The Praise Report December 2010

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The Praise REPORT

December 2010 VOL. 1 ISSUE 4

~Eric Sevareid
many who name the name of Christ have turned
inward, selfish and uncaring, who having freely
received, have decided to freely hoard. This is tragic
and inattentive to the Lord who bought us.

Yet we can do different. While so many in the church

have become great takers, let us learn to give. This
A Thought for December…In 1964 Harper &
Christmas season and throughout our lives let us
Row publishers produced a children's book
commit to servant-hood, to love, to the active,
which has become a timeless classic, The Giving
constant giving of ourselves, more and more and
Tree. It is the tale of a tree who loves a young
more till we have nothing left to give, except a
boy so much that it gives the child constantly of
commitment to give anyway. After all, we were taught
itself. It provides the boy with shade,
this lesson of giving at a much greater Tree, where
recreation, fruit to eat, branches for timber,
the Son of God allowed Himself to be cut down so that
until at long last, the tree even allows the young
we can have a Place of Rest.
man to cut itself down in order to build a boat
and sail the seas. Years later and now quite old,
the boy returns to the tree, who though it has “Christmas is a necessity.  There
nothing left to give, still offers a stump upon
has to be at least one day of the
which the boy can sit and rest.
year to remind us that we're here
GIVING - it should be as natural to the born for something else besides
again as drawing a breath. Yet something has
happened, something terrible, and somehow
(continued at right)
“Reaching the Lost…
Upcoming Events Outreach Class
Be sure to check out the new adult, video based
Sunday school class, “FULL FLAME,” which already
has the people talking. Utilizing curriculum by highly
“The Not-So-Silent Night” Please come out and successful evangelist Reinehart Bunke, this is a
support the students of Praise Temple Christian special time that you really ought not miss.
Academy as they put on The Not So Silent Night, in
honor of the Christmas season and of the Christ who
came. They are working very hard to make this
…Teaching the Saved”
production something worth watching and we would
Busy Wednesday
much prefer to watch it with you. The program will
If you would like to improve your abilities as a public
take place on Thursday, December 16, at 7:00 p.m
speaker, to refine your oratorical skill, and thereby
enhance your potential effectiveness for the Kingdom
of God, then come out Wednesday evenings at 6:00
Voices of Praise Christmas Choir practice is under p.m. and learn from one of the very best. Dr. R.K.
way, but it is not too late for you to be a part of it. Pier is teaching the science (or is it an art?) of
Each Wednesday evening at 8:00, the Voices of sermon preparation weekly. A man who has trained
Praise will meet together to prepare for this year's preachers serving around the globe can train you
Christmas special, All Bow Down, which will take too. Come on out and be a part of it.
place on Sunday, December 19, during the morning Or, if this is not an area where you desire training,
worship service at 10:45 AM. then join in a time of corporate prayer, also at 6 p.m.
Then at 7:00, Dr. Pier transitions into a time of
teaching the Word of God. You do not want to miss
Christmas Party It is again time for Christmas and out on the insight this man of God will bring your
all the festivities that go along with it, including the way. There is something for everyone so don't miss
Praise Temple Christmas Party. We will be meeting out on mid-week fellowship.
on Friday, December 17th at 7:00 PM for an evening
of fellowship, celebrating the advent of our Lord. Empowered Men & The Women of Praise
Please bring a wrapped gift for a “Yankee swap” as It is time again for the Empowered Men & the
well as a covered dish so that there will be Women of Praise to meet. This takes place on the
something to share with everyone. first Thursday of each month and is just around the
corner (December 2nd). The women will hear from
Sister Algreta Beason, and will surely be blessed by
her ministry. The ladies will plan for the upcoming
New Year's Eve Party You probably don't need us
Chicken Parmesan dinner while the guys will prepare
tell you the date of the church New Year's Eve Party.
to hold a yard sale.
Join us at 10:00 PM around the campfire as we have
a time of fellowship and pray in the New Year. Bring
the food you want to cook/roast over the open fire. Coming this January – the Daniel Fast
 Have you considered that by eating the way the Bible
tells us to eat, we will increase our health and the
quality of our lives. This January our church is once
again challenged to participate in the Daniel Fast.
You will not regret taking up the opportunity to
change your diet and your life.
Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text
here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter
text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue

Youth / Children’s Ministry News newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here.
Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text
here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter
Tournament Champion
Congratulations to Sheldon Sooku who was able to text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue
take home the title of Youth Air Hockey Champ. newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here.
Hey Sheldon, did you have a miniature Wayne
Gretzky playing on your side of the table? Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text

Camping Trip here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter

Like the Children of Israel so long ago, the text here Continue newsletter text here
Kingdom RAZErs youth will soon be pitching their
tents. That's right. It's camping time, and we are
sure that your teen will bring home great, fun tales
from around the camp fire. The “RAZErs” playing Capture the Flag

Thanks for Your Support

We send a very grateful, "Thank you" to everyone Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text
who purchased a youth calendar. We understand here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter
that this was tantamount to giving to the Lord's
work amongst our teens and we truly appreciate text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue
that spirit of giving even of the small things. There
are more calendars available for anyone who would newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here.
like to contribute in this way. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text

K.I.D.S. - Kids in Divine Service here.

The Kids church is beginning a new curriculum,
Kids in Divine Service, which may translate one day
into a new generation of adults in divine service, Kids of Praise
Continue clowning
newsletter text around,
here. Continue newsletter text
such a desperately needed thing. Also, the Bonus waiting for the rest of the gang
Bucks rewards program continues, providing here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter
incentive for our kids to get the most out of text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue
Sunday church while having lots and lots of fun. If
there is a child in your life who is not in church on newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here.
Sunday mornings, then direct them our way and
experience this Christian training from such a
young age.

Yearbook Ads
If you have a business or know someone who
does, then this is your chance to support the PTCA
Yearbook and receive advertising in return - $30.00
per business card ad. The deadline is December
31st, so be sure to get yours in right away.
“Fruit Basket UPSET!” at PTCA


Praise Temple
Church of God 5910 Bible Camp Road
Groveland, FL 34736

“Reaching the Lost; Teaching the Saved”

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