Technical-Description-518 MC
Technical-Description-518 MC
Technical-Description-518 MC
Thickness measurements
in accordance with
the standardised
wedge cut method
Technical Description
The Operation
The coating thickness measurement with PAINT
BORER 518 MC is very simple: Apply a contrast
mark (felt tip pen) and place the measuring
instrument on the specimen. Move the drill into
position over the test point and lower it causing the
The Measuring Instrument motor to switch on. Drill the coating through to the
The PAINT BORER 518 MC is a very compact substrate. Move the microscope over the hole and
instrument. All the principal components - the drilling switch the lamp on. Count the number of scale marks
device, the measuring microscope, the specimen between the base material and the contrast mark and
illumination and the battery - are enclosed in a sturdy multiply this value by the scale factor which gives the
housing. A slide moving on horizontal slide-ways measuring results.
houses the drill and microscope and gives the PAINT Special applications (individual layers of a multi-layer
BORER 518 MC its particular feature: the instrument system, measurements on curved/tilted specimens)
itself does not have to be moved for measuring after are dealt with in the operating instructions.
Optionally, a specimen table for fixation/
measurement of small parts is available (details see
page 6).
Thickness Measuring Instrument PAINTXPLORER 548
Drilling Unit
Dimensions (H x W x D): 145 x 70 x 40 mm
Net weight: approx. 600 g
Number of revolutions of the drill: approx. 500 rpm
Mains supply
Plug-in power pack: (100 - 240) VAC, (47 - 63) Hz
18 VDC / 0,8 A
Drilling Stand
Dimensions (H x W x D): 280 x 190 x 120 mm
Net weight: approx. 3.2 kg
1 2 1 1 1
Drill No. 2 ) No. 5 ) No. 4 ) No. 3 ) No. 1 )
) as accessories available
) incl. in the scope of supply
910927141 Drill No. 1 (up to 2000 µm)