DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher ROSALIE L. POLLOHAN Learning Area Community Development, Solidarity and
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 1, November 4 – 8, 2019 Quarter 3RD QUARTER
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the integration of social science perspective and community action.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas
and methods
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners will... Explain the importance of studying community The learners will... Compare and contrast the definitions of community
Objectives dynamics and community action in relation to applied social sciences using various perspectives, e.g., social sciences, institutions, civil
Write the LC code for each and the learners’ future career options. (HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1) society, and local/grassroots level. (HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-2)
II. CONTENT CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF COMMUNITY Importance of understanding community dynamics and community action
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from PowerPoint Presentation, Ping PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Resource (LR) portal Pong Balls, Cartons, Meta cards
B. Other Learning Resources http://sociologyguide.com/basic-concepts/Community.php
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The learners will participate in an Presentation of Homework: Presentation of Homework: Learners will be asked to
presenting the new lesson activity entitled “ROLLER COASTER SOCIAL MAPPING. Learners Learners will present their recall yesterday’s learning.
RIDE” wherein 3 ping-pong balls
will be relayed in semicircular will present their maps and community pictures in
improvised paper pipes. make conclusions based on PowerPoint. They will
Learners will be asked about their
their observations about the individually describe in 2-3
observations on the group
dynamics as they performed the dynamics that exist in their sentences the pictures.
given task. Particularly, the communities. See appendix A.1.3.2
following focus questions should Teacher asks 2 or 3 students to
be answered: answer the following question:
1. How would you react if one of 1. Where do you belong to these
you fail to transfer the ping groups?
pong ball successfully? 2. Ten years from now, where
2. Were there any conflicts that would you be in these groups?
emerged? How was the group
able to resolve the conflicts? See appendix A.1.2.1
(5 mins)
B. Establishing a purpose for the The purpose of this lesson is to let The objective of this lesson is to Learners will compare and Using selected pictures from
lesson the student understand the have students identify the contrast the pictures presented. yesterday’s discussion, learners
importance of community different concepts and will be asked to identify the
dynamics and community action. perspective of community on the The teacher will be presenting different social institutions that
local and grassroots level. pictures depicting various types of are visible in the photos.
community based on sociological
perspective. Learners’ expected response:
1. Local Government Unit / Public
Learners will be asked to look into Sector
the answer to the guide questions: 2. Non-government Organization
1. What similarities/differences /Private Sector
did you observe on the
pictures presented? (e. g.,
rural, urban, slum, subdivision,
poor, middle class, rich,
industrial, agricultural, etc.)
Learners’ expected
Economic Advancement
(10 mins)
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher and the Learners The teacher and the Learners will The teacher and the Learners will The teacher will present the
practicing new skills #1 will have an interactive have an interactive discussion have an interactive discussion definition of community from the
discussion about… about the following: about the following: institutional perspective:
Definition of community 1. The meaning of community in 1. The community as a a. Institutions such marriage or
dynamics and action. different perspective such as “sociological construct?” friendship;
sociology, anthropology, 2. Communities within b. Roles;
(10 mins) psychology, etc. communities 3. Community as a c. Status or class; and
cultural concept d. Other patterns of human
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher and the Learners will The teacher and the Learners will
practicing new skills #2 have an interactive discussion have an interactive discussion
about… about the following:
(5 mins)
H. Making generalizations and Learners will answer the question, Learners will answer the question, Learners will answer the question, Learners will answer the
abstractions about the lesson “What is the importance of “What is a community?” “What is a community in the question, “What is a community
understanding your community perspective of social science?” in the perspective of an
dynamics and community action Learners’ expected response: “It Learners’ expected response: “It institution?”
for your future career? refers to a collection of people in refers to human society?”
a geographical area” Learners’ expected response: ”It
” Learners’ expected response: “It is composed of Public Sector and
offers me options what career Private Sector that joined
path should I take” together to make the community
(5 mins)
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for Homework: SOCIAL MAPPING. Homework: LOKAL! Take pictures Homework: Write a journal about
application or remediation Learners, in a group, will prepare of their communities to be your role in your community
a social map featuring the collated in a class PowerPoint.
different networks of people and
resources that exist in their
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?