior Project requirements
unless it goes substantially beyond the parameters of that product.
· Will the product involve tangible evidence of your work – either something
physical that can be seen and touched, a community-based service that can be
documented as beneficial or something that can be written, produced, taped and
Sample Senior Product/Process Project Approval Form
Student Name
Product/Process Title
Product/Process Proposal
Special Equipment/Facilities/Environment
Cost Analysis
Materials List
Parent’s Signature/Date______________________________________________
Student Signature/Date_______________________________________________
Sample Product/Process Project Proposal
Here are some areas you should cover in your Product/Process Project Proposal.
· What subject(s) or topic(s) do you expect to learn about through your project?
· Name the person(s) with expertise in your area of interest who could serve as
your Business/Industry Mentor. If you do not yet know of a person, write down
some ideas about how you might find a mentor.
· What do you hope your project will contribute to your school and/or
What it the student needs to modify their Senior Product/Process Project?
· How will these changes help you more fully explore your area of interest?
· How will these changes allow you to better demonstrate or represent your
3. Have you discussed the proposed changes with others such as your parents,
mentor, etc? What response have you received?
Project Journal Log
Keeping a journal will help you record important questions, ideas, and discoveries as you
develop your project.
1. Date each entry and start each new entry on a new page
2. Write often: regular writing is what makes a useful journal
3. Whenever you can, write long enough to develop ideas fully
Sample Log Format
Portfolio Checklist
Recommended items:
· This Checklist
· Topic Selection Form
· Parental Approval Form
· Outline of Research Paper
· Research Paper
· Journal or Learning Log
· Product Agreement Form
· Evidence of work i.e.: pictures, materials collected, newspaper articles, etc.
· Letters of recommendation from Business/Industry Mentor
· Copy of oral presentation
· Other records of learning experience
Sample Project Rubric
1. 15 hours minimum (determined by portfolio)
(2 points per hours) 30 points
10 points
5. Care and attention to detail, quality product
Also includes quality of the portfolio
10 points
Tips for Successful Presentations
· Practice your presentation and know your subject well
· Prepare handouts for your audience that highlights the main points of your
· Think “multimedia!”. Use a variety of formats, including video images, slides,
overheads, computer graphics, 3-D models and 2-D presentation boards. Plan
carefully to make sure you have all of the equipment you need.
· Use materials such as poster board, markers, colored paper and cardboard to
prepare “professional style” presentation boards.
· Set high standards for your presentation; check all written work for grammar and
spelling; create a clear graphic layout; and thoroughly label all products and
exhibition board.
· Ask your mentor to review the materials before your presentation
The following will help you organize your presentation. Prepare your speech and
practice it many times to build comfort and confidence. Dress properly, check your
schedule for your presentation and make notes so that you will feel more at ease in
making the presentation.
Speech Organization:
· Introduction: Introduce your topic and try to capture the audience’s attention
· Body: List and explain four key points that you want to make:
• Point 1: How did you become interested in the topic?
• Point 2: What did you learn from the research?
• Point 3: What did you learn from the project?
• Point 4: What did you learn about yourself and how has this information
affected your plans for the future
· Conclusion: Connect the introduction, implications for learning and possible
plans for the future.
Speech Preparation
Step 1: What are you goin to talk about? Answer the followin uestions.
1. How do your paper and project connect?
2. What emotions did you experience as you worked through the paper and
project? (anger, excitement, pride, frustration)
3. What problems did you encounter? (money, time management, skill) Explain.
4. What personal growth did you gain from the paper and project? What self-
knowledge did you gain? What knowledge of your topic did you gain?
5. How did the project affect your plans for the future? Explain
6. What project advice would you pass on to next year’s seniors?
Step 2: How am I going to say this? Use the answers to the questions above as
1. Organization – jot down your ideas on separate 3 x 5 index cards and arrange
them into order that is logical and pleasing.
2. Slip blank cards into spaces where a visual aid is needed or would be
3. Add blank cards for the introduction and conclusion.
4. If you have a project that can be displayed, jot down your ideas for that
display on another card, i.e. photographs
5. Plan your introduction. The introduction should
· Grab the audience’s attention
· Make the topic thesis clear (be sure to mention both paper and project)
· Take no more than 60 seconds)
6. Plan your conclusion. A good conclusion should
· Restate topic / thesis
· Leave the audience thinking
· Take no more than 30 seconds
7. Plan the display of your project. Will it be an on-going, integral part of your
speech, such as a slide show? Part of your introduction? Happen after your
conclusion? Will you wear it? Sit on it? Serve up samples? (Avoid passing
items during your speech – this causes too much distraction.)
8. Plan your visual aids (Two types should be included)
9. Make sure your Senior Project Advisor knows what equipment you will need.
10. Look at each idea card and fill in details, colorful anecdotes and factual
11. Place all cards back in order and begin practicing your speech.
Step 3: Speech techniques to remember
1. Eye contact – This is extremely important. Practice often enough so that you
rarely need to look at your cards. Remember this is a friendly audience. Your
peers and your judges are pulling for you. You need the reinforcement that their
encouraging expressions will give you. Look at them. True communications
happens with the eyes. A speech without eye contact is only half a speech.
2. Posture – Stand Proud. You have a right to be. You have accomplished a great
deal. Avoid:
· Gripping the podium – white knuckles are unattractive.
· Locking your knees – you’ve come too far to faint now.
· Twitching, wiggling, shaking
3. Voice – your voice needs to:
· Be loud enough to be heard
· Vary appropriately in pitch and tone
4. Gesture – Use your hands to help make your point. Gestures should be natural
and spontaneous, not choreographed and mechanical.
5. Props (audio-visuals) – Plan and practice using any prop or audio-visual you
will need during the presentation.
Step 4: Prepare for questions. Of course, there is no way to know for sure what the
panel members will ask you, but you can make some educated guesses and that
process will provide you with the confidence and clear-headedness to take on any
question. Answer the following brainstorm questions.
1. If you were a judge listening to your speech, what would you want to know?
2. What would you like people to ask?
3. What unusual qualities does your project have that might spark interest?
4. What part of your paper might make people curious?
5. What controversial topics, if any, do you touch on?
6. What possessed you to choose this topic?
7. Who helped?
8. How did you finance it?
9. How much time did you spend?
10. Does the project double as credit for another class?
Your Senior Project Presentation should be the peak of your high school career.
Your audience will be small and supportive. You will be well prepared. This is
your chance to show off, to shine. E N J O Y !
Presentation Visual Aid Ideas
· Computer-generated Presentations
· Posters
· Photographs
· Slide Presentation
· Displays
· Video Tape
· Demonstration
· Art Form: Poetry, Music, Dance
· Role Playing
· Monologues
· Character Sketch
Sample Senior Project Presentation Rubric
Eye Contact – looks at audience, not just notes 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Points Possible
Use of 3 x 5 index cards 5
Appropriate dress 10
Length of time (8 to 10 minutes) 10
Command of the topic 5
Content: Technically current 10
Organization: 20
• Materials ready (5)
• Clear and interesting (5)
• Introduction – focus (5)
• Sense of closure (5)
Two visual aids – Quality related to topic (must be 2 kinds) 20
Pace: adequate for note taking and interest 5
Voice: Clarity, volume, energy, no “ums” 5
Eye Contact 5
Posture/poise 5
Sample Presentation Rubric
Sample Evaluating a Presentation
• Volume/tone 1 2 3 4 5
• Grammar 1 2 3 4 5
• Speech pattern/pace 1 2 3 4 5
• Appearance 1 2 3 4 5
• Eye Contact 1 2 3 4 5
• Poise/Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Total: (x 1) =
Subject properly introduced 1 2 3 4 5
Key points made 1 2 3 4 5
Accurate information 1 2 3 4 5
Logical flow 1 2 3 4 5
Visual Aids appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
Visual Aids attractive 1 2 3 4 5
Total: (x 2) =
Students will lose 20 points for each day that the presentation is late
Content 25
• Student demonstrates expertise in topic area
• Student responds appropriately to questions
Organization of Presentation 25
• Students uses introduction and conclusion
• Student shows evidence of preparation
• Student shows originality and creativity
• Student utilizes visual aids (2 types)
Communication Skills 20
• Student speaks clearly
• Student uses proper grammar
• Student chooses words appropriately
• Student shows evidence of practice
• Student uses proper body language, posture, etc.
Appearance 10
• Student dresses appropriately for presentation
• Visual aids are neat, accurate and organized
Overall Effectiveness 10
Time Management 10
• Student completes the presentation in the allotted time of 8 to
10 minutes (excluding questions)
Guidelines for Judges
1. Be aware that these students have no past – all you know about them will come
from their portfolios and their oral presentation only. If the student has a
disability or special need, you will be advised of that.
2. Consider the risks these students have taken. Many have stepped out of their
comfort zones to try new things – they have taken risks in order to learn
something worthwhile to them. The project is successful if the student has
learned. The more learning that has taken place, the more successful the project is.
3. All judges need to preview the student’s work by examining the student
portfolio for their designated project. The portfolios are ready for viewing
through the Career-Technical Instructor. Remember that the portfolios have
already been evaluated. You are examining them in order to become familiar
with the student’s work on the Senior Project.
We really hope this turns out to be a rewarding experience for all of you who have
volunteered to help. Thanks again for your support.
Panelist Assessment Sheet
As you review the student’s work, and as you listen to the oral presentation, think
about the work in relation to four broad categories: Purpose, Findings, Reflections
and Communication.
Performance standards are listed below for each of the categories. Please use the
rating scale provided.
I. Purpose: Has the student clearly stated the purpose for doing this project, particularly in
terms of its personal and social relevance?
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student made clear what they learned about the field of inquiry.
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student described clearly how their work connects to the work of other people in the
field. 1_________________2__________________3_________________4
· The student identified new questions, ideas or activities to pursue as a result of this work.
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
III. Reflections: Has the student told the story of their project and analyzed what they
· The student provided a coherent narrative of the project, including obstacles and
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student reported what they learned about this kind of major independent project.
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student assessed their own strengths and shortcomings in carrying our the
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
IV. Communications: Has the student presented the work in a way that conveys its meaning
and observes the conventions of written and oral communications?
· The student prepared the materials in a clear, concise and well-organized manner.
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student gave well-organized and thoughtful oral presentation and conveyed a
sense of mastery of the material and awareness of audience.
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
· The student used supporting materials (e.g., visuals) that enhance the presentation
Exceeds Meets Approaches Needs Attention
V. Comments: This space is for more general responses to the work. The questions below
will guide the responses after the student presents. If you wish, you may use this space to
take notes for the discussion.
· What impresses you the most about this project? What do you see as the major
strengths of the work?
· How does the work of the project connect to other work in the field?
· What would you suggest to the student who wants to pursue this work further?
S amp le S en ior Proj ect R ub ric
Name To p i c _______________________________________
Timeline Points 50 4 3 2 1
• Submits research materials on time
• Submits rough draft on time
• Submits corrected final draft on time
• Submits completed product/process on time
• Completes presentation on time
Product/Product Points 150 4 3 2 1
• Exhibits research beyond knowledge gained
through career-technical area
• Demonstrates creativity and originality
• Shows evidence of planning and organizing
• Uses correct terminology
• Worked closely with mentor
• Kept accurate log/journal
Sample Senior Project Evaluation Rubric
Points Total
Possible Evaluation Areas 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 X= Points
Sample Senior Project Self-Evaluation
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
C. Date Started
D. Date Completed
E. Materials Used:
4. Answer in 25 words or less:
A. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation?
B. List three things that you now know after completing your senior project.
C. List all personal satisfaction you gained from this project experience.
D. Describe what risks you took in completing this project. Consider not only a
physical risk, but also an emotional or intellectual challenge.
E. How do you feel your project would compare to other similar projects?