FPD Lesson 2

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TERM/WEEKS: Term 2, Week 2 YEAR LEVEL: 6 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: History - Immigration

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: This forward planning document has been designed for each student to have access to their own iPad. The apps that will be
used in this lesson are ClassDojo, Explain Everything and either Word, Pages or Notes.
LESSON Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 2 Stories of groups Articulate, individually, the Introduction (5 minutes)

Lesson 2 of people who differences of Push and Pull factors Checklist • Teacher to gather all students to the front of the class to Checklist – observe and
migrated to and how they relate to human (formative) – sit on the mat. record all students
Australia migration. observe, record • The class will revise the previous classes participation throughout
(including from and analyse the the activity.
one Asian In groups of three, create an students’
country), the Explain Everything explaining push performance • Family Origins – How did we get to
reasons they and pull factors and their throughout the Australia? YouTube video –
migrated (e.g. relationship with human migration. lesson. • Teacher will give a short introduction to push and pull https://www.youtube.co
push–pull factors) factors by showing a YouTube video. m/watch?v=rF86TGM3e
and their Summative • Students will be asked to use a note taking app SE
contributions to Assessment at the
society conclusion of the while watch the video to take notes.
(ACHASSK136) lesson with each
Body (40 minutes)
(ACHASSK137) groups completed
Explain Everything • Students will be split into groups of three using the ClassDojo –
video – this will ClassDojo group maker. https://www.classdojo.c
meet the marking • Students will need to allocate a particular job to each om/
rubric criteria. person in the group.
• Jobs include - illustrator, researcher, speaker
• Students will use their iPads to create their Explain
Explain Everything -
Everything. https://explaineverythin
• Once students have completed their Explain Everything, g.com/
students will be asked to save their work and add it to the
Padlet (linked to a QR code).
• Students to include their group members names
when publishing their video.
• If students finish early, they can watch each other’s maroberts0801/5sterkf0
Explain Everything videos. kmm3

Conclusion (5 minutes)
• The teacher will gather all students back to the mat,
selecting two random groups videos to show the class.
• Class will summarise the differences between push and
pull factors.

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