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ISSN: 2322 - 0910

International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research

Research Article


Azeem Ahmad1*, S. Seena2, K. Ravisankaran3, Singh Sarika4
*1Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Desh Bhagat P.G. College of Ayurveda & Research,
Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Govindgarh, Punjab, India.
2Associate Professor, 3H.O.D & Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College

& Hospital, Kannur, Kerala, India.

4Post Graduate Scholar Shalyatantra Department, Government Ayurveda College & Hospital, Nagpur,

Received on: 01/03/2015 Revised on: 13/03/2015 Accepted on: 24/03/2015
Present era is a period of modernization and fast life. Due to the advancement in life
style people undergo many unwanted practices like faulty dietetic habits, improper
sitting posture, continuous work in one posture and overexertion, load bearing
movements during travelling and sports – all these factors create undue pressure and
compressive injury to the spine and also responsible for early degenerative changes in
bodily tissue which play an important role in producing disease like cervical
spondylosis. In this way, this disease is now becoming a significant threat to the
working population due to its progressive nature.
The Nasya Karma is considered as the best procedure for diseases of head and neck.
Physiotherapy provides several benefits in relieving pain and spasm. It can help to
maintain the strength of the neck muscles and improve the flexibility of the neck
through therapeutic neck exercises and other form of treatment such as manipulation,
US, SWD, IFT etc. These two different modes of treatment having its own importance
in the management of cervical spondylosis so the present study has been conducted to
evaluate the combined effects of these therapies.
Results & Conclusion: All the three groups have given a highly significant
improvement in reducing the signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis. While
comparing, it was also statistically proved that Nasya along with Physiotherapy is
more effective than either Nasya or Physiotherapy alone in reducing the signs and
symptoms of cervical spondylosis.
KEYWORDS: Nasya; Physiotherapy; Cervical Spondylosis, Karpasasthyadi Taila.
In this period of modernization and fast The description or reference regarding
life, people undergo many unwanted practices like Greevastambha is not available as a separate
improper sitting posture for long time in offices, disease entity in any of the major Ayurvedic texts.
continuous work in one posture and overexertion, It is mentioned as one of the 80 Vataja Nanatmaja
load bearing movements during travelling and Vikaras[1].
sports – all these factors create undue pressure The Nasya Karma is considered as the best
and compressive injury to the spine and play an and the most specific procedure for diseases of the
important role in producing disease like cervical head and neck- “Urdhwa Jatru-Vikaresu
spondylosis. Faulty dietetic habits and irregular Visesannasyamisyate”[2]. Because as stated by
life style is responsible for early degenerative Vagbhatta the nasal passage is considered as the
changes and play a vital role in the manifestation portals of the head “Nasa hi Siraso Dwaram”[3] and
of such degenerative disorder. In this way, this accordingly all drugs measures introduced
disease is now becoming a significant threat to the through the nose spread throughout the head and
working population due to its progressive nature. its constituent parts and may accordingly
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Azeem Ahmad et al. The Effect of Karpasasthyadi Taila Nasya, Physiotherapy in Cervical Spondylosis
influence all the Dosas and diseases situated in e. Study setting: Govt. Ayurveda College
these parts.[4] Hospital, Tripunithura.
Due to its anatomical structure, the neck is Criteria for Diagnosis
highly vulnerable to injury and some other The criteria of the diagnosis were mainly
pathological conditions that produce pain, spasm, based on the signs and symptoms of cervical
weakness of muscles and restriction of movement spondylosis (Griva Hundanaum). The detailed
etc.[5] Physiotherapy provides several benefits in locomoter examination of the affected part i.e.
relieving pain, spasm. It can help to maintain the neck was carried out. In addition, radiological
strength of the neck muscles and improve the examination was carried out in all the patients to
flexibility of the neck through therapeutic neck conform the diagnosis as well as to exclude any
exercises and other form of treatment such as other pathology. Routine haematological, urine,
manipulation, US, SWD, IFT etc. which helps to stool and biochemical investigations were carried
improve the circulation and range of movement of out to exclude any other pathology.
the neck, which are vital in Cervical spondylosis
treatment.[6,7] Inclusion criteria
Earlier works carried out  Diagnosed cases of cervical spondylosis.
 X-ray of cervical spine showing relevant
A clinical study on the development of
changes of cervical spondylosis.
subtype of Abhyanga with reference to its role in
 Age group: 20-60 yrs.
the management of Griva-hundana (cervical
 Patients with written consent.
spondylosis). By-Dr. Kalapi Patel Department of
Panchkarma I.P.G.T. & R.A.Gujarat Ayurved Exclusion criteria
University, Jamnagar.  Nasya anarha.[8]
Effect of Tikta Kshira Basti and Patrapinda  Cases where Physiotherapy is contraindicated.
Sweda In The Management Of Cervical  Patients with serious Cardiac disorders like
Spondylosis (Asthigata Vata). By- Dr. M.I, Cardiac Failure etc.
Jayadipkumar P. Shah Department Of  Severe hepatic disorders.
Panchkarma, I.P.G.T. & R.A. Gujarat Ayurved  Patients having associated conditions like
University, Jamnagar. fibrositis, rheumatoid spondylitis, ankylosing
Objectives spondylosis, RA.
 Pregnant females.
1. To evaluate the efficacy of Karpasasthyadi
Drug preparation
taila Nasya in cervical spondylosis.
2. To evaluate the efficacy of physiotherapy in Karpasasthyadi taila[9] was prepared in
cervical spondylosis. pharmacy of Govt. Ayurveda College & Hospital
3. To find out the combined effect of Tripunithura, as per Snehapaka vidhi mentioned
Karpasasthyadi taila Nasya and by Sharangdhara in Sh. Sam. Madh. Kh. – ch.9.
Physiotherapy in the management of Cervical Drug intervention:
Group A - Nasya group
Patients were subjected to Uttama matra of
Study population Marsha Nasya[10]:
The patients were selected from the a) Poorva Karma
outpatient unit of Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital,
Tripunithura according to inclusion and exclusion Local Snehana with Karpasasthyadi Taila and local
criteria. They were divided into three equal Nadi Sveda.
groups by Lottery method. b) Pradhana Karma
Sample frame Marsha Nasya with Karpasasthyadi Taila (Mradu
a. Study Design: Comparative Clinical Trail paka) with the dose of 10 Bindu i.e. 5 ml in each
b. Sample size: 45 participants (15 in each nostril at 8:30 am for consecutive 7 days.
group) c) Paschat karma
c. Period of study: 18 months Dhoomapaana with Haridra Varti and Kavala with
d. Selection of patients: As per inclusion and Ushnambu.
exclusion criteria.

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2015;3(3):23-30 ISSN: 2322 - 0910
Group B – Physiotherapy Group 2=Pain & Wincing of the face on pressure
The whole physiotherapy procedure of 20 3=Pain & Withdrawal of the affected part on
days was divided in to 4 Steps, each for 5 days. pressure
Step 1. (For first 5 days): Pain management with 4=Does not allow to touch
the help of Short Wave Diathermy, Ultra sound, Headache
Interferential therapy, TENS.
0=No headache
Step 2. (For next 5 days): Traction, Trigger point
release and Myofascial release. 1=Mild pain occasionally
Step 3. (For next 5 days): Manual mobilization 2=Headache once in a week
techniques. 3=Headache more than 5 times in a week
Step 4. (For next 5 days): Isometric 4=Daily severe headache
Strengthening exercise of Cervical, Shoulder and
Chest muscles.
0=No vertigo
Group C – Nasya with Physiotherapy
1=vertigo Up to 1hr
Nasya was administrated as mentioned
above in Group A. Then after patients were 2=vertigo Up to 2hr
advised to follow Parihara vithi for 14 days. Next 3=vertigo Up to 3hr
day physiotherapy schedule was started as same
as mentioned above in Group B. 4=vertigo More than 3hr

Assessment Criteria: Both pre and post Tingling sensation

assessments of the patients were done on the 1=Absent
basis of clinical symptoms- 2=Occasionally
 Pain 3=Up to 1hr
 Stiffness
 Tenderness 4=Up to 2hr
 Headache 5=More than 3hr
 Vertigo Muscle power
 Tingling sensation
0= No movement is observed.
 Range of movement
 Muscle power 1= Only a trace or flicker of movement
Assessment parameters Gradation with score: 2= Muscle can move only if the resistance of
gravity is removed.
3= joint can be moved only against gravity
0=No Pain
4= Muscle strength is reduced but muscle
1=Pain in the neck,
contraction can still move joint against resistance.
2=Pain in neck, mild aggravates with movement
5 = Muscle contracts normally against full
3=Pain in neck, severe aggravates with movement resistance.
4=Pain in neck, radiation and disturbed the sleep. Restricted neck movements
Stiffness: 0= Normal range of movement
0=No Stiffness, 1= ROM reduced up to 25%
1=Stiffness up to 1 hour 2= ROM reduced to 26% -50%
2=Stiffness up to 2-3 hours 3= ROM reduced 51% - 75%
3=Stiffness up to 4-6 hours 4= ROM reduced 76% - 100%
4=Stiffness more than 6 hours Follow up study:
Tenderness In Nasya group, after finishing Nasya
0=No tenderness schedule the patients were advised to report
O.P.D. on 15th day and 30th day. In physiotherapy
1=Mild pain on pressure group the patients were advised to report after

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Azeem Ahmad et al. The Effect of Karpasasthyadi Taila Nasya, Physiotherapy in Cervical Spondylosis
the physiotherapy schedule finished i.e. on 20th The subjective criteria were assessed
day and thereafter on 30th day and 45th day. In before treatment, after treatment, after fist follow
Nasya with physiotherapy group the patients were up and after second follow up. The data obtained
advised to report after the full course of treatment in clinical study is subjected to statistical test and
i.e. on 41st day and thereafter on 56th day and 71st analyzed in two parts as;
day. 1. The Wilcoxon signed Rank test
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND 2. Percentage of improvement in each parameter
INTERPRETATION of each scale is calculated
Criteria for the Assessment of the total effect of
the therapy
Table 1: Showing Statistical analysis of effect of treatments on pain
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 3.13
Group A AT 2.27 BT-AT 27.47% -2.93 <.01
AF1 1.87 BT-AF1 40.02% -3.18 <.001
AF2 1.47 BT-AF2 53.03% -3.41 <.001
BT 3.13
Group B AT 2.40 BT-AT 23.32% -2.93 <.01
AFU1 2.27 BT-AF1 27.47% -3.18 <.001
AFU2 1.80 BT-AF2 42.49% -3.41 <.001
BT 3.20
Group C AT 1.87 BT-AT 41.56% -2.02 <.001
AFU1 1.40 BT-AF1 56.25% -3.14 <.001
AFU2 .87 BT-AF2 72.81% -3.14 <.001
While comparing the Group C with Group A and Group B separately on the bases of % efficacy of
treatment after the whole course of treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of treatment in Group C
was 72.81% while in Group A it was 53.03% and in Group B it was 42.49% which suggest that
combination of Nasya and physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya or Physiotherapy alone.
Table 2: Showing Statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Stiffness
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 2.20
Group A AT 1.33 BT-AT 39.54% -3.18 <.001
AF1 1.07 BT-AF1 51.36% -3.30 <.001
AF2 .80 BT-AF2 63.63% -3.41 <.001
BT 3.07
Group B AT 2.53 BT-AT 17.58% -2.52 <.01
AFU1 2.00 BT-AF1 34.85% -3.06 <.01
AFU2 1.40 BT-AF2 54.39% -3.41 <.001
BT 2.80
Group C AT 1.00 BT-AT 64.28% -3.30 <.001
AFU1 .87 BT-AF1 68.92% -3.41 <.001
AFU2 .87 BT-AF2 68.92% -3.41 <.001
While comparing the Group C with Group A it was 63.63% and in Group B it was 54.39%
A and Group B separately on the bases of % which suggest that combination of Nasya and
efficacy of treatment after the whole course of physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya
treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of or Physiotherapy alone in relieving stiffness in
treatment in Group C was 68.92% while in Group case of cervical spondylosis.

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Table 3: Statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Tenderness
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 1.60
Group A AT 1.07 BT-AT 33.12% -2.52 <.01
AF1 .93 BT-AF1 41.87% -2.80 <.01
AF2 .67 BT-AF2 58.13% -3.06 <.01
BT 1.60
Group B AT 1.00 BT-AT 37.5% -2.67 <.01
AFU1 .73 BT-AF1 54.37% -2.93 <.01
AFU2 .73 BT-AF2 54.37% -2.93 <.01
BT 1.40
Group C AT .53 BT-AT 62.14% -3.06 <.01
AFU1 .53 BT-AF1 62.14% -3.06 <.01
AFU2 .40 BT-AF2 71.42% -3.80 <.01
While comparing the Group C with Group A and Group B separately on the bases of % efficacy of
treatment after the whole course of treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of treatment in Group C
was 71.42% while in Group A it was 58.13% and in Group B it was 54.37% which suggest that
combination of Nasya and physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya or Physiotherapy alone in
relieving tenderness in case of cervical spondylosis.
Table 4: Showing statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Tingling Sensation
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 1.60
Group A AT 1.33 BT-AT 16.87% -1.83 <.05
AF1 1.33 BT-AF1 16.87% -1.83 <.05
AF2 0.93 BT-AF2 41.87% -2.80 <.01
BT 1.73
Group B AT 1.27 BT-AT 26.58% -2.37 <.01
AFU1 1.13 BT-AF1 34.68% -2.67 <.01
AFU2 .93 BT-AF2 46.24% -3.06 <.01
BT 1.07
Group C AT 0.67 BT-AT 39.84% -2.20 <.05
AFU1 0.60 BT-AF1 43.92% -2.37 <.01
AFU2 0.40 BT-AF2 62.61% -2.80 <.01
While comparing the Group C with Group A and Group B separately on the bases of % efficacy of
treatment after the whole course of treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of treatment in Group C
was 62.61% while in Group A it was 41.87% and in Group B it was 46.24% which suggest that
combination of Nasya and physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya or Physiotherapy alone in
relieving tingling sensation in case of cervical spondylosis.
Table 5: Showing Statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Headache
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 2.33
Group A AT 1.80 BT-AT 22.74% -2.52 <.01
AF1 1.53 BT-AF1 34.33% -3.06 <.01
AF2 1.07 BT-AF2 54.07% -3.41 <.001
BT 2.53
Group B AT 1.87 BT-AT 26.08% -2.80 <.01
AFU1 1.87 BT-AF1 26.08% -2.80 <.01
AFU2 1.60 BT-AF2 36.75% -3.30 <.001
BT 2.00
Group C AT 1.33 BT-AT 33.50% -2.80 <.01
AFU1 1.00 BT-AF1 50.00% -3.18 <.001
AFU2 .80 BT-AF2 60.00% -3.30 <.001
While comparing the Group C with Group A and Group B separately on the bases of % efficacy of
treatment after the whole course of treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of treatment in Group C
was 60.00% while in Group A it was 54.07% and in Group B it was 36.75% which suggest that

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Azeem Ahmad et al. The Effect of Karpasasthyadi Taila Nasya, Physiotherapy in Cervical Spondylosis
combination of Nasya and physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya or Physiotherapy alone in
relieving headache in case of cervical spondylosis.
Table 6: Showing statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Muscle Power
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
Group A BT 1.40
AT 1.20 BT-AT 14.28% -1.60 <.05
AF1 1.00 BT-AF1 28.57% -2.20 <.05
AF2 .73 BT-AF2 47.85% -2.80 <.01
Group B BT 1.33
AT 1.13 BT-AT 15.03% -1.60 <.05
AFU1 .87 BT-AF1 34.58% -2.37 <.01
AFU2 .60 BT-AF2 54.88% -2.93 <.01
Group C BT 1.40
AT 1.07 BT-AT 23.57% -2.02 <.05
AFU1 .80 BT-AF1 42.85% -2.67 <.01
AFU2 .53 BT-AF2 62.14% -3.06 <.01
While comparing the Group C with Group A it was 47.85% and in Group B it was 54.88%
A and Group B separately on the bases of % which suggest that combination of Nasya and
efficacy of treatment after the whole course of physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya
treatment it was analysed that the % efficacy of or Physiotherapy alone in relieving muscle power
treatment in Group C was 62.14% while in Group in case of cervical spondylosis.
Table 7: Showing Statistical analysis of effect of treatments on Restricted Neck Movements
Stage Mean Pair % of efficacy Z value P value
BT 1.60
Group A AT 1.07 BT-AT 33.12% -2.52 <.01
AF1 .93 BT-AF1 41.87% -2.80 <.01
AF2 .67 BT-AF2 58.13% -3.06 <.01
BT 1.60
Group B AT 1.00 BT-AT 37.5% -2.67 <.01
AFU1 .73 BT-AF1 54.37% -2.93 <.01
AFU2 .73 BT-AF2 54.37% -2.93 <.01
BT 1.40
Group C AT .53 BT-AT 62.14% -3.06 <.01
AFU1 .53 BT-AF1 62.14% -3.06 <.01
AFU2 .40 BT-AF2 71.42% -3.80 <.01
While comparing the Group C with Group RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
A and Group B separately on the bases of % As per the assessment criteria Pain,
efficacy of treatment after the whole course of Tenderness, Stiffness, Tingling sensation, Muscle
treatment it was analyse that the % efficacy of Power, Headache and Range of movement, Nasya,
treatment in Group C was 71.42% while in Group Physiotherapy and a combination of both were
A it was 58.13% and in Group B it was 54.37% found to be statistically and clinically effective in
which suggest that combination of Nasya and all the parameters taken for assessment.
physiotherapy is more effective than either Nasya
or Physiotherapy alone in relieving restricted
movements of neck in case of cervical spondylosis.
Table 8: Overall effect of therapy
No. of patients No. of Markedly No. of Moderately No. of Mildly No. of
with Complete improved Improved patients Improved Unchanged
remission patients (%) (%) patients (%) patients (%)
Group A 0 7 (46.67%) 7 (46.67%) 1 (6.66%) 0
Group B 0 7 (46.67%) 6 (40.00%) 2 (13.33%) 0
Group C 0 10 (66.67%) 5 (33.33%) 0 0
However considering overall results, as combination of Nasya and Physiotherapy was
presented in table no.8 we can see that found to be more effective in relieving signs and

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2015;3(3):23-30 ISSN: 2322 - 0910
symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis as compare to Vol. 1, 7th Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
Nasya or Physiotherapy alone. Sanskrit Sansthan- Varanasi, 2013, p. 399
The probable reason why the combine 2. Dr. T. Sreekumar, Astanga Hradaya
therapy became more beneficial was, after doing Vaghbhata Sutrasthana- II English
Nasya, when the manual therapies and traction Translation and Commentary, Updated Third
were performed it easily resolved the structural Edition, Thrissur – Kerala, Publication
deformities like reduced intervertebral disc Department Harisree Hospital, February
spaces, disc prolepses, nerve root compressions 2011, p. 107-108
etc. The action of Nasya is mainly systemic while 3. Dr. T. Sreekumar, Astanga Hradaya
all the physiotherapy modalities had a localized Vaghbhata Sutrasthana- II English
effect. Translation and Commentary, Updated Third
Edition, Thrissur – Kerala, Publication
So when the combine therapy was given it Department Harisree Hospital, February
had a gradual improvement in patients even up to 2011, p. 107-108
2nd follow up. This may be due to synergistic 4. Vd. Govardhan Sharma, Astang Samgraha-
action of the two different therapies. Sutrasthana Arthaprakashika Vyakhya, 11th
CONCLUSIONS Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Sanskrit
Sansthan- Varanasi, 1996, p. 157.
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative
5. B.D. Chaurasia, Human Anatomy Part-3, 4th
disease producing various signs and symptoms
Edition, New Delhi, CBS Publishers &
which are badly affecting the day to day activities.
Distributors 2004 page no.40-44
The disease cervical Spondylosis and
6. Joseph KAHN, Principles and Practice of
Greevasthambha are similar in their etiology,
Electrotherapy, 3rd ed.: CHURCHILL
signs and symptoms. The Dosha involved in
LIVINGSTONE 1994 page no. 421
Greevasthambha are Vyanavata and Sleshaka
7. Barbara J. Behrens, Susan L. Michovitz,
Kapha. It is a Vatavyadhi affecting Asthi and
Thermal Agents in Rehabilitation, 3rd ed.:
Sandhi of Greeva. Treatment responses of all
F.A. DAVIS COMPANY, Philadelphia, 1998, p.
parameters were highly significant in all the
three groups which show the efficacy of Nasya,
8. Kashinath shastri & Gorakha Nath
physiotherapy and a combination of both in
Chaturvedi, Caraka Samhita of Agnivesha
treating Cervical Spondylosis. Statistical analysis
Vol. 2, 5th Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhambha
showed that the combination of Nasya and
Sanskrit Sansthan- Varanasi, 1977, p. 984-
physiotherapy is more effective in reducing signs
and symptoms of cervical spondylosis as
9. Dr. K. Nishteswar and Dr. R. Vidyanath,
compared to either Nasya or Physiotherapy
Sahasrayogam Text with English
Translation, 2nd Edition, Varanasi,
This study proves that addition of Nasya Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan- Varanasi,
with physiotherapy gives additional benefits than Taila Prakaran -15
Nasya or physiotherapy procedure alone. 10. Dr. T. Sreekumar, Astanga Hradaya
REFERENCES Vaghbhata Sutrasthana- II English
Translation and Commentary, Updated Third
1. Kashinath shastri & Gorakha Nath Edition, Thrissur – Kerala, Publication
Chaturvedi, Caraka Samhita of Agnivesha Department Harisree Hospital, February
2011, p. 110-11

*Address for correspondence

Cite this article as: Dr. Azeem Ahmad
Azeem Ahmad, S. Seena, K. Ravisankaran, Singh Sarika. The Effect of Assistant Professor
Karpasasthyadi Taila Nasya, Physiotherapy and A Combination of Both in Department of Panchakarma
Cervical Spondylosis. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Desh Bhagat P.G. College of Ayurveda
Research. 2015;3(3):23-30. & Research, Desh Bhagat University,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Mandi Govindgarh, Punjab.
Ph: +919815899851

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Azeem Ahmad et al. The Effect of Karpasasthyadi Taila Nasya, Physiotherapy in Cervical Spondylosis

Study Photograph

Fig. (A) & (B) Showing T.E.N.S. Therapy

Fig. (C) & (D) Showing Interferential Therapy

Fig. (E) & (F) Showing Short wave diathermy therapy

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