SMART Objective Rubric

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SMART Objective Rubric

SMART 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Point

Student Centered All the objectives are All of the objectives are At least 10 of the At least 8 of the At least 6 of the objectives Not student
objectives with student-centered, both student-centered objectives are both objectives are both are both student-centered centered
Measurable measurable, and have clear and performance based. student-centered and student-centered and and performance based. and not
outcomes performance indicators that performance based performance based. measurable.
(performance) (AD) allow for easy assessment.
Specific objectives All objectives are specific, All of the objectives are At least 10 are specific At least 8 are specific and At least 6 are specific and Vague and
that are Relevant interrelated, and build specific and interrelated and interrelated with interrelated. related to each other do not
to each other (B) cohesively through all of through the levels of each other to build relate to
Bloom's levels. Bloom's taxonomy. through Bloom's each other
Objectives are All objectives are clearly All objectives are time- At least 10 objectives are At least 8 objectives are At least 6 objectives are Objectives
Time-Bound and limited to individual lessons bound and achievable time-bound and time-bound and time-bound and achievable are too
Achievable. (C) and show deep thought within a lesson. Clear achievable within a achievable within a within a lesson. broad and
about goals that are limits show specificity lesson. Clear limits show lesson. do not have
achievable. and realistic goals. specificity and realistic limits in
goals. order to be

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