Aamvata Sameer Pannag Rasa
Aamvata Sameer Pannag Rasa
Aamvata Sameer Pannag Rasa
Research Article
*Corresponding author
E-mail: dr.razia.sk@gmail.com
DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.09389
In Ayurveda Sandhigata vata gets its entity in the chapter of vatavyadhi which obviously are co-related with osteoarthritis affecting mainly in the weight
bearing joint. Which limits every activity such as walking, dressing, bathing etc. thus making patient disabled/handicapped. It being a vatavyadhi,
located in Marmasthisandhi and its occurrence in old age makes it kashtasadhya. Vata dosha plays main role in the disease. Shula pradhana vedana is
the cardinal feature of the disease. Osteoarthritis is wear and tear condition of the joints which causes bones to rub together, causing pain, swelling and
loss of function of the joint. OA is the most common form of arthritis among the older people. Osteoarthritis is predominant in females as compared to
the males. In radiographic survey it was observed that 2% of females who are less than 45 years old, 30% of 45 to 65 years are and 68% in older than
65 years are affected by this disease. It is a single case study. The aim of present study was to find out efficacy of Sameer pannadhi yoga in the
management of sandhigata vata. A female patient was suffering from pain, stiffness tenderness and swelling etc. of both knee joints since 1 yr, patient
was treated with oral administration of Sameer- pannadhi yoga (Sameer pannag ras. Abraka bhasma, Pravala bhasma, Rasasinddor, yogaraja guggulu,
pippali churna as a bioavailability agent) for 6 months, this sameera pannadhi yoga shown maximum results, patient got 75% relief from her symptoms.
Rajimunnisa Begam Shaik et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (3), 2018
S.NO Subjective parameters for this study Objective parameters for this study
1. Vatapurnadritisparsa (joint crepitation) X-Ray— AP &Lateral views
2. Shotha (joint swelling)
3. Sandhi shoola (joint pain)
4. Prasaranakkunchanapravriti savedana (pain during flexion and extension of joint)
Table 4: Grading of Vatapurnadritisparsa (joint crepitation) Table 5: Grading of Sandhi Shotha (joint swelling)
Table 6: Grading of Sandhi Shoola (joint pain) Table 7: Grading of Prasaranakkunchanaana pravriti savedana
(pain during flexion and extension of joint)
Grade 0 No pain
Grade 1 Mild pain Grade 0 No pain
Grade 2 Moderate pain Grade 1 Pain without winching of face
Grade 3 Severe pain Grade 2 Pain with winching of face
Grade 3 Prevent complete flexion
DISCUSSION having opposite gunas like sneha (oily), ushna (hot), guru (heavy)
and sthira (stable) are act as a vata shamaka 7.
Excessive intake of unctuous food items, excessive walking or
physical activity, direct injury, suppression of natural urges is In the development of vata vyadhi, it is mentioned that aggravated
some of the common factors that aggravate vata dosha6. As vata vata occupies the empty space of the body channels/body parts.
gets vitiated, its guna (properties) like ruksha (dry), shita (cold), Acharya chakrapani elaborates that this empty space is nothing
laghu (light), chala (movement) also increased from their normal but the site of body where guna like sneha etc. are absent or
levels in different combinations. Use of herbs and formulations deprived8. In Sandhigata vata, ruksha (dry) and shita (cold) guna
are mainly aggravated which leads to dhatu kshya (joint
Rajimunnisa Begam Shaik et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 9 (3), 2018
degeneration), so drugs chosen for this are having vata hara and 3. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
rasayana property. Sameer pannag ras is katu rasa, ushna Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 28,
guna,usna virya, katu vipaka and kapha vatagna9 so it acts against Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Verse no. 37, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
the shoola(pain) and sotha(oedema). Abraka bhasma having Surbharti Prakashan, p. 618, Reprint 2011.
rasayana property act against the dathu kshaya. Pravala bhasma 4. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
acts as a vata kapha shamaka. Rasasindoor fight against the Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 28,
degenerative changes with help of parada and gandhaka. Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Verse no.181, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
Yogaraja guggulu is having anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic Surbharti Prakashan, p. 624, Reprint 2011.
property (Ref: Bhaishajyaratnavali), pippali churna as a 5. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
bioavailability agent. Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 28,
Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Verse no.79-80, Varanasi,
CONCLUSION Chaukhambha Surbharti Prakashan, p. 620, Reprint 2011.
6. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
Sandhigata vata (osteoarthritis) progresses with age and makes Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 28,
the person crippled and dependant. It clouds the possibilities of Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Verse no.15-17, Varanasi,
doing the easiest of daily activities and makes the person Chaukhambha Surbharti Prakashan, p. 617, Reprint 2011.
physically and mentally disturbed. But it doesn’t come without 7. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
the warning signs. Ayurveda has best remedies and treatments to Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 1,
offer towards effective management of sandhigata vata. From this Deerghanjeeveteeya adhyaya, Verse no.59, Varanasi,
case study concludes that the Sameer pannadhi yoga is very Chaukhambha Surbharti Prakashan, p. 16, Reprint 2011.
effective in the management of sahdhigata vata(osteoarthritis). 8. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
This study will be helpful for further collaborative research with Chakrapani Commentary, Chikitsasthan, Chapter 28,
modern medicine in the cases of end stage osteoarthritis. Vatavyadhi chikitsa, Verse no.18, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
Surbharti Prakashan, p. 617, Reprint 2011
REFERENCES 9. Trikamji Yadavji Acharya, Agniveshakrita Charaka Samhita,
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