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1. Research WHS management systems (WHSMS) to determine the features for an appropriate
WHS management system to propose for Australian Hardware. Consider:
a. which policies and procedures to include

 Manual Handling Policy and Procedures

 WHS Policy and Procedures
 Hazard Identification and Control Policy and Procedure
 Procurement Policy and Procedures
 Recordkeeping Policy and Procedures
b. what adaptation and amendments may be required to existing policies and procedures

 employees should avoid going to work if they are not feeling well
 employees should avoid using mobile phones during work hours

 smoker employees should smoke 10 meters away from the work place
 employees should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at work
c. the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities required


Australian Hardware (Wollongong)

WHS policy and procedures

Responsibility The policies must implement to employee and management of Australian

Hardware responsible for providing a safe work place.
The board must:
 Oversee the risk management system’s effectiveness
 Monitor the compliance against the overall requirements of risk
management system and review the sufficiency of controls.
 Review the risk profile of the company and approve the policies and
systems that is applied for the ongoing identification and
management of risks
 Require provision by the management reports on the performance
of systems used to identify and manage risks and regularly
reviewing these reports
 Review the company’s capacity to absorb
The Chief Financial Officer should:
 identify and manage risks including risks in relation to all significant
investment decisions Australian Hardware Risk Management Plan
 appoint system owners through whom appropriate systems and
procedures for the identification, reporting and management of
risks are developed, implemented, maintained and reviewed
 provision of reports to the board on performance in relation to
identification, assessment and management of risks, including
environmental risk.
The Chief Risk Officer at each store must:

 demonstrate the effectiveness of systems used to identify and

manage risk through a program of assurance and review
 provide an effective system for assurance, at six monthly intervals,
from employees with specific responsibilities under this policy
 give provision of an appropriate insurance program
 identify the material changes to the company’s risk profile and
recommend their disclosure
Risk Management Store managers must:

 responsible in the development, implementation, maintenance and

review of appropriate policies, procedures and systems for the
management of all risks within their area.


 provide assurance to the systems of risk management and internal

control within their area of responsibility operate effectively in all

All managers, supervisors and employees are responsible for:

 taking all reasonable and practicable steps to perform their

responsibilities assigned under this policy and the related systems
and procedures.

d. which human, physical and financial resources are required (estimate costs over first
year of implementation). See table below for costs.
Note: Two hours of training per employee has been approved relating to the new
WHSMS itself, duties, and role-specific safety training. The total approved budget is
$1 million.

Wage incl. Lost Total cost

entitlements productivity ($ hourly)
cost cost
Resource ($ hourly) ($ hourly)

Senior managers 100 100 200

Store managers 50 50 100

Team leaders (5–8 per store) 30 30 60

Workers (15–20 per store) 25 25 25

WHS consultants 60 N/A 60

Training rooms 50 N/A 50

Answers below:


Resources Total Cost Total Employee Total Hours Total Amount

$200 5 10 2,000

Store Managers $100 138 276 27,600

Team Leaders $60 828 1,656 99,360

Workers $26 2,070 4,140 107,640

$60 138 276 16,560

Training Rooms $50 276 13,800

Overall Amount 266,960

2. Amend the Wollongong Store WHS policy to apply nationally.

To apply the Wollongong store WHS policy nationally, the title should change into ‘Australian
Hardware WHS policy and procedure’ which this can apply not only Wollongong but the whole
Australian Hardware in the country. According to the relevant legislations and standards, it
should also apply to different states of Australia not only in NWS.
3. Develop a report on the proposed WHSMS. Include: (See Next page)
a. description of the features of the proposed WHSMS, including policies and required
b. explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets legislative requirements, including
description of duty holders (PCBU, officers, workers, etc.)
c. explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets organisational requirements and
integrates with organisational needs, including budget.


Australian Hardware
Work Health and Safety Management System

To succeed providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment, it is important
that all staff are included in adopting safe work practices as part of their day to day activities. To let
the staffs achieve safe work practices, the organization must commit in developing and maintaining
a Work Health and Safety Management System.
One of the effective ways in having WHSMS is implementing and committing with the
policies. The Australian Hardware only have 2 policies which are ‘Australian Hardware (Wollongong)
WHS policy and procedures’ and Australian Hardware procurement policy. A hardware store is a big
place full of equipment, tools and chemicals that needed focus on having safe environment on the
staff which we have to add more policies in the company, which would be:

 Hazard Identification and controlling Policy

 Manual Handling Policy
 Fire Safety Policy
 Fire Evacuation Policy
 Chemical Handling Policy
Monitoring and Reviewing should be done everyday and to ensure everything is on flow regarding
with the policies but before that, the staffs must undergo a thorough training about the policies.

Through looking the hazards, a great way to identify and possible high risks in the work
place, the committee should provide a Safe Work Methods Standard (SWMS). A sample template is
shown on the next page.


NOTE: Work must be performed in accordance with this SWMS.

This SWMS must be kept and be available for inspection until the high risk construction work to which this SWMS relates is completed. If the SWMS is revised, all versions should be kept.
If a notifiable incident occurs in relation to the high risk construction work in this SWMS, the SWMS must be kept for at least 2 years from the date of the notifiable incident.

[PCBU Name, contact details] Principal Contractor (PC) [Name, contact details]

Works Manager: Date SWMS provided to PC:

Contact phone:

Work activity: [Job description] Workplace location:

High risk  Risk of a person falling more than 2 metres (Note:  Work on a telecommunication tower  Demolition of load-bearing structure
construction work: in some jurisdictions this is 3 metres)

 Likely to involve disturbing asbestos  Temporary load-bearing support for structural alterations or repairs  Work in or near a confined space

 Work in or near a shaft or trench deeper than 1.5  Use of explosives  Work on or near pressurised gas mains or piping
m or a tunnel

 Work on or near chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines  Work on or near energised electrical installations or services  Work in an area that may have a contaminated or
flammable atmosphere

 Tilt-up or precast concrete elements  Work on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane or other traffic corridor  Work in an area with movement of powered
in use by traffic other than pedestrians mobile plant

 Work in areas with artificial extremes of  Work in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of drowning  Diving work

Person responsible for ensuring compliance with SWMS: Date SWMS received:

What measures are in place to ensure compliance with the SWMS?

Person responsible for reviewing SWMS control measures: Date SWMS received by reviewer:

How will the SWMS control measures be reviewed?

Review date: Reviewer’s signature:


What are the tasks involved? What are the hazards and risks? What are the control measures?

List the work tasks in a logical order. Identify the hazards and risks that may cause harm to Describe what will be done to control the risk. What will you do to make the activity as safe as
workers or the public. possible?

Name of Worker(s) Worker signature(s)

Date SWMS received by workers:


The WHSMS has the legislative requirements as profoundly it aims to identify operations to
be done where reference to guidelines which to minimize risk of injuries. A manager of WHS unit is
responsible for ensuring the activities are implemented for identifying and monitoring all of health
and safety legislation, standards codes of practice, agreements and guidelines relevant to the
company and the supervisors are responsible for ensuring WHS legislative compliance for activities
under their responsibility.
The company obviously doesn’t hold a strong WHSMS as they only have few policies. The
organization need to be led in having safe work environment, letting them aware it is a mandatory
for every organization to set plans, actions and procedures to manage health and safety in the work
place and they needed to be trained thoroughly. As the WHMS has five key elements (based upon
the information provided in AS/NZS 4804:2001). These are as follows:

 Commitment and policy

 Planning

 Implementation
 Measurement and Evaluation

 Review and Improvement

Resource Estimated Costs

Providing Training 100, 000

Materials on Safety Equipments 200,000

PPE 200,000

TOTAL 500,000

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