Teaching Demonstration Rubrics

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Lesson Plan Defense and Teaching Demonstration Rubrics


Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Needs Not Score

Improvement Acceptable
Topic and The topic is Topic is Topic is either Topic is not
related appropriate for somewhat inappropriate suitable for
objectives the amount of appropriate for for the given amount
time available the amount of audience's of time and
and the time available knowledge level of
audience's level and the level or the knowledge of
of knowledge. audience's level time allotted. the audience.
of knowledge.
Identified a determined too Specific
sufficient Identified either many or too objectives
number of too many or too few goals that were not
relevant and few relevant might not be identified.
measurable and measurable applicable or
goals objectives. measurably
(30) (10)
Clarity and Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration
organization is frame in the is frame in the is frame in the is frame in the
of beginning with beginning with beginning with beginning with
demonstration explicit the explicit explicit the list of
reference to (a) reference to (a) reference to topics that will
measurable measurable some be covered in
objectives, (b) objectives (b) objectives and the session.
relevant student general tasks general
and (c) planned for the activities
instructor session and (c) planned for the
activities in the some session.
session and associated
associated formative The activities
formative and/or do not seem
and/or summative relevant and
summative assessments. no assessments
assessments. are indicated.
The tasks or the
assessments do
not seem
relevant to the
(40) (25) (10)
Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching
Methods strategies and strategies and strategies or strategies and
assessments assessments assessments assessments
were aligned to methods used methods were methods were
the objectives were not aligned to not aligned to
appropriate to the objectives. the objectives.
Students’ prior the objectives.
knowledge Students’ prior Students’ prior
levels were Students’ prior knowledge knowledge
either assessed knowledge levels on the levels on the
explicitly or levels on the topics were topic were not
assumptions topic were assumed considered.
were articulated implicitly incorrectly.
in assumed It was difficult
demonstration correctly but Transitions to follow the
framing. not articulated between lesson.
in the different parts
Smooth beginning. of the lesson No activities
transitions were not clear. were used to
between Transitions create
different parts between Used a few interactivity.
of the lesson. different parts activities to
of the lesson some No
Used were somewhat teacher/student comprehension
appropriate clear. interaction. checks.
activities to
create Used few Very few
teacher/students activities to comprehensio
and/or create n checks
student/student teacher/student mostly
interaction and/or targeting lower
student/students order thinking
Regular interaction but skills.
comprehension did not rely on
checks ranging lecture only.
from low-level
recall to higher- Regular
order thinking comprehension
skills checks mostly
(30) (20) (10)
Total 100

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