Hedu e 19 2020
Hedu e 19 2020
Hedu e 19 2020
Read also :-
1. General
All India Council for Technical Education Regulations on Pay Scales, Service
Conditions and Minimum Qualifications for the appointment of Teachers and
other Academic staff such as Library, Physical Education and Training &
Placement Personnel in Technical Institutions and measures for the maintenance
of standards in Technical Education – (Degree) Regulation–2019, shall be
applicable to Teachers and other Academic staff such as Library, Physical
Education and Training and Placement Personnel of Government / Government
Aided Engineering Colleges and Anna University and its Constituent Colleges.
2. Date of effect
The revised pay scales shall take notional effect from 1.1.2016 and with
monetory benefit from 1.10.2017. Other allowances as per State Government
rules in force.
(i) Notional fixation of pay from the date of actual eligibility and
(i) Notional fixation of pay from the date of actual eligibility and
(ii) Monetary benefit from the date of acquiring additional
qualification on or before 31.07.2022.
based on annual increments till the time of his /her next promotion. When
the employee will receive a promotion, he/she will progress to the next
level in the horizontal range till it exhausts.
9. Entry Pay
The Entry Pay for Academic Pay Structures and Levels shall be as per
Table 1.
(i) Annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with each cell
being higher by 3% over the previous cell in the same level,
rounded off to nearest 100. Annual increments to each employee
would move up in the same academic level, with an employee
moving from the existing cell in the academic level to the immediate
next cell in the same academic level.
(ii) The date of increment in the revised pay structure will be on par
with State Government Employees i.e. on “Quarterly basis”.
Every University / College / DTE shall ensure that the selection process
for direct recruitment for various positions is carried out annually so as to
maintain required faculty numbers and cadre ratio as per AICTE norms so
that no loss is caused to students. Interviews for the promotions of the
faculty members shall be carried out at a regular span annually to avoid
any stagnation in career growth of faculty members.
Stage Designation
Entry Level, Stage-I Assistant Professor
Stage-V Professor
The present system of retirement age shall be continued ie. 58 years for
college teachers and 60 years for University teachers and re-employment
shall also be continued with present system till the completion of
Academic year i.e. May of every year.
21. Consultancy
(i) Consultancy work may be undertaken by members of the faculty to
generate resources, either for institutions or for themselves.
(ii) Not only the faculty members should be encouraged to undertake
consultancy work, but also an appropriate environment be created
by the state governments / managements of institutions to facilitate
faculty members to undertake such work.
(iii) Suitable parameters for sharing the generated resources between
the institution and individual faculty member may be evolved and
adopted by the universities and institutions where consultancy work
is undertaken by faculty members.
(iv) The faculty members engaged in consultancy / industry interaction /
research / start-up activities / community services may be allowed
some adjustment in teaching time table without compromising their
teaching engagement hours.
(b) Management
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline and Master’s Degree in Business
Administration / PGDM / C.A. / ICWA/ M. Com. with First Class or
equivalent and two years of professional experience after acquiring the
degree of Master’s degree.
(c) Pharmacy
B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. in the relevant specialization with First Class
or equivalent in any one of the two degrees.
(d) MCA
B.E. / B.Tech. / B.S. and M.E. / M.Tech. / M.S. or Integrated
M.Tech. in relevant branch with First Class or equivalent in any one of
the degrees.
B.E., B.Tech. and MCA with First Class or equivalent in any one of the
two degrees.
(f) Architecture
B. Arch. and M. Arch. or equivalent Master’s degree in an allied field
with First Class in any one of the two degrees, and minimum 2 years
experience in the Architecture profession.
B. Arch. with First class or equivalent and minimum of 5 years’
experience in the Architecture profession.
(h) Design
Bachelor’s Degree or minimum 4 year Diploma in any one of the
streams of Design, Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture or
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with First class or equivalent
Master’s degree or equivalent Post Graduate Diploma in relevant
disciplines with First Class or equivalent in a concerned / relevant
/allied subject of Industrial Design / Visual Communication / Fine Arts
/ Applied Arts / Architecture / Interaction Design / New Media
Studies / Design Management / Ergonomics / Human Factors
Engineering / Indian Craft Studies and related fields of Engineering or
Minimum 2 years of professional design experience in Industry /
research organization / Design studios.
Note: Candidates who have done Ph.D. after the Bachelor’s Degree
from institution of National importance with GATE/ GPAT/ CEED shall
be eligible for the post of Assistant Professor.
Research publications in o
Experience SCI journals /UGC Avg. 360
(Years) /AICTE approved list feedback score
of journals (out of 10)
1 - 4 2 8 to 10
2 - 5 1 8 to 10
3 - 5 2 5 to < 8
1 - 4 1 8 to 10
2 - 4 2 5 to < 8
b. Should have completed minimum training requirements as per
Annexure – III.
c. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of
1 3 2 5 to < 8
2 3 1 8 to 10
At least 10 research publications at the level of Associate
Professor in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of
journals till the date of eligibility of promotion.
b. Should have satisfied any one of the below mentioned set of
2 2 15 3 6 5 to < 8
3 - 16 3 4 8 to 10
(e) Qualifications for Promotion to Senior Professor (Level –15, Entry Pay
c. At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE
approved list of journals, should have at least 2 successful Ph.D.
guided as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor as a Professor.
c. At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE
approved list of journals, should have provided academic leadership
as institution head at least for 3 years at the level of Professor.
c. At least 8 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE
approved list of journals, should have provided educational leadership
at state / national level at least for 3 years at the level of Professor.
d. At least one patent awarded
d. Development of one MOOC course applicable at national platform
1. The selection of Senior Professor shall also be based on academic
achievements, favourable review of academic, research and
administrative work from three eminent subject experts not below the
post of Senior Professor or a Professor of at least ten years of
2. The selection shall be based on ten best publications and award of
Ph. D. degrees to at least two candidates under his / her supervision
during the last 10 years and interaction with the Selection Committee
constituted as per this regulation.
1. This position shall be of contractual in nature for 5 years and can be
extended for one more term depending upon the performance.
Stage Designation
Entry Level, Stage-I Workshop Superintendent
Stage-II Workshop Superintendent (Senior Scale)
Stage-III Workshop Superintendent (Selection Grade)
Stage-IV Associate Professor (Workshop)
Stage-V Professor (Workshop)
4. The Director of Technical Education and the Registrar, Anna University are
directed to issue necessary instructions to all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers under
their control to fix the pay of the teachers and equivalent cadres in the revised scales of
pay and make payment in the manner as ordered above and based on the options
exercised by the individuals in writing in the form as given in the Annexure V within
three months from the date of issue of order.
5. The Director of Technical Education and the Registrar, Anna University are
also directed to issue necessary instruction to all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers
under their control to obtain an undertaking from every beneficiary under this Scheme to
the effect that any excess payment made on account of incorrect fixation of pay in the
revised Pay Level or grant of inappropriate Pay Level and Pay Cells or any other excess
payment made shall be adjusted against the future payments due or otherwise to the
beneficiary. A specimen form of undertaking in this regard is at Annexure-VI to this
6. The Government will take the financial liabilities only for the approved posts
and not for the posts created from University funds.
8. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its
U.O. No.02/DS (AR)/Edn – I/2020, dated 13.01.2020. .
The Director of Technical Education, Chennai – 25.
The Registrar, Anna University, Chennai-25,
The Registrar, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
The Director of Legal Studies, Chennai – 35.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai – 15.
The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai – 35.
The Principals of all Engineering Colleges
(Government / Government Aided) in Tamil Nadu
through the Director of Technical Education.
The Accountant General (A&E)., Chennai – 18.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit. I), Chennai – 18.
The Accountant General (Audit II), Chennai – 18.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai – 9 / Madurai.
The Director of Pension, DMS Complex, Chennai – 6.
The Pension Pay Officer, Chennai – 6.
The PrincipalSecretaryll to ChiefMinister,Chennai- 9.
The PrincipalSecretaryto DeputyChiefMinister,Chennai- 9.
The SeniorPersonalAssistantto Minister,Finance,Chennai- 9.
The SpecialPersonalAssistant Chennai- 9.
to Minister,HigherEducation,
All Sectionsin HigherEducationDepartment.
The SeniorResearchOfficer,PayResearchUnit,Ministryof Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
The PrivateSecretaryto AdditionalChiefSecretaryto Government,
FinanceDepartment, Chennai- 9.
The PersonalAssistant to PrincipalSecretary to Government,
HigherEducation Department, Chennai-9.
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S'ectiondtti6er.t r.+ ] r l t^
Pay Matrix Table for Degree Level Technical Institutions
Note:The end-points of any columndo not signifuthe end pointsof the pay receivedat
that level.As was the case in the earlierprovisionof traditionalpay scales,the last
pointdoes not representthe maximumpay of that levelfor calculationpurposes.The
end-pointsof the columnshouldnot be treatedas the maximumand minimumof a pay
the averagepayfor anylevel.
scaleto calculate
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Sectiondfficer.' tcr ll l1'o
Annexure –II
Constitution of Screening cum Evaluation / Selection Committee
Selection Proceedings:
All the selection procedures of the selection committee shall be completed
immediately after the selection committee meeting itself, wherein, minutes are
recorded along with the scoring Proforma and recommendation made on the
basis of merit with the list of selected and waitlisted candidates / Panel of names
in order of merit, duly signed by all members of the selection committee.
(b) To constitute the quorum for the meeting, five of which at least two must be
from out of the three subject experts shall be present.
(c) For all levels of teaching positions for Government / Government Aided
Colleges / Government Autonomous Colleges, the State Public Services
Commission / Teacher Recruitment Boards wherever applicable must invite
three subject experts, for which the concerned University be involved in the
selection process, by respective appointing authority. The states, where
selection in autonomous institutes have been authorized to respective Board of
Governors, shall continue but constitution of committee shall be same as
directed by AICTE.
(b) Four members, including two outside subject experts, shall constitute the quorum.
(a) The Selection Committee for the post of College Principal shall have the following
i) Chairperson of the Governing Body as Chairperson.
ii) Two members of the Governing Body of the college to be nominated by
the Chairperson of whom one shall be an expert in academic
iii) One nominee of the Vice-Chancellor who shall be an expert in
Management of Higher Education.
i'',) Three experts consistingof the Principal/Director of a college, a
Professorand an accomplished educationistnot below the rank of a
Professor(to be nominatedby the GoverningBodyof the College)out
of a panel of six expertsapprovedby the relevant statutorybodyof the
v) An academicianrepresentingSC/ST/OBC/MinorityMomen/Differently-
abled categories,if any of candidatesrepresentingthese categoriesis
the applicant,to be nominatedby the Vice-Chancellor of the affiliating
llfrue copyll
Training Requirements for Promotions of Teachers from all the Disciplines
For Assistant Professor (Senior Scale): Completion of following training
requirements at the level of Assistant Professor.
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area out of
which at least one of the FDP shall be in advanced pedagogy recognised by
Government / DTE / Board of Technical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI /
NRCs / ARPIT research organization / other institute of National Importance /
Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks
duration MOOCS course with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training.
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by
Completed minimum two weeks of relevant Industrial Training / Professional Training
One week faculty developmentprogrammeas above and one eight weeks
Completedtwo sucheightweeksdurationMOOCScourseswithE-Certification
Completedminimum two weeksof relevantIndustrialTraining/Professional
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Annexure – IV
The candidate shall submit calculation sheet for each academic year to be considered
and a summary sheet exhibiting his score on a 10 point scale
Present Position
Academic Year
Teaching Process
2 1/ 2018-19 CET-200 39 38
3 2/ 2018-19 MED-100 41 39
4 2/ 2018-19 BSE-100 42 41
Average Student
S. Course Code/ feedback on the
Semester Enclosure No.
No. Name scale of 25
S. Credit Enclosure
No Semester Activity Point Criteria No.
1 1/ 2018-19 HoD /Dean 4 4 Point/semester
2/ 2018-19 appointed by 2 2 Point/semester
Head of Institute
10 9 8 7 5
3 Yoga Classes 5
4 Blood Donation 5
Present Position
Academic Year
Teaching- Process
1 2 3
A. Teaching Process (Max Points 25)
B. Students’ feedback (Max Points 25)
C. Departmental Activities (Max Points 20)
D. Institute Activities (Max Points 10)
E. ACR (Max Points 10)
F. Contribution to Society (Max Points 10)
Total (Max Points 100)
Total on 10 Point scale
(To be used by institutions)
AcademicYear: Name of the Faculty
Course Semester
Date of the feedback
llTrue copyll
SectionOfficHr. 7 | \ I rllo
Annexure- V
t, holding the post of
; i;;;;; ;;;;;in",i"l!30'::5-:i,ffi:it$i;; ; ;ft;;;;;;il ;;;;;''X?il,'T[l
existingscaleof pay with effectfrom 1"' January,2016lto retainthe existingscaleof
payandrateof dearness fortheperiodupto...
allowance ..andcomeunder
the revisedscalewith effectfrom
2. The option hereby exercisedis final and will not be modifiedat any
3. I herebyalso undertakethat any excesspaymentthat may be foundto have
beenmadeas a resultof incorrectfixationof payor anyexcesspaymentdetectedin the
lightof discrepancies
noticedsubsequently will be refundedby me to the Government
eitherby adjustmentagainstfuturepaymentsdue to me or othenryise withoutinsisting
for anypriornotice.
Head of the Office
(in the case of Non-selfdrawingOfficers)
(in the caseof SelfdrawingOfficers)
Annexure - Vl
I hereby undertakethat any excess payment made that may be found to have been
made as a result of incorrect fixation of pay in the revised scales or grant of
inappropriatepay level or any excess paymentdetected in the light of discrepancies
noticedsubsequentlywill be refundedby me to the instituteeither by adjustmentagainst
futurepaymentsdue to me or otherwise.
llTrue copyll
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