Research Paper (20 Points): Due Friday, January 25th (by 11:59 p.m.)
Movie Paper (10 Points): Due Friday, March 8th (by 11:59 p.m.)
Part I:
Locate three academic journal articles related to the abnormal psychology topic you selected. All of the articles you
select for this assignment need to come from academic journals and your full text article should be at least 3 pages in
length (if you have a shorter article that you would like to use, please consult with me). At least one of your journal
articles needs to come from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, which is one of the premier journals in the field of
clinical psychology. This journal is part of the PsycARTICLES database which can be accessed through EBSCO. If you
wish, all three of your articles may come from this prestigious source.
To find you’re your articles, please use the on-line databases such as Ebsco and/or Proquest (available at ). You may access the databases from on campus or (if you have a SCC email
address) at home. Please check the appropriate box in each database to ensure that you find the right kind of article (In
Proquest, check the “Scholarly journals, including peer-reviewed” box. In Ebsco, the box you check depends on the
particular Ebsco database you are using. See me or a librarian if you have questions). Articles from newspapers (e.g.,
New York Times), popular magazines (e.g., Psychology Today, Newsweek, Time), book reviews from
academic journals, or websites not affiliated with academic journals are NOT acceptable for this assignment
and students will lose points if these kinds of articles are selected. If you have any questions about the
appropriateness of your articles or are having trouble finding what you want, please ask me or one of the librarians for
A special caution on using articles from Scientific American magazine: I am using a number of articles from Scientific
American as optional assignments for this class. I ask that you NOT USE any of these optional assignment articles for
your required research paper assignments. For a complete list of the optional assignment articles, please see the
“Assignments” link on the course web site ( ). If you use any of the optional
assignment articles for either of these required assignments, you will receive a 6 point deduction on your paper and
you will need to redo the assignment with appropriate articles .
Part II:
For 1 of your articles, please read it and then do the following (NOTE: you are only required to read 1 of your articles
for this assignment; you are welcome read and write about the additional 2 articles if you so choose but it is not
a. Summarize the methods and results of the study. This should take approximately 2-4 paragraphs, depending
on your article. For tips on summarizing a research article, see the “summarizing a research article” pdf at the
following link: .
b. Share your personal reaction to the study. Did you agree with the authors’ conclusions? Did you learn
anything new? Were the findings consistent with anything that was presented in the text or lecture? What are
some of the implications of this research? Could you relate the results to your life in any way?
c. Please cite the 3 academic articles you found in APA format at the end of your paper. Title this section
“References.” The easiest way to do this is when viewing your article, click on the “Cite” link (it’s on the right
hand side of the page in EBSCO and near the top of the reference in Proquest). In the new window that
appears, find the APA reference for your article, highlight the text of your reference with your mouse cursor,
copy the text, and then paste it at the end of your paper. You’ll do this 3 times.
d. Make sure that you total paper should be 2-3 pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. Please format your
paper as a MS Word document or pdf.
e. Submit your completed paper using the “Research Paper submission link,” located in our BlackBoard
1. Write a very brief summary of the movie. Give me some clear evidence that you watched it.
2. Write a description of how of the psychological disorder and/or the therapy that was portrayed.
3. Write a critical analysis of how accurate or inaccurate you found the portrayal of the disorder/therapy. Show
evidence of your knowledge of the psychological disorder/mental illness or the type of therapy (i.e. include
information from class or the text).
Your total paper should be 2-3 pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. Please format your paper as a MS Word
document or pdf. To submit your paper, use the “Movie Paper submission link” in our Blackboard classroom.
Choose a movie from the following list or choose your own (as long as you get it approved by me before you hand your
paper in):