A1324 5 6 Datasheet
A1324 5 6 Datasheet
A1324 5 6 Datasheet
Low Noise, Linear Hall Effect Sensor ICs with Analog Output
To All Subcircuits
Dynamic Offset
Tuned Filter
Trim Control
Selection Guide
Sensitivity (Typ.)
Part Number Packing1 Package
A1324LLHLT-T 3 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount
A1324LLHLX-T 10 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount 5.000
A1324LUA-T2 500 pieces per bag 3-pin ultramini SIP through hole mount
A1325LLHLT-T 3 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount
A1325LLHLX-T 10 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount 3.125
A1325LUA-T2 500 pieces per bag 3-pin ultramini SIP through hole mount
A1326LLHLT-T 3 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount
A1326LLHLX-T 10 000 pieces per reel 3-pin SOT-23W surface mount 2.500
A1326LUA-T2 500 pieces per bag 3-pin ultramini SIP through hole mount
1Contact Allegro™ for additional packing options.
2Contact factory for availability.
Thermal Characteristics may require derating at maximum conditions, see application information
Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions* Value Unit
Package LH, on 4-layer PCB with copper limited to solder pads 228 ºC/W
Package LH, on 2-layer PCB with 0.463 in.2 of copper area each
Package Thermal Resistance RθJA 110 ºC/W
side, connected by thermal vias
Package UA, on 1-layer PCB with copper limited to solder pads 165 ºC/W
LH Package UA Package
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Valid throughout TA range, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF, VCC = 5 V; unless otherwise noted
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit1
Electrical Characteristics
Supply Voltage VCC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Supply Current ICC No load on VOUT – 6.9 9 mA
Power-On Time2 tPO TA = 25°C, CL (PROBE) = 10 pF – 32 – µs
Supply Zener Clamp Voltage VZ TA = 25°C, ICC = 12 mA 6 8.3 – V
Internal Bandwidth BWi Small signal, –3 dB – 17 – kHz
Chopping Frequency3 fC TA = 25°C – 400 – kHz
Output Characteristics
Quiescent Voltage Output VOUT(Q) B = 0 G, TA = 25°C 2.425 2.500 2.575 V
A1324, TA = 25°C, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF – 7.0 – mV(p-p)
Output Referred Noise VN A1325, TA = 25°C, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF – 4.4 – mV(p-p)
A1326, TA = 25°C, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF – 3.5 – mV(p-p)
TA = 25°C, CBYPASS = open, no load on VOUT,
Input Referred RMS Noise Density VNRMS – 1.3 – mG/√Hz
f << BWi
DC Output Resistance ROUT – <1 – Ω
VOUT to VCC 4.7 – – kΩ
Output Load Resistance RL
VOUT to GND 4.7 – – kΩ
Output Load Capacitance CL VOUT to GND – – 10 nF
VOUT(sat)HIGH RPULLDOWN = 4.7 kΩ, VCC = 5 V 4.7 – – V
Output Saturation Voltage
VOUT(sat)LOW RPULLUP = 4.7 kΩ, VCC = 5 V – – 0.30 V
Magnetic Characteristics
A1324, TA = 25°C 4.750 5.000 5.250 mV/G
Sensitivity Sens A1325, TA = 25°C 2.969 3.125 3.281 mV/G
A1326, TA = 25°C 2.375 2.500 2.625 mV/G
LH package; programmed at TA = 150°C,
– 0 – %/°C
calculated relative to Sens at 25°C
Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient TCSens
UA package; programmed at TA = 150°C,
– 0.03 – %/°C
calculated relative to Sens at 25°C
Error Components
Sensitivity Drift at Maximum Ambient LH package; from hot to room temperature –5 – 5 %
Operating Temperature UA package; from hot to room temperature –2.5 – 7.5 %
Sensitivity Drift at Minimum Ambient LH package; from cold to room temperature –3.5 – 8.5 %
Operating Temperature UA package; from cold to room temperature –6 – 4 %
OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Valid throughout TA range, CBYPASS = 0.1 µF, VCC = 5 V; unless otherwise noted
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit1
Error Components (continued)
Quiescent Voltage Output Drift
∆VOUT(Q) Defined in terms of magnetic flux density, B –10 – 10 G
Through Temperature Range
Linearity Sensitivity Error LinERR –1.5 – 1.5 %
Symmetry Sensitivity Error SymERR –1.5 – 1.5 %
Ratiometry Quiescent Voltage Throughout supply voltage range (relative to
RatVOUT(Q) –1.3 – 1.3 %
Output Error4 VCC = 5 V)
Throughout supply voltage range (relative to
–1.5 – 1.5 %
VCC = 5 V), TA = 25°C and 150°C
Ratiometry Sensitivity Error4 RatSens
Throughout supply voltage range (relative to
–2 – 2 %
VCC = 5 V), TA = –40°C
Sensitivity Drift Due to Package
∆SensPKG TA = 25°C, after temperature cycling – ±2 – %
11 G (gauss) = 0.1 mT (millitesla).
2See Characteristic Definitions section.
3f varies up to approximately ±20% over the full operating ambient temperature range and process.
4Percent change from actual value at V
CC = 5 V, for a given temperature.
Characteristic Definitions
Power-On Time When the supply is ramped to its operating age from its quiescent value. This proportionality is specified
voltage, the device output requires a finite time to react to an as the magnetic sensitivity, Sens (mV/G), of the device and is
input magnetic field. Power-On Time is defined as the time it defined as:
takes for the output voltage to begin responding to an applied
magnetic field after the power supply has reached its minimum Sens = (2)
specified operating voltage, VCC(min). B(+) – B(–)
V where B(+) and B(–) are two magnetic fields with opposite
VCC polarities.
VOUT Sensitivity Temperature Coefficient The device sensitivity
90% VOUT
changes with temperature, with respect to its sensitivity tem-
perature coefficient, TCSENS . TCSENS is programmed at 150°C,
and calculated relative to the nominal sensitivity programming
VCC(min.) temperature of 25°C. TCSENS (%/°C) is defined as:
tPO SensT2 – SensT1 1
t1 t2 TCSens = × 100% (3)
SensT1 T2–T1
t1= time at which power supply reaches
minimum specified operating voltage where T1 is the nominal Sens programming temperature of 25°C,
t2= time at which output voltage settles and T2 is the TCSENS programming temperature of 150°C.
within ±10% of its steady state value
under an applied magnetic field The ideal value of sensitivity through the temperature range,
SensIDEAL(TA), is defined as:
SensIDEAL(TA) = SensT1 × (100% + TCSENS(TA –T1) ) (4)
Quiescent Voltage Output In the quiescent state (that is, with
no significant magnetic field: B = 0), the output, VOUT(Q) , equals Sensitivity Drift Through Temperature Range Second
a ratio of the supply voltage, VCC , throughout the entire operat- order sensitivity temperature coefficient effects cause the mag-
ing range of VCC and the ambient temperature, TA . netic sensitivity to drift from its ideal value through the operating
Quiescent Voltage Output Drift Through Temperature ambient temperature, TA. For purposes of specification, the sensi-
Range Due to internal component tolerances and thermal con- tivity drift through temperature range, ∆SensTC , is defined as:
siderations, the quiescent voltage output, VOUT(Q) , may drift from SensTA – SensIDEAL(TA)
its nominal value through the operating ambient temperature ∆SensTC =
× 100% (5)
range, TA . For purposes of specification, the Quiescent Voltage
Output Drift Through Temperature Range, ∆VOUT(Q) (mV), is Sensitivity Drift Due to Package Hysteresis Package
defined as: stress and relaxation can cause the device sensitivity at TA = 25°C
to change during or after temperature cycling. This change in
∆VOUT(Q) = VOUT(Q)TA – VOUT(Q)25°C (1) sensitivity follows a hysteresis curve.
Sensitivity The presence of a south-polarity magnetic field For purposes of specification, the Sensitivity Drift Due to Pack-
perpendicular to the branded surface of the package increases the age Hysteresis, ∆SensPKG , is defined as:
output voltage from its quiescent value toward the supply voltage Sens(25°C)2 – Sens(25°C)1
rail. The amount of the output voltage increase is proportional ∆SensPKG =
× 100% (6)
to the magnitude of the magnetic field applied. Conversely, the
application of a north polarity field will decrease the output volt- where Sens(25°C)1 is the programmed value of sensitivity at
TA = 25°C, and Sens(25°C)1 is the value of sensitivity at TA = 25°C Symmetry Sensitivity Error The magnetic sensitivity of a
after temperature cycling TA up to 150°C, down to –40°C, and device is constant for any two applied magnetic fields of equal
back to up 25°C. magnitude and opposite polarities.
Linearity Sensitivity Error The 132x is designed to provide Symmetry Error (%), is measured and defined as:
linear output in response to a ramping applied magnetic field. SensB(+)
Consider two magnetic fields, B1 and B2. Ideally the sensitivity SymERR = 1– × 100% (11)
of a device is the same for both fields for a given supply voltage
and temperature. Linearity sensitivity error is present when there where SensBx is defined as in equation 9, and B(+), B(–) are posi-
is a difference between the sensitivities measured at B1 and B2. tive and negative magnetic fields such that |B(+)| = |B(–)|.
Ratiometry Error The A132x features a ratiometric output.
Linearity Sensitivity Error is calculated separately for the positive
This means that the quiescent voltage output, VOUT(Q) , magnetic
(LINERR+) and negative (LINERR– ) applied magnetic fields. Lin-
sensitivity, Sens, and clamp voltages, VCLPHIGH and VCLPLOW ,
earity Sensitivity Error (%) is measured and defined as:
are proportional to the supply voltage, VCC. In other words, when
SensB(++) the supply voltage increases or decreases by a certain percent-
LinERR+ = 1– × 100% age, each characteristic also increases or decreases by the same
percentage. Error is the difference between the measured change
SensB(– –) in the supply voltage, relative to 5 V, and the measured change in
LinERR– = 1– × 100% (7) each characteristic.
The ratiometric error in quiescent voltage output, RatVOUT(Q)
(%), for a given supply voltage, VCC, is defined as:
LinERR = max(| LinERR+| , |LinERR–| ) (8) VOUT(Q)VCC ⁄ VOUT(Q)5V
where: RatVOUT(Q) = 1– × 100% (12)
VCC ⁄ 5 V
|V – VOUT(Q)|
SensBx = OUT(Bx) (9) The ratiometric error in magnetic sensitivity, RatSENS (%), for a
BX given supply voltage, VCC, is defined as:
and B(++), B(+), B(– –), and B(–) are positive and negative mag- SensVCC ⁄ Sens5V
netic fields with respect to the quiescent voltage output such that RatVOUT(Q) = 1– × 100% (13)
VCC ⁄ 5 V
|B(++)| > |B(+)| and |B(– –)| > |B(– )| .
Typical Characteristics
(30 pieces, 3 fabrication lots)
ICCav (mA)
– 40 25 150
TA (°C)
Average Postive Linearity versus Ambient Temperature Average Negative Linearity versus Ambient Temperature
VCC = 5 V VCC = 5 V
105 105
104 104
103 103
102 102
Lin+av (%)
Lin–av (%)
101 101
100 100
99 99
98 98
97 97
96 96
95 95
– 40 25 150 – 40 25 150
TA (°C) TA (°C)
Average Quiescent Voltage Output Ratiometry versus Ambient Temperature Average Sensitivity Ratiometry versus Ambient Temperature
101.0 102.0
100.8 VCC VCC
100.6 5.5 to 5.0 V 5.5 to 5.0 V
RatSens(av) (%)
100.2 100.5
100.0 100.0
99.2 98.5
99.0 98.0
– 40 25 150 – 40 25 150
TA (°C) TA (°C)
Average Absolute Quiescent Voltage Output versus Ambient Temperature Quiescent Voltage Output versus Supply Voltage
VCC = 5 V TA = 25°C
2.565 3.0
A1324 2.9 A1324
A1325 2.8 A1325
VOUT(Q)av (V)
2.485 2.4
2.465 2.3
2.425 2.0
– 40 25 150 4.5 5 5.5
TA (°C)
Average Absolute Sensitivity versus Ambient Temperature Average Sensitivity versus Supply Voltage
VCC = 5 V TA = 25°C
6.0 6.0
5.5 5.5
A1324 5.0
Sensav (mV/G)
Sensav (mV/G)
4.5 4.0
4.0 3.5
3.5 3.0
A1325 A1326
A1326 2.0
2.5 1.5
2.0 1.0
– 40 25 150 4.5 5 5.5
TA (°C) VCC (V)
Average Quiescent Voltage Output Drift versus Ambient Temperature Average Sensitivity Drift versus Ambient Temperature
∆VOUT(Q)av values relative to 25°C, VCC = 5 V ∆Sensav values relative to 25°C, VCC = 5 V
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
∆VOUT(Q)av (G)
∆Sensav (%)
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
-10 -10
– 40 25 150 – 40 25 150
TA (°C) TA (°C)
1[1] 2[3]
0.1 µF GND
Pin numbers in brackets
refer to the UA package
Hall Element
Anti-Aliasing Tuned
LP Filter Filter
2.98 –0.08
1.49 D +4°
4° –0°
3 A
0.96 D
1 2
1.00 ±0.13
+0.10 1
0.05 –0.05
0.95 BSC C Standard Branding Reference View
0.40 ±0.10
N = Last three digits of device part number
For Reference Only; not for tooling use (reference DWG-2840)
Dimensions in millimeters
Dimensions exclusive of mold flash, gate burrs, and dambar protrusions
Exact case and lead configuration at supplier discretion within limits shown
A Active Area Depth, 0.28 mm REF
B Reference land pattern layout
All pads a minimum of 0.20 mm from all adjacent pads; adjust as necessary
to meet application process requirements and PCB layout tolerances
C Branding scale and appearance at supplier discretion
4.09 –0.05
E 2.05 NOM
1.52 ±0.05
1.44 NOM E Mold Ejector
+0.08 E Pin Indent
3.02 –0.05
Branded 45°
0.79 REF NNN
D Standard Branding Reference View
1 2 3 = Supplier emblem
N = Last three digits of device part number
1.27 NOM
Revision History
Revision Revision Date Description of Revision
Rev. 3 September 16, 2013 Update product selection
Rev. 4 September 26, 2013 Fixed UA package drawing
Rev. 5 February 14, 2019 Minor editorial updates