Oil Movement Notes 1
Oil Movement Notes 1
Oil Movement Notes 1
Measurement accuracy is essential for the sale, purchase and handling of petroleum products. It
reduces the likelihood of disputes between buyer and seller and facilitates the control of losses.
Accurate measurement involves the use of standard equipment and procedures.
Control of hydrocarbon losses can offer significant cost savings and assist in reducing
environmental impact. The approach towards loss control should be
Loss control involves the identification and quantification of losses and the institution of
measure for their control based on environmental, financial and regulatory considerations.
Imported Crude oils , simultaneous receipt and feeding of local crude oils that are processed , the
multiple processing stages , the difficulty in measuring accurately certain process streams, the
numerous storage tanks required for feedstocks , intermediate and finished products. Thereafter
nature of product deliveries and the uncertainties of each measurement.
The problems which come across and can be identified are as under:
2. reconciliation of estimated loss data with actual accounting data for the refinery.
3. identification of all the areas in which real and apparent loss can arise.
1. Proper flare control is a must to control Hydrocarbon losses. This is to be done by units.
2. Leakage of Oil takes place from pump valve glands, flanges. Regular area visit for
detection of these leakages and getting these attended at the earliest is the only way to
control hydrocarbon losses taking place by this means.
3. Inaccurate dipping and inaccurate temperature measurements cause major hydrocarbon
losses. An error of 1 mm while dipping a tank of 120 feet dia tank causes a wrong
accounting of product by 1050 liters. Similarly an error of 1º C in temperature of a
product of 0.75 density in a tank of 5000 M³ results in a loss of 4739 litres.
Following are the measures taken to avoid these losses:
1. Standard dip tapes and calibrated thermometers are to be used for gauging. Kinked tapes
and thermometers whose readings are not clear are to be discarded.
2. In case of any doubt w.r.t tank dip or temperature the exercise should be repeated.
4. Water cut should be taken along with dip tank using water finding paste.
5. Temperature of product in a tank should be measured with cup and case thermometer and
for better accuracy the thermometer should be lowered up to the middle level of the tank.
6. Filling of tank wagons and tank lorries must be done very carefully such that they are
filled close to advised dip. An error of 1 cm overfilling in one tank wagon causes
accounting error of the order of 75 -100 liters near the brim level for normal tank wagon.
7. Care should also be taken while removing the hose from the tank wagon or tank truck,
the content of hose is dropped inside the wagon or truck. A one meter length of 100 mm
dia holds 7 liters of oil. Taking into account the number of hoses on each loading gantry
and the frequency of their use, the amount of spillages ( if they are not drained in the
wagon or truck ) can be visualized.
8. Sampling of crude is to be done for testing density as well as BS & W. i.e. bottom
sediment and water. These vital data are used for testing density as well as BS&W i.e
bottom sediment and water. These vital data are used for custody transfer. An error of
0.001 in density will cause an error of 0.125 % for a base density of 0.800.
10. A good amount of water is received along with crude. Before gauging a crude tank after
receipt, due care should be taken to see that oil does not escape while draining the settled
water. Similarly water is drained from the product tanks after receipt before the product is
dispatched. In such cases also care to be taken that product does not escape along with
11. A lot of product gets evaporated from Effluent treatment plant. Thus care must be taken
during water draining.
12. Recovery of 100% of oil from spillages is difficult. So care should be taken to avoid oil
spillage specially gantries. Half cut drums should be put underneath point where oil is
likely to leak or found leaking to recover the oil ( viz. rupture of gasket or blind removal /
13. Evaporation losses play an important role in hydrocarbon losses. Following measures
help in minimizing such losses :
14. Dip hatches of tank always covered except during the time of gauging and sampling.
15. Roof of a floating roof tank should not be allows to rest on its supporting legs unless
specific instructions are given for the same.
16. Defects in floating roof tank foam seal should be attended and rectified promptly. Errors
in accounting of hydrocarbon sometimes lead to losses.
19. Tank operation at critical zone ( floating roof tanks ) should be avoided.
1. Following are essential for controlling hydrocarbon losses by the petroleum refiners:
4. Regular checking of floating roof seal. Get attended damaged roof seal.
9. Minimise tank operation. Try to avoid closing tank from receipt at low level and from
dispatch at higher level.
11. Proper settling/ slow water draining to avoid escape of oil with water.
13. Regular maintenance of leaky swivel arm of roof / roof drain valve which are passing.
1. The refinery may be considered as two parts: the process unit where the basic operations
and conversion of hydrocarbons are achieved and the offsite area where materials are
stored and waste is cleaned and disposed off.
2. Clearly each refinery is a unique entity, with its combination of process units and
numbers and sizes of storage tanks and logic would suggest that loss ought to be related
to refinery complexity in some way.
3. Before looking at the detail of how losses occur and how these may be minimized, we
need to b e able to identify loss figure, so that at least one refinery may be compared
with another on a common basis, even though they may vary in complexity.
4. Refinery processing scheme so that we may understand the variety of products which are
generated. The conversion allows hydrocarbon chains to be broken down and
reconstituted to meet the demand at any particular time.
1. Loss = Refinery inputs – refinery outputs – refinery fuel
2. Catalytic cracking is a major producer of both refinery gas and refinery energy. The
energy is the result of coke burning in the catalyst regenerator. This gas used for steam
raising and general energy supply to the refinery should be regarded as refinery fuel
figure. ( own use )
3. It will also be seen that the refinery produces sulphur and this and other non hydrocarbon
constituents of the crude oil need to be taken into account. Suphur is generally the most
significant of these non hydrocarbons, but the crudes may also contain small quantities of
dissolved nitrogen. These will be small amd their exclusion from the balance will
introduce very small errors. Sulphur, however, will make a significant error if it is
4. The balance may be carried out so that either the sulphur content of crude oil is omitted,
and all sulphur content of products are also omitted, or by including the sulphur at both
input and output. The procedure is generally more logic and minimize difficulties.
5. Inputs are defined as all crude oil, atmospheric residue or other material for processing
plus any material imported for blending purposes. The figures should be for the
hydrocarbon content only of these quantities. Any material which are brought into the
refinery stored and exported without change generally should be excluded from the
balance, although these will be subject to storage losses.
6. Outputs are defined as all products dispatched from the refinery which are of
hydrocarbon basis. This includes all conventional products, whether of a gas or liquid.
Any exported materials for reprocessing, for example atmospheric residue, should also be
7. Fuel figures include fuel oil, fuel gas and all coke burned off in the catalytic cracker
regenerator. Any hydrocarbon content of any sour gas should also be included.
All quantities in the material balance should be registered on a mass or weight basis. Attempts to
perform refinery balance on the basis of volume will give incorrect results, since the volumes of
the products of refinery are generally greater than the volume of the crude oil from which they
are derived.
All mass or weight figures should be of hydrocarbon quantities, dry and free of sediment where
possible and practical. The quantities should be worked out in the same unit.
Volume at Observed Temperature to Mass/Weight
This method adjusts the density at standard temperature to its density at observed temperature by
use of a thermal expansion coefficient per degree, then, multiplying it by the volume at observed
temperature to obtain mass or weight. If mass is required use the density in vacuum. If weight is
required use the density in air
These three standards replace the Density/Weight/Volume Intra conversion tables formerly
located in API MPMS Chapter 11.1, Volumes XI/XII. There are separate conversion factors for
mass and weight, depending upon which one is required.
Due to the complexity of these interrelations there is frequently more than one way of
performing these conversions and this standard does not attempt to define any specific routines
for converting from one unit to another; however, the user should be guided by the following:
Conversion units that are “exact by definition” are to be considered primary and shall be used
whenever possible
Conversion processes shall not produce a result that contradicts an “exact by definition” value
The use of multiple conversion factors should be avoided if possible. If this cannot be avoided
the process that uses the least number of conversion factors shall be used.
Processed inputs
Material that has been processed through the refinery during the period of the balance,
comprising receipt of crude oil from imports and indigenous sources, plus the change in
inventory of feed stocks, process intermediates and additives
( OPENING STOCK minus CLOSING STOCK ). Quantities are expressed on dry basis,
excluding free water and BS&W. ( A commonly used synonym for this term is ‘throughput’ ).
Note: additives / product purchased from the local market in stock and Sui Gas shall be
treated as input. The utility of product via plant or direct sale can affect fuel consumption
and processing loss .
Deliveries from the refinery, comprising all dispatches of products, sale of any hydrocarbon gas
and any delivery of hydrogen . Outputs should exclude free water.
Note: Fuel is not included in outputs. Sale of Non hydrocarbon material such as sulphur , sludge
should be included in outputs
Fuel consumed in the refining and associated processes, comprising fuel oil, fuel gas, sour gas
and sui gas.
Quantities of crude oils, imported materials, intermediate and finished products held at refinery
and measured at a specified point in time. They should be quoted on a dry basis excluding water
and, where appropriate, BS & W.
Opening stock
Closing stock
Percentage loss
The loss figure which has been derived using the definitions given may be calculated at any
frequency. Each calculation will have an associated uncertainty and the shorter the period of the
balance the greater the uncertainty.
The measurement of each of components of the loss figure will have their own associated
uncertainties and these will all contribute to the overall uncertainty.
Stock measurement uncertainty is the major influence on short term refinery balance uncertainty.
It is of decreasing significance the linger the balance period.
Balance calculations use figures for both opening and closing stock; taking the difference
between two sets of stocks data removes some of the influence on uncertainties, for example
poor bottom calibration. The contents of pipelines and process unit should be included in the
stock figures, adjusted for the operational conditions at the time.
For balance purposes stock needs to be developed in terms of mass or weight. The usual route for
this is via the sequence:-
Level ( tank dip ) observed volume ( + temperature + density ) standard volume ( kls x
density ) mass
Level ( tank dip ) observed volume ( + temperature + density ) standard volume ( Kls x
density ) mass ( + buoyancy factor ) weight ( apparent mass in air )
These sequences employ tank calibration tables, together with measurements of density and
temperature for applying volume corrections.
Level Measurements
Tank level measurement is normally made by auto gauge or manual dipping. In either case the
measurement should conform to standard practice.
Manual Gauging
Staff carrying out manual gauging operations should be trained in safe practice associated with
the job and apply correct measurement practice. Only devices manufactured to accepted
standards should be used and special care should be taken in the determination of any free water
on tank floors.
Auto gauge readings are recorded and used for routines checks and calculations NOT FOR
CUSTODY TRANSFER OPERATIONS. Gauges should be maintained on a regular basis and
calibration verified .
Temperature measurement
Density Measurement
Density may either be determined in a laboratory, using manually drawn spot samples, and an
average density calculated or it may be determined by a calibrated hydrometer on top of the tank
, reading temperature as close to the same time as possible.
Crude Oil
Crude oil receipt is in general one of the most significant measurements in the whole refinery
balance. Due care should be exercised to ensure its greatest possible accuracy. The crude oil is
received by ship, pipeline and bowers ( by road ). Discharges from ship are measured in storage
tanks. The measurement of water in crude oil is of great importance and represents a significant
source of UNCERTAINTY in crude oil measurement
Tank Receipt
Measurement to be made manually for receipt / withdrawal from any tank. Receipts should only
be made into storage tank from which no product is being drawn. Level changes between
opening and closing stocks should be as large as possible and no receipt should start or finish
with the tank roof in the CRITICAL ZONE.
Average liquid temperature should be measured both before and after discharge. When the
pipeline contents represent a significant portion of the receipt there is a large temperature
difference ( say > 5 C ) , between the ship’s cargo and the pipeline and shore contents, a check
calculation may be made to establish if the change in content is a significant factor.
The measurement for water in crude oil to be observed carefully. The line contents ( after
completion of discharge ) may contain water / sludge which can be observed on commencement
of discharge from next tanker. Care should be taken on this account.
Density should be measured by deriving upper, middle and lower tank samples both before and
after discharge.
Metered Receipts
Metering is the preferred method for measuring pipeline receipts since it offers a low degree of
uncertainty. Meters should not be used for ship discharges due to problem of air entertainment
and large flow variations. In order to have accurate metering it is important to ensure the
integrity of the system. Where system share common lines or valves, positive isolation is
necessary to avoid unmetered inter-system transfers; avoidance of quality contamination is also a
critical factor supporting the need for isolation. Preferred methods are spade or double block and
bleed valves.
Liquid Products
Liquid products are despatched on the basis of tank measurements. The other commonly used
methods are weighbridge and meters.
The principle applicable to crude oil receipts should also apply to product dispatches. Level
changes should be as large as possible and no transfer should start or finish with the roof of
floating roof tank in the critical zone.In order to achieve a lower uncertainty ( assuming that
temperature remains constant ) a minimum level change of 2 m in the tank level is
recommended. Mixers / circulation via jet should be suspended when tank level is measured. A
minimum 4 hour settling time is to be given after stopping the mixer on a tank. In case of
turbulence delay the level gauging.
Hydrometers and thermometers used for density quality control checks should meet the
requirements of the relevant ASTM / IP standards. Alternative equipment which meet the
accuracy of the requirements of these standards may be used with the unanimous
agreement of the participants.
Hydrometers and thermometers must not be left in direct sunlight or near heating
appliances. Hydrometers should be stored vertically.
Before each period of use, hydrometers should be carefully examined to ensure that:
a) the etched line on the hydrometer stem corresponds to the arrow (or line) at the
top of the paper scale. A fingernail can be used to detect the etched line position.
b) The bitumen weighing material has not flowed. This would cause the hydrometer
to float in a non-vertical plane.
c) The glass is intact.
Before each period of use thermometers should be carefully examined to ensure that there
are no water bubbles trapped in the mercury column or bulb, the mercury column is
unbroken and there are no mercury globules above the top mercury column.
Manual dipping is observed to perform measurements on land tanks. The accuracy to determine
bill of lading or out-turn quantities clearly depends very much upon its employees’ knowledge,
skill and diligence.
Measuring the liquid level in a crude oil or petroleum product storage tank might seem to be
relatively simpler matter. However, there are many variables which can create difficulties for
gaugers, so it is important that terminal operators should fully understand the problem they could
face and the techniques they can employ to overcome them
Auto gauges, which measure liquid level have the advantage that liquid level is displayed
continuously or, at least, instantaneously on demand, so gauge reading can be used to monitor
pumping rates / operations.
The result of recent gauging operations on the tank o be studied. This might well suggest the
approximate liquid level in the tank, and so save time and trouble.
Having satisfied himself that he has all the necessary equipment with him, the operator can now
proceed to the tank, but before ascending the stairs, the following to be checked;
In case of a fixed-roof tank , the operator should examine the roof for sign of excessive corrosion
before transferring his weight onto it. It has happened on several occasions that a tank roof,
weakened by corrosion, has given way under a gauger’s weight.
Many fixed roof tanks are fitted with 4 or 5 dip hatches so it might not be at all obvious from
which hatch measurement should be performed. The reference height can identify the hatch from
which the tank should be gauged.
Those dip hatches which are infrequently used show no signs of product spillage around them
and are usually difficult to open. Conversely , the hatch which is in regular use is surrounded by
spilled product and can be opened easily. Furthermore it is usually close to the stair landing. All
tanks should be equipped with an information plate, which identifies the gauging hatch and
reference height.
Having identified the correct gauge hatch, the gauger can now gauge the tank.
Dip tapes are usually 12 mm wide and made of mild steel. Metric tapes are graduated in metres,
centimeters and millimeters and are typically 20 – 30 metres in length. The tapes should be in
good condition, clean and dry.
Attached to the bottom of the tape via a swivel-hook or swivel-snap should be a matching brass
weight. It is essential that weights should be paired with tapes with which they are compatible. If
the scale on the tape is extrapolated back down to zero, this must exactly correspond to the tip of
the weight.
The gauger should unwind the tape from its frame and lower to weight and tape down through
the dip hatch, ensuring good metal- to- metal contact between tape and hatch at all time.
Lower the weight and tape down through the product until the weight makes contact with the dip
plate. The observed reference height can be noted. Disparity between the observed and posted
figure should be small.
If the disparity is larger, this indicates a problem in the bottom of the tank. If the observed figure
is smaller than the posted,. It suggests some sort of obstruction is preventing the dip weight from
reaching the dip point. If the figure exceeds the posted figure, it might be because the datum
plate is incorrectly positioned, making it possible for the dip weight to continue its descent until
it strikes the floor.. In any case the cause of the problem should be investigated.
( If sludge is present on the dip plate, this will result in a spongy feel and the absence of any
audible metal-to-metal contact. )
Dip should be taken quickly and with as light a touch as possible. By doing so make sure that the
dip weight remains perfectly vertical, the tape remains taut passing across the liquid surface
while the weight is in contact with the datum plate, which would also lead to an exaggerated
result. The tape should then be withdrawn, the cut read and the measurement confirmed by
repeating the procedure.
When gauging very volatile products ( e.g. naphtha, gasoline , etc. ) the product evaporates off
the tape and the cut disappears before the gauger has time to withdraw the tape. The problem can
easily overcome by using a gasoline finder paste ( thin layer of Fuel Oil can also help ) . The
paste should always be applied sparingly to the tape in a thin, even layer so as not to obscure the
graduation and make reading the tape difficult. Applying too thick a layer can also lead to paste
running down the tape or even worse, product creeping up the paste.
Very viscous products also cause problems for gaugers. Because of surface tension when the
tape and weight is lowered, it drags the surface downwards. In order to produce a realistic
indication of liquid level, the gauger must hold the dip weight on the datum plate, in a vertical
position, while the liquid surface creeps back the tape, eventually re-establishing its original
horizontal configuration.
If sludge or some other obstruction prevents the dip weight from reaching the dip plate, the
gauger has no choice but to measure an ullage. Ullage can be performed using an ordinary tape
and weight. The equipment is lowered slowly through the dip hatch until the weight is seen to
penetrate the liquid surface. The gauger then stops lowering the tape, and notes the tape reading
at the reference height.
The tape and weight are then withdrawn, the cut on the dip weight is read, and the ullage
measurement calculated by subtracting the cut on the dip weight from the tape reading at the
reference point. To convert the ullage to dip ( innage ) the ullage measurement must be
subtracted from the reference height.
An outage tape is used to measure the distance from the top of a liquid in a tank to the top of the
tank, or the part of the tank NOT filled with liquid. Because the exact top of the liquid is hard to
find, the graduated 6" (or extended version) plumb bob d(Outage) goes into the top of the liquid.
The graduations on the plumb bob start at the point where the bob is attached to the tape (the
"zero point") and get higher. The reading on the bob (marked by liquid) is added to the reading
on the tape, taken at the top of tank, to get the total empty portion of the tank. Knowing the total
depth of the tank, you can subtract the space NOT filled from the total tank depth to determine
the depth of the liquid. Multiply the depth times the surface area to get the volume or use the
tank table. This type of gauging tape is useful for thick or caustic liquids such as asphalt because
the tape does not go into the liquid.
An inage tape is simply lowered into a tank until the tip of the plumb bob touches the bottom of
the tank - usually resting on a datum plate. The "zero point" on an inage bob is at the tip of the
bob. When it is reeled up the depth of the liquid in the tank is read ( similar to the dip stick in a
car engine) where the tape is wet. Double Duty tapes have a black stripe running the length of
the tape to help see the mark on light colored liquids. Water finding paste or petroleum paste can
also be used to show the mark in very thin liquids.
Basic principles
The weight of an object is defined as the mass of brass, of density 8000 kg / m³, which will
exactly balance the object when weighed in air having a density of 1.2 kg / m³.
Because of the buoyancy effect of the air, the weight of an object will be less than its mass
provided the object has a density less than that of brass.
The difference between mass and weight is a result only of air buoyancy. It is not affected by the
gravitational constant. This arises because of the use of a balance in the definition of weight
Density is defined as mass per unit volume. The derivation of mass from volume and density
therefore always gives mass and not weight.
Weight is the concept which is much understood, but the term is widely used in the oil industry.
Weight is defined as the mass of brass weights which will exactly balance an oil quantity at 15o
C in air. The oil having a larger volume will have a larger buoyancy. The weight of an oil
quantity will, therefore, be slightly lower than its mass. The conventional calculation procedure
is to be calculated weight as
This is in fact a slight simplification, compared with an exact analysis, but this is of little
Although the weight balance is not strictly correct, the differences may be ignored. Weight may,
therefore, be used as the basis of the loss calculation, but mass and weight figures must not be
mixed. A weight of 1 tonnes of gasoline of density 720 kg/m3 represents a mass of 1.0016
Weighbridges are widely used for metering inputs and outputs. These devices give weight or a
figure very close to mass, depending upon whether the weighings are carried out in open or
closed containment. The uncertainty is similar to that of good metering system, but the greatest
uncertainty comes from tare weight values. Another situation which should be carefully
considered is the common practice of using one weighbridge for vehicle arrivals and a second for
vehicle departures. Any bias between two weighbridges would result in a bias in the overall
measurements and this is to be avoided.
Marine oil Tankers Import of Crude oil from Gulf and Saudi Arabia is through oil
Crude for Parco, NRL, PRL and Byco refineries is received via
marine tankers
Road Transport Crude from indigenous sources in Pakistan ( Badin block and
Northern areas is transported through bosers / HMTs. Local crude
and condensate is transported from fields to local refineries and
EPRF by means of tank lorries.
Pipe Line net work For bulk transport of crude oil Pipe line is an efficient mode. Local
refineries after receiving crude oil at Keamari ( shore terminals )
transport by means of pipe line and same is done for PARCO mid
country refinery.
Railway wagons This is also another mode for crude oil transport, but not applied in
Pakistan due to non availability of track near fields and refineries.
Manual dipping is observed to perform measurements on land tanks. The accuracy to determine bill of
lading or out-turn quantities clearly depends very much upon its employees’ knowledge, skill and
Measuring the liquid level in a crude oil or petroleum product storage tank might seem to be relatively
simpler matter. However, there are many variables which can create difficulties for gaugers, so it is
important that terminal operators should fully understand the problem they could face and the techniques
they can employ to overcome them
Auto gauges, which measure liquid level have the advantage that liquid level is displayed continuously
or, at least, instantaneously on demand, so gauge reading can be used to monitor pumping rates /
The result of recent gauging operations on the tank o be studied. This might well suggest the approximate
liquid level in the tank, and so save time and trouble.
Having satisfied himself that he has all the necessary equipment with him, the operator can now proceed
to the tank, but before ascending the stairs, the following to be checked;
In case of a fixed-roof tank , the operator should examine the roof for sign of excessive corrosion before
transferring his weight onto it. It has happened on several occasions that a tank roof, weakened by
corrosion, has given way under a gauger’s weight.
Many fixed roof tanks are fitted with 4 or 5 dip hatches so it might not be at all obvious from which hatch
measurement should be performed. The reference height can identify the hatch from which the tank
should be gauged.
Those dip hatches which are infrequently used show no signs of product spillage around them and are
usually difficult to open. Conversely , the hatch which is in regular use is surrounded by spilled product
and can be opened easily. Furthermore it is usually close to the stair landing. All tanks should be
equipped with an information plate, which identifies the gauging hatch and reference height.
Having identified the correct gauge hatch, the gauger can now gauge the tank.
Dip tapes are usually 12 mm wide and made of mild steel. Metric tapes are graduated in metres,
centimeters and millimeters and are typically 20 – 30 metres in length. The tapes should be in good
condition, clean and dry.
Attached to the bottom of the tape via a swivel-hook or swivel-snap should be a matching brass
weight. It is essential that weights should be paired with tapes with which they are compatible. If
the scale on the tape is extrapolated back down to zero, this must exactly correspond to the tip of
the weight.
The gauger should unwind the tape from its frame and lower to weight and tape down through the dip
hatch, ensuring good metal- to- metal contact between tape and hatch at all time.
Lower the weight and tape down through the product until the weight makes contact with the dip plate.
The observed reference height can be noted. Disparity between the observed and posted figure should be
If the disparity is larger, this indicates a problem in the bottom of the tank. If the observed figure is
smaller than the posted,. It suggests some sort of obstruction is preventing the dip weight from reaching
the dip point. If the figure exceeds the posted figure, it might be because the datum plate is incorrectly
positioned, making it possible for the dip weight to continue its descent until it strikes the floor.. In any
case the cause of the problem should be investigated.
( If sludge is present on the dip plate, this will result in a spongy feel and the absence of any audible
metal-to-metal contact. )
Dip should be taken quickly and with as light a touch as possible. By doing so make sure that the dip
weight remains perfectly vertical, the tape remains taut passing across the liquid surface while the weight
is in contact with the datum plate, which would also lead to an exaggerated result. The tape should then
be withdrawn, the cut read and the measurement confirmed by repeating the procedure.
When gauging very volatile products ( e.g. naphtha, gasoline , etc. ) the product evaporates off the tape
and the cut disappears before the gauger has time to withdraw the tape. The problem can easily overcome
by using a gasoline finder paste ( thin layer of Fuel Oil can also help ) . The paste should always be
applied sparingly to the tape in a thin, even layer so as not to obscure the graduation and make reading the
tape difficult. Applying too thick a layer can also lead to paste running down the tape or even worse,
product creeping up the paste.
Very viscous products also cause problems for gaugers. Because of surface tension when the tape and
weight is lowered, it drags the surface downwards. In order to produce a realistic indication of liquid
level, the gauger must hold the dip weight on the datum plate, in a vertical position, while the liquid
surface creeps back the tape, eventually re-establishing its original horizontal configuration.
If sludge or some other obstruction prevents the dip weight from reaching the dip plate, the gauger has no
choice but to measure an ullage. Ullage can be performed using an ordinary tape and weight. The
equipment is lowered slowly through the dip hatch until the weight is seen to penetrate the liquid surface.
The gauger then stops lowering the tape, and notes the tape reading at the reference height.
The tape and weight are then withdrawn, the cut on the dip weight is read, and the ullage measurement
calculated by subtracting the cut on the dip weight from the tape reading at the reference point. To
convert the ullage to dip ( innage ) the ullage measurement must be subtracted from the reference height.
An outage tape is used to measure the distance from the top of a liquid in a tank to the top of the tank, or
the part of the tank NOT filled with liquid. Because the exact top of the liquid is hard to find, the
graduated 6" (or extended version) plumb bob d(Outage) goes into the top of the liquid. The graduations
on the plumb bob start at the point where the bob is attached to the tape (the "zero point") and get higher.
The reading on the bob (marked by liquid) is added to the reading on the tape, taken at the top of tank, to
get the total empty portion of the tank. Knowing the total depth of the tank, you can subtract the space
NOT filled from the total tank depth to determine the depth of the liquid. Multiply the depth times the
surface area to get the volume or use the tank table. This type of gauging tape is useful for thick or
caustic liquids such as asphalt because the tape does not go into the liquid.
An inage tape is simply lowered into a tank until the tip of the plumb bob touches the bottom of the tank -
usually resting on a datum plate. The "zero point" on an inage bob is at the tip of the bob. When it is
reeled up the depth of the liquid in the tank is read ( similar to the dip stick in a car engine) where the tape
is wet. Double Duty tapes have a black stripe running the length of the tape to help see the mark on light
colored liquids. Water finding paste or petroleum paste can also be used to show the mark in very thin
To ease with which free water can be measured in the bottom of the tank depends, to a large extent, upon
the way in which the tank is designed and the viscosity of the product above water.
Generally the higher the product’s viscosity, the more difficult free water measurement becomes.
Free water is gauged with a standard tape and weight. As most petroleum product are less dense
than water, free water is usually found in the bottom of a tank, so the dip weight must be lowered
through the product before the measurement can be taken, and raised back up through the
product afterwards.
It is therefore necessary to employ a water-finding paste, which changes colour on contact with water, but
is not affected by liquid hydrocarbons. Colour change of water paste should be clear and unmistakable.
The paste should always be applied to the weight or rule in a thin, even layer so as not to obscure
graduations. Using too much a paste has no advantages and can easily produce misleading or inconclusive
results. Free water depths in excess of bob can be gauged by applying the water finding paste on the tape.
Equipment is dry ( free of water ), but also clean ( free of any oily film or grease)
If water-finding paste is applied on top of an oily film, it will not adhere properly and will
probably be washed off as soon as the equipment enters the product.
Having applied the water finding paste to the weight/tape sparingly, in a thin even layer, the equipment
must be lowered into the tank, until the weight comes gently in contact with the datum plate.
The equipment must then be held steady, in a perfectly vertical position, and adequate time allowed for
the paste to react with any free water in the bottom of the tank.
Depending on the viscosity of the product in the tank, immersion times must be varied if the paste is to
react with any free water present. Generally the more viscous the product, the longer the immersion time
In tanks containing extremely light products, the reaction between the paste and any free water in the tank
should be instantaneous. Conversely the tape and weight might have to be left in the tank for several
minutes when trying to measure Fuel Oil.
When the operator is satisfied that sufficient time has been allowed for the paste to react, the equipment
can be withdrawn and the cut read.
Kerosene can be used to wash off black oil for reading free water dips. As with product level gauges, free
water gauges should always be repeated
If water is present in petroleum product, the agitation caused by pumping it along a pipe line can cause
the water to be broken up into small droplets, which tend to remain in suspension after the cargo has been
delivered into the tank.
If the result obtained when gauging free water is a clear cut at the bottom , with spots of reacted paste
further up the graduation section, this suggests the presence of suspended water in the produce.
Hydrocarbons have large coefficients of thermal expansion compared with many other liquids. The lower
a product’s density at any given temperature, the more it changes with variations in temperature. Average
temperature of low-density products in particular must be measured very precisely if significant
inaccuracies in out-turn quantities are to be avoided.
The errors in temperature measurement can account for the larger part of the total error in quantitative
measurement, and the greater care is therefore needed in the selection and use of temperature
Dipping Tape
Suspended Sediment.
Non hydrocarbon solids present within the oil but not in Solution.
Bottom Sediment.
Total Sediment
Dissolved water
the water contained within the oil forming a solution at the prevailing temperature
Suspended water
Note. It may over a period of time either collect as a free water or become
Free water
Total water
Gauged Volume
the volume of oil including total water and total sediment measured at oil
the volume of oil including dissolved water suspended water and suspended
sediment but excluding free water and bottom sediment, calculated at standard
the volume of oil excluding total water and total sediment, measured at the oil
the volume of oil including dissolved water, suspended water and suspended
the volume of oil excluding dissolved water, suspended water and suspended
the gross standard volume plus the free water measured at the temperature and
pressure prevailing.
Accepted as being the value secured when an object is weighed in air. Now
the density at standard conditions of the whole of the volume of oil transferred or
A sample is a small amount of product representative of the contents of a tank or pipeline to be tested or
retained as a reference sample for future testing. You need a sample to do the specification tests. A
sample may be tested in a laboratory or in the field, depending on the test. Testing assures that the product
is above suspicion and meets the specification before it goes to the customer.
Sample should only be taken after the product has settled the required time. Settling is when sediments
and water collect at the bottom of the tank.
Do not take sample when rain, dist or other external contaminants will get into the samples.
Sampling procedures must be done correctly to determine if the product meets specifications or is
contaminated. Only experienced personnel may sample the product.
Take sample safely.
1 The basic principle of each procedure is to obtain a sample or composite of several samples in
such a manner and from such locations in the tank or container that the sample or composite will
be truly representative of petroleum or petroleum product.
2 A representative sample has physical and chemical characteristics of the bulk being sampled,
within the limits of repeatability of the laboratory standard test methods used to determine the
A Sample taken from the mid point of the upper third of the tank contents ( 5/6 of the liquid
column height.
A sample from the vertical mid point of the liquid column.
A sample taken from the mid point of the lower third of the tank contents ( 1/6 of the liquid
column height )
A sample skimmed from the liquid surface.
A sample taken at the level of the bottom outlet.
A sample taken 10 cm below the level of the bottom of the tank outlet.
A sample taken from the surface of the tank floor. This is used to determine the height of settled
sediment and water ( BS & W) in the tank. To get a sample of S &W in the tank you use a thief.
Step 2 Lower the thief into the tank slowly so you don not disturb the S & W and alter its height.
Step 3 allow enough time for sediment and water to settle and reach its natural level inside the
STEP 4 Raise the thief slightly and set it down on the tank bottom just hard enough to trip the
rod that closes the valve.
A sample taken by first lowering a corked can through the liquid column to a point as close as
possible to the tank floor ( 1 foot above the free water level ), but avoiding any free water. The
cork is then removed with a sharp jerk of the rope, and the can is withdrawn at a uniform rate.
On removal from the hatch, the can should be about 75% full ( no more than 85 % full )
A sample taken by first constricting the neck of a can by some convenient means ( eg with a
grooved or drilled cork ) and then lowering the can at a uniform rate down through the liquid
column and back up again, ensuring that no free water in the tank bottom is sampled. As in the
case of all level sample, the can should be about 75% full ( a maximum of 85 % full ) as it
emerges from liquid ).
A sample composed of constituent samples drawn from different locations in one tank, or from
different tanks. Multi tank composite samples are said to be weighted if the constituent samples
are added in proportions to the quantities contained in the tanks sampled.
Automatic Sample - A sample taken by automatic means. The two basic types of automatic
samples are:
Flow-Proportional Sample - A sample taken by an automatic sampler from a pipeline at a rate
that is proportional to the liquid flow rate.
Time-Proportional Sample - A sample taken from a pipeline at regular intervals during a
batch transfer period.
Bottom Sample - A spot sample taken from the material at the bottom of the tank.
Spot Sample - A sample taken at a specific “spot” within a tank using a stoppered bottle or
beaker and lowering it to the level of desired sample then opening it and allowing it to remain at
that level until full. A thief or a zone sampler may also be used to obtain spot samples.
Tap Sample - A sample taken from a valve or connection on a tank or pipeline.
Upper, Middle, Lower Samples - Spot samples taken from the upper third, the middle and
lower thirds of the liquid in the tank. The samples so taken may then be composited or analyzed
Sample Container - A receptacle used for crude oil or product sample storage and/or transport.
Type I Sample Container - A portable sample container used with a centrally located
circulation-type sample mixing system. A Jiskoot sample container is an example of a Type
I sample container.
Type II Sample Container - A portable sample container such as bottles and cans are
considered Type II sample containers. The contents must be shaken by hand or mixed by
mechanical agitation.
Sample Grab - The liquid volume taken from the pipeline by a single actuation of the sample
Sample Handling - The extraction, transport, mixing, and transfer of the representative sample
from the pipeline to analytical glassware or centrifuge tubes.
Sample Preheater - A device used to heat samples before S&W or API gravity or related
density tests are performed.
Sediment And Water (S&W) - The nonhydrocarbon solid material and water in suspension in
a petroleum liquid.
Repeatability - The closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements
of the same quantity carried out by the same method, by the same person, with the same
measuring instrument/equipment at the same location, over a short period of time. Specifically it
would be the ability of a meter and prover system to repeat its registered volume during a series
of consecutive proving runs under stable operating conditions or a gauger getting the same gauge
three times in succession.
Representative Sample - A small portion extracted from the total volume of material that
contains the same proportions of the various flowing constituents as the total volume of liquid
being transferred. The precision of extraction must be equal to or better than the method used to
analyze the sample. .
Reproducibility - The closeness of the agreement between the results of measurements of the
same quantity where the individual measurements are made by different methods, with different
equipment, by different observers, at different locations after a long period of time; or where only
some of the factors are different. Specifically it is the ability of a different set of meters or
different gauger using different equipment to measure a volume and arrive at the same volumes
as the first meter or gauger.
Having been careful to take a representative sample, it is important to ensure that it is important
to ensure that it is not contaminated or degraded before it is tested.
The way in which a sample is handled depends upon the nature of the test (s ) to which it is to be
subjected. If several tests are to be performed, each requiring different handling techniques, it
may be necessary to draw additional samples.
It is not possible to prepare an exhaustive list of precautions to be taken when handling liquid
hydrocarbon samples before they are tested, the operato4s should bear the following points in
1. Sample of crude oil, other heterogeneous products and very volatile products should not
be transferred from one container to another, especially not on the top of the tank.
2. Can or bottles containing volatile products must be fitted with vapour tight closures if
light fractions are not to be lost through evaporation. ( it is necessary to transport such
samples to the laboratory cooled and inverted).
3. Samples of products which are known to deposit wax below a certain temperature must
be maintained above that temperature until they can be tested, if the integrity of the
sample is not to be compromised.
4. When making up composite samples, light end loss must be kept to minimum ( by
chilling the samples beforehand if necessary ) and water and sediment contents must not
be altered.
The piece of equipment most frequently used to sample crude oil and petroleum products stored
in land tanks is the weighted sample can. Such cans are made of corrosion-resistant, non
sparking metal ( often brass ) and usually hold 500 mL and 1000 mL of liquid. The support lugs
or handles are usually made of copper or galvanized wire. Attached to the handle should be a
rope of adequate length. This should be electrically conductive and not made entirely from
synthetic fibre. To the rope should be fitted a cork sized to fit tightly into the neck of the can.
When taking a spot sample with a weighted sample can the operator first inserts the cork firmly
into the neck of the can and lowers the equipment into the tank until he is satisfied that it is full. (
This can be determined simply by observing the liquid surface – when no air bubble appear, the
can must be full ). The can may then be withdrawn and its contents transferred carefully to a
suitable sample container after which an appropriate closure is tightly fitted immediately.
A much better technique is to trap a loop of the rope under the cork before inserting. With this
the cork is levered out of the can when pulled out for withdrawing sample. This effectively
overcomes the head pressure and is generally regarded as the best way around an otherwise
difficult problem.