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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Jadhav Shubhangi S.1 Keche Ashish G.2
Asst. Prof. Dept. of Dravyaguna, 2 Asst. Prof. Dept. of Kaychikitsa, V J D Gramin Ayurved
College, Patur, India.

Today many Guggul kalpas (preparations) are being used in practice. Most common-
ly these preparations are advised to be taken with koshna jala (lukewarm water). Instead of
using only plane water, one can consider various other anupanas (vehicles) stated in samhi-
tas like rutuanusar anupan (vehicles according to seasons) and doshanurup anupan stated
by Charakacharya in kalpasthana. Special anupan for Guggul is given by Aacharya Sushrut
in chikitsasthana. In samhitas disease wise anupan for Guggul is also given like in Vidradhi
(boil), Shoth (edema), Vatarakta (gout) etc. Matra (quantity) of anupan should also be taken
in to consideration. Quantity of vehicle given by Aacharya Sharangdhar is based on type of
dosha and on type of aushadhi kalpana used. Anupan in general, bring about refreshment,
pleasure, energy, nourishment, satisfaction and steadiness in the food eaten. It helps in
breakdown, softening, digesting, proper assimilation and instant diffusion of the food / drug
taken. Just as the oil spreads quickly when put into water, so also the quick absorption and
spread of the medicine is facilitated due to the addition of anupan. It also facilitates transpor-
tation of the active ingredient of the drug by increasing its bio-availability. Thus by using an
appropriate anupan and appropriate matra of that anupan one can increase the efficacy of
Guggul kalpas.
Keywords: Guggul kalpa, Anupan, Anupan matra

Guggul (Commiphora mukul Engl.) The dravya given with or after the
is used in many ayurvedic preparations but main draya (aahar/aushadhi) is known as
the kalpa (preparations) in which mini- anupan. Anupan is used as a vehicle for
mum equal quantity of Guggul is used are any drug. As the oil drop spreads over wa-
known as Guggul kalpas1. Preparations ter, in the same way due to anupan (ve-
with double or triple quantity of Guggul hicle), drug spreads into the body4. There-
are also in use. Guggul kalpana is an im- fore an appropriate vehicle should be used
portant part of vati kalpana (ayurvedic to increase the efficacy of medicinal drug.
pills). Choorna (powdered drugs) are hav- Koshna jala (Lukewarm water) is
ing potency period of 2 months2 only, after most commonly used as vehicle for Gug-
that they become less potent. To increase gul kalpas but in Samhitas many other ve-
the potency period of powdered drugs, hicles are also given which should also be
Guggul is added to them. Guggul itself is taken into consideration. These are as fol-
tridoshashamak, its combination with lows
powdered drugs increases their potency A) According to Prakruti
period up to 1 year3.
Jadhav Shubhangi S & Keche Ashish G: Anupan Vichar With Special Reference To Guggul Kalpa
In pitta prakruti patients instead of with cow milk or cow ghee.
warm water, Guggul should be given B) According to Rutu (season)
Table No. 1
Vehicle according to seasons
S. No. Rutu Anupan
1 Varsha (Rainy season), Grishma (Sum- cow ghee
2 Sharad (Autumn), Vasant (Spring) Triphala quath (decoction)
Hemant (Fall), Shishir (Winter) Gomutra (cow urine)
C) According to Dosha
In Charak kalpasthan, vehicles according to dosha are given which can be used for Guggul
kalpa accordingly.
Table No. 2
Vehicle according to Dosha
S. No. Dosha Anupan
1 Vata Sura, Sauvirak, Tushodak, Maireyak, Medak, Dhanyamla, Phalamla
2 Pitta Mrudwika (resins), Aamalak (indian goose berry), Madhu (honey),
Madhuk, Parushak, Fanit (jaggery), Kshir (milk)
3 Kapha Madhu, Gomutra, Kashayadi
D) According to Vyadhi (disease)
Table No. 3
a) Vagbhat6 - vehicle according to diseases
S. No. Disease Vehicle
1 Snehavyapad (Excessive oleation) Pippali, Triphala, Haritaki and honey
2 Vidradhi (Boil) Kashay
3 Vatavyadhi/Urustambha Gomutra + Haritaki
Table No. 4
b) Chakradatta7 - vehicle according to diseases
S. No. Disease Vehicle
1 Shoth (Edema) Gomutra, Punarnava + Daruharidra + Shunthi decoction,
Dashamul decoction
2 Vranashoph Triphala decoction
3 Vidhradhi Punarnava + Daruharidra + Shunthi decoction,
(Boil) Dashamul decoction, Castor oil
4 Updansha Patol, Nimb, Triphala, Kirattikta
Table No. 5
c) Yogaratnakar8 - vehicle according to diseases
S. No. Disease Vehicle
1 Malavibandha (Constipation) Triphala
2 Sandhigraha (Joint stiffness) Rasna decoction
3 Krostukshirsha Guduchi + Triphala decoction
4 Vatarakta (Gout) Guduchi

1526 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 5; May - 2015

Jadhav Shubhangi S & Keche Ashish G: Anupan Vichar With Special Reference To Guggul Kalpa

5 Naadivrana (Sinus) Trikatu + Triphala

Table No. 6
d) Bhavprakash9 - vehicle according to diseases
S. No. Disease Vehicle
1 Grudhrasi (Sciatica) Rasna + Ghrita
2 Shwas (Asthma) Cow ghee
3 Pakyukta vrana (Infected wound) Triphala decoction
4 Rajahpravrittikar (To start menstruation) Garlic
5 Asthisandhankar ( for bone reunion) Arjun + Laksha + Cow ghee
E) Special vehicles for Guggul given by d) Kush decoction
Aacharya Sushrut e) Gomutra (Cow urine)
Guggul should be taken accordingly with f) Kshar (Alkalies)
following vehicles g) Lukewarm water (Ushnodak)
a) Triphala quath (decoction) F) Vehicles for special Guggul kalpa11
b) Darvi decoction Table No. 7
c) Patol decoction
S. No. Kalpa Anupan
1 Yogaraj Guggul Vyadhi Anupan
Vatavyadhi Rasnadi quath (decoction)
Pitta roga Kakolyadi gana quath
Kaphaj roga Aragwadhadi quath
Prameha ( diabetes) Daruharidra quath
Pandu ( anemia) Gomutra (cow urine)
Medovruddhi (obesity) Madhu (honey)
Kushtha ( leprosy) Nimba quath
Vatarakta (gout) Guduchi quath
Shoth (edema) Pippali quath
Mushak visha ( rat bite) Patala quath
Netraroga ( eye diseases) Triphala quath
Udar (ascites) Punarnavadi quath
2 Abhayadi Guggul Madhu for brain and muscle disorders
3 Kaishor Guggul Yusha, kshira, sugandhi jala for Vatarakta
4 Kanchanar Gug- Mundi , Khadir, Haritaki quath
ANUPAAN MATRA VICHAR (QUAN- used. As Guggul is used as vati the quanti-
TITY OF VEHICLE) ty of vehicle used for gutika is also appli-
Guggul is very sticky and used in the form cabale to Guggul pills. The quantity given
of guti or vati i.e. pills. Aacharya Sharan- is as follows
gadhar has given the quantity of vehicle Table No. 8
on the basis of dosha and the kalpana
S. No. Dosha Quantity of vehicle for Gutika
1 Vata 3 Pal (120 gms)

1527 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 5; May - 2015

Jadhav Shubhangi S & Keche Ashish G: Anupan Vichar With Special Reference To Guggul Kalpa

2 Pitta 2 Pal (80 gms)

3 Kapha 1 Pal (40 gms)
CONTRAINDICATED VEHICALS 5. Bramhananda Tripathi Charaka Samhi-
FOR GUGGUL KALPA ta with Charak Chandrika hindi com-
Following substances are not supposed to mentary. Kalpasthan, chpt 1. Varana-
be taken during the intake period of Gug- si: Chaukhambha Surbharti Academy;
gul. Thus these substances should also be p. 1079
not used as vehicle for Guggul prepera- 6. Yadunandanopaddhya. Ashtang Hri-
tions. dayam. Varanasi: Chaukhambha publi-
1) Amla rasa (Sour substances), cation
2) Tikshna dravyas, 7. Chakrapani. Chakradatta. chpt 1. Va-
3) Ajirnakarak dravyas (substance caus- ranasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sans-
ing indigestion) and thana; p. 1
4) Madya (Alcohol) 8. Vd. laksmipati Shastri. Yogaratnakar.
Anupan in general, bring about re- Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrut Pra-
freshment, pleasure, energy, nourishment, kashan.
satisfaction and steadiness in the food 9. Shri Brambashnkar Mishra. Bhavpra-
eaten. It helps in breakdown, softening, kash Part II, Madhyam Khan-
digesting, proper assimilation and instant da.Varanasi: Chaukhamba prakashan.
diffusion of the food / drug taken. The 10. Ambikadatta Shastri. Sushrut samhita.
quick absorption and spread of the medi- Part I. Chikitsa sthana, chpt 5. Varana-
cine is facilitated due to the addition of si: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Prakashan;
anupan. It also facilitates transportation of p.35
the active ingredient of the drug by in- 11. Ambikadutta Shastri. Bhaishajya rat-
creasing its bio-availability. navali. Varanasi: Chukhamba Sanskrit
Thus by using an appropriate anupan and samsthan.
appropriate matra of that anupan one can 12. Bramhananda Tripathi. Sharangadhar
increase the efficacy of Guggul kalpas. Samhita. Purvakhanda, Chpt- 6, choor-
na nirman vidhi. Varanasi: Chauk-
REFERENCES hambha Prakashan.
1. Dr. P.V.Dhamankar, Dr. G.V. Puranik. 13. Chunekar K.C. bhavprakash nighantu.
Ayurvediya aushadhikaran. Part 1 & 2. Varanasi: Chaukamba Bharati Acade-
P.146 my; 2006
2. Bramhananda Tripathi. Sharangadhar
Samhita. Purvakhanda. Chpt- 1. Vara- CORROSPONDING AUTHOR
nasi: Chaukhambha Prakashan; p.18 Dr. Jadhav Shubhangi S
3. Bramhananda Tripathi. Sharangadhar Asst. Prof. Dept. of Dravyaguna,
Samhita. Purvakhanda. Chpt- VJD. Gramin Ayurved college Patur, India
1.Varanasi: Chaukhambha Praka- Email: sjjshubha@gmail.com
shan; p.18
4. Bramhananda Tripathi. Sharangadhar Source of support: Nil
Samhita. Purvakhanda, Chpt- 6, choor-
Conflict of interest: None Declared
na nirman vidhi. Varanasi: Chauk-
hambha Prakashan.

1528 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 5; May - 2015

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