TMTD 579140
TMTD 579140
TMTD 579140
Signal Word: WARNING!
Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed!
Inhalation and ingestion may cause alcohol intolerance (Antabuse Effect).
Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed.
Toxic to aquatic organisms may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
Skin contact May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be absorbed through the skin and
produce effects similar to those caused by inhalation and/or ingestion.
Eye Contact Causes mild eye irritation. Signs/symptoms can include redness, swelling,
pain and tearing.
Inhalation Remove person to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, get immediate attention.
Skin Immediately flush skin with plenty of water and soap for at least 15 minutes
and get medical attention if irritation persists. Remove contaminated clothing
and launder before reuse.
Eyes Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical
attention if irritation persists.
Extinguishing Media Use water fog, carbon dioxide, foam or dry chemical.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures Fight fire from a safe distance and from a protected location. Use water spray
to cool fire exposed surfaces. Decomposition in fire may produce toxic gases.
Do not allow runoff to enter waterways.
Special Protective Equipment Full protective clothing and approved self-contained breathing apparatus
required for fire- fighting personnel
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Toxic emissions may result if product is involved in a fire.
Procedures Isolate the area. Turn off/remove all potential sources of ignition. Work only
with non-sparking tools and equipment. Wear gloves.
Clean up Methods Scoop up and remove solids. Place spilled material in a closable container
for hazardous waste disposal. Do NOT spread spilled product with water.
Handling Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid generation of breathing
dust. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Wash hands
before eating, drinking, chewing of gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.
Reclose containers of unused product. Keep containers tightly closed when
not in use. Do not reuse this container.
Storage Store closed containers in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Store away from
strong oxidizing materials. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Engineering Controls Avoid dust generation. Ensure good ventilation and local exhaustion of the
working area as necessary to control any air contaminants to within their
exposure limits. Eliminate ignition sources.
pH Not applicable
Other Solubility Soluble in chloroform, acetone and benzene - slightly soluble in carbon
tetrachloride and ethyl alcohol
Chemical Stability This material is stable when stored at room temperature in closed, original
container. Stable under normal conditions of handling, use and
Conditions to avoid Keep away from heat, sparks, flame and exposure to heat and humidity.
Ingestion May cause alcohol intolerance (Antabuse Effect). May cause headache,
dizziness, nausea, vomiting and gastrointestinal irritation.
Skin contact May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be absorbed through the skin and
product effects similar to those caused by inhalation and/or ingestion.
Inhalation Exposure to dust particles generated from this material may cause irritation of
the respiratory tract. Inhalation may cause alcohol intolerance
Eye Contact Causes mild eye irritation. Signs/symptoms can include redness, swelling,
pain and tearing.
Carcinogenicity Both negative and positive results have been found in standard tests using
bacteria. Negative, positive and equivocal results in have been found in
standard in vitro and in vivo tests using animals, animal and bacterial cells.
This product or one of its ingredients present at 0.1% or more, is NOT listed
as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHA.
Primary Irritation Effect Practically non-irritating to skin and eyes. Probable skin sensitizer.
Genotoxicity Both positive and negative effects have been reported in standard tests using
animals and animal cells.
Reproductive/Developmental Toxicity Animal studies have shown some adverse effects - low birth weight of pups,
maternal toxicity - on female animals. Chronic animal studies have shown this
material to cause reproductive effects, blood effects and organ weight
changes. Some animal studies have shown adverse effects on fetal
Chemical Fate Information Hydrolysis Half-life: 9.5 hrs @ pH 3.5 108 hrs @ pH 5.7 1123 hrs @ pH 7.0
3316 hrs @ pH 8.0
Other Information Tests indicate this material will not bio-accumulate or persist in the
Waste Disposal This product, if disposed as received, is a listed hazardous waste. Bury in a
licensed landfill or burn in an approved incinerator according to federal, state
and local regulations. Treatment, storage, reuse and disposal of the waste
material must conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws and
Contaminated Packaging This bag may contain residue of a hazardous material. Some authorities may
regulate such containers as hazardous waste. Dispose of container according
to national or local regulations.
EC Number: 205-286-2
Classification based on: TESTS
FDA Status 21 CFR TMTD is regulated for use under the following sections of FDA 21 CFR:
175.105 - Components of adhesives.
177.2600 - Rubber articles intended for repeated use in food contact.
TSCA Listed
US Regulations
SARA Section 302 Not Applicable/None
SARA 311/312 Hazard Categories Immediate Delayed
SARA 313 Chemical Listed as “Thiram”
RCRA Status RCRA Hazardous Waste U244 (Reportable Quantity is 10 lbs (40 CFR 302))
Canadian Regulations
WHMIS Hazard Class
Although reasonable precautions have been taken in the preparation of the data contained herein, it is offered solely for
your information, consideration and investigation. SunBoss Chemicals Corp. extends no warranty and assumes no
responsibility for the accuracy or sufficiency of the content and expressly disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. This
material safety data sheet provides guidelines for the safe handling of this product; it does not and cannot advise on all
possible situations, therefore, your specific use of this product should be evaluated to determine if additional
precautions are required. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all Federal, State and local laws and
regulations. Individuals exposed to this product should read and understand this information and be provided pertinent
training prior to working with this product.
Revision number: 5
Date of Issue: September 3, 2014
Changes: Number and format of headings changed; Updates to Sections 1: Identification of Substance - EC
information added; 2: Health Hazards Information; 8: Specific Personal Protection Equipment - pictograms added; 14:
Transport information - pictograms added; 15: Regulatory information - EC information added; 16: Hazard Rating
System - table added; 17: Abbreviations and Acronyms added