Stratton Lesson Plan 1

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Backwards Planning for Language Demand

Name: Danielle Stratton Date(s): Quarter 4 Grade/Subject: 5th - ELA

Unit: You Must Be Layla Novel Study Lesson(s): Interactive Read Aloud? Text (if applicable): You Must Be Layla
Other Resources (examples: lesson plan links, video links, etc):

Part 1: Analyze Language Demand

RL 5.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or
drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text.

Supporting Standard:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and

teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Learning Objective for Content + Language Assessment or Question

Example Frame: Students will understand (content goal) and be What oral or written evidence will you collect to monitor students’
able to (language goal) by/in (product). Include standard(s). understanding?

Students will be able to analyze how characters respond to

challenges by explaining how the challenges impact their actions How does Layla respond to challenges? Use specific details from the text to
utilizing cause and effect language in a constructed response. support your answer.

Students will describe in writing the theme of the story using specific
Students will discuss the story's plot, the way the story uses
details in the text to support their inferences (i.e., use of characterization,
characterization, and the primary conflict in the story as evidence to story’s plot, and the primary conflict in the story). using a graphic organizer,
identify the theme of the story by using a teacher-completed T-Chart partner support and sentence stems.
with visuals, triad support and sentence frames.

Dominant Describe/Elaborate Compare/Contrast Cause → Effect Opinion/Proposition/Support

Functions Summarize Predict, Infer, Generalize Question & Conjecture (math-specific) Other: ___________

Proficient Expanding/Bridging (Level 4+): Developing (Level 3): Entering/Emerging

Response (Levels 1-2):
The text says, ‘Layla’s mind raced. OK, The text says, ‘Layla’s mind raced. OK,
What will it sound somehow I’m gonna need to really show somehow I’m gonna need to really Layla responds to
challenges by showing
like when students them that they don’t scare me. It’s now or show them that they don’t scare me.
have met this never. Layla braced herself for the It’s now or never. Layla braced herself
objective? uncomfortable moment ahead and stood for the uncomfortable moment ahead Layla is a brave and
Keep in mind all 3 up.’ That must mean Laylais very brave to and stood up.’, This shows how Layla strong person. She
dimensions of stand up for herself. She stands up for displays bravery by standing up for responds to Peter
Academic herself even if she feels uncomfortable and herself. To stand up for herself even because she wants to
Language: scared. though she is scared’, she must be a show that she isn’t
Discourse Level, brave girl.
Sentence Level and I know Layla isstrong as well, because
Word/Phrase Level after Peter and his brother were saying Layla is strong as well, because after
stereotypes about her, Layla thought, ‘I Peter and his brother were saying
Annotate each
response: wasn’t going to be silenced. My parents stereotypes about her, Layla thought, ‘I
● Bold= Key had taught me to yell in the face of wasn’t going to be silenced. My
Vocabulary injustice.’ Layla’s thoughtsshow she is parents had taught me to yell in the
● Underline= strong because it appears Layla shows face of injustice.’ This shows she is
Functional that she won’t be silenced in the face of strong because she chooses to not be

Aurora Public Schools, CLDE Professional Learning, Elementary Strategies for Instruction & Assessment (2018) 1
Backwards Planning for Language Demand
Name: Danielle Stratton Date(s): Quarter 4 Grade/Subject: 5th - ELA
Unit: You Must Be Layla Novel Study Lesson(s): Interactive Read Aloud? Text (if applicable): You Must Be Layla
Other Resources (examples: lesson plan links, video links, etc):

Mortar injustice. So for her to say she won’t be silenced, even though people wanted
silenced, that proves she can show her her to be silent.

Based on the text and Layla’s actions, I

can theorize that Layla isresilient. She is
always thinking of how she can stand up
for herself and others.

Language Expanding/Bridging (Level 4+): Developing (Level 3): Entering/Emerging

(Levels 1-2):
Patterns ● _____is a _____, who_____in ● (He/She)_____is_______becau
(Functional Mortar) order to____. se_____and______. ● ____is ____
● ______was_______, but
Which frames or ● If________, he/she will now_______. ● ____ was _____
signal words/ always_______. ● Because she_______, I think ● Now____is____.
phrases will provide ● I know this because….. she is_________.
High-leverage, ● Based on the text _______. ● She must be _________. Subject + verb simple
Portable, and ● I can theorize that _____. sentences
Flexible support? The reason why ___ is because ___. ___ is ___.
Cause & Effect & Opinion/Evidence: ___ is important to ___ because ___. They ___.
This leads me to believe that ___. The text says that ___. I think __ is __.
After ___, ___. He/she feels __ after ___ because ___. He ___.
For instance, this happens when ___. He/she tries ___, but ___.
This is evident when ___. ___, but ___.
When ___, ___. So, ___.
Because of this, ___.

Academic Vocabulary of the Text (if applicable) Vocabulary of the Task

Vocabulary Words/phrases in actual text that students need Critical words/phrases (the “blanks” in frame/patterns)
(Content-Specific for comprehension/to understand text
billowed, brooding, forlornly, intently, furrowing,
What vocabulary in connection, resilient, appears, nervous Technical Specific General
(Tier 3) (Tier 2) (Tier 1)
the text and refugee, halal, toub, hijab, migrant, stereotypes
proficient response Action billow intent hope, nice,
will students be furrow appears funny
expected to know resilient
and use?
feelings brood nervous brave, hurt,
forlorn strong

other refugee connection family

migrant stereotypes

Aurora Public Schools, CLDE Professional Learning, Elementary Strategies for Instruction & Assessment (2018) 2
Backwards Planning for Language Demand
Name: Danielle Stratton Date(s): Quarter 4 Grade/Subject: 5th - ELA
Unit: You Must Be Layla Novel Study Lesson(s): Interactive Read Aloud? Text (if applicable): You Must Be Layla
Other Resources (examples: lesson plan links, video links, etc):

WIDA Supports Graphic Sensory Interactive Linguistic

Identify supports
that are present in Theme anchor chart Photographs to connect Small group discussion Different sentence
the lesson readings time starters/language
instruction. graphic organizer frames
definitions for certain
vocabulary words.

Part 2: Differentiation of Assignment/Assessment by Proficiency Level (skip for Lesson Plan #1)
1. Identify what ALL STUDENTS WILL be expected to do for the task (across all language levels)
2. Paste the Grade Level Expectation (from page 1) so that you can reference the grade level expectation as you differentiate
3. Use your tools to differentiate the assignment for the level groups below to determine how students in each language cluster will
demonstrate the standard/function at their language level.
○ Tools: WIDA CAN DO Descriptors (Key Use Edition), WIDA Supports, Performance Definitions (if needed)


Bridging/Reaching Response (5-6): Developing/Expanding Response (3-4): Entering/Emerging Response (1-2):

Students (list names/groups): Students (list names/groups): Students (list names/groups):

Grade Level Expectations Language Based Expectations Language Based Expectations

(copied from outcome on page 1) (see Can Dos & Supports) (see Can Dos & Supports)

Part 3: Lesson Plan Sequence

Be sure to explicitly model, practice and support BOTH content and language throughout the course of the lesson.

Lesson Components Describe the learning and task students will be engaged in:
Below is a menu of options for each part.

Day __ (if a multi day plan)

Aurora Public Schools, CLDE Professional Learning, Elementary Strategies for Instruction & Assessment (2018) 3
Backwards Planning for Language Demand
Name: Danielle Stratton Date(s): Quarter 4 Grade/Subject: 5th - ELA
Unit: You Must Be Layla Novel Study Lesson(s): Interactive Read Aloud? Text (if applicable): You Must Be Layla
Other Resources (examples: lesson plan links, video links, etc):

Opening Readers, we have been working on “You Must Be Layla”.

Turn and talk to your partner and remind them what today’s chapter is about.
Developing and/or accessing prior
Now we are going to find specific details from the text to answer questions. Good
knowledge related to content (grade readers use text evidence to support answers to questions. Using specific text evidence
level standard) and language allows a reader to clarify their response and ensure they truly understand what
❏ Introduce objective and key learning happened in the text.
❏ Launch an exploration or inquiry
❏ Make connections with Vocabulary:
opportunities to build and activate We will have a mini packet for our vocabulary that we will have been building up each
background/prior knowledge week (novel study).
❏ Introduce/practice (may happen in a - [Complete a visual wall for “other”, paired with how that word is said in other
different part of the lesson): languages - example]
- Academic vocabulary - Jamboard 4
- Functional words/phrases
❏ Students are actively listening, Introduce cause and effect language frames:
thinking & interacting with each
❏ Explicitly teach any language ● _____is a _____, who_____in order to____.
necessary to enter the learning (as
needed) This may include academic ● If________, he/she will always_______.
vocabulary and/or functional ● I know this because…..
words/phrases ● Based on the text _______.
● I can theorize that _______.

Today we are going to focus on categorizing our action and feelings words on a graphic

Today we are going to answer:

- How does Layla respond to challenges? Use specific details from the text to support
your answer.

Body The teacher will create a three column chart. The first column will record the question,
❏ Chunk the learning (language and the second column will record text evidence, and the third column will record the
content) answer. While modeling the question and answer below, the teacher will complete the
❏ Determine how students will chart.
engage with the content:
- Will they explore? View a Cause Effect Specific
model/demonstration? Details/Text
❏ Determine how you will teach Evidence
language necessary to engage
during this part of the lesson.
Model, guide, practice (I do → We
do → You do)
❏ 1-2 specific strategies help all
students understand and articulate
key learning related to objective
A question I was wondering about was ‘Why would Kareen (Baba) feel the need to
❏ Scaffolds and supports maintain
assimilate to Australian culture, whereas Fadia (Mama) chose to continue keeping up
content learning expectations (ie
her Sudanese appearances’? I must look back into the text to find evidence. The text
using Can Do Descriptors)
says, ‘[Insert text evidence].’ That matches my question. So the answer must be that,

Aurora Public Schools, CLDE Professional Learning, Elementary Strategies for Instruction & Assessment (2018) 4
Backwards Planning for Language Demand
Name: Danielle Stratton Date(s): Quarter 4 Grade/Subject: 5th - ELA
Unit: You Must Be Layla Novel Study Lesson(s): Interactive Read Aloud? Text (if applicable): You Must Be Layla
Other Resources (examples: lesson plan links, video links, etc):

❏ Evidence of graphic, interactive and [conclusion sentence(s)].

sensory supports
Now it is time for you to work with a partner to answer the question, ‘Why was it when
Layla arrived at ISB she felt like she belonged there?’ Before you answer, you must look
back in the text for evidence to prove your response.

As students complete the three column chart, the teacher will circulate throughout the
classroom to provide feedback to students.

You did some great work recording text evidence before answering the question. Who
would like to share their response and what evidence they found?

The teacher will have students discuss their work.

Monitoring/Assessment: Now you will work independently to answer the question: How does
❏ What questions can I ask to engage Layla respond to challenges? Make sure you write down the question
students in making sense of the and find text evidence before writing your response.
content or redirect misconceptions?
❏ How will I monitor/check for As students work, the teacher will circulate throughout the room to
content understanding? prompt students and provide feedback. The teacher will then ask a
student to share his/her work under the document camera or on google

Provide a rubric to help students self-monitor.

Closing Today we were able to answer questions about a text by looking back into the
❏ Connect ideas back to objective text to find evidence. The words an author writes, can clarify our thinking.
(content and language) Today when reading your independent book, I want you to record any
❏ Students interact with one another
questions you have while reading and answer them using text evidence.
or their own thinking to
review/summarize, discuss or
synthesize their learning
❏ Strategy/support used to help
students synthesize or review
❏ Explicitly teach any language
required to name/solidify the
learning (as needed)

Reflection/Evaluating the learning:

● What were students able to demonstrate?
● What were some common errors made by students with ___?
● Are we ready to move to the next idea? If not, what needs to be retaught and to whom? How will I address all
students’ needs?

Aurora Public Schools, CLDE Professional Learning, Elementary Strategies for Instruction & Assessment (2018) 5

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