Tenderdocument PDF
Tenderdocument PDF
Tenderdocument PDF
Name of Work: Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology
Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including
Civil, Electro Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance
for 1 year after 3 months stabilization period.
Sl. Amount
No. Details of Sub-Head (in Rupees)
1 Electrical portion (Annexure A) Rs. 82,76,641/-
Approved for Rs. 1,57,2,230/- ( Rupees One Crore Fifty seven Lakh Twenty
two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty only)
Superintending Engineer
2. Any intending bidder has to get himself registered with the ITI Limited
through their website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD before submission of
3. All the documents such as NIT including Information and Instructions for
contractors, all the conditions of NIT, Schedule of Quantities, Drawings and
other documents shall be uploaded at one time.
10. Time limit for publicity of tenders shall be as per the provisions of para 17.5
of CPWD Works Manual 2014.
13. NIT approving authority may issue any specific instructions to the Executive
Engineer as per requirement.
14. Requisite blanks marked XXX in the NIT should be filled in by the Executive
16. The Executive Engineer should read approved NIT contents carefully and
may effect corrections in the NIT provisions or delete/ add any Special
Condition/ Particular Specification, which he considers necessary as per
requirement of site/ or work with prior approval of NIT approving authority
before uploading of tender documents on ITI website.
17. For composite tenders, the procedure for drawing agreement of different
components shall be adopted strictly as laid down in OM No.
DGW/MAN/178 dated 12.05.09.
18. The contractor shall refer the document properly and in detail for testing of
materials / maintaining of test registers during execution of the work.
20. The Executive Engineer of all divisions of CPWD should receive the
original EMD for tender of other division.
rrection-Nil Deletion-Ni
21. The NIT approving authority/EE at the time of issue of NIT shall also fill
and upload the following prescribed format of receipt of deposition of
original EMD along with NIT:-
1. Name of work *
2. NIT No. *
3. Estimated Cost *
4. Amount of Earnest Money Deposit *
5. Last date of submission of bid *
( *To be filled by NIT approving authority/EE at the time of issue of
NIT and uploaded along with NIT).
1 Name of contractor #
2 Form of EMD #
3 Amount of Earnest Money Deposit #
4 Date of submission of EMD #
22. The Executive Engineer receiving EMD in original form shall examine
the EMD deposited by the bidder and shall issue a receipt of
deposition of earnest money to the agency in a given format uploaded
by tender inviting EE. The receipt may be issued by the AE(P)/AE/AAO.
24 The original EMD receiving Executive Engineer shall release the EMD
after verification from the e-tendering portal website
(www.tenderwizard.com> tender free view>advance search>awarded
tenders) that the particular contractor is not L-1 tenderer and work is
25 The tender inviting Executive Engineer will call for original EMD of the L-1 tenderer
from EMD receiving Executive Engineer immediately.
Superintending Engineer
CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, Mysore – 570011
Name of Work: Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology
Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including Civil,
Electro Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year
after 3 months stabilization period.
Sl. No. Content Page No.
1. Abstract of Cost 1
2. Instructions for Executive Engineer 2-4
3. Index 5
1. Information and instructions to contractors for e-tendering 7 -11
2. Notice Inviting Tender CPWD-6 for e-tendering 12-16
3 Receipt of Deposition of EMD 17
4. Guidelines regarding Integrity Pact 18
5. Form of Integrity Pact 19-24
6. Pre-Qualification Document 25-39
1. (PART-A) 40
2. Percentage rate tender for work (Form CPWD-7) 41-43
3. Schedule (A to F) E&M Works 44-50
4. Table of Mile stones 51
5. Eligibility Criteria for E&M Works 52-56
6. Commercial & Technical Condition of Sewage treatment plant 57-63
7. Terms and Conditions for AMC 64-66
8. Form of Earnest Money Deposit/Bank Guarantee Bond 67
9. Form of Performance Security 68-69
Guarantee Bond for removal of defects in respect of sanitary installations
10. / water supply / drainage work 70
11. List of preferred makes for Electrical & Mechanical works 71-75
12 (PART-B) 76
13 Schedule (A to F) 77-82
14 Special conditions 83-94
15 Particular Specifications 95-110
16 Special conditions for Sewage Treatment Plant 111-113
17 Particular Specifications for Sewage Treatment Plant 114-122
18 Field Testing Equipment and Instruments and other particulars 123-126
19 List of Approved Make of Materials (for civil works) 127-129
This draft NIT Contains 131 pages (One Hundred and Thirty one only)
Approved for: Rs. 1,57,22,230/- ( Rupees One Crore Fifty Seven Lakh Twenty Two Thousand
Two Hundred and Thirty only)
Superintending Engineer,
CPWD, Mysore
(Eligibility Bid)
Note:- The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions carefully. He
should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he should
be in possession of all the documents required.
The Executive Engineer (E) CPWD, Mysore on behalf of President of India invites
online percentage rate bids from specialized agencies in two bid system for the following
documents as specified
original EMD and other
. IT Name of work & Location
for deposition of
Estimated cost put
o o.
technical Bid
opening of
Period of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
[Rs. 93,11,773/-(E) + Rs. 64,10,457/- (C)]
16.00 Hrs
Institute of Speech and
Rs. 3,14,445/-
1 Hearing, Mysore including 180 03/02/2020
Civil, Electro Mechanical days Upto 15.00 Hrs
Components on turnkey basis
and Operation and
Maintenance for 1 year after 3
months stabilization period.
1. Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint ventures
are not accepted.
(a) Should have satisfactorily completed works as mentioned below during the last Seven
years ending previous day of last date of submission of bids. For this purpose cost of work
shall mean gross value of the completed work. This should be certified by an officer not
below the rank of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or equivalent.
One similar completed work of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not
less than 160 KLD
Two similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not
less than 120 KLD.
Three similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not
less than 80 KLD.
Similar work shall mean works of ―Providing , Installing and Commissioning STP
with MBR technology.
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to previous day of last date of submission of bid. (Scanned copies of work
experience certificates meeting to this criteria shall be uploaded by the agency).
(b) The bidder should have had average annual financial turn over (gross) of not less than
Rs. 123 lacs during the last three consecutive years balance sheets duly audited by
Charted Accountant ending FY 2018-19. Year in which no turnover is shown would also
be considered for working out the average.
(c) The bidder should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more
than two years during available last five consecutive balance sheets, duly certified and
audited by the Chartered Accountant.
(d) The bidder should have a solvency of not less than Rs.100 lacs certified by his Bankers.
2. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should
only submit his tender if he considered himself eligible and he is in possession of all the
documents required.
3. Information and Instructions for bidder posted on website shall form part of bid document.
4. The bid document consisting of Technical & Financial bid i/c plans, specifications,
schedule of quantities of various types of work to be done and the set of terms and
conditions of the contract to be complied with the contractor whose bid may be accepted
and other necessary documents can be seen in the office of the Executive Engineer(E),
CPWD, Mysore between hours of 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM from Monday to Saturday
every day except on Sunday and Public Holidays or can be seen on
5. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the
office of
Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer,
CPWD within the period of bid submission and uploading the mandatory scanned
documents such as Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banke’s Cheque or Deposit at
Call Receipt or Fixed deposit Receipts and Bank Guarantee of any scheduled Bank
towards EMD in favour of Executive Engineer as mentioned in NIT, receipt for
deposition of Original EMD to division office of any Executive Engineer (including
NIT issuing EE/AE), CPWD and other documents as specified.
6. Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get
registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online tendering
process as per details available on the website.
7. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the tender.
8. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the tender opening process. After
opening of tenders he will receive the competitor tender sheets.
9. Bidder can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
b) Copy of certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in the technical
bid/eligibility bid document shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website
within the period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and
uploaded documents as specified in bid document shall have to be submitted by the all
bidders within seven days from the last date of submission of bid, physically in the office
of tender opening authority.
Online Technical bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only
of those bidders, whose original EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and other
documents scanned and uploaded are found in order.
Online financial bid document submitted by the bidders shall be opened only of those
bidders who on the basis of pre-qualification documents uploaded by them within the
period of bid submission, qualify in accordance with the provision of technical bid. The
financial bid shall be opened at the notified time, date & place in presence of qualified
bidders or their representative.
The technical (eligibility) bid submitted shall be opened at 4:00 PM on 03.02.2020
19. Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is
practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation
they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidders shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge
consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidders shall be
responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water,
electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work
unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a
bidders implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made
himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates
at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local
conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
20. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited and the
bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.
21. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts, in
which his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between
the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also
intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently
employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central Public Works
Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any breach of this condition by the
contractor would render him lable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this
_**_ to be filled by EE
for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service, without the prior
permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if
either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who
had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before
submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor‘s service.
24. A pre bid conference shall be held in the office of the Superintending Engineer, MyCC,
CPWD, Mysore at 3.00 PM on dated 31.01.2020 to clear the doubts of intending bidders, if
any. Bidders should send by email all their queries, before pre-bid conference, latest by
15.30 hrs on 30.01.2020 to the office of the Executive Engineer(E) ,CPWD, Nirman
Bhawan, Mysore - 570011. Telephone : 0821-2473358 Email id:
mycedcpwd@gmail.com) --*--
_**_ to be filled by EE
The Executive Engineer(E), CPWD, Mysore on behalf of President of India invites online
percentage rate bids from specialized agencies in two bid system for the work of
“ Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology Sewage
Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including Civil, Electro
Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after
3 months stabilization period . “
The work is estimated to cost Rs. 1,57,22,230/-. This estimate, however, is given merely as
a rough guide.
1.1 Intending bidder is eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction the competent authority, of having
satisfactory completed similar works of magnitude specified below:-
1.2 Criteria of eligibility-
Contractors who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. Joint ventures
are not accepted.
(a) Should have satisfactorily completed works as mentioned below during the last Seven
years ending previous day of last date of submission of bids. For this purpose cost of work
shall mean gross value of the completed work. This should be certified by an officer not
below the rank of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or equivalent.
One similar completed work of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity
not less than 160 KLD
Two similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity
not less than 120 KLD.
Three similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of
capacity not less than 80 KLD.
Similar work shall mean works of - Providing , Installing and Commissioning STP
with MBR technology.
The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of
completion to previous day of last date of submission of bid.
2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7
(or other Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Govt. of India Publication
and also available on website www.cpwd.gov.in. Bidders shall quote his rates as per
various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.
3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 180 Days from the date of start as defined in schedule
F‘ or from the first date of handing over of the‗ site, whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if
any, indicated in the bid documents.
5. The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of various types of
items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and
other necessary documents except Standard General Conditions of Contract Form can be seen
from website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD or www.cpwd.gov.in free of cost.
6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but before
last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
7. While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the bid any number of times but before last
time and date of submission of bid as notified.
8. (a) Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order or Banker‘s
Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt (drawn in favour of Executive
Engineer, Mysore Central Division, CPWD, Mysore payable at Mysore shall be scanned and
uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD should
be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any
Executive Engineer, CPWD within the period of bid submission. The EMD receiving Executive
Engineer (including NIT issuing EE) shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money deposit to
the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by tender inviting EE in the NIT.
This receipt shall also be uploaded to the e-tendering website by the intending bidder upto the specified
bid submission date and time.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case, minimum 50%
of earnest money or Rs. 20 Lac, whichever is less, shall have to be deposited in shape prescribed
above, and balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank having
validity for 60 days or more from the last date of receipt of bids, which is to be scanned and uploaded by
the intending bidders.
(b) Copy of Enlistment Order and/ other documents as specified in the tender form shall be
scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering website within the period of bid submission. However,
originals of all the scanned and uploaded documents as specified in NIT document shall have to
be submitted by the lowest bidder within a week of opening of Technical bid physically in the
office of tender opening authority.
Online bid documents submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, whose
original EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and other documents scanned and uploaded are
found in order.
(c) The contractors registered prior to 01.04.2015 on e-tendering portal of CPWD shall have to
deposit tender process fee at existing rates, or they have option to switch over to the new registration
system without tender process fee anytime.
9. The bid submitted shall become invalid if: The bidder is found ineligible.
The bidder does not deposit original EMD with division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD.
The bidder does not upload all documents (including GST registration) as stipulated in the bid document
including the copy of receipt of deposition of original EMD instrument.
If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission of bid and
hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the office of tender opening authority.
If a Bidder quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any percentage
above / below on the total amount of the tender or any section / sub head in percentage rate tender, the
tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest Bidder
10. The contractor whose bid is accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 5% (Five
Percent) of the bid amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form
of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10,000/-) or Deposit at Call receipt of any scheduled
bank/Banker‘s cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of any scheduled bank/Pay order of any
Scheduled Bank of any scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 1,00,000/-) or
Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the
State Bank of India in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the
said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule “F” including the extended
period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any
notice to the contractor. The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after receiving
the aforesaid performance guarantee. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to
furnish either copy of applicable licenses/ registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare board including Provident Fund Code No. if
applicable and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub-contractor if any engaged
by the contractor for the said work and Programme Chart (Time and progress) within the period
specified in Schedule F.
11. The description of the work & brief particulars are as given in the bid document
12. Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is
practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they
may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies
and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidders shall be deemed to have full
knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charge consequent on any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidders shall be responsible for arranging and
maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers
and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the
contract documents. Submission of a bid by bidders implies that he has read this notice and all other
contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done
and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the
Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
13. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or
any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received without the
assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any
condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall be summarily rejected.
14. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited and the bids
submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.
15. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.
16. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case of
contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of contracts, in which
his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of
Superintending Engineer to Junior Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of
persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are
near relatives to any gazette officer in the Central Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban
Development. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from
the approved list of contractors of this Department.
17. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative
duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a
period of one year after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the
Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his
employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the
Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor‘s
18. The bid for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date of opening
of Technical bids, if any bidders withdraws his bid before the said period or issue of letter of
acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid
which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the bidders
shall not be allowed to participate in the rebidding process of the work.
19. This notice inviting Bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful bidders/ contractor,
on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days from the stipulated date of start
of the work, sign the contract consisting of:-
a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and
drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of invitation of bid and the rates
quoted online at the time of submission of bid and acceptance thereof together with any
correspondence leading thereto.
b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form 7 or other Standard C.P.W.D. Form as mentioned
20. List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission:
3 Letter of transmittal
4 Certificate of Financial Turnover from Charted Accountant (Form „A‟).
5 Bank Solvency Certificate (Form „B‟).
6 Certificates of Works Experience (Form „C‟).
7 Performance report of works referred to in Form ‗C‘ (Form „D‟)
8 Receipt of deposition of original EMD ( Form „F‟)
(*To be filled by / EE at the time of issue of NIT and uploaded along with NIT)
1. Name of Contractor :
2. Form of EMD …………………………….#
Executive Engineer(E),
CPWD, Mysore.
--*-- to be filled by EE
Sub: Clarification regarding Introduction of Integrity Pact introduced vide OM No. CON 255 dated
A new provision of Integrity Pact (IP) was introduced in GCC-2010 vide OM No. CON/255 dt.
23.05.2011. In the OM it is mentioned that at the time of submission of bid, it shall be mandatory to sign the
pact by the bidder failing which the bidder will stand disqualified from the tendering process and such bid would
be summarily rejected.
Some field Units have raised their doubts regarding submission of duly signed Integrity Pact by the bidder
at the time of submission of bid. In this regard it is clarified that:-
1. Submission of duly signed Integrity Pact by the bidder is applicable in case of manual tendering where
e-tendering is not followed.
2. In case of manual tendering Executive Engineer should sign the first page addressed to the intending
bidder at the time of issue of tender form and before submission of the bid, each bidder shall sign IP at
respective places and submit the bid. If duly signed IP is not submitted by the bidder, such bid shall not
be considered.
3. In case of e-tendering, Integrity Pact shall be treated in the same manner as other components of the
bid document. In e-tendering, the intending bidder does not sign any document physically and entire bid
document is submitted through digital signature. Since IP is a part of bid document no separate physical
submission is required with other documents to be submitted in the office of tender opening authority. In
addition to other component of bid document, the Integrity Pact along shall also be signed between
Executive Engineer and successful bidder after acceptance of bid.
Sub: Submission of Tender for the work of “Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200
KLD MBR Technology Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing,
Mysore including Civil, Electro Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation
and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization period.”
Dear Sir,
I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as enumerated in the
Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.
I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the condition that
I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of tender documents, failing which
I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process. I/We acknowledge that THE MAKING OF THE BID
the NIT No : 05/EE(E)Mysore/SE/2019-20.
I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and spirit and
further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and distinct from the main
contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally accepted by CPWD. I/We acknowledge
and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed
Integrity Agreement.
I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity Agreement,
while submitting the tender/bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered right to disqualify
the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with terms and conditions of the tender/bid.
Yours faithfully
To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the relevant contract on
behalf of CPWD.
This Integrity Agreement is made at ..................... on this ............. day of 20 ......
‗Principal/Owner‘, which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof
include its successors and permitted assigns)
(Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company)
through .................................................................... (Hereinafter referred to as the
WHEREAS the Principal / Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No : 05/EE(E)Mysore/SE/2019-20)
(herein after referred to
as ―Tender/Bid) and intends to award, under laid down organizational procedure, contract for
............................. ...................................................................................................
(Name of work)
hereinafter referred to as the ―Contract.
AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules, regulations,
economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s). AND
WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this Integrity Agreement
(hereinafter referred to as ―Integrity Pact or ―Pact), the terms and conditions of which shall also be read as
integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and Contract between the parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties hereby agree as
follows and this Pact witnesses as under:
(a) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The
Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to all Bidder(s) the
same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through
which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract
(b) The Principal/Owner shall Endeavour to exclude from the Tender process any person, whose
conduct in the past has been of biased nature.
2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a criminal
offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in violation
of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the
Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary
actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures.
1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and agents)
adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department all suspected
acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes
aware, during the tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.
2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption.
He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the Tender process
and during the Contract execution:
a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise
or give to any of the Principal/Owner‘s employees involved in the Tender process or execution
of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she is not legally
entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the
Tender process or during the execution of the Contract.
b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed agreement
or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications,
certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions
to restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding process.
c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act. Further
the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition or personal
gain), or pass on to others, any information or documents provided by the Principal/Owner as
part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details,
including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of agents/
representatives in India, if any. Similarly, Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian Nationality shall
disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent
on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a tender but not
both. Further, in cases where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer,
he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first
manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender for the same item.
e) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has
made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in
connection with the award of the Contract.
3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or
be an accessory to such offences.
4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge in fraudulent
practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of fake/forged
documents in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of
obtaining unjust advantage by or causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to
influence the procurement process to the detriment of the Government interests.
5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use Coercive
Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or influencing a decision
through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury
may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the
tendering process).
Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or the Contract
or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall have the following rights
in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) and the Bidder/ Contractor accepts
and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner‘s absolute right:
1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has committed a
transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form, such as to put his reliability
or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving 14 days notice to the contractor shall have
powers to disqualify the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) from the Tender process or terminate/determine the
Contract, if already executed or exclude the Bidder/Contractor from future contract award
processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the severity of
transgression and determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a
limited period as decided by the Principal/Owner.
1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any other
Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central Government or
State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in India that could justify his
exclusion from the Tender process.
2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the Tender
process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of the
Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/Owner.
3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by him and
has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner may, at its own
discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.
3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly signed Pact between the
Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its provisions at any stage of the
Tender process, from the Tender process.
2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been made.
3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners or by
one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium members. In
case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly authorized by board
4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact
remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original
5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties with regard
to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the Owner/Principal in
accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof shall not be subject to
(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)
(signature, name and address)
2. ...............................................
(signature, name and address)
Dated :
1. Salient details of the work for which bids invited are as under:
Sr. Period of
Name of Work Estimated
No. Cost completion
The treated sewage will be used for the purpose of horticulture or flushing or cooling towers (with
addition of softener if required) with following features:-
a. A State of the Art Skid Mounted Unit
b. Single Skid ensures an easy transportation and relocation if required at any stage
c. Ability to withstand high temperature feed water.
d. Long membrane Life of more than 5years.
e. Specially designed and flat sheet membranes results in low fouling of membranes.
f. Low Trans membrane pressure results in low power requirement.
g. MBR system reduces requirement of chemicals for disinfection purpose.
h. Exceptional Effluent Quality and >98% TSS Removal
i. It will also meet the further more stringent water quality standards.
j. Compact: Smaller Bioreactor, No Sand Filter/Activated Carbon Required
k. Highly Aerobic: No offensive Odors
l. Year round Nitrification: Even in cold temperatures
m. Adaptable to Existing Tanks (Civil Constructions)
n. Very little sludge to handle
o. High resistant to both chemical and biological contaminants
p. Compact modules with high degree of flexible configurations and scalability.
The treatment will be carried out in STP in three stages:
1.0 General:
1.1 Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section-III.
1.2 All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant columns in
the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this fact should be
mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be provided in a column, a ―nil
or no such case entry should be made in that column. If any particulars/query is not applicable in
case of the bidder, it should be stated as not applicable. The bidders are cautioned that not giving
complete information called for in the application forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any
change in the prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid
being summarily disqualified. Tenders made by telegram or telex and those received late will not be
1.3 Overwriting should be avoided. Correction, if any, should be made by neatly crossing out, initialing,
dating and rewriting. Pages of the eligibility criteria document are numbered. Additional sheets, if
any added by the contractor, should also be numbered by him. They should be submitted as a
package with signed letter of transmittal.
1.4 References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability, technical
knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an officer not below the rank of Executive
Engineer or equivalent.
1.5 The bidder may furnish any additional information which he thinks is necessary to establish his
capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is, however, advised not to furnish
superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after submission of eligibility criteria
document unless it is called for by the Engineer-in-Charge.
1.6 The credential submitted in respect of prequalification of the tender / tender for specialized work by
the first lowest bidder after opening of the financial bid shall be verified before award of work. Any
information furnished by the bidder found to be incorrect either immediately or at a later date, would
render him liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of work in CPWD. If such bidder happens
to be enlisted contractor of any class in CPWD, his name shall also be removed from the approved
list of contractors.
2.0 Definitions:
2.1 In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them.
2.2 Engineer-in-Charge: Means the President of India, acting through the Executive Engineer(E),
CPWD, Mysore.
2.3 Bidder: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited company private or public
or corporation.
The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and
reject all tenders at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability to the bidders.
7.1 The bidder should have satisfactorily completed works as mentioned below during the last Seven
years ending previous day of last date of submission of bids. For this purpose cost of work shall
mean gross value of the completed work. This should be certified by an officer not below the rank
of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or equivalent.
One similar completed work of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not less
than 160 KLD
Two similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not less
than 120 KLD.
Three similar completed works of Installing and Commissioning STP each of capacity not
less than 80 KLD.
Similar work shall mean works of ―Providing , Installing and Commissioning STP with
MBR technology
(a) The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date of completion to
previous day of last date of submission of bid. (scanned copies of work experience certificates
meeting to this criteria shall be uploaded by the agency).
(b) The bidder should have had average annual financial turn over (gross) of Rs. 123 lacs
during the last three consecutive years balance sheets duly audited by Charted Accountant ending
FY 2018-19. Year in which no turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the
(c) The bidder should not have incurred any loss ( profit after tax should be positive) in more than two
years during available last five consecutive balance sheets, duly certified and audited by the
Chartered Accountant.
(d) The bidder should have a solvency of Rs. 100 lacs. Certified by his Bankers.
(e) The bidder‘s performance for each work completed in the last Seven years should be certified by
an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent and should be obtained in sealed
7.2 The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should
only submit his tender if he considered himself eligible and he is in possession of all the
documents required.
7.3 Information and Instructions for bidder posted on website shall form part of bid document.
7.4 The bid document consisting of Technical & Financial bid including plans, specifications, the
schedule of quantities of various types of work to be done and the set of terms and conditions of
the contract to be complied with the contractor whose bid may be accepted and other necessary
documents can be seen in the office of the Executive Engineer(E),
CPWD, Mysore between hours of 11.00 AM to 4.00 PM from _***____ to __****__
every day except on Sunday and Public Holidays or can be seen on
Website www.tenderwizard.com/CPWD.
7.5 But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the office of
Executive Engineer inviting bids or Division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within
the period of bid submission and uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as
Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker‟s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed deposit
Receipts and Bank Guarantee of any scheduled Bank towards EMD in favour of Executive
Engineer as mentioned in NIT, receipt for deposition of Original EMD to division office of
any Executive Engineer (including NIT issuing EE/AE), CPWD and other documents as
7.6 Those contractors not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered
beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online tendering process as per details
available on the website.
7.7 The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the tender.
7.8 On opening date, the contractor can login and see the tender opening process. After opening of
tenders he will receive the competitor tender sheets.
7.9 Bidder can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
7.10 Certificate of Financial Turn Over: At the time of submission of bid, contractor may upload
Affidavit/ Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turnover of last 3 years or for the period as
specified in the bid document and further details if required may be asked from the contractor after
opening of technical bids. There is no need to upload entire voluminous balance sheet.
11 Contractor must ensure to quote percentage rate bid. While selecting any of the cells a warning
appears that if any cell is left blank the same shall be treated as "0".).
However, If a bidder quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote
any percentage above/below on the lowest amount of the tender or any section/sub-head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as
lowest bidder.
7.12 The Technical bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above. The time and
date of opening of financial bid of contractors qualifying the technical bid shall be communicated to
them at a later date.
7.13 The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without assigning any
reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable by it, if too
many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.
7.14 The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative employees for the proper
execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these employees stating clearly
how these would be involved in this work within 5 days of award of work.
8.0 Evaluation criteria-
8.1 The detailed submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the following manner:
8.1.1 The initial minimum criteria prescribed in para 7.0 above in respect of experience of similar class of
works completed, financial turn over and solvency, etc. will first be scrutinized and the bidder‘s
eligibility for the work be determined.
8.1.2 Those bidders only who qualify the initial criteria as set out in para 7.0 above will be evaluated for
following attributes by scoring method on the basis of details furnished by them
To become eligible for short listing, the bidder must secure at least fifty percent marks in each
(section a, b, c, and d) and sixty percent marks in aggregate.
The department, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified contractors to any
number deemed suitable byit.
Note : The average value of performance of works for time overrun and quality shall be
taken on the basis of performance report of the eligible similar works.
Bidder is required to submit the information in respect of his organization in Forms ―E.
11.0 Letter of transmittal
The bidder should submit the letter of transmittal attached with the document.
12.0 Opening of financial bid
After evaluation of Technical Bid, a list of short listed agencies will be prepared. Thereafter the
financial bids of only the qualified and technically acceptable bidders shall be opened at the notified
time, date and place in the presence of the qualified bidders or their representatives. The bid shall
remain valid for a period of (Thirty) 30 days from the date of opening of financial l bids.
Having examined the details given in press notice and bid document for the above
work, I/we hereby submit the relevant information.
1. I/we hereby certify that all the statement made and information supplied in the enclosed forms A
to F and accompanying statement are true and correct.
2. I/we have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no further
pertinent information to supply.
3. I/we submit the requisite certified solvency certificate and authorize the Executive Engineer (E),
CPWD, Mysore to approach the Bank issuing the solvency certificate to confirm the correctness
thereof. I/we also authorize Executive Engineer(E), CPWD, Mysore to approach individuals,
employers, firms and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.
4. I/we submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical knowledge and
capability for having successfully completed the following eligible similar works:
Certificate from
Name of work
Certificate :
It is certified that the information given in enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is
also certified that I/ we shall be liable to be debarred, disqualified/ cancellation of enlistment in
case any information furnished by me/ us found to be incorrect.
Seal of bidder
Financial Analysis – Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance sheet/ profit &
loss account for the last five years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant, as submitted by the
applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached).
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-2019
(ii) Profit/Loss.
(iv) Solvency Certificate from Bankers of the bidder in the prescribed Form ―B.
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that
M/s./Sh…………………………………………….having marginally noted address, a customer of our
are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement upto a limit of
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of the officers.
(1) Bankers certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, addressed to tendering authority.
(2) In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded
with the Bank
(3) Solvency certificate should not be more than 6 month old.
2. Agreement no.
3. Estimated cost
4. Tendered cost
5. Date of start
6. Date of completion
8. Performance Report
Name of Work : Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology Sewage
Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including Civil, Electro
Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after 3
months stabilization period.
( ..*.. To be filled by NIT approving authority/EE at the time of issue of NIT and uploaded along with NIT)
(..*..To be filled by EE )
ii) Solvency Certificate 4 marks In between (i) & (ii) – on pro-rata basis
(B) Experience in similar 20 marks (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria.
nature of works
(ii) 100% marks for twice the
minimum eligibility criteria or more
Note: Marks for value in between the stages indicated above is to be determined by
straight line variation basis.
Tender for the work of: - Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR
Technology Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore
including Civil, Electro Mechanical Components on turnkey basis and Operation and
Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization period.
ii) The bid to be opened online in presence of tenderers who may be present at _**__
PM on_**__.2019 in the office of Executive Engineer(E), CPWD, Mysore
iii) The physical Copy of receipt for deposition of original EMD to Division Office of
any Executive Engineer, CPWD shall be deposited by the lowest bidder within a
week after opening of financial bid failing which the bid shall be withdrawn and
enlistment of the agency shall be withdrawn by the enlisting authority.
I/We have read and examined the Notice Inviting Tender, Schedule A, B & C Specifications
applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract,
Clauses of Contract, Special Conditions, Schedule of Rate and other documents and Rules
referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the
I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within
the time specified in Schedule ‗F‘, viz. Schedule of Quantities and in accordance in all
respects with the Specifications / Special conditions, Designs, Drawings and instructions in
writing as referred to in this tender document and with such materials as are provided for, by
and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for (30) Thirty days from the date of opening of financial
bid and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions.
A sum of Rs. 3,14,445/- is hereby forwarded in Cash / Receipt Treasury Challan / FDR/
Deposit at Call Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/ FDR of a Scheduled Bank / Demand Draft of a
Scheduled Bank/ Bank guarantee issued by a schedule bank as earnest money. A copy of
earnest money in receipt treasury challan/ deposit at call receipt of a scheduled bank/ fixed
deposit receipt of scheduled bank/ demand draft of a scheduled bank/ bank guarantee issued
by a scheduled bank is scanned and uploaded.
**-- To be filled in by Executive Engineer
If I/we fail to furnish the prescribed Performance Guarantee within prescribed period, I/we
agree that the President of India or his successor in office shall without prejudice to any other
right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the said Earnest Money absolutely.
Further, if I/we fail to commence the work as specified. I/we agree that President of India or
his successors in office shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law,
be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money and the Performance Guarantee absolutely,
otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to
execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, up to
of the percentage mentioned in Schedule “F” and those in excess of that limit at the rates to be
determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clause 12.2 & 12.3 of the tender
Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both Earnest Money or
Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-
tendering process of the work.
I / We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/ have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred from the tendering in CPWD in future
forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of work,
the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee.
I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records
connected with the work as Secret / Confidential documents and shall not communicate
information / derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/we/am/are may
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the State.
The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted
by me for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum
of Rs....................................................... (Rupees..............................................................................
Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor
Sl. Description of item Quantity Rates in figures & words Place of
No. at which the Issue
material willbe
charged to the contractor
1 2 3 4 5
Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor
Sl. Description Hire charges per day Place of Issue
1 2 3 4
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any,
1. Special conditions & - .
Particular Specifications. Page No. 57
2. Conditions &
Technical specifications for
STP - Page No. 57
Reference to General Conditions of contract: General Conditions of contract 2014 for CPWD works
amended up to last date of submission of bids.
Name of work : Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology Sewage
Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including Civil, Electro Mechanical
Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization
2(vi) Standard CPWD contract form CPWD Form 8 as per General conditions of
contract for CPWD works 2014
modified & corrected up to date of
submission of online bids.
Clause1 Time allowed for Submission of 7 Days
i) Performance guarantee,
Programme Chart (Time and
Progress) and applicable labour
licences, registration with
EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare
Board or proof of applying
thereof from the date of issue of
letter of acceptance.
ii) Maximum allowable extension
with late fees@0.1% per day of 5 Days
performance Guarantee amount
beyond the period provided in (i)
Clause2 Authority for fixing Superintending Engineer, CPWD,
compensation Under Mysore or Successor there of
Authority to decide
Clause-6, 6A:-
Clause applicable- (6 or
6A):- 6A, Applicable
Gross work to be done together Rs. 26 lacs
with net payment / adjustment of
advances for material collected,
if any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim payment
No running account bill shall be paid in the work till the applicable labour licenses,
registration with EPFO, ESIC, BOCW welfare board including Provident Fund Code No. if
applicable whatever applicable are submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.
List of testing equipment to be Refer particular specification
provided by the contractor at site lab At 123-125
Clause-10-B (ii).
Whether clause 10-B (ii) shall be applicable Not Applicable
Clause18 List of mandatory machinery, tools & As required for timely execution of work as
plants to be deployed by the contractor per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
at site.
Clause-36 (i): Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rates (b) For Civil Works:
Assistant Engineers retired from Government Services that are holding Diploma will be
treated at par with Graduate Engineers.
Diploma holder with minimum 10 years relevant experience with a reputed construction co. can be
treated at par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such deployment subject to the
condition that such diploma holders should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers.
The contractor shall submit a certificate of such employment of the technical representative(s) (in the form
of copy of Form-16 or CPF deduction issued to the Engineers employed by him) along with every account
bill/final bill and shall produce evidence if at any times so required by the Engineer-in-charge.
Nameofwork: Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology Sewage
Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore including Civil, Electro Mechanical
Components on turnkey basis and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization
Physical/Financial Terms: -
. Commissioning of STP all complete 180 days 1% of Tendered Amount
including testing of all installations,
fixtures, completion of work in all respect
including cleaning and clearing the entire
work space and site and handing over the
Note: 1) The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from the date of completion to last
date of submission of tender. For other conditions, refer special conditions specified in Part C.
(i) The applicant shall either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective E&M packages
or otherwise, he will have to associate an agency meeting the eligibility requirements as given in
this tender document and submit the details as per Form “N” given“ in Part C of this tender document
within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever is earlier.
The applicant/ main contractor has to submit consent letters as per Form “P”, given in Part C of this
tender document from at least one eligible associate agency of the respective component of E& M
work for each of the component of E& M works by clearly indicating the component of work within 30
days of award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever is earlier.
The main contractor will submit MOU signed with eligible associated contractor. The MOU in the
enclosed Form “Q” shall be signed by both contractors , Main contractor as 1 st party and
associated contractor as 2 ndparty, independently for, Internal Electrical Installations Manual Fire
Fighting System, etc., specified as above.
If the main contractor fails to associate agency for execution of minor components of work within 30 days of
award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever is earlier or furnishes incomplete
details or furnishes details of ineligible agencies even after the tenderer is given due opportunity, the entire
scope of such component of work shall be withdrawn from the tender and the same shall be got executed
by the Engineer-in –Charge at the risk and cost of the main contractor.
(ii) Verifiable completion certificates of the work, registration/approval documents as the case may
be, duly attested by the applicant shall be submitted within 30 days of award of work OR before start of
minor component of work whichever is earlier. Valid Electrical license, as the case may be, duly attested
by the applicant shall also be submitted within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component
of work whichever is earlier
(iii) Self attested G S T registration documents in respect of the associated agencies shall be
submitted within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever is
COMPONENTS OF WORK (as applicable)
I/we hereby propose the following agencies as per mentioned against each for
executing corresponding minor components of work. Their consent letter are also
Signature of contractor
NAME OF WORK: - Providing Design, Construction and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology
Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Naimisham Campus Mysore including
Civil, Electro Mechanical Components and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization
4. Also I / We will employ full time technically qualified Engineer / supervisor for
the minor component of the work as required for the work. I / We will attend
inspection of officers of the department as and when required.
Contractor Contractor
Address Address
(to be submitted for each and every E&M component)
For the execution of E& M Work “Providing Design, Construction and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR
Technology Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Naimisham Campus Mysore
including Civil, Electro Mechanical Components and Operation and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months
stabilization period.”.
We state that M.O.U between us will be treated as an agreement and has legality as
per Indian Contract Act (amended upto date) and the department (CPWD) can enforce all
the terms and conditions of the agreement for execution of the above work. Both of us shall
be responsible for the execution of work as per the agreement to the extent this MOU
allows. Both the parties shall be paid consequent to the execution as per agreement to
the extent this MOU permits. In case of any dispute, either of us will go for mediation by
the Engineer In charge. Any of us may appeal against the mediation to the ADG,
Bangalore Region, CPWD, Bangalore. His decision shall be final and binding on both of
6. All the correspondence regarding execution of the electrical work shall be done by
the department with the Associated Contractor with a copy to the main contractor.
In case of
non-compliance of the provisions of agreement, the main contractor, as well as the
associated contractor shall be responsible. The action under clauses 2 and 3 shall
be initiated and taken against the main contractor.
Date: Date
Place: Place:
1.1 This specification covers Designing of the plant, providing drawings and details for civil portion, supplying,
erection, testing, commissioning all E&M equipment and putting into operation of sewage treatment plant.
1.2 The tender is for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a Sewage Treatment Plant and Operation
and all inclusive Comprehensive maintenance of the STP for a period of 1 year from the date of Handing
over considering after completion of 3 months stabilization period.
1.3 The technology for the STP is kept open so at to get the most economic technology both in terms of capital
cost and operating cost.
1.4 The Schedule of Quantities is with the most commonly used equipment / components for a Sewage
Treatment plant. It might so happen that for a particular technology, some components are not required
while for some technologies additional equipment / components are required. This might also be true for
civil works including tanks etc.
1.5 The tenderer shall offer, for the SITC part, rates for (1) Electrical and Mechanical works and (2) Civil works.
No claim thereafter shall be entertained for anything extra that might be required to conform to standards.
The tendered cost shall also include liaising with various statutory authorities
/ local bodies etc. for approval of the STP. All statutory fees paid shall be reimbursed on production
of original receipts.
1.6 There shall be Pre-Bid Conference(s) conducted before the opening of Technical Bids wherein the bidders
may clarify their doubts, if any and also propose modifications in the tender with justification supported by
statutory documents / OEM guidelines / local body requirements for such modifications.
1.7 The treated water shall meet the local as well as national standards as amended up to date.
1.8 The prospective tenderer is advised to visit the site before quoting for the work and no claim whatsoever
shall be entertained on account of any deficiencies at site like non-availability of water, security restriction,
inaccessibility, local by-laws / rules etc.
1.9 The work shall be carried out as per broad specifications given in the schedule and conditions or as per
general specifications of respective works of CPWD or I.S. Code or as per prevailing practice in that order.
The decision of the Engineer- in-charge on the last item shall be final and binding on the contractor. It may
be noted that the minutes of meeting and / or corrigendum issued after the Pre- Bid conference(s) shall also
form part of the Schedule / Conditions of the tender document.
1.10 No T&P shall be issued by the department and nothing extra shall be paid on account of this.
3.1 The installation shall be taken over after successful completion and rectification of all defects noticed on inspection.
3.2 The guarantee period shall commence from the third month of such taking over or after commissioning and putting to
beneficial use whichever is earlier.
3.3 After the work is completed, tested and commissioned to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge,
150 hours which ever is more. It excludes consumables which will be provided/paid by the department.
3.4 All equipments shall be guaranteed, against unsatisfactory performance and / or break down due to defective design,
workmanship or material, for a period of 12 months from the date of taking over the installation by the department.
The equipments or components, or any part thereof, so found defective during guarantee period shall be forthwith
repaired or replaced free of cost , to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case it is felt by the department that
undue delay is being caused by the contractor in attending the defect/fault removed, the same will got done by the
department at the risk and cost of the contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final.
a) Layout drawings, plans and sections for all civil construction works involved in the scheme for
sewage treatment plant viz: various tanks, sumps, Bar screen chamber/ grease chamber,
drying bed tanks, plant room etc.
b) Structural drawings with reinforcement details for all civil construction works.
c) Drawings including section, showing the details of erection of entire equipments.
d) Electrical wiring diagrams from electrical control panel to various equipment including the
sizes and capacities of the various electrical cables and equipments.
e) Drawings showing details of pressure sand filter, Activated carbon filter etc.
f) Drawings of M.V. panel boards showing outgoing switchgear meter, instrument etc.
g) Any other drawings relevant to the work.
4.2.1 Three sets of the following laminated drawings shall be submitted by the contractor while handing over the
installation to the Department. Out of these three, one set shall be laminated on the hard base for display in
the STP room .One set shall be displayed in Junior Engineer‟s room. In addition, drawings will be given on
Compact Disc(CD):
(a) Layout drawings / plans/ sections giving complete details of all tanks / chambers and all electromechanical
equipments including flow charts showing circulation of effluent and treated water.
(b) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control.
5. The contractor shall use only the makes approved by the department or as given in these schedule and the
department reserves the right to accept or reject any other makes offered by the contractor
6. When the offer of the contractor is not in line with the tender schedule/specification, the department reserves
the right to reject or load/unload the offer in financial terms to the extent possible to bring all tenders at par with
the tender schedule/specifications in which case the judgment of the department for such loading/unloading
shall be treated as final for deciding the lowest and technically acceptable offer. The contractors are therefore
advised to quote strictly as per tender schedule and may offer their alternatives separately as annexure with
complete details and comments.
S. No. Description
1. Supply of Mechanical Equipments as per detail above
2. All type of civil works
3. Supply of Electrical Items as per detail above
4. Supply of piping, valves and other accessories as per detail above
5. Supply of Instrumentation items
6. Supply of fabricated items.
7. Operator‘s training
8. Erection, Testing & Commissioning
9. Supply of Civil drawings
Capacity No of
S. No. Description Unit MOC
(App.) m3 Units
I. Bar Screen Chamber KL 1.6 1 RCC
design to
II. KL 6.00 1 RCC
Oil & Grease Chamber be approved
by Engineer
III. Equalization Tank KL 200 1 RCC in-charge
IV. Anoxic tank KL 17.2 1 RCC execution.
period of 3months.Civil works for Water pumps complete Allied works for installation
and commissioning such as foundation of motors, pumps panels etc. are included in the
rate for which nothing extra shall be payable.
The contractor shall test the following during operation & maintenance period including trial run cum defect
liability period and maintain log:
(a) BOD : After every 10days
(b) TSS : After every 10days
(c) pH :Daily
(d) COD: After every 10days.
(e) Total Nitrogen : After every 10days.
(f) Total Phosphorus : After every 10days.
Rate quoted for Sewage Treatment Plant shall include cost of preparation of designs, drawings, its approval and
construction/installation/commissioning for all the provisions enumerated above and all such other provisions,
which shall be required for the completion of the STP as envisaged in CPHEEO Manual & relevant, IS codes and
its proper commissioning.
The rates quoted shall be for complete job as per the contract conditions and shall be all inclusive of all taxes.
Nothing extra will be payable on any other account.
i) Balances
a) 7kg to 10 kg. Capacity, Semi-self indicating type-Accuracy 10gm
b) 500 gm. Capacity, Semi-self indicating type Accuracy 1gm
c) Pan Balance – 5 Kg. Capacity, accuracy 10gm.
b) IS Sieves – 200 mm internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 microns,
425 microns, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90 microns, 75 microns with lid and
iii) Sieve shaker capable of 200 mm and 300 mm dia sieves, manually operated with timing
iv) Equipment for slump test – Slump Cone, Steel Plate, tamping rod, steel scale, scoop.
vii) Enamel trays (for efflorescence test for bricks and other tests)
a. 300 mm X 250 mm X 40mm
b. Circular plates of 250 mmdia
c. 600 mm X 450 mm X 500mm
d. 450 mm X 300 mm X 40mm.
viii) ISI marked 150 X 150 X 150 mm concrete cube moulds as per site requirement.
1. The following services are included under annual comprehensive scientific operation &
maintenance contract for the STP:
a) Supply of chemicals like hypochlorite solution, pH strips, biomass culture & lubricants for smooth
operation of the STP.
b) Checking of regular parameter required for smooth operation of sewage treatment plant.
i) Maintaining all sort of records as per the requirement such as log sheet of the system,
performance sheet of the system, chemical consumption record,electrical consumption
record etc,to minimize the down time of any utility and to enhance the performance of entire
a) checking of gland packing leakages with packing of all the water pumps and sewerage pumps.
b) Greasing & oiling of water pumps.
a) Checking parameter as per GSR 422 E for the smooth operation of the STP and take corrective
measures in case of any deterioration of these parameter.
All the parameter of treated water shall be well within state pollution control norms at any time.
2. Man power list: to be provided by the contractor at site for operation & routine maintenance in shift.
3. Contractor shall handover the system neat & clean and in running condition at the time of closing
of contract.
a) Replacement of pumps, motors, starters, water level indicators whenever required.
b) necessary store material, water and electricity on continuous basis.
c) All the spares will be supplied by department whenever required.
d) All the electrical break down shall be taken care by the department. Break down like electrical
panel servicing, part replacement, motor rewinding, bearing replacement etc shall be take care
by the department . The contractor will help in sort out the breakdowns.
e) Client shall provide adequate space and fresh water on continuous basis.
5. The Contractor shall maintain a log book for operation & periodical routine maintenance which shall
be counter signed by the supervisory staff of the department and shall be the basis of payments.
6. The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper watch & ward of the STP plant with all
accessories during running/maintenance of plant.
7. The small parts such as distilled water, taperoll, chemicals for dose etc. shall be arranged by
the contractor within quoted rates and nothing extra shall be paid.
8. The contractor shall maintain/arrange his own tools & equipments or running operation & minor
maintenance of STP plant and nothing extra shall be paid by the department.
9. Any type of damage done to the equipment/installation during execution of the work shall be made good
by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this
matter shall be final &binding.
10.The contractor should furnish names & qualifications certificate of the staff engaged for operation&
maintenance work.
11. In case of absence of staff following recovery shall be made on following rates:-
a) Operator --------- @ Rs. 1200/- perday/shift.
b) Sweeper ---------- @ Rs. 800/- perday.
c) Supervisor ------- @ Rs. 2000/- perday.
12.The payments shall be made quarterly to the contractor on the basis of logbook.
13. All safety measure are to be adopted by the tenderer and it is the responsibility of tenderer in case of any
accidents/ mishappening with man/machinery and is to be made good by the tenderer at his own cost.
Department shall not be responsible for such happenings & decision of Engineer-in-charge this matter shall be
binding on the contractor.
14.The contractor should ensure to pay as per minimum wages act under force.
15.If the performance is found unsatisfactory, the agreement shall be terminated and the performance guarantee
and EMD shall be forfeited.
16.The contractor should provide uniform to the operators, failing which recovery @ 200/- per Person per shift shall
be made from the contractor’s bill.
17.The contractor should provide mobile phone to the operator failing which recovery @ 200/- per day shall be
made from the Contractor’s bill.
WHEREAS, contractor.................. (Name of contractor) (hereinafter called "the contractor") has submitted his tender
dated ............. (date) for the construction of .............................................. (name of work) (hereinafter called "the
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that we ......................................... registered office at ...................................
(hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto Executive Engineer (E), CPWD,
Mysore in the sum of Rs. ......................... (Rs. in words .................................................) for which payment well
and truly to be made to the said Executive Engineer, (E), CPWD, Mysore the Bank binds itself, his successors and
assigns by these presents.
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ................. day of ................. 20.... THE CONDITIONS of this
obligation are:
(1) If after Technical Bid opening of tender; the Contractor withdraws, his tender during the period of validity of tender
(including extended validity of tender) specified in the Form of Tender;
(2) If the contractor having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the Executive Engineer(E),
CPWD, Mysore.
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to contractor, if required;
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Guarantee, in accordance with the provisions of tender document and
Instructions to contractor,
(c) fails or refuses to start the work, in accordance with the provisions of the contract and Instructions to contractor,
(d) fails or refuses to submit fresh Bank Guarantee of an equal amount of this Bank Guarantee, against Security
Deposit after award of contract.
We undertake to pay to the Executive Engineer, (E), CPWD, Mysore either up to the above amount or part thereof
upon receipt of his first written demand, without the Executive Engineer, (E), CPWD, Mysore having to
substantiates his demand, provided that in his demand the Executive Engineer, (E), CPWD, Mysore, will note that
the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or any of the above conditions, specifying
the occurred condition or conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date* ............. after the deadline for submission of tender
as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to contractor or as it may be extended by the Executive Engineer, (E),
CPWD, Mysore notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee
should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
WITNESS.................. SEAL
In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called ―The Government) having offered to accept
the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement between and
(hereinafter called ―the said contractor(s) for the work
(hereinafter called ―The said agreement) having agreed to production of a irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Rs. (Rupees only) as security/guarantee from the contractor(s) for
compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement.
3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding pending
before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there
under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
The agreement made this.................... day of ................. (Two Thousand ………… only)
between ....................................S/o ...............................................(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR
of the one
part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the Government of the other part)
AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the
said work will remain structurally stable, leak proof and guaranteed against faulty material and
workmanship, and finishing for 1 year from the date of completion of work.
NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will be free from
any leakage, seepage, cracks in pipes and guaranteed against faulty material and workmanship
improper slope, defective galvanizing etc. for 1 year to be reckoned from the date of completion
of the work.
The decision of the Engineer-In-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be final.
During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of
any defect to satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge at his cost and shall commence the work for
such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of the notice from the Engineer-in-
charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be got done by the
Department by some other contractor at the guarantor‘s cost and risk. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if the guarantor fails to make good all defects or commits breach there under, then
the guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost
expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the
GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the
amount of loss and/or damage and or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the
Engineer-in-charge will be final and binding on both the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator .............
.......................................................and ................................................. by .............................. for
and on
behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and year first above written.
1. ........................................... ............................................
SIGNED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA BY............. in the presence of:
1. ................................................... 2. ............................................
32 Ion Exchange/Oltremare (Plate type flat sheet)
or equivalent make approved by Engineer in
Activated Carbon Filter charge
Water level indicator ITAL / Technika / Minilec
34 Ion Exchange/Oltremare (Plate type flat sheet)
or equivalent make approved by Engineer in
Softner Resin charge
Level Controller Ital / Technika / Geman
PH Meter Vats / Hanna (Italy)
Pressure Switch Danfoss / Porter/HONEYWELL
Controls Honeywell / Steafa /SEIMENS
Vibration Eliminator Resistoflex / Kanwal
Foot Valve Kirloskar / Danfoss/CIM
Water Meter Kaycee / Kent / Desmesh
Air Blowers
PH Controller Everest/Beta/Kay
Online Harness Monitor HACH / Honeywell
2 Way motorized Valve Honeywell / Johnson
Power Cable/ Control Cable ELS
Push Buttons/Indication Lamps L&T/SEIMENS/SCHENEIDER/ABB
Electric Panel /TRICOLITE/NEPTUNE/Vee4tech
Selector Switches/ A-Meter/V-Meter etc. SCHENEIDER/L&T/ABB
Contactor/ Timer/ Relay L&T/SIEMENS/ABB/ SCHENEIDER
b) Characteristics of raw effluent: The characteristics of the sewage considered for designing the STP are as given
in table below:
c) Characteristics of treated sewage: The expected characteristics of the treated sewage on adopting the
proposed scheme of treatment are as given in table below:
Parameter Concentration*
Sr. No.
1 pH 6.5 – 8.0
2 TSS < 10
3 BOD (5 day at 20 0 C) < 10
4 COD < 50
5 Ammonical Nitrogen <5
*All parameters except pH expressed as mg/l
BOQ for MEP Works - 200 KLD MBR STP, AIISH, Mysuru
Sr No. Description Specification Make Qty Unit
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 200 KLD Sewage
Treatment Plant based on MBR technology.
(The detail of electro mechanical parts, components, parts of
STP systems are indicative only. The agency /contractor on
award of work shall submit schematic design, system of STP
and components parts etc. and get the approval of the Engineer
in charge before start of work within 30 days after award of
To suit Screen Chamber, 12 mm
Spacing, Screening of floating
1 Manual Coarse Screen As approved by Engineer-in-charge. 1 No.
matter Material of construction:
Removing oil and Grease, 50 mm
belt width Material of
2 Oil Skimmer As approved by Engineer-in-charge. 1 No.
construction: Belt is oleophylic
polymer, Type- Belt
Screening of floating matter, 2
mm opening
3 Mechanical Fine Screen As approved by Engineer-in-charge. 1 No.
Material of Construction: SS,
To feed sewage to Aeration cum
MBR tank.
Capacity:12. 5cum / hr, head : 12 Groundfos/Kirloskar/KSB or
4 Raw Sewage Pump - 1 meter equivalent make as approved by 3 Nos.
Type: Submersible, Non Clog, Engineer-in-charge
Cutter type impeller.
Material of construction: CI,
To feed sewage to Aeration cum
MBR tank.
Capacity: 10.0 cum / hr, head : 12 Groundfos/ Kirloskar/KSB/wilo or
5 Raw Sewage Pump-2 meter equivalent make as approved by 2 Nos.
Type: Centrifugal, Non clog, Self Engineer-in-charge.
Material of construction: CI,
Supply of air for mixing As per Blower make: Kay/ Everest or
6 Air Blower 2 Nos.
design, MOC – CI, Pressure - 0.45 equivalent make as approved by
Operation and maintenance of STP for 1 year after the successful commissioning of STP
1 year
Test reports of equipment such as motors, pumps etc shall be published by the
The agency shall furnish the free replacement guarantee of equipment f or the period
of 1 year
Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor
Sl. Description of item Quantity Rates in figures & words at Place of Issue
No. which the material
charged to the contractor
1 2 3 4 5
Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor
Extra schedule for specific requirements/ documents for the work, if any.
-------------------------are attached-------------------------
Reference to General Conditions Contract: As per Schedule ‘F’ of Part ‘A’
Name of Work: Designing, Execution and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR Technology Sewage Treatment Plant
at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH) Campus, Mysore including Civil, Electro Mechanical Components
on turnkey basis and including Operation and Maintenance.
1.1 Estimated Cost of work:-
For Civil component : Rs. 64,10,457/- (C)]
General Rules &Directions:-
2(i) Engineer-In-Charge Executive Engineer, CPWD, Mysore.
2(iv) Standard Schedule of Rates Delhi schedule of rates 2018 with up to date correction slips
2(vi) Standard CPWD Contract Form GCC 2014 and CPWD Form7 as amended/modified upto the
last date of submission of bids.
Clause-1 :
(i) Time allowed for submission of
performance guarantee, programme chart As Per Major Component
(Time and Progress) and applicable labour
licences, registration with EPFO, ESIC and
BOCW Welfare Board, Provident Fund Nos.
or proof of applying thereof from the
date of issue of letter of acceptance.
Clause-2 :
Authority for fixing compensation As Per Major Component
Under Clause 2
Clause – 2A :
Whether clause-2A shall be applicable As Per Major Component.
Authority to decide
Clause-6, 6A:-
Gross work to be done together As Per Major Component
with net payment / adjustment of
advances for material collected,
if any, since the last such payment
for being eligible to interim payment
No running account bill shall be paid in the work till the applicable labour licenses, registration with
EPFO, ESIC, BOCW welfare board including Provident Fund Code No. if applicable whatever applicable
are submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge.
Clause-10-B (ii).
Whether clause 10-B (ii) shall be applicable As Per Major Component
Clause 10CA- Not applicable
Materials covered under this Nearest material (other than Base Price of the
clause: cement, reinforcement bars and materials covered
structural steel) for which under 10 CA (November,
All India Whole sale Price Index to 2019)
be followed
1. *Cement --- OPC = Rs. 5,000/- PerMT
PPC = Rs. 4,844/- PerMT
2. Reinforcement bars ---
a) Primary producers Rs. 38,136/- Per MT
3. Structural Steel (Primary ---
producers only RSJ / Channel Rs. 39,025/- Per MT
MS Angles / Flats / steel plates.
*Includes Cement component used in RMC brought at site from outside approved RMC plants, if any.
** The rates taken are FOR at manufacturer‟s yard nearest to the work site exclusive of all taxes i.e.
GST etc. and carriage.
Clause-11:- Specifications to be followed for C.P.W.D. Specifications 2009 Vol. I &II with
execution of work correction slips issued upto last date of
submission of bids.(Civil Work)
Clause-36 (i): Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rates (b)For Civil Works:
As Mentioned in Part A
Assistant Engineers retired from Government Services that are holding Diploma will be treated at par
with Graduate Engineers.
Diploma holder with minimum 10 years relevant experience with a reputed construction co. can be treated at
par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such deployment subject to the condition that such diploma
holders should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers. The contractor shall submit a certificate of
such employment of the technical representative(s) (in the form of copy of Form-16 or CPF deduction issued to the
Engineers employed by him) along with every account bill/final bill and shall produce evidence if at any times so
required by the Engineer-in-charge.
i) Schedule / Statement for determining As per Delhi Schedule of Rates 2018 with
theoretical quantity of cement &bitumen amendments up to the last date of submission of
ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities.
a) Cement for works with estimated cost 2% plus / minus.
put to tender for more than Rs. 5Lacs.
b) Steel Reinforcement and structural 2% plus / minus.
steel sections for each diameter,
section and category.
d) Bitumen for all work. 2.5% Plus side only and NIL on minus side.
1.1 Except for the items, for which Particular Specifications are given or where it is specifically mentioned
otherwise in the description of the items in the schedule of quantities, the work shall generally be carried
out in accordance with the ―CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol. I & II and as per instructions of Engineer-
in-Charge. Wherever CPWD Specifications are silent, the latest IS Codes / Specifications shall be
followed and the rates should be all inclusive.
In the case of discrepancy between the Schedule of Quantities, the Specifications and/ or the
Drawings, the following order of preference shall be observed:-
(i) Nomenclature of item as per Schedule of Quantities.
(ii) Special Conditions.
(iii) Particular Specifications.
(iv) CPWD Specifications.
(v) Architectural Drawings.
(vi) Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S.
(vii) All non-schedule items shall be governed by manufacturer‘s specifications.
The works to be under taken by the contractor shall inter-alia include the following:
i. Preparation of detailed SHOP drawings and AS BUILT drawings.
ii. Obtaining of Statutory permissions where-ever applicable and required.
iii. Pre-commissioning tests as per relevant standard specifications, code of practice, Acts and Rules
wherever required.
iv. Warranty obligation for the equipment supplied by the contractor.
Contractor shall provide all the shop drawings for all the co-ordinate services before starting any work or
placing any order for any of the services MEP system etc. These shop drawings shall be got approved
from engineer in-charge before implementation and this shall be binding on the contractor. The
contractor shall submit material submittals along with material sample for site engineer approval prior to
delivery of material at site.
1.2 Any reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications, shall imply to the latest version of that
standard, including such revisions / amendments as issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards upto last
date of receipt of tenders. The Contractor shall keep at his own cost all such publications
including relevant Indian Standard applicable to the work at site.
1.3 The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the Schedule of
Quantities, drawings etc. (FPS units wherever indicated are for guidelines only).
1.4 The work should be planned in a systematic manner so that chase cuttings in the walls, ceilings and
floors is minimized. Wherever absolutely essential, the chase shall be cut using chase cutting
machines. Chases will not be allowed to be cut using hammer / chisel. The electrical boxes should be
fixed in walls simultaneously while raising the brick work. The contractor shall ensure proper co-
ordination of various disciplines viz. sanitary & water supply, horticulture & electrical etc.
1.5 All the hidden items such as water supply lines, drainage pipes, conduits, sewers etc. are to be properly
tested before covering.
1.6 Samples including brand / quality of materials and fittings to be used in the work shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in-Charge, well in advance of actual execution and shall be preserved till the
completion of the work.
1.7 Equipment like concrete pump excavators/Transit mixer etc. shall be allowed to be moved away from
the site when, in written opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, the same are no longer required at site of work.
1.8 The contractor, his agents / representative, workman etc. shall strictly observe orders pertaining to fire
precautions prevailing in the area.
1.9 Contractor(s) shall study the soil investigation report for the site, available in the office of the Engineer -
in-Charge and satisfy himself about complete characteristics of soil and other parameters at site.
However, no claim on the alleged inadequacy or incorrectness of the soil data supplied by the
department shall be entertained.
1.10 The tenderer shall see the approaches to the site. In case any approach from main road is required at
site or existing approach is to be improved and maintained for cartage of materials by the contractor,
the same shall be provided, improved and maintained by the contractor at his own cost.
1.11 Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to avoid any damage to adjoining property. All
necessary arrangement shall be made at his own cost.
1.12 The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary caution boards day
and night, speed limit boards, red flags, red lights and providing barriers. He shall be responsible for all
damages and accidents caused to work due to negligence on his part. No hindrances shall be caused
to traffic, during the execution of the work.
1.13 The contractor shall take instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding collection and stacking of
materials at any place. No excavated earth or building rubbish shall be stacked on areas where other
buildings, roads, compound wall, services etc are to be constructed.
1.14 The contractor shall provide at his own cost suitable weighing, surveying and leveling and measuring
arrangements as may be necessary at site for checking. All such equipment‘s shall be got calibrated in
advance from laboratory, approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this
1.15 Contractor shall provide permanent bench marks, flag tops and other reference points for the proper
execution of work and these shall be preserved till the end of work. All such reference points shall be in
relation to the levels and locations, given in the Architectural and plumbing drawings.
1.16 Water tanks, taps, sanitary, water supply and drainage pipes, fittings and accessories should conform to
byelaws and municipal body / corporation where CPWD Specifications are not applicable. The
contractor should get the materials (fixtures/fittings) tested by the Municipal Body / Corporation
authorities wherever required at his own cost.
1.17 The work shall be carried out in accordance with the Architectural drawings and Structural drawings, to
be issued from time to time, by the Engineer-in-Charge. Before commencement of any item of work, the
contractor shall correlate all the relevant architectural and structural drawings issued for the work,
nomenclature of items, specifications etc. and satisfy himself that the information available there from is
complete and unambiguous. The figures & the written dimensions of the drawing shall supercede the
measurement by scale. The discrepancy, if any, shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-in-
Charge for immediate decision before execution of the work. The contractor alone shall be responsible
for any loss or damage occurring by the commencement of work on the basis of any erroneous and/ or
incomplete information and no claim, whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.
1.18 The Architectural drawings other than those indicated in nomenclature of items are only indicative of the
nature of the work and materials/fittings involved unless and otherwise specifically mentioned.
1.19 The contractor should submit the shop drawing of staging and shuttering for approval of Engineer-in-
Charge before actually commencing the execution of work under the item. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
1.20 Other agencies may also simultaneously execute and install the works and the contractor shall afford
necessary facilities for the same. The contractor shall leave such recesses, holes, openings, trenches
etc. as may be required for such related works (for which inserts, sleeves, brackets, conduits, base
plates, clamps etc. shall be available as specified elsewhere in the contract) and the contractor shall fix
the same at the time of casting of concrete, stone work and brick work, if required, and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
1.21 The contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or completion of
the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall as far as
possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose off the materials being used or removed so as
not to interfere with the operations of other contractor or he shall arrange his work with that of the others
in an acceptable and coordinated manner and shall perform it in proper sequence to the complete
satisfaction of others.
1.22 All material shall only be brought at site as per program finalized with the Engineer-in-Charge. Any pre-
delivery of the material not required for immediate consumption shall not be accepted and thus not paid
1.23 The contractor shall procure the required materials in advance so that there is sufficient time for testing
of the materials and approval of the same before use in the work.
1.24 Existing drains, pipes, cables, over-head wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar services
encountered in the course of the execution of work shall be protected against the damage by the
contractor at his own expense. The contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy any part of
the site in a manner likely to hinder the operation of such services. In case temporary supporting/shifting
of such services is required to facilitate the work, the same shall be done by the contractor at no extra
In case the existing services are to be shifted permanently, then before dismantling the existing
services, alternate/diversion of service lines has to be laid by the contractor so that there is no
interruption in use of existing services. The contractor has to plan the alternate suitable route for
diversion/shifting of service lines and get the same approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before
starting shifting of services. Nothing extra shall be paid except the payment of dismantling and laying of
new service lines as per conditions of contract.
1.25 The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward / guard of the buildings, safety of all fittings
and fixtures including sanitary and water supply fittings and fixtures provided by him against pilferage
and breakage during the period of installations and thereafter till the building is physically handed over
to the department. No extra payment shall be made on this account.
1.26 The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe custody of materials brought by him/ issued to him
even though the materials may be under double lock key system.
1.27 For construction works which are likely to generate malba / rubbish to the tune of more than a tempo /
truck load, contractor shall dispose of malba, rubbish & other unserviceable materials and wastes at his
own cost to the notified specified dumping ground and under no circumstances these shall be stacked /
dumped even temporarily, outside the construction premises.
1.28 On completion of work, the contractor shall submit at his own cost four prints of ―as built drawings to
the Engineer-in-Charge. These drawings shall have the following information.
a) Run off of all piping and their diameters including soil, waste pipes and vertical stacks.
b) Ground and invert level of all drainage pipes together with locations of all manholes and connections,
upto outfall.
c) Run off of all water supply lines with diameters, location of control valves, access panels etc.
In case the contractor fails to supply as built drawing aforesaid within 30 days of the date of completion,
then the recovery @ Rs.10, 000/- each for such set of drawings shall be made from the contractor‘s
final bill.
1.29 In the item of providing and fixing precast reinforced cement concrete in shelves the cost of cutting chases
1.30 In the item of finishing walls with water proofing cement paint, only the plain/flat area shall be measured
for payment and nothing extra shall be paid on account of pointed wall surface.
2.0 Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities or CPWD specifications, the rates for
respective items shall be all inclusive and apply to the following:-
(i) All lifts & all heights, floors including terrace, leads and depths.
(ii) All labour, material, tools and plants and other inputs involved in the execution of the item.
(iii) Any of the conditions and specifications mentioned in the tender documents.
(iv) Pumping / bailing out surface water / rain water / sub soil water, if necessary for anyreason.
(v) Providing sunk flooring in bath-rooms, kitchen, etc.
(vi) Any legal or financial implications resulting out of disposal of earth, if any.
(vii) Payment of Royalty at the prevailing rates, if any, on the boulders, metal, shingle, sand and
bajri etc. or any other material collected by him for the work direct to revenue authorities.
(viii) Performance test of the entire installation(s) before the work is finally accepted.
(ix) Any cement slurry added over base surface (or) for continuation of concreting for better bond is
deemed to have been built in the items.
(x) All incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody of materials brought to site.
3.1 Samples of materials required for testing shall be provided free of charge by the contractor. The cost of
tests shall be borne by the contractor / department in the manner indicated below:
a) By the contractor, if the results show that the material does not conform to relevant specifications.
b) By the department, if the results show that the material conforms to relevant specifications.
All other expenditure required to be incurred for taking samples; conveyance, packing etc. shall
be borne by the contractor himself.
c) All the test in field lab setup at construction site shall be carried out by the Engineering Staff deployed
by the contractor which shall be 100% witnessed by JE & 50% of tests shall be witnessed by AE –in-
charge. At least 10% of the tests are to be witnessed by the EE/ SE division office.
(d) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated Engineering staff of the contractor
and same should be regularly reviewed by JE/AE/EE/SE division office.
(e) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.
(f) Submission of copy of all test registers, materials at site Register and hindrance register along with
each alternate Running Account Bill and Final Bill shall be mandatory. These registers should be duly
checked by AE(P) in Division Office & receipts of registers should also be acknowledged by Accounts
Officer by signing the copies and register to confirm receipt in division office.
(g) Extensive testing of the materials used for construction is a pre-requisite for attaining high quality of the
work. This shall also require specialized tests, physical, chemical, ultrasonic, x-ray and various other
types of tests which cannot possibly be carried out in a site laboratory. These tests also require
specialized personal who regularly deal in such testing. Therefore the need arises for carrying out the
tests in outside laboratories. These laboratories may be in the Govt. sector, Semi Govt. or Private
sector. The outside private laboratories shall be short listed before handed by EE and approval obtained
from SE. In case of laboratories in the private sector, the past record and reputation of the laboratory
must invariably be inspected before they are shortlisted.
However, testing of material in any Govt., Lab / Public Undertaking Lab / IIT or NIT Lab / Govt.
Engineering College may be allowed by Executive Engineer without prior approval of Superintending
Engineer or higher officers provided these labs have all necessary facility to carry out the required tests.
3.2 However, if any ultrasonic pulse velocity / load testing or special testing is to be done for concrete
whose strength is doubtful, the cost of the same shall be borne by the contractor.
3.3 In case there is any discrepancy in frequency of testing as given in list of mandatory tests and that in
individual sub-heads of work as per CPWD Specifications higher of the two frequencies of testing shall
be followed and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
The contractor has to establish field laboratory at site including all necessary equipments and
skilled manpower for the Field Tests as at Page No. 86-87 and 88-89 at his own cost to have
proper quality control.
For performing the above tests, the Field Testing Equipments and Instruments as at Page No.
86-87 and 88-89 are to be arranged and maintained by the contractor.
3.5. The contractor shall ensure quality construction in a planned and time bound manner. Any sub-standard
material / work beyond set-out tolerance limit shall be summarily rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge &
contractor shall be bound to replace / remove such sub-standard / defective work immediately.
The list of Laboratory/ Field equipment referred above are to be arranged and maintained by the
contractor at the site of work. In case the equipment required for any test is not available at site, the
department shall get the test conducted from the third party. However in that event, besides providing
free materials of sample, the cost of taking of sample, packing, transportation, testing charges etc. shall
be borne by the contractor irrespective of the results.
4.1 The contractor shall take all steps necessary that all persons employed on any work in connection with
the contract have notice that the Indian Official Secrets Act 1923 applies to them & will continue so to
apply even after the execution of such works under the contract.
4.2 The contract is confidential and must be strictly confirmed to the contractor‘s own use (except so far as
confidential disclosure to sub-contractors or suppliers as necessary) and to the purpose of the contract.
4.3 All documents, copies thereof & extracts there from furnished to the contractor shall be returned to the
Engineer-in-Charge on the completion of the work / works or the earlier determination of the contract.
Contractor has to follow the security requirement of the campus and obtain necessary entry passes for
the labour and vehicles and follow security checks at entry / exit gates, restriction on movement of
vehicle, restricted timings of working etc. The Department however shall assist the contractor in
obtaining such passes for movement of vehicles and labour. No claim whatsoever shall be entertained
5.2 The contractor shall employ only Indian Nationals after verifying their antecedents and loyalty. The
contractor shall, on demand submit list of his agents, employees and work people concerned & shall
satisfy as to the bonafides of such people.
5.3 The contractor & his work people shall observe all relevant rules regarding security promulgated in
which work is to be carried out by the Controlling Administrative Authority of the campus/area
(hereinafter referred to as― Administrator).
5.4 The contractor, his representative, workman shall be allowed to enter through specified gates & timing
as laid down by the controlling authority. They shall be issued an identity card or an individual pass in
accordance with the standing rules & regulations & they should possess the same while working. The
contractor shall be responsible for the conduct & actions of his workman, agents /representatives.
5.5 Normally contractor shall be allowed to carry out work between 7 AM to 6 PM. However, he may also be
allowed to carry out the work beyond 6 PM & upto 7 AM if the site conditions / circumstances so
demand with prior written permission from the ―Administrator. However, if the work is carried out in
more than one shift or at night, no claim on this account shall be entertained.
5.6 Normally contractor‘s material / vehicles etc shall be allowed to move in / go-out between 7 AM to 7 PM
only & no movement of material / vehicles out of site of work shall be allowed during night hours unless
specific permission is obtained from the ― Administrator.
5.7 In case if a separate entry has been allowed, the contractor has to make all arrangement for making a
separate entry gate and barricading of the working area to segregate/separate the same from other
areas. All these have to be done by the contractor at his own cost including safeguarding any untoward
incident in the restricted area due to separate entry gate and barricading arranged by the contractor. No
extra amount on this account shall be payable by the department.
6.1 In order to complete the work within the scheduled time if the contractor shall be required to do the work
in more than one shift and accepted by the department the contractor will provide vehicular facilities to
the CPWD site staff to reach the site and their residence at his own cost for their services required
beyond the normal office hours. In case the contractor fails to provide the facilities Engineer-in-Charge
shall be at liberty to make the arrangement themselves and deduct the respective cost from the
contractor‘s bills.
6.2 For Quality Control Measures, Preparation of Bills and Monitoring the Quality, the contractor shall
provide (min. one number) Computer having MS-Windows XP, A-3 Coloured Inkjet & A-4 LaserJet
Printers, Scanners, UPS etc. with required number of data entry operator in the site office of Engineer-
b) Network (PERT / CPM / BAR CHART) which will indicate resources in financial
terms, manpower and specialized equipment for every important stage.
7.4 If at any time, it appears to the Engineer-in-Charge that the actual progress of work does not conform to
the approved program referred above, the contractor shall produce a revised program showing the
modifications to the approved program by additional inputs to ensure completion of the work within the
stipulated time.
7.5 The submission of revised program or approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such program or the
furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under
the contract. This is without prejudice to the right of Engineer-in-Charge to take action against the
contractor as per terms and conditions of the agreement.
Notwithstanding the fact that the contractor will have to pay to the labourers and other staff engaged
directly or indirectly on the work according to the provisions of the labour regulations and the agreement
entered upon and/or extra amounts for any other reason.
Contractor shall give the Engineer-in-Charge on the 10th day of each month, progress report of the work
done during the previous month. Such progress report will include the project progress summary, work
progress (planned v/s. actual), PERT chart, milestone status, financial progress status, manpower
deployment status, important materials consumed, materials at site at the beginning of the month,
materials consumed during the month and the balance quantities at the end of month and progress of
the work stating the reasons for shortfall, if any including the steps and measures to be taken for
making good the shortfall in the succeeding period. Non submission of aforesaid progress report shall
make contractor liable for action under breach of contract conditions.
9.1 All materials and fittings brought by the contractor to the site for use shall conform to the samples
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be preserved till the completion of the work. If a
particular brand of material is specified in the item of work in Schedule of Quantity, the same shall be
used after getting the same approved from Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever brand / quality of material is
not specified in the item of work, the contractor shall submit the samples as per List of Preferred
Makes as at Page No. 95-98 for approval of Engineer-in-Charge. For all other items, ISI Marked
materials and fittings shall be used with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever ISI Marked
material / fittings are not available, the contractor shall submit samples of materials / fittings
manufactured by firms of repute conforming to relevant Specifications or IS codes for the approval of
9.2 To avoid delay, contractor should submit samples as stated above well in advance so as to give timely
orders for procurement. If any material, even though approved by Engineer-in-Charge is found defective
or not conforming to specifications shall be replaced / removed by the contractor at his own risk & cost.
9.3. BIS marked materials except otherwise specified shall also be subjected to quality test besides testing of
other materials as per the specifications described for the item/material. Wherever BIS marked materials
are brought to the site of work, the contractor shall, furnish manufacturer‘s test certificate or test
certificate from approved testing laboratory to establish that the material procured by the contractor for
incorporation in the work satisfies the provisions of specifications relevant to the material and / or the
work done.
BIS marked items (except cement & steel for which separate provisions have been made in para
10.0) required on the work shall be got tested, for only important tests, which govern the quality of the
product, as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. The frequency of such tests (except the mandatory
test) shall be 5% of the frequency as specified in BIS. For mandatory test, frequency shall be as
specified in the CPWD Specifications.
9.4 For certain items, if frequency of tests is neither mentioned in the CPWD Specifications & BIS, then tests
shall be carried out as per decision of Engineer-in-Charge.
10.1 Contractor has to produce manufacturers test certificate and challan for each lot of Cement & Steel
Reinforcement procured at site.
10.2 CEMENT:-
10.2.1 The contractor shall procure Portland Pozzolona Cement conforming to IS: 1489 (Part-1) as required in
the work from reputed manufacturers of cement as per List of Preferred Makes as at Page No.97-
101. The cement of approved make as aforesaid in 50 kg. Bags bearing manufacturer‘s name and ISI
marking, along with manufacturers test certificate for each lot shall be procured by the contractor.
Portland Pozzolona Cement is to be used for RCC works only subject to fulfillment of conditions of
circular No. CDO/SE(RR)/Fly ash (MAN) 02 dated 09.04.2009. However, if the contractor uses higher
grade of cement or uses OPC only nothing extra shall be paid.
10.2.2 Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge and got tested
in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS Codes. The cement for such testing purpose shall be
supplied by the contractor free of charge. In case test results indicate that the cement arranged by the
contractor does not conform to the relevant BIS Codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be
removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within a week‘s time of written order from the
Engineer-in-Charge to do so. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor/department in the
manner indicated below:
i) By the contractor, if the results show that the cement does not conform to relevant BIS Codes.
ii) By the department, if the results show that the cement conforms to relevant BIS Codes.
10.2.4 OPC & PPC bags shall be stored in separate godowns. Separate godowns for tested cement and fresh
C.P.W.D Specifications having weather-proof roofs and walls. The size of the cement godown is
indicated in the sketches for guidance. The actual size of godown shall be as per site requirements and
nothing extra shall be paid for the same. Each godown shall be provided with a single door with two
locks. The keys of one lock shall remain with Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative of the
work and that of other lock with the authorized agent of the contractor at the site of work so that the
cement is issued from godown according to the daily requirement with the knowledge of both parties.
The account of daily receipt and issue of cement shall be maintained in a register in the prescribed
proforma and signed daily by the contractor or his authorized agent and Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative in token of its correctness. The day to day receipt and issue accounts of
different grade/brand of cement shall be maintained separately in the standard proforma by the
contractor or his authorized representative which shall be duly signed by the authorized representative
of the Engineer-in-Charge before issue to the work on day to day basis.
Two separate cement godowns each having capacity of 15 MT or more as decided by the Engineer-in-
Charge shall be constructed by the contractor at site of work for which no extra payment shall be made.
The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement go-downs. The
contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement go-downs by the Engineer-in-Charge at any time.
10.2.5 The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in the contract. The theoretical consumption of cement shall be worked out as
per procedure prescribed in Clause-42 of the contract and shall be governed by the conditions laid
10.2.6 If the quantity of cement actually used in the work is found to be more than the theoretical quantity of
cement including authorized variation, nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this account.
In the event of it being discovered that after the completion of the work, the quantity of cement used is
less than the quantity ascertained as herein before provided (allowing variation on the minus side as
stipulated in Clause - 42), the cost of quantity of cement not so used shall be recovered from the
contractor as specified in schedule. Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in regard to theoretical quantity
of cement which should have been actually used as per the schedule and recovered at the rate
specified, shall be final and binding on the contractor.
For non-scheduled items, the decision of the ADG (RB) Bangalore regarding theoretical quantity of the
cement, which should have been actually used, shall be final and binding on the contractor.
10.2.7 Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be removed
from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.2.8 In case the contractor brings surplus quantity of cement the same shall be removed from the site after
completion of work by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.2.9 Cement, which is not used within 60 days from its date of manufacture, shall be retested at approved
laboratory. Until the results of such tests are found satisfactory, it shall not be used on the work.
10.3.1 (1) (a) The CPWD/Contractor shall procure is marked TMT bars of various grades from the steel
manufacturers or their authorized dealers {as per following selection criteria) having valid B[S license for
IS: 1786-2008(Amendment -1 November 2012) The procured steel should have following qualities.-
i. Excellent ductility, bend ability and elongation of finished product due to possible refining
ii. Consumption of steel should be accurate as per design.
iii. Steel should have no brittleness problem in finished product.
iv. Steel should carry the quality of corrosion and earth quake resistance.
v. Quality steel with achievement of proper level of sulphur and phosphorus as per IS:1786-2008.
for production of liquid steel to finish product at single/multiple locations with NABL or any other similarly
placed accrediting Government body which operates in accordance with ISO/IEC17011 and accredits
labs as per ISO/IEC 17025 conforming to IS:1786-2008 (Amendment -1 November 2012).
The check list for incorporation any quality steel producer is enclosed for technical assessment is given
in Annexure-I.
Chief Engineer / CPM / PM shall approve the steel manufactures for projects under their jurisdiction.
NIT approving authority shall specify the manufacturers in the tender document.
10.3.2 The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-charge in respect of all
supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work.
10.3.3 Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in this
regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor
does not conform to the specifications .the same shall stand rejected, and it shall be removed from the
site of work by the contractor at his cost within a week time on written orders from the Engineer-in-
Charge to do so.
10.3.4 The steel reinforcement bars shall be brought to the site in bulk supply of 25 tonnes or more, or as
decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
10.3.5 The steel reinforcement bars shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in such a way as to prevent
their distortion and corrosion, and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of different sizes and
lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
10.3.6 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test, re-One sample for ear bend test etc. Specimens
of sufficient length shall be cut from each or pa size of the bar at random, and at frequency not less than
that specified below:
Size of bar For consignment or part below 100 For consignment above 100
tonnes tonnes
Under 10 mm dia bars One sample for each 25 tonnes or part One sample for each 40 tonnes or
thereof part there of
10 mm to 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 35 tonnes or part One sample for each 30 tonnes or
there of part there of
Over 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 30 tonnes or part One sample for there of each 60
there of tonnes or part there of
10.3.7 The contractor shall supply free of charge the steel required for testing including its transportation to
testing laboratories. The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.
10.3.8 The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper accounts maintained
as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel shall be worked out as per
procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. In
case the consumption is less than theoretical consumption including permissible variations recovery at
the rates of prescribed shall be made. In case of excess consumption no adjustment need to be made.
10.3.9 The steel brought to site and the steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
site shall be inspected by the Site staff along with the relevant documents before acceptance. The
contractor shall obtain Original Vouchers and Test Certificates and furnish the same to the Engineer-in-
Charge in respect of all the lots of steel brought by him from approved supplier to the site of work. The
original vouchers and test certificates shall be defaced by the Site staff and kept on record in the site
10.3.11 Reinforcement including authorized spacer bars and lap pegs shall be measured in length of different
diameters as actually (not more than as specified in the drawings) used in the work nearest to a
centimeter. Wastage and unauthorized overlaps shall not be measured.
10.3.12 The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 5.4 in para 5.3.4 in CPWD Specifications will be
considered for conversion of length of various sizes of M.S. Bars, Steel Bars and T.M.T. bars into
Standard Weight.
10.3.13 Records of actual Sectional weights shall also be kept dia-wise and lot-wise. The average sectional
weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel received at site. The
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final for the procedure to be followed for determining the
average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each
day will constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length of various
sizes of bars based on the actual weighted average sectional weight shall be termed as Derived Actual
Weight. However for the stipulated issue of steel reinforcement up to and including 10mm diameter
bars, the actual weight of steel issued shall be modified to take into account the variation betw een the
actual and the standard coefficients and the contractors‘ accounts will be debited by the cost of modified
10.3.14 (a) If the Derived Weight as in sub-para (4.3.13) above is less than the Standard Weight as in Sub-
para (4.3.12) above then the Derived Actual Weight shall be taken for payment provided, it is within the
following tolerances specified in IS1786-2008, otherwise whole lot will be rejected.
a) Up to and including 10 +7 -8 +8
b) Over 10 up to and
Including 16 +5 -6 +6
c) Over 16 +3 -4 +4
b) If the Derived Actual Weight is found more than the Standard Weight, the Standard Weight as per in sub-
para (4.3.13) above shall be taken for payment. In such case nothing extra shall be paid for the
difference between the Derived Actual Weight and the Standard Weight.
1.2.1 The work shall be executed by specialized agency to be approved by the Engineer in Charge.
1.2.2 The Chemical shall strictly conform to Specifications & shall be as per BIS covered by ISI marking.
Chemical has to be of approved quality out of preferred make. 100% material has to be procured of
approved make before start of work. The chemical shall be used only after due testing & if found
conforming to the Specifications. Proper account has to be kept for day to day use of Chemical.
1.2.3 Ten years Guarantee bond in prescribed Performa attached under at Page No.97 shall be submitted by
the contractor which shall also be signed by both the specialized agency and the contractor to meet
their liability / liabilities under the guarantee bond. However, the sole responsibility about efficiency of
anti termite treatment shall rest with the building contractor. Rs 40,000/- for anti termite work shall be
retained as Security Deposit and the amount so deducted would be released after ten years from
the date of completion of the entire work under the agreement, if the performance of the
treatment/work done is found satisfactory. If any defect/shortcoming is noticed during the guarantee
period, the contractor shall rectify it within 15 days of receipt of intimation of such defects/shortcomings.
In the event of failure to attend to the complaint within the specified period, the same will be got done
from another agency at the risk and cost of contractor.
2.0 R.C.C. WORK: - The contractor shall use M – 30 Ready mix concrete (RMC).
2.1.1 The RCC work shall be done with RMC of Design Mix Concrete, Unless otherwise specified in the
nomenclature of items. Wherever letter M has been indicated, the same shall imply for the Design Mix
Concrete. The Design Mix Concrete will be designed based on the principles given in IS: 456, 10262 &
SP 23. The Conditions & Specifications stated herein shall have precedence over all conditions &
specifications stated in relevant I.S. Codes/C.P.W.D. Specifications. The concrete mix shall be
designed for the specified target mean compressive strength in order to ensure that work test result do
not fall below the acceptance criteria specified for the concrete mix. The Contractor shall carry out
design mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the concrete ingredients and proportions will
result in concrete mix meeting the requirements specified.
(a) The contractor has to submit design mix without use of admixtures.
(b) Admixture may be added in case of specific technical requirement so as to meet the workability /
slump requirement or for any other reason but nothing extra is to be paid to contractor on account of
adding admixtures.
2.1.2 The sources of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, admixture & cement to be used in concrete
work shall be identified by the contractor & he will satisfy himself regarding their conforming to the
relevant specifications & their availability before getting the same approved from the Engineer-In-
(d) Cement:- Portland Puzzolona Cement (Fly ash based), required in the
work from reputed manufacturers of cement as per the approved
make in 50 kg bags bearing manufacturer‘s name and ISI
marking, along with manufacturers test certificate for each lot.
Portland Puzzolona Cement is to be used for RCC works only
subject to fulfillment of conditions of circular No. CDO/SE(RR)/
Fly ash (MAN) 02 dated 09.04.09 shall be used for Design Mix
Concrete and shall conform to IS: 1489-Part-I. However, if the
contractor uses higher grade of cement nothing extra shall be
(e) Admixture/Plasticizer:-The admixture shall conform to IS: 9103. Whenever required ,the
admixture of approved quality & approved make only shall be
used to attain the required workability. Nothing extra on account
of use of Admixture / Plasticizer shall be payable. In proportioning a particular mix, the manufacturer/producer/contractor shall give due consideration to
the moisture content in the aggregates, and the mix shall be so designed as to restrict the maximum
free water cement ratio to less the 0.5. Due consideration shall be given to the workability of the concrete thus produced. Slump shall be
controlled on the basis of placement in different situations. For normal methods of placing concrete,
maximum slump shall be restricted to 100mm when measured in accordance with IS:1199. The minimum cement content, maximum free water-cement ratio and minimum grade of concrete are
individually related to exposure as per Table 5 of IS: 306, 2000 and As per CPWD Specifications (Vol-I)
2009 with upto date correction slips.
2.1.5 The Contractor shall engage one of the following approved laboratories / test house for designing the
concrete mix in accordance with relevant IS Code and to conduct laboratory tests to ensure the target
strength & workability criteria for a given grade of concrete:-
i) National Institute of Technical Teacher Training & Research (NITTTR), Sector 26,Bangalore.
ii) Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh.
iii) Bangalore Engineering College, Sector 26,Bangalore.
iv) NIT,Kurukshetra.
v) IIT, NewDelhi.
The various ingredients for mix design / laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab / test houses through
the Engineer-in-charge and the samples of such aggregates sent shall be preserved at site by the
In the event if all the above laboratories are unable to carry out the requisite design / testing, the
contractor may have it done from any other laboratory with prior approval of the Chief Engineer.
2.1.6 The contractor shall submit the report on design mix from any of above approved laboratories for
approval of Engineer in Charge within 30 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of the
tender. No concreting shall be done until the design mix is approved. In case of White Portland Cement
and the likely use of admixtures in concrete with ordinary Portland/White Portland Cement, the
contractor shall design and test the concrete mix by using trial mixes with white cement and / or
admixtures also, for which nothing extra shall be payable.
2.1.7 In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the concrete mix
during the work, the contractor as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge shall submit a revised
laboratory mix design report conducted at laboratory established atsite.
2.1.8 All cost of mix designing and testing, connected therewith, including charges payable to the laboratory
shall be borne by the Contractor including redesigning of the concrete mix whenever required & as
directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
2.1.9 The mix design for a specified grade of concrete shall be done for a target mean compressive strength
Tck = Fck +1.65s
M-20 4.0
M-25 4.0
M-30 5.0
M-35 5.0
Note: The above values correspond to the site control having proper storage of cement; weight batching of all
materials; controlled addition of water; regular checking of all materials, aggregate gradings and
moisture content; and periodical checking of workability and strength. Where there is deviation from the
above the values given in the above table shall be increased by 1 N/mm 2.
(a) The designed mix proportions shall be checked for target mean compressive strength by means
of trial batches.
(b) Minimum three sets of separate preliminary tests shall be carried out for each trial batch of
concrete mix. Each test shall comprise of six specimens and only one test-set of six specimens
shall be made on any particular day.
(c) The quantities of materials for each trial mix shall be sufficient for at least six specimens (cubes)
and the concrete required for carrying out workability tests.
(d) The workability of trial mix No.1 shall be measured and mix shall be carefully observed for
freedom from segregation, bleeding and its finishing characteristics. The water content, if
required, shall be adjusted corresponding to the required changes in the workability.
(e) With the modified Water Content, the mix proportions shall be recalculated by keeping with
water cement ratio unchanged. The mix proportion, as modified, shall form the Trial Mix No.2
and tested for the specified strength and workability.
(f) In addition, trial mix No.3 and 4 shall be designed by keeping water contents same as that
determined for trial mix 2 but varying the water cement ratio by + 10 percent of the specified
value and tested for their design characteristics.
(g) Out of the six specimen of each set, three shall be tested at seven days and remaining three at
28 days. The preliminary tests at seven days are intended only to indicate the strength to be
attained at 28 days, while the design mix shall be approved only on the basis of test strength at
28 days.
The design mix shall be considered satisfactory and approved if at least three preliminary test-sets
individually satisfy the following strength and workability criteria:
(a) The average strength of each test-set is not less than the specified target mean compressive
strength (Tck).
(b) The strength of any specimen cube is not less than 0.85 Tck.
(c) The concrete mix is of required degree of workability and acceptable concrete finish.
(a) The contractor shall have to use READY MIX CONCRETE (RMC) for RCC work. The contractor
shall ensure that transit mixtures shall transport the concrete to site. All the precautions shall be
taken during the transportation and handling of concrete to achieve the desired strength, durability,
etc. as envisaged in the Mix Design. Contractor has to get the approval from Engineer-In-Charge
regarding source of RMC by giving the details of such plants indicating name of owner / company,
its location, technical establishment, past experience and text of Memorandum of Understanding (
proposed to be entered between purchaser and supplier). The Engineer-in-charge, after satisfying
himself about quality / capability of the company shall give approval in written (subject to drawing of
MOU). The MOU shall be drawn with RMC plant owner / company and submitted to Engineer-in-
charge within a week of such approval. The contractor will not be allowed to purchase RMC without
completion of above formalities for use in the project. Notwithstanding the approval granted by
Engineer-in-Charge aforesaid manner, the contractor shall be fully responsible for quality of
concrete including input control, production, transportation and placement etc. The Engineer –in-
charge will reserve the right to deploy his supervise at plant site to inspect at any such stage and
reject the material / concrete etc. if he is not satisfied about quality of material/product.
(b) All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition and their
accuracy shall be checked at least once a month.
(c) Only single sized good quality stone aggregate shall be brought to site of work from the approved
source. The grading of the stone aggregate shall be controlled by blending the aggregate of
different sizes in the required proportions at site of work.
The aggregate of different sizes shall be stock-piled separately, preferably a day before use.
The grading of coarse and fine aggregates shall be checked as frequently as possible and as
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge to ensure that the specified grading and quality of aggregate is
(d) It is important to maintain the Water Cement Ratio constant at its specified or approved value by
making adjustment for the moisture contents of both fine and coarse aggregates.
The moisture contents in the aggregate shall be determined as frequently as possible in keeping
with the weather conditions and as per the provisions of IS: 2386 (Part-III).
All other operations in concreting work like mixing, slump, laying, placing of concrete, compaction,
curing etc. not mentioned in this particular specifications for READY MIX CONCRETE shall be as per
CPWD Specifications.
2.4.1 General:
Samples from fresh concrete shall be taken as per IS 1199 and cubes shall be made, cured and tested
at 28 days in accordance with IS 516. 15.1.1 In order to get a relatively quicker idea of the quality of
concrete, optional tests on beams for modulus of rupture at 72 + 2 h or at 7 days, or compressive
strength tests at 7 days may be carried out in addition to 28 days compressive strength test. For this
purpose the values should be arrived at based on actual testing. In all cases, the 28 days compressive
strength specified in Table 2 of code of practice, IS:306 2000 shall alone be the criterion for acceptance
or rejection of the concrete.
(i) A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that the sampling is spread
over the entire period of concreting and cover all mixing units. The concrete work shall
be notionally divided into lots as under for the purpose of sampling conditions.
-- Footings, raft setc.
-- Columns and walls at all levels.
-- Beams at all levels.
-- Slabs at all levels.
(ii) At least one test sample shall be taken for each lot of concrete work.
(iii) Each grade of concrete shall form different lot for testing.
(iv) The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in
accordance with CPWD specification 2009, Vol I with upto date correction slips.
(v) The concrete work shall be assessed on day to day basis & samples shall be taken
as specified.
(vi) Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 516 on random sampling.
However, the minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with the
NOTE- At least one sample shall be taken from each Shift. Where concrete is produced at continuous
production unit, frequency of’ sampling may be decided by Engineer-in-charge in such a manner so as
to ensure that each concrete batch shall have a reasonable chance of being tested.
2.4.8 Concrete is liable to be rejected if it is porous or honey-combed, its placing has been interrupted without
providing a proper construction joint, the reinforcement has been displaced beyond the tolerances
specified, or construction tolerances have not been met. However, the hardened concrete may be
accepted after carrying out suitable remedial measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) As per CPWD Specifications (Vol-I) 2009 with upto date correction slips.
(ii) In respect of all projected slabs at all levels including cantilever, canopy, and the payment for the RCC
work shall be made under the item RCC slabs. The payment for shuttering at the edges shall be made
under item of centering and shuttering for RCC slabs. Nothing extra shall be paid for the side shuttering
at the edge of these projected balconies / projected verandah slabs.
2.7 RATES:-
(i) The rate includes the cost of materials, labour and T&P, including mixing, placing, transportation
involved in all the operations described above except for the cost of centering, shuttering &
reinforcement which will be paid for separately. It includes finishing i.e. making the top surface
smooth/in required level with trowel etc.
(ii) In case of rejection of concrete on account of unacceptable compressive strength, governed by para
―Standard of Acceptance as above, the work for which samples have failed shall be redone at the cost
of contractor. However, the Engineer-in-charge may order for additional tests (like cutting cores,
ultrasonic pulse velocity test, load test on structure or part of structure, etc) to be carried out at the cost
of contractor to ascertain if the portion of structure wherein concrete represented by the sample has
been used, can be retained on the basis of results of individual or combination of these tests. The
Contractor shall take remedial measures necessary to retain the structure as approved by the Engineer-
in-charge without any extra cost. However, for payment, the basis of rate payable to contractor shall be
governed by the 28 days cube test results and reduced rates shall be regulated in accordance with
CPWD Specifications..
2.9.3 Nothing extra shall be paid for the centering and shuttering, circular in shape whenever the formwork is
having a mean radius exceeding 6m in plan.
2.9.4 Nothing extra shall be paid for grid beams and the corresponding slabs having clear span more than
1.20 metres.
2.9.5 In order to keep the floor finish as per architectural drawings and to provide required thickness of the
flooring as per specifications, the level of top surface of R.C.C. shall be accordingly adjusted at the time
of its centering, shuttering and casting for which nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor.
As per general engineering practice, level of floors in toilet / bath, balconies, shall be kept 12 to 20mm
or as required, lower than general floors shuttering should be adjusted accordingly. Nothing extra is
payable on this account.
2.9.6 Steel shuttering as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used by the contractor. Minimum size
of shuttering plates shall be 600mm x 900mm except for the case when closing pieces are required to
complete the shuttering panels.
Dented, broken, cracked, twisted or rusted shuttering plates shall not be allowed to be used on the
The shuttering plates shall be cleaned properly with electrically driven sanders to remove any cement
slurry or cement mortar or rust. Proper shuttering oil or de-bonding compound shall be applied on the
surface of the shuttering plates in the requisite quantity before assembly of steel reinforcement.
2.10.1 The reinforcement shall be done as per CPWD Specifications.
2.10.2 The rate of item of reinforcement of RCC work includes all operations including straightening, cutting,
bending, welding, binding with annealed steel or welding and placing in position at all the floors with all
leads and lift complete as per CPWD Specifications.
2.10.3 The contractor shall provide approved type of support for maintaining the bars in position and ensuring
required spacing and correct cover of concrete to reinforcement as called for in the drawings, spacer
blocks of required shape and size. Chairs and spacer bars shall be used in order to ensure accurate
positioning of reinforcement. Spacer blocks shall be cast well in advance with approved
proprietary pre-packed free flowing mortars (Conbextra as manufactured by M/S Fosroc
Chemicals India Ltd. or approved equivalent) of high early strength and same colour as surrounding
concrete, Pre-cast cement mortar/concrete blocks/blocks of polymer shall not be used as spacer blocks
unless specially approved by the Engineer-in-charge, rate of RCC items is inclusive of cost of such
cover blocks.
2.11.1 The work shall be done in accordance with CPWD Specifications.
2.11.2 Pre-cast reinforced concrete units shall be of grade or mix as specified. Provision shall be made in the
mould to accommodate fixing devices such as hooks etc. and forming of notches and holes. Each unit
shall be cast in one operation. A sample of the unit shall be got approved from Engineer-in-charge
before taking up the work.
2.11.3 Pre-cast units shall be clearly marked to indicate the top of member and its location.
2.11.4 Pre-cast units shall be stored, transported and placed in position in such a manner that these are not
2.11.5 The compaction of the concrete shall be done by vibrating, table or external vibrator, as approved by
Engineer-in-charge. The rate quoted for the item shall include the element for framework and
mechanical vibration.
2.11.6 Rate for item includes cost of all materials. labour, and all operations involved. Cost of M.S. frames,
lugs including their welding, lifting hooks is also included.
3.1 The brickwork shall be carried out with good quality well common burnt clay machine moulded modular
bricks of class designation 7.5 as per CPWD Specifications.
3.2 The rate shall also include for leaving chases / notches for dowels / cramps for all kinds of cladding to
come over brickwork.
3.3 Brick work provided around shaft or lift walls or around slab cutouts shall be measured in the brick for
corresponding floor level. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
3.4 M.S. bars provided at every third course of half brick masonry shall be in single piece. If required,
welding joint can be used without overlaps. Nothing extra shall be paid for welding and over laps.
4.1 General: - The execution of stones work shall be in general as per CPWD Specifications.
Samples of each item of stone work either individually or in combination shall be prepared for
approval of Engineer-in-charge before commencement of work.
5.1 The wood work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications.
5.2 The sample of timber to be used shall be deposited by the contractor with Engineer-in-charge before
commencement of work.
5.4 The shape and size of beading shall be as per drawings. The joints of beading shall be mitred.
5.5 Timber shall be of specified species, good quality and well seasoned. It shall have uniform colour,
reasonably straight grains and shall be free from knots, cracks, shakes and sapwood. It shall be close
grained. The contractor shall deposit the samples of species of timber to be used with the Engineer-in-
Charge for testing before commencement of the work.
5.6 Wood work shall not be painted, oiled or otherwise treated before it has been approved by the Engineer-
in-charge. All portion of timber including architrave abutting against masonry, concrete, stone or
embedded in ground shall be painted with approved wood preservative or with boiling coal tar.
5.7 The contractor(s) shall produce cash voucher and certificates from approved Kiln Seasoning Plants
about the timber used on the work having been kiln seasoned and chemically treated by them, falling
which it would not be so accepted as kiln seasoned and/or chemically treated.
5.8 Transparent sheet glass conforming to IS: 2835 – 1977 shall be used. Thickness being governed as
under unless otherwise specified in the item in wood work/steelwork:
5.10 The work shall be executed through specialized agencies to be approved by the Engineer in Charge.
5.11 The shutters should be fabricated in factories & fabrication should conform to CPWD Specifications
Para 9.6.6 & IS 1003Part-I.
5.12 The contractor shall propose well in advance to Engineer-in-Charge, the names and address of the
factory where from the contractor intends to get the shutters manufactured along with the credential of
the firm. The contractor shall place the order for manufacturing of shutters only after obtaining approval
of the Engineer in Charge whose decision in this case shall be final & binding. In case the firm is not
found suitable he shall propose another factory. The factory may also be inspected by a group of
officers before granting approval; shutters shall however he accepted only if these meet the specified
5.13 Contractor will arrange stage wise inspection of the shutters at factory by the Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative. The contractor will have no claim if the shutters brought at site in part or full
lot are rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge due to bad workmanship / quality. Such defective shutters
will not be measured and paid. The contractor shall remove the same from the site of work within 7 days
after the written instruction in this regard are issued by the Engineer-in-Charge.
5.14 The shutters should be brought at site without primer /painting.
6.1 The work shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications.
6.2 Pressed Steel Frame / T Iron Frames: - The work shall be done as per CPWD Specifications. The
frames shall be fabricated in approved workshops by the Engineer-in-charge. The angle and flat iron
frames for cupboard shall also be fabricated from the above approved workshops.
6.3 Steel windows / ventilators: The work shall be done strictly as per CPWD Specifications. Flash butt-
welded steel windows / ventilators only shall be provided and shall be procured from the approved
manufacturers. The corners should be welded to form a solid fused welded joint conforming to the
requirement given below.
a) Weld shall be made all along the place of meeting the member.
b) Weld should be properly grounded.
c) Complete cross section of the corner shall form a solid joint with no cavities, free from
cracks, under cutting, overlaps, gross porosity and entrapped slag.
All sub dividing and glazing bars shall be tennoned & riveted into the frames i.e. all centre
mullion section F4B and glazing section T2, T6 shall not be directly welded to the frames. For
this a slot has to be cut in the frames, the F4B / T2 / T6 section inserted into it & head be
hydraulically tennoned & riveted by Tennon Riveting Machine.
The thickness of projecting type hinges shall not be less than 3.15 mm. For fixing of hinges to
outer frame, slot shall be cut, hinges inserted & welded at the back. For non projected type
hinges if allowed, the wall thickness shall not be less than 3 mm & total width not less than 40
mm. For fixing, the slot shall be cut in the fixed frames, hinge flap inserted & welded from the
The fixing lug shall be as per IS 1038 with adjustable slot & fixed to window frames by screws &
nuts. The fixing of unit shall be done as per IS 1081
6.4 M.S. Sheet Door – M.S Sheet shall be in one piece i.e. no joint in M.S. Sheet shall be permitted.
7.1 All work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications.
7.2 Whenever flooring is to be done in patterns of tiles and stones, the contractor shall get samples of each
pattern laid and approved by the Engineer-in-charge before final laying of such flooring. Nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.
7.3 Different stones / tiles used in pattern flooring shall be measured separately as defined in the
nomenclature of the item and nothing extra for laying pattern flooring shall be paid over and above the
quoted rate. No additional wastage, if any, shall be accounted for any extra payment.
7.4 Samples of flooring stones (Kota/ Marble/ Granite etc.) shall be deposited well in advance with the
Engineer-in-Charge for approval. Approved samples should be kept at site with the Engineer-in-Charge
and the same shall not be removed except with the written permission of Engineer-in-Charge. No
payment whatsoever shall be made for these samples.
7.5 The Marble/ Kota/ Granite or any other stone shall be fully supported by the details establishing the
quarry and its location.
7.6 Full width Marble/ Kota/ Granite stone over kitchen platform shall be provided which shall not be less
than 900mm long except to adjust for closing pieces. The marble / stone flooring in treads and risers of
staircase shall not be less than 1500mm long except to adjust the closing pieces. Nothing extra shall be
paid on these accounts
The PVC & wooden flooring shall be procured from the approved manufacturer and work shall
be carried out as per approved drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
The tiles shall be procured from the approved manufacture of the approved shade & colour.
The tile shall be conforming to IS-13755, IS-13753 and IS-15622 for floor and wall tiles respectively.
Tiles for dado shall be 200mm x 300mm (minimum size) GROUP-III as approved.
Tiles for flooring shall be 300mm x 300mm (minimum size) GROUP-V Tiles as approved.
Test shall be conducted to satisfy the quality of material as per CPWD Specifications
7.9 Glass Mosaic Tile Flooring shall be with approved random colour mix design tiles and work shall be
carried out as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
7.10 The rate of items of flooring is inclusive of providing sunken flooring in bathrooms, kitchen etc. and
nothing extra on this account is admissible. The proper gradient shall be given to flooring for toilets,
verandah, kitchen, courtyard, etc. as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge.
8.1 The work shall be got executed from the specialized agency as approved by the Engineer in Charge.
8.2 Total quantity of the water proofing compound required shall be arranged only after obtaining the prior
approval of the make by Engineer-in-charge in writing. Materials shall be kept under double lock and
key and proper account of the water proofing compound used in the work shall be maintained. It shall
be ensured that the consumption of the compound is as per specified requirements.
8.3 The finished surface after water proofing treatment shall have adequate smooth slope as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
8.4 Before commencement of treatment on any surface, it shall be ensured that the outlet drain pipes /
spouts have been fixed and the spout openings have been chased and rounded off properly for easy
flow of water.
9.2 All painting material of approved brand and manufacturer shall be brought to the site of work in the
original sealed containers. The material brought to the site of work shall be sufficient for at least 30 days
of work. The material shall be kept under the joint custody of contractor and representative of the
Engineer-in-charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site till the completion of the
work without permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
10.1 The contractor shall submit schematic drawing of water supply and sanitary installation showing details
of layout, including internal water supply and drainage details, showing the detail of water supply lines
W.C. to main shaft pipe for drainage including its ventilation system for approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
10.2 For the work of water supply and sanitary installations, the contractor shall engage the approved
licensed plumbers and submit the name of proposed plumbing agencies with their credentials for
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.
10.3 The work in general shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications.
10.4 The tendered rates shall include the cost of cutting holes in walls, floors, RCC slabs etc. wherever
required and making good the same for which nothing extra shall be paid.
10.5 The Centrifugally spun cast iron pipe IS: 3989-1984 wherever necessary shall be fixed to RCC columns,
beams etc. with rawl plugs of approved quality and nothing extra shall be paid for on this account.
10.6 The pig lead to be used in the jointing should be as per CPWD specifications.
10.6 (a) The Centrifugally spun cast iron pipe IS: 3989-1984 wherever necessary shall be fixed to RCC
columns, beams etc. with rawl plugs of approved quality and nothing extra shall be paid for on this
10.6.(b) Nothing extra for providing and fixing CP brass caps/ extension pieces wherever required for CP
brass fittings shall be paid beyond the rates payable for corresponding CP brass fittings.
10.7 The pig lead to be used in jointing should be as per C.P.W.D. Specifications.
10.8 Nothing extra for providing & fixing CP Brass caps /extension pieces wherever required for CP Brass
fittings shall be paid beyond the rates payable for corresponding CP Brass fittings. Contractor shall
submit a Guarantee Bond as per Performa at for Rs. 10,000/- would be retained as security deposit in
addition to normal security deposit of the whole work and the amount so deducted would be released
after One years from the date of completion of the entire work under the agreement, if the performance
of the items is found satisfactory. If any defect is noticed during the guarantee period, the contractor
should rectify it within seven days and if not attended to the same will be got done from another agency
at the risk and cost of contractor. However, this security deposit can be released in full if bank
guarantee of equivalent amount is produced and deposited with the department.
11.1 Extent and Intent:- The work shall be carried out through an approved Special Agency, who shall
furnish all material, labour, accessories, equipment, tool and plants and incidentals required for
providing and installing anodized aluminium doors, windows, claddings, louvers and other items as
called for on the drawings. The drawings and specifications cover the major requirements only. The
supplying of additional fastenings, accessories, fixtures and other items not mentioned specifically
herein, but which are necessary to make a complete installation shall be a part of this contract.
11.2 General:- Aluminium doors, windows etc. shall be of sizes, section details as shown on the Architectural
drawings. The details shown on the drawings indicate generally the sizes of the component parts and
general standards. These may be varied slightly to suit the standard adopted by the manufacturers.
Before proceeding with any manufacturing, the contractor shall prepare and submit complete
manufacturing and installation drawings for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and no work shall be
performed until the approval of these drawings is obtained.
11.3 Shop Drawings:- The contractor shall submit the shop drawings of doors, windows, louvers, cladding
and other aluminium work, based on the architectural drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge for his
approval. The shop drawing shall show full size sections of doors, windows etc. thickness of metal (i.e.
wall thickness) details of construction, sub frame/rough ground profile, anchoring details hardware as
well as connection of windows, doors and other metal work to adjacent work. Samples of all joints and
methods of fastening and joining shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval well in
advance of commencing the work.
11.4. Samples:- Samples of doors, windows louvers etc. shall be fabricated, assembled and submitted to
Engineer-in-Charge for his approval. They shall be of sizes, types etc. as decided by Engineer-in-
Charge. All samples shall be provided at the cost of the contractor.
11.5. Sections:- Aluminium doors and windows shall be fabricated from extruded sections of profiles as
detailed on drawings. The sections shall be extruded by the manufacturers approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge. The aluminium extruded sections shall conform to BIS designation IIE/IIV 9 WP alloy, with
chemical composition technical properties, as per IS: 733 and IS: 1285. The permissible tolerance of
the extruded sections shall be such as not to impair the proper and smooth function/ operations and
appearance of doors and windows.
11.6 Fabrication:- Doors, windows etc. shall be fabricated to sizes at factory and shall be of section, sizes,
combinations and details as shown on the drawings. All doors, windows etc. shall have mechanical
joints. The joints shall be designed to withstand a wind load of 150 Kg. Per Sqm. The design shall also
incur that the maximum deflection of any member shall not exceed 1/175 of the span of the member. All
members shall be accurately machined and fitted to form hairline joints prior to assembly. The joints
accessories such as cleats, brackets etc. shall be of such material as not to cause any bimetallic action.
The design of the joints and accessories shall be such that the accessories are fully concealed. The
fabrication of doors, windows, etc. shall be done in suitable sections to facilitate easy transportation,
handling and installation. Adequate provision shall be made in the door and window members for
anchoring to support and fixing of hardware and other fixture as approved by the Architect.
11.7 Anodizing:- All aluminium sections shall be anodized as per IS: 7088 and to required colour as
specified in the item as per IS: 1868 grading as specified in item schedule after cutting the member to
requisite sizes before the final assembly. Anodizing confirming to specified grade with minimum
average thickness of 15 microns when measured as per IS: 612. The anodic coating shall be properly
sealed by steams or in boiling water are cold sealing process as per IS:1868/IS: 6057. Polythene tape
protection shall be applied on the anodised section before they are brought to site. All care shall be
taken to ensure surface protection during transportation, storage at site and installation. The tape
protection shall be removed on installation. The sample will be tested in the approved laboratory and
cost of samples; cost of testing etc. shall be borne by the contractor.
11.8 Protection of finish:- All aluminium members shall be wrapped with approved self-adhesive non-
staining. PVC tapes.
11.9.1 Fabricated materials shall be carried in an approved manner to protect the material against any damage
during transportation. The loading and unloading shall be carried out with utmost care. On receipt of
material at site, it shall be carefully examined to detect any damaged pieces. Arrangements shall be
made for expeditious replacement of damaged pieces/ parts. Materials found to be acceptable on
inspections shall be repacked in crates and stored safely.
11.9.2 In the case of composite windows and doors, the different units are to be assembled first. The
assembled composite units should be checked for line, level and plumb before final fixing is done. Units
may be serial numbered and identified as out how to be assembled in their final locations if situation so
11.9.3 The contractor shall be responsible for assembling composite, bedding and filling the grove with poly
sulphide sealant inside and outside, at transoms and mullions placing the doors, windows etc. in their
respective openings. After the doors/ windows have been fixed in their correct assigned position, the
open hollow sections abutting masonry concrete shall be fitted with approved polysulphide sealant
densely packed and finished neat.
11.9.4 The contractor shall be responsible for doors, windows, etc. being set straight, plumb, level and for their
satisfactory operation after fixing is complete.
11.10 Installation:-
11.10.1 Just prior to installation the doors, windows, etc. shall be uncreated and stacked on edge on level
bearers and supported evenly. The frame shall be fixed into position true to line and level using
adequate number of expansion machine bolts, anchor fasteners, of approved size and manufacture and
in an approved manner. The holes in concrete/masonry members for housing anchor bolts shall
be drilled with an electric drill.
11.10.2 The door/ windows assembled as shown on drawings shall be placed in correct final position on the
opening and marks made on concrete members at jambs, sills and heads against the holes provided in
frames for anchoring. The frame shall then be removed from the opening and laid aside. Neat holes
with parallel sides of appropriate size shall then be drilled in the concrete members with an electric drill
at the marking to house the expansion blots. The expansion bolts shall then be inserted in the holes,
struck with a light hammer till the nut is forced into the anchor shell. The frame shall then be placed in
final position in the opening and anchored to the support thought cadmium plated machine screws of
required size and anchored to the support through cadmium plated machine screws of required size
threaded to expansion bolts. The frame shall be set in the opening by using wooden wedges at
supports and be plumbed in position. The wedges shall invariably be placed at the meeting at points of
glazing bars and frame.
11.10 PVC/ Neoprene gaskets:- The contractor shall provide and install PVC/ Neoprene gaskets of approved
size and profile at all locations as shown and as called for to render the doors, windows etc. absolutely
air tight and weather tight. The contractor shall produce samples of the gaskets for approval and shall
procure the same after approval only.
11.12 Fittings:- Hinges, stays, handles, tower bolts, locks and other fittings shall be of quality and
manufacturer as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
11.13 Manufacturer‟s Attendance:- The manufacturer immediately prior to the commencement of glazing
shall adjust and set all windows and doors and accept responsibility for the satisfactory working of the
opening frames.
11.14 Poly-sulphide:-The gaps between frames and supports and also any gaps in the door and windows
sections shall be raked out as directed and filled with poly-sulphide of approved color and make to
ensure complete water tightness. The poly-sulphide shall be of such color and composition that it would
not stain the masonry/concrete work, shall receive paint without bleeding, will not sag or run and shall
not set hard or dry out under any conditions of weather. The sample of poly-sulphide to be used for this
purpose shall be got approved from the architect before its actual use.
11.15 Details of Test:-
11.15.1 The various tests on aluminium sections shall be conduced in accordance with the relevant IS codes.
11.15.2 The minimum number of tests for anodizing and corrosion resistance shall be as given below:-
S.No. Details
No. of Tests
1. Doors, windows and ventilators One test for every 1000 kg or part thereof.
11.15.3 The samples of major member of each unit of doors/ windows shall be selected at random by
Engineer-in-Charge as such that all the aluminum section shall be got tested.
11.16 Rates:-
11.16.1 The rates of the item shall include the cost of materials, labour required in all the above operations.
11.16.2 The rates include the cost of hinges/ pivots and rest of the fittings shall be paid separately.
12.1.0 SCOPE:12.1.1 This specification lays down requirement regarding types, sizes, material, construction,
workmanship, finish, performance evaluation, sampling and testing of solid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Panelled door
shutters for use in residential buildings, non-residential buildings such as offices, schools, hospitals, etc.
12.1.2 This specification does not cover large size door shutters for industrial and special buildings such as
workshops, garages, godown setc.
12.1.3 PVC door shutters shall be used in internal locations only.
12.2.1 The Indian Standards and other Standards listed in Annexure-I are necessary adjuncts to this standard.
The products bearing BIS certification i.e. ISI Mark with code number shall have precedence over those
not bearing ISI Mark.
12.3.1 For the purpose of this specification, the definitions given below in addition to those given in IS 707-
1976 shall apply:
(i) Blistering: Air or solvent entrapped during moulding.
(ii) Colour blots: Colour blots occurring on account of uneven distribution of pigment.
(iii) Crazing: Fine hair cracks on the surface.
(iv) Defective Impregnation: Imperfect impregnation of PVC resin with other additives.
(vii) Pin holes: Pores of size less than 1mm appearing on the surface.
(viii) Small Pores: Pores of size more than 1mm but less than 2mm appearing on the surface.
(x) Aggregate Defects: Presence of defects such as pin holes, impurities and traces of mending 5
or more in aggregate for defects at localized place.
12.4.0 HANDLING:
12.4.1 Handling and direction of closing of shutters shall be designated in accordance with IS:4043:1969.
12.5.0 MATERIAL:
12.5.1 Poly Vinyl Chloride Resin (suspension grade) is the basic raw material of PVC compound. PVC resin in
mixed with chemicals like calcium separate, hydrocarbon Wax, Titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate
Acrylic base etc. Further additives like UV stabilizers, impact modifiers, pigments, epoxy plasticizer,
lubricants, acrylic processing aid etc. are also added. The purpose of adding the chemicals and
additives is to impart strength, surface finish, colour and resistance to fading by light rays. These
chemicals are mixed in the desired proportion and shall be used in the formulation of PVC material and
for free and smooth extrusion of PVC cellular sheets.
12.6.0 PROCESS:
12.6.1 MIXING: The PVC material so formulated with the addition of chemicals, fillers & additives shall be
mixed dry powder form in a high speed hot mixer at a temperature of 110 0 C to 1250 C. The heated dry
blend is then to be cooled at room temperature. However, the temperature has to be determined
keeping in view the climatic conditions and the process requirements.
12.6.2 EXTRUSION: The cooled dry blend is off loaded into the hopper of the extruder, and then is fed to the
screw & barrel of the extruder, where it is melted and kneaded at varying temperatures upto 205 0 C by
rotating screws. The thick paste of PVC material is then passed through a hot die to make the sheet of
required thickness.
12.6.3 POLISHING: The basic shape of the sheet so acquired is then polished with the help of a three-roll
calendar. At the same time the sheet is cooled by circulating water in the rolls of the calendar and there
after on a roller table by atmospheric air.
12.6.4 CUTTING: The final finished product coming out of the haul-off is cut as per the required size.
13.1 PAVER BLOCKS: The paver blocks shall confirm to IS :15658: 2006 Testing and sampling shall be
conducted to satisfy the code. The contractor shall submit the test certificate of paver blocks along with
the supply of paver blocks.
12.1 The contractor will be fully responsible for the detailed design and drawings of all the units/items
mentioned in the Particular Specifications. The STP shall be broadly based on CPHEEO Sewage
Manual as well as relevant IS codes. The work shall be carried out only after Detailed Designs and
Drawings prepared by the contractor and vetted from CPWD.
12.4 Working designs & drawings for the entire civil work for STP foundations etc shall be submitted within 10
days from the date of award of work. The time allowed for approval of design & drawings is 10 days.
12.5 Samples of Treated sewage shall be drawn from the Plant and got tested by the contractor from
Karnataka Pollution Control Board/ Central Pollution Control Board approved laboratory. If the samples
meet the norms laid out in the tender, the plant shall be deemed commissioned.
12.6 After the deemed testing and commissioning of the sewage treatment plant the initial three months
period will be treated as trial run and nothing will be paid on this account. Date of start of maintenance
period will be counted after three months of trial run period.
12.7 The samples shall be taken continuously on alternate days for at least 20 (Twenty) days.
12.8 The Security Deposit shall be released after successful commissioning of 3 months trial run period and
1 year defect liability period and stabilization of STP subject to the successful performance of the
contract, proportionately every year in five equal installments (20% each year) for the operation &
maintenance period of 1 year
(i) The contractor shall submit within 10 days detailed design and drawings duly vetted along with detailed
design calculations in 6 sets to Engineer-in-charge for approval. All details as given in this tender document
shall be taken into consideration by the contractor for preparation and submission of designs. The drawings
and design calculations shall be very clear and give all necessary details so that there may not be any
ambiguity. These designs shall be checked by the department. In case changes in design and drawings are
required for ensuring structural stability of the structure and water tightness of the tank, and other
parameters, these shall be made accordingly by the contractor for which nothing extra shall be paid to him.
In case of dispute or difference of opinion, the decision of the Superintending Engineer shall be final and
binding on both the parties.
Approval to drawings may be given either in parts or in full by the department. Not with standing such
approval by Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall remain fully responsible for the quality of the treated
sewage and safety, soundness and water tightness of the structures. Defects or omissions in the design
and/or construction shall be made good by the contractor without any extra cost whenever they are noticed
by such remedial measures as the Engineer-in-charge may decided to bring the work upto the required
standards and specifications. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the technical suitability of the
design based on the specifications sound engineering practices, the relevant standard designs and IS
(ii) The tenderer shall submit 6 sets of completion plans including structural drawings after completion of the
(iii) The contractor will submit the laminated copies (suitable Size) of the following details at the time
of completion of the STP
a) Lay out Plan, Hydraulic Flow diagram and P&I diagram of the completed sewage treatment plant.
b) Contractor will submit draft operation and maintenance (O&M) Manual during execution/erection. After
approval of the draft, three sets of final operation and maintenance Manual shall be made available before
commencing the commissioning of the plant. The objective of the operational and maintenance manual is to
assemble under one bound cover all the instructions, data and drawings necessary for the operational
personal to start, operate, control, shut down and maintain the system under normal and emergency
condition in a safe manner.
c) frequency of the test to be conducted during the maintenance period.
d) Prescribed limit of various test as per CPHEEO Manual.
e) Details of size and specification of each component of the STP.
(iv) The tenderer will submit all the Instruction Operation Manual, Warranty/Guarantee cards of all the
mechanical components installed in the STP after completion of maintenance period to the Engineer-in-
charge for future reference.
12.10 Operation &Maintenance
(i) It is obligatory for the contractor to quote rates for operation, maintenance and testing of the STP
samples for a period of 1 year from the date of commissioning & stabilizing i.e. after completion of trial
run and defect liability period failing which the tender shall be summarily rejected.
(ii) The supplementary agreement for the operation, maintenance and monthly testing of the STP will be
drawn from the date of commissioning and stabilizing of STP i.e. after the period of trial run and defect
liability period specified in the agreement and main agreement will be closed accordingly.
(iii) During the operation and maintenance period the contractor shall get the treated sewage tested as
given on Page 89. Contractor shall keep a log of the flow data, the pumps etc, complete for inspection
of the Engineer-in-charge.
(iv) Commissioning of the plant includes training to owners and operators. The contractor shall provide
necessary supervisory staff during this period.
(v) Contractor shall ensure that at-least one man is available at STP at any time of the day (24hrs).
(vi) The contractor will get the maintenance manual approved from the Engineer-in-charge before start
of maintenance.
(vii) The rate should include all consumable required during the period of maintenance and dept. will not
provide any material.
13.1 The contractor‘s liability during the defect liability period from the final date of completion as per clause
17 shall be limited to rectification of defects including replacement as follows which in the opinion of
Engineer-in-Charge are not manmade.
Sl. Description
No. Defect Liability
(i) Concrete (a) Rectification of structural / superficial / non-structural cracks.
(b) Rectification of dampness / seepage in roof slab / junctions &
sunken portion.
(c) Rectification of cracks in beam, shade, column.
(ii) Brick work (a) Rectification of cracks in panel wall /portion.
(b) Cracks / settlement of dwarf walls.
(c) Rectification of efflorescence.
(iii) Joinery (a) Replacement of warped joinery.
(b) Cracks in panels, rails / style setc.
Sl. Description
No. Defect Liability
(iv) Builders Hardware (a) Repairs / Replacement of loosened / pre-mature failure of fittings.
(b) Tightening / Replacement of sag in mosquito proofing.
(v) Steel & Iron work (a) Rectification / Replacement of defective part of rolling shutter.
(b) Redoing of defective portion in fabrication / welding including
(c) Steel windows, grills, gates etc. – defects to be rectified.
(vi) Roof treatment (a) Rectification of leakage / seepage of roof slab including covering
at junction till guarantee period.
(vii) Plastering (a) Rectification of structural / superficial cracks if any.
(b) Rectification of protruding / peeling off plaster if any.
(c) Rectification of efflorescence
(viii) Flooring (a) Rectification of sinking portion of plinth protection including
saucer drain.
(b) Settlement of foundation &floors.
(ix) Plumbing / Sanitary (a) Making good of leakage through soil / waste pipe joints.
fittings (b) Replacement of looking mirror if found wavy.
(c) Rectification of leakage of over head tanks.
(d) Leakage / seepage of sunken floor, blockage of taps / pipes, non-
functioning of cistern.
(x) Finishes (a) Making good of defective / dissimilar patches of painting to match
with remaining surfaces.
(xi) Internal Water (a) Repairs / Replacement of defective taps /fittings.
Supply (b) Repair to leakage of GI water pipe lines including joints.
(c) Removal of blockage of GI pipelines.
(xii) Roads (a) Repair of sinking portion of road & potholes, if any
(xiii) Sewage (a) Rectification of slope / system if found defective during use.
(b) Rectification of major blockage in Sewer lines.
(c) Cracks & settlement of sewage lines.
(xiv) Drains (a) Repair to Drains.
(b) Settlement of Drains
(xv) External Water (a) Repairs to installations & fittings.
(xvi) General (a) All manufacturing defects of structures / fixtures / fittings /
electrical or mechanical equipments other than listed above.
Therefore, a solution is intended to treat the sewage which has been generated from Toilets,
Bathrooms, Canteens and floor washings etc. by using the highest efficient technology to deal with the sewage
discharged from the toilets. The sewage will be treated in order to meet the standard norms set by the Pollution
Control Board(PCB).
As the treated water is to be used for flushing purposes in toilets, Skid Mounted Unit shall be provided
based on the latest MBR technology.
The scope of work shall cover various aspects covering the parameters of sewage (both quality and
quantity), scheme & process of the treatment, process units involving in the treatment, their specification with
commercial terms & conditions.
The system shall be designed in such a way that the sewage generated from Toilets; the characteristics
for the raw sewage treated wastewater for the design purpose are given below in the table:
The treated sewage will be used for the following purpose of horticulture or flushing or cooling towers
(with addition of softener if required) resulting in the reduction of significant natural water resources
as well as cost with following features:-
The treatment will be carried out in STP in three stages:
Stage 1: Primary Treatment
• Screen Chamber
• Oil & Grease Chamber
• Sewage Collection Tank
• Fine Screen Chamber
The Sewage will first pass through the Screen Chamber having coarse bar screens to trap the floating debris
if any. Then it will be collected in Oil and grease trap to remove the oil and other fats. After that, this sewage
will be collected into the Sewage Collection tank. From where, it will be transferred to the fine screen
chamber followed by anoxic tank for the removal of nitrogen. From anoxic tank, the sewage will be collected
into the Biological reactor for biological treatment.
The MBR system is a customized system comprising an activated sludge process and membrane
separation. The first tank will be aeration tank which will act as the biological reactor. The other tank will be
the MBR tank which will be used for housing the membrane skids. Below the membrane skids tube diffusers
will be provided for air scouring during filtration
It is the aerobic system with fine bubble diffusers to provide sufficient dissolved oxygen levels to treat the
wastewater by removing COD, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, BOD and TSS etc. Generated sludge is recycled to
the aerobic zone by the RAS line. The flow rate of RAS is decided based on the Mixed Liquor Suspended
Solids (MLSS) concentration present in the aeration zone. The excess sludge produced can be wasted from
the tank using the WAS (Waste Activated Sludge)line.
Effluent from biological reactor is sent to MBR tank for further treatment and filtration. During filtration, a
suction pressure is applied to the lumen of the membrane fibers. The suction pressure is usually created
through the use of a self-priming centrifugal pump/vacuum pump, where the suction pressure pulls water to
the inside of the fibers, leaving particulate matter on the external surface. The operating flux is typically kept
constant, and as solids accumulate on the feed side of the membrane fibers and in the membrane pores,
more suction pressure is required to maintain a constant flow rate. The rate of fouling is reduced by
continuous aeration, where air is applied at the bottom of the vertically aligned fibers. The aeration creates a
two-phase flow that scours the membrane surface and continuously removes the fouling. The Poly-tetra
fluoro-ethylene (PTFE) MOC of the lumen helps in low fouling of membrane surface which results into higher
life of membrane.
C. Membrane Relaxation
Normal service operation consists of repeated cycles of filtration and relaxation. The relaxation helps
remove the residual foul ants that are not removed by air scouring during filtration. The relaxation time is
adjustable and typically takes 10% to 20% of total cycle time depending on membrane fouling, e.g. seven to
Parameter Specification
Hydrophilicity Permanent
Maintenance cleaning (MC) is typically conducted on a weekly basis to preserve the operating flux. The
MC can be triggered by a timer or manually by the operator. The MC is conducted by dosing chemicals
such as Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) into the permeate side of the membranes. The membrane is soaked
in the chemical while the solution flows simultaneously in the reverse direction from the membrane
A cleaning-in-place (CIP), also named as Recovery Cleaning (RC), is performed on a quarterly or half
yearly basis to remove foul ants that are difficult to be removed by air scouring and MC. The concentration
and type of chemicals used for CIP, as well as the soaking time, depend on the extent of fouling. The use
of chlorine aid sinthere moval of biological fouling while citricacidre moves in organic
scaling. The CIP can be initiated by a timer or manually by the operator. Similar to MC, the chemical
solution flows from the permeate side to the feed side of the membrane, thus attacking the foulants on the
membrane surface. This method minimizes the amount of CIP chemicals required.
Continuous aeration is used during the filtration and relaxation cycles to scour the membrane
surface and remove fouling. The turbulence caused by the two-phase air- water flow is effective in
removing the foulants deposited on the membrane surface. The MBR membrane must always be
immersed in water and under continuous aeration even if the membrane filtration system is not in
operation. The air diffusers consist of a hard pipe covered by a rubber material with slits in it. This design
feature is useful in eliminating the backflow of sludge into the air diffusers that clogs thediffuser.
After MBR treatment, there is no need of any Pressure sand filter or Activated Carbon Filter. However,
Hypo dosing is required to kill the pathogenic organisms. The treated effluent is collected into the
treated water storage tank & will be used for irrigation.
The sludge generated from MBR tank will be collected in sludge holding tank & will be diverted to the
Centrifuge for dewatering. The dewatered solid sludge can be used as organic manure in gardening.
S. No. Description
4. Supply of Mechanical Equipments as per detail above
5. All type of civil works
6. Supply of Electrical Items as per detail above
4. Supply of piping, valves and other accessories as per detail above
5. Supply of Instrumentation items
6. Supply of fabricated items.
7. Operator‘s training
Supply of power to MCC Panel at STP with cabling & earthing.
Installations, commissioning and testing , operation and maintenance of 200 KLD STP.
Civil works for Water pumps complete
Allied works for installation and commissioning such as foundation of
motors,pumps panels etc. are included in the rate for which nothing extra shall be
The work shall be executed according to the CPWD specifications, except where otherwise specified in
(i) Description of schedule of quantities, (ii) Design Criteria, (iii) CPHEEO sewage Manual, (iv) General
conditions and particular specifications etc. v) Sound Engineering Practice.
The work shall be executed according to the relevant I.S. Standard for work not covered under sub para above.
In addition to the details given in this tender documents, the design, material and construction of all
cement concrete and RCC works of foundations, staging and the tank shall be governed by I.S. codes
(456-2000), IS. 1893-2002, IS : 13920 & IS3370 (Part-I, Part-II and IV) and other relevant codes.
875-1987 and IS : 1893-2002 and the tank designed to resist worst combination of static
Loading shall be as per IS:
as well as dynamic loads.
Permissible working stresses in concrete shall be as per IS : 456-2000. For the water container and its
structural members it shall be as per I.S.code 3370 (part-II) .The water tank shall satisfy the requirements
laid down in IS : 3370 (Part-I, II and IV).
RCC tank, roof dome, walls, floor and floor supporting beams and internal beams shall be of nominal mix
and not leaner than M - 30 same mix of concrete used for entire water container. The different mixes for
different parts of the container shall not be allowed.
The tanks shall be tested after completion for leakage. The contractor shall carry out the test in (conformity
with I.S. code 3370 at his own cost).
On every construction joint in the walls of tank, 200mm wide Aluminium sheet 16 guage shall be provided,
out of which 100mm width shall be embedded in the lower layer of RCC surface and remaining 100mm
width in the successive layer of RCC. The rate quoted shall deem to include the cost of providing and
placing such sheets as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
staircase shall be constructed simultaneously along with the progress of the Equalization sump cum Screen
All the RCC surface exposed finished (shutter finish) unless otherwise specified. No. cement plaster will
be the Engineer-in-charge permits to apply the
allowed on RCC exposed surface except in the case where
same for which no extra payment shall however be made.
Unless otherwise specified the G.I pipe to be used shall be of B-class.
SFRC manhole cover shall be provided in such way that the ingress of water is arrested and also is made lockable.
Primer & painting shall be done on all steel work, with approved make of primer of Red oxidized zinc
chromate primer and two or more coats of first quality synthetic enamel paint as per preferred list of brand.
Every bit of RCC shall be cast to a uniform height.
Proper key joint shall be kept in every RCC bit for accommodating the successive bit and better interlock.
Requisite Puddle collars shall be placed in position before casting of the concrete.
Unless otherwise specified, the following sizes and specifications shall be followed.
i. The unit sizes shall be calculated as per the design parameters specified in tender and in case the
parameters are not mentioned CPHEEO Manual shall be considered.
ii. Peripheral walls of underground structure shall rise at least 600mm above the existing GL.
iii. RCC shall be M – 30 and thickness shall be at-least 150mm thick with Fe 500 D TMT Bars.
iv. Minimum Steel Main/Distribution steel shall be 8 mm dia @ 150mm or as directed by Engineer-in-
charge and RCC shall be finished with cement plaster cement mortar 1:3
v. PCC as mud mat below all structures shall be 100mm thick grade 1:5:10.
vi. Minor pump foundations etc. should be laid by excavating existing soil up to a death of 600 mm &
strengthening the same by doing rubble soiling. Minor pump/blower/small pits & other such
foundations should rest on well-compacted soil with rubbles soiling & PCC as mud mat.
vii. Brick work shall be with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 75.
viii. Cement Mortar used for plaster/brick work shall be with coarse sand of specified mix.
ix. The inner surface of Hopper bottom plus one meter additional height of the MBR & Secondary clari-
settler shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:3 finished with a floating coat of neat cement. Special
Water proof chemical like Sodium silicate protection shall be provided on the inner surface.
xiii. All walls shall be protected with pre cast CC 1:2:4 plinth protection 50mm thick (using 750x300x50
blocks) laid over 75mm thick 1:5:10 CC and edging with pre cast, CC 1:2:4, kerbs 100 x 200 x 600
mm including jointing with cement mortar etc.
xiv Mild steel wherever provided shall be painted with first quality synthetic enamel paint over a
primer coat of Red Oxide Zinc chromate.
xvi. RCC staircase shall also be provided with G.I. Railing.
xvii. Railing shall be of GI 40mm diameter pipe and shall be 900 mm high from the finished floor level
with vertical balusters/members placed at not more than 1200mm C/C.
xvii. The blusters/vertical members of railing shall have 150 MM dia 6mm thick G.I. base plate and
shall be anchored to the floor by at least 3no. dash fasteners of 10 mm dia.
xix. Access to all units shall be with walkways of clear width of at least 1000mm.
xx. Net SBC of soil for design of structures shall be provided by the Engineer-in-charge.
xxi. All items shall be carried out as per CPWD Specifications, CPHEEO Manual and relevant BIS
The contractor shall test the following during operation & maintenance period including trial run cum
defect liability period and maintain log:
(g) BOD : After every 10days
(h) TSS : After every 10days
(i) pH :Daily
(j) COD: After every 10days.
(k) Total Nitrogen : After every 10days.
(l) Total Phosphorus : After every 10days.
The rates quoted shall be for complete job as per the contract conditions and shall be all inclusive of
all taxes. Nothing extra will be payable on any other account.
j) Balances
a) 7kg to 10 kg. Capacity, Semi-self indicating type-Accuracy 10gm
b) 500 gm. Capacity, Semi-self indicating type Accuracy 1gm
c) Pan Balance – 5 Kg. Capacity, accuracy 10gm.
iii) Sieve shaker capable of 200 mm and 300 mm dia sieves, manually operated with timing
switch assembly.
x) Equipment for slump test – Slump Cone, Steel Plate, tamping rod, steel scale, scoop.
xiii) Enamel trays (for efflorescence test for bricks and other tests)
a. 300 mm X 250 mm X 40mm
b. Circular plates of 250 mmdia
c. 600 mm X 450 mm X 500mm
d. 450 mm X 300 mm X 40mm.
xiv) ISI marked 150 X 150 X 150 mm concrete cube moulds as per site requirement.
i) Steel tapes – 3m
ii) Vernier Calipers
iii) Micrometer Screw 25 mm gauge
iv) A good quality plumb bob
v) Spirit level minimum 30 cms long with 3 bubbles for horizontalvertical
vi) Wire gauge (circular type)disc.
vii) Foot rule
viii) Long nylon thread
ix) Magnifying glass
x) Screw driver 30 cms long
xi) Ball pin hammer, 100gms
xii) Plastic bags for taking samples
xiii) Digital Distance meter
xiv) Leveling machine
xv) Theodolite
Note:- All the field testing equipments as mentioned above are essentially required at site except
Rebound Hammer for testing concrete, Ultrasonic Pulse velocity meter and Digital Distance meter
which can be brought at site by the agency as and when required.
Sl. Item Quantities Frequency as No. of R.A. Upto No. of No. of Remarks
No as per per specification tests bill date tests tests
. agreement require No. quantity require actually
D d done
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Signature of Contractor
Date of Issue
Date of Receipt
Items of work
Date of expiry
Qty. Progressiv
Qty for which
received e Total
Batch No.
Issued Issued
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Particulars of Issue
70 PVC tank and loft tank (ISI marked) Sintex, SPL, Amitex, Lotus
71 Brass stop cock, bib cock, ball valve Link, Prima,leader
72 SW pipes and GI pipes Anand, perfect, perry
73 SFRC manhole cover, KK manhole, pragati, Nitco
ACC, Ultratech, Zuari cement and Dalmia Bharat
74 Cement cement
75 AAC Blocks SIPOREX Ultratech, Maxlite
NOTE: Equivalent material and finishes of any other specialized firms may be
used , in case it is established that the brands specified above are not available in
the market but only after approval of the alternate brand by the Engineer-in-
Name of work: Providing Design, Construction and Commissioning of 200 KLD MBR
Technology Sewage Treatment Plant at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing,
Naimisham Campus Mysore including Civil, Electro Mechanical Components and Operation
and Maintenance for 1 year after 3 months stabilization period.
1. The work will proceed broadly as per the stages indicated above. If some
work is not executed as per the above sequence and later sequence is
executed first, then the payment for that stage will be released at the
discretion of the Engineer-in-charge and this decision of the Engineer-in-
charge in this regard shall be final and binding.
2. The above provision is only to release stage payments. This may
not be quoted anywhere else.
3. The payment schedule is tentative it can be rescheduled, if required by
concerned Superintending Engineer – in – charge of Civil work
respectively in consultation with Engineer-in-Charge and agency.