Tunnel Musings
Tunnel Musings
Tunnel Musings
Journal from Tunnel musings
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Sep 10, 2012
Hi All,
When you are dealing with a dominant COR the average number of turns is around 3
per month but there may be a month with only one turn. This, against a background of
faster vibrating (smaller) cycles that produce say 5 turns a month. One can then ask in
the COR which turn(s) to use? One way is to work for best alignment and indeed that is
what most start out doing. But there is another solution which Gann supplied in Tunnel.
Robert Gordon is a BIG fan of Lindbergh, as a key word search for that last name will
reveal it mentioned over and over again. This is NOT filler, nor is it a coincidence in
how it is used. Page 105 in Tunnel: "May 21st was a red letter day in the life of Robert
Gordon. Wheat, Corn and Cotton all advanced to the highest levels of the Season.
Robert had read reports in the papers that Charles A. Lindbergh had started on his flight
to Paris." To the casual reader these lines are insignificant but as I have been teaching
you, "Tunnel" is a book of connections. Here we have a direct link between the Cotton
Trades (see RG Great Campaign in Cotton) and Lindbergh. But this begs (leads us to)
yet another question. Why is Lindbergh so important and emphasized so much? The
answer to this can be found in Lindberghs' travels. BA
Posted By: ba_sklenka ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 24, 2012
Memphis Tn. in Tunnel has special significance and is actually kind of important but yet
it is only mentioned once and "in passing." What one needs to do to better understand it
is to look at "keywords" around it. Memphis can not be understood until one does a
search for "Mississippi valley". This is an example that, imho shows the importance of
the electronic versions that are available.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] IBM from the beach....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Nov 27, 2012
Hi Nick,
In post 62741 it called for a turn on the 28th which is coming up. Me thinks it should be
a High.
Very interesting you brought up Eclipses. Gann mentions them once in Tunnel and I am
of the mind that he used them as "markers" for something. See, on page 360 (Circle)
Edna states: "She reminded him that five years ago he arrived in New York JUST AFTER
HIS BIRTHDAY" I am aware of 8 cycles in Tunnel (actually 6 more depending on
how you view it) which include the kind that are "planets and numbers" and the kind that
are "just numbers". None of these use eclipses directly, but I am very glad you brought
this whole subject up. Gann states that the current cycle I am under should be used for
relaxation (which I am doing :) and the gaining of knowledge and to that end I am going
to continue research starting with another pass (read) through Tunnel. I want to start a
thread in here entitled TM which will be my Tunnel Musings (TM). Will start that thread
in next couple of days.
On IBM, I need to get my "bearings" on it. Have settled in here and will refocus. Have
"missed" on it twice this month which is too much (but expected under these personal
Many thanks!
TM (Tunnel Musings)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Nov 29, 2012
Hi All,
While at the beach I will be cracking open Tunnel again, most likely starting tomorrow
and will start posting on it. A good friend asked me about the following:
Page 346
Suddenly he received
a radio message from Supreme Commander Gordon to
descend very low and fly Northwest.
BA: Now, the question is, what was "flying very low"?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 30, 2012
In 2008 I was convinced there was a connection between the 2 skyscrapers referenced in
Tunnel. Later I found out this was NOT the case. One Skyscraper is there because it
relates to one thing and the other is mentioned in regards to something completely
different, the Detroit one being part of a very unique set-up although I am sure most focus
on the NYC one. Have a great weekend and I will see you on the other side of it!
TM (Marie?)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 4, 2012
If you have a look at page 354 where he states "...construct a Tunnel through the air from
New York to Europe and sail the "Marie" safely through it." I originally had the question,
does he mean St. Marie or Marie the Angel of Mercy (MAM)...here he is referring to
MAM because he says it can "rise to a height of 20 to 50 miles over any of the cities and
start destruction."
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 5, 2012
Capitals. Gann used Capital letters to amplify certain points. One such point is on page
352. Here the emphasis is to show you or stress to you that there were 2 attack waves on
Detroit. Casual readers could assume this to be nebulous. Detroit is a critical "hub" within
the book. Second only, in my opinion, to the battle of New York.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 10, 2012
Speaking of Tunnel, it helps to, at times, when you are working on a certain area, say like
crash of the TJ1 or something else, to also keep in mind a macro (versus micro) view.
Sometimes starting to re-read the book for the macro view, will bring new light.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 10, 2012
Have a look at page 15 were it states “In 1919 he returned to school but made slow
process in his studies, HIS HEALTH was not good; he seemed unable to concentrate or
make much progress. He barely passed his examinations at the end of the year, but
continued to study hard and make progress in mathematics and history.”
Now originally many years ago I caste a chart for this time frame to see what was going
on. But if you look more closely at it he mentions mathematics. The way to truly “hit”
this time period is actually through “just numbers” or as Gann says “mathematics”. But
what is important here, to the budding researcher is the writing style! That is the really
critical part because he does this over and over and over again….these subtle nuances….
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 11, 2012
Page 77 "It is just as easy to figure 100 years or 1000 years in the future as one or two
years ahead, if you have the correct starting point and know the cycle that is going to be
The question one could ask is if he is referring to the "planets and numbers" system or the
"just numbers" system. Here he is referring to the "just numbers" system, but what is
important is one gains some ground here finding out that that system needs a starting
point, whereas the "planets and numbers" system does not....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 11, 2012
On page 74 at the top it states "If we make calculations from the date and place of birth, I
think we can determine what our future is to be, and in this way, live according to cause
and effect."
You reckon he is telling us to have a look at Robert Gordon’s birth date etc.?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 12, 2012
Its like page 40, you know there has to be something there. On page 91 is a very
important letter where Kennelworth starts buying Cotton.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 12, 2012
The cycles are in Ezekiel, read carefully what Gann writes on page 103..."going over the
predictions by Ezekiel and the PLANS outlined by Ezekiel for an AIRPLANE, which
Robert hoped and expected to build in the near future."
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Dec 14, 2012
Page 123 of Tunnel "The seconds drifted away like weeks, the minutes seemed like
months, and when an hour had gone by, to Robert it seemed like years." To the casual
reader this may seem nebulous but it is an EXTREMELY important theme throughout the
book and beyond. What it means is let’s say you are given something like "9 months" it
could be a coding for 9 years etc. He is saying that all of this is used interchangeably so if
it said something like "he was 9 years old" it could be 9 of some other time frame....
TM ....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 17, 2012
I can find three direct references to "five years" in Tunnel where it's a 5 year period:
( 1 ) Page 360 -- he had arrived in New York five years ago just after his birthday. So
there seems to be something about this 5 year period from June 9, 1927 to June 9, 1932
( 2 ) Page 395 -- He anchored near the same spot where Lindbergh had anchored over
five years earlier. So there's probably something significant about the five year period
possibly starting from May 21, 1927 (when Lindbergh landed) to Jul 22, 1932.
( 3 ) Page 416 -- More than five long years from Marie's disappearance to this day.
Marie disappears on June 5, 1927 (page 120).
Marie returns on Aug 30, 1932 (page 418)
Then also
Lots of other mentions of "five", but I'm not sure what any of them mean yet.
This is REALLY good work and the individual put this together exactly right, bravo to
him! In the next e-mail he went into theory on what all of this means. I wrote him back
and stated "Generally guessing at what Gann meant (theory), does not get results, what
does is to see where these parts connect into some other part in the book." i.e. instead of
guessing, LET GANN LEAD YOU in the book! This is a VERY important point to
success with this book, imho
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM ....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 17, 2012
What one has to do is look to see where any of these connect. Is there a connection when
the book, on page (360) talks about the 5 year, is there a connection between that and
something else? BA
TM continued...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 18, 2012
So yesterday we took a look at an e-mail someone had gave me with the number 5 on it.
Sitting back, and thinking, what this could mean is what so many do and in my beginning
years with that book I did the same thing, what could 5 mean?
How would we know if any of this was correct? Working to prove one or many of these
could lead quickly to frustration.
Now if that is the case what the "frustration" is telling you is that you are on the wrong
path. All of the above were "guesses". So heading down this path can quickly lead to
frustration...instead there is an alternative path. Think on how can I connect this to
another part in the book?
On page 360 it states "She reminded him that 5 years ago he arrived in New York, just
after his BIRTHDAY, then of the BIRTHDAY parties..."
Clearly he is connecting this to birthdays, which was NOT on our list of "10" above. So
the point is, instead of trying to "imagine" what Gann means, look at what he connects to
TM (continued)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 19, 2012
Often to clue the reader in, in Tunnel, Gann will repeat something, not exactly but close,
in order to emphasize its importance and help you focus in. In the last post in this thread
we saw the keyword "Birthday" so we would want to next do a study on that keyword.
SOME pages of importance is page 157 and again on page 160 where he states "His 21st
birthday meant a great deal to him, meant more than any other birthday, because he
hoped it would bring Marie."
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 19, 2012
Page 161...
He goes on to actually subtitle a chapter on it:
"Robert Gordon’s 21st Birthday." That means something very important ties into this....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
from page 145 "Wheat had declined as he felt that it was time to buy wheat for another
advance as his cycle indicated an up-trend to run for the next 10 days." This makes it
clear he is using some sort of cycle and I think (believe) that this is key to this field. One
must have some sort of cycle and in addition to that some cycles are better than others.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
Page 171-172 of Tunnel "and his only faith was in astrology, and the science laid down in
the Bible."...."with the Science of Astrology he could tell when success would start, when
trouble would end"..."he was a great believer in Astrology because he had found the great
science referred to so many times in the Holy Bible."
My understanding here is that Gann was using something a little different than what an
"astrologer" of today, would use when it comes to markets. My understanding is that it is
more a fusion of Astrology and Astronomy that I call "Astrolonomy." which is what is
currently being applied to IBM.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
Page 179 "Robert told him that he knew she (Marie) was born on October 6, but that he
was not sure of the year but thought it was 1908." This occurred in June 1927.
Page 20 has Marie "about 13 years of age".
Page 18 gives us the date of that as Spring 1921
Hmmm :)
My time on the Beach.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
From page 204 in Tunnel. “…there is a time to stop trying to make money and keep what
you have, and then wait for another season when the time is right, they could continue to
succeed indefinitely.”
That is what my time at the beach was all about. It was a time period when trading
would have did me no good as the cycle I was under “warps” your thinking, Gann in
another work, goes on to state that this was a time for relaxation and study to gain
knowledge. I took him at his word and that is exactly what I did!
Now in my own cycles, I will not be completely clear of this time period until mid-
January, the “worst” of it is behind me. Today I return home to my wife and children in
order to be there for Christmas. On many levels I am very thankful to Mr. Gann for the
wisdom he has passed down to us as I feel this was a remarkable use of an otherwise
unfortunate time period (This cycle is referred to as unfortunate). I feel that I have been
working “in harmony” with natural law.
What I did before coming to the beach was establish 4 goals that I wanted to obtain
within the time at the beach. I have exceeded them and then some, so from that
perspective I am very satisfied. I have and will continue, through mid-January to avoid
trading at all costs. This is the SAME time period that so many trade through with
disastrous results. Usually after “large losses” individuals start looking for answers and
eventually write me an email to ask if I will take a look at their cycles. Time after time I
find this particular cycle was operative, but by then it’s TOO LATE as the damage has
usually already been done. Some, if not MOST of you know what I am talking about. If
that is the case, as a trader, would it not be most important to know when these time
periods occur in your own life and simply AVOID trading through them? Then there is
another level to this. How many people “lose their ‘behinds’” then give up, thinking that
they are NOT good traders when what occurred was really trading through one of these
time periods that was meant for “relaxation and study” as Gann states.
So today I am heading home to be with the wife and children for the Holidays. I leave
here a little wiser than what I came, content in my progress and thankful for the wisdom
to use the time correctly. Thank you Gann, Thank You!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
Page 184 "The Bible prophets foretold it, and my studies of the cycle theory also indicate
that we are in a period where cycles will REPEAT which have caused war in the past."
This gives great insight into Gann. Not only does he again state "cycles" He talks of
them "repeating."
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 20, 2012
On page 191 Gann sneaks in Pythagoras who is very important in more ways than one.
Gann writes "Pythagoras said: there are in a woman’s eyes two sorts of tears..."
To the unsuspecting reader it looks like a love quote. I believe that what he is actually
saying here is go study some basic Pythagoras.
TM <C>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 24, 2012
Page 195 starts the "Cotton Campaign". But notice he calls it "GREAT cotton
campaign"....that word GREAT is in there because it is extremely important and in my
opinion the MOST important of all the "Tunnel trading!"
Recall how I told you if he uses something like Huge, Gigantic etc. that those are
"descriptive markers" within the book. Well here it is "GREAT"...he is trying to
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM <C>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 26, 2012
>so this "great cotton campaign" has connection with war period..
>Gigantic planet i guess...
One really needs to take the "Cotton" info and see what it connects to. Let Gann "lead
you". Tunnel is a book of connections. The fact that it is the "Great" Cotton Campaign is
Gann’s way of showing emphasis on the "Cotton Campaign" itself. When he uses words
such as "great", "Gigantic", "huge" he is emphasizing.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 24, 2012
Page 197 "On this day he made a new and great discovery of a time factor which he
figured..." Perhaps this is no coincidence that this occurs in June 1927! Perhaps a lot
ties into this month!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM <C>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 27, 2012
You are welcome, I will give you a little more on it because it is so important, it truly is:
Robert Gordon's brother calls him "Cottonhead". He doesn't call him "wheat ears" or
"IBM brains". Also, on page 91, generally a number considered divine and part of
another number, Mr. Kennelworth shows his FAITH in Robert by buying Cotton!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 24, 2012
Page 198 "When he started pyramiding his plan was to buy or sell the largest amount first
and then gradually decrease buying and selling smaller amounts on the way up or down,
and ALWAYS use a stop loss order."
Contrary to what many may think, the book Tunnel is designed to give one DEEP
INSIGHT into W.D. Gann’s techniques. This also, as evidenced by the above excerpt,
covers his exact "trading style".
TM <R>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 24, 2012
Page 198 "he had made a rule that after he had made a large amount of profits that he
would never risk more than 10 per cent of his profits on the first new deal, and if the deal
went wrong and he lost 10 percent of the capital he would decrease his trading so that the
next loss would only be 10 per cent of his remaining profits."
This is critical to understand. In all honesty, I think some of the best trading
methodology was posted by Peter from TAC in June/July 2012 where he talks about
"starting out small" and ramping up. I think if individuals understood why that that was
so important that they could be more profitable in a shorter amount of time. So many try
and start out by putting 20% or more of their TOTAL ACCOUNT into the trade only to
meet with failure. In short their "vibration" is NOT at the level where they can handle
those amounts. One of the best traders that ever lived maxed out at 10%! So it is about
CONSISTANCY instead of "making a killing on a single trade". If you can become
consistent at making 1 dollar profit out of every trade after commissions etc. YOU WILL
SUCCEED! Why? Because you are consistent. then this is slowly ramped up "vibration
increased" to 1.50 USD, 2.00 USD, 4 USD, 10 USD, 15 USD, 20 USD etc....profit per
trade. I call this the "Yellow Brick Road!" That is what is being shown on IBM at the
moment, we are going after CONSITANCY! Gann says above 10 percent MAX!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Dec 28, 2012
Page 199 shows a common type of "connection" within the book; a "flashback". Have a
look at what we have here: October 1927 was a beautiful month in NEW YORK. The
weather was warm and the SUN shone brightly everyday. It reminded Robert of the Fall
of 1926 when he had gone to Sherman Texas to visit Marie."
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Dec 28, 2012
Page 199 again "days weeks and months had drifted slowly by, but no word from Marie
Stanton. She seemed to be lost as though the Earth had swallowed her up." To someone
just starting out within the Gann field I would assume this would appear nebulous.
However, this sounds like it may be a reference to "heart of the Earth" from an Earlier
page and with the flashback about a paragraph above it on page 199, linking it to a cycle
gives the air of a connection.
This brings up an important point. The Bible will, at times be talking of one thing then
kind of talk about another, then go back to the original. This is also, as one may suspect,
incorporated into Tunnel. A "glaring" example of this is a lot of the poetry is done for
"spacing." or to distance key parts...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Dec 28, 2012
Page 200 at the bottom mentions Livermore. This is Jesse Livermore whom Gann’s
office was close to and at one time Gann pooled money to get Livermore back into the
markets. I recall Superoman has written posts on this within WITS, or someone....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Dec 28, 2012
Listen to what he sais here as again this provides deep insight into the Gann methodology
and where it came from: "Robert explained to Mr. Watson that he was not guessing and
gambling on hope but was following science and not trading on human judgment as HE
This again makes it clear that in order to truly get the Gann methodology working one
MUST have some sort of cycle!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Dec 30, 2012
Page 203 "They diversified too much. Did not specialize in one commodity or a few
special stocks, but spread all over the board. The result was they had too many irons in
the fire..."
I think, especially starting out that there is a lot to be said about concentration on a
particular stock or commodity...to stay focused on it and to "learn it"...this is what is
currently being done on IBM; focus.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Dec 30, 2012
Page 205 "I believe that he possessed some mathematical method which enabled him to
forecast stocks many months and years in advance."
Here he is keying us into "mathematical method" i.e. "numbers" method....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Dec 30, 2012
Page 205 "I believe that he possessed some mathematical method which enabled him to
forecast stocks many months and years in advance. I have gone over his manipulations
and the stocks he traded in, and found they conform closely to the law of harmonic
That is a very interesting bunch of words. "Law of Harmonic analysis" one could assume
that musical notes are involved in the "numbers methodology"....this provides deep
insight into the tools that are being used.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Dec 30, 2012
Page 205 "My boy, the great love you have for her (Marie) is now furnishing the hope
which will carry you to success." Marie’s disappearance and return actually has different
levels to it. One of the levels is a "love story" as Gann states in the forward. From my
perspective, Gann wrote this into it to show that there was something there to keep
Robert going, i.e. his "great love". Gann was of course aware that most would be reading
the book for the "market applications". For many, it is the hope of success that sustains
them, just as Robert’s hope to find Marie sustained him....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jan 8, 2013
More from Page 205 "...and found that they conform closely to the LAW OF
HARMONIC analysis." What did he mean here?
Here is an old video on it, that points the way down that road: [PANAMA.WMV]
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jan 8, 2013
The (tragic) story on page 206-207 is believed to refer to Judah Touro of New Orleans.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 14, 2013
Pages 209 to 211, Gann is giving some "philosophy" on what he believes is at the root of
some undoings...
TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 14, 2013
This area has confused many but there are actually 2 steps to solving pages 218-220 First
is locate the repeat of the cycle and next is to understand the cycle itself...now generally
this is vice versa but here Gann gives a clue to start it out. On page 220 he states
"...could repeat in 1928 are B, J, F and L." Ok, in this step look back through the
American presidents whose last name begins with a B, J, F, or L.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 14, 2013
Gann said that his various wheels "harmonized" in his Master Courses. What did he
mean? Well, let’s say that on the Sq of 9 you knew that an upcoming pivot was going to
stop on the 225 degree angle. Let’s say that the price of (X) was now at 415 and you
expected a high, let’s say Friday so you know that you will be going UP into that high.
If you look at the 225 degree angle on the Sq. of 9 you will see 273, 343, 421 and 507.
All of these prices are on the Angle of 225. Now take a look at the Hexagram chart.
Let’s say that we obtained the angle for it and it was to be on the angle of 120 degrees for
Fridays high. The prices of 290, 352, 420 and 494 are all on the 120 degree angle on the
So the price of X is, in this example, today at 415 and going up, note that the price of 420
appears in the Hex and the price of 421 appears in the Sq. of 9. That is where the top will
be! This can be confirmed with the wheel of 24, but that my friends, is a different story,
one best left for Robert Gordon ;)
The question I received on this is a good question; "How do you know what angle (like
225 degrees on the Sq of 9 above) that you will be stopping at." Well, like so much of
Gann’s work it is based on REPEAT! The Hexagram is a different form of something
than the square of 9 so you will get different angles (like we see above; 225 vs. 120
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 14, 2013
Ok, good work here, this is a mathematical cycle. Actually it will shock you at how easy
it is! Next thing we need to do is look and see if there was any connection with these
names. Are any of them in order?
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 1:37 PM, <seek4gold@...> wrote:
Happy New Year, WITS!
Looking at last names only... Here are the presidents I found, up through 1927 when
Gann wrote TTTA. Dates are when they held office. So if we want to check the data
Gann had available at that time, then it seems these are the men we would use.
Martin van Buren, 1837-41
James Buchanan, 1857-61
Thomas Jefferson, 1801-09
Andrew Jackson, 1829-37
Andrew Johnson, 1865-69
Millard Fillmore, 1850-53
Abraham Lincoln, 1861-65
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 14, 2013
Yes indeed, but he also says "there is a strong indication that the letter 'L" will repeat as it
did during the Civil War." The question would become, then, what is he trying to show
us with this line?
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jan 15, 2013
Keep in mind that Gann is trying to show us something here. A study of the years 1848
to 1869 shows the following presidents:
Fillmore 1850
Buchanan 1857
Lincoln 1861
Johnson 1864
Note that this satisfies our "B, J, F and L" This was done purposely. Now, let’s take the
date July 4, 1776 and see if we can hit this area numerically....
The 1928 Presidential Election
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 16, 2013
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 17, 2013
Hi Adam,
Indeed. Here is more. In the WITS edition of "Kabla of Numbers 1920"....(in Solaris
and free to you) on page 74 where it states "....been found to have a connection with the
sequence of events when derived from a radical epoch"....have a gander at that section....
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Adam Duval <adam.duval@...> wrote:
1861 = Civil War, 1776 = War of Independence. Time difference = 84-85 years. Time
for Uranus to orbit the sun = 84.3 years. Am I getting warmer?
Cheers, Adam
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jan 18, 2013
Hi Adam,
What he means by "Radical epoch" is "around the time of the natal". In this case let’s
use 1776 and I will be back with the answer next week :)
On Jan 18, 2013, at 3:24 AM, Adam Duval <adam.duval@...> wrote:
> Hi BA,
> Thanks for the tip.
> I have applied the formula from the Kabala of numbers to the dates:
> 1850 = 14
> 1857 = 21
> 1861 = 16
> 1864 = 19
> These are all years presidents took office. Lincoln was elected in 1860. So we apply the
formula to 1928 (also an election year) which is supposed to repeat like in the Civil War.
1928 = 20. Could this be the 20 year presidential cycle mentioned in Luther Jensen's
book? 1860 Lincoln was elected and died in office, similar happened in 1880 up till
President Kennedy in 1960. Reagan broke the pattern but there was an assassination
attempt in 1980.
> Cheers, Adam
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM..."The 1928 presidential election"
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Jan 20, 2013
Years Sum(digits)
1776 21
1797 24
1821 12
1833 15
1848 21
1869 24
1893 21
1914 15
1929 21
1950 15
1965 21
1986 24
1992 21
2013 6
2019 12
2031 6
2037 12
Now note that in the period 1848 to 1869 (21 years) that we find the first letter of the last
names of the presidents, corresponds to the 4 letters that Gann wrote. These 4 occurred
under a 21. The 21 REPEATED in 1929!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 30, 2013
Continuing on with the TM series. On page 213 of Tunnel it states "Blessed is he that
waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days"...then he
states "Robert believed that he understood the CYCLE..." Now let’s stop here. He is
pretty much directly telling us that this is a cycle. The quote says that the cycle length is
1335 days. This is a pretty clear area. I mean he stops short of saying "Dear Reader,
investigate the cycle I am pointing out here". I wish to add something here; there is an
"adjustment" (for the lack of a better word) that needs to be made here. Gann used "Bible
coding techniques" in Tunnel. There IS definitely a cycle here, but the length is not
exactly 1335 days!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 30, 2013
As you correctly correlate, some (not all) of these cycles have Time Factors, which
influences their length and there are reasons for this. However, in this type of Biblical
coding there is no Time Factor involved, just simple math, but not a time factor at this
stage in “the game”…Thanks for bringing this up though as I think it is a very important
point for most!
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Helio <heliosilvaf@...> wrote:
That reminded me of the book "Time factors" of George Bayer, when he talks about
biblical circle. If it is related to that, would the "adjusted length" be then 1305 (or maybe
1365 days)?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 31, 2013
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 30, 2013
Keep at it! please remember that the number is not 1335 though!
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Helio <heliosilvaf@...> wrote:
Ok, it comes from Daniel. Daniel was an astrologer, or the Master of Magicians as a
book by Paul Foster Case... Trying to link it to astrolonomy:
1335 days / 365.24 = 3.6551 years (!) (close to half of 7 years) or a fractal of one year
or 365 years
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 31, 2013
On pages 214 and 215 he is talking about astro and he states "He read all the books he
could get on Astrology and began to understand why things had happened as they did."
Indeed, one use of this can be put into practical terms with the IBM series. Since about
the 22nd I have had no idea what is going on with that stock. Kind of "lost it" in the
following, BUT I am emerging from that period and we will recap it. But if I look
around, I can understand WHY I went through that tough week. A close look at my chart
shows transiting Mars in opposition to natal Sun, ruler of the trading 5th. While
Transiting Uranus is Parallel my natal Mercury (Mind). Uranus is electricity and Mercury
is mind, LOL. Try doing this with your fingers stuck in a light socket. So it’s this type of
learning he is referring to here, things with practical application. Exactly like markets,
humans are in a state of vibration, the astro times the events as the resonance changes our
vibration temporarily through things such as transits etc... Am I an idiot? Well I mean if
you look at that last week in IBM I sure felt like one, BUT I knew, that it was going to be
a mess, because I understood the time period I was in...had I actually been trading IBM I
surely would not have, through that period. Why? Because I had no idea truly what was
going on and I had identified the why I was lost. I could have chosen to "buck my own
trend" but that is insane and often compounds the problem. Do you learn from it? Sure,
you would have learned not to do it, which is what I have already learned. You see?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Feb 4, 2013
Page 224 (Venus helio Rev. Period in Earth Days)..."The Plane had 4 wings and could fly
on either one of its 4 sides." This is very important passage. For one, Ezekiel (The
Cyclist), keeps talking about these "wings"....
"Could fly on either one of its 4 sides"...that to me is the Seasons....meaning that these
cycles work INDEPENDENT OF SEASON. In fact the cycles being demonstrated in
IBM are independent of Season. i.e. they fly on either one of their 4 sides.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Feb 4, 2013
More from page 224...."He had constructed a wheel within a wheel"....(cycle,) so that he
could lower his plane and land anywhere he chose and could rise straight up...."he could
drive his plane forwards or backwards." In the spreadsheet, with these cycles, you have
to work up and down as well as across...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Feb 5, 2013
Page 224 Cont. “There was an extra motor with a collapsible propeller so that he could
shift it from the center of the airplane to the tail.”
The keyword here is “collapsible”. I took that to mean: Sometimes you use it and
sometimes you do not....
TM...(an adjunct, important at that)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Feb 6, 2013
Hi All,
I was given the book "The aproaching End of the Age: Viewed in the Light of
History, Prophesy and Science" It contains what I believe to be a VERY important
chapter at helping those working on Tunnel. The Chapter is entitled "The Law of
Completion in Weeks." This chapter contains exact numbers that Gann uses in Tunnel,
that some may not be familiar with!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM...(an adjunct, important at that)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Feb 6, 2013
One of the premises of that chapter that may not stand out on initial reading is that a
number found in one time frame, let’s say "DAYS" can also be found in another such as
"YEARS". This is extremely important concept and very true. "Wheels within wheels"
Re: TM...(an adjunct, important at that)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Feb 6, 2013
oops, I meant that is the name of the section "The Law of Completion in Weeks" not the
chapter. It’s section 2 which in my copy runs from page 258 to page 387...I am now
ready Section 3 and it to contains VERY pertinent info!!!!
Will give you an example of this. On page 273 of my copy of the book it even talks
about the "week of weeks of years" being the Jubilee. The word Jubilee is found in
Tunnel! Much much more here, but wanted to give you one example...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 7, 2013
Page 224 "The wings were so arranged that they could either remain stationary or be set
in motion up or down". The question here, sensibly is what is set in motion that goes up
and down?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Feb 8, 2013
Page 226: In May 1928 Walter received a Radiogram from Robert saying that he was
leaving Japan in the LATTER PART OF THE MONTH, and was going to sail the St.
Marie BACK to New York. This is a classic Gann hiding the exact date, it’s a tip off that
this date is important but the next question WHY, is what needs to be carefully
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Feb 8, 2013
Page 225 "Roberts next invention was to build a silent motor"...(Silent) is a keyword of
what? "He offered it to the Unites States Government (cycle) ..."they refused it"....(Does
not work with the Government Cycle). Robert then sailed away in his new plane which
he had named "St. Marie" (Cycle) "He visited England, France and Germany, and in the
Spring of 1928 made the longest successful flight to Japan"...Japanese Gov quickly
closed the deal and bought his invention for a large sum of money." i.e. it works with the
St. Marie....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 226-227 He had made more than a million dollars following his discovery of how
to use the laws laid down in the Bible. This can throw many. In my opinion, what Gann is
doing is emphasizing where all of this comes from. I think Gann does want the individual
to make a serious study of the Bible but, I think he wants the individual to focus on
Tunnel first. Gann from the forward (Read Tunnel 3 times) You will want to understand
more about the Bible. THEN read the Bible 3 times. See he is saying to read Tunnel first.
A common question that I get is How deep do I need to study the Bible? My response is
GENERALLY to hold off on reading the Bible except the Book of Jonah (as far as Gann
is concerned)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 228 Making the trip from Japan at an average speed of over 300 miles per hour.
This is not the only time this is mentioned. Bonnie had a rule that stated If it is important
it is mentioned twice.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Pages 228 and 229: Robert and his mother flashback on pages 228 to 229. This is
probably NOT a coincidence happening on his 22nd birthday.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 229 we have the Tele-Talk being invented. This is not the only time it was invented
in the book!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 229 descriptive of the Tele-Talk “Made on the principle of the radio”; by raising
and lowering it at certain angles…” Hey wait a minute, didn’t Gann use Angles? “very
delicate machine with indicators like a compass, delicately balanced and operated by
electricity.” These are all describing something. I have found that it is important to make
a serious study of the descriptives that are used when something is being described!
> Hi Nick,
> I follow your thinking here. Declination goes along with Right Ascension whereas
> Latitude goes along with Longitude. 2 separate systems. "Made on the principle of
> the radio"....what principle is this???
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 231 “he had showed her another record on the machine like a phonograph record
which would record peoples thoughts…” This is a very odd sentence. Recording peoples
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 232 “Soon after Walter graduated, Robert called Miss Quinton into his secret office
one morning and told her he was going to form a new firm under the name of Gordon,
Kennelworth and Quinton.” The fact that it was his “secret office” lets us know
something is up. There is 3 of something here!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 14, 2013
Page 233 “Walter Kennelworth had completed a special course in chemistry at college
and was now prepared for work in the new firm”. Filler for the story? Hmmm. A
“special course”….not just any old course in chemistry! What is associated with
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 21, 2013
From a friend:
Note that by far June is mentioned the most. And that 2 great eclipses occurred in June.
So we can expect June to be very important in Tunnel Chronology...
A process....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Feb 27, 2013
Hi All,
Was asked if the Demon of Death in the book Tunnel had a length. This is a
very good question. The Demon of Death does not have a length like a COR but it
is related to something that does have length. The DOD can be viewed as more of
a process. In the book Gann gives an example of when it does work and when it
does not.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 28, 2013
Page 234 we are introduced to MAM (Marie the Angel of Mercy) for the first time.
“work had started on the new machine with all secrecy”….here is that word “secret”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Feb 28, 2013
Page 233 “Skyscrapers” is a keyword that connects to other parts of the book.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Mar 1, 2013
Page 236 “about an hour after dinner was over Robert fell in a faint”. This is not the only
time Robert health was a problem.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Mar 1, 2013
Page 235 “…Fall of 1928 rewarded them with a new and wonderful discovery. They had
been able to perfect a machine which would reflect light in such a way as to make an
airplane invisible, and this, together with Robert’s noiseless invention, solved the
problem.” A couple of things here but most importantly there is a connection between
“making an airplane invisible” and Robert’s noiseless invention!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Steel sector cycles
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Mar 28, 2013
Correct here yes, there is a Seasonal cycle at work here! Good analysis!!!
Jensen and the Fuel in the Economy....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Mar 27, 2013
According to Jensen rising sunspot activity correlates to increased business activity. The
following chart shows where we are and where we appear to be headed...
More on that...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Mar 27, 2013
If you notice, many of the long range forecasters have market tops forecasted in
the 2015 area. That would be the back-side of the sun spot cycle projections
just posted in..
The List
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Mar 26, 2013
Hi All,
There are a limited number of cycles in Tunnel. These cycles are all that is needed to
cover the vast majority of stocks/commodities. The question then becomes, when
approaching a stock or commodity, which cycle from Tunnel do you use? Like as an
example the MAM works for the S and P 500 but has little effect in IBM. Let’s say you
want to find what is the strongest and best fit cycle for Apple Computers, how do you go
about that?
Simply make up "blank sheets" of the cycles found in Tunnel and TEST them to see
which is the best fit when it comes to the COR's. This process is QUICK and requires
little work....
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The List
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Mar 27, 2013
> > I don't quite understand … blank sheets of the cycles, or what COR's are.
Hi Stan,
Cycle of Repetition (COR) is a term used in George Bayer’s Book “Handbook of Trend
Determination” which relates to a cycle of length X timed by planetary degrees. There
are at least 7 of these lengths in the Tunnel book. As an example Marie The Angel of
Mercy (MAM) has a specific length of X. So that would count as 1 of the 7. Gann gives
specific indication on which planets are involved. Even some of the Gann gurus have
finally figured out that in MAM; Marie is close to the word Mars :)
Hope this helps clarify.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The List
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 2, 2013
Hi Dan,
First beware of Bayer. If he absolutely tells you NOT to do something you should!
And if he tells you you absolutely SHOULD do something, beware! You can find the
CORs without the use of planetary lines.
By "blank sheets" I mean when you get the length of the cycles out of Tunnel. Let’s say
we have a lenth of 5000 days (example only) and we have the planets Pluto/Mars. You
would set that up, running the equivalent Pluto/Mars at 5000 days, down your columns
on spreadheet leaving out the High and Low prices. This is known as a "blamk sheet" as
all you have do to is add in say "coffee prices, or OJ prices" whatever, to test to see if that
financial instrument responds to the planetary vibrations on that "blank sheet".
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The List
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 2, 2013
Apologies here, I should have clarified. "blank sheets" refers to spreadsheets with
lengths and planets but no High-Low price....in "Gann Slang" we call em "blank sheets".
Inserting the prices of a particular stock/commodity into a "blank sheet" will make things
fast as the sheet is already made up and can be checked...
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The List
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Apr 3, 2013
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Kitty Anderson p. 22
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 4, 2013
Hi Dan,
Good thinking here! Really good. There are free sites on the Internet that do the
In fact on this camping trip we kind of went exploring. The wood was wet, there was a
frigid wind and the fish weren't biting. These factors continued to play until about 6pm
as the number started to change to 21. By about 8 my son had caught many fish, the
wind stopped and the fire perked up....right on time. You see 21 promises success but
only after long initiation...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Apr 5, 2013
There are ALWAYS 2 signs of inflation on the horizon. These 2 factors give advance
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Beginner's corner: the second time you read TTTA...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Apr 8, 2013
"""So in TTTA, listening to it may give you the “lay of the land”, but in the end, you’ll
have to bring up astro charts (and price charts if market is involved) for every date he
mentions in TTTA (I think, I’m not an expert in TTTA).
Correct yes. I have long thought an audio version would be VERY beneficial because it
will work so that individuals connect certain events....like RG going to Paris twice. But
in the end, the person will have to "roll up their sleeves" and dig in!!!
Lion, Ox etc...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 11, 2013
I was asked about these creatures that appear in Tunnel and also the Bible, in a private e-
mail but wanted to copy and paste my response here in order to better your
BA: The way the zodiac works these "fixed stars" back in the day, were the 4 Cardinal
points with the "Aries point" which is now in (Pisces) heading into Aquarius....back in the
day this point was in Taurus which is when they were "worshipping the Bull". This is
significant in understanding what they are trying to tell you...
More Stan...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Mar 27, 2013
The following came in privately a few emails beyond your post. But I thought it
important to see what certain members are doing:
Now the above is not my work BUT I think this type of thinking is important in
determining which planets are involved. Remember that Gann DOES give clues as to
which planets are involved!
Some Interesting research....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 16, 2013
This came in today and I wanted to "copy and paste" it so that others could see what was
being done:
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Riddle
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 16, 2013
Hello Isaac,
A lot could really be said here. I am not a Bible expert but do know some based on
tunnel. (Because the coding is similar)....you are correct in this post in many places!
You see, in the Bible (as in Tunnel) "elements" are scattered about, meaning a part of
something here and a part of something there. To anyone who has ever seen a Masonic
Concordance what is being done there is that they list different places where elements are
in the Bible.
This example is taken directly out of a Masonic Bible:
Revelation 10:6 <<<<Next to this is: Neh 9:6 and Dan 12:7
So given that there is a few things in Tunnel that need to be "constructed".....if you take a
look at the Tunnel Research that was just shared you can see why a "Tunnel
Concordance" would be helpful :)
Cycle Basics
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 18, 2013
I was asked alot also about the different types of cycles. There are different ones and
each has its advantages and disadvantages. One just kind of "moves up the ladder" over
time. The Cycles of Repetition (COR's) is what we are currently using on IBM. They
have a couple of advantages. One is that they REINFORCE each other which makes the
forecast stronger and more accurate. Number 2 there is a distinct price system (not yet
covered in IBM series) that correlates accurately and consistently with these cycles.)
EACH PIVOT in the forecast has an exact mathematical point, determine-able in advance
that price is heading to. EACH PIVOT!!!!! For now IBM is currently showing and
working with TIME component....
was asked...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 23, 2013
On Inversions, they have to occur in certain "areas"...They never occur outside of these
areas. When cycle hunting many times people will find these cycles that aren’t really
cycles. That is ok and I started out doing the same. But in a real COR the inversions will
occur in certain areas, that is one of the ways you can tell you have a dominant cycle or
Another question I get asked a lot is if a COR will pivot awhile and disappear or "rotate"
or something. In all of my work I have never seen this in a true COR from Tunnel. It
doesn’t "miss some pivots" and then start back up working again. What you have there is
generally coincidence and not a cycle BUT, sometimes even working with a known and
true COR from Tunnel you can get in an area where the cycle is hard to see in a few
pivots, but it will be there! That gets easier with experience....
Re: [wheelsinthesky] LOV book
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Apr 24, 2013
Hi Rome,
Thank you for this review! I would like to single out something here;
""""" I quote Gann repeatedly talking about the vibration of letters and numbers
as a part of the Law of Vibration. This makes me believe there is more to the
Law of Vibration than just the Law of Seven. So I would say that the Law of
Vibration INCLUDES the Law of Seven. Nevertheless connecting octaves, which are
produced under the Law of Seven, with the Law of Vibration is positive."""""
You have nailed it here, Septiminal Law (Law of 7) is only a part! There are other
On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:11 PM, "super_romeman" <gannstudygroup@...> wrote:
Re:LOV book (PROOF)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Apr 24, 2013
I am sitting here readying the next posts in the TM series when it hit me I should offer
proof of what I posted about 7 being only a part. For those wishing to verify on their own
I highly recommend pages 370-374 of Tunnel Thru the Air. Feel free to combine that
with Yahoo WITS post number 64580. BA
TM (Tunnel Musings cont.)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 25, 2013
Page 239: "The new ship Marie the Angel of Mercy, was now about perfected, but
Robert intended that this should never be made known to the public until he had it in
perfect working order and it was a success beyond doubt." Probably a good idea to look
for a date for this mentioning of MAM.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 25, 2013
Page 240: "Feb 2 1929"....Robert begins his trip to Paris....or at least THIS trip to Paris!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Apr 25, 2013
Page 241 "Latter part of February" (1929) acquires the mysterious note supposedly from
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Apr 26, 2013
Page 244; Robert fell to the floor. (Poor health) this, although easily overlooked as filler
has the possibility of being important because Robert had been in poor health at various
points in his life, PRIOR to this.....i.e. this is a repetition of poor health and we are
definitely interested in anything that is a repetition.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Apr 26, 2013
Page 244: mentions "Dr. Descartes". Covertly the name "Renan" is used on page 241.
This is CLASSIC Gann. We are supposed to deduce from this the name "Rene
Descartes" who is also mentioned by Luther Jensen in his book "Astro-Cycles and
Speculative Markets." Gann wants us to WORK for the answers. About 2 weeks ago a
guy made a post about he just wanted an "easy system" in trading to make money. Folks
life is about GROWTH, it’s about improvement. An easy way to make money? What is
really the benefit in that. Well for me personally it’s always been about the bigger
picture....KNOWLEDGE. The pursuit of money, well heck everyone is doing that. For
me the FUN is in the KNOWLEDGE, the joy the exuberance of life, for me is in
KNOWLEDGE. It has never been in a "mindless trading system to acquire dollars." I
think that shows a persons character. So if Gann wants us to work for something there
MUST be a reason why!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Apr 26, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Apr 26, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Apr 29, 2013
Page 248 Listen to this: “While it is a very peculiar case, the events were not accidents at
all but the result of NATURAL LAW. “ He is referring to Marie’s disappearance! This
immediately tells us that Marie’s disappears is somehow tied in with Natural law! The
astrologer who said this then goes on to talk about the planets. IMHO though, there is
something else at work. He continues “The young lady still lives and I believe will come
into your life 3 or 4 years later.”….
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 30, 2013
Page 250 begins the Silver Spring Legend. Originally I thought this was “filler” for the
“romance novel”…I now believe differently.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Apr 30, 2013
Page 257 “Sunday morning about 10 oclock”. We need a date here! As will be pointed
out, by Gordon/Gann this is important. I will help the beginner out here. Recall I said
Gann wants us to work for it! Page 246 has a date of Mar 5 (1929) and page 267 has a
date of Mar 27 (1929) so that leaves 3 Sundays as a possibility. Mar 6, Mar 13 and Mar
20. Gann does not define it directly any further but leaves us a 1 word clue on page 257
as to which of the dates it is. I will leave that for you to find.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: super_romeman
Tue Apr 30, 2013
The Florida stories, inserted into the narrative by Gann on pp. 250-256 and 262-263,
were indeed, as he says, not from his own pen, BUT, as is sometimes the case with other
things, with the poems and the Scriptures that he quotes, he made changes to them. He
makes them say things that they didn't say in the original (the most blatant example of his
doing that with the Bible is on p. 83 of Tunnel). I have found scans of the original stories
as they were published in books of Gann's day and they are posted in The Tunnel Thru
the Air briefcase in the Files section of the Gannstudygroup, in a pdf entitled The Florida
best, romeman
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 1, 2013
Page 258: RG flashes back!!! It states “…it brought him back to Sunday morning June
5 1927.” Casual Readers may want to ponder what is occurring here....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 2, 2013
Page 260: The mysterious letter, suppose ably from Marie is gone! For those who
understand numbers....perhaps this is not a coincidence!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 2, 2013
Page 262-263 Believed to be Gann’s method of explaining his belief that at death the
spirit is released (Note what Gann states in Foreward).
TM (subject changes)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 2, 2013
Page 264 “It was a delusion and a power of the subconscious mind. This power is known
and understood by the adepts of India.” Gann on the subconscious, but, as we shall see,
this is also Gann’s way of "putting distance" between certain things. i.e. mentioning
something, changing the subject a bit (which we have seen going on in the last couple
TM) then next comes.....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon May 6, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon May 6, 2013
Page 265 (Again probably not a coincidence) “His own mind told him that he was at last
on the right track. He thought of the laws laid down in the Bible; remembered that Jesus
said when they asked him for a sign that the Son of Man would remain 3 days and 3
nights in the heart of the Earth, then rise and ASCEND to heaven”. Notice I used capitals
on the word ASCEND. “Robert knew the meaning of this”. Ya I think he did, it’s also
on page 69 for the most part, so it is repeated and Bonnie’s rule bears out; “If it’s
important it will be repeated”.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue May 7, 2013
Page 269 “It was there (Silver Springs) I received INFORMATION that made me very
happy because it made me sure that MARIE is alive and will RETURN to me! This
clearly is putting emphasis on Silver Springs! Perhaps this is why I emphasized page
257! But stop here. Take a deep breath in and look at the Macro my friends! Here we
are, away from the event, in a part of the book that appears to be “filler” and we are told
that Silver Springs is important. Note how this is done! Note the technique. Note the
process. Note the GENIUS of the man!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue May 7, 2013
Page 269 “Latter part of April 1929” Robert returns to New York. Note: This is not the
only time Mr. Gordon goes to New York! April 21st anybody?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 8, 2013
Page 271 “It would put people to sleep and they would remain asleep for 7 days.” It’s
important to read the whole page imho…but then goes on to say “…it must be kept a
secret until time of war when with the new ship ‘Marie The Angel of Mercy’ traveling at
1000 miles an hour, they could go from one city to another, one battlefield to another,
release the gas and put everyone to sleep for 7 days.” Now one can study the “Sleeping
Gas” on this page but note here how it gets connected directly to MAM!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Geo solution
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 8, 2013
Ah ok, I get what you are asking. In your example lets say the "point" where the cycle is
expected to pivot is exactly at 401 degrees.
399 400 401 402 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 398 399 400 401 402 etc.....
As you can see from the above the exact degree (example only) gets hit 3 times. We
would look for turns within orb of each of those times! Thats Geo :)
Now for Helio remember "they turned not when they went, each one moving straight
forward" is a definite indication that Helio is also in Tunnel.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 8, 2013
Page 271 “In the meantime, with the “demon of death” they could destroy the enemies
bases and fortifications; would be able to make their own peace terms with the
enemy”….now this begs the question, where in the book did he do this; make his own
peace terms?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 9, 2013
Page 271 “It was now time to declare a Holiday and have a real Jubilee celebration.”…
this is not the only time in the book “Jubilee” is mentioned. Probably a good idea to try
and find the date here.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 9, 2013
Page 272 “The Bible says that one cannot do much alone, that there is a need of 2
together, and a threefold cord is not easily broken.” Now how would something like this
equate to page 224?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri May 10, 2013
Page 274 Robert, at the wedding ceremony, pours the water “back to EARTH.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri May 10, 2013
Page 273 “Robert then presented a beautiful brooch made with the Seal of Solomon,
constructed with a double triangle and set with 3 beautiful diamonds. In the center of the
seal was a heart and in the center of the heart was a diamond”
High/Low or close?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri May 10, 2013
Was asked about this and felt it important to point out here. With these cycles, you use
the actual High and Lows NOT the close. Why?
The points that are forecasted contain specific price points that get hit. These price points
"attract" price, get hit, then "repel" price....i.e. Gann: Mathematical points of force.
This occurs at the Highs and Lows on the chart, NOT the close prices....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 275 “it is my prayer that the day may come when you have another brooch made
with two hearts entwined, set with a single solitaire, emblematic of your faith and pure
love for Marie.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 275 “Roberts mind always drifted back to the beautiful places where he thought
people in love (LOV) would find harmony and commune with Nature. Nature is also
used on page 251 and one would have to look for a tie in from pages 273-275 into page
251 area….
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 277 Japan declared war April 1930….see attached….
Attachment: STARTOFWAR.jpg
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 278 “The United States officers had found that the Japanese planes could rise more
than twice the altitude of the United states planes.” This is a very important line!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 279 “Japan was quick to follow up her victory gained on the water by attacking Los
Angeles, from the air in the middle of May (1930).” See attached….
Attachment: LOSANGELESPAGE279.jpg
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 280 “ They found that the Japanese planes were dropping bombs from a height of
60 to 80 feet and the Unites States planes were unable to rise high enough to attack
them”. This is Gann working overtime to zero you in on something…
[One would have to know about astrolonomy to know what he is specifically pointing
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 276 “Fall of 1929”…. “War clouds began to appear” , top of 1929 market was early
September 1929, and we will soon see the importance of this.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 22, 2013
Page 281 “He was flying very low as he crossed the LINE below San Diego.” This is not
the only time he mentions a line, and we have Gann’s charts in Solaris that show these
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM (Kosy)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon May 27, 2013
Hi Kosy,
Apologies on the delay in responding. I know you have been a member here for awhile
and we appreciate it!
On this very good question, Gann has certain timing elements he wants to show at
"Certain points". Keep in mind the book was written in 1927. The War is the Dow (for
our purposes). So he sais "the war clouds began to gather in the fall of 1929", which is
when it began its descent.
But the "elements" he is showing, like say the whole Los Angeles battle is timed with
the Dow, yes BUT and this gets to the heart of your question; it is also something else as
he moves across the United States!!!!!!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue May 28, 2013
Page 282 “Going direct toward San Diego” This is a direct reference to planetary
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue May 28, 2013
Page 283 “The United States was hopelessly outnumbered by the Spanish and Japanese
air forces. England was threatening to join forces with Japan and Spain”. Look how he
has that arranged….
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue May 28, 2013
Page 285 Aug 1 1930, enemy planes crossed the RIO and dropped bombs. Look at
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed May 29, 2013
Page 290 September 1930 Attack on San Francisco. Look at the DOW to get the exact
date. Gann wants you to J
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 30, 2013
Page 285 ties MAM to the Rio Grande Raid. Did MAM pivot there? We know its
dominant in the Dow.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu May 30, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jun 3, 2013
Page 286-287 TJ-1 over El Paso August 3 1930, pay attention to the descriptives he uses.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jun 21, 2013
Page 290 on the Pocket Radio "...approaching from the NORTH and the other
approaching from the SOUTH". This directly keys us into what the Pocket Radio is....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jun 25, 2013
Page 291 “he saw another mother ship anchored”. This anchoring is important! Have a
think on it!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jun 25, 2013
Page 291 Kennelworth shot down in plane; crashed. (Plane is from the TJ-1)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jun 26, 2013
Page 292 Listen to what he says here “sailed over them where they were flying by the
hundreds in wedge formation, each division being followed by a giant supply ship which
could anchor high in the air and supply more bombs when the bombing planes exhausted
their supply and returned for more.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jun 26, 2013
Page 292; “signaled him to follow them, ONE plane leading and TWO others falling in
beside them.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jun 27, 2013
Page 292 “As soon as they had landed with him, his mind went back to the days of his
youth, when he has built his first bicycle on the water.” Flashbacks are ALWAYS
important in this book!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jun 28, 2013
Page 293: “...not only being outnumbered by the enemy planes but being unable to
follow the enemy planes high enough to destroy them.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jun 27, 2013
Page 293: “He thought of how his mother told him about his oldest brother losing his life
in the San Francisco earthquake.” Apr 18 1906 or 8911 DAYS.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 1, 2013
Page 294: the capture of captain Gordon and the loss of both of the Japanese planes
which had been captured at the destruction of the TJ-1 was a disheartening blow. This
ties in with TJ-1.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 1, 2013
Page 294: work done by Captain Gordon and Kennelworth with the HIGH ALTITUDE
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 2, 2013
Page 295 As soon as the Japs had captured Captain Gordon they knew who he was. He
was the man who had sold them the great silent muffler. the only invention he had of
value was the secret radio. This connects the Japanese in with the Pocket Radio, aka the
secret radio.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 2, 2013
Page 297 Demon of Death---the great light ray destroyer which they could use. This is a
descriptive on the Demon of Death.
[65312: BA: Think of the Suns rays getting destroyed by a round orbital object...]
[65326: “a Lunar Eclipse?” BA: This is a good start but Gann is not really into eclipses,
as far as my understanding if it all. In tunnel he uses the "2 great eclipses" as markers.]
[65331: What makes you believe that Gann wasn't really into eclipses? His astrologer
friend, Sepharial, thought they were important, so why would he take a different view?]
[65332: BA: Yes absolutely there is Mundane applications as Sepharial has pointed out.
The focus at this point though, is in regards to markets....specifically market timing. The
"elements" that make up eclipses ARE very important to markets, once one looks beyond
the Mundane applications....]
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 3, 2013
Page 297 he did not blame Robert for selling his invention to Japan in peace time, nor
did he condemn him for turning over his secret Pocket Radio. This connects the 2. One
would want to come up with dates and analyze what he is getting at here.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 3, 2013
Page 298 an invention partly completed which when placed a certain distance would
prevent any communication by his secret pocket radio.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jul 5, 2013
Page 298 he feared a repetition of the terrible disaster at San Francisco. Wait, didn’t a
few pages back he mention San Francisco?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Jul 7, 2013
Page 300 received good news by secret radio of the capture of the Tokyo J-1. She
calculated that as soon as it was generally known it would restore confidence and stocks
would have a great rally. Look at the Dow on Aug 11, 1930 as it started up!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 8, 2013
Page 300 She said Mr. Gordon, do you know the market is following the forecast which
you mapped out in 1927. The significance of this statement is ALL important. This book
was written in 1927. The book is the MAP that he mapped out in 1927! See: received
good news by secret radio of the capture of the Tokyo J-1. She calculated that as soon as
it was generally known it would restore confidence and stocks would have a great rally.
Look at the Dow on Aug 11, 1930 as it started up!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 8, 2013
Yes and good question. Mr Gann had a problem with inversions. He'd miss one or 2 a
year. There s a reason for this...as you may be aware we are getting to the point in the
IBM series where we are learning the importance of the inversions. We are not yet at the
point of applying the solution. BUT even with the solution you will miss up to 2 a year,
the reason is they there is a "Wild card" in the inversion solution. For those that
subscribed to Ganns services they would get notifications...
Here in Tunnel he is predicting market activity 3 years in advance, we have to allow him
a small margin of error...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 9, 2013
Page 300 Edna asked Robert if there was any hope of the war ending soon, his reply. No,
it will get worse in 1931 when many other nations will join against us. HE was of course
right, the DOW tanked in 1931!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 9, 2013
Page 300 The end will not come until the summer or fall of 1932. again Gann was right
on! The low was July 9 1932! (SUMMER)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 10, 2013
Page 301 Robert brought the new invention which he called the radio annulifier. This
was partially completed on page 298
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 10, 2013
Page 301; They found that it would work a distance of several hundred miles. descriptive
on the Radio Annulifier.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 11, 2013
Page 301 Robert had invented a new machine to record either sound or communications
by light waves.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 11, 2013
Page 302 Robert shifts gears: Robert Gordon was made Colonel in the early part of 1930.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jul 12, 2013
Page 303 and in December 1930, after a short engagement, captured Seattle and
Portland. Try December 2, 1930, look at the DOW!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jul 12, 2013
Page 303 The fact that the enemy had made no attempt to set a fixed ransom on any of
the cities captured showed that they were looking for something bigger before trying to
enforce their demands on the United States. Again he’s hinting at a change of gears here.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 15, 2013
Page 304 sudden attack occurred in March. Look at the Dow March 20, 1931!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 15, 2013
Page 304 but soon realized that somewhere out in the Atlantic Ocean or in the Gulf of
Mexico, there was a secret base of supplies. It’s in the Gulf of Mexico!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 16, 2013
Page 304 The enemies planes were so superior, their poisonous gas and bombs so
effective, that New Orleans fell within 3 days.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 16, 2013
Page 304, because New Orleans fell within 3 days there was a panic in Wall Street and
stocks crashed rapidly. AGAIN, this book was authored in 1927 and Gann was Spot on,
look what happened to the Dow after March 20, 1931
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 17, 2013
Page 305 people were badly frightened; were leaving their homes and property and
going in every direction. translated: Dow is going to rocket down!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 17, 2013
Page 308 May 1931 England, Germany, Italy and Austria joined forces against the
United States. Translated: Doom and Gloom, stocks are going to free fall in May 1931!
Look at the Dow, what happened?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 18, 2013
Page 308-309 had built fast hydroplanes which could travel on the water at more than
150 miles an hour. Seems insignificant but we will soon see this number reappear
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 18, 2013
Page 310 Finally when Cairo Illinois was reached the US has perfected a new invention
for dropping chemicals from airplanes into the water and discharging and then using an
electric current to discharge the chemicals hundreds of miles away.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 22, 2013
Page 310 “When the enemy had advanced and the airplane attack was on at Cairo the
inhabitants had been moved to Louisville and Cincinnati”. Now I must admit originally I
overlooked this. I later went back and understood he was making a connection between
these 3 cities…
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 22, 2013
Page 310 The plan was to let the enemy hydroplanes and battleships move up the river
and destroy them with a powerful electric charge in the water.
Posted By:
Tue Jul 23, 2013
Page 310-311 a new plane completed by the Major Electric Company. This plane was
equipped with an electric machine which could take electric current from the air, charge
into the water and destroy battleships for miles in every direction.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 23, 2013
Page 310-311 a new plane completed by the Major Electric Company. This plane was
equipped with an electric machine which could take electric current from the air, charge
into the water and destroy battleships for miles in every direction.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 24, 2013
Page 311. Very important to determine the date here. Page 308 we have “latter part of
the month” (MAY 1931). Page 311 “end of June” (JUNE 1931). June 2nd anyone?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 25, 2013
Page 311 Look at the Dow in June 1931! Why was it going up? Because on page 311 it
states “while Cairo had been almost completely destroyed, this was the first real victory
for the United States since Colonel Gordon destroyed the TJ-1.” The Cairo battle was
won and the Dow headed up!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 25, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jul 25, 2013
Page 313 “July 4, 1931, the people all over the US were celebrating the victory at Cairo
where the English and German battleships and hydroplanes had been destroyed.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jul 26, 2013
Page 313 “to attack St. Louis and continue the advance up the Mississippi , that he enemy
was making for Chicago and the Great Lakes, to form a LINE ACROSS THE US”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jul 26, 2013
Page 314 “he called attention to the fact that this was the 155th anniversary of the”
.anybody recall that number from page 309?
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Jul 28, 2013
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jul 29, 2013
Page 315 “In the early part of August 1931, the attack upon St. Louis started.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 30, 2013
Page 315 “the US factories where turning out airplanes now at a rate of more than 1000
per day.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jul 30, 2013
Page 315 “they succeeded in bringing down over 500 of the enemies planes and the US in
the encounter only lost 200 planes.”...NOT filler for the book!
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 31, 2013
Page 316 “the enemy had concentrated more than 30000 planes for the attack.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jul 31, 2013
Page 316 “Their large supply ships, anchored at high altitudes enabled them to get in
their effective work.”
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 1, 2013
Try looking at that number [30,000 p. 316] and connect it to other numbers
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 1, 2013
Page 316 “After the battle had raged for 14 days, with the US losing thousands of planes,
the cause seemed to be hopeless and St. Louis was surrendered.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 1, 2013
Page 317 “Close up the lines between Chicago and St. Louis, and complete the enemies
lines across the US”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Aug 2, 2013
Page 317 “The government rushed reinforcements and the new long range gun on our
large cruising airships was able to do effective work in protecting Chicago.”
Was asked this today
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Aug 13, 2013
Hi BA,
There are only 2 times where Gann writes " BOOK" with all capital letters ,in the
foreword and on page 83 talking about the Bible..I am thinking Gann had some particular
reason for this and it was not random. ?"
My response:
Yes he wants you to know that he is showing you how to decode the Bible in his book
Tunnel! That is why both places that "BOOK" is capitalized Bible is also mentioned. So
you start out your journey wanting to make money from financial markets and that
DRIVES you. Then you get into the book Tunnel and after awhile you start
understanding the coding...then you can take that coding and go over to the Bible and
understand more...then you realize, at some point, that knowledge is more important than
money, while you are enjoying profits hopefully...
The IBM series...inversions
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 22, 2013
When you run a couple cycles together there are essentially 2 types of inversions and I
will explain them here. The first type of inversion is when one of the cycles inverts all by
itself and the other does not. The second that one has to watch out for is when both
cycles invert at the same time. Up until this point, in the IBM series, this was NOT
pointed out or worked with at all. Let’s look at a few examples here that I am making up
to demonstrate the reality of it:
Cycle A Cycle B
6 7
10 10
16 15
28 29
Now on the above, this is an example of one cycle that will invert around the 21st (cycle
B) in order to keep in sequence with cycle A. This is easy to see when running 2 cycles
Below is an example of what you see when both cycles invert at the same time:
Cycle A Cycle B
6 7
10 10
16 15
28 29
Everything APPEARS to be ok, but in reality BOTH cycles will invert on the 21st, even
though they look “noiseless” here.
In these examples the key is to focus in on the high vibration cycle (the one with the most
pivots in the month)…averaging about 5. Ok so where does one go for answers then?
We go back to the book “Tunnel”.
If you have a look on page 235 it states “…perfected a machine which would reflect light
in such a way as to make an airplane invisible and this, TOGETHER with Robert’s
noiseless invention, solved the problem.”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 22, 2013
Think of the book Tunnel as a book of connections, that you have to connect, similar to
Lego’s. Let’s look at page 235. “Perfected a machine that would reflect light…” Now
what many do is they sit back and try and think what that means. BUT a much more
fruitful way is to train yourself to start looking for connections. How or where does this
connect in with something else in the book? THAT is your goal, that is key, that is a huge
thing that will help you succeed. Think on how to connect it! Draw “maps” of Tunnel,
on big whiteboards showing what you have connected. Here, both this “Perfected a
machine that would reflect light…” and the Demon of Death from page 233, were
completed in the Fall of 1928! Note that on page 233 “Miss Quinton” was very much
interested in the DOD. Then again in the Fall of 1928 on page 235 “Walter and Edna
were happy in their work and the fall of 1928 rewarded them with a new and wonderful
discovery”. So there is 2 connections here, BOTH fall of 1928 and also Having Edna
(Miss Quinton) around with both!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Electricty?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Aug 23, 2013
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: The Return of Aso-Neith Cochran
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Aug 23, 2013
Well put Rome! For those that do not think music is in the Tunnel book study the
broaches.... BA
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Aug 26, 2013
He watched them until they got within about 20 miles of New York City, near Yonkers,
then he slowly swung the "Demon of Death" around on the revolving base and turned on
the rays, at the same time starting the sleeping gas machine working. He swept the
territory for 50 or 60 miles in every direction, and as the rays from the "Demon of Death"
struck the enemy planes, their motors leaped into a liquid flame. Supreme Commander
Gordon saw that the "Demon of Death" was doing its work so he pressed a button and
Colonel Edna Kennelworth appeared. He told her to put on powerful glasses and to look
at the planes going down. One by one she saw the motors dissolved by the flame from the
rays of the "Demon of Death" and the planes falling, one by one, to the ground.
A few minutes after the Northern army was wiped out, the signal came that a great fleet
of airplanes was making its way across Long Island Sound. Supreme Commander
Gordon swung the "Demon of Death" around and watched the approach of the enemy
planes as they came out from the Atlantic Ocean and crossed Fire Island. He let them get
within 30 to 40 miles as they came up across the Great South Bay, then he again turned
loose the "Demon of Death." Swiftly the planes went down in flames, ending the attack
from the ocean.
He watched a little while longer and saw across Staten Island another flock of planes
which he knew was coming from Southern headquarters. He called Colonel Edna
Kennelworth and said: "This time you may operate 'Spitfire' and destroy the
Southern wing." She was a little nervous at first but knowing what this great
machine could do, she turned it on, slowly lowered and raised it, moving to the right
and left, until she gauged the distance of the approaching planes. One by one she saw
their motors turn to liquid fire and sink to the earth. Turning to Supreme Commander
Gordon she said, "Look." He focused his powerful glasses toward the South and saw that
the air was clear.
Square of 144 < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Aug 29, 2013
Lorin had posted correctly a number of years ago that the Square of 144 is awefully close
to Merc/Venus of 143 ish, but why is the number not exact? Why is it not the square of
143? Harmonics and Mathematics play into it. Like if we take a circle and divide it by
5 we get 72. 72 X 2= 144, which is 2/5ths of a circle or put another way 360-144 = 216
(5 X 72) so the 144 is 2/3rds of a circle. See Ganns Master Courses where he goes on
and on about “natural divisions”. A LOT of numbers can “go into” 144 and not so much
with the 143. Like with 144 you can get 8 X 18 etc. ect.
Re; Square of 144
[65861] Put another way there are 2 things. There is the “exactness” which in this case
would be 143 and then there is the “mathematics” which is 144. This law can be found
throughout the Gann world and in nature. It also explains WHY we are entering the Age
of Aquarius when mathematically we are not yet due to do so. This shows up in price
analysis as “lost motion”.
IBM and Inversions (Sep 2013)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Sep 1, 2013
Hi All,
The cycles suggest a very high probability on the former date, not so much on the latter.
(No subject)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Sep 3, 2013
When it was over with, Edna realized that she had not been a human being during this
ordeal, that she had worked just like the machine, forgotten everything but the
responsibility for the protection of her country.
Gann is trying to tell us to look at Edna, see what she did and what was happening at the
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Sep 6, 2013
Hi All,
There is more than 1 price system that Gann was using. What you do is take a look at
those “Cotton trades” in Tunnel. There is something there that Gann wants you to find…
other than showing you how he trades. That will get you on the road to “Angle of
Repeat”. Then once you have that you will notice that certain other things are occurring
as well…i.e. even though what you have works for price, there are other things going on
as well.
Gann isn’t done with you, in a very unique set up (in Tunnel) he explains these other
things….then from that you realize that there is indeed another price system as well.
The first price system mentioned here is not 100% but more like 80-85%, even if you
are not using the other squares to “harmonize”, which is why these “other things going
on” are important and for you in the beginning will be confirmation factors to aide you in
boosting that 80-85% Northward.
There are a couple of issues with price. There is “price orb” and there is weekends etc.
Sometime due to weekends/Holidays price does not get a chance to fully make it to the
point, and then the cycle TIME turns over the weekend and price reverses never making
it fully. That’s life and does not affect (too much) the trader as you simply sell out Friday
before close etc.
The other is price orb and this is soooo important even in your Tunnel studies. It’s not
hardly ever exact, this is Gann’s “lost motion” that he talks about so keep that in mind in
your studies, where you will get close to an angle but maybe not exact, like as an
example 90 degrees could come in at 82 and that is the norm, that is acceptable for sure!
A lil somethin somthin
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Sep 11, 2013
Was asked about clarification on price I had posted. When I say that it’s 80-85%
WHEN YOU START OUT, it’s because additional factors need to be brought in to head
that North. But when you start out, the first thing you find that is CONSISTANT will get
you about 80-85% accurate. The IBM series will be starting out at that when it heads
down the price road. Then we will bring in other “price elements” like the “harmonizing
of the wheels” and squaring price with time.
Another question I was asked is about the orb issue. I gave an example that if we were
expecting the 90 degree and it may stop on the 82 degrees. That can often be the case
when using one wheel. Gann referred to this as “lost motion”. BUT let’s translate the
degrees into price and see what would actually occur:
Let’s say we were in the 180 area (heading down) and we were coming up on the 90
degree angle. 90 X .06666 = 6 + 168 = 174 price. So the forecast would be for a price of
174, but let’s say it actually came in at the 82 degree angle. 82 X .06666 = 5.46 + 168 =
Forecast: 174
Actual low: 173.46
Now since price was coming down to a low Gann would have covered his shorts at 174.
WHY? Because this is the 90 degree angle! The rest is a lil lost motion! We will be
seeing examples of this coming up!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] A lil somethin somthin
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Sep 12, 2013
Hi Daniel,
Great question. It will usually go to and exceed price a bit, but there are exceptions.
Sometimes it gets "cut off" by a weekend. Like say if your turn actually occurs on
Sunday and you were expecting a price of 173.50. Friday closed at 172.50. Meaning it
was a dollar short of reaching its target.
That's not lost motion, that's weekend interference and the trader simply makes his or her
adjustment on Friday before close.
The Silent IBM?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Sep 13, 2013
Hi All,
Just a note here, that I have been busy preparing the “silent muffler” for the IBM series.
I believe I will have it up and running for IBM series by the “October Forecast”. Silent
Muffler means almost the same thing as “operating in the background”.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Sep 16, 2013
Hi All,
Was asked about the pattern that is in markets which is a very good question. Bayer
shows a pattern in his book, but really does NOT go into detail over it. What he wants
the reader of “Egg of Columbus” to do is look for a pattern in the markets. The pattern
in the markets is NOT planetary based, per say. It is with “just numbers”. There is
another level to that book, but I will let you find that yourselves. If you have not read it,
it’s a good easy read at 18 pages and we have that in Solaris. Gann, in the Tunnel book
goes into FAR greater detail.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Gann system BUY and SELL, the basics
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Sep 23, 2013
One is he used planets with certain numbers and called these cycles "Time Cycles".
Some of these cycles are small, some medium and some large.
The other system, is just numbers. This was his LOV and something you find there can
be applied to other things. This, iMHO is a longer road for the student.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Gann system BUY and SELL, the basics
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Sep 23, 2013
Hi Ralph,
Very good question. In all honesty a very small cycle will tell you when the MAJOR
turns will be if you know what you are doing, this was demonstrated on IBM with the
“LATE May” call which was forecasted as being a major turn, which it was. A medium
term cycle was used to make that call and in the future, when the IBM series gets there,
there will be many more.
Ok a small cycle here has like about 5 “pivots” a month, a medium term cycle has like 3
“pivots” a month (all averages here). A large cycle may only pivot once every 2 months
or so, although I do not follow those on IBM.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Egg
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Sep 25, 2013
Hi Gleason,
Because Harvey, Superoman, Kosy and others put in really good information I will
contribute to it. Gann goes into far more greater detail in his book "Tunnel" than does
Bayer in "Egg of Columbus". BUT, and this is what most do not know: Gann writes in
on one level which looks like the "whole picture" but it is not. Bayer codes it in, to
where it is correct and there, BUT you kind of have to know what you are looking for and
I can assure you that he does NOT give you the full picture.
In the book "Tunnel" during and around the war period, where there is all this "activity"
at certain cities <<<That answers Gleason’s question.
I think I can do a lil better on the answer....in tunnel, look at the ORDER of the cities!
On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Gleason Chen <gleason.chen@...> wrote:
> Which pages in Tunnel book talk about this in details?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 2, 2013
Page 317: “In the early part of September, 1931, it was plain from the skirmishes which
had been taking place around the Great Lakes that the enemy was trying to attack
Chicago and it was only a question of TIME when they would break thru and make the
attack.” Here, while this seems insignificant, it really is telling what Chicago is…
TM (Tunnel Musings cont.)
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 2, 2013
Page 317: “The Government rushed reinforcements and the new long-range gun” Here
again he mentions the “long range” gun. He is referring to a price technique here.
IBM and ORB on inversions.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 2, 2013
Hi all,
With an inversion call, usually, like any pivot, you try and narrow it down. The
inversions can be, like regular pivots, 2 to 3 days off. So the inversion call for the "3rd"
could come in anywhere between the 3rd and the 6th.
But I will share something with you, an inversion can only be "off" to a certain degree
because inversions occur within "zones". The actual inversion (for the type we are
tracking) must occur within about a 3 to 4 day window.
Be EXTREMELY careful with this one (scheduled on the 3rd), Even a good friend
wrote me on it, as I am still under this Saturn to ASC cycle until the 7th....
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 3, 2013
Page 319: “The enemy, knowing that they now had practically all of Europe against the
United States, were confident that it would only be a matter of a few weeks to take
Chicago, Boston, New York and Washington,’” Again this looks like filler for the book
but notice the order here…
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 3, 2013
Moving the decimal. Recently I looked at the Nifty which is India's index. It was trading
at something like 5500.00. And to get It to where I could accurately forecast price I had
to move the decimal so it was like: 550.00 Jensen does this "silently" in his book, where
he says stocks are 1 point to 1 day, then commodities are 1 cent to 1 day... That's moving
the decimal folks! So on the Dow we have like 13000, you will have to go either 1300.00
or probably 130.00. It's simple. BA
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 4, 2013
Page 320 “On the night of October 2nd the enemy concentrated an attack of more than
50,000 planes against Chicago and broke thru the United States lines on every side.”
Notice here this begins the attack on Chicago on October 2nd AND that “more than
50,000” planes by the enemy.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 7, 2013
Page 320 “Many of these planes carried 12- to 36-inch guns.”....this relates to price.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 7, 2013
Page 320 “These giant planes could be supplied with power thru the air by radio current.”
Hmmm, GIANT PLANES, Thru the Air.
[[66242] Jupiter? – BA: Indeed, and its’ neighbors!]
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 9, 2013
Hi Daniel,
Beautiful work here and this is a great start. Now you need to do 2 things. Let’s start
with the first:
1) Link EACH one of these to something. Like "p. 365 50,000 planes"
stop and think...."what does this link to?" The answer here is that it link to "attack on
New York" and another answer, which we would also come up with is what he sais about
it "About 12 o’clock he sighted the enemy planes across the western coast of jersey flying
Please do this process for each on your list here and report back to WITS with your
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 10, 2013
Step 2 was to then get the dates BUT it appears you jumped the gun! Well done that you
knew to do that! It brought a smile to my face to see that!
One of my favorites is: "Edna realized that she had not been a human being during this
ordeal, that she had worked just like the machine..."
...this is Gann’s way of saying Edna is "something else" being represented here :)
Ok, so from this list let’s look for "commonalities" one is this "Edna" person, she seems
to be mentioned alot with this 50K number. So let’s go through the book and "pull out"
ALL information relating to her. Please do this and report back to us on your findings....
Here you go...
$50,000 -- p. 65 -- Jan 12-24, 1927 -- letter from Mr. Kennelworth describes losses in Oil
Stocks in 1919 before knowing Robert Gordon
$50,000.00 -- p. 113 -- June 1927 -- Mr. Kennelworth's gains in Cotton, Corn, and Wheat
since following Robert Gordon's advice
$50,000.00 -- p. 248 -- Mar 5, 1929 -- amount RG willing to pay the famous astrologer
from Canada to understand the mysterious letter from Paris
50,000 or 60,000 feet in the air -- p. 382 -- Early July 1932 [before July 4]
United States -- Capitol Building -- Demon of Death -- Sleeping gas machine -- Tunnel
50,000 of the enemy's airships -- p. 385 -- 07/04/32 [combine with above p. 385?]
Battle of Washington -- Edna alone -- Capitol -- Tunnel -- sleeping gas -- 7 days' sleep --
United States
AIRPLANES" (p. 389)
Gann is clever ...
best, romeman
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 9, 2013
Page 321 “The United States had lost more than 25,000 planes and their best aviators had
gone down in this terrible disaster”. Another descriptive of Chicago battle; this 25000
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 11, 2013
Ok Jim, thanks for bringing this up. Here the keyword is "pressed"....see what you can
find in Tunnel with that...
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:52 AM, Jim Kelly <jim@...> wrote:
Hello All
Supreme Commander Gordon saw that the "Demon of Death" was doing its work so he
pressed a button and Colonel Edna Kennelworth appeared. He told her to put on powerful
glasses and to look at the planes going down. One by one she saw the motors dissolved
by the flame from the rays of the "Demon of Death" and the planes falling, one by one, to
the ground.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 14, 2013
Page 321 “The United States had lost more than 25,000 planes and their best aviators had
gone down in this terrible disaster”. Another descriptive of Chicago battle; this 25000
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 14, 2013
Page 322 “The United States officers knew now that if they held out, Chicago would be
completely annihilated because England’s giant bombing planes were able to destroy
every building and kill every living soul. General Pearson called all the commanding
officers together and they quickly agreed that with the enemy outnumbering them 50 to
1,” Another descriptive here of the Chicago attack; 50 to 1.
Posted By:
Tue Oct 15, 2013
Page 322 “To surrender Chicago and wait for TIME to determine the next move”…Look
back to page 317.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Oct 15, 2013
Page 323 and 324 “They replied to the note from the enemy and asked for an armistice to
last thirty days, in which neither side would make any”…” attack until they discussed
plans to see if it were possible to arrive at any acceptable terms. The enemy taking this as
an admission of defeat and weakness on the part of the United States granted 15 days’
time for a discussion of terms.” So they asked for 30 and got 15.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 16, 2013
Page 326 “Was born under the sign which astrologers call the Ascendant Sign of the
United States, the sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods. This sign is
symbolized by the ancients as the double-bodied sign. It is a sign of genius and intellect.
Ancient mythology tells us that one of the twins was a great warrior, and his brother a
great inventor and that he invented all of the war instruments which helped his brother to
win his victories.” Interesting to note that Gann was born June 6 and thus a Gemini.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 16, 2013
Page 330 “Supreme Commander Gordon replied: “The trouble in the past has been that
the enemy used noiseless airplanes. Our next great handicap was the fact that they could
rise to heights to which we are unable to attain, giving them the advantage in the fighting.
Of course, we have been hopelessly outnumbered from the start, by that I mean, in the
amount of equipment.” Rise to great heights is a specific reference here.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 17, 2013
Page 330 “Another thing that we need and must have, which the enemy already has, is an
airship that can be anchored and remain anchored in the air for an indefinite length of
time. We need a ship that can take its power from the air, giving it an unlimited cruising
radius. We need other ships for cruising purposes and scouters that can take their power
from the air, not having to return to the base at any time for fuel or ammunition, working
from a base in the air at all times.” What he is doing here on one level is “shifting
gears”…he is saying that up until this time he was using X, Now he is incorporating Y.”
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM (Edna) << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 18, 2013
Good work here and great job bringing in things like this! YES you are exactly correct,
50,000 CAN mean 5 in Tunnel. Great observation there.
Now let me ask you, wasn’t Edna involved in a partnership under the name of "Quinton"?
p. 232 new firm under the name of "Gordon, Kennelworth & Quinton" and that Edna
was to have an interest in the firm, as reward for her faithful service. She was to help
with the work on the secret discoveries.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM (Edna) << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 18, 2013
Ok so here, this "unmarried" Edna stands for something else than Mrs. Kennelworth.
Now, we know that it is "Gordon, Kennelworth & Quinton" so the next question is
what is Quinton....lets pull up only the references to "Quinton" as when she marries
Walter and becomes Mrs. Kennelworth, it’s something else. Most likely Quinton is a
planet...which one? We can’t guess, we have to let Gann tell us and we have to look at
each time Quinton is mentioned....
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 21, 2013
Page 330 “The next and most important thing we need is an invisible plane. An invisible,
noiseless plane will be one of the things to beat the enemy. When our planes can travel
high or low, no longer be seen or heard, we will be able to obtain information about the
enemy’s position and plans and thereby know their weak points, when and where to
attack.” Now wait a minute, there is a logic problem here because Mr. Gordon obviously
already has a noiseless muffler. UNLESS he is referring to something else here…the
“invisible” element needs to be explored. This is not the only time he mentions
Could this mean no planet? We don’t know, we would be guessing, we need more
information on “invisible” to see where it connects.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 21, 2013
Page 332 and 333 “What we now need and need more than anything else is a Tunnel thru
the Air. With such a tunnel and noiseless, invisible planes so that we can pass thru the air
without being interfered with or harmed and without being seen or heard, our victory is
assured.” Now we have a connection between the “Tunnel” and “Invisible”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Oct 22, 2013
Page 333 “One of my first plans will be to put a Tunnel thru the Air. With a Tunnel thru
the Air from New York City to London and Germany, our airplanes may safely pass thru
without being seen or heard and the enemy will be unable to attack them, placing us in
position to leave the tunnel at any time and return to it for safety.” Here we have a
connection between New York, London and Germany.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Oct 22, 2013
Page 333 “We need a Tunnel thru the Air from the Great Lakes to New Orleans and the
Gulf of Mexico so that our planes may pass safely thru this tunnel, take observations of
the enemy’s position without being seen or heard, and when necessary leave this tunnel,
attack the enemy, return to the tunnel again for protection.” Here we have a connection
between the Great Lakes and New Orleans/Gulf of Mexico.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 23, 2013
Page 333 and 334 “I have the plan already worked out for this Tunnel thru the Air. I
expect to accomplish it by the use of certain light rays and light waves, sending a strong
current thru the air on one side and another current on the other side anywhere from 100
yards to miles wide and then thru another process that I have in mind, remove the air
from between these lines or currents, making a vacuum or space between the air which
will really be a tunnel.” Here we have descriptives about the Tunnel; light rays and light
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 24, 2013
Page 334 “We can drive our planes (CYCLES) thru this tunnel by radio rays, directing
them from a great central station which I expect to build.” He’s talking about a “base”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 24, 2013
Page 334 “I have demonstrated in the past that every law laid down in the Bible is
provable, every prophecy has been fulfilled or will be fulfilled.” Gann giving us more
insight into the Bible.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 24, 2013
Page 334 “We can drive our planes (CYCLES) thru this tunnel by radio rays, directing
them from a great central station which I expect to build.” He’s talking about a “base”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 25, 2013
Page 336 “He asked for the use of the largest building in New York, “The Mammouth”
and wanted the entire top floor of this 110-story building at 42nd street and Broadway.
His wishes were immediately granted.” This is VERY descriptive, but of what? The
goal of the reader is to connect it.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Oct 25, 2013
Page 337 “On arrival he proceeded at once to put the top floor in order for the “Demon of
Death” to be moved in. Colonel Kennelworth and another assistant were sent at once to
the Adirondacks to the secret hiding of “Marie the Angel of Mercy,” to test out this giant
Ezekiel airplane, and bring it to New York City. The machine for distributing the sleeping
gas which would reach a radius of 700 miles, was made in readiness on the top floor of
the building.” This 700 miles is obviously a descriptive, but could it be 700 of
something else, not miles?
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Oct 28, 2013
Page 337 “They knew that an air attack had been threatened and feared the consequences.
Supreme Commander Gordon dispatched the sleeping gas by “Marie the Angel of
Mercy,” and it was distributed to the planes (CYCLES) all across the country. Colonel
Kennelworth returned at the end of the second day in “Marie the Angel of Mercy,” after
distributing the sleeping gas and giving instructions how to use it.” Here he is saying the
Sleeping gas was given to all of the planes. A very important connection.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Oct 29, 2013
Page 339 “They left in the dead hours of the night in the fastest planes and those which
could rise to the highest altitudes, enabling them to travel noiselessly and at a height at
which they could not be detected or captured.” Many descriptives here, but what does
this connect to?
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Oct 29, 2013
Page 338 “The “Demon of Death” was tested out and found to be in good working order.
For many months previous to this, all of the large cities had been kept in darkness
because they feared night attacks.” 2 things here. Note that the DOD was NOT given to
all the “planes” and that here he connects it to “night attacks”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 30, 2013
Page 339 “The scouting and cruising planes were left to patrol the lines between
Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans”…this tells us there are “lines” between these cities!
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Oct 30, 2013
Page 339 “When the Council had convened in the City of Mexico, General Nagato, the
commander of the Japanese army, arose and said: “Supreme Commander Robert Gordon
now in charge of the United States forces is well known to us. He is the man who made
the first flight from New York City to Japan in 1927, traveling at a speed of more than
300 miles per hour.” Did General Negative get it right, was it 1927 and why would he fib
to us?
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 31, 2013
Page 341 “The delay by the Allied Enemy was just what Supreme Commander Gordon
wanted. It gave him time to prepare. He had ordered the Henry Motor Company of
Detroit to proceed at once to manufacture according to his plans which he sent them, two
large machines, one positive and one negative, by which he could send currents of
electricity thru the air and produce a vacuum, or as he called it, a "Tunnel thru the Air."”
Obviously this is Ford Motor Company. But note the descriptives!
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Oct 31, 2013
Page 340 and 341 “Finally they united on the plan to make the next attack upon Detroit
and if successful there, proceed to attack Boston, New York, Washington and the Eastern
Coast of the United States.” Their plan of action, note the sequence.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 1, 2013
Page 341 “The Henry Motor Company had been commandeered by the United States
Government and as soon as they received the order and plans from the Supreme
Commander, they started running day and night working to build the two giant
machines.” Here we have connection between this and the “U.S. Government”, which I
have explained in previous posts.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 1, 2013
Page 341 “These plans had been worked out years before and there was no question but
what the machines would work successfully.” This gives indication of this having
something to do with the past, “years before”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 4, 2013
Page 341 “The fifteen days' armistice expired on October 18th, 1931.” This is a very
specific date and there is ALWAYS a reason he gives us a very specific date!
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 4, 2013
Page 341 “Less than thirty days from the time that he ordered work started on the
machines, they reported that the machines were completed and ready to test out.”
Hmmm, less than 30 day.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Wed Nov 6, 2013
Page 341 “He called Colonel Kennelworth to his office in New York and explained to
him that the great Vacuum Producer, as the machine had been named, had been
completed; ordered him to proceed at once to Detroit and test out the machines both for
short and long distance work.” Here he is saying that they could be used for both long
distance and short distance. What we have to do is see where these connect to. On page
342 we will be able to connect more on this “long distance”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Wed Nov 6, 2013
Page 342 “The Supreme Commander then decided to go immediately to Detroit and
establish one of the machines at a base there and have Colonel Kennelworth take the
other machine to Cincinnati and set it up. The machine was transported secretly and
successfully to Cincinnati and set up in one of the largest buildings in the city.” Note a
couple of things. 1) There is now a connection between Detroit and Cincinnati and 2) He
is on one of the largest buildings in Cincinnati, meaning he is high up in the air.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Nov 7, 2013
Page 342 “The American scouting airplanes were sent off over a described area and on
entering between these lines found that they were in a complete tunnel. They could travel
quickly back and forth thru the Tunnel in the Air.” Between the “lines” that fan out.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Thu Nov 7, 2013
Page 342 “On November 20th, Supreme Commander Gordon and Colonel Kennelworth
tested the Tunnel machines over this long distance. The machines were set to produce a
tunnel 100 yards wide at first and were set in motion.” Meaning that it “fans out”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 8, 2013
Page 342 “Supreme Commander Gordon had now completed another new invention on
the same plan of the radio that he had to use in his office in New York several years
before to record conversations when the manipulators were trying to catch him in the
stock market. He had enlarged this machine so that it would record voices 3000 miles
away and named it the "Tel-Talk." The Tele-talk gets reinvented. One can only wonder
how much time is between its inventions.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 8, 2013
Page 343 “Supreme Commander Gordon had his powerful Tel-Talk directed so that he
would get all the conversation along the lines between Chicago, St. Louis and New
Orleans.” This tells us there are “lines” between Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 11, 2013
Page 344 “This plane passed in full view of the enemy's lines at St. Louis and Chicago.”
Again here we have Chicago and STL with “lines”.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 11, 2013
Page 344 “The Japanese, the Spanish and the English realized that this was not meant for
a bluff and thought they had made a mistake in allowing 15 days' armistice, now that the
United States had decided to fight again.” Again the 15 days is mentioned.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 11, 2013
Page 343 and 344 “With the plans of the enemy in his possession, Supreme Commander
Gordon decided to change the location of the Tunnel machines so as to protect the
factories and large buildings in Detroit. He arranged the machines so that when the
attacking planes came over Detroit at a high altitude, he could drop them into the Tunnel
thru the Air and thus prevent any harm to the factories or buildings in Detroit.” This I
consider important because it gives the position of Detroit in the scheme of things.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Nov 12, 2013
Page 345 “It has been the custom for many months, since long before the attack at
Chicago, to keep all the cities in darkness at night.” Here again we have “night”.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Tue Nov 12, 2013
Page 345 “He had just completed another new invention which he called the Radium
Ray. With this Ray he could locate anything in the sky 75 to 100 miles away. He had the
Radium Ray machine in readiness to search the sky for the first attack that night.”
Interesting that the Radium Ray is used at night.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 18, 2013
Page 346 “Supreme Commander Gordon was atop one of Detroit's giant skyscrapers over
80 stories high watching the action of the enemy planes. Suddenly he saw the first
battalion of more than 250 planes, which were flying in a wedge formation, dive into the
Tunnel.” This is a descriptive for sure, but could it be more than 250 of something else,
and not planes?
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 18, 2013
Page 347 “These planes soon came in view of the Radium Ray. After circling high over
Detroit, finally came lower and lower until suddenly they plunged into the Tunnel thru
the Air”. This connects the Radium Ray with Detroit and thus the date of Nov 24, 1931.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 18, 2013
Page 345 “Just before 10 o'clock he was sweeping the sky with the Radium Ray when he
discovered the enemy planes approaching from the direction of Chicago. There was a
large flock of them flying at very high altitudes, followed by three large supply ships. He
knew that these supply ships would anchor in the air somewhere over Detroit and the
bombing planes would make the attack.” This connects back to page 313.
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Nov 19, 2013
Page 349 “Everything was quiet and no move or attack was made until December 7th,
when the enemy held a council and decided that a gigantic attack on Detroit” Note here
the date of Dec 7. Note that there are 13 DAYS between the 2 attacks; Detroit 1 and
Detroit 2. Now you know why he wrote “November 25th, 1931, was a great day for the
United States. They had more to be thankful for than any day since November, 1918”
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Nov 19, 2013
Page 348 “November 25th, 1931, was a great day for the United States. They had more to
be thankful for than any day since November, 1918,” Notice there is 13 years here.
MAM and... < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Nov 19, 2013
Hi all,
Many people write me and ask if they have found MAM or one of the other COR's, the
best advice I can give most is to try and run it out on a stock or commodity that it
dominates, if you have the right cycle the inversions will be in the right zones.
“I disregarded these because I figured the MAM is not a harmonic of this cycle.
23 revolutions looks very close to me, and on P 234, is where MAM is talked about (23)4
. What do you think?"""""
Now this is VERY good thinking for sure! But then it begs the question, how can one
tell? You must run it for a number of months out to make sure it is repeating. Good
work on the above but the next step is always to test it!
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Nov 20, 2013
Page 349 “The United States planes were attacked and being unable to rise to the heights
at which the enemy planes were flying, a great many of our planes went down, but in a
few minutes the Tunnel thru the Air was in working order and the enemy planes began to
be drawn into it” This tells us what the enemy planes were.
TM.... < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Nov 20, 2013
Page 349 “Within less than an hour more than 2500 planes had been captured.”…RULE:
each number in Tunnel is written for a specific purpose, no exceptions!
The split decision < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Nov 20, 2013
For those that are working on price, with stocks, there is a problem with the splits, I mean
a stock selling at 200 goes through a 2 for 1 split and now it’s selling at 100. Does that
mess things up? The good news is that there is no adjustment that needs to be made
when it comes to Gann’s Angle of Repetition.
Simply take it as it physically traded at. When we were working on getting price up and
running in IBM (which will be shown on the board eventually once the inversions are
mastered) several tests were done. For instance there was a stock split in 1997 and 1999.
We factored those out but it simply did not work. When we took the "physically traded
prices" it worked. This is a very important concept to understand and makes sense if you
review Gann’s charts, in at least one I have seen him handle a stock split by simply using
the "physically traded prices". This makes it simple and more important; it works!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The split decision < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Nov 21, 2013
Hi DH,
In that one, with the commodities you have to keep a continuous contract. This can be
a lil hard at times with the cycle work cause you will go back to past points and the data
will be thin. But compared to front months (which is what most use as it reflects the
most activity in general) the front month will NOT give you price through the Angle of
Repetition. Each Commodity contract month has its own "signature"...even the orb
method can vary between the contracts, which is why the main cycle (which is always the
same throughout all the contracts of a commodity) will have one contract turn on one day
and sometimes a different contract will turn a day or 2 later. Bottom line; always use
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Michael LiGekko <donghuagekko@...> wrote:
>> Hi BA,
>> Thanks for the clarification.
>> There is a relevant question of the same topic regarding futures contracts, which
>>have rollover dates. For example, March wheat, May wheat, July wheat, Sept wheat...
>>When March wheat is going to roll over, how do you connect the wheat price data?
>>March wheat connects to May wheat... or... March wheat connects to March wheat of
>>another year? I guess the latter could be proper if we apply Gann's COR to the price
>>data, i.e. March to March.
>> Could you please give some comments?
>> Best!
>> DH
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Nov 20, 2013
Page 350 “About 5 o'clock, the gigantic concentrated attack took place. It was estimated
that there were more than 25,000 planes of the enemy in this attack. They were supported
by about 10 supply ships...” Remember our rule?
Posted By:
Thu Nov 21, 2013
Page 350 “He sent more than 1000 of our best planes to meet the attack and lead the
enemy in the right direction. The enemy turned loose their large 12-inch guns and they
destroyed our ships rapidly.” He is talking about price here.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] The split decision < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 22, 2013
Hi Issac,
Good question here. Yes, for the planetary cycles there are 2 price systems. Most likely
the first price system you will get is the Angle of Repetition. I actually worked this
system out in my head in late 2007 and later found it in Tunnel, specifically Robert
Gordons Great Cotton Campaign. Then there is another system which will "reinforce"
the price level (making you double sure) which is also coded in Tunnel, in a rather unique
set up in Tunnel if I may add.
When we start off with price we will just be using the Angle of Repetition for awhile,
because, this will mimic the road most will come up....
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Isaac Court <isaacwcourt@...> wrote:
Thanks for sharing this BA. Are you able to share anything further on Ganns Angle of
Question on Length < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 22, 2013
Hi all,
my understanding when St.Marie travels 300 miles per hour from japan back to Newyork
that’s when the new cycle starts. is that right ? ( COR repeating @ every 300 deg)""""
The good news is that this gentleman is on the right path. But remember, Gann is a little
more in depth, he would never outright give you the correct number just like that, so
when we see something like this its a clue that there is more to it...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 22, 2013
Page 351 “When all reports were in, Supreme Commander Gordon found that the United
States had lost about 400 of their best planes, but had captured more than 12,000 of the
enemy planes.”
With the numbers, always think “what does this connect to?”
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Nov 22, 2013
Page 351 “He felt that this would break the morale of the enemy; make them more
cautious in the future; give him more time now to complete his invisible airplane and the
one which would rise to any altitude.”
Here he “shifts gears” up until this point its all been about altitude. Now this invisible
airplane can rise to any altitude makes me think he is not talking about planets!
MAM < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Nov 25, 2013
Hi All,
Have a real close look at what MAM is called "Marie the Angel of Mercy"....look
closely at that.... BA
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 2, 2013
Page 351 “When all reports were in, Supreme Commander Gordon found that the United
States had lost about 400 of their best planes, but had captured more than 12,000 of the
enemy planes.”
With the numbers, always think “what does this connect to?”
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Dec 2, 2013
Page 351 “He felt that this would break the morale of the enemy; make them more
cautious in the future; give him more time now to complete his invisible airplane and the
one which would rise to any altitude.”
Here he “shifts gears” up until this point its all been about altitude. Now this invisible
airplane can rise to any altitude makes me think he is not talking about planets!
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 3, 2013
Page 351 “When this was completed together with other machines for establishing
Tunnels thru the Air, the balance would be easy and a mere question of time until the
enemy could all be destroyed or put to sleep.” A mere question of time!
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Dec 3, 2013
Page 353 “The Major Electric Co. had been working on the process for making planes
invisible and reported to him that they had completed the process according to his plans
and that it was a success.”
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 4, 2013
Page 353 “They had also completed a new motor which he had designed with 24
cylinders. This motor was to be used in lifting our planes to great heights. It was
estimated that it would carry a ship 50 miles in the air if necessary. A stabilizer and
anchor had been completed in accordance with his plans.” First there was a 12 cylinder
motor, now there is a 24 cylinder motor.
was asked... < Prev Next >
Posted By:
Wed Dec 4, 2013
""""In your IBM series posts which are highly accurate, I think you use COR. Do you
currently still use hi lo hi lo cycle like stated in Cycle Hunter, and like in Peter TAC posts
"oldie but goodie"?""""
No, the H,L,H,L cycles like what is in Cycle Hunter are not used by me at all anymore. I
discontinued using those years ago. The COR's give a better indication of direction
because one cycle will reinforce (confirm) another. Whereas in the HLHL cycles you
don’t have that; so it’s tougher to trade. Also COR's have an inversion solution that is
highly accurate whereas the HLHL cycles do not...
Re: [wheelsinthesky] was asked... < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Dec 5, 2013
Yes agreed the reinforcement is DEFINATELY key! But working with the HLHL cycles
in the beginning is really a great "prep" for CORs because it gives you background for
sure. So it pays off in the end.
Gann spends an enormous amount of time in a Tunnel talking about and describing his
inversion solution....
Re: [wheelsinthesky] IBM chronicals Chap. 2 Video < Prev Next >
Posted By:
Fri Dec 6, 2013
Hi, Very Good question. Gann used 2 systems. One was planetary (shown in video) and
the other was just numbers (Law of Vibration). In the LOV system you need a correct
starting point in time to anchor to, so that the sequence plays out. In the planetary, you
simply start anywhere, and the reason why is that you are working with something that
consistently repeats, as long as you have the cycle length correct you are good :)
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Fri Dec 6, 2013
Page 354 “A large 24-cylinder motor was placed in "Marie the Angel of Mercy" and she
was made an invisible airship. This motor was able to take its power from the air.” Here
this new motor is attached to MAM. This is a very important linkage.
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Fri Dec 6, 2013
Page 354 “He was now in position to construct a Tunnel thru the Air from New York to
Europe and sail the "Marie" in safety thru it, then rise to a height of 20 to 50 miles over
any of the cities, anchor and start destruction.” Ok this is different because now he is
talking about Europe, as opposed to the U.S.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Mon Dec 9, 2013
Very good deductive logic here. Remember, this line which is the most important line I
can give: "Tunnel is a book of connections!" So the next step would be to ask yourself,
"Where does this connect to?" That is most important -- like Gann will give you clues so
that you know you are on the right path.... BA
TM << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By:
Wed Dec 11, 2013
Page 354 “"Marie the Angel of Mercy" could carry enough sleeping gas to destroy or put
to sleep people over thousands of miles of territory. After remaining anchored in the air
for two days to test "Marie the Angel of Mercy," Here this links MAM with sleeping
was asked.... < Prev Next >
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 11, 2013
"""However in Tunnel book, Gann mentioned "the invisible" several times, which I
imagine is the lunar node. So my question is: is lunar node used in COR?""""
Great question here and I follow the theory because a Node is "invisible" where as
planets are not. However, in Tunnel, invisible can mean Music, which operates without
planets.... BA
TM... << First < Prev Next > Last >>
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Dec 11, 2013
Page 354-355 “"Marie the Angel of Mercy" was now equipped with the Tunnel machine
which would automatically put a Tunnel thru the Air anywhere in any direction. The
Supreme Commander had enlarged and improved upon the Tunnel machine or vacuum
until it could be made 25 to 50 miles wide in any direction from a large city.” This
connects MAM with Tunnel.
The cycles < Prev Next >
Posted By:
Tue Dec 17, 2013
Hi All,
For those working on the homework Assignment for IBM Chronicles level 2, please
keep in mind that you need to go down to a low and up to a high. You do not go down to
a high or up to a low. Now there is one kind of exception to this and that is sometimes in
the indexes it’s like a sideways move and the actual pivot high is like a point above the
pivot low and the index will miss it by a couple of points so it looks like you are going
down to a high, that is just lost motion though, in a sideways price move. Other than that
we need to be going up to High and down to Lows. For those not working on the
homework assignment but are watching Oprah instead, please disregard this post.
A TF? What to do?
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 6, 2014
"" However the real challenge is how we use a TF in a market, even we know a TF is 84
or 62? Can you offer some hints? My idea is this: I tie in harmonic division with TF.""
BA; This is a very good question and it really hits at the heart of the matter. Everyone
wants to know what the master time factor is that Gann put in Tunnel. As an example lest
say that it is 600 (its not but we are using that as an example) What on Earth would you
do with it? Where would it go and why? Here is some info that will help you:
Fixed Stars
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 8, 2014
Hi All,
Was asked today about fixed stars. Honestly I do use them in natal interpretation for
individuals but not in market forecasting. I suspect highly that there is a system there but
have not fully discovered or worked with it even though I did go down that road in
Stuck in the cycles
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 9, 2014
Hi All,
If you ever get "stuck" in your cycle work where you cant figure out an area a
suggestion I have is mark off the problem area, just like the police do :) And drop down
to an easier area. Then work your way up or back at it.
Another technique is to take a break and come back to it another time. Learn to realize
that frustration is generally a sign its not a good time to be doing what you are doing....
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Major turn dates
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Jan 12, 2014
Hi Neal,
Very good question. Gann did that through LOV. The cycles can give you the trend as
is being shown in IBM which is enough for this options trader, but you map out the main
trend mathematically like Gann did requires understanding of LOV...
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Major turn dates
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Jan 12, 2014
Hi BJ,
I understand, no worries. LOV stands for "Law of Vibration". It is our belief that Gann
used primarily 2 systems one is a combination of planets and numbers (being
demonstrated on IBM) and the other is LOV (just numbers). Many start out thinking
they need LOV to make good money. I am not a believer of that theory. I think both
systems are great. As is being demonstrated in IBM we are hitting virtually every turn
using just the planetary + numbers system (which is also referred to as Time Cycles.)...
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Major turn dates
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 13, 2014
Hi Neal,
Just to clarify I can go 3-4 years out etc and say there will be a Major Top/Bottom on X
date using only the planetary cycles. However, to get the "curve of the future" one needs
to use LOV.
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Major turn dates
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 13, 2014
You have to progress to the point where you understand the Paris incident in tunnel.
Then its easy....
Page 355 “He had also discovered how to send ships thru the air without an aviator,
directing them by radio rays, which would enable them to distribute sleeping gas among
the enemy's lines and prevent loss of any of his valuable aviators.” This is related to a
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Mon Jan 13, 2014
Page 355 “February 15, 1932 -- Supreme Commander Gordon was informed by the
Henry Motor Co. and Major Electric Co. that the Tunnel machines were completed”.
This is a very specific date! What one needs to think is: what does this connect to?
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Time Factor
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jan 14, 2014
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 16, 2014
Page 355 “Two more"Demon of Death" machines were ready and ordered sent to
Washington and Boston.” This occurred on Feb 15, 1932 so we would want to take a
look at Washington and Boston dates first.
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 16, 2014
Page 357 “April 1st, 1932, arrived and no attack had been made. The enemy was
evidently making gigantic preparations for an attack and Supreme Commander Gordon
decided to make the first move. He then sent instructions to France to begin attacking
England and Germany again.” Note that this date is used for “overseas operations”, there
is a difference!
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Companies with at least 100 years of trading history
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Fri Jan 24, 2014
Perfect thanks for this! Its all in one place here! Ok I will let you in on something.
When starting out with cycles of various types one really needs a good data set, say at
least 25 years + BUT then later once you discover Robert Gordons Paris trip you can do
the cycles on a very small time frame, say a stock/commodity that is only a month old!
BUT you can not do it the other way around: you cannot start with short and go to long
time frames. :)
SO for many here I suggest a stock/commodity that has 25 plus years of history until you
"master" it...
On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 6:23 PM, super_romeman <gannstudygroup@...> wrote:
> A new ETF deals with companies that have traded for at least 100 years on the US
> exchanges. The components are listed on the website:
> http://www.invescopowershares.com/products/holdings.aspx?
> For cycles hunters who require a LARGE data set, this list is undoubtedly of interest.
> best, romeman
A good question...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Tue Jan 28, 2014
Was asked:
Hello BA,
In Astro cycles pg 102 Jensen talks about the trinity of proportions -- arithmetic,
geometric and harmonic (which Robert Lawlor explains in Sacred Geometry). Is it true
that these are 3 dimensions? And the fourth dimension being Astronomy?
My response:
Length Width and Height are the 3 dimensional vibration with Time being the 4th...
Octaves, Geometry and Number are used to measure Time-space....
A Question...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Wed Jan 29, 2014
"""BA I noticed that It can be more difficult to navigate thru large moves using only a
lunar, say 15 day trends, I have seen a video from you about detrending, is that necessary
or do the larger cycles give a clearer picture as to when these longer trends take place?
I'm thinking if a medium cycle like mam called for a turn on the 1st and 15th and the
lunar called for the 1st 6th 12th and 15th then the cycle would not have to invert because
the highs and lows would still be synced up and give the larger cycle more time to run up.
Is that the right idea? """
BA: Yes the larger cycles like MAM will give you more of the longer trends in the
month as a general rule. Yes right idea and a good path to eventually pursue....
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Death Summons The "Moon Man", Virgil Moore
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 30, 2014
Brilliant! Love these type of finds! Many thanks for sharing....have for years wondered
about Virgil Moore! You see, Gann "migrated" with his systems so towards the end of
his life he was using (in a unique manner) primarily the Moon....
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Ngawang Jangchub <ngawang_jangchub@...> wrote:
> One of the elusive characters from p. 100 of Luther Jensen's ACSM -- Virgil Moore --
> at least we have some small pieces of information about him. See below.
> This was published Feb 15, 1934 in
> The Spokesman Review
> Spokane, Washington
> The by line is to the AP from Kansas City, Feb 14, 1934.
> http://news.google.com/newspapers?
> I was going to print this to file and send as an attachment but couldn't see how to do
> that. FYI, Daniel
e: [wheelsinthesky] RE: January 2nd to 7th and 15th to 21st
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Thu Jan 30, 2014
Yes, one of the things Gann is noted for is the "January effect", if January ends higher
then then it started the year USUALLY will end higher, if Jan end lower then the year
will USUALLY end lower. Many have searched for the cause of this and its relatively
simply. Those that have worked with the Day of the Month kit (free to all WITS
members) you know that when a new year begins in January the yearly ruler changes,
actually that process starts 3 months before, but is complete by the first of the year, so
you get a "new number" there. I have even seen the "January effect" on CNBC but they
did not attribute it to Gann.
[#67150 -- No worries, also one more thing, there is an LOV element here which comes
from your rules for Seasons....felt I needed to expand it...]
On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:51 PM, <ebrett.paine@...> wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> If I recall it might be a few books however the two I do know is How To Make
> Profits In Commodities Page 58. and one of his stock market courses Forecasting by
> time cycles - Forecasting Daily Moves
Re: [wheelsinthesky] Gann's 1933 Forecast
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Feb 2, 2014
Was asked...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Feb 2, 2014
""""""Is the Dow more difficult than equities? I have been working the cycle into current
time and am having trouble with 2007. I know navigating these cycles takes experience
and practice, just wondering if it's normal for the Dow to be unclear at times and can the
times of uncertainty be known in advance ?""""
BA: As a general rule and individual stock or commodity is far easier (in my
experience) than the indexs. While I know indexs are popular I believe a far better
strategy is to find a stock or commodity that likes you and work on that....
A common and good question...
Posted By: ba_sklenka
Sun Feb 2, 2014
Was asked:
""""""Everything was nicely lined up at the start 383-383-383, and we've slipped pretty
quickly, I assume due to the the planetary orbits being in different positions of the ellipse.
(I wonder if this is a clue to deciphering the actual cycle degrees).
Anyway , to keep things in a lined up fashion on the spreadsheet I have down shifted the
columns of the first 2 600's so that we have alignment again 420-420-420 and my lines
can be drawn straight.""""""""
BA: Many do this same thing, when they start out. In actuality the columns need not be
"In Sync" across, so to speak. You just have to get use to drawing the lines more of an
angle fashion instead of straight across...
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:53:20 -0500
From: BA <ba4wits@...>
Subject: Declination
Hi All,
Was asked about declination. There are some systems out there that use
it but I do not think it was in Ganns' "primary arsenal"... BA
67927Re: [wheelsinthesky] Observations on Marie and Edna.
Apr 30, 2014
You bring up a great point, study as a "keyword" diamond, see what he does with
67938 Re: [wheelsinthesky] Observations on Marie and Edna.
May 1, 2014
Gann makes an important connection here in what you have. "2 hearts that beat as
one" and then talks about a "double triangle"...the 2/1 is a musical ratio and the double
triangle refers to 3 days and 3 nights....
1 Pg 21
The number 21, a young girl of about thirteen years of age........... Fibonacci numbers.
There are 8 letters in diamond(s). Octave ??
2 Pg 133 - 134
… The present was a wedding ring set with diamonds and a beautiful brooch made of two
hearts woven together and tied with a cluster of diamonds and pearls. This was to be the
great surprise for Marie and he was going to present it to Marie after they were married,
as a token of the two hearts that now beat as one. …
I see two hearts, diamonds and pearls (2) token of two hearts. A few twos in his
passage. Other than that Ive got nothing !!
3 Pg 223
He thought of all he could do for Marie this year if he only knew where she was.
… He bought a beautiful diamond ring and a bracelet set with sapphires and diamonds.
When the jeweler delivered them Robert looked them over and thought of all Marie's
beauty and purity
More twos, ring and bracelet set (2) saphires and diamonds (2). Beauty and purity (2)
2 x 223= 446 ??
4 Pg 273 - 274
Robert then presented a beautiful brooch made with the seal of Solomon,
constructed with a double triangle (2), and set with three beautiful diamonds (Gann has
introduced the number three here) . In the center of the seal was a heart and in the center
of the heart was a diamond. He said, "Edna, I present this to you as your wedding gift. It
will be a symbol to you of how the three (3) of us have worked together in love, loyalty
and faith (3), to accomplish something for others thru unselfish devotion. …
Lots more twos here and a couple of threes as well. There are no dates in this so
that counts out any astro connection. Maybe the answer in in the numbers, numerology
or the Kabala of Numbers ??
67949 Re: [wheelsinthesky] Observations on Marie and Edna.
May 2, 2014
Good work Daniel, let’s look at this one "2 hearts entwined set with a single solitaire."
As you correctly stated "cryptic" but look at it close 2:1
2:1 is important because it points at the Octave, but note also his use of diamonds
which we know as VERY precious stones, in fact these passages are critical to understand
(VERY precious) because in reality it’s impossible to figure out Tunnel without the
connection he is trying to show.
67975 Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Observations on Marie and Edna.
May 6, 2014
Good work here Jimmy! Correct!
The solomon seal is Jupiter (upward triangle) and Saturn (downward triangle) and
this ud an octave of 5:2 (5 revolutions of jupiter will coincide with 2 revolutions of
Saturn) which is the great cycle of 60 years
68161 Filler?
May 20, 2014
Hi all,
A suggestion for Tunnel. There is very little filler in the book. But what I have
found in my own studies is that when Gann does use filler it’s generally to separate 2
things that go together. Kind of like, let’s say he is talking about something very
important, then he puts in something that is lovey dovey or some such thing. Then after
that he will throw in something that relates back to the first thing, like an extra important
part. So be VERY careful of "filler" if its there it will be for a reason :)
68200 Was asked...
May, 23 2014
"""After reading Ganns master book there are a few discrepencies that I would like to
clarify. One important one is that he describes all these important numbers days, years,
and months as part of his cycles. How are all these cycles he mentions in the book
connected to the master squares and wheels he used and how do the cycles he mentioned
in his book connect with planetary cycles that we find in these markets. """"
My response was basically that in order to get any of the squares to work like what
Gann did is you must first have a cycle. meaning that the squares can only really be fully
understood through the cycles. I think, in all honesty that this concept right here is what
stops so many people when they come to the field....they try and apply the squares
without the cycles and thus they get frustrated...
The dates of course are cycle dates that he has in his book but what he doesnt give is
where other pivots of that same cycle are, which is information that is needed...
68202 Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Cycles
May 23, 2014
apologies as I did not answer the second questions. Polishing a cycle means that you
can’t just find a cycle and "boom" your done. Shown in the IBM series over the last
couple of years was "polishing the cycles"...
7 repeats of a cycle are not needed. Cycle Upgrades is an exercise that makes the
cycles FAR more accurate. Gann put that information in Tunnel. Notice in Tunnel when
he is in Paris that the "planes were flying" all over, up and down...that is Gann saying
"this part is about cycles"....
Then there is orb, when the cycle repeats it will come in on a mean date so you have to
use 2 days either side, like if it tells you the next pivot is Wednesday (example only) it
can come in Monday through Friday (2 days either side) which is too big of a window for
traders. So the orb solution usually gets it down to 1 days either side (around 86% of the
time) then you apply price and BOOM! No more orb problem :)
68243 Was asked...
May 30, 2014
Hi all,
was asked the following: """"I was wondering how did you go about decoding TTA
thoroughly? The issue is that if you read the book not knowing what to look for, I feel
there will be certain things you would miss. if you have any pointers on how to decode
Gann's work with care, they will be greatly welcomed. """""
I could do an all day webinar on decoding that book, but will write couple things I feel
CRITICAL to understand.
1) Tunnel is a book of connections, so ALWAYS think "where does this connect to?"
Like as an example, the "Bicycle he rode across the lake." What is meant there? Here
are some selections:
a) if we square root the page number we can get an interger that is not entirely divisible
by 867,988
b) it’s filler for the book and Gann is telling us he tried that form of exercise and don’t
try riding your bicycle on the lake.
c) Bicycle innertubes can blow out so be careful.
d) The Bicycle is a metaphor for a prediction of a gasoline free society
e) The Bicycle is really a terrible hoax duped on unsuspecting readers of the book.
Now we can also image 100 other things that are EQUALLY wrong. INSTEAD we
have to think "where does this connect to"....IN THAT WE CAN MAKE PROGRESS!
2) ALWAYS look at the number of days or degrees between 2 things that are
connected! An example of this is the 2 "inventions" of the Tele-Talk...very important....
Use the above 2 things and you will be MILES ahead of everyone...
Oct 21, 2014
2 Attachments:
[ WITS Message #69173; IBMSTRUCTURE1 ]
[ WITS Message #69173; IBMSTRUCTURE2 ]
Hi all,
I was recently asked if Ganns Master Time Factor was different in different markets.
The truth is, is that it is the same for all markets. In a divergence from the norm within
the IBM series, which has just been planetary based up until this point, Post 68882
headed down a different road. That road is the Law of Vibration that Gann spends
MUCH time in Tunnel on. The date was Sep 10 2014 and the post said “Something new
for you to watch. September 30, 2014 is important to the "structure" of IBM...”
Well that “something new” is the LAW OF VIBRATION which we have not discussed
yet in this IBM series. The reason one uses the LOV is because it saves time over cycle
work and catches the bigger moves more accurately. As some know I have been playing
around with larger planetary cycles. One of which is due at the end of the month. That is
an OK way, BUT behind all of this, behind all the planetary calcs etc. is the LOV. Now
there is parts of it scattered throughout Tunnel. BUT for me the absolute critical parts are
from pages 62 to 200. Paying VERY close attention to the Letters written back and
fourth between everyone.
How was the Sep 30 call made? It was made using info from the above pages including
Ganns Master Time Factor, the REAL ONE in Tunnel.
How does one know when they have the real Master Time Factor? The MTF is needed in
order to bring the whole picture together. It won’t work without it.
How difficult is the MTF? Its one of the easiest things on the planet, Gann stated that it
all was simple and it is. The key again, lies in the function of the MTF. Again that is
within the letters, in the above pages.
Why was this demonstrated at this time? The IBM series itself is coming up on 2 ½ years
old and is meant to show the natural progression of someone that basically started out
with a cycle or two and progressed on. Therefore, in that regard the timing was about
right on the trajectory that the IBM series is using, for someone that wants to put in the
time and dedication with the field.
What was BA’s thoughts on the call? There are several, number one is when you read
that post I did not call a high or a low, I called a point within the structure, a point of
change. Again that’s post 68882, so after the point was hit we should have seen a change
in the structure. We did. IBM is now selling at its lowest in years, breaking, no, actually
gapping through, most of its support lines formed within the last 2 years. The other is
that I was a lil disappointed that after that point was hit we kind of moved back and
fourth for about 10 days and then went rocketing down. I think that it makes it a lil
harder to spot, to the novice…meaning I would have preferred a better rounded point to
show up for the demonstration, but I will take it as it is. Sep 30 was the lynch pin and the
move was on as soon as that was exceeded by 4 cents :-)
69213 Re: [wheelsinthesky] IBM- LYNCHPIN
October 24, 2014
Um the MTF is not Sq of 9 or 52 etc. Those are squares (square of 9 is not really a
square). MTF is used to get the "curve" of the future. That is a very big hint.
69227 Re: [wheelsinthesky] IBM- LYNCHPIN
October 24, 2014
Hi Nick,
The MTF really needs to be applied to TIME :)
69250 Re: [wheelsinthesky] W. D. Gann: Curve is "purely mathematical"
Oct 26, 2014
Yep! Exactly. Well done again Rome! Note on page 62 in Tunnel it states:
“““After he had worked out his cycle theory according to the Bible, and decided that
he could forecast the markets and make money, he wrote to Mr. Kennelworth, his
I took this to mean "dear reader, listen up carefully as over the next few chapters I am
going to explain to you (Mr Kennelworth) how I put this together." THEN note they
launch into the "letters"....these letters are crucial in more ways than one.
Note that he launches into the letters, then we get Chapter 7: Future Cycles, then
Chapter 8: Cycles of Transportation. But Gann isn’t done with us. In Chapter 9 we are
back with more letters!
Note that, as with what you have found again, we get "future curve" and "mathematical
sequence." This is all EXTREMELY important....