Dekermenjian Itl608 Learning Map-1

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Nareg Dekermenjian

ITL 608
ITL 608-Learning Map


MY TARGET: Standard, Goals & Outcomes

Teacher: Nareg Dekermenjian Grade/Subject: 2nd Grade/Math

Academic Content Standards: STATE YOUR STANDARD(S).

Fluently adding and subtracting within 20 using mental strategies.


Unpack Your Standard

Essential Questions Skills Content/Knowledge

What mathematical Students will learn all Students will make

concepts and thinking numbers from 1-20 and observations of several
can present a challenge be able to recognize the objects numbering
for students? order in which each from 1-20 and will
number appears on a notice the effects of
What strategies will be number line. objects being deducted
implemented to reach or subtracted.
students from a variety How to add and
of needs? subtract all single digit Students will recognize
numbers the relationship of
adding and subtracting
and how the results of
each operation is


Create live assessments with written quizzes in a show-your-work format

and also provide assessments using technology such as quizlet to test
understanding and provide immediate feedback to students and teacher.

Student Learning Goal/Behavioral Objective

❖ Learn to fluently add and/or subtract all single digits. (ex. 2+8, 8-2,
5+4, 4-5)
ITL 608-Learning Map

❖ Identify all digits 1-20 on a number line

❖ Recognize and understand results of adding or subtracting

{TARGET & LEARNER} Barriers to Learning

Depending on each students understanding of mathematical concepts,
some may struggle with operations such as adding and subtracting.

Students with focus issues may struggle with understanding numerical

patterns and how a certain operation may affect the results of an

Students with social/emotional issues may feel uncomfortable with

group work and collaborative demonstrations.

{TARGET & LEARNER} Common Misunderstandings/Learner Misconceptions:

A common misunderstanding of mathematical process of adding or

subtracting. Student may confuse the two operations or struggle to
mentally solve an equation.


{TEACHER & LEARNER} My Classroom: Whole group

Classroom is comprised of 25 students in total. 13 girls and 12 boys. The

students are all proficient in the use of technology and are comfortable with
these instruments. The majority of the students come from upper-middle
class backgrounds with parents who are engaged and work with their
children on school assignments. 3 of the students are english language
learners and require more visual platforms than verbal. This is not as much
of an obstacle in math as is it is largely visual.


Focus Student #1: English Language Learner (ELL) or Standard English
Learner (SEL)
This student is a native of Yerevan, Armenia. He has been in the United
States for 3 years and is conversational in english. At times he struggles
with vocabulary but is not shy to raise his hand for clarification. His parents
do not speak much english at all but their eldest daughter is fluent and
ITL 608-Learning Map

helps the student with his homework at home. He struggles with science
and grammar but is one of the best in his class at mathematics.

Focus Student #2: Student with Identified Special Needs (IEP; 504; SST)

This student has an IEP and requires more attention as it is easy for him to
lose focus when he is struggling with a subject. He does not ask questions
when he is confused and tends to fall behind relative to the rest of his
classmates. His mother is involved in his schoolwork and often checks in to
make sure he is behaving. Student is never a disruption to the class and is a
visual learner.

Focus Student #3: Student in need of Social-Emotional Support

This student lacks confidence and is very shy and quiet in the classroom. It is
difficult for this student to participate in a group setting and does not seem to have
many friends. She is bright and does well in most subjects, english being her best. I
have noticed she does better in social situations when she is explaining or
coaching a student vs simple friendly interaction.


Multiple Means of
Representation Multiple means of representation in order to reach all
(modeling & practice)
students of varying abilities. The strategies
implemented will be visual and presented collectively
to the classroom. Students will have groups of objects
and will add and subtract the object than be asked to
calculate the results by verbally counting out loud.

Multiple Means of Engagement will be done in groups with

Engagement1 students identified with IEP strategically placed
within group to allow maximum involvement.
Students will be given 2-sets of 9-marbles each.
They will each follow the equations the teacher
will write out in fron of the classroom. For
example. The teacher will write out 9-8=. the
students will then take there set of 9-marbles in
group 1 and will remove 8 counting aloud with
each marble being removed. The students will
then count their remaining marbles in the set to
calculate the result.

ITL 608-Learning Map

Multiple means of
Expression2 The lesson will be demonstrated by the teacher prior to
(practice & the students taking part in the lesson. They will work in
assessment) groups and will write out their answers on paper
provided for them which includes each equation. This
will allow for collaboration and engage students that
may otherwise not be engaged if they were working

Managing the
Classroom The classroom will be managed to maximize the safety
Environment of all students within the classroom and each group
will be kept to 5 groups of 5 students. The groups will
be formed with consideration to each students ability
to make sure all groups have a stronger students and
one that may require more help.

DAILY AGENDA: What is the sequence of your lesson?
1. Opening:

Teacher will demonstrate the lesson by placing the marbles in front

of the classroom. The teacher will then present an equation which he
will solve by adding or subtracting the marbles presented in the
equation. He will than write out the answer next to the equation. Prior
to beginning the activity, students will have a chance to ask the
teacher any questions they may have relating to the activity.

2. Activity:

The students will be broken up in 5 groups of 5 students each. Each

group will then be given identical worksheets which include 10
equations on adding/subtracting single digits. Each group will be
given 2-sets of 9 marbles to work with.

3. Practice:

The students will add or subtract the number of marbles designated

in each equation they attempt to solve. They will then write the
answer on the worksheet until all questions have been answered.

ITL 608-Learning Map

4. Closure:

The teacher will review each problem in front of the classroom and
allow the students to grade their own problems. The worksheets will
be corrected by the students and turned in.


Students will first observe the teacher solving equations using the
marbles. The teacher will then ask to clarify and questions students may
have. They will then be placed in groups and given 2-sets of 9-marbles
along with a worksheet containing the problems they are to solve. Kahoot
and quizlet will be used as a form of assessment.


Assessments will be conducted will the students work on the activity and
also by using technology such as kahoots and quizlet. Since the students
in the classroom are all comfortable using these technological platforms it
will allow them to reinforce their learning as well as providing immediate
feedback to the students as well as the teacher. Once the data is collected,
the teacher will go over common misunderstandings in the appropriate

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