Baptist Bridge
Baptist Bridge
Baptist Bridge
Youth News………………..……...4
Cowen 2011………………………6
Getting to know…………………10
CE Board………... ……..……...10
Remembering in Prayer……….11
What is confession? Most people think God wants you to do this for his benefit--that
he derives some weird pleasure or meets some strange need
This word dredges up a lot of images to people (which we'll from your confession. But nothing could be further from the
address in a minute), but its meaning is very simple. The Greek truth! God doesn't need anything, including your confes-
word is homologeo, which is a compound verb meaning literal- sion. He already knows about your sins, and (if you have re-
ly "to say the same thing"--to agree with someone about some- ceived Christ) he has already forgiven them. When he calls on
thing. It and its strengthened form (exhomologeo) are used us to confess our sins to one another, it is altogether for our
frequently in the New Testament with a meaning ranging from benefit. When based on an understanding of God's grace and
agreeing with God that he is great ("praise"), to agreeing before preceded by sincere confession to God, confessing your sins to
others that Jesus is Lord (Matt. 10:32), to agreeing with testi- other Christians is a wonderful source of spiritual help.
mony in a court case (Acts 24:14), to agreeing with God and/or
others about our sins (1 Jn. 1:9). Confession may enable you to experience God's for-
giveness. God wants us to experience what the author of He-
It is this latter sense that we want to explore to today. To con- brews calls a "cleansed conscience"--a personal assurance of
fess our sins mean that we "say the same thing" God says about God's forgiveness of specific sins so that we can move forward
them instead of calling them something else (indiscretion; legit- with him without the pangs of unresolved guilt. For a variety of
imate; etc.). And we are talking about verbalizing this to other reasons, it is possible to have God's forgiveness without experi-
Christians. Biblical confession in this sense is acknowledging encing it.
wrong behaviors and/or attitudes to another Christian in order
to be reconciled or seek help. This definition presumes that You may have received Christ, but be ignorant of the Bible's
there is such a thing as sin, and that it is destructive both to the teaching that you are now completely forgiven. You may know
individual involved in it and to relationships. this teaching, yet not experience God's forgiveness for certain
things because you won't personally confess it to him, or be-
Common misconception about confession cause you insist on doing penance instead of simply appropriat-
ing Christ's forgiveness ("dead works" in Heb. 9:27).
The most prevalent misconception is that "since God alone
ultimately forgives sin, there is no need for confession to oth- Or you may be unable to personally appropriate God's for-
ers." Confession should always begin with God because all sin giveness because you are unwilling to tell some other Christians
is first and foremost cosmic treason--an act of rebellion against about it. Prov. 28:13 teaches this principle (read). David expe-
God (Ps. 51:4). But the Bible teaches that we should often con- rienced the cleansing power of God's forgiveness when he con-
fess our sins to other people (Jas. 5:16) for reasons we'll discuss fessed both to God and to Nathan. I know it's been this way for
in a moment. To use God's forgiveness as an excuse for not me many times. In a group this size, there are probably many
confessing to others betrays a serious misunderstanding of people who need this (SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET).
God's grace.
Closely associated with this benefit is a second one: Confes- Are you unable to get peace by confessing this to
sion can unleash God's empowering for moral change. Sin God? If so, why not get it out in the light with another Chris-
thrives in darkness. When we keep it hidden, its power over tian who can pray with you and assure you of God's for-
us grows, even though we may struggle to free ourselves giveness?
from it. But when we bring it out into the light, this often Do you lack insight or ability to gain increasing freedom from
breaks its power. this sin? If this is the case, there may be a connection between
the help you need and disclosing it to some mature Christian
This is why James connects confession and prayer with oth- friends.
er Christians with healing (Jas. 5:16). The preceding con-
text is specifically about physical sickness, but I think this Is it causing alienation in your relationship? If so, you
verse is a more general maxim that includes healing from should seriously consider confessing to them what you have
the power and damage of sin. John teaches the same princi- done. If you need advice on whether, when, or how to do this,
ple in 1 Jn. 1:7 (read). When we walk in the light (which why not ask another mature Christian friend for this?
involves being open and honest about our sins with God and
other Christians), the power of Christ over sin is unleashed.
Do you tend to over-confess or under-confess? Some people
over-confess, turning confession into neurosis or dead
Internet porn is epidemic in our society. I have talked to
works. While there are cases where this is true, is that really
dozens of guys who are enslaved and defeated in this ar-
the problem with most of us? Aren't we much more likely to
ea. They know they're forgiven, they try to break free--but
confess too little? Aren't we usually more concerned with sav-
they go back to this destructive habit. For many, the first
ing our own pride, not risking rejection, or avoiding conse-
step toward real freedom in this area has been to bring it out
quences? If we're going to have a "default," shouldn't our de-
into the light with other Christian friends. This step, cou-
fault be that we will confess to someone rather than that we
pled with ongoing accountability, prayer, encouragement
won't? Wouldn't it be nice to be in relationships that had this
and other practical steps (both resist and replace) unleashes
kind of openness?
God's power for moral change! I've seen similar results for
people with other sin-habits (OVER-EATING;LYING).
This kind of openness is a key ingredient for healthy communi-
Confession can be a crucial step in restoring an alienated ty.
relationship. The parable of the prodigal son (Lk. 15) is a
beautiful story of God's willingness to forgive repentant Read Eph. 4:25. Paul is telling us to lay aside the fakiness
sinners. But it is also a picture of the power of confession and be honest and open with one another. I've been around a
to restore broken human relationships. If you have violated lot of Christian groups (including groups in this church) where
a key relationship through betrayal, bitterness, neglect, etc., you sense that no one is being real, that everyone is posturing,
God may be calling on you to go back to them like this son putting on a front. When you try to engage people about
did. It is scary--but it's worth it! You may experience rec- what's really going on in their lives, you get a lot of bobbing
onciliation. Even if you don't, you will experience God's and weaving. When they ask you how your walk is going, you
cleansing and encouragement and righteous closure. sense they don't really want to know. When you share about
your own current defeats and struggles with sin, you get an
This is important not just concerning big, past issues. It is awkward response--like you just farted or have body
also important for smaller offenses that inevitably arise in odor. What is this? This is hypocrisy--and Jesus said,
close relationships. This past week, I needed to apologize "Beware the leaven of hypocrisy" (Lk. 12:1). Like leaven, this
to my wife and daughter for the harsh way I spoke to falseness can quietly and gradually infect the atmosphere of a
them. It would have been easy to rationalize this--but this is group and destroy the life of Christ.
what allows alienation to build up. It's so much better to
humble yourself, admit and apologize, be forgiven--and How different it is to be around a group of Christians who live
have the closeness restored. under God's grace and practice real openness with one anoth-
er! How encouraging it is to know you're not the only one who
This brings us to a question many of you may be asking struggles! How much easier it is to be honest about your de-
yourselves right now: "When should I confess to someone, feats! How many doors it opens up for help! How much more
and when should I keep it to myself?" real God's forgiveness and healing power is! What a refresh-
ing and attracting alternative for people who don't yet know
When to confess Christ! Recently, a young Christian told me the thing he ap-
As we saw with admonition last week, there is no formula preciated most about our home group is that "people are re-
answer to this question. Because we are dealing with per- al." I hope we never lose this!
sonal relationships, there are many variables. If you are Excerpts taken from
being honest with God and willing to do what he wants in
this area, he will show you. Many times, he will say "The
issue is settled now. Go on." Sometimes, however, he will Shalom,
say "You need to share this with . . ." As you ask God for
wisdom on this, consider the following questions: Pastor Jon
Thanks to all the volunteers who came
to our kickoff youth fellowship. They
Women of Faith all had a great time and here are some
Columbus, Ohio pictures to prove it.
April 29-30, 2011
ABW meeting
Tuesday Oct. 5th
Along the Highway
When Oregon number of cousins and other members of
Meets West their extended family.
Virginia For the next three years Eddie will be back at
A-B, finishing his degree in Music Educa-
Sara and Eddie tion. “I decided,” he says, “that I wanted to
Poling, recent- work with kids rather than with twenty-year-
ly having be- olds who were just out for the money. That
come members gets pretty old.”
of Philippi Sara smiles.”You know, it doesn’t go well if
Baptist Church, tell a love story that few you argue with God, and that’s sort of what
others can match. They met in Branson, we were doing. This is definitely where
Missouri, where Eddie was working as a we’re supposed to be.”
comedian and Sara was a trick rider—on Philippi Baptist Church has become im-
horses, that is. portant in the Poling scheme of things, for
Married in Branson in 2002 and adding with his excellent voice and musical training,
Gauge (now 9) and Chandler (now 7) to the Eddie is heading up the Praise Team and is
mix, they came back to Eddie’s hometown singing in the chancel choir, and Sara is help-
just last January. ing with the nursery class. Everyone who has
Sara, originally from Seaside, Oregon, went gotten to know them and see them in action
to local schools there and then headed to the agrees—they are a blessing to this church and
College of the Ozarks, where she majored to the community. This is definitely where
in Sociology. Eddie, in the meantime, grew they belong.
up in Philippi—Tacy, actually—and attend-
ed public schools here. He attended Alder-
son-Broaddus for two years, majoring in
Music Education, then transferred to WVU,
where he majored in Applied Music. Then The Board of Christian Education
he was off to Missouri and the Dixie Stam- Invites everyone to Fall Game Night, Saturday,
pede, where he fell in love with a trick rid- October 16th from 6-8p.m.. Bring a game, if you
er. He went on to be a lead singer and a like, and a favorite snack (drinks will be provided).
production manager. There will be an assortment of games for all ages.
“Branson was o.k.,” Sara says. “They had
family-oriented programs, and it was a
clean town, but I really like West Virginia.
It’s quiet here, more relaxed and much,
much less commercialized. And there’s a
lot less traffic.Eddy agrees. “Life here is The Board of Christian Education
simpler, I think. For me it’s a matter of Would like to present a children/youth Christmas
program on December 19th. We are looking at pro-
safety of community. Everything is falling grams that would not involve lots of rehearsals. Be-
into place for us.” It doesn’t hurt, he adds, fore we choose a program, we need to get an idea of
to be back near Mary and Bucky Poling, his how many would be interested in participating.
parents and the boys’ grandparents, plus a . Please let Sarah Ferguson, Cheryl Wolfe or Kelly
Bracey know if you would like to be involved.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
A-B College faculty, staff and students, Happy Birthday
Frank Bolyard, Russell Bolyard, Connie Happy Birthday Happy
Boylen Booth and husband Gary,Fred Birthday To all of you…
Brookover, Dorris Byrer, Blaine Corder, Jordan Price, Eric Wolfe, Tom Kines, Michelle Prusa,
Bob Byrne, Pete Ferguson, Austin Whitman,
Jim Friend, Jonnie Friend, Otilia Franke, Sharon Hebb, Mike Ravis, Betty Irvine, Stephen Lewis,
Carl Gant, Jane Gibbons, Paul Goodman, Joan Hill, Carla Campbell, Brent Wolfe, Eli Campbell,
Harmony Grogan, Janet Hotsinpiller, Megan Stull Reil, Becky Phillips Miller,
Pastor Jon Villers, Jim Kines, Mary Tamulitis,
Betty McDaniel, Amanda Means, Georgeann Davis.
Greg Mouser, Kasey Mouser,
VioletMouser, Brenda & Gary Price,
Jean Propst, Mary Reynolds, Don Happy Anniversary
Schierling, Loueda Shaffer,
Vangie Shaffer, Steve Shaw, Danny & Melissa
Dr. Richard Shearer,Gerry Sutton, Franke.
Mary Tamulitis, Gary Tetreault, ,
Ross & Molly
Cindy Wannamaker, Steve Lessor, Campbell.
Don Stemple, Joshua Morgan and family,
Alexa Jennings and Jeremy Hunt.
Unspoken requests for family members, unsaved,
person and community concerns, those with job
and home loss, financial difficulties. Our nation-
al, state, and country leaders and officials. Vic-
tims, the families and friends of crime, war and
Fall Retreat
violence throughout our country. Military per- Oct.8-10
sonnel and their families throughout the world. $45
Relatives and friends of those serving our coun-
try: Amanda Howard, Tim Jenkins, Chris Camp Cowen
Mossburg and Taylor Smith. Only $35 if it’s
your first retreat!!!
Please make check
payable to BCM and
We offer our deepest mail to: BCM
condolences to the families who Campus Christian Cen-
ter 5th Ave. & 17th
have lost loved ones.
St. Huntington, WV
The Family of Granvil George, 25755 Check out
The Family of Anita Simmons, www.wvbcm
The Family of Rev. Dr. Tim “upcoming events” for
Maddox. driving directions
Philippi Baptist Church
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Philippi, WV 26416