Questions For Students
Questions For Students
Questions For Students
2. All weather operations
4. Airspaces
5. Communication failure
9. TCAS For Both
10. GPWS Papers
11. DRMC
13. FMS
14. Min flight crews
15. Long Range Polar Navigation
18. RNP
19. RVSM
20. Navigation General
21. Mass balance For General
22. Performance Nav Only
23. Flight Planning
24. Radio Aids & Instruments For Radio & Insts
ACARS data is, therefore, of great significance in locating the last position of
the aircraft and launch search and rescue after it has met with an accident.
Operators must ensure that ACARS/ADS-B are fully functional before every departure.
Strict instructions should be given to the flight crew not to switch it off during the
While flying over such areas, the flight crew should report the aircraft
coordinates, speed and altitude at an interval of not exceeding 15 minutes.
*Alert height: A height above the runway threshold based on the characteristics of
the aeroplane and its fail operational landing system, above which Cat-III operation
would be discontinued and a missed approach initiated if a failure occurred in one
of the redundant parts of the landing system, or in the relevant ground equipment.
All weather operations: Any surface movement, take-off and departure, approach
or landing operations in conditions where visual reference is limited by weather
*Approach ban point: The point on a final approach where the reported weather
conditions at the runway must meet the applicable minima so as to be able to meet
regulatory requirements for continuing an instrument approach to a landing.
*Categories of aeroplanes: Categories of typical aeroplanes have been established
based on the indicated airspeed at threshold (Vat) which is equal to the stall speed
Vso multiplied by 1.3 or stall speed Vs1g multiplied by 1.23 (whichever is higher) in
the landing configuration at maximum certificated landing mass.
Category A — less than 91 kt IAS
Category B — 91 kt or more but less than 121 kt IAS
Category C — 121 kt or more but less than 141 kt IAS
Category D —141 kt or more but less than 166 kt IAS
Category E — 166 kt or more but less than 211 kt IAS
Ceiling: The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of
cloud below 6000 m (20 000 ft) covering more than half the sky.
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Circling approach: An extension of an instrument approach procedure which
provides for visual circling of the aerodrome prior to landing.
Flight visibility: The visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight.
*ILS sensitive area: An area extending beyond the critical area where the parking
and/or movement of vehicles, including aircraft, is controlled to prevent
interference to the ILS signal during ILS operations.
Low visibility take-off (LVTO): A term used in relation to flight operations referring
to a take-off on a runway where the RVR is less than 400 m.
Procedure turn: A manoeuvre in which a turn is made away from a designated track
followed by a turn in the opposite direction to permit the aircraft to intercept and
proceed along the reciprocal of the designated track.
*Runway visual range (RVR): The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the
centreline of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights
delineating the runway or identifying its centreline.
Touchdown zone (TDZ): The portion of a runway, beyond the threshold, where it
is intended landing aeroplanes first contact the runway.
Non-precision Approaches:
*All non-precision approaches shall be flown using the Continuous Descent
Final Approaches (CDFA) technique unless otherwise approved by the DGCA for a
particular approach to a particular runway.
When calculating the minima the operator shall ensure that the applicable
minimum RVR is increased by200m for Cat A/B aeroplanes and by 400m for Cat
C/D aeroplanes for approaches not flown using the CDFA technique, providing that
the resulting RVR/CMV value does not exceed 5000m.
*An operator shall not conduct low visibility take-offs in less than 400 m RVR
unless approved by DGCA.
*Scheduled operators may be authorized LVTO minima of up to 125 m. This
requires that a 90 m visual segment shall be available from the cockpit at the start
of the take-off run.
*Non-scheduled and general aviation operators shall not conduct take-offs
below500 m RVR.
*An operator shall not use an aerodrome for Category II or III operations
unless the aerodrome is approved for such operations.
Restricted AOM:
Normal AOM DA (H) / MDA (H) + 100 ft and
Normal AOM Visibility/RVR + 400 m
For a visual approach, an operator shall use higher of the associated non-
precision approach minima or minimum visibility/RVR of 2800 m for Category A/B
aeroplanes, 3200 m for Category C aeroplanes and 3600 m for Category D
If visual approach is requested for a runway which has only a circling
approach, the ground visibility shall not be less than 5 Km.
NPAs (in CANPA) were designed with and without step-down fixes in the
final approach segment. Step-downs flown without a constant descent will require
multiple thrust, pitch, and altitude adjustments inside FAF. These adjustments
increase pilot workload and potential errors during a critical phase of flight.
NPAs designed without stepdown fixes in the final segment allow pilots to
immediately descend to the MDA after crossing the FAF.
In both cases, the aircraft remains at the MDA until descending for the
runway or reaching the missed approach point (MAP).
The idea of CANPA is to fly a constant angle approach even if a glide slope or
visual slope indicator such as a VASI or PAPI is unavailable.
CANPA involves making a stabilized constant angle descent rather than a
quick descent to the MDA followed by flying level at the MDA until the runway
environment is in sight.
In CANPA upon reaching the MDA, a decision shall be made to continue with
a constant angle or level off till MAP depending on the visual condition.
In CDFA it shall be emphasize upon approaching the MDA, only two options
exist for the crew:
1. Continue descend below MDA to land with the required visual reference.
2. Execute a missed approach. There is no level flight segment after reaching
the MDA).
Stabilized Approaches:
*A stabilized approach is a key feature to a safe approach and landing.
Operators are required by the DGCA to use the stabilized approach concept to help
eliminate CFIT.
The stabilized approach concept is characterized by maintaining a stable
approach speed, descent rate, vertical flight path, and configuration to the landing
touchdown point.
An aeroplane should depart the FAF configured for landing and on the proper
approach speed, power setting, and flight path before descending below the
minimum stabilized approach height.
*Advantages of CDFA:
CDFA offers the following advantages:
(a) Increased safety by employing the concepts of stabilized approach.
(b) Improved pilot situational awareness and reduced pilot workload.
(c) Improved fuel efficiency by minimizing the low-altitude level flight time.
(d) Reduced noise level by minimizing the level flight time at high thrust settings.
(e) Reduced CFIT
VDA Design:
The VDA is calculated from the Final Approach Fix (FAF) altitude to the
threshold crossing height (TCH).
The optimum NPA descent angle (VDA) is 3.0 degrees.
Although VDA should not exceed 4.5 degrees for Cat A and B aeroplanes or
3.77 degrees for Cat C and D aeroplanes.
Q: What are the domestic routes on Jeppesen enroute chart? And which of them
are only one way
Ans. HVJW are domestic routes. HV are one way routes.
Q. What is TCH?
Ans. Threshold Crossing Height. Height of the effective visual glide path over the
Class A. IFR flights only are permitted, all flights are provided with air traffic control
service and are separated from each other.
Class B. IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are provided with air traffic
control service and are separated from each other.
Class C. IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are provided with air traffic
control service and IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and from VFR
VFR flights are separated from IFR flights and receive traffic information in
respect of other VFR flights.
Class D. IFR and VFR flights are permitted and all flights are provided with air traffic
control service, IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and receive traffic
information in respect of VFR flights, VFR flights receive traffic information in
respect of all other flights.
Class E. IFR and VFR flights are permitted; IFR flights are provided with air traffic
control service and are separated from other IFR flights.
All flights receive traffic information as far as is practical.
Class E shall not be used for control zones.
Class F. IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all participating IFR flights receive an air
traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight information service if requested.
Class G. IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service if
SVFR: All classes of airspace which support the establishment of a CTR permit SVFR.
Non-radio: *Classes E-G permit VFR traffic to fly without VHF 2-way RTF
Speed Limit: *A speed limit of 250 kt IAS is applied to VFR traffic in class C and all
traffic in classes D - G. The limit is applicable to traffic flying below 10 000 ft (FL100)
Q. What is the code for ILS, VOR and NDB in an approach plate?
Ans. ILS: 1 as in chart 11-1
VOR: 3 as in chart 13-1
NDB: 6 as in chart 16-1
If there are two airports in the same city like in Bangalore, then ILS will be
21-1, VOR will be 23-1 etc.
a. If a failure occurs whilst the aircraft is flying in VMC (regardless of flight rules
- VFR or IFR), the aircraft is to continue to be flown in VMC, landed at the
nearest suitable aerodrome and arrival reported by the most expeditious
means to the appropriate ATCU.
1. maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if
higher, for a period of 20 minutes following the aircraft’s failure to report its
position over a compulsory reporting point and thereafter adjust level and
speed in accordance with the filed flight plan;
2. in airspace where radar is used in the provision of air traffic control,
maintain the last assigned speed and level, or minimum flight altitude if
higher, for a period of 7 minutes following:
a. the time the last assigned level or minimum flight altitude is reached; or
b. the time the transponder is set to Code 7600; or
c. the aircraft’s failure to report its position over a compulsory reporting point;
whichever is later, and thereafter adjust level and speed in accordance with
the filed flight plan.
*Extended diversion time operations (EDTO): Any operation by an aeroplane with
two or more turbine engines where the diversion time to an en-route alternate
aerodrome is greater than the threshold time established by the DGCA.
The purpose of initial ETOPS regulations were to provide very high level of safety
while facilitating the use of twin engines on routes, which were previously
restricted( NA) to three or four engine aeroplanes.
ETOPS has now evolved to EDTO (Extended Diversion Time Operations) to
encompass two or more engine aeroplanes and the intent of the current regulation
is to avoid a diversion and if it occurs, to ensure that the diversion is safe.
EDTO Entry Point: The first point on the route of an EDTO flight; determined using
a one-engine inoperative cruise speed that is more than the threshold from an en-
route alternate airport for airplanes with two engines and more than two engines.
EDTO critical fuel: The fuel quantity necessary to fly to an en-route alternate
aerodrome considering, at the most critical point on the route, the most limiting
system failure (Engine failure, Decompression or both).
1. The threshold time for EDTO established by DGCA is 60 minutes for two
engine aeroplanes more than 45360 kgs and scheduled operators with two
engine aeroplanes irrespective of AUW and passenger capacity.
2. The threshold time for EDTO established by DGCA is 90 minutes for Non-
scheduled operators (NSOPs) less than 45360 kgs.
3. The threshold time for EDTO established by DGCA is 120 minutes for more
than two engine aeroplanes.
1. *When the diversion time exceeds the threshold time, the operation is
considered to be an extended diversion time operation (EDTO).
2. *For the purpose of EDTO, the take-off and/or destination aerodromes may
be considered en-route alternate aerodromes.
EDTO critical fuel:
No operator may dispatch or release for flight or takeoff a turbine engine
powered airplane in EDTO unless, considering wind and other weather conditions
expected, it has enough fuel to satisfy paragraphs below:
(i) The greater amount of fuel sufficient to fly to an en-route alternate under the
following three scenarios:
a. Assuming a rapid decompression at the most critical point followed by descent
to a safe altitude in compliance with the oxygen supply requirements, or
b. At the approved one-engine inoperative cruise speed assuming a rapid
decompression and a simultaneous engine failure at the most critical point
followed by descent to a safe altitude in compliance with the oxygen supply
requirements, or
*Suitable Airfield. The commander must satisfy himself on the day, using
criteria provided by the operator, that he has sufficient adequate aerodromes
which, taking into account the weather and any equipment unserviceabilities, are
suitable for his intended operation.
Today, FANS-1 is the standard used on Boeing aircraft while the Airbus
standard is known as FANS-A.
FANS A/1 provides a communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS)
system and an automatic dependent surveillance system (ADS).
Currently aircraft are controlled using voice communications. Over and close
to populated landmasses; ATC use radar to provide positive control of aircraft with
VHF communications.
However, over oceans, deserts and polar regions ATC provide a procedural
control service which generally requires HF communications and high vertical,
lateral and longitudinal separation distances, resulting in a low traffic density.
Aircraft operating in the same direction across the North Atlantic in MNPS
and RVSM airspace are given lateral separation of 60 nm, longitudinal separation
of 10 minutes and vertical separation of 2000 ft.
In non-MNPS/ RVSM airspace the minima are 120 nm, 15 minutes and 4000
ft respectively.
Position reports are passed by aircraft crossing the North Atlantic every 10°
of longitude up to 70°N and every 20° north thereof, which means ATC receive a
position update every 30 – 60 minutes.
*Controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC) - A means of communication
between controller and pilot, using data link for air traffic control (ATC)
1. TCAS I is a first generation collision avoidance system and simply warns the
crew of other traffic in the vicinity of their aircraft.
2. It will detect and display range and approximate relative bearing.
3. If the TCAS display aircraft and the intruder are carrying Mode C relative
altitude will also be displayed.
4. It generates visual and aural warnings - TRAFFIC ADVISORIES (TAs): “Traffic,
TCAS II detects intruders in the TCAS aircraft’s vicinity, assesses the collision
risk and presents warnings in the form of TAs and RAs e.g.:
“Climb” “Increase Climb” Descend” “Increase Descent” Monitor Vertical Speed”
RAs offer manoeuvring advice in the vertical plane only to resolve conflict.
1. TCAS II operates on the secondary radar principle using the normal SSR
frequencies of 1030MHz and 1090MHz, but in an air to air role.
2. Using this principle the TCAS system creates two protective three
dimensional bubbles around the TCAS equipped aircraft.
must have a minimum of A Mode “A” Transponder.
If the transponder is switched off, or is unserviceable, the intruding aircraft
are invisible.
Resolution Advisories (RAs) exist when an intruder penetrates the inner bubble
warning area and is between 30 and 20 seconds from the collision area. RA’s
appear as solid red rectangles on the TCAS display.
Action on Receiving a TA: Flight crews should commence a visual search of that
part of the sky.
What is EGPWS?
EGPWS provides a greater level of detection than a standard GPWS. For
example, terrain mapping is a new feature on EGPWS.
It can be shown on navigation displays by using the weather system.
Probable windshear aural and visual warnings also can be generated to warn
of an impending possibility of encountering windshear ahead.
What is the pilot's order of priority given a windshear, GPWS, and TCAS warning
at the same time?
First: Windshear
Second: Ground proximity warning system (GPWS)
Third: Traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS)
No terrain database Look ahead facility because of terrain
In fifth mode only one GP alert 5A- Soft alert 1.3 dots
5B- Hard GP alert when 2.5 dots fly up
Mode 6 decision height only 6A Decision height
6B Bank angle alert
No mode 7 Mode 7 Windshear
Gives warning of the terrain below Gives warning of terrain below and
only ahead of the aircraft
EGPWS has all the capabilities of GPWS and augments it by using a Global
Positioning System, or GPS, to provide very accurate information on the exact
GPWS had one very serious flaw; it can only monitor the ground directly
beneath it. This can be a problem if there is a very sudden change in the terrain and
the GPWS cannot provide a prompt enough warning for the pilot to react to.
With EGPWS, the system can track the course of the aircraft and see if it is
heading towards a mountain or other similar threat.
EGPWS is only as good as the terrain database that it has. It needs to be up-
to-date and contain accurate information.
1. EGPWS is safer and more advanced than GPWS
2. EGPWS uses GPS while GPWS doesn’t.
3. EGPWS uses a terrain database that is not available in GPWS.
4. GPWS is only aware of the ground below it while EGPWS is aware of a larger
EGPWS has all the capabilities of GPWS and augments it by using a Global
Positioning System, or GPS, to provide very accurate information on the
exact location of the aircraft.
1. Horizontal
2. Sensitive
3. Aperiodic
Turning errors are maximum when turning through north and south, and
zero when turning through east and west.
These are the supports for the rotor of a gyroscopic instrument.
The rate of precession (Ω) is proportional to torque applied and inversely
proportional to І ω, the rigidity or gyroscopic inertia.
1. If the axis of a gyro rotor departs from its chosen direction it is said to
2. If the axis of the gyro rotor wanders in the horizontal plane it is said to drift.
3. If the rotor axis wanders in the vertical plane it is said to topple.
Controller–pilot data link communications (CPDLC) is a method by which air traffic
controllers can communicate with pilots over a datalink system
Errors can be conveniently considered under the following headings:
1. Bounded errors
2. Unbounded errors
3. Inherent errors
The Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) is the heart of the Inertial Reference
System (IRS).
Use conventional gyros Use RLG
Gyros are mounted on a pendulous platform Mounted on a platform which is strap down
with aircraft structure (unit fixture)
Less accurate More accurate .5 nm to 2 nm/hr
Aligning time in middle latitudes is 20 min Aligning time in middle latitudes is 3-10 min
Longer life cycle
Disadvantage- Laser lock, To avoid use dither
motor which vibrates and opens the lock
RNAV allows aircraft to take a more direct flight path improving the
operating efficiency and helping in relieving congestion on the overcrowded airway
system. Hence the benefits are:
A reduction in distance, flight time and fuel (and hence costs).
An increase in the present route capacity.
A reduction in vertical and horizontal separation criteria.
1. 2D RNAV SYSTEM: A simple RNAV system uses rho/theta to define position,
which is derived from VOR/DME stations.
The FMS provides 4D area navigation (latitude, longitude, altitude and time)
and optimises performance to achieve the most economical flight possible.
An aeroplane shall not be operated under the IFR by a single pilot unless:
1. the flight manual does not require a flight crew of more than one;
2. the aeroplane is propeller-driven;
3. the maximum approved passenger seating configuration is not more than nine;
4. the maximum certificated take-off mass does not exceed 5 700 kg;
5. approved by DGCA
If uncertainty still exists more basic methods include contacting another aeroplane
in the vicinity and cross-checking spot winds, ground speed and drift. As a last
resort, comparison of the outputs from the nav systems could be compared with
the flight plan data for wind velocity at the DR position of the aeroplane.
Polar Navigation
Polar tracks defined as North/South routes involve navigation at high
latitudes (above 65°N). In these areas, the lack of ground radio aids, high rates of
change of magnetic variation and steep magnetic dip angles, make conventional
Q. What is MNPS?
Ans. MNPS stands for Minimum Navigation Performance Specification. Due to
economic, geographical and geophysical considerations, the airspace over the
North Atlantic Ocean between the latitudes of 35N and 70N is some of the most
frequently flown airspace in the World.
Within the NAT region, the area over the ocean and northwards towards the
North Pole is designated as airspace in which a minimum standard for air navigation
has been specified. This is known as the NAT Minimum Navigation Performance
Specification Airspace (MNPSA).
The problems are threefold:
Firstly, the North Atlantic suffers from abnormally high levels of traffic
density with modern turbine engined aeroplanes wanting to fly at the same flight
levels, and an economically generated tidal flow of traffic.
Secondly, the meteorological situation over the Ocean ‘standardizes’ the
polar frontal jet stream and the sub-tropical jet stream at about 55°N and 40°N
respectively. The jet stream flow is always from west to east.
Finally, the total absence of ground based navigation aids means that
navigation accuracy will not be as good as over land and allowances in separation
will need to be made by the ATC authorities.
The Airspace
The concentration of the traffic mean that all traffic flying across the North
Atlantic is required to fly IFR. To this extent, all the airspace is classified as class A
between FL55 and FL660. The airspace is defined as an Oceanic Control Area (OCA).
In practice, there are 5 NAT OCAs encompassing the MNPSA
MNPS Authority
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Operators of aircraft flying within the MNPSA are required to have authority
approval (stated on the AOC) requiring the aircraft to be able to navigate in
accordance with the relevant RNP.
Approval for MNPS will be indicated to Air Traffic by inserting the letters SX
in item 10 of the flight plan.
MNPS Airspace extends from Flight Level (FL) 285-420, incorporating the
RVSM FLs 290-410. Aircraft flying in MNPSA must also be authorized to fly RVSM,
and must comply with the altimetry Minimum Aircraft System Performance
Specification (MASPS).
Due to the tidal nature of the majority of North Atlantic traffic during the
times of the Organized Track System (OTS) all FL are available in both directions in
RVSM airspace. Outside the OTS standard RVSM FL apply.
2. INS
3. IRS
Each system must be capable of providing continuous position, track and
speed information.
The requirement for 2 LRNS covers the case of a failure in one system and
each system must have a failure warning indication.
NAT Tracks
The most desirable routes are the minimum time tracks (MTT).
To accommodate all flights going the same way at approximately the same
time, a set of roughly parallel tracks is established with lateral separation based on
the MNPS RNP. These tracks are called organized tracks and the overall concept is
called the organized track system (OTS).
Position Reports
The system of ATC used across the NAT region is procedural ATC.
The routes are organized to cross whole 5° of longitude at whole degrees of
latitude. Likewise, whenever specified, north/ south routes cross whole 10° of
latitude at whole degrees of longitude. This meets the ICAO requirement for
position reports to be made at intervals not greater than 1 hour.
However, if for any reason such prior revised ATC clearance cannot be
obtained, the contingency procedures described below should be adopted:
a) If possible, deviate away from the organized track or route system;
b) Establish communications with and alert nearby aircraft broadcasting, at suitable
intervals: aircraft identification, flight level, aircraft position and intentions, on the
frequency in use (when VHF) and on frequency 121.5 MHz
c) Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS/TCAS
d) Turn on all aircraft exterior lights;
e) For deviations of less than 10 NM, aircraft should remain at the level assigned by
f) For deviations of greater than 10 NM, when the aircraft is approximately 10 NM
from track, initiate a level change of +/-300 ft.
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Unable to Obtain Revised Clearance
The applicable RNP factors are: RNP1; RNP4; RNP10; RNP12.6; RNP20. All ATS
airspace is classified for RNP.
*Where VOR/DME is used for airways or RNAV navigation, the RNP specified
is RNP5. Within the classification of RNP however, RNP5 does not exist.
A good example of how RNP is used is the track spacing used for the NAT
tracks in the MNPSA of the North Atlantic Oceanic regions. The airspace is classified
as RNP20 therefore the aircraft flying the routes will be within 20 NM of the plotted
position for not less than 95% of the flight time. This means that the airspace
reserved to a NAT track must be 20 NM either side of the specified route. The
additional safety ‘buffer’ will be equal to the RNP so the track spacing will be 20 +
20 + 20 = 60 NM.
RNAV 1. Typically, RNAV 1 is used for DPs and STARs and appears on the charts.
Aircraft must maintain a total system error of not more than 1 NM for 95 percent
of the total flight time.
*RNAV 10 (RNP 10) is required for operations in oceanic or remote airspace. The
RNAV 10 navigation specification does not require on-board performance
monitoring and alerting.
Navigation systems-The RNAV 10 (RNP 10) navigation specification requires that
aircraft operating in oceanic and remote areas be equipped with at least two
independent and serviceable long range navigation systems (LRNS), comprising
an INS, an IRS/FMS, or a GNSS.
Accuracy - the lateral total system error/along-track error must not exceed + 10
NM for at least 95% of the total flight time.
At least two LRNSs capable of satisfying this navigation specification must
be operational at the oceanic entry point.
If this is not the case, then the pilot should consider an alternate route
which does not require that particular equipment or having to make a
diversion for repairs.
RNAV 5 Operations
Although RNAV 5 specification also does not include requirements for on-
board performance monitoring and alerting {like RNAV 10}, it does require that
the on-board equipment keeps a lateral and longitudinal navigation accuracy
on route of + 5 NM or better during 95% of the total flight time.
Navigation aid
RNAV 5 navigation is used on Q routes.
RNAV 5 operations are based on the use of RNAV equipment which automatically
determines the aircraft position in the horizontal plane using input from one
sensor or a combination of the following types of position sensors:
3) INS or IRS; and
4) GNSS.
ATS communications and surveillance
Direct pilot to ATC voice communication is required.
RNAV 5 system requirements
Accuracy: requires a track keeping accuracy equal to or better than + 5 NM during
the 95% of the flight time.
Contingency procedures: The pilot must notify ATC when the RNAV performance
ceases to meet the requirements for RNAV 5.
In the event of communications failure, the pilot should continue with the
flight plan in accordance with the published “lost communications” procedure.
RNP 4 Operations
Accuracy - The lateral total system error/ along-track error must not exceed + 4
NM for at least 95% of the total flight time.
Contingency procedures
If an aircraft cannot continue the flight according to the current ATC
authorization or cannot maintain RNP 4 accuracy, it will not enter into or
continue operating in RNP 4 airspace.
RNP 2 Operations
Navigation aid
a. RNP 2 navigation specification requires GNSS as the primary navigation
sensor, either as a stand-alone navigation system or as part of a multi-
sensor system.
b. RNP 2 operations in oceanic and remote airspace require dual independent
long range navigation systems.
Accuracy - the lateral TSE/ along track error must be within ±2 NM for at least 95
per cent of the total flight time.
Contingency procedures
The pilot must notify ATC of any loss of the RNP 2 capability (integrity alerts
or loss of navigation). If unable to comply with the requirements of an RNP 2 route
for any reason, pilots must advise ATC as soon as possible.
Accuracy - total lateral system error/ along-track error must not exceed + 1 NM
during at least 95% of total flight time. In order to meet the accuracy requirement,
95% of the flight technical error (FTE) must not exceed 0.5 NM.
Contingency procedures
The pilot must notify ATC of any loss of the RNP capability (integrity alerts
or loss of navigation), together with the proposed course of action. If unable to
comply with the requirements of an RNP 1 SID or STAR for any reason, pilots must
advise ATS as soon as possible.
1. The operator and the operator's aircraft comply with CAR;
2. The operator is authorised by DGCA to perform RVSM operations.
Each aircraft type group utilised by an operator shall be capable of Height
keeping performance which does not exceed a mean Total Vertical Error of 25m
1. Two independent altitude measurement systems shall be installed.
2. Each system shall be composed of the following elements:
Cross-coupled static source/system, with ice protection.
Equipment for providing a digitally encoded signal
One SSR transponder with an altitude reporting system.
Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS II).
An altitude deviation alerting system.
An automatic altitude control system.
Flight Envelopes
The RVSM operational flight envelope, is the Mach number W/δ and altitude
ranges over which an aircraft can be operated in cruising flights within the RVSM
airspace. The RVSM operational flight envelope may be divided into two parts:-
1. Full RVSM Flight Envelope: The full envelope will comprise the entire range of
operational Mach number, W/δ and altitude values over which the aircraft can
be operated within RVSM airspace.
2. Basic RVSM Flight Planning Envelope: The boundaries for the Basic envelope
are the same as those for the full envelope except for the upper Mach boundary.
The following equipment shall be operating normally at entry into RVSM
a. Two primary altitude measurement systems.
b. One automatic altitude-control system.
c. One altitude-alerting device. When changing levels, the a/c shall not be allowed
to overshoot or undershoot the cleared flight level by more than 45 m (150 ft).
d. One operating transponder with operational Mode ‘C’
Rhumb Line is a regularly curved line on the surface of the Earth which cuts all
meridians at the same angle - a line of constant direction.
The Rhumba Line between 2 points will always lie nearer to the Equator
than the corresponding Great Circle.
Nautical MILE: A nautical mile is that length of arc of a Great Circle which
subtends an angle of one minute at the centre of curvature of the Earth’s surface.
Heading is defined as the direction in which the fore and aft axis of the aircraft is
pointing; it may be measured from True, Magnetic, or Compass North.
Track is the direction of the aircraft’s path over the ground. It may be measured
from True or Magnetic North.
1:60 Rule?
The 1-in-60 rules is a basic rule of thumb used in air navigation. It states:
One degree offset equals one nautical mile when sixty nautical miles from the
Drift is the angle between Heading and Track (either planned track or TMG).
The difference between the planned track and the TMG is the track error angle.
The difference between the heading and the planned track is the expected drift.
The difference between the heading and the TMG is the actual drift experienced.
To make good a glide slope of Z°, your rate of descent should be (100 x Z) ft per
nautical mile:
3° glide slope 300 feet/Nm
ROD (in feet/min) = 5 x Ground speed (in knots) - for a 3° glideslope only
If the glideslope is some angle other than 3°, the easiest way is to solve for a 3°
glideslope and then factor the answer by actual glideslope ÷ 3°.
Change in ROD = 5 x change in speed (3° glideslopes only)
Scale is the relationship between the length of a line drawn between two
positions on a chart and the distance on the earth between the same points.
All the meridians on the surface of the earth from equator to the pole converge
and they make angle at the pole.
At equator meridians are parallels to each other, therefore convergency is zero.
At the pole they make maximum angle, the angle is change of longitude.
Conversion Angle is the difference between Great Circle direction and Rhumb
Line direction joining two given points.
There are 3 general types of projection surfaces:
1. Azimuthal/Plane: An azimuthal (or ‘plane’) projection is produced by
placing a flat sheet of paper against a point on the earth. A common use is
to provide charts of the North/South polar regions.
2. Cylindrical: Cylindrical projections uses cylinder of paper wrapped around
the “reduced earth” and touching the RE at the Equator. Other charts that
use cylindrical projections are the Transverse Mercator and the Oblique
3. Conical: Conical projections involve placing a cone of paper over the
Reduced Earth and projecting the graticule onto the cone. Subsequently
the cone is slit along one side and the cone can then be opened to produce
a flat sheet of paper.
There are two fundamental conditions which must be met to achieve
orthomorphism/ conformality.
1: The meridians and parallels on the chart must intersect at right angles.
Condition 2: At any point on a chart, scale should be the same in all directions,
or should change at the same rate in all directions.
A cylinder of paper is wrapped around the RE, touching the RE at the Equator.
Using a light source at the centre of the RE, the graticule is projected onto the
cylinder. The cylinder is then ‘developed’ or opened up to a flat sheet of paper.
1. The meridians are equally spaced parallel lines.
2. The straight line on the chart would be a rhumb line.
A cone is placed over a reduced earth, in such a way that the cone is
tangential with the reduced earth along a parallel of latitude. The apex of the
cone will lie on the extended line of the earth’s axis.
Light source is kept at the centre of the reduced earth.
1. Great Circles can be treated as straight lines for all practical purposes.
2. Radio bearings are Great Circles, so can be plotted without application of
conversion angle.
3. If scale error is small, a graduated ruler can be used to measure distances.
Plotting bearings on a Lambert chart is less complicated than on a Mercator
because Great Circles (radio waves) are straight or near-straight lines, and so
there is no conversion angle to apply.
AERODROME ELEVATION: The elevation of the highest point of the landing area.
ALTITUDE: The vertical distance of a level, point or an object considered as a
point, measured from mean sea level (QNH).
MORA values clear all terrain and manmade structures by 2000ft in areas
where the highest elevations are 5001ft amsl or higher.
When a Grid MORA is shown as “Unsurveyed” it is due to incomplete or
insufficient information.
Grid MORA values followed by +/- denote doubtful accuracy, but are
believed to provide sufficient reference point clearance.
I if IFR
V if VFR
Y if IFR first) and specify in Item 15 the point
Z if VFR first) or points where a change of flight Rules is planned.
Each holding pattern has a fix, a direction to hold FROM the fix, and an airway,
bearing, course, radial, or route on which the aircraft is to hold.
Standard holding pattern - all turns made to right.
The inbound leg of a holding pattern is 1 minute at & below 14,000 ft. and 1.5
minutes above 14,000 ft.
Holding Summary
• A holding pattern is a time delay used by ATC to help maintain separation and
smooth out the traffic flow.
• Holding pattern size is directly proportional to aircraft speed; doubling your
speed doubles the size of the holding pattern.
• Turns are to the right in standard holding patterns, and to the left in
nonstandard holding patterns.
For patterns using DME, the clearance gives the outbound leg length in
nautical miles.
Chart Usage:
a. Charts are identified by code letters for world areas covered by a particular
series, by parenthetical letters for the altitude coverage and by numbers
for the individual chart. For example,
ME(H/L)11, is a chart of the Middle East series covering both high and low
altitude operations and is number 11 of the series.
FE(H/L) 2, is a chart of the Far East series covering both high and low
altitude operations and is number 2 of the series.
b. The front page of the chart is called the cover panel. To use the low and
high altitude charts, we have to first use the small index map on the cover
The low and high/low altitude Jeppesen charts have a unique feature called
the Zigdex. This zigdex is found on the top of each chart panel on which the major
city names are printed.
c. Unless other wise indicated, all bearings and radials are magnetic.
d. En-route distances are in nautical miles.
e. Vertical measurements of elevation are in feet above mean sea level.
f. En-route altitudes are either in feet above mean sea level (based on QNH)
or clearly expressed as Flight Levels, based on QNE.
g. All times are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) unless labeled Local Time
h. Scale is 1 inch = 30 nm
i. Projection used is Lamberts Conformal Conic.
j. Chart effective dates are printed on the cover panel.
Restricted Airspace:
Restricted airspace areas are enclosed in red slanting lines. They are
designated by the Country code, followed by the FIR code, followed by the
alphabets ‘D’, ‘P’, ‘R’ in parenthesis.
(a) D – Danger area
(b) P – Prohibited area
(c) R – Restricted area
Segments of approach?
An instrument approach procedure may contain up to five separate
segments, which depict course, distance, and minimum altitude. These segments
Feeder routes: A route for aircraft to proceed from the en route structure to the
IAF, which includes the course and bearing to be flown, the distance, and the
minimum altitude.
Initial approach segment: This segment provides a method for aligning the
aircraft with the intermediate or final approach segment and to permit descent
during the alignment. It begins at an IAF and ends at the intermediate approach
segment or intermediate fix (IF).
Intermediate approach segment: This segment positions the aircraft for the final
descent to the airport. It begins at the IF and ends at the final approach segment.
Final approach segment:
For a PA or APV, this segment starts where the glideslope intercepts the
glideslope intercept altitude plane.
For an NPA, this segment starts at the FAF, final approach point (FAP), or
where the aircraft is established on the final approach course. This segment ends
at either the designated missed approach point (MAP) or upon landing.
Missed approach segment: This segment starts at the MAP and ends at a point
or fix where the initial or en route segment begins.
Centre of Gravity limits:
The CG is not a fixed point it has a range of movement between a maximum
forward position and a maximum rearward position which are set by the aircraft
manufacturer and cannot be exceeded.
A point along the longitudinal axis (Centre line) of the aeroplane (or it
extension) designated by the manufacturer as the zero or reference point from
which all balance arms begin.
Balance Arm
The distance from the aircraft’s Datum to the CG position or centroid of a
body of mass.
Traffic Load: Originally known as the ‘payload’, the traffic load is the revenue
generating load that pays the salaries and hopefully produces a profit for the
Aerodrome Elevation The elevation of the highest point of the landing area.
Clearway An area beyond the runway, not less than 152 m (500 ft) wide, centrally
located about the extended centre line of the runway, and under the control of
the airport authorities. The clearway is expressed in terms of a clearway plane,
extending from the end of the runway with an upward slope not exceeding 1·25%,
above which no object or terrain protrudes.
Critical Engine The engine whose failure would most adversely affect the
performance or handling qualities of an aircraft.
Damp Runway A runway is considered damp when the surface is not dry, but
when the moisture on it does not give it a shiny appearance.
Decision Speed: The maximum speed in the take-off at which the pilot can take
the first action (e.g. apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes) to stop the
aeroplane within the accelerate-stop distance.
It also means the minimum speed in the take-off, following a failure of the
critical engine at VEF at which the pilot can continue the take-off and achieve the
required height above the take-off surface within the take-off distance.
En Route The en route phase extends from 1500 ft above the take-off surface
level to 1000 ft above the landing aerodrome surface level for Class B aeroplanes
or to 1500 ft above the landing aerodrome surface level for Class A aeroplanes.
Final En Route Climb Speed The speed of the aeroplane in segment four of the
take-off flight path with one engine inoperative.
Final Segment Speed The speed of the aeroplane in segment four of the take-off
flight path with one engine inoperative.
Final Take-off Speed The speed of the aeroplane that exists at the end of the
Gross Performance The average performance that a fleet of aeroplanes should
achieve if satisfactorily maintained and flown in accordance with the techniques
described in the manual.
Ground Minimum Control Speed VMCG: The minimum speed at which the
aeroplane can be demonstrated to be controlled on the ground using only the
primary flight controls when the most critical engine is suddenly made
inoperative and the remaining engines are at take-off thrust. Throttling an
opposite engine is not allowed in this demonstration. Forward pressure from the
elevators is allowed to hold the nose wheel on the runway, however, nose wheel
steering is not allowed.
Hydroplaning Speed The speed at which the wheel is held off the runway by a
depth of water and directional control through the wheel is impossible.
Landing Gear Extended Speed VLE The maximum speed at which an aircraft can
be safely flown with the landing gear extended.
Landing Gear Operating Speed VLO The maximum speed at which the landing gear
can be safely extended or retracted.
Pressure Altitude The altitude of an aircraft above the pressure level of 1013.25
hPa. This is achieved by setting the altimeter subscale to 1013 hPa and reading
the altitude indicated.
Reference Landing Speed VREF The speed of the aeroplane, in a specified landing
configuration, at the point where it descends through the landing screen height
in the determination of the landing distance for manual landings.
Runway Threshold The beginning of that portion of the runway usable for
Service Ceiling The pressure altitude at which the rate of climb is reduced to a
specified minimum value (approximately 300 ft/min).
Stopway An area beyond the take-off runway, no less wide than the runway and
centred upon the extended centre line of the runway, able to support the
aeroplane during an aborted take-off, without causing structural damage to the
Take-off Distance Available. It is equal to TORA plus any clearway and cannot be
more than one and one half times the TORA, whichever is the less.
Measured Performance
This is the performance achieved by the manufacturer under test conditions for
certification. It utilizes new aeroplanes and test pilots and is therefore
unrepresentative of the performance that will be achieved by an average fleet of
The take off part of the flight is the distance from the brake release point to the
point at which the aircraft reaches a ‘screen’ of defined height.
The purpose of the clearway is to ensure that the a/c will not hit any
obstacles after it leaves the runway.
The climb section of aircraft
performance deals with the analysis
of that stage of flight from the end of
the take-off phase to the beginning of
the en-route phase.
In a steady climb, the weight
has a component along the flight
path, adds to the drag force
T= D + W sin ϴ
Hence Sin ϴ = T - D/ W
Climb gradient is the ratio of height gained to distance travelled, and is therefore
the tangent of the climb angle.
The rate of climb is the vertical component of the aircraft’s velocity and
depends on the aircraft’s velocity and the climb angle.
Ceiling: The gradient of climb and RoC decrease with altitude, and eventually at
some altitude become zero. This altitude is called the absolute ceiling.
The absolute ceiling decreases with increasing aeroplane mass, and
increasing temperature.
Service ceiling is the altitude at which a specified rate of climb occurs.
The landing stage of flight is defined as being that stage of flight
commencing from 50ft above the landing threshold and terminating when the
aeroplane comes to a complete stop.
The 50 ft point is sometimes referred to as the landing screen height.
The landing screen height is fixed at 50 ft for all classes of aeroplane unlike
the take-off screen height which is 35 ft for class A aeroplanes and 50 ft for class
B aeroplanes.
From the approach down to the landing screen height the aeroplane must
have attained the landing reference speed, known as VREF.
Landing Distance
The landing can be divided into two parts.
1. The airborne section and
2. The ground run or landing roll.
The first part, the airborne section starts from the landing screen height
of 50 feet and ends when the aeroplanes main wheels touch the landing surface.
The airborne section is usually given as being about 1000ft in length.
The second part of the landing is the ground run, ground roll or landing
roll. Once the main wheels have settled onto the landing surface reverse thrust
and lift spoilers can be activated and as the speed decreases further, the nose
wheel will then settle onto the landing surface.
The combined length of the ‘airborne section’ and the ‘ground run or
‘landing roll’ is known as the “landing distance required”.
VEF: The CAS at which the critical engine is assumed to fail. It is never less
than VMCG.
V1 is the speed at which, if the failure of the critical engine was recognised,
there is sufficient distance remaining to either abandon the take-off or continue
the take-off.
The speed, at which the critical engine fails, so that it may be recognised
at V1, is called VEF.
V1 is defined as being the maximum speed (VSTOP) at which the pilot must
take the first action in order to stop the aeroplane within the remaining
accelerate stop distance. V1 is also the minimum speed (VGO) following engine
failure that the pilot is able to continue the take-off within the remaining take-
off distance.
There are some rules about the speed for V1. It states that V1:
may not be less than VEF plus the speed gained with the critical engine
inoperative for the time between engine failure and the point at which
the pilot applies the first means of retardation.
must not exceed VR
must not exceed VMBE
must not be less than VMCG
If the engine were to fail before V1, then the decision would be to abort
the take-off. The reason is because, with only one engine operating, there would
be insufficient take-off distance left to accelerate the aeroplane to the screen
If the engine were to fail after V1, the decision is to continue the take-off.
In essence, whatever factors change either the accelerate stop distance
required or the take-of distance required, will affect V1.
When the aeroplane is on the ground, you cannot use the ailerons to
control the yaw otherwise you might bank the wing into the ground. Therefore
the only available aerodynamic surface left to control the asymmetric yaw is the
The only factor that controls the value of VMCG is thrust, and since take-off
thrust is more or less constant, then the only variable on the amount of take-off
thrust generated is air density.
VMCA is the minimum control speed in the air. The factors that affect VMCA
are the same as for VMCG.
VMCA / VMC - Air Minimum Control Speed is the minimum flight speed at which
the aeroplane is controllable, with a maximum of 5° bank, when the critical
engine suddenly becomes inoperative with the remaining engines at take-off
VMCL - Landing Minimum Control Speed: the minimum control speed during
landing approach. The minimum speed with a wing engine inoperative where it
is possible to decrease thrust to idle or increase thrust to maximum take-off
without encountering dangerous flight characteristics.
The heavier mass reduces VMBE. The variables that affect VMBE are
pressure altitude, ambient air temperature, mass, slope and wind.
V3: The steady initial climb speed with all engines operating.
A balanced field exists if the Take-off Distance is equal to the Accelerate-
stop Distance. An aerodrome which has no stopway or clearway has a balanced
The operating mass of the aircraft may be limited by runway strength
considerations. The bearing strength of a pavement is expressed by a PCN and
this is compared to the ACN.
Operation on the pavement is permissible if the ACN is less than or equal
to the PCN. Because the PCN includes a safety factor, a 10% increase of ACN over
PCN is generally acceptable for pavements that are in good condition and
occasional use by aircraft with ACN’s up to 50% greater than the PCN may be
The take-off climb or take-off flight path extends from 35 ft above the
take-off surface to 1500 ft above the take-off surface. However, with a
contaminated runway take-off, the take-off climb begins at 15 ft and not 35 ft.
Once the gear is up and locked then the first segment is finished. During
this segment the steady gradient of climb must be positive.
*The second segment starts when the gear is up.
The objective now is to retract the flaps at 400 ft, therefore the action by
the pilot is simply to climb, at no less than V 2, until 400 ft is reached.
Once 400 ft is reached and flap retract can commence, segment 2 ends.
The minimum gradient requirement is more severe at no less than 2.4%.
*Segment three starts at or above 400 ft and is the flap retraction and
acceleration segment. The aeroplane must accelerate during flap retraction
from V2 to the zero flap speed and then to the final take-off speed.
The final take-off speed is also called the final segment speed and is
intended to be the one engine inoperative best angle of climb speed.
The forth segment starts when the flaps are retracted, the final segment
speed is achieved and the thrust is set to maximum continuous thrust.
From this point the aeroplane is climbed to above 1500 ft where the take-
off flight path ends.
*The climb gradient for this last stage must not be less than 1.2%.
*The most severe gradient requirement is in segment 2, which for a twin
engine jet aeroplane is 2.4% (04/18A).
Obstacle Clearance:
An operator must ensure that the net take-off flight path must clear all
obstacles by a vertical margin of at least 35 ft.
If any turn of more than 15° is required at any point in the take-off flight
path, then the vertical clearance is increased to 50 ft instead of 35 ft.
Instrument Landing System (ILS) is defined as a precision runway approach aid
based on two radio beams which together provide pilots with both vertical and
horizontal guidance during an approach to land.
The ground installation has three distinct components, namely localiser,
glide path and marker beacons.
1. The Localiser (LLZ) transmits in the VHF band and is located about 300m
from the up- wind end of the runway.
2. The glide path (GP) transmitter operates in the UHF band, and is
frequency paired with the localiser. It is located 300m in from the
threshold and about 200m from the runway edge abeam the touchdown
3. Marker beacons transmit at 75 MHZ in the VHF band. These include the
outer marker (OM), the middle marker (MM) and possibly an inner
marker (IM).
*They are provided to enable the pilot to cross check the aircraft’s height
against ranges and timing to the runway threshold.
1. Localiser: operates in the VHF band between 108 and 111.975MHz. The
ILS frequencies have an odd number in the first decimal digit.
2. Glidepath: operates in the UHF band between 329.15 and 335MHz.
3. Markers: All markers transmit at 75 MHz.
1. The Ident on the localiser transmission is a 4 letter morse signal at 7
groups/min. The first letter is usually ‘I’.
2. The Identification is automatically suppressed if the ILS becomes
unserviceable or is withdrawn.
3. When an ILS is undergoing maintenance, or is radiating for test purposes
only, the identification coding will either be removed completely or
replaced by a continuous tone.
The Localiser
1. The localiser antenna produces two overlapping lobes along the runway
approach direction (QDM).
2. The lobes are transmitted on a single VHF ILS frequency. Lobes are
modulated differently.
3. The depth of modulation increases away from the centre-line.
4. A DDM of zero indicates the runway centre line.
False Glideslope(s)
*These are defined as the paths of points, in the vertical plane, containing
the runway centre-line at which the DDM is zero; other than that path of points
forming the ILS glide path. The twin lobes are repeated due to:
1. Metallic structures situated at the transmission point, and ground
2. The height and propagation characteristics of the aerial.
*The first false glideslope occurs at approximately twice the glide path angle,
6° above ground for a standard 3° glide path. False glideslopes always occur above
the true glideslope and should not constitute a danger.
Localiser Indications
Full scale deflection of the needle indicates that the aircraft is 2.5° or more
left or right of the centre-line i.e. the sensitivity is 0.5° per dot.
1. The VOR produces 360 radials/tracks at 1° spacing which are aligned in
relation to magnetic north at the VOR location.
2. It is practically free from static interference and is not affected by sky-waves,
which enables it to be used day and night.
3. The equipment operates within the frequency range of 108 - 117.95MHz.
VOR bearing is obtained by phase comparison:
An aircraft's VOR receiver measures the phase difference between two
signals from the VOR transmitter:
a 30Hz FM omni-directional, reference signal, and
a 30Hz amplitude modulated variable phase signal.
VOR beacons operate within the VHF band between 108.0 - 117.95 MHz.
BVOR: A broadcast VOR which gives weather and airfield information.
DVOR: A Doppler VOR - this overcomes siting errors.
TVOR: Terminal VOR which has only low power.
VOT: At certain airfields and broadcasts a fixed omni-directional signal for a
360° test radial.
The above errors are aggregate errors to give a total error of + 5°.
In addition there is Pilotage Error.
Primary Secondary
Requires no external help Works with the help of ground beacon
Tx & Rx on same frequency Tx & Rx on different frequency
Uses single pulse Uses pair of pulses
Requires high peak power Less peak power is required
Affected by weather Not affected by weather
Will have Tx & Rx on ground Will have Tx & Rx on ground and a/c both
Depends on characteristics of reflecting Independent of reflecting object
Radar has a wide range of applications as follows:
Air Traffic Control uses radar to:
monitor aircraft in relation to each other whilst they are flying on airways, in
control zones or in the airfield vicinity.
provide radar talk-down to a given runway: SRA or a PAR
control and monitor aircraft on ILS let-downs, or during airfield instrument
provide information regarding weather e.g. storm clouds.
Radar systems are in the VHF and above frequency bands because:
these frequencies are free from external noise/static interference.
the shorter wavelengths produce narrow, efficient beams for target
discrimination and bearing measurement.
the shorter wavelengths can produce shorter pulses.
efficient reflection from an object depends upon its size in relation to the
wavelength; shorter wavelengths are reflected more efficiently.
1. Primary, secondary, and Doppler radar systems use the pulse technique
which is the transmission of radio energy in very short bursts.
2. Each burst of energy is in a pulse form of a pre-determined shape.
3. The duration of the pulse is equal to the pulse length or width.
This is also known as ASMI and is installed at major airfields to provide a very
accurate radar display of the aerodrome infrastructure, vehicular traffic and
aircraft that are stationary, taxi-ing, landing or taking -off.
The very high definition required by these radars is achieved by designing a
radar with:
a scanner rotation rate of 60rpm.
frequencies of 15 to 17 GHz (SHF), 2 to 1.76cm wavelengths.
ranges of 2.5 to 6nm in light precipitation.
Airborne weather radar (AWR) is used to provide pilots with information
regarding weather ahead as well as navigation.
Information on cloud formations or terrain features is displayed on the
indicator’s screen as a range from the aircraft and a bearing relative to its heading.
Primary Radar
AWR is a primary radar and both of its functions, weather detection and
ground mapping, use the echo principle to depict range and the searchlight
principle to depict relative bearing of the targets.
Radar Frequency
The typical frequency adopted by most commercial systems is 9375 MHz, +/-
30 MHz as it produces the best returns from the large water droplets and wet hail
found in convective clouds.
For the basic monochrome AWR with a maximum range of 150nm, the
cosecant (fan-shape) beam is used for mapping up to about 70nm by selecting
MAP. To map beyond 70 nm, the pencil beam is used.
Height Ring
With the older AWR systems where the conical beam is produced by a dish
antenna there is always some vertical overspill of energy which is reflected back to
the aircraft and appears as a “height ring”, which roughly indicates the aircraft’s
It also indicates that the equipment is serviceable when there is no weather
Height = (TILT – BEAMWIDTH/2 ) x Range x 100 feet
The aircraft is interrogated from the ground station by a pre-determined series of
pulses on the carrier frequency of 1030MHz; its transponder then transmits a
coded reply on a carrier frequency of 1090MHz.
The two main modes of operation are:
Mode A - Identify an aircraft
Mode C - an automatic height read-out of an aircraft.
1. Garbling: This is caused by overlapping replies from two or more
transponders on nearly the same bearing from the ground station and within
a distance of 1.7 nm from each other measured on a line from the antenna.
Availability of codes
Only 4096 identification codes are available in Mode A.
1. Mode S is being introduced in order to overcome the limitations of the
present modes A and C. ‘S’ stands for Selective addressing.
2. The new system has to be compatible with the existing modes A and C so
that it can be used to supplement the present system.
GPS is an electronic navigation system in which aircraft receivers compare
signals from several of the 24 transmitters in the satellites which make up the GPS
constellation. It can be received over the whole globe and its accuracy is of the
order of tens of metres.
L1 Frequency: 1,575.42 MHz transmits the C/A code repeated every millisecond,
the precision (P) code repeats every seven days and the navigation and system data
message at 50 Hz.
The navigation and system data message is used by both the P and C/A codes.
L2 Frequency: 1227.6 MHz transmitting the P code. The second frequency is used
to determine ionospheric delays.
L3 Frequency: 1381.05 MHz has been allocated as a second frequency for non-
authorised users.
Only the C/A code is available to civilian users. The P code is provided for the
military and approved civilian users and foreign military users.
All errors are at the 95% probability level.
1. Ephemeris Errors: These are errors in the SVs calculation of position caused
by the gravitational effects and solar radiation.
2. SV Clock Error. As with SV ephemeris, the SV clock is checked at least every
12 hours and any error is passed to the SV to be included in the broadcast.
3. Ionospheric propagation error: This is the most significant of the errors in
SV navigation systems. Maximum error for single frequency operation is 5 m.
4. Tropospheric propagation error: Variations in pressure, temperature,
density and humidity affect the speed of propagation, increased density and
increased absolute humidity reduce the speed of propagation.
Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) provides integrity monitoring of
GPS for aviation applications. In order for a GPS receiver to perform RAIM or fault
detection (FD) function, a minimum of five visible satellites must be visible to it.
The LAAS has the potential to provide the necessary accuracy to achieve
category 3C type operations.
To enable an aeroplane to complete an automatic landing the auto-land
system requires:
A minimum of two independent autopilots.
Two independent Radio Altimeters.
Category 3 ILS ground installation at the airport.
Auto-land Status
The number of autopilots required depends upon the auto-land status of the
aircraft. These fall into two main categories:
1. Fail – Passive/Safe
This is defined as the ability of the system to withstand a failure without
endangering passenger safety, and without producing excessive deviations in the
flight path but removing its capability to complete an automatic landing.
The minimum number of autopilots required for a fail-passive capability is two.
2. Fail-Operational/Active
This is defined as the ability of a system to withstand a failure without
affecting the overall functioning of the system and without causing degradation of
performance beyond the limits required for automatic landing.
The system requires a minimum of three autopilots.
Describe a radio altimeter and how it works?
Radio altimeters provide an accurate height measurement from 2500 ft
down to 0 ft for continuous-wave radar beams.
Radio Altimeter operates on FMCW technique.
What is a fail passive autopilot/landing system?
A fail passive automatic pilot landing system is one that employs two digital
control computer channels (duplex system). In the event of a single control channel
failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of the flight path
or attitude. However, the landing is not completed automatically, thus requiring
the pilot to assume control of the aircraft to complete the landing.
Q. How many different SSR codes can you have? What are SSR Modes?
Ans. 4096
Mode A & B: Used for identification of the aircraft.
Mode C: For automatic height information
Mode D: Still in experimental stage
Mode S: This is used for communication surveillance in TCAS.