The Practice of Apitherapy

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The Practice of Apitherapy

-Practical Applications 2008 Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.

Bradford S. Weeks, M.D.

The Weeks Clinic for Corrective Medicine and Psychiatry

Charles & Margaret Mraz Middlebury,

Vermont 1986

Apis mellifera

(And why havent I read about it in peer-reviewed scientific/medical journals?)

DATELINE: 12/31/91 The SUN. Man's arthritis cured by falling into beehive. Accidental topple into beehives results in 1,000s of stings and necessitated a rush to the hospital in Hartford CT, but George Farmer survived to tell his story.

"He was so covered with stings that you couldn't see any part of his body. reports beekeeping son Mark Farmer. The patient went through a typical "healing crisis" where "He was bloated and red like an overripe tomato". But the next day, "He was sitting up in bed and joking even though he still looked like raw hamburger".

"I feel wonderful" George says, "There isn't a single ache or pain anywhere. I haven't felt do good in 30 years!" George's doctor, Nolan Johnson credits George's astonishing cure to bee stings."

Look at what's on Drudge

Dec 29, 2004

THE WOMAN WHO STINGS HERSELF WITH BEES TO CONTROL MS DAILY MAIL Wed Dec 29 2004 22:36:14 ET She admits it hurts. But Paula Cooke believes allowing herself to be stung by bees every day is helping in her battle against MS.

Apis from the Latin word meaning bee.

Therefore, apitherapy is the therapeutic use of any honeybee products for health. These include:

Raw Honey topical: burn or surgical dressings, antifungal, anti-acne, pink-eye, intranasal for pharyngitis (sore throat), oral: lowers blood sugar, anti-colic,

Note: no concern in infants

Gangrenous thumb fully restored with raw honey over a 2 month period

Burned hands 2nd degree - fully healed, no scars

Bee Pollen worlds most perfect food protein supplement great for vegetarians, treatment for allergies

Propolis Russian Penicillin

lowers total cholesterol, topical and oral anti-biotic, dental fillings

Bees Wax topical burn ointment, base for dermatological creams

Royal Jelly

nutritional supplement rich in vitamin B5; gastro-intestinal problems, cancer ( anti-aging all the rage

Aminocare A10 is a whole-body dietary supplement, developed and endorsed by Stanislaw R. Burzynski M.D., Ph.D. It supports the body's natural defense system, aids the regulation of normal cell division and protects the body against toxic insults.1

The Aminocare A10 supplement is a blend of amino acids, an amino acid derivative and vitamin B2. The amino acids (L-Alanine, L-Arginine, Glycine, LOrnithine, L-Serine, L-Thereonine and L-Valine) and their derivatives (Dr. Burzynski's proprietary ingredient) are organic molecules that form the basic constituents of proteins. Proteins are vital to the growth and renewal of body tissue and for maintaining countless bodily functions.1

(aka: royal jelly!)


Bee larvae in a strainer for rinsing.

Mead and Honey Beer

Honeybee venom good for whatever ails you

Venoms as Medicines

Poison is a matter of dosage.

T.B.vH. Paracelsus

Mollusks - pain meds Frogs - antibiotics Spiders - anti-arrhythmic meds Scorpions - brain cancer meds Snakes - anticoagulants Hymenopterae (wasp, yellow jacket, hornet and honeybee) - many

Conus marmoreus, The Marbled Cone

New painkiller may be 10,000 times stronger than morphine. Nature - Science Update:19 July 2002

Bode et al Nature 409, 35-36, Jan 2002 report that a peptide isolated from the venom of the spider Grammostola spatulata inhibits atrial fibrillation

Scorpion Venom Tested Against Brain Cancer

Memelak et al. J of Clinical Oncology

Aug 2006

Snake Venom May Slow Cancer Growth, Studies Hint "Snakes use venom to alter biological functions, and that's what medicine does too. This is why venoms have always been of interest to medical researchers."
John Perez, Natural Toxins Research Center, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Risk of allergic reaction: RX: Have a bee sting kit available and know how to use it.

Clinical Applications

of Honey Bee Venom


Inhibitory effect of whole bee venom in adjuvant-induced arthritis.

In Vivo. 2005 Jul-Aug;19(4):801-5. Lee JY, Republic of Korea.

The aim of this study was to assess the inhibitory effect of whole bee venom (BV) on adjuvant-induced arthritis in the rat.

In conclusion, whole BV was found to inhibit arthritic inflammation and bone changes in the rat. This may be an alternative treatment for arthritis in humans.

Bee venom melittin blocks neutrophil O2production.

Inflammation 1986 Jun;10(2):175-82. Somerfield
SD, Stach JL, Mraz C,

Bee venom induces apoptosis through caspase-3 activation in synovial fibroblasts of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Toxicon 2005 Jul;46(1):39-45.

Hong SJ, Rim GS South Korea.

The anti-inflammatory effect of peripheral bee venom stimulation is mediated by central muscarinic type 2 receptors and activation of sympathetic preganglionic neurons.
Brain Res. 2005 Jul 12;1049(2):210-6.
Yoon SY South Korea.


Cytotoxic properties of immunoconjugates containing melittin-like peptide 101 against prostate cancer: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Russell PJ, Hewish D, Carter T et al.

The induced apoptosis of recombinant adenovirus carrying melittin gene for hepatocellular carcinoma cell.
[Article in Chinese] Li B, Ling CQ, Zhang C Li SX

Inhibitory effect of recombinant adenovirus carrying melittin gene on hepatocellular carcinoma.


Ling CQ, Li B, Zhang C

Ann Oncol. 2005 Jan;16(1):109-15

[Effect of melittin on apoptosis and necrosis of Osteosarcoma cells]

Chen YQ, Zhu ZA, Zhang C

CONCLUSION: Melittin inhibits the

proliferation of osterosarcoma cell line through up-regulating Fas expression and inducing apoptsis.

Bee venom induces apoptosis and inhibits expression of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in human lung cancer cell line NCI-H1299.
J Pharmacol Sci. 2003 Feb;91(2):95-104. Jang MH,

Expression of COX-2 mRNA and synthesis of PGE(2) were inhibited by Bee Venom. These results suggest the possibility that Bee Venom may exert an anti-tumor effect on human lung cancer.

Dear Dr. Weeks, In our studies we successfully destroyed prostate and breast cancer tumors and metastases with membrane disrupting peptides; examples for these are naturally occurring peptides like mellitin.

These peptides destroy the outer cell membrane and cause rapid cell death in vitro and in vivo.

Carola Leuschner, PhD

Hyaluronan promotes tumorigenesis, the level of HA on the surface of cancer cells correlating with aggressiveness and poor outcome.
(Zhang et al., 1995)..

Effect of honey bee venom on proliferation of K1735M2 mouse melanoma cells in-vitro and growth of murine B16 melanomas in-vivo. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2002 Aug;54(8):1083-9. Liu X, China.

Bee venom has been reported to exhibit antitumour activity in-vitro and in-vivo.
Apoptosis, necrosis and lysis of tumour cells were suggested as possible mechanisms by which bee venom inhibited tumour growth.

The in-vivo experiment indicated that bee venom could be used as a chemotherapeutic agent against malignant tumors.

A matrix metalloproteinase 2 cleavable melittin/avidin conjugate specifically targets tumor cells in vitro and in vivo.

Int J Oncol. 2003 Jan;22(1):93-8. Holle L, Song W,

Melittin alone is extremely toxic to cells and induces immediate cell lysis, but becomes inactive when coupled with avidin. The incorporation of the MMP2 target sequence into the peptide was used as a means for targeting tumor cells.

Bee venom induces apoptosis and inhibits expression of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in human lung cancer cell line NCI-H1299. J Pharmacol Sci. 2003 Feb;91(2):95-104. Jang MH, Shin MC, Seoul, Korea.

Multiple Sclerosis

Blockade of SK-type Ca2+-activated K+ channels uncovers a Ca2+dependent slow afterdepolarization in nigral dopamine neurons.
Ping HX, Shepard PD J Neurophysiol.

1999 Mar;81(3):977-84.

Immune Stimulant:
BVT suppresses suppressor T-Cells

Acute pain is immuno-stimulating Chronic pain is immuno-suppressive


What is wrong with this person?

NOT recommended for vision problems


Clinical Benefits of BVT (clinical experience over 26 years) 1) Arthritis: (RA,OA, JRA, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow), sciatica, back pain; 2) Neurological Illnesses: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, ALS 3) Cancers: (breast, prostate, colon, melanoma) 4) Infective diseases: viral mono, warts, AIDs, herpes, spirochete Lymes disease, cancer

Irritant / Counter-Irritant Therapy

Give me the power to create fever and I will cure all illness.
Parmenides (500 BC)

You can never cure a chronic illness, the best you can hope for is to make it acute and then you can cure it!



The Patient/Doctor relationship:

Patient from the Latin to suffer Doctor from the Latin docere meaning to lead or teach

Dirt floor (chronic/apathetic)

Mud Floor (acute/priority)

Informed Consent: Therapeutic Options Conventional vs. Corrective No Treatment vs Treatment Apitherapy R&B

- experimental protocol - consider legalities - fee structure options - treat on condition of data gathering

Biochemistry: Mechanism of the component parts: -Anti-viral, -Anti-bacterial, -Anti-fungal, -Anti-inflammatory, etc.

BVT does hurt, Ice vs. biofeedback vs. initiation Injection vs. au natural With or without analgesic Apis Mel. Apis venum purum Apis Regina

Less pain if you: 1) reduce fear and 2) eliminate surprise and 3) engage the patient

Laocoon, Trojan Priest

Immune Stimulant:
Suppresses suppressor T-Cells Acute pain vs chronic pain Procaine/Lidocaine or none

The role of the teacher One cannot cure a chronic illness. The best one can hope for is to return it to its acute phase; only then do you once again have the opportunity to cure it.

The Education of Healing Principles - self-help, - responsibility and autonomy - the symptom as a healing gesture - importance of the healing crisis - Blessed by Illness LFC Mees

God only gives gifts.

Self-selected population: desperate (last ditch effort) determined (self-starters) open-minded (curious)

Empowerment of a BVT patient: - defiance - decentralization - self-administration - fire-walking - bee sting self-help groups - become bee keepers and - helping others

Psychic Aspects of BVT The placebo effect directly proportional to degree of disruption or expenditure.
This asset is not just nothing.

The role of Hope There are no incurable illnesses, only incurable people.

Inject 0.25 ml to 0.3 ml per injection. The injection is given with a 30 g 1 needle (intradermal a blip under skin).

Caution: Everyone who uses bee venom must have and be instructed in the use of an Anakit, Epipen or other medically approved bee-sting kit, within immediate reach. The Anakit contains a pre-drawn syringe with epinephrine, an oral antihistamine and instruction sheet. The Epipen contains epinephrine in a self-injecting form.

Treatment Course: Start with a test sting and keep the person in house for one hour afterwards (r/o delayed hypersensitivity)

-treat every other day for six weeks -never sting a swollen area -results can be immediate -best after a healing crisis (flu symptoms)

Example: MS patients get 20-40 stings 3X/week

-can pause after six weeks to reassess

-plug people into a support/information network of those who have had treatment for specific illnesses;

Recommended Nutritional Supplements:

Adjuvant Therapy for BVT:

Bee Venom as a jockey able to get the speed out of a race horse (immune system); also need a trainer/groom (nutrition) to nourish the race horse (immune system).

First of all, hydrate: drink your weight in ounces a day away from food; keep the urine clear; can add pinch sea salt to the water Raw honey instead of sugar

Bee pollen as a protein supplement

Essential Supplements: Vitamin C: 1000 mg 3/day up to bowel tolerance 1 gram every hour while awake (Note: the adrenals need ascorbic acid to produce cortisol.) Vitamin E 400-800 IU the fat soluble antioxidant (d, not d,l version)

- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) the pituitary gland

needs B2 to produce ACTH

- Pyroxidine (Vitamin B6) Utilization of riboflavin demands 1:1 consumption of pyroxidine HCL
- Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) the adrenals need pantothenic acid to produce cortisol (royal jelly)

Royal jelly as nutritional and immune supplement; Low protein, high fiber, healthy diet with digestive aids if needed (Betaine HCL, Swedish bitters, honegar)

Adrenal support (sea salt, licorice, DHEA, natural cortisol)

Supplements specific to individual needs with attention to adrenal support. Consider: IM Vitamin B shots: (0.5 cc FA, 1 cc B12, 1cc B complex, 0.5 cc B6, ACE, Glutathione) IV Treatments Alpha Lipoic Acid LDN 4.5mg


. to leave you with a sweet taste in your mouth.

Pure vs. Adulterated Honey

Raw Honey

topical: burn or surgical dressings, anti-fungal, anti-acne, pink-eye, intranasal for pharyngitis, herpes simplex
oral: anti-colic, safe for infants despite claims; lowers blood sugar,

Natural Honey lowers Plasma Glucose, Creactive Protein, Homocysteine, and Blood Lipids in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects: comparison with Dextrose and Sucrose.
Author: Al-Waili NS J. Med Food. 2004 Spring;7(1):100-7.

Topical Honey Application vs. Acyclovir for the Treatment of Recurrent Herpes Simplex Lesions.
Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10 (8) Al Waili, N.S. Dubai UAE

Two cases of labial herpes and one case of genital herpes remitted completely with the use of honey.


For labial herpes, the mean duration of attacks and pain, occurrence of crusting, and mean healing time with honey treatment were 35%, 39%, 28% and 43% better, respectively, than with acyclovir treatment. For genital herpes, the mean duration of attacks and pain, occurrence of crusting, and mean healing time with honey treatment were 53%, 50%, 49% and 59% better, respectively than with
acyclovir treatment.

CONCLUSION: Topical honey application is

safe and effective

in the management of the signs and symptoms of recurrent lesions from labial and genital herpes.

Comparative Costs Acyclovir Raw Honey $3,810.00 / pound $15.00 / pound

Honey May Prevent Recurring Tumors

Dr. Ismail Hamzaoglu Istanbul University

Dec 2004, Archives of Surgery.

A Mayo Clinic cancer expert said the results, though preliminary, are

too fascinating to be dismissed.

From the

Finnish Creation Myth The Kalavala, Rune 15

Lemminkainen at Tuonela River

The mother seeks the dead body of her son named Lemminkainen (Finlands equivalent to Thor) in the river Tuonela where he has perished. She creates a huge iron rake to drag the depths of this mighty river and collects the dismembered pieces of her waterlogged son.

Who ya gonna call?

She calls for the honeybee to

Go forth and fetch me honey, go forth to seek for honey, back from Metsolas fair meadows, from the cup of many a flower, and the plumes of grasses many, as an ointment for the patient, and to quite restore the sick one.

Then did Lemminkainens mother raise it to her mouth and taste it. With her tongue the ointment tasted, With the greatest care she proved it.

Tis the ointment that I needed, and the salve of the Almighty, used when Jumula the Highest, The Creator heals all suffering.

Why should you add apitherapy to your practice (aside from it being effective, safe and challenging)?

The Take Home Message

Apitherapy is

Scientifically validated

Apitherapy is

Cheap Safe Effective

Apitherapy is

Corrective & Empowering

Charles and Margaret Mraz in Paris


Apitherapy Supplies and Books

Apitherapy Bookshop

Apitherapy Reference Database

Apitherapy Articles

search for apitherapy and beewell

Thank you

Bee Well!
Email questions to

Hi Brad: I am not sure you remember you performed bee sting therapy to my right knee in early 1999. I know you see a lot of people. It was very arthritic and painful and had been for years. Since that ONE TREATMENT, I have had no problem with the knee!

I am writing you now because of my mother and her pains. My mother suffers back pains and a physician has recommended back surgery. She is open to bee sting therapy. Keep up the courageous work. We depend upon innovators like you! Paul 8-21-00


An Arthritis Cure with BVT and the Politics of the Arthritis Foundation

Dear Mr. Weeks, I read an article in the May 12, 1992 issue of Woman's Day magazine. It was concerning whether Bee Venom could cure arthritis or not.

It said: "Will bee venom cure arthritis? Give us a buzz. Before you recommend an unproven remedy for arthritis to a friend or family, care enough to find out more."

There was a telephone number: 1-800 283-7800, so I gave them a call. They didn't know anything about bee venom therapy, but I received some booklets and then three or four days ago, the outfit called me and wanted a donation of $40 or $45 for research. I explained that me and my wife were on social security, so they asked for $20 for a membership.

I told them that I already belonged to your International American Apitherapy Society. I told them that I am a beekeeper and that I use BVT to cure arthritis mine and many others too.

I told them that I used to have arthritis in my knees and wrists, but now I can do whatever I want to do because of BVT - free of cost because I now own the bees I use.

I gave them your address and encouraged them to contact you because you and Charlie Mraz have been helping people for already 58 years now. Keep up the great work! Its the Real Sting! Ben Drier

Further Esoteric Thoughts for your heart-warmed consideration

Dr. Rudolf Steiner father of Anthroposophy Nine lectures on Bees Dornach, Switz. 1923

Poisons are gatherers of what is spiritual; for this reason they are healing remedies.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner

The remarkable thing is this; that substances that can make a man ill or even kill him, can also cure him. This is one of the great responsibilities one has in the preparation of medicines, for there are no real remedies which, if wrongly applied, cannot cause the same illnesses which they can also cure. Dr. Rudolf Steiner

I told you that these creatures all have a poisonous substance within them and that this poisonous substance, if given in the right dose, is an excellent remedy. Bee venom is an excellent remedy.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner

The ego-organization works directly in the circulation of the blood. Now it is actually the case that his egoorganization is in a mysterious way present in the poison of the bee; it is a similar force to the force that circulates in your blood that is present in the bee venom.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner

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