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Process of Doing Philosophy Socratic Method

 Philosophy, meaning "love of wisdom," is a science The Socratic method, also known by the Greek
where reason and logic are used to understand term elenchus that means "to inquire or to cross-examine", is
reality and answer questions of knowledge, morality, an exchange of ideas using Socratic questioning.
and human nature.
 Socratic questioning is a type of interrogative process
 Philosophy may be a body of knowledge or
an intellectual activity. that clarifies points through understanding the deeper
meaning of a claim.
 A holistic point of view looks at all aspects of the given
problem or situation. Meanwhile, a partial point of  It was developed by Socrates, a Greek philosopher
view looks at only a limited number of aspects of the and teacher, who laid the groundwork for Western
given problem or situation. systems of philosophy and logic.

 Philosophical reflection allows a person to look back  In this process, statements are deconstructed or
on previous experiences and evaluate the meaning
questioned to come up with the actual truth that is
or significance of his or her life.
believed to rest on the roots of the argument.
Methods of Philosophizing
 Conflicting ideas are seen as invalid sources of the
A method of philosophizing is a process of determining the truth, and probing questions are immediately derived
truth or drawing a conclusion from a statement using various from the given statements.
philosophical methods, such as:
 In a classroom setting, this method is used not to
 Socratic, intimidate students, but to produce a deeper
understanding of thoughts and ideas through further
 dialectic, questioning statements or claims.

 scientific, and  There is no particular end goal aside from reaching an

absolute truth from probing statements and, in the
 historical.
process, eliminating ideas that are questionable or  Hegel, Aristotle, and Socrates were so convinced in
contradicting. the validity of the dialectic method that they
postulated their own versions and explanations of the
 The process of deconstructing or questioning
whole process.
statements to come up with the actual truth is called
the Socratic Method.  The dialectic method of philosophizing leads
to wisdom and truth.
 Opinion is what someone believes or thinks. A fact is
firmly planted in the material world,  In philosophy, it is a method of coming up with a
while truth extends to the spiritual realm. conclusion from an exchange of contradicting
logical arguments.
 The Socratic method of philosophizing leads
to wisdom and truth.  The aim of dialectics, as a process of the dialogue, is
the clarification of controversial notions and
Dialectic Method arguments with other people. In this process, personal
and shared conceptions should be considered and
The Dialectic Method or Dialectics is a method of coming up
with a true conclusion based on contradicting logical ideas.

 The term 'dialectic' comes from the Greek word Scientific Method
‘dialektike’ which means 'the art of conversation.'
 The term "science" is derived from the Latin
 It is the act of talking back and forth, disagreeing with word scientia that means “to produce knowledge.”
one another, and arguing about contentious issues.
 The scientific method, also called empirical method,
 The dialectic method may involve both opinions and is a process of determining truth or knowledge
facts as long as they are logical and lead to the truth. through experimentation, inductive and deductive
reasoning, and hypothesis or theory testing.
 An opinion is an expression of a person’s feelings
based on facts, emotions, and beliefs, while  The scientific method or empirical method is a
process of determining truth or knowledge through
the truth is something that has actual and proven
experimentation, inductive and deductive
existence scientifically and historically regardless of reasoning, and hypothesis or theory testing.
one’s opinion and beliefs.
 The scientific method could trace its history from the  The historical method deals with examining the past
Classical period with Aristotle giving the earliest to come up with present truths.
structured theory on the scientific approach.
 An opinion is a personal view formed about a
 The process begins with an idea about any given particular matter, while the truth is something that has
topic. Hypothesis testing is done to prove the validity actual and proven existence regardless of one’s
of this idea. opinion.

 In a philosophical view, the means of hypothesis  In this approach, it is believed that history has a
testing and its results are considered the most “divine order” or a large “cyclical or progressive”
important feature of the method. pattern that enables events to repeat themselves and
record information through historical accounts or
 The scientific method also values observation as an
archaeological findings.
important aspect because it contributes to further
understanding the results of the hypothesis testing.  The process of learning the truth is simply through
looking at past records to validate the present
 An opinion is a personal view formed about a
particular matter, while the truth is something that
has actual and proven existence regardless of one’s
 If viewed in a more general perspective, the historical
approach would include only a historical account to
 The scientific method of philosophizing leads differentiate truth from opinion.
to wisdom and truth.
 History is seen as more important than logic and a
Historical Method more valid source of the truth.

 The term "history" is from the Greek word iotopia which  Using the historical approach is much like researching
means “to investigate" or "to find out.” for an answer to a particular question. Reviewing
what has been done in the past is the primary method
 The historical method is the process of gathering of looking at a solution for a problem at present.
evidences, examining them, and formulating ideas
about the past to come up with present truths.

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