IEI IPMA Brochure

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Globally Recognized

IPMA Certification
IPMA Certification — recognized Globally
Based on IPMA International Certifications
Regulation (ICR4) & The Institution of Engineers (India)
IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB4)

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Get an edge on your career development and advancement by rs of
associating with India’s foremost organization devoted to the IEI !
advancement of the Project Management profession. Founded in
1965 in Switzerland, IPMA is the world’s first professional Global For details Corporate Members may login
Association of Project Practitioners. IPMA is a federation consisting to their respective dashboard (https://
of a network of 70 Member Associations. To provide a competitive
advantage in the professional growth of its corporate members, The aspx ) and submit their application under
Institution of Engineers (India) has entered into collaboration with Certification --> IPMA.
PMA (Project Management Associates) – the National association of
project professionals in order to build a Project Mindset through Project
Management Education in the country. IPMA 4 Level Certification
System is administered in India by PMA Cert., the Certification
Body of PMA / IPMA and is based on IPMA Competence Base line
(ICB version 4). PMA is offering IPMA Level C & D Certification
exclusively to members of IEI at a special discounted price. Here is
an opportunity for all corporate members of IEI to be in tune with
time and register for IPMA’s level C & D certification programmes at
a discounted fee.

Methods, tools & techniques

through which individuals interact with

the environment as well as the ratio-
nale that leads people, organizations,
societies to start and support projects,
programmes and portfolios
1. Strategy
2. Governance, structures and processes
3. Compliance
4. Power and interest
5. Culture and values
Benefits of globally recognised Project
Management Certification

The Institution of Engineers (India)

Become Recognised as a Professional – Certification

• Do you want international recognition as a project, professional? Do you want to be assessed on your current competence
level and be internationally certified?
• Do you want to employ or hire a project, manager who has proved to be competent ?
• Do you want to know how you can improve your competences as a professional project manager ?

a. Overall Benefits
• It improves one’s capability to deliver better, faster, less expensive products and services.
• Performance based certification secures competitive differentiation.
• Certification ensures that you have standards by which project management performance can be measured.
b. Employers Benefits
• As the course enhances the knowledge base of the employee for handling the project in an effective manner it helps the
company to bring the cost over runs and time over runs to a minimum.
• It provides a marketing tool by demonstrating the company’s commitment to excellence in project management and the
competence of its staff.
c. Employee Benefits
• It provides peer recognition of one’s competence.
• It enhances other technical or business qualifications.
• It assists in the recognition of the transferability of an individual’s skills from one company or industry to another.
• It enhances their confidence in their project management and general business knowledge.
d. Customers Benefits
• It enables clients to assess a proposed project manager’s competence.
• It provides positive proof that the individual concerned has gained peer recognition of his/her ability to manage projects.
• It builds confidence about the company undertaking the projects.

Individual Competence Baseline

Worldwide, the IPMA certifications are based on the global competence standard, ICB. This standard is defined by the IPMA and
describes the competences that project, programme and portfolio managers should possess. Currently, IPMA is transitioning from
ICB version 3 to ICB version 4.
PMA Cert, Certification Body of PMA India, has changed over to ICR4/ICB4 with effect from 1st July 2019 and as per IPMA transition
principles, PMA Cert will issue certificates based on ICR4 / ICB4 (IPMA International Certification Regulations Version 4 / IPMA
Individual Competence Baseline Fourth Edition) with effect from 1st July 2019.
Achieving IPMA level D® certification is an international recognition of one’s knowledge about managing projects and knowing
the competences as described by the IPMA International Competence Baseline® as well as how to apply them.

IPMA Level D – at a Glance

Certified Project Management Associate
An IPMA certification requires that the candidate has knowledge in the Competence Elements (CEs) related to project
management. As such, they usually have broad project management knowledge and may work in a project team. No previous
experience is required and only knowledge regarding CEs related to project management are assessed.
Certified Project Management Associate entry requirements:
• Must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from a nationally recognized University.
• Experience in the project management competence elements is not compulsory; but it is an advantage if the Applicant
already has applied his project management knowledge to some extent.
• Candidates applying for IPMA Level D certification must agree to abide by the ‘IPMA code of professional conduct and ethics’
by endorsing his/her signature.
Re-certification criteria
Benefits of globally recognised Project
Management Certification

The re-certification period for Levels A to D is due 5 years after initial certification for each level of certification and domain.
Certified Project
Successful Management
candidates Associate
receive core competence:
a new certificate for 5 years from the date of re-certification approval.
• It isShall
the responsibility of the certificate
have the knowledge holder to initiate,
in all competence elements through
and beapplication, the it.
able to apply re-certification process up to a maximum of 6
months from their certificate expiry date. An extension up to 12 months from the certificate expiry date may be provided with
Certified ProjectIfManagement
justification. the certificateAssociate additional
holder fails requirements:
to re-apply within the time period, a new application will need to be undertaken under
• theCan
initial certification
practice in anyprocess.
competence element. May work in some fields as a specialist.
• Works as a project team member or a member of the project management staff.
• Has broad project management knowledge and the ability to apply it.
IPMA Level D Exam
Paper 1: (Duration - 2 hours) (Duration - 2 hours) This paper has 2 sections - Section 1 and Section 2 (Max Marks 150)
Section 1: (Max. 115 Marks) This section contains 115 multiple choice objective type questions covering all the
competence elements. Each question will have 4 choices and only one answer to be chosen.
Section 2: (Max. 35 Marks) This section will have 10 detailed objective type questions requiring multiple selection in
the answer. On an average, every question will have 8 to 10 options and you may have to select on average 3 or 4 best
Paper 2: (Duration - 2 hours) This paper also have 2 Parts – Part A and Part B (Max Marks 150)
Part A: (Max. 100 Marks) This Part contain 6 questions out of which any 4 are to be answered.
The questions will be numerical type based IPMA Level D Exam
on Calculations / Graphs etc.
Paper Part
1: (Duration - 2Marks)
B: (Max 50 hours)This
(Duration - 2 hours)
part contains 25This
openpaper has 2 sections
questions. You have- Section 1 and
to answer all Section 2 (Max Marks
the questions. 150)
Each question will
Section 1: (Max. 115 Marks) This section contains 115 multiple choice objective
have short answer, to be written in space provided in the Examination paper itself. type questions covering all the
competence elements. Each question will have 4 choices and only one answer to be chosen.
The pass marks are 60% i.e. 90 marks out of 150 marks in each paper. There is no negative marking.
Section 2: (Max. 35 Marks) This section will have 10 detailed objective type questions requiring multiple selection in
Note: Candidates must clear
the answer. both
On an papersevery
average, independently
question willfor getting
have Level
8 to 10 D certification.
options and you may have to select on average 3 or 4 best
answers. IPMA Level C – at a glance
Paper 2: (Duration - 2 hours) This paper also have 2 Parts – Part A and Part B (Max Marks 150)
Certified Project Manager
Part A: (Max. 100 Marks) This Part contain 6 questions out of which any 4 are to be answered.
Certified Project Manager entry requirements:
The questions will be numerical type based on Calculations / Graphs etc.
Min. 5 years
Part B:of(Max
PM 50
experience, out
Marks) This of contains
part which 3 years in responsible
25 open leadership
questions. You functions
have to answer of non-complex
all the projects.
questions. Each question will
Application shortCV,
answer, to be written
Co. Profile, Detailsinof
space provided
Projects in the
handled Examination
during paper itself.
last 5 years
The pass marks are 60% i.e. 90 marks out of 150 marks in each paper. There is no negative marking.
Self assessment on the 29 competence elements
Note: Candidates must clear both papers independently for getting Level D certification.
Experience Report on last Project
Project Report, Competence Development Plan review & Group Task evaluation by Assessors
2 written exams each of 2 Hrs. duration.

The Institution of Engineers (India)

Interview by 2 Assessors for 45 minutes each candidate.
Questions to assess ability to think logically - like multiple choice selection, fill-in the blanks, write short answers
Open essay - proposal, calculations & process description.
Intellectual task - mini case study with questions.
Certified Project Manager core competence
During the process of self assessment & report writing, each candidate is expected to assess those specific areas of
competence elements which need to be addressed and work out an individual Competence Development Plan to self manage the
same so that self development objectives are met and he is able to bridge the gaps.
Certified Project Manager additional requirements:
Workshop is a group task in which each candidate has to participate in a given case study and is assessed by 2 assessors on
their self competence, presentation & communication skills, social competence, team work and Professional competence.
Body, Pages: 10 to 15 (A4 Size, Font Arial 11) Appendices maximum pages 10.
29 Competence elements to be covered in the report.

Some leading companies whose employees have acquired the IPMA Certification

Who / Why to Attend

Professionals junior to senior management who want to understand the intricacies of Project Management and want to excel
in managing projects to advance their career.

For further clarification please call at

033-40106304 (Monday - Friday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm)
E-mail :
The Institution of Engineers (India)
8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020

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