Procurement Plan URSIP - Newform - 20181101 (DRAFT)

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Article I General

0 Public Information
1 General Consideration
2 Procurement Plan
3 Misprocurement

Article II Contract Package

0 Outline of the Project

1 Contract Package
2 Approval Procedure in GoI

Article III Procurement

1. Employment of the Consultant

A. Employment Method
B. Assignment & Outputs of Consultant
C. Consultant Selection Procedure
D. Employment Schedule
E. Evaluation Criteria
F. Other Conditions

2. Procurement of the Contractors

A. Procurement Method
B. Scope of Work
C. Contractors Selection Procedure
D. Procurement Schedule
E. Evaluation Criteria
F. Other Conditions

called the “Borrower”) and THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF KOREA (hereinafter called
the "Bank") which has been entrusted by THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF

In accordance with i) the Minutes of Discussion (hereinafter called the “MOD”) agreed by
and between the Borrower and the Bank on November 23, 2017, ii) Presidential Regulation
No. 54, 2010, and iii) EDCF procurement guideline,

Now have agreed to implement the Project as follows:

I. General

I.1. Project Information

(a) Name of Country : Republic of Indonesia
(b) Name of Project : The Urgent Rehabilitation of Strategic Irrigation Project for
Western Region of Indonesia
(c) Total Project Cost : 114,000 Thousand USD
 Foreign Currency Portion : 13,687 Thousand USD
 Local Currency Portion : 100,313 Thousand USD
(d) EDCF Loan Amount : 98,000 Thousand USD
 Foreign Currency Portion : 13,687 Thousand USD
 Local Currency Portion : 84,313 Thousand USD
(e) Name of Borrower : The Government of Republic of Indonesia
(f) Name of Project Executing Agency : The Ministry of Public Works and Housing

I.2. General Consideration

Procurement shall be conducted with due attention to considerations of economy,
efficiency, transparency and non-discrimination. The Responsibility for the award and
administration of contracts under the Project rests with the Indonesian Government.

I.3. Procurement Plan

The PEA shall prepare and, within one (1) month from the date of the Indonesian
Government’s accepting the Pledge of Korean Government, furnish to the Bank for its
review and concurrence, a procurement plan including procurement method, contract
package, and procurement schedule. The PEA shall update the Procurement Plan annually
or as needed throughout the duration of the Project.

I.4. Misprocurement
The Bank does not finance expenditures for goods and works which have not been procured
in accordance with the provisions in the Loan Agreement. In such cases, the Bank shall

declare misprocurement, and it is the policy of the Bank to cancel that portion of the Loan
allocated to the goods and works that have been misprocured. The Bank may, in addition,
exercise other remedies provided for under the Loan Agreement. Even once the contract is
awarded after obtaining a “no objection” from the Bank, the Bank may still declare
misprocurement if it concludes that the “no objection” was issued on the basis of incomplete,
in accurate, or misleading information furnished by the Borrower or the terms and conditions
of the contract modified without Bank’s approval.

II. Contract Package

II.1. Outline of the Project

1.A. Project Objective

The main objective of the Project is to increase the agricultural production and
contribute to self-sufficiency of agricultural society in Indonesia by constructing new
development irrigation system in Lampung, including Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi 1 and
Rawa Pisang (8,585 ha), and rehabilitating irrigation area in Banten, Teluklada (4,303
The irrigation areas in Lampung have no facility for irrigation water supply except in
small areas. And the areas usually are irrigated using pumping systems. Thus, the
irrigated area decreases significantly in dry seasons. The irrigation area in Banten has
been severely damaged. Therefore, the irrigated area has been decreased from 3,442
ha to 1,316 ha in dry seasons.
This project will help increase cropping intensity and agricultural production in the
targeted project areas.

1.B. Details of the Project Executing Agency

(i). Name & Position of the Person in Charge :
Ir. Hari Suprayogi, M.Eng
Director General of Water Resources
Ministry of Public Works and Housing
(ii). Address / Telephone & Fax No. :
Jl. Pattimura No.20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

1.C. Details of Implementation Organization

DGWR will be the Project Executing Agency (PEA) and has overall responsibility for
planning, implementation, management, supervision and coordination of the Project
and submitting relevant reports to the Bank.
DGWR will establish a Project Management Unit (the “PMU”) to supervise
administration and accounting works during the implementation. The PMU of the

project will be the Directorate of Irrigation and Lowland.
Two River Basin Organizations (BBWS) under the PEA will be a Project
Implementation Unit (PIU), which are BBWS MS (BBWS Mesuji Sekampung) and
BBWS C-3(BBWS Cidanau Ciujung Cidurian). The BBWS MS will be responsible
for Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi 1 and Rawa Pisang Irrigation Schemes in Lampung
Province and the BBWS C-3 will be responsible for Cibaliung Irrigation Scheme in
Banten Province. The PIUs will carry out the practical works for the implementation
of the Project under the supervision of PEA.
The Figure below presents the organizational structure of the Project.

<Figure> Organizational Structure of the Project

1.D. Location of the Project Site
The project areas are 1) the Cibaliung Irrigation Scheme in Banten Province and 2)
Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi and Rawa Pisang Irrigation Schemes in Lampung Province.
The Location of the Project Sites is shown in the following Figure.

<Figure> Location of the Project Sites

1) Cibaliung Irrigation Scheme in Teluk Lada Area (Baten Province)

There are 11 irrigation schemes of 20,841ha in Teluk Lada area. In the 7 schemes
of 15,040 ha are already installed with irrigation facilities. But it has been passed
over 20 years since they were constructed. Most of facilities have been already
deteriorated and some sections of irrigation canals are cut off and are filled with
sediment. Four (4) new irrigation schemes of 4,578 ha are irrigated by pumping
system or seasonal rainfall.
Out of these 11 schemes the Project just includes the Cibaliung scheme which is
currently managed by the Central government via BBWS C-3.

2) Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi and Pisang Irrigation Scheme (Lampung Province)
The irrigation facilities such as compatible irrigation & drainage canal were
completed in 1983. However, the water resources for irrigation are rainfall and
stream water of Way Sekampung River which can flow into the drainage canals
by the backwater effect during rising tide of sea. The water in drainage canals
could be used by pumping system.
In rainy season, it is possible to cultivate in all paddy field, but the paddy field
often inundated. In dry season, rice is cultivated in only 3,300ha and vegetables
can be cultivated in some another area. It is impossible to cultivate in downstream
area because of intrusion of sea water.
1.E. Project Work Scope
The scope of the Project will consist of two components, 1) Construction Works in
the targeted irrigation areas in Lampung and Banten province and 2) Consulting
Service for Detail Design Review for Cibaliung, detail Design for Lampung,
Construction Supervision, Bidding Assistance, Assistance for Project Management
and so on.
The work scope to be financed by EDCF (“the Project”) is specified in the Table
<Table> Work Scope for the project
Component Scope of Description
1. Direct Development  Construction of irrigation and drainage canals for the
Construction of New beneficial area of 8,585 ha in Lampung
(Civil Works) Irrigation (Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi 1 and Rawa Pisang)
System - Feeder Canal
(Lampung) - Main Canal
- Secondary Canal
- Rehabilitation of drainage canal
Rehabilitation  Rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and
of Irrigation drainage system for the beneficial area of 4,303 ha in
Area Cibaliung, Banten
(Teluklada) - Excavation of sediment in upstream weir area
- Dredging canals and upgrading canal structures
- Replacement and provision of gates
- Provision of sand trap
- Normalization of inspection roads
2. Consulting - Detail Design Review for Cibaliung (4,303ha), Detail Design for
Services Lampung (8,585 ha) including tertiary design
- Bidding Assistance, Construction supervision
- Assistance for project management and supervision of the project
- Monitoring RP and Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Capacity Building including O&M training

- Preparation of reports
1.F. Project Cost Estimate and Financing Plan
(in US$ Thousand)
Component Total
F/C L/C Sub-Total (L/C)
Direct Project Cost 12,786 74,894 87,680 - 87,680
A. Construction Cost 7,483 71,927 79,410 - 79,410
B. Consulting Services 5,303 2,967 8,270 - 8,270
Taxes and Duties (VAT) 8,768 8,768
Contingencies 803 9,419 10,222 - 10,222
Project Management Cost 1,754 1,754
Land Acquisition Cost 5,478 5,478
Service Charge 98 - 98 - 98
Total 13,687 84,313 98,000 16,000 114,000
0 GoI: the Government of Indonesia
1 F/C: Foreign Currency Portion, L/C : Local Currency Portion

II.2. Contract Package

There shall be three contract packages financed out of proceeds of the Loan, one (1) is for
consulting service and the other two (2) are for construction works in Teluk Lada and
Lampung respectively.

Number of Amount
Description Method
Contract (USD in Thousand)
Consultant 1 8,270 LCB1

Contractor 1
1 9,503 CB2
(Construction works in Teluk Lada)
Contractor 2
1 69,908 CB
(Construction works in Lampung)

LCB: Limited Competitive Bidding
CB: Competitive Bidding

III. Employment of the Consultant

III.1. Employment Method

i. The Consultant shall be selected and decided by the PEA through the limited
competitive bidding based on the short-list of Korean firms. Prior to the selection of
consultant, any Korean consultant participating in the bidding shall form a joint
operation with an Indonesian consultant (or Indonesian consultants) where the Project
Manager (or Team Leader) shall belong to Korean consulting firm.
ii. The Employment Method used will be that of the Quality-Cost Based Selection
(QCBS) in among consulting firms of eligible countries through the Two-Proposal
System (submitting the technical and financial proposals simultaneously in the SPSE
System) in accordance with this Procurement Plan.
- As far as QCBS concerned, the ratio of Quality to Cost will be 80:20 for the
selection of the Consultant.
- The eligible source country with respect to the foreign currency portion will be
the Republic of Korea, and the eligible source country with respect to the local
currency portion will be the Republic of Indonesia.
iii. The PEA and PMU take advance actions in parallel with approval procedure of EDCF
loan as per the “Guideline for the Employment of Consultants under EDCF Loan” in
order to avoid implementation delays any more.
- Considering that the Korean Government’s Pledge already issued, the PMU could
start consultant employment process such as preparation of the RFPs (Request For
Proposals) and Bidding Documents, Advertisement and Evaluations, etc.
- The procurement process can be started after submission of the procurement plan
and approval of it from the EDCF.
- In this case, consulting contract to be signed by and between DGWR and an
awarded consultant shall be effective upon KEXIM’s approval and effectiveness
of Loan Agreement.
iv. According to the procurement regulation of Indonesia, the bidding shall be proceeded
through SPSE system.
v. Local currency portion of consulting services shall not exceed 50% of the consulting
contract amount and it is requested for PEA to indicate the local currency percentage
requirement in the RFP.
vi. The consultant shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of the “Presidential
Regulation (No. 16, 2018) of Government of Indonesia”, and the “Guidelines for the
Employment of Consultant and Procurement under the EDCF Loan.”
vii. In case that the provisions of the “Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants
under EDCF Loan”, as the case may be, are inconsistent with those of the procurement

regulation of the GoI, the PEA and the Bank get into negotiation to reach most
efficient agreement for the implementation of the project, while following principal of
EDCF guideline and the Indonesian procurement regulation.

III.2. Assignments & Outputs of Consultant

2.A. Assignment of the consultant
The consultant will perform taks in the area of detail design and construction
supervision, which include but not limited to the following ;
 Assistance for Project Management and Project Supervision and Reporting / Overall
Project Management :
- Prepare the Inception report containing the outline of project plan, implementation
method, schedule and so on
- Prepare the monthly, quarterly and annual reports containing the present status of
the project such as physical and financial progress and loan use, performance and
problem within the reporting period, work schedule for coming reporting period
and other necessary information
- Monitor the performance, progress, issue and problem of on-going works &
program and to report to the Employer/ the Engineer from time to time for taking
the necessary quick action
- Assist the Employer/ for preparation of reporting/ discussion materials for the
- Attend the regular and ad hoc meeting and workshop
- Monitor the performance and progress of the consultant supervision in order to
achieve the achievement of the project goals
- Carry out the Project Benefit Monitoring E0valuation (PBME) before and after the
implementation of URSIP
- Undertake the loan disbursement management in collaboration with the PMU
 Pre-Construction Stage
i. Conducting geophysical survey, topography survey in the project area
ii. Detail Degisn
- Detail design Review for Cibaliung (4,303ha)
 Review the existing design and drawings for the Secondary Canals and drains
 Carry out the additional and supplemental survey and investigation based on
the review of the existing design
 Propose the additional input and investigation for the heavy and/or substantial
design modification work revealed by the design review works and to carry
out such investigation and design modification works after a provision of
such additional input proposed
 Prepare the design review report and the technical report required
 Detail design for Lampung (8,585 ha) including tertiary canal system

i. Cost Estimation
ii. Bidding Assistance
- Preparing tender document for selecting contractors
- Preparing pre-qualification and tender evaluation criteria
- Evaluation of pre-qualification documents of intended contractors
- Attending the pre-proposal conference and site explanation
- Supporting the evaluation of proposal including preparing the tender
evaluation reports
- Prepare a draft and final contract agreement
 Construction Stage
i. Construction Supervison
The consultant shall support the PIUs and PMU by providing sound and technical
advices with all reasonable care, skill and diligence
- Act as the Engineer to execute construction supervision and contract
administration services in accordance with the power and authority to be
delegated by the Employer
- Issue instruction, approvals and notices as appropriate
- Provide recommendation to the Employer for acceptance of the Contractor’s
performance security, advance payment security and required insurances
- Provide commencement order to the contractors
- Review and endorsement of the all proposed plans, schedule and documents
related to the project implementation and construction works submitted by the
Contractors for approval;
- Checking the progress and performance to ensure the Contractor adherence to
its plan and schedule approved;
- Checking the resettlement status every three month and/or when necessary
- Check and endorsement of designs and design calculations prepared by the
- Establishment of procedures for testing construction materials and evaluation
of the test results conducted by the Contractor;
- Check and inspection of the work quality and quantities;
- Supervision of additional field investigations when required;
- Advise on purchasing schedule and quantity of construction materials such as
explosives, steel, cement, etc., to provide the license to the Contractor;
- Advise on the method of measurement and computation of the work volume
and assisting verification of the contract progress and payment;
- Execution of factory inspection on manufacturing equipment and materials,
when necessary;
- Modify the designs, technical specifications and drawings, relevant
calculations and cost estimates as may be necessary in accordance with the
actual site conditions, and issue variation orders (including necessary actions
in relation to the works performed by other contractors working for other

project, if any)
- Carry out timely reporting to the employer for any inconsistency in executing
the works and suggesting appropriate corrective measures to be applied
- Inspect, verify and fairly determine claims issued by the parties to the
contract (i.e. the employer and contractor) in accordance with the civil works
- Preparation of reports of inspection, tests, and supervision activities
- Check and approval of as-built drawings to be prepared and submitted by the
- To prepare the Project Completion Report

ii. Design Modification and Preparation

The Consultant shall make revision and adjustment of design from time to time
when they become necessary due to findings in the field or by comments from the
PIUs and PMU.

iii. Support for Implementation

- Assist the PIU in establishment/ operation of the working Group and
Coordination Mechanism
- Assist the PIU in carrying out the government institution support program
- Assist the PIU in carrying out Water User Association (WUA) Strengthening
- Assist the PIU in execution of Training of Trainers (TOT) and Field Level
- Assist the PIU in introduction of Asset Management System
- Assist the PIU in undertaking the Water Management System / distribution
improvement program
- Assist the PIU in undertaking the Agriculture Support Program
- Assist the PIU in support to field activities

iv. Preparing Operation and Maintenance (the O&M) Manual

The Consultant shall make the O&M Manual to ensure the sustainability of the

v. Monitoring the progress of the Resettlement Plan and Environmental and Social
Management Plan

 Capacity Buidling including O&M training

During the consulting services, the Consultant should make a full effort to transfer his
knowledge and skills to the PIU’s personnel through both on-the-job training and
overseas training.

1.A. Output (Quantity of Reports & Documents)
The consultant shall prepare and submit various reports to the GoI and the Bank, in
English language as follows.

Reports Description Quantit Remarks

Inception Report Detailed Work plan and program of 20 Within two (2)
the services including copies months after the
recommendations for possible commencement of
alternative plan/design, if any, for the actual service
Design Review Review and update the previous 20 Cibaliung
Report design reports and drawings for copies
irrigation scheme in Teluk Lada
Design Report New detail design reports and 20 Marga Batin
drawings for irrigation schems in copies Rawa Seragi 1
Lampung Rawa Pisang
Pre-qualification Documents for pre-qualification 15
Documents copies
Tender Documents for bidding 15
Documents copies
Pre-qualification Result of the Pre-qualification 15
Evaluation evaluation copies
Tender Result of evaluating proposals 20
Evaluation copies
Bimonthly Detail progress of the services, 20 Every two month
Progress Report activities during two months, problems copies after the inception
encountered, anticipated activities for
next two months
O&M Manual O&M manual containing technical 25
method and procedure to operate and copies
maintain the facilities contructed in the
Service Summary of activities, result and 20 After completionof
Completion lesson learned during the whole period copies all the services
Report of the services

I.2. Consultant Selection Procedure

2.A. Preparations for Employment of Consultant
1) Preparation of RFP
The PMU shall be responsible for preparing the RFPs which includes the Letter

of Invitations (LoI), Terms of References (ToR) and the proposed draft contract.
The PMU shall submit the RFP to the Bank for its approval.
2) Preparation of the Short List for Consultant
The PMU shall be responsible for preparation for the shortlists of consultants
which comprises not less than three (3) for the consulting service that passes the
relevant qualification. And the short list of consultants shall be submitted to the
Bank for its review and approval.

The short list of consultant will be parpared through the following process :
- Announcement of Pre-qualificaiton process through SPSE system according
to the procurement regulation of Indonesia
- Evaluation and Verification of Qualification Documents
- Submission of the Short list to the Bank for approval

In principle, the consultants shall satisfy the following conditions to be listed in

the short list :
(a) The consultants have satisfactory overseas experience(s) of the consulting
services concerned i.e. master plan, feasibility study and detailed design in
the sector of dam or river and coastal.
(b) The consultants have experience(s) in Indonesia or developing country(ies)
are preferable.

However, the consultants included in the short list shall satisfy all of the
following conditions :
(a) A majority of the main expert shall be nationals of the Republic of Korea.
(b) The firms shall be incorporated and registered in the Republic of Korea.
(c) Prior to the selection, any Korean consultant participating in the bidding
shall form a joint operation with an Indonesian consultant where the project
manager/team leader shall belong to the Korean consulting firm.
(d) The Korean consultants must have a Foreign Construction Services
Enterprise Representative License (IUJKA; Izin Perwakilan Badan Usaha
Jasa Konstruksi Asing) from the Indonesia Investment Coordination Board
and a Certificate of Business Entity (SBU ; Sertifikat Badan Usaha) from
the National Construction Service Development Board (LPJKN ; Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional), Republic of Indonesia.
3) Complaint of Evaluation for Qualification Results
As soon as receiving Bank’s approval for the results of evaluation for
qualification. The PMU shall notify the consultants about the results, if any the
other consultants who wishes ascertain the grounds on which its EOI Proposal
was not selected, they have a time for complaint shall not be more than 5 days
after anouncement.

2.B. Employment Process for Consultant
1) Invitation for Proposals
After the completion of the RFP and the Short List of Consultants has been
approved by the Bank, the Letter of Invitation (LoI) shall be sent to the “short-
listed” firms to submit their proposals.
The LoI shall state the intention of the PIUs to enter into a contract for the
provision of consulting service, the source of funds, the details of the client and
the date, time and address for submission of proposals and also stipulate the
details of selection procedure to be followed, including the technical evaluation
criteria and an indication of the points to be given to each.

2) Receipt of Proposals
The time allowed for the preparation and submission of proposals shall not be
less than one (1) months from the date of the invitation to the consultants.

3) Opening Procedure
On the date, time and place specified in the Letter of Invitation, and its
subsequent amendment (if any), the Technical and the Financial Proposal shall
be submitted through the SPSE system.
The technical proposals shall first be evaluated, and the results of the evaluation
shall be sent to the Bank for its approval. As soon as receiving the Bank’s
approval for the results of the evaluation, the firm(s), which have score more
than limit, shall be invited for financial opening. After the evaluation of total
technical and financial score, the results of the evaluation shall be sent to the
Bank for its approval. As soon as receiving the Bank’s approval for the results of
the evaluation, first-ranked shall be invited for contract negotiations.
If acceptable financial terms cannot be agreed upon with the first-ranked firm,
negotiations shall be terminated with the concurrence of the Bank, and the firm
next in ranking shall be invited for negotiations (and so on, if necessary until an
agreement is concluded) and Promptly after completion of negotiation with the
selected consultant, the PEA/PMU shall notify the other consultants on the
short-listed that they have been unsuccessful.
4) Debriefing
The PEA/PMU shall inform the short-listed consultants that any consultant who
wishes to ascertain the grounds on which its proposal was not selected and its
shall not be more than two (2) weeks from the informing Unsuccessful

5) Contract
The Contract between the PEA and the Selected Consultant shall be prepared in
such detail as to adequately protect the interest of both parties of the contract.
Promptly after executing the contract, the PEA shall submit to the Bank, for its
approval, one certified copy of the Contract
I.3. Employment Schedule
Proposed Time of request for the
No. Procedure
Schedule Bank's Approval
1 Prep. Of RFP 1-Jul-2019 N/A
2 Anouncement of EOI 31-Jul-2019 N/A
3 Submission of EOI Proposal 11-Aug-2019 N/A
4 Evaluation for Qualification 22-Aug-2019 N/A
5 Submission of Short List 23-Aug-2019 Before Invitation
Announcement of Selected
6 Consultant and Complaint of 5-Sep-2019 N/A
Evaluation for Qualification
Letter of invitation (LoI) TOR
7 6-Sep-2019 N/A
Draft Consulting
8 Invitation for the BID 7-Sep-2019 N/A
9 Receipt of Proposal 8-Oct-2019 N/A
Evaluation Report of Technical Before Opening the
10 22-Oct-2019
Proposal Financial Proposal
Before Inviting the first-
Opening Financial Proposal
11 12-Nov-2019 ranked consultant for
Evaluation of Total Score
12 Negotiation 30-Nov-2019 N/A
Informing Unsuccessful
13 13-Des-2019 N/A
14 Debriefing 28-Des-2019 N/A
Review by Directorate General
of Construction Developmnet
15 27-Jan-2020 N/A
and Approval by Minister of
Public Work
16 Contract 3-Feb-2020 After executing the contract

I.4. Evaluation Criteria
The Detailed Evaluation Criteria shall be defined by the PEA with the Bank’s consent at
the time of preparation of RFP.

The actual points to be used shall fit the specific assignment and shall be within the ranges
indicated in the Table below. Furthermore, in consideration of the characteristics of the
Project, the PEA shall prepare detailed criteria and adequate points assigned to each of
them to evaluate the technical proposal.

No. Evaluation Criteria Points

1 Experience and Experience in its country of origin (5-10)
performance record in Experience outside its country of
similar projects (5-10)
Sub-Total (10-20)
2 Technical approach and
Adequacy of the Work performance plan (3-7)
Adequacy of the proposed
Approach &
manpower and organization of the (3-7)
consulting team
Innovativeness (2-6)
Sub Total (20-40)
3 Project Manager (General
Qualifications and qualification & experience in the (10-15)
competence of key Region and Language)
staff Proposed Engineer (General
proposed qualification & experience in the (50-55)
Region and Language)
Sub Total (60-70)
Grand Total 100

II. Procurement of the Contractors

II.1. Procurement Method
i. There are two packages of the construction work contractors, one is for the New
irrigation system in Lampung and the other is for the rehabilitation of the irrigation
system in Teluk Lada.
ii. The Procurement Method will be that of through Competitive Bidding among
Korean companies (or suppliers) in accordance with the “Guidelines for Procurement

under the EDCF Loan.” The companies (or suppliers) shall be incorporated and
registered in the Republic of Korea. Any Korean contractor participating in the
bidding shall form a joint operation with an Indonesian contractor(s).
iii. The bidding method for the contractors shall be One Stage One Evelope Bidding
Procedures. And the contractors shall be procured through SPSE according to the
proecurement regulation of Indonesia.
iv. The prequalification documents, the bidding documents, bid evaluation report, award
of contract and contract draft after negotiation shall be reviewed and approved by the
v. The PEA shall disclose the general and detailed evaluation criteria including
allocated points to each criterion by providing them for bidders when distributing the
bidding documents for procurement for the purpose of securing the transparency and
fairness of the evaluation
vi. It is expected that the detail design works will be conducted by the Conustlant and
take around one (1) year and the work scopes and BoQ of the construction works
could be modified by the detail design works

II.2. Scope of Work

The work scope of the two construction packages are as follows.

i. New irrigation system(8,585ha) in Lampung

(Marga Batin, Rawa Sragi 1 and Rawa Pisang)
- Construction of the Feeder Canal (5,310 m)
- Construction of the Main and secondary canal
(2 main canals of 42,083m and 28 secondary canals)
- Construction of the tertiary canal
- Rehabilitation of drainage canal (7 drainage canals)

ii. Rehabilitation of the irrigation system(4,303 ha) in Teluk Lada

- Excavation of sediment in upstream weir area
- Dredging canals and upgrading canal structures
(2 Main canals of 45,045m and 6 secondary canals of 18,320m)
- Replacement and provision of gates
- Provision of sand traps at the begining point of the main canals.
- Normalization of inspection road

The work scopes of the construction works might be modified in accordance with the
detailed design prepared by the Consultant.

II.3. Contractors Selection Procedure

1) Preparation of Bidding document

Bidding documents shall contain all information necessary for a prospective bidder to
prepare a bid for the goods and works to be provided. The Bidding documents shall
generally include the following: invitation to bid, instructions to bidders, form of bid,
form of contract, conditions of contract, drawings, technical specification, bill of
quantities, the type(s) of security required or acceptable, and necessary appendices.
Key factors below for the Bid and Contract shall be clearly defined in the Bidding
(i). Bid Bond or Guarantees : 2% from Owner Estimate
(ii). Performance Bond : 5% from Contract Value / Owner Estimate
(iii). Warranty Bond and Period : 5% from Contract Value for ___ years
(iv). Target Date for Completion : ___
Bond or Guarantees, at the bidder’s option, shall be in the form of a letter of credit or
guarantee from a reputable local bank.
The time allowed for the preparation and submission of bidding document shall be
determined with due consideration of the particular circumstances of the project and
the magnitude and complexity of the contract.

2) Prequalification of Bidders
Within an aim select the most qualified bidder, the Prequalification will be adopted.
The bidding procedure will be applied only prequalified bidder. The PIU shall submit
the Pre-qualified Contractors to Bank for Approval.

3) Complaint of Evaluation for Qualification Results

As soon as receiving Bank’s approval for the results of evaluation for qualification.
The PMU shall notify the contractors about the results, if any the other contractors
who wishes ascertain the grounds on which its Pre-qualification documents was not
selected, they have a time for complaint shall not be more than 5 days after

4) Invitation to Bid
Invitation to Bid shall be noticed to the bidders which meet the requirements of the


5) Bidding Evaluation
The purpose of bid evaluation is to determine the cost to the PIU of each bid in a
manner that permits a comparison on the basis of their evaluated cost. The bid price
read out at the bid opening shall be adjusted to correct any arithmetical errors. Also,
for the purpose of evaluation, adjustments shall be made for any quantifiable non-
material deviations or reservations. Price adjustment provisions applying to the period
of implementation of the contract shall not be taken into account in the evaluation. The
PIU shall prepare a detailed report on the evaluation and comparison of bids setting
forth the specific reasons on which the recommendation is based for the proposal for
award. The PIU shall provide as a minimum all information required in the Standard
Form of Bid Evaluation Report and shall be sent to the Bank for its approval.

6) Proposal for Award

As soon as receiving the Bank’s approval for the results of the evaluation, The PIU
shall publish information to the all Contractors. Publications shall include the bid,
and the following information : (a) the name of each bidder that submitted a bid; (b)
bid prices (c) evaluated prices of each bid that was evaluated; (d) the names of
bidders whose bids were either rejected as nonresponsive or not meeting qualification
criteria, or not evaluated, with the reasons thereof; and (e) the name of the winning
bidder, the final total contract price, as well as the duration and summary scope of the

7) Debriefing
The PIU shall inform that any Contractors who wishes to ascertain the grounds on
which its proposal was not selected and its shall not be more than two (2) weeks from
the informing Unsuccessful Contractors.

8) Contract
The PIU and the winning bidder shall prepared draft contract and submit to the
Bank’s for it’s approval. As soon as receiving the Bank’s approval for The Contract,
The PIU and the winning bidder shall signing the Contract.

II.4. Procurement Schedule

The expected procurement schedule is presented in the table below. And the procurement
schedule could be changed in the process of the detailed design and administration
procedure for the procurement.

Construction in Teluk Lada

Proposed Time of request for the
No. Procedure
Schedule Bank's Approval
1 Prep. Of Bidding Document 1-Jul-2019
Bidding Document and Before Announcement of the
2 15-Jul-2019
Evaluation for Qualification Pre-Qualified Contractors
Announcement of the Pre-
qualified Contractors and
3 5-Aug-2019 N/A
Complaint of Evaluation for
Invitation for Bid
4 6-Aug-2019 N/A
5 Bidding Evaluation 4-Nov-2019 N/A
Before Anouncement the
6 Evaluation Report of the bids 20-Nov-2019
Proposal for Award and
7 Informing Unsuccessful 6-Dec-2019 N/A
8 Debriefing 20-Dec-2019 N/A
Review by Directorate General
of Construction Developmnet
9 20-Jan-2020 N/A
and Approval by Minister of
Public Work
10 Draft Contract 27-Jan-2020 Post
11 Contract 10-Feb-2020

Construction in Lampung
Proposed Time of request for the
No. Procedure
Schedule Bank's Approval
1 Prep. Of Bidding Document
Bidding Document and Before Announcement of the
2 15 Days
Evaluation for Qualification Pre-Qualified Contractors
Announcement of the Pre-
qualified Contractors and
3 6 Days N/A
Complaint of Evaluation for
Invitation for Bid
4 1 Days N/A
5 Bidding Evaluation 65 Days N/A
Before Anouncement the
7 Evaluation Report of the bids 15 Days
6 Proposal for Award and 1 Days N/A
Informing Unsuccessful

Proposed Time of request for the
No. Procedure
Schedule Bank's Approval
8 Debriefing 14 Days N/A
Review by Directorate General
of Construction Developmnet
9 30 Days N/A
and Approval by Minister of
Public Work
10 Draft Contract 7 Days Post
11 Contract 7 Days

II.5. Evaluation Criteria

The method and criteria for evaluating the Technical Proposals and Financial Proposals
shall be set forth in the Biding Documents to be prepared by the PEA and approved by the
It is planned that the detail design shall be conducted and reviewed by the Consultant. The
detail design works are expected to take around one (1) year and the work scope could be
modified. The detail evaluation criteria could be fixed after completing detail deign works.

II.6. Other Conditions


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