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Kindness Can Change A World

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Kindness Can Change a World

Never underestimate or criticize the abilities of you or anyone else. Bullying is wrong,
and can make real life impact on people that they will never forget.

When you show someone an act of kindness they will pass it on. Although they might
forget what you did, they will never forget how it made them feel. Your act of kindness
will continue to change people’s lives every single day. It will never end.

You may not realize it, but we naturally do acts of kindness every day — without even
knowing. Putting your dishes away, doing nice things without being asked, or feeding
your pet are all small acts of kindness.

If you have ever witnessed or done a kind act for someone, you know it feels great. Has
the person in front of you in the drive-through line ever paid for you or your parents'
food? How did that make you feel? That person has never met you, they only did it
because they wanted to be kind.

Could you imagine the world without kindness? It would be a sad and selfish place, and
nobody would care.

Luckily, that's not the case, but that still doesn't mean that everybody is kind.

But it's time for a change — what kind of change? Kindness.

Kindness may not be able to change the past, but it can change the present. No matter
how many mistakes we have made, we can still change our future and we know it. You
can make a difference, you have the power. Think about it.

What one thing could you do today that will change the world forever?
Author: Stella Halwa
It has been said that kindness is the Golden Chain by which society is bound together.
Life is made up not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things in which smiles,
kindness, and small obligations given habitually are what win and preserve the heart
and secure comfort.
Happiness and kindness go hand in hand. They cannot be separated. The reward of
kind words and actions is the happiness they cause in others and the happiness they
cause in ourselves. The very process of speaking kind words brings a happiness all its
own. In the same way there is a special glow that comes over us when we perform an
act of kindness towards others.
In essence most of the major problems in the world have their roots in the unkindness
and selfishness of men toward one another. By the same token, the world can be
changed for the better insofar as each person does his part to bring kindness and love
into every aspect of human affairs.
Love of others requires a self-love untainted by mere self-seeking. One's self is the only
companion one cannot avoid. Choosing, feeling, thinking - it is ever present, and it will
be a comfortable companion according to those choices of feelings and thoughts.
During recent years a great many young people have shown this concern for integrity
and kindness and have shown it so vividly as to make it a distinguishing mark of their
generation. One does not lose integrity as one grows older, or that one gives up striving
for a better world. The kind and the principled are of all ages, and when people of
various ages work together for a cause, they are all - "Young"
Kindness alone, may become an effort at merely pleasing someone else.
Integrity alone, becomes self-righteousness. Kindness intercepts evil at its source in
human decision; therefore, so far as kindness exists, evil does not exist.
Integrity and kindness are well-mated; in their union they have a common strength.
Separate and alone, however, each moves toward excess and ceases to be itself.
Perhaps it is the case that here, as elsewhere the interplay of all things maintains some
sort of balance.
An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves. Kindness is a charm
permitted to everybody but for the aged it seems to come with a double grace and
tenderness. One kind action leads to another. If we show kindness toward another, he
responds with kindness. This is the most important effect of kindness upon others - it
makes them kind themselves. Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal,
eloquence or learning; in fact, these have never converted anyone without kindness.
Kindness is a language the mute can speak, and the deaf can hear and understand.
Integrity and kindness are cardinal virtues. These are traits of character that are most to
be desired and when one lacks them, one lacks values that nothing else can supply.
Unkindness and deceit have to hide as much as they can - perhaps for shame certainly
for cautiousness.
Integrity and kindness can do a good deal, and what they do they do well. There is the
fact that these personal values are always available. One need not wait until the end of
a long career to possess them. One can have them here, now, and all the time. One's
hold upon integrity and kindness, therefore needs strength to be maintained-or being
lost, skill and perseverance to be recovered Moreover, these two virtues, since they are
traits of character, seem to be intimately joined with psychological health. If, as we
know, it takes much inward security to accept the risks of loving, and it will be found in
characters little touched with malaise.
Also, if it is your custom to do so, partake of the rituals, sacraments and celebrations of
your own religion in the fullest sense of awareness regarding their significance.
As with Him, each of us must find our own soul purpose and live by them. As we find in
Hamlet, "This above all, to thine own self be true."
Then be not too quick on the judgments of others. Put thyself in their place, in thy mind,
before you pass judgment on others.
Love is seeing God in all that exists.
Love is being a light of love to others.
Love is giving - completely - with no strings attached, with no need or expectation of
Love is allowing others complete freedom to be themselves.
Love is accepting others as they are - not as how we would like them to be.
Love is being respectful of other's thoughts and privacy. (and their time, too)
Love is sharing - "Filling the other's cup"
Love is attempting to give what best is needed by another individual (Saying or doing
the right thing at the right time and place.)
Love is praying that God's Will be done through others - even if it hurts you in the
Love is being able to stand knowing the truth about yourself - and others.
Love is being able to stand up and speak out for what one firmly believes in. Be willing
ever, to give account of the reason for the faith that lies within - don't be afraid to speak
of the same.
I’d like to start with a quote that I can’t attribute to an author, but one which has been on
my mind recently.
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”.
There’s no question, most of us live a hurried, fast-forward, know anything you want
because of the Internet and a device we always carry with us… life. We often play the
catch-up game without stopping to think about why we’re catching up, or what matters,
or what’s important.
You should know that it doesn’t matter if you are short or tall; skinny or not; blond, red or
dark haired; clean or dirty; shy or extroverted; athletic or clumsy; full of energy or super
relaxed; a hiker or a swimmer; a scholar whose grades some easily or someone who
has a tough time doing well in school.
You need to know that you are not unlike, you are not unloved, you are not forgotten,
and you are not unwanted.
It is crucial that you recognize that you are liked, you are loved, you are thought of, you
play an important part in others’ lives, you will have adventures within the next five
years you can’t even imagine right now, and somewhere out there is your future
spouse, who wonders what you look like.
But what if you weren’t?
What if you weren’t cared for, weren’t loved and weren’t thought much of? What if you
weren’t a part of people’s lives or weren’t a person we are fortunate to know?
How would you feel?
I ask this because there are people around you that feel this exact way. Perhaps at
home, at school, in a Scout troop, at your church, or on your sports team.
So I’m asking you to please return the care shown you to those around you.
Be kind… Be helpful
By doing something unexpected for your family; by saying a kind word; by listening to
someone who isn’t often heard; or by taking the time to sit and talk… instead of rushing
Your kindness might just mean more to that person than you’ll ever know or can begin
to imagine.
So what matters? What’s important to us?
You Are.
Again… please take to heart the quote I started tonight with…
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”
Short Speech on Kindness
Category: Speech (English)
On March 28, 2019 By Ananda

Helping and showing care for each other won’t cost you anything but in return, you can
bring a wide smile on other’s face. This is magic only kindness can do. Good morning
respected teachers and fellow students. Today I am here to give a speech on kindness.
This is the thing depends upon your moral values. Your moral values showcase the
personality you are. Kindness is a language to show love to everyone by just actions.
You don’t need to speak it to express it.
Kindness always spread love and happiness. Kindness plays an important role to make
human feel more safe and secure. In our family kindness exist towards each other this
is why we feel protected and happy around them. If kindness would not have existed
then the world would have existed with jealousy, anger, destruction.
For being a kind person you don’t need to push yourself. You have to look at the
opportunities and have the real intentions to help. You should not have a mindset that
you will only help to the known one so that they can praise you or reward you
something. Help should be done without expecting anything in return. Unexpected
things always come up as huge happiness.
Today the world has become too much competition that everyone is busy seeking their
own happiness and destroying others. This is spreading more negativity. If the world
starts giving importance to the kindness then earth itself will be considered as heaven.
Hurry and rush have destroyed human’s life. Continuously the updates of accidents,
unfortunate happenings keep on taking place because human started giving priority to
At last of my speech, I just want to say that helping only human is not kindness. Help
everyone whom you see in your way. It can be animals or anything. Do not expect
anything in return. After helping others you will see the relieved smile on other ones
face which will be enough for you as a reward. Kindness comes up by heart. You
cannot force yourself to be a kind person.
“Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
Speech on Kindness
Source — http://cbc.ca/mrd
When was the last time you experienced a random act of kindness? Do you remember
how it made you feel? The good thing about random acts of kindness is when it is
practiced, not one but two people actually benefit from it – the person on the giving end
and the person on the receiving end. Random acts of kindness is potent and extremely
important and shouldn’t be limited to only your family, significant other and few of your
friends. By practicing acts of kindness spontaneously, you have the power to change
the way people see and experience the world. Practicing a random act of kindness is
valid and needed in a progressive society. Here are three reasons why you should
practice acts of random kindness.
Power to make change
Every single person hopes to leave a legacy in the world. Practicing a random act of
kindness is an opportunity to leave your footprints in the world. Like they say, “Everyone
is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” Famous comedian and actor, Robin
Williams proved that even the people that appear happy might truly not be. It is
important that when you cross paths with anyone (because you really don’t know what
they are going through), you don’t leave a bitter taste in their mouth. By practicing a
random act of kindness, you can help uplift their spirit, make their day way better or
inspire them. Even with the dangers around the world, we don’t fight fire with fire – we
spread love, we become our brothers keeper and we look after each other. You may
feel that you have little to offer but by practicing a random act of kindness, even the
tiniest things matter.
Random acts of kindness is essential to our wellbeing
When we go out of our way to bring joy into someone’s life or make someone’s day
better, we feel better about ourselves. A person can never feel bad for offering a
positive affirmation neither will a person feel terrible for receiving one. Random acts of
kindness liberate us from selfishness and self-obsession. Practicing a random act of
kindness is pure and this act brings people together and forms bonds. When we have
love, we have everything and just helping someone out when they are in need, can let
us feel proud and content.
People never forget random acts of kindness
I had a friend who was fortunate enough to come from a wealthy home and this made
her help people around her. She wasn’t one of those spoiled rich kids who are overly
obsessed with the worldly things of life. Not like a Hermes bag won’t bring a smile to
your face. Unfortunately, over the years her father lost all his money and this brought
them from upper class to a hand to mouth existence. This was happening to a person
who never knew what poverty was and was always on the giving end, helping out her
friends like she gave birth to them. When things went south, guess what happened?
The people she helped were her support system and did everything she did for them
when they had nothing.
One doesn’t have to look too far to see a recent example of a pure act of kindness by
the Muslim community. With the help of concerned Muslims who wanted to demonstrate
solidarity, this week, a historic Jewish cemetery in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri will
be rebuilt. The Muslims raised over $64,000 to help restore and repair the vandalized
I want everyone to have a heart full of love and kindness, ready and eager to share and
make tiny yet important changes in the world. It could be through a classmate, a
teacher, with a stranger on a bus, a homeless person on the street, your community and
lastly, with your friends and family. You can also practice an act of random kindness in a
group (with friends and family). If you are nice to someone, they will be nice to someone
else and like that, the rest is history. Like the movie “Pay it forward,” where the recipient
of a good deed is required to perform a good deed for three other people and so on,
creating a network of good deed doers.The more we pass kindness around, the better
the world will be for us and the future generation. Spread the movement today, share
kindness and I promise, it will find a way to come back to you.
To leave you guys with a quote by Albert Schweitzer, “Constant kindness can
accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”

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