Raja Report

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A Industrial training report Submitted to the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of


Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046

Submitted by

Under the Guidance of


M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA

Head of the Department



(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore)
Approved by Government of Tamil Nadu and Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
DST – FIST | DBT – Star College Scheme
Dr. N.G.P.-Kalapatti Road, Coimbatore – 641 048, Tamil Nadu, India
Website: www.drngpasc.ac.in | Email: drngparts@kmch.ac.in. |Phone:+91 -422 - 2369100

October -2019

I, RAJAPANDIAN G (Reg.No:171CI040)hereby declare that the Industrial training report entitled “AN
University, Coimbatore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
research work done by me during the period 15 days under the supervision and guidance of Dr.
KAMALAVENI S M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA, Department of Commerce with Information
Technology Dr .N. G. P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, and it has not formed the basis for the
award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Associateship/ Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any

Place: Coimbatore (RAJAPANDIAN G)

Date : Student

This is to certify that the industrial training report, entitled “AN OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY
FOR THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY” submitted to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 48 in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BACHELOR COMMERCE WITH
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, is a record of original research word done by Mr. RAJAPANDIAN
G (Reg.No: 171CI040) during the period 15 of her study in the Department of Information Technology at
Dr .N. G. P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, under my supervision and guidance and the dissertation
has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree/ Diploma/ Associateship/ Fellowship or other similar
title to any candidate of any university.

Place: Coimbatore Dr KAMALAVENI S

Date : Guide

Dr. S. KAMALAVENI (Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran)

Head, Department of Commerce with Principal
Information Technology

Viva- Voce Examination held on…………………..

Internal Examiner External Examiner


This project was the most significant accomplishment in my life and it would not have been
possible without the blessing of God almighty and those who supported me and belief in my caliber.

My deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. NALLA. G. PALANISWAMI, M.D,
AB(USA), Chairman, Kovai Medical Center Research and Educational Trust and Dr. THAVAMANI. D.
PALANISWAMI, M.D, AB (USA), Secretary, Dr. N.G. P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.

I am thankful to our Principal Prof.Dr. V. RAJENDRAN, M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Tech., Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Dr. N.G. P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, for every help he rendered before and during the project.

Dr. S. KAMALAVENI Head Department of Commerce with Information Technology Dr. N.G. P
Arts and Science College, Coimbatore for showing sustained interest and providing help throughout the
period of my work.

I would like to extend sincere thanks to my guide Dr KAMALAVENI S M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
PGDCA., Head of the Department, Department of Commerce with Information Technology Dr. N.G. P
Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. I sincerely thank for his exemplary guidance and encouragement.

I take this opportunity to acknowledge my sincere thanks to all the Staff Members of the
Department of Commerce with Information Technology for their constant inspiration, assistance and
resourceful guidance for the completion of this project successfully.

I express my sincere thanks to my family and friends for their encouragement, love, prayers, moral
support, advice and sacrifice without which I would not have been able to pursue the course of my study.



1. Introduction of the Study

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Objective of the study

1.3 Scope

1.4 Limitation

2. Introduction About the


2.1 About the Company

2.2 Profile for The Company

2.3 Objectives of the Company

2.4 Organization Chart

3. Various Departments

3.1 Purchase Department

3.2 Stores Department

3.3 Production Department

3.4 Accounts Department

3.5 Sales Department

4. 4.1 Conclusion
Chapter 1

Introduction of the Study

1.1 Introduction

As a human being need three basic requirements viz., food, cloth and shelter to live on world.
Cloths are of as much important as compared to food, which is necessary for living. So cloths are known as
one of the essential for a man. Cloth has gained a lot of important since the Indus Valley Civilizations
which falls behind some 5000 years ago. In the modern society, apart from fulfilling the basic need of
human being’s the industry also paves the way of employment are a source of live wood for mass society
as whole. It can also be tugged as one of the important industries. It enjoys the special privilege in the
industry sector, i.e., Textile Industry.

In 1884, modernized textile mills were started in Mumbai. In 1884, nearly 5-7 mills were started in
Tami Nadu in Chennai, Tuticorin, Ambasamudaram and Coimbatore, which is known as the Manchester of
South India.

This report is a short description of my internship carried out as a compulsory component of the
summer project training. The internship was carried out within the organization MAHALAKSHMI
TEXTILE, at the beginning of the internship I formulated several learning goals, which I want to
understand the function and working condition of a private organization; to see what skills and knowledge
I still need to work in professional environmental; to learn about the research methodologies (field
methods/method to analyze data) to get field work to change my communication skills; to build a network.
This internship report contains my activities that have observed from the organization during the
internship. In following chapter a description of an organization MAHALAKSHMI TEXTILE and the
activities is given. After this reflection on my function unexpected circumstances and the learning goals
and achieved during the internship are described. Finally the report consists of the conclusion on the
experience according to my learning goals.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
The objective of the business organization is as follows:

 To gain knowledge in the organization.

 To know about the days to day activities of industry.
 To know about the procedure and policies of the company.
 To know accounting procedures.
 To know about the various functions of the company.
1.3 Scope of Study
 Clear knowledge about the construction textile industry.
 Gain knowledge about the organization.
 To know very well about the accounting procedures.
 The important and benefits of industrial training helps to know the textile knowledge and
working experience.
1.4 Limitation
 The time allowed was limited
 Some of the financial details were not given fully
 The full details and knowledge is not known.
Chapter 2

Introduction about the Company

2.1 About the Company

Established in the year 2006, Makeshwari Textile, the trusted textile industry of the range of Shirts,
T-shirts, and other related products.

We manufactured our products using high quality material that are tested before starting
production. Our organization is support by a team of skilled professionals who are highly qualified and
experienced. They check each and every activity of the organization to offer a matchless range of to our
client. Our company ensures that these products are timely delivered to our clients.

The company have established as an efficient firm of the industry. Because of his fast industry
experience and rich knowledge of this domain. We are growing such a fast rate and able to satisfy our
clients in an effective.
2.2 Profile of the Company

Company Name : Makeshwari Textile

Constitution : Sole Trader

Owner Name : Rajendran K

Address : 3/158, Thennaimara Thittam,

Kangayapalayam, Sulur,

Coimbatore – 641401.

Contact : 9677731771,


E-mail Id : makeshwaritextile@gmail.com

Number of Employees : 70 employees

Company Established : 2006

Capital Invested : 3 Crore

Bank : HDFC Bank and Canara Bank

2.3 Objectives of the Company

Every business concern should have its Objectives. The Objectives of the company are the follows:

 To provides employment opportunity for the people.

 To send the product at right place and time.
 Effective utilization of men, materials and machinery.
 To satisfy our buyers need.
 To increase the productivity of the worker and reduce the cost continuously.
2.4 Organization Chart



Purchase Stores Prodection Accounts Marketing

Manager Officer


Chapter 3

Various Departments

There are different departments which work for the development of the organization. The various
departments in the organization are headed by the respective department heads. The following departments
in the organization:

 Purchase Department
 Store Department
 Production Department
 Accounts Department
 Sales Department
3.1 Purchasing Department

Purchasing in the function of buying goods from external sources of an organization. The objects
of purchasing is to arrange the supply of material, related raw material required by the organization to
produce the desired product, from some agency or outside the organization.

The firm is purchasing material from Kolkata, Gujarat and Coimbatore etc. The main function of
the department is to buying the raw material and supply then for the production department whatever
necessary. Department head will inform to purchasing department about the raw materials available in the
store before and after completion of the production.

Stores receive the purchase indent and check whether it is available or not and they inform them to
the purchase department. Purchase approval from the manager, after getting the approval the purchase
manager prepare the quotation parties. Purchase department is the primary department in the company .The
demand and supply of the goods are maintained by the purchase of the raw material.


 To ensure that goods purchased are in proper quality.

 To ensure the supply of materials at the right time, it is necessary for the production department.

 To maintain the competitive position of the firm by maintaining quality, standards positively
comparable with those of competing firms.

 To develop good supplier relationship.

3.2 Stores Department

A Storehouse is a building for preserving materials, stores and finished goods. It was managed by
the store keeper or store Manager. The Organization of the Stores departments depends upon the size of the
factory, nature of the material stored and frequency of purchase and issue of materials.

The Stores Department should conveniently be located so that it can receive materials from the
supplier and issue materials to the production department without much delay. In this company having
many departments the store cannot be situated in a place form where materials can conveniently be
delivered and at the same time its location shall be near the receiving department. So, it is necessary to set
up sub-stores situated convenient to serve a particular part of the organization.

Here we need stores department near to us, because at any time the raw material can be required for
the production and if it is far away from the company it also require transport charges.

Duties and Responsibility

The stores department is maintained by the stores keeper. The following are the duties and
responsibility of the stores keeper.

 To maintain the proper records of the stores.

 To make arrangement for proper storage of materials and finished goods.

 To issue the materials to the production department due to their requirement.

 To prevent the unauthorized person inside the stores.

 To keep the store clean

 To report on waste, scrap and obsolete stock.

3.3 Production Department

Some of the process followed in the production department. There are:

 Bleaching
 Dyeing
 Cutting
 Printing
 Stretching
 Checking
 Packing
I. Bleaching

Textile bleaching is one of the stages in the manufacture of textiles. All raw textile
materials, when they are in natural form, are known as 'greige' material. This greige material will
have its natural color, odor and impurities that are not suitable for clothing materials. Not only the
natural impurities will remain on the greige material but also the add-ons that were made during its
cultivation, growth and manufacture in the form of pesticides, fungicides, worm
killers, sizes, lubricants, etc. The removal of these natural coloring matters and add-ons during the
previous state of manufacturing is called scouring and bleaching.
II. Dyeing

Dyeing is the application of dyes or pigments on textile

Materials such as fibers, yarns, and fabrics with the goal of achieving color with desired color
fastness. Dyeing is normally done in a special solution containing dyes and particular chemical
material. Dye molecules are fixed to the fibre by absorption, diffusion, or bonding with temperature
and time being key controlling factors. The bond between dye molecule and fibre may be strong or
weak, depending on the dye used. Dyeing and printing are different applications; in printing color is
applied to a localized area with desired patterns and in dyeing it is applied to the entire textile.
III. Cutting

The main purpose of cutting section involves cutting of garment panels precisely, consistent
with the pattern shape and size as well as economically and in a necessary volume to keep the
sewing department supplied with work.

Fabric cutting machines which are vastly used in apparel manufacturing industry have pointed out
in the below:
 Straight knife cutting m/c,
 Band knife cutting m/c,
 Round knife cutting m/c,
 Die cutting m/c,
 Notcher cutting m/c,
 Drill cutting m/c,
 Computer controlled knife cutting m/c,
 Laser beam cutting m/c,
 Water Jet cutting m/c,
 Plasma torch cutting m/c.
Straight knife cutting M/C

Features of Straight Knife Cutting M/C:

 Here, knife is driven by using electric power.
 Straight edge is mostly used in straight knife.
 Here, blade stroke varies from 2.5 to 4.5 cm.
 During cutting, grinding wheel helps to sharp the cutting knife.
 Blade edge: straight edge, wave edge, saw edge, serrated edge
 This type of knife can cut heavy fabric i.e. canvas and denim fabric.
Round knife cutting M/C

Features of Round Knife Cutting M/C:

 Some key elements of round knife fabric cutting machines are base plate, electric motor, circular blade
 Band knife blade is circular.
 Band knife blade diameter ranges from 6 to 20cm.
 This type of blade is driven by electric power
IV. Printing

Textile printing is the process of applying color to fabric in definite patterns or designs. In
properly printed fabrics the color is bonded with the fiber, so as to resist washing and friction. Textile
printing is related to dyeing but in dyeing properly the whole fabric is uniformly covered with one color,
whereas in printing one or more colors are applied to it in certain parts only, and in sharply defined
In printing, wooden blocks, stencils, engraved plates, rollers, or silk-screens can be used to place
colors on the fabric. Colorants used in printing contain dyes thickened to prevent the color from spreading
by capillary attraction beyond the limits of the pattern or design.
V. Stitching

In the textile arts, a 'stitch' is a single turn or loop of thread, or yarn. Stitches are the fundamental
elements of sewing, knitting, embroidery, crochet, and needle lace-making, whether by hand or
machine.[1] A variety of stitches, each with one or more names, are used for specific purposes.

All stitches:

 Backstitch
 Overcast stitch
 Cross stitch
 Buttonhole or blanket stitch
 Chain stitch
 Knot stitch
VI. Checking

Quality is an important issue for all types of clothing or apparel. Testing has so importance
to achieve required quality of apparel in readymade apparel industry. There are various types of
testing done for apparel products by using quality control tools and equipment’s which are
presented in this article. It also presents different types of testing needed for apparel shipment.
Here they are using only man power for quality checking. The person is well experienced
one and has more knowledge about the textile.
So they are not using any other machine and tools for the quality control.
VII. Packing

Packaging is the process of wrapping, compressing, filling or creating of goods for the
purpose of protection and their appropriate handling. This is the final process in the production of
garments, which prepares the finished merchandise for delivery to the customer. It is an important
part of the garment manufacturing process. Packaging is also use to get lot of attention from the
customer. These operations come under the materials handling methods and are no less important
than other systems used in the factory. After completing the entire manufacturing task, apparel is
required to be packed. After packing, it is placed in cartons as per instructions and then it is stored
in a store section before it is delivered to the respective buyer.
3.4 Accounts Department

Accounts are the life blood of the company. Main purpose of preparing accounting statement is to
as profit and loss during the specified period and shows the financial condition of the company.
Accounting is the process of Recording, Classifying, Summarizing and Interpreting the financial
information about the activities of a concern. The company maintains the various books of accounts for
recording financial transaction.

The financial year of the company starts from 1st April and ends with 31st march in every year.
Finally they prepare the Trading, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet. There should some books are
maintained by this department.

 Cash Book

 Purchase Book

 Sales Book

 Creditor’s Ledger

 Debtor’s Ledger

 Balance Sheet

Cash Book
All the cash transactions are noted in this cash book. It had two columns namely cash and bank columns. In
this, they are noted date, particular, amount and payment including bank deposits and withdrawals.

Purchase Book
It is a separate book to enter the purchase made will suppliers. The main role of purchase made in
the company is purchase of raw material. In this, purchase order number, date of delivery, quantity of
goods, total amount and mode of payment are noted.
Sales Book
A sales book maintained by the company for recording everyday sales to its customers.

Creditor’s Ledger
In this ledger the balance outstanding by the supplier is recorded. This ledger enables to calculate
the balance due to each other.

Debtor’s Ledger
In this ledger the account of all customer to whom goods have been sold on credit are recorded.
This ledger is also known as “sold ledger/customer ledger”.

Balance Sheet
The balance sheet contains the assets and liabilities. It helps the owner to know about the financial
position. It helps in indicating whether the firm has sufficient asset and liabilities.
3.5. Sales Department

Sales are the activities in selling the products. Sales are the most important part of every
business. It means the goods are transferred from money.

The main function of a sales department is to effect sales. It is concerned with the transfer of
owner on terms of satisfactory to both the buyer and seller. This had to be done at the lowest
possible cost.

The price of the finished products is determined by the Manager. The sales manager sells
out the products through the brokers, commission agents etc.,

But in our company the raw materials will be given by the agents. After our production
process have been completed they itself buy the same products. In sometime they sell the products
in coimbator, bangalore etc.,
Cash Sales

Cash sale means selling the products to the customers in ready cash. The payments are made
during the sales because while selling large quantity there will be a cash discount. The direct
payment are made through cash are checks.

Credit Sales

Credit Sales means selling the goods under the credit basis. Credit sales are normally
allowed to the regular buyer. Credit sale is made only when there is sufficient capital to run the
business, the firm allows only 30 days of payment.
Fixing Price for Sales

other related
Estimating the
Wages for the
expeses made
for producting

fixing the Adding profit

Price of Raw
price for the in the cost of
product the products
Employee’s salary

Based on their experience and performance they get their salary. They give the salary to
their office staff in monthly basis and they give wages to the workers also monthly basis.

The company has give bones to all the staffs and workers at the time of Diwali & Pongal
festivals. The bonus is calculated according to their net salary.

Books Maintained for the Employees

 Employees Profile

 Attendance Register

 Salary
4.1 Conclusion
The management maintains good relationship with the workers and makes them happy and satisfied
by mean of monetary and other benefits.

I thank very much to everyone in the MAKESHWARI TEXTILE who helped me in the way to
make industrial training as successful one to carry on my career. This study has helped me to understand
the administration of the organization.

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