VLSI Scaling Stillmaker

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INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

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Scaling equations for the accurate prediction of CMOS device performance MARK
from 180 nm to 7 nm

Aaron Stillmakera,b, , Bevan Baasa
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University, Fresno, 2320 E. San Ramon Ave., Fresno, CA 93740, USA


Keywords: Classical scaling equations which estimate parameters such as circuit delay and energy per operation across
Transistor scaling technology generations have been extremely useful for predicting performance metrics as well as for comparing
Deep submicron performance designs across fabrication technologies. Unfortunately in the CMOS deep-submicron era, the classical scaling
VLSI design equations are becoming increasingly less accurate and new practical scaling methods are needed. We curve fit
CMOS device
second and third-order polynomials to circuit delay, energy, and power dissipation results based on HSpice
simulations utilizing the Predictive Technology Model (PTM) and International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors (ITRS) models. While the classical scaling equations give differences as much as 83×from the
predictions of PTM and ITRS models, our predictive polynomial models with table-based coefficients yield a
coefficient of determination, or R2, value of greater than 0.95.

1. Introduction traditional scaling equations inaccurate [4,7,10,11]. Leakage current is

affected greatly by gate length, oxide thickness, and threshold voltage,
The observation known as Moore's law [1] states that the number of so it is becoming a large issue with deep submicron processes, where
devices per chip doubles roughly every two years and has held true for these values are small, and getting smaller. With these issues affecting
decades [2–4]. Until deep-submicron effects became more pro- transistor operation, designers started looking to optimize between
nounced, for the most part, transistor characteristics scaled predictably technology nodes other than simple geometric scaling. Width, length,
with respect to transistor dimensions and supply voltage. These CMOS and oxide thickness are not scaling together, and neither is supply
scaling metrics that have been in wide use for decades were first voltage, VDD, and threshold voltage, VT, which means that scaling
proposed by Dennard et al. in 1974 [5] and quantified into generalized factors S and U shown in Table 1 can not be determined. The above
scaling equations that took short-channel effects into consideration mentioned non-regularities were especially noticeable when the in-
[5,6]. Performance gains were generated by simply using smaller dustry switched largely to using high-k dielectrics and metal gates with
transistors, with few outside factors [7]. These scaling factors are technology nodes at 45 nm and smaller [12] and again when the
found in the literature [8,9], and are shown in Table 1 where scaling industry switched to multi-gate (double gate/FinFET or tri-gate)
factor S is the ratio of the transistor dimensions between two transistor transistors at 20 nm and smaller [7,11,13,14]. This will of course be
sizes and U is the ratio between two voltages. With both S and U, it is further complicated in the not so distant future beyond CMOS, when it
expected that all geometry and voltages scale together. becomes commercially viable to use different devices for continued
Unfortunately due to features of deep-submicron CMOS technolo- performance gains, such as nano-electro-mechanical (NEM) devices
gies such as a variety of short-channel effects and multiple-gate [15], carbon nanotube transistors [16], or nanowire transistors
devices, these classical scaling equations have been increasingly [11,17]. The presented modeling method could potentially be used to
inaccurate predictors in recent generations of CMOS technologies characterize scaling to these devices, but is not covered in this paper.
[8,9,7]. It is, however, still desirable to compare CMOS circuit Equations have been proposed to describe how different performance
performance results between circuits that are fabricated using different characteristics scale based on specific aspects, such as length and
transistor sizes and supply voltages, so a new method is presented. thickness, while still using the same specific device [18–20], however
As transistors get smaller, however, short-channel effects and other none of these predict performance scaling from different device types.
issues such as process variation start playing a larger role, making the This paper presents a method for quickly and accurately determin-

Corresponding author at: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740, USA.
E-mail addresses: astillmaker@mail.fresnostate.edu (A. Stillmaker), bbaas@ucdavis.edu (B. Baas).

Received 28 May 2016; Received in revised form 10 January 2017; Accepted 9 February 2017
Available online 13 February 2017
0167-9260/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

Table 1 output, this is known as Fan Out 4, or FO4. A circuit that has a delay
Traditional scaling equations for short-channel devices. and consumption of X number of F04 inverter chains in a certain
Source: Adapted from Rabaey [8].
technology size should have roughly the same X number of FO4
Parameter Relation Full General Fixed V inverter chains in a different technology size [22]. With this in mind,
Scaling Scaling Scaling this work sets out to take simulated measurements of FO4 models in a
range of different sizes and voltages to obtain approximated scaling
W , L , tox 1/S 1/S 1/S
factors for power, energy, and delay. These factors can be used to scale
VDD, VT 1/S 1/U 1
performance measurements when comparing digital designs with
Area /Device WL 1/S 2 1/S 1/S 2
different fabrication technologies and supply voltages.
Power IsatV 1/S 2 1/U 2 1
IntrinsicDelay RonCG 1/S 1/S 1/S
Energy Pt 1/S 3 1/SU2 1/S 2. Background

2.1. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)

ing a scaling factor of CMOS device performance between different The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
technology nodes, characterized both by different transistor sizes and [23] creates reports that predict where semiconductor technology is
different device types, without needing to model the entire design using headed in the next 15 years. These reports are formed by a collabora-
different Spice libraries. To our knowledge there is no current method tion of many companies and research institutions. In this work, these
to accomplish this in the literature. reports were used to obtain industry standard technology sizes, and
voltages commonly used, as well as general knowledge about transistor
1.1. Method for accurate scaling in deep submicron technologies changes over the years. Area is also of interest in digital design, so this
work evaluates minimum feature sizes, 1 half Metal 1 pitches, and 4
The physics of transistor operations in the submicron region transistor (4 T) logic gate sizes as scaling factors. In this report, when
become far more complicated than those in the micron region, with technology process node sizes are referred to, i.e. 180 nm, 45 nm, etc.,
leakage and other above mentioned issues becoming large factors in it is referring to the minimum feature size. Process sizes were generally
energy consumption and delay. The most accurate way to get scaling identified by their smallest feature size, and for a long time, DRAM 1/2
factors in submicron processes is to use a Spice simulation tool, such as pitch sizes were the smallest, and were therefore used to identify
HSpice with a model that specifies the characteristics of the particular technologies. With new fabrications, this has not been the case, and
technology. Simulating a whole design in Spice with modified technol- ITRS discontinued identifying technologies by their minimum feature
ogy size and voltages would result in the most accurate comparison [8]. size. To try to stop confusion, they started to differentiate by using the
While this is an accurate method, it is impossible without the complete first year of production. However, in their 2013 report, they started
extracted design, which makes this an unviable option by which to giving “node name” labels to more easily correlate to industry
compare multiple competitive designs. This work presents factors for terminology [23]. As minimum feature technology nodes have con-
estimated performance scaling between technology nodes. There is a tinued to be the generally accepted term, in this work technologies are
lack of applicable methods in the literature to predict CMOS circuit identified by both the production year and technology node, as shown
design performance in deep submicron technology as it scales between in Table 2.
different technology nodes to present and near future technologies
without extracted netlists from the target CMOS circuit design. 2.2. Predictive technology model (PTM)
This work expands upon a preliminary report [21] by using Spice
simulation results to model CMOS device performance from different The Predictive Technology Models [14,24–27], or PTMs, were used
technology nodes to create scaling factors of energy, delay, power, and to simulate different performance characteristics as technology size and
area between nodes and supply voltages. One of the large motivations voltage scaled. The models were developed for designers who do not
for this project was to create the ability to compare different simple have access to proprietary transistor characteristics to test designs with
digital hardware implementations using a fair metric. A good perfor- future technology nodes. The PTMs are the most accurate models
mance approximation of a device in a certain technology can be available, as semiconductor companies do not readily provide char-
achieved using inverters in a chain, with 4 inverters attached to each acteristics of their specific technologies. This lack of specificity of PTM

Table 2
Characteristics of different technology nodes [23]. The modeled measurements are for a single inverter in an FO4 chain. The energy value is the average energy required for a single
inverter transition from low to high, or high to low.

SimulatedPerformance of Inverter

Production Technology Technology VDD Delay Energy Power

Year Node (nm) Type (V) (ps) (fJ) (μW)

1999 180 Bulk 1.8 77.2 27.5 105

2001 130 Bulk 1.2 34.7 5.20 26.1
2004 90 Bulk 1.1 26.5 2.62 13.0
2007 65 Bulk 1.1 19.8 1.72 8.58
2008 45 High-k 1.1 10.9 1.05 5.19
2010 32 High-k 0.97 9.8 0.51 2.47
2012 20 Multi-Gate 0.9 9.66 0.198 1.51
2013 16a Multi-Gate 0.86 6.12 0.179 1.28
2013 14a Multi-Gate 0.86 4.02 0.144 0.995
2015 10 Multi-Gate 0.83 3.24 0.122 0.866
2017 7 Multi-Gate 0.8 2.47 0.111 0.789

The 2013 ITRS report labels a single "16/14" node.

A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

has the added benefit of generality for our purpose of comparing VDD to 90% VDD, and t2 to t3 is the transition time from 90% VDD to
designs across fabrication technologies and manufacturers. 10% VDD. Eq. (1) calculates the average power by integrating the
product of the current and voltage from time 0 to time T then dividing
by T. Eq. (2) computes the energy for a low (0) to high (1) transition by
3. HSpice device modeling integrating the product of the current and voltage from when the
output voltage was 10% VDD to 90% VDD. Eq. (3) calculates the energy
HSpice was used to model the scaling results. A fan out four, FO4, for a high (1) to low (0) transition by integrating the product of the
inverter chain was used. FO4 delay has been shown to be proportional current and voltage from when the output voltage was 90% VDD to
to CV/I (intrinsic capacitance, voltage, and drive current of a device) 10% VDD. The average energy consumption of a transition is computed
[22]. Intrinsic capacitance and drive current are both proportional to in Eq. (4) by summing Eqs. (2) and (3) and dividing the sum by 2.
device size, so they scale with 1/S and as previously mentioned, voltage
1 T
scales at factor U, thus, using traditional scaling methods, delay should
scale with U / S 2 .
Pave =
∫0 I (t )·Vdt
The inverters in the model were designed as a 4×minimum size
CMOS inverter for the technology node, with a PMOS to NMOS ratio of E0→1 = ∫t I (t )·Vdt
β = 2 to keep the rise and fall time roughly balanced. In a multi-gate 0 (2)
transistor, the effective channel width is equal to two times the height
of the fin plus the width of the fin, or Weff = 2 × h fin + Wfin [14]. After E1→0 = ∫t I (t )·Vdt
the effective channel width of a single fin was determined, the number 2 (3)
of fins in the transistor was modified to achieve a 4×minimum size
CMOS inverter with a PMOS/NMOS ratio of β = 2 . E0→1 + E1→0
Eave =
The modeled inverter chain starts with one inverter with the output 2 (4)
connected to 4 identical inverters, with that output connected to 16
inverters, and so on until the circuit ends with 64 inverters, creating a
total of 4 FO4 stages, as shown in Fig. 1. A square wave was modeled as 3.1. Simulation
the input to the inverter chain. The set of 16 inverters in the middle of
the chain, were used for the sampling. The delay between when the The simulations were run on the following technology sizes:
input signal to the set of 16 inverters crossed the midpoint and the 180 nm, 90 nm, 65 nm, 45 nm, 32 nm, 20 nm, 16 nm, 14 nm, 10 nm,
output crossed the midpoint was measured. The voltage was measured and 7 nm with supply voltages varying from 1.8V to 0.5 V in 0.05 V
along with the current, and calculations were made by Eqs. (1)– (4) increments. Technology nodes are not designed to handle voltages
where t0 to t1 is the transition time as the signal transitions from 10% much higher or lower than their target voltages, so even though HSpice
gave results for the technology nodes operating at non-expected
voltages, they were removed from the results as the PTM character-
istics are not expected to hold for these values.
With the industry standard of high-k dielectric transistors at 45 nm
and below, high-k PTM models, both for high performance (HP) and
low power (LP), are used for the 45 nm and 32 nm nodes. High
performance transistors are generally designed with lower threshold
voltages, which allows for faster switching times, at the expense of
leakage power. Low power transistors are generally the opposite, with
high threshold voltages, which gives lower power consumption, espe-
cially while in standby, with low leakage. Also, as the industry standard
for 20 nm and below is multi-gate transistors, the PTM models for both
HP and low standby power (LSTP) are evaluated for these devices
between 20 nm and 7 nm. Low standby power multi-gate transistors,
similar to low power transistors, target lower power, at the cost of
propagation delay.
As transistors become smaller, interconnect parasitics: resistance,
capacitance, and inductance, are making a larger impact on total device
performance [8,28]. Transistors are able to switch faster, while wires
are getting smaller and closer together, which slows down the
propagation of signals across wires [29]. However, the magnitude of
these affects are largely determined by fabrication or design specific
factors, such as how long a signal must travel on a wire, the number of
contact vias between metal layers and their size, how close wires are
together, and wire dimensions. If one wishes to determine the wire
parasitic effects on their design they would need to extract the
resistance, capacitance, and inductance values of their specific design
using a design kit post layout and simulate their effect. Therefore, it
was determined to be impractical to include a factor that can have so
much undeterminable variance, so wire loads were not included. For
larger technologies, and smaller designs, this will affect the factor less
but it should be considered when using these scaling factors. As HSpice
models are created in a simulated environment there are other effects,
Fig. 1. Inverters connected into an FO4 chain were used to measure delay, energy, and such as process variation, voltage fluctuation, and temperature effects,
power. which are not taken into account.

A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

Table 3
Geometric sizes of different technology nodes which affect area from ITRS reports [23].

Minimum FeatureSize (nm) Metal I HalfPitch (nm) (4 T) Logic GateSize


180 230 57
130 150 10.4
90 90 5.2
65 68 2.6
45 59 2.1
32 45 0.71
20 32 0.35
16/14 40 0.248
10 31.8 0.157
7 25.3 0.099

4. Simulation results and scaling factors

Table 2 shows the standard values labeled by ITRS at each

technology node investigated, as well as the delay, energy, and power
simulated using the inverter chain in HSpice as described in Section 3.
The VDD is taken from the ITRS tables for high-performance.

4.1. Area
Fig. 2. Relative area scaling of different area sizes over different technology nodes, and
the geometric mean of all three of the sizes from Table 3. The minimum feature size and
To determine a factor for scaling area between technologies, metal 1 pitch values were squared to get an area number, and each area value was
minimum feature sizes, Metal 1 half pitches, and 4 T logic gate of normalized to the 7 nm node.
MPU (High-volume Microprocessor) were taken from the ITRS re-
ports, with details given in Table 3. The geometric characteristics from inverter in the middle of an FO4 inverter chain. Fig. 4 plots the average
Table 3 with a single length dimension, minimum feature size and energy required for a state change of this single inverter. Fig. 5 plots
metal 1 pitch, were squared to get an area value. To combine all of the average power consumption of the single inverter over an entire
these factors, two with units of mm2 and one of mm2, with equal weight 1000 ps clock period. This takes into account the increased leakage of
given to each figure of merit so as to attain a useable scaling factor, the the smaller technology nodes. Figs. 3–5 show the dichotomy between
geometric mean was computed. Table 4 displays the scaling factors the different fabrication technologies. While inside of a specific
using the geometric mean of the area factors presented in Table 3. To transistor technology type, such as HP MG, one can see the sizing
scale area, determine the scaling factor by finding the intersection of scales predictively, however there is a large non-linear relationship
the starting technology node and desired technology node row. when comparing across different types, such as HP MG compared to
Multiply that number by the starting chip's area to determine an HP High-k. This shows why a simple scaling equation is not a viable
equivalent area in the desired technology node. The closest scaling to option to compare performance data from differing modern CMOS
the traditional scaling factors in Table 1 would be for a scaling factor S designs.
using the minimum feature size. An exact scaling would be dependent To compare against traditional scaling methods, Figs. 6–8 use the
on the design, but using either of the aforementioned values should nominal supply voltage values given in Table 2 to plot the modeled data
give a good estimate, especially for simple designs. So as to plot the of the major technology nodes. Using the traditional scaling equations
different area figures of merit on a single graph, each of the values were in Table 1, the traditional scaling methods are used both scaling from
normalized to their 7 nm node size. This relative scaling of area data is the 180 nm node and the 7 nm node to the other technology nodes. The
shown in Fig. 2. traditional methods fail by a considerable margin in all but scaling
power values from 7 nm, as shown in Fig. 8.
4.2. Delay, energy, and power scaling factors As printing a data table containing all of the data points from the
multitude of HSpice simulations would be prohibitive, polynomial
The results from the HSpice simulation of the inverter chain are approximations for each of the performance factors, i.e. the modeled
given in Figs. 3–5. Fig. 3 plots the average propagation time of a single

Table 4
Area scaling factors using geometric mean of area values given by the three sizes from Table 3.

Starting Node

180 nm 130 nm 90 nm 65 nm 45 nm 32 nm 20 nm 16 nm 14 nm 10 nm 7 nm

Desired Node 180 nm 1 0.34 0.15 0.08 0.053 0.025 0.011 0.01 0.0093 0.0055 0.0032
130 nm 2.9 1 0.44 0.23 0.16 0.072 0.033 0.03 0.027 0.016 0.0092
90 nm 6.6 2.3 1 0.53 0.35 0.16 0.075 0.067 0.061 0.036 0.021
65 nm 12 4.3 1.9 1 0.66 0.31 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.068 0.039
45 nm 19 6.4 2.8 1.5 1 0.46 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.1 0.059
32 nm 40 14 6.1 3.3 2.2 1 0.46 0.41 0.38 0.22 0.13
20 nm 88 30 13 7.1 4.7 2.2 1 0.89 0.82 0.48 0.28
16 nm 99 34 15 7.9 5.3 2.4 1.1 1 0.91 0.54 0.31
14 nm 110 37 16 8.7 5.8 2.7 1.2 1.1 1 0.59 0.34
10 nm 180 63 28 15 9.8 4.5 2.1 1.9 1.7 1 0.58
7 nm 320 110 48 25 17 7.8 3.6 3.2 2.9 1.7 1

A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

Fig. 3. Delay for a signal to propagate through one inverter in the middle of the FO4 Fig. 5. Average power signal for a clock cycle in which a signal is propagated through
inverter chain for different technologies: bulk, high performance (HP) high-k, low power one inverter in the middle of the FO4 inverter chain for different technologies: bulk, high
(LP) high-k, high performance multi-gate (HP MG), and low standby power multi-gate performance (HP) high-k, low power (LP) high-k, high performance multi-gate (HP MG),
(LSTP MG) nodes with scaling voltage. ‘Interactive plot Delay1.csv and Delay2.csv here’. and low standby power multi-gate (LSTP MG) nodes with scaling voltage with a clock
frequency of 1 MHz. ‘Interactive plot Power1.csv and Power2.csv here’.

Fig. 4. Energy required for one inverter in the middle of the FO4 inverter chain to toggle
for different technologies: bulk, high performance (HP) high-k, low power (LP) high-k, Fig. 6. Delay simulated for a signal to propagate through one inverter in the middle of
high performance multi-gate (HP MG), and low standby power multi-gate (LSTP MG) the FO4 inverter chain using Table 2 values and scaled using Table 1 equations.
nodes with scaling voltage. ‘Interactive plot Energy1.csv and Energy2.csv here’.
the “Modeled Values” plot lines.
delay, energy, and power associated with a particular technology node Eqs. (5)–(7) are used to determine a DelayFactor, EnergyFactor,
and supply voltage, are generated for ease of use, without loss of and PowerFactor, respectively, for a specific technology node and
accuracy. The polynomial approximations were created using a script voltage.
that iteratively increased the order of the polynomial until a coefficient
DelayFactor = ad 3V 3 + ad 2V 2 + ad1V + ad 0 (5)
of determination, or R2, value of greater than 0.95 was attained. This
resulted in a third-order polynomial for the delay factor approxima- EnergyFactor = ae2V 2 + ae1V + ae0 (6)
tions, and second-order polynomials for energy and power factor
approximations. The values attained using the polynomial approxima- PowerFactor = ap2V 2 + ap1V + ap0 (7)
tions are indeed so close to the original, if plotted on Figs. 3, 4 and 5
they would completely cover the measured data from HSpice, as they The coefficients for the above equations corresponding to each
are visually indistinguishable. Similarly, if the polynomial approxi- technology node can be found in Table 5. For simplicity, all coefficients
mated values were plotted on Figs. 6–8 they would completely cover were rounded to four significant figures, which did not significantly
effect the coefficient of determination. This level of accuracy is more

A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

Px = ·Py
PowerFactory (10)
As the modeled power values are an average over a 1000 ps clock
period, it largely displays standby power for each node. If one wishes to
scale both the operating frequency (governed by delay) and the
technology node, they should use Eq. (11), which takes both changing
values into account.
EnergyFactor x ·DelayFactor y
Px = ·Py
EnergyFactor y·DelayFactor x (11)
In Eqs. (8)–(11), subscript x refers to the desired node, while y refers
to the starting node. The factors DelayFactor, EnergyFactor, and
PowerFactor are obtained from Eqs. (5)–(7), respectively. If this paper
is viewed online, one can alternatively use the interactive plot to attain
values for DelayFactor, EnergyFactor, and PowerFactor to be used in
Eqs. (8)– (11).

4.2.1. Scaling example

The following example is given to illustrate the scaling procedure.
To scale an example energy value of 1 pJ/Op from 1.3 V in 65 nm to
0.9 V in HP 32 nm, Eqs. (6) and (9) are used, as shown in Eqs. (12)–
Fig. 7. Energy used to toggle one inverter in the middle of the FO4 inverter chain
simulated using Table 2 values and scaled using Table 1 equations.
EnergyFactor x = 0.5654(0.9)2 − 0.2962(0.9) + 0.1148 (12)
(Eq. 6 and Table 5)
EnergyFactor x = 0.3062

EnergyFactor y = 2.441(1.3)2 − 2.831(1.3) + 1.276 (13)

(Eq. 6 and Table 5)
EnergyFactor y = 1.721

Ex = ·1 pJ/Op
1.721 (14)
(Eq. 9, 12 and 13)
Ex = 0.1779pJ /Op

The resulting Ex is the new energy value, scaled to an approxima-

tion of its performance, if the example chip had been fabricated in
0.9 V in HP 32 nm.

5. Conclusion

This work presents a method and data sets from simulation that can
be used to scale transistors to different technology nodes in a fair
Fig. 8. Average power for a clock cycle simulated for a signal to propagate through one method. The data presented shows that traditional scaling methods do
inverter in the middle of the FO4 inverter chain with a clock frequency of 1 MHz, using
not hold into these submicron transistors, especially with the advent of
Table 2 values and scaled using Table 1 equations.
radically changed devices. The general trend is similar, but does not
make an accurate comparison, as illustrated by our gathered data that
than sufficient given the imprecision inherent in technology scaling
shows up to an 83× difference from measured values. Thus the method
without full design knowledge. It is not recommended to use these
of using the modeled simulation data presented in this work is a more
factors for supply voltages without a corresponding data point in
accurate estimation that can be used to compare two devices from
Figs. 3–5 for a particular technology node, as those voltages are outside
different technologies and supply voltages. As models of more ad-
of the normally operating voltages of that particular technology node.
vanced technology nodes become available, this presented method
Eqs. (8)–(10) may be used to scale delay, energy, and power,
could be used to add scaling data to and from these new nodes by
respectively, between technology nodes.
simulating performance data in the same fashion presented and
DelayFactor x recreating a polynomial curve to make the scaling factors easily
Dx = ·Dy attainable.
DelayFactor y (8)
EnergyFactor x
Ex = ·Ey The authors acknowledge Zhibin Xiao and Jon Pimentel and
EnergyFactor y (9)
gratefully acknowledge support from ST Microelectronics, C2S2
Grant 2047.002.014, NSF Grant 0430090 and CAREER Award

A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

Table 5
The polynomial coefficient values to be used with Eqs. (5)–(7) to attain the factors to be used to generate the scaling factor between two technology nodes and voltages.

Delay Coefficients (Eq. (5)) Energy Coefficients (Eq. (6)) Power Coefficients (Eq. (7))

Type Node ad3 ad2 ad1 ad0 ae2 ae1 ae0 ap2 ap1 ap0

Bulk 180 nm – 97.09 −356.7 406.5 – 24.64 −17.98 – 101000 −79720

130 nm −76.65 334.9 −493.4 275.8 7.171 −6.709 2.904 27020 −15450 5630
90 nm −60.34 262.5 −384.2 210.9 4.762 −4.781 2.092 17320 −11230 4328
65 nm −53.3 230.4 −333.9 178.6 3.755 −4.398 1.975 12890 −10510 4362

High-k HP 45 nm −501.6 1567 −1619 566.1 1.018 −0.3107 0.1539 5462 −1760 522.4
32 nm −1047 2982 −2797 873.5 0.8367 −0.4341 0.1701 4001 −1733 533.6

LP 45 nm −285.7 1239 −1795 898.8 1.103 −0.362 0.2767 6297 −3009 1124
32 nm −325.9 1374 −1922 913.2 0.9559 −0.7823 0.471 4557 −3037 1323

Multi-Gate HP 20 nm – 34.63 −66.37 41.15 0.373 −0.1582 0.04104 2922 −1286 299.9
16 nm – 24.8 −47.52 28.87 0.2958 −0.1241 0.03024 2133 −882.6 197.7
14 nm −40.66 109.2 −100.6 35.92 0.2363 −0.09675 0.02239 1675 −711 159
10 nm −34.95 93.65 −85.99 30.4 0.2068 −0.09311 0.02375 1456 −621.6 143.8
7 nm −28.58 76.6 −70.26 24.69 0.1776 −0.09097 0.02447 1179 −515.7 123.4

LSTP 20 nm −160.5 514.1 −558.6 217.5 0.2632 −0.14 0.06841 2096 −962.4 287.1
16 nm −114.6 366.7 −397.4 153.6 0.2139 −0.1187 0.05639 1609 −715.5 205.7
14 nm −85.37 271.6 −292.2 111.4 0.1556 −0.06472 0.03066 1259 −554.1 152.3
10 nm −71.76 228.6 −246.3 93.91 0.1261 −0.0518 0.02769 1046 −422.7 118.9
7 nm −61.79 196.1 −210.3 79.55 0.09365 −0.03409 0.02043 815.2 −307.3 87.54

0546907, SRC GRC Grant 1598 and CSR Grant 1659, Intel, UC Micro, 4418914.
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Appendix A. Supplementary data [14] S. Sinha, G. Yeric, V. Chandra, B. Cline, Y. Cao, Exploring sub-20 nm FinFET
design with predictive technology models, in: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
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A. Stillmaker, B. Baas INTEGRATION the VLSI journal 58 (2017) 74–81

in: Proceedings of the 48th Design Automation Conference, DAC, ACM, New York, Bevan Baas received the B.S. degree in electronic en-
NY, USA, 2011, pp. 464–467.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2024724.2024833. gineering from California Polytechnic State University, San
[29] N.H.E. Weste, D.M. Harris, CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Luis Obispo, in 1987, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
Perspective, 4th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011. electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, in 1990 and 1999, respectively. From 1987 to 1989, he
was with Hewlett-Packard, Cupertino, CA. In 1999, he
Aaron Stillmaker received the B.S. degree in computer joined Atheros Communications, Santa Clara, CA. In 2003
engineering from the California State University, Fresno in he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer
2008, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and Engineering at the University of California, Davis, where
computer engineering from the University of California, he is currently a Professor. He leads projects in architec-
Davis in 2013 and 2015, respectively. From 2008 to 2015 ture, hardware, software tools, and applications for VLSI
he was a Graduate Student Researcher in the VLSI computation with an emphasis on DSP workloads.
Computation Laboratory at the University of California,
Davis. In 2013 he interned with the Circuit Research Lab,
Intel Labs in Hillsboro, OR. In 2017 he became an
Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department at California State University,
Fresno. His research interests include many-core processor
architecture and physical design, many-core algorithms,
and digital VLSI design.


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