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Int. J. Ayur.

Pharma Research, 2015;3(1):1-9 ISSN: 2322 - 0910

International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research

Review Article

D.C. Singh1, Srishti Dhyani2*, Gagandeep Kaur2
1Professor and HOD, *2P.G. Scholar, P.G. Dept. of Dravyaguna, Rishikul Govt. P.G. Ayurvedic College &
Hospital, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Received on: 28/12/2014 Revised on: 12/01/2015 Accepted on: 28/01/2015
Guggulu has been a key component in ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. It has
been used extensively by Ayurvedic physicians for centuries to treat a wide variety of
disorders, besides its use in pharmaceutical and perfumery industries. Guggulu is a gum or
resin extracted from the plant Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand. (Syn. Commiphora mukul
Hook. ex. Stocks) or Guggulu tree. Guggulu is a shrub or small tree belonging to Burseraceae
family. Guggulu contains volatile oil, gum resin, gugulipids, guggulsterones, guggulsterols,
mukolol and other steroids. Guggulu is very much used in Ayuvedic system of medicine as
astringent, anti-septic, expectorant, aphrodisiac, carminative, anti-spasmodic,
emmenagogue. In Ayurveda, Guggulu is the best among herbs that are used for Medoroga and
Vata disorders. It is widely used for obesity and it is also known as fat burning agent all over
the world. It helps to lower cholesterol and triglycerides level. Guggulu is very effective in
rheumatoid arthritis, gout and sciatica. It is also one of the most important Rasayana of
Ayurveda. In addition it treats sluggish liver, stimulates libido, nervous diseases, bronchial
congestion, cardiac and circulatory problems, weak digestion, wounds, abscess, foetid ear,
fractures, gynaecological problems and various skin diseases. Guggulu is a very important
and trustworthy herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Basically it is used almost in every kind of
illness due to its amazing treating power. This review is an attempt to describe the
pharmacological activities of Guggulu and variable uses of Guggulu in several diseases.
KEYWORDS: Guggulu, Guggul, Commiphora wightii, Commiphora mukul, Burseraceae, Gum,
Resin, Medicinal use, Anti-inflammatory, Obesity.
Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhand. (Syn. analgesic, cleaning of wound and healing due to its
Commiphora mukul Hook. ex. Stocks), with antibacterial action. Guggulu is a natural health
common names Indian bdellium tree, Gugal, product used primarily to reduce elevated blood
Guggul, Guggulu, is a flowering plant belonging to cholesterol levels. It has been used for many years
family Burseraceae. The Guggul plant may be as a hypocholesterolaemic agent in India. Guggulu
found from northern Africa to central Asia, but is is one of the best rewarding herbs for Vata
most common in Northern India. It prefers arid diseases. Various preparations of Guggulu used in
and semi-arid climates and is tolerant of poor soil. sciatica, hemiplegia, gout, rheumatic diseases,
It is a shrub or small tree, reaching a maximum facial paralysis etc. Guggulu is beneficial in
height of 3m, with thin papery bark. Guggul cleansing and healing of wounds and to reduce
produces a resinous sap known as gum Guggul. oedema due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-
The extract of this gum, called gugulipid or septic properties. In digestive ailments also like
guglipid, has been used in Ayuvedic medicine anorexia, flatulence, worm infestations, piles etc, it
abundantly. Guggulu contains essential oil, resin, works well.
gum, and bitter compounds. The major chemical Vernacular Names
constituents of gugglu are Z- guggulsterone, E- Table 1: Showing vernacular names of Guggulu
guggulsterone, guggullignans I & II, gugglu tetrols;
Arabic Aflatan, Moql, Moqlearzaqi,
mukulol; allylcembrol; c-27 guggulusterols I, II, III;
Z-guggulusterol; E-guggulusterol etc. These
Bengal Gugal, Guggul, Mukul, Ranghanturb
constituents are responsible for several
Canarese Guggala
pharmacological activities like anti-inflammatory,
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Srishti Dhyani et al. A Critical Review on Guggulu [Commiphora Wightii (Arn.) Bhand.]
Cutch Gugal used for Rasayan karma8. Dhanwantari Nighantu
Deccan Gugal, Guggal, Mukul, Ranghaturb included it under “Chandanadi Varga”9. Madanpala
Gujarat Gugal, Gugali, Gugar, Guggul, Mukul, Nighantu included it under “Karpooradi Varga”10.
Ranghanturb Kaiydev Nighantu has mentioned it under “Aushadi
Hindi Gogil, Gugal, Guggul, Mukul, Varga”11. Bhavprakash Nighantu has described it
Ranghanturb in “Karpooradi Varga”12. Raj Nighantu included it
Marathi Guggala, Gulag, Mukul under “Chandanadi Varga”13. Mahaushadi
Persian Boejahudan Nighantu included it under “Chandanadi Varga”14.
Porebunder Gugal, Gugali, Gugar Shaligram Nighantu has mentioned it under
Sanskrit Bhavabhishtha, Bhutahara, “Karpooradi Varga”15.
Devadhupa, Deveshta, Dhurta, Varities of Guggulu
Divya, Durga, Guggulu, Jatala, Bhavmishra described five varieties of
Jatayu, Kalaniriyasa, Kaushika, Guggulu - 1). Mahishaksha - Mahishaksha has the
Kumbha, Kumbhi, Kumbholu, colour of honey-bee or Anjana (antimony sulphide).
Kumbholukhalaka, Kunti, 2). Mahanila - Mahanila is similar to its name and
Mahishaksha, Mahishakshaka, looks like a Sapphire, a precious stone. 3). Kumuda -
Marudishta, Nishadhaka, Kumuda resembles Kumuda flower (white) in
Palankasha, Pavandvishta, Pura, colour. 4). Padma - Padma resembles Manikya (ruby
Puta, Rakshoha, Sarvasaha, red). 5). Hiranya - Hiranya is like gold in colour.
Shambhava, Shiva, Uddipta, Mahikshaksh and Mahanila varieties are beneficial
Ulukhalaka, Usha, Vayughna to elephants, Kumuda and Padma bestow health to
Sind Gugal, Guggul, Mukul, Ranghanturb horses, Hiranya variety is best suited for humans.
Sinhalese Gugula, Jatayu, Javayu, Mahishaksha is also good for humans16.
Ratadummula Other two varieties of Guggulu has
Tamil Gukkal, Gukkulu, Maishakshi mentioned in the texts books of Ayurveda: 1). Nava
Telugu Gugul, Mahisaksh, Maisakshi.1 Guggulu 2). Purana Guggulu The freshly collected
Guggulu is known as Marudeshya because Guggulu is tissue builder and aphrodisiac and if
it is a plant which grows in arid zone. It exudes a stored for more than one year, it is a depletory of
gum resin coming out of cavities (Kaushika, tissues. The characters of fresh one are, it is oily,
Ulukhala, Kumbholukhala) in form of particles yellowish looks like a ripen Jambu fruit, fragnant
(Kananiryasa) reddish black in colour and gummy in nature. Purana or old decayed
(Mahishaksa, Kalaniryasa). It removes a number of Guggulu is dry, emitting bad smell, devoid of natural
ailments (Guggulu) particularly obesity colour and potency.
(Palankasa) and is antiseptic (Rakshoha) as Nav Guggulu is useful in debility, whereas
fumigation. It is also used as incense in god’s the old variety - Purana Guggulu is salutary in
worship (Devadhupa)2. obesity and diabetes17,18.
Guggulu is known as Ulukhala because it According to Kaiydeva Nighantu, Guggulu
exudes a gum-resin which comes out from cavities. are of five types: Mahishaksha, Mahanila, Kumuda,
The resin is the best medicine, so it is known as Padma, Hiranaya. Kaiydeva mentioned that
Pura. It is also known as Durg because it is a plant Guggulu trees habituated in the Maru bhumi
which grows in arid zone3. pradesh (Vata pradhan desh) will yield five types
Classical Review of gum-resin during Grishmritu as well as
In Atharvaveda it is mentioned that Shaityaritu. According to Kaiydeva Nighantu -
Yakshma and other diseases will not spread to the Krishna varna Guggulu - best for Rakta-pitta dosh
areas fumigated by Guggulu. Sayana also Pingal varna Guggulu - best for Kapha-pitta dosh
introduced it as a well known “Dhupana dravaya”. Sweta varna Guggulu - best for Vata-pitta dosh19.
It was used for the treatment of diseases of cattle. Other five types of Guggulu, according to Unani
It is observed that the internal usage of Guggulu system of medicine:
increased during Samhita period only4. Charaka Mukle Saklabi - Brown in colour Mukle
has mentioned it in “Sangyasthapana arabi - It is reddish brown or purpulish in colour
mahakashaya” (Su.4/48) and in “Kashaya and found in Yaman pradesh. Mukle ajarak -
Skandha” (Vi.8/144)5. Sushruta has described reddish in colour Mukle Yahud - yellowish in
Guggulu in “Eladi gana” (Su.38/24)6. Vagbhata colour Mukle hindi - It is found in India20.
included Guggulu in “Eladi gana”. (Su.16/37)7.
Sharangdhara quoted it among the drugs to be
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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2015;3(1):1-9 SSN: 2322 - 0910
Botanical Description when fresh viscid and golden coloured, odour;
Guggulu [commiphora wightii (Arn) aromatic, taste is bitter and astringent.
Bhand.] is a woody shrub or a small tree which b) Microscopic Foreign matter Not more than 4 %;
grows to the height of 2-3 metres, much branched Total Ash Not more than 5 %; Acid-insoluble ash
with characteristics silvery and paper like bark- Not more than 1%; Alcohol-soluble extractive
peelings. Branches are knotty and crooked, Not less than 27 %; Water-soluble extractive
divaricate, usually ending in a sharp spine. Not less than 53%; Volatile oil Not less than 1%,
Leaves: The leaves are rhomboid-ovate, 1-3 v/w.25
foliate, serrate-toothed in the upper part, smooth Distribution
and shinning, the lateral leaflets when present less The Guggul plant may be found from
than half the size of the terminal ones. northern Africa to central Asia, but is most common
Flowers: Flowers in the fascicles of 2-3; pedicles in Northern India. It is also found in the tracts of
very short. Calyx campanulate, glandular, hairy; Western India and found extensively in Rajasthan,
lobes are 4-5 in number, triangular, as long as the Gujrat, and Maharashtra. It is propagated by seeds
tube. Petals are brownish red, broadly linear, and root cuttings26,27,28.
nearly thrice the length of the calyx, reflexed at the Cultivation
apex. Stamens are 8-10 in number, alternatively Guggulu is sought for its gummy resin, which
long and short, half the length of the petals. Disk, is harvested from the plant’s bark through the
8-10 lobed, the alternate sinuses deeper and in process of tapping. In India, Guggulu is cultivated
these are inserted the shorter stamens. Ovary commercially. It can successively be propagated by
oblong-ovoid, attenuated into the style. vegetative means. The rooting initiates 21 days after
Fruits: The fruits are small, red in colour when sprouting and 300mm, long 15 and 15mm diameter
ripe, ovoid drupes. Each plant produces about 0.5 cutting gives the maximum rooting. As it is a plant of
to 1kg of oleo-gum resin which is collected from arid zone, there is no necessity of irrigation upto the
January to March. middle of November except during drought.
Gum Resin: Pale yellow to brown aromatic gum However, if there is the winter shower, there is a
resin obtained from the bark of the plant. necessity of irrigation to plants of one to five years
Agglomerated tears of resin are somewhat of age group. The plants of 6-7 years of age group
transparent, with waxy surface and brittle in require irrigation only in summer season. Irrigation
nature. Gum-resin is thick, scented, burnt on fire, can be done either by head load method or water
liquifies in sun heat. When dissolved in water, it tank method29,30.
turns milky white21,22,23. Endangerment and Rescue
Chemical Constituents Because of its medicinal properties, guggul
In its chemical composition volatile oil, has been overharvested in much of its habitat, and
resins, gum and a bitter compound is found. Five has been listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened
types of guggul sterols, Z-guggul sterone, E- species. Several efforts are in place to address this
guggulsterone, guggul sterol - I, II, III, sesamine, situation. India’s National Medicinal Plants Board
cholesterol, mucolol and other steroids are also launched a project in Kutch District to cultivate 500
found. Monocyclic diterpenes- alpha - camphorene to 800 hectares (1,200 to 2,000 acres) of Guggal,
and cembrene isolated from resin; allylcembrol while a grass-roots conservation movement, led by
isolated from plant and characterized (Chem IUCN associate Vineet Soni, has been started to
Abstr. 1972,77, 111554 t). Three new steroids - educate Guggul growers and harvesters in safe,
guggulsterols I,II,III are isolated from gum resin sustainable harvesting methods31.
(Tetrahedron 1972, 28, 2341). Cembrene A Substitutes and Adulterants
isolated from resin and characterized Oleo-gum resin obtained from Boswellia
(Tetrahedron 1973, 29, 341). Isolation and serrata Roxb. (Salai guggulu) is the major
structure elucidation of two aliphatic tetrols - adulterant. It is distinguished by its yellowish
octadecan - 1, 2, 3, 4 and eicosan - 1, 2, 3, 4 - tetrol green, golden or milky tears, seldom amalgamated
from gum resin (Tetrahedron 1973, 29, 1595). into lumps and a characteristic terpentine like
Guggulsterol VI and Z - guggulsterol isolated from odour. Gum-oleo-resin of Commiphora myrrha
gum resin (Tetrahedron 1982, 38, 2949)24. (Nees) Engl., imported from Africa and
Macroscopic and Microscopic Features constituting the drug Hirabole or bole of
a) Macroscopic Drug occurs in vermicular pieces commerce is sometimes mixed with Guggulu.
of pale yellow or brown coloured mass, makes Similarly, gum-oleo-resin obtained from
milky emulsion in hot water and readily burns, Commiphora roxburghii (Arn) Engl., Occurring in

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Srishti Dhyani et al. A Critical Review on Guggulu [Commiphora Wightii (Arn.) Bhand.]
central and eastern India is sold by the name of hydrocortisone and butazoladin against
Guggulu. The former is distinguished by large Brownlee’s for maldehyde-induced arthritis
tears of yellowish brown colour, exposing, on in albino rats (Gujral et al; 1960)37.
fracture, a brown surface having white markings,  Oleoresin fraction possesed significant anti-
while the latter has a bluish tinge and a feeble arthritic and anti-inflammatory activities, the
balasmic odour32. minimum effective dose being 12.5mg/100g
Ayurvedic Properties and Pharmacological body weight. Only the acidic fraction showed
Actions33 significant activity while the monoacid and
According to Ayurveda Literature, Raspanchak of solid fractions were inactive. (Santhakumari
Guggulu are et al; 1964)38.
 The Steroidal compound isolated from PE
Rasa : Tikta, Katu
extract possessed significant anti-
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna, Vishad, Sukshma, inflammatory activity on carrageenin-induced
Sara, Sugandhi (Purana Guggulu), Snigdh, rat-paw oedema (Arora et al; 1971, 1972)39,40.
Picchala (Naveen Guggulu)
Antifertility activity
Virya : Ushna
 Oleoresin of gum Guggulu is found to cause
Vipak : Katu also a reduction in the weight of the uterus,
Prabhav : Tridoshhar ovaries and cervix with a concomitant
According to Bhavprakash Nighantu, increase in their glycogen and sialic acid
Ayurvedic properties of Guggulu are: - Guggulu is levels, thereby showing that it might be useful
Vishad (non-unctuous), Tikta (bitter), Ushna Virya as an antifertility agent (Amma M.K.P. et al;
(hot in potency), increases Pitta, Sara (laxative), 1978)41.
Kashaya (astringent), Katu (pungent) in taste, Katu Anti-atherosclerotic activity
in Vipak (pungent after digestion), Ruksha (causes  Effect of gum Guggulu was observed on
dryness) and Laghu (light). Guggulu is Bhagna- serum cholesterol, fibrinolytic activity and
sandhankrid (Unifies fracture), Vrishya platelet adhesive index in healthy individuals
(aphrodisiac), Sukshma (enters into minute (group I) and in patients of CAD (group II) for
pores), Swarya (improves voice), Rasayana a period of 30 days. Serum fibrinolytic
(rejuvenative), Dipan (appetizer), Balya, mitigates activity improved by 22% and 19% at the end
Kapha and Vata, cures Apachi, Medo rog, Meha, of 24hrs, as after 30 days it was 40% and
Ashmari, diseases of Vata, Pidika, Granthi, Shof, 30% in group I &II respectively. Platelet
Arsh, Gandmala, Krimi rog. It mitigates Vata by its adhesive index showed 22% and 19% after
Madhuraya (sweet taste), Pitta by its Kashayatava 30 days in group I and group II respectively.
(astringent taste) and Kapha by its Tiktatvata Serum cholesterol did not decrease
(bitter taste), so Guggulu mitigates all the significantly (Bordia & Chutanni, 1979)42.
Doshas34. Anti-obesity activity
According to Raj Nighantu, Guggulu is Katu  Crude Guggulu was found to reduce the body
(pungent), Tikta (bitter) in Rasa (taste) and Ushna weight of hydrogenated ground-nut oil
(hot) in Virya (potency). Guggulu is extremely treated rabbits (Satyavati et al; 1969 b)43.
beneficial in the diseases of Vata and Kapha doshas  Preliminary clinical trials on 22 patients of
and Kasa rog (cough). It also cures the Krimi rog, hypercholestrolaemia associated with
Vata rog, Udar rog, Pliha rog, Shoth and Arsh. It has obesity, IHD, HTN, DM etc. Guggulu crude was
a special potency as a rejuvenative (Rasayan)35. administrated orally (6.12mg in three divided
Purification of Guggulu doses for 15 days to one month. A fall in total
Traditionally Guggulu is purified in serum cholesterol and serum lipid-
Triphala kvatha for 3 hours (in Dola Yantra) and phosphorus was found in all the cases treated
then fried with ghee before administered with Guggulu. The body weight of 10 patients
internally. According to Nighantu Ratanakar of obesity also found to be reduced
decoctions of Guduchi, Triphala, and Cow’s milk significantly (Satyavati, 1966)44.
are to be used for purification36. Hypolipidemic/ Hypocholesterolaemic activity
Research Studies  Crude Guggulu was reported to possess
Anti-inflammatory and Anti-arthritic activity highly encouraging hypolipaemic activity in
 Oleoresin was found to be highly potent anti- rabbits (Satyavati, 1966)44.
inflammatory agent, as compared to  Anion exchange property detected by means
of chloride retention and bile acid
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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2015;3(1):1-9 SSN: 2322 - 0910
sequestrating activity in the oleoresin and Nityanand, 1971, Nityanand and Kapoor,
fraction hypocholesterolaemic activity 1971)52,53.
(Satyavati et al; 1969)45. Medicinal Uses
 Crude drug as well as its two fractions The “Niryasa” means gum-oleo resin, of the
(alcohol soluble and alcohol insoluble) were Guggulu plant is used for medicinal purpose, both
found to cause a significant fall in serum internally as well as externally54.
cholesterol and serum turbidity with a
Sthaulaya (Obesity)
concomitant increase in the coagulation time
and prothrombin time. The alcohol insoluble  In obesity, use of Rasanjana, Brahat
fraction was slightly more potent in this Panchmula, Guggulu, Shilajatu and
respect than alcohol soluble fraction as well Agnimantha is beneficial55.
as crude Guggulu (Sastri, 1967; Tripathi et al;  In case obesity has set in, one should use
1968)46. regularly Shilajatu, Guggulu, Gomutra,
 PE fraction A (petrol-soluble), B (alkali Triphala, Lauha-Bhasma, Rasanjana, honey,
washed neutral portion) and C (petrol- barley, Mudga, Kodrava, Shyamaka,
insoluble) were given to 8 week old male Vanakodrava etc. which are rough and reduce
white leg horn chicks for 2-3 weeks in fat56.
hypercholesterolaemia induced by Udararoga
atherogenic diet. All fractions lower the  One should use Guggulu as Shilajatu is used
serum cholesterol, but fraction A is most i.e., use of Guggulu with milk is beneficial in
potent and B is the least potent (Mehta et al; Udar rog57.
1968; Mehta & Malhotra, 1970)47.  Use of Shilajatu, Gomutra, Guggulu, Triphala,
 Alcohol extract and two pure fractions (a and Snuhi latex alleviates Udararoga58.
terpenoid and a steroid) isolated from the PE Shotha (Oedema)
extract showed that the steroid fraction was  One should use Guggulu with Gomutra or
highly potent as hypolipaemic agent lowering decoction of punanava59.
the serum cholesterol by 69.3% as well as the  Guggulu or Haritaki should be used with
c/p ratio. The alcohol extract could lower the gomutra60.
cholesterol by 59.2% whereas the Terpenoid  Guggulu destroys oedema taken with
lowered it by 54.3% (Malhotra et al; 1970)48. decoction of Punarnava, Devdaru shunthi or
 The alcohol extract of Guggulu when orally Gomutra or Dashmula decoction61.
administrated to Indian domestic pigs kept  Those suffering from oedema should use
on standard atherogenic diet over a period of Guggulu with Go-mutra or Pippali with milk
six weeks effectively reduced the total serum or Haritaki or Shunthi mixed with jaggery61.
cholesterol and also serum beta-lipoprotein Vatavyadhi
fraction and significantly altered the
 Use of all Rasayanas particularly of Shilajatu
lipoprotein ratio (Khanna et al; 1969)49.
and Guggulu with milk is beneficial62.
 The steroidal compound isolated from
 Guggulu is the best remedy for Vata covered
fraction A of PE extract reduced the lipid
by Medas63.
content (Viz., total lipids, cholesterol, TG and
 Gridhasi (Sciatica): Rasna 40 gm and Guggulu
phospholipids) of both hepatic and aortic
200 gm are pounded with ghee and made into
tissues. The response was doses-dependent
pills. It alleviates sciatica64.
and the maximum effect was noted at
 Krostushirsha (arthritis of knee joint): In
10mg/kg (Malhotra & Ahuja, 1972)50.
Krostushirsha, Guggulu or Guduchi with
 Fraction A of PE extract of C. mukul,
Triphala decoction; or castor oil or
effectively lowered serum lipids, cholesterol,
Vriddhadaruka with milk should be taken65.
phospholipids and triglycerides in monkeys
fed with cholesterol diet (Das et al., 1973)51. Urustambha
 Alcoholic extract (25-50 mg/kg orally),  Guggulu with Gomutra is a good remedy for
reduced serum cholesterol level in normal Urustambha66.
and hyperlipaemic rats and rabbits. Further, a  In Urustambha, one should take Shilajatu or
resin fraction, a pure steroid and fraction F Guggulu or Pippali or Shunthi with Gomutra
isolated from crude extract showed or decoction of Dashmula67.
hypocholesterolaemic effect on normal and Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis)
triton-induced hyperlipaemic rats (Kapoor  One should use regularly Haritaki, Guggulu,
and Shilajatu with go-mutra68.

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Srishti Dhyani et al. A Critical Review on Guggulu [Commiphora Wightii (Arn.) Bhand.]
 Intake of Guggulu with equal quantity of According to Priya nighantu, excess dose of
Trikatu, Chitraka, Musta, Triphala, and Guggulu leads to Klaivaya (impotency), Mukhshosh
Vidanga destroys all disorders caused by (dryness of mouth), Timira (cataract), Krishta (loss
Medas, Kapha and Amavata68. of weight), Murcha (vertigo) and Atisara
Vatarakta (Gout) (dysentery) etc. Guggulu should not be used in
 The diseases can be controlled by regular use patients with above complaints82.
of Shilajatu, Guggulu and honey69. Vriddha Vaghbhata described that about 1
 Use of all Rasayanas particularly of Shilajatu Tula (100 Palas) of Guggulu may be consumed for
and Guggulu with milk is beneficial70. Rasayan purpose. If administered in extensive
Vidradhi (Abscess) quantities side effects like: Timira (cataract),
Klavaiya (impotency), Krishta (weight loss),
 The patient should use Shilajatu, Guggulu,
Murcha (syncope), Shathilya (laxity of tissue),
Shunthi, and Devdaru with decoction of the
Roukshya (dryness) may develop83.
group of drugs according to (predominance
of) Dosha71. Ayurvedic Preparations of Guggulu
 In all types and conditions of abscess, Triphala guggulu, Yogaraj and
Guggulu should be used with suitable Mahayogaraj guggulu, Chandraprabha vati,
decoctions (according to Dosha). Similarly Simhanada guggulu, Gokshuradi guggulu,
should be used Shilajatu72. Kanchanara guggulu, Amritadi guggulu, Lakshadi
 In abscess caused by Vata, Guggulu or castor guggulu, Kaishora guggulu, Navaka guggulu,
oil should be taken73. Satdharana yoga83,84.
 In case of Kaphaja Vidradhi, one should take CONCLUSION
Guggulu with decoction of Triphala, Shigru, From this paper it is concluded that,
Varuna, Dashmula or with Gomutra74. Guggulu is one of the oldest and most famous herb
Wound in Ayurvedic medicine. Guggulu is a multi-purpose
 Guggulu and Triphala is one of the great drug and because of its magical properties, it is
combinations in treating, orally, the non- very beneficial in so many diseases. Guggulu has
healing chronic wounds75. several uses which are supported by various
 Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties researches done by researchers throughout the
of Guggulu are beneficial in cleansing and world. These findings could open a new window
healing of wounds and to reduce oedema. For on the use of this plant in Ayurveda.
such, the paste of its gum is applied in the REFERENCES
cases of gout, rheumatic joints, glandular 1. Lr.Colonel. K.R.Kirtikar, Major B.D.Basu,
swelling and even piles76. Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1, edited,
Vriddhi rog (Scrotal enlargement) enlarged and mostly rewritten by E.Blatter,
 One should take Guggulu or castor oil with J.F.Caius and K.S.Mhaskar, International
Gomutra. By this chronic scrotal enlargement Book Distributor, Dehradun; 528.
caused by Vata is destroyed77. 2. Priyavrat Sharma, Namarupajnanam,
Foetid ear Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi, 2011;
 Fumigation with Guggulu is a good remedy78.
3. Prof. D. Shanth Kumar Lucas, Dravayaguna-
Bronchial asthma vijnana, Vol. 2, Chaukhmabha Vishvabharati,
 Shallaki, Guggulu,Aguru and Padmaka mixed Varanasi; 73
with ample ghee is used for fumigation79. 4. Dr. J.L.N. Sastry, foreword by Prof.K.C.
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Bhishagacharaya Harishastri Paradakara by Prakash Paranjpe, Chaukhambha Sanskrit
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*Address for correspondence
Cite this article as: Dr. Srishti Dhyani
D.C. Singh, Srishti Dhyani, Gagandeep Kaur. A Critical Review on P.G. Scholar
Guggulu [Commiphora Wightii (Arn.) Bhand.] & its Miraculous PG Dept. of Dravyaguna
Medicinal Uses. Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research. 2015;3(1):1-9. Rishikul Govt. PG Ayurvedic
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared College & Hospital Haridwar
Uttarakhand, India.
Email: s.srishti2012@gmail.com

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