M Edu 280 Lesson Plan
M Edu 280 Lesson Plan
M Edu 280 Lesson Plan
Esmeralda Bernal
rational numbers.
6.NS. Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line
diagrams and coordinates axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the number
number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., -(-3) = 3, and
coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are
related by reflections across one or both axes e.g., (+5)-(-9)=(-4); change first, then follow addition rules
C. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number
line diagram; find and position pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane e.g.,
o Observable objective: The teaching learning focus of the lesson plan covers basic math for
the topic of Integers. Students will be able to carefully apply the mathematical procedure with
Integers for the lesson. The concept is to gain student’s focus, in order to easily understand
future related topics. The skill is to gain student’s interest, in order to prepare students for
complex math expression. The knowledge applies to the student’s ability to complete and
understand basic integers. The purpose of the lesson is to prepare all students in order to be
Multicultural goal: Understand the social, political, and economic influences on student learning
and achievement. Build social relationships to promote interest in differences and include other in
o Observable objective: Students will be able conduct analysis of different problems and
complete work in the student environment within each other, to perform the required topic of
Integers. Students will be able to potentially work on explaining the views and positions of
every expression with the understandment of Integer Rules, completely. Students will be able
to evaluate working problems or questions and present their own learning methods for
successful student achievement. To succeed, students will form groups of four and work
together to as an activity. The purposeful main goal is to work among all cultural groups to
further steps, oral communication, extra help etc., for the student to comprehend the lecture.
Visual learners; The lesson will definitely occupy students, show picture examples of working
problems, show/demonstrate working problems by teacher etc., in order for the student to
comprehend the lecture. Kinesthetic learners; The lesson will incorporate unsureness will always
be clarified, the actions of working problems are demonstrated by student and teacher, will be
covered in the lecture, color coding etc., in order for students to comprehend the lecture.
Gardner's Intelligence: Spatial Intelligence; The lesson will provide extra picture examples for
students to perform and visualize thoughtfully. The lesson itself requires visual art work for every
working problem expression. There will be various ways for all students to work effectively by
Do First: The teaching lesson will briefly introduce Integer topic by sharing rules and handing
out a warm-up activity sheet. The teacher will ask several basic questions to gain students interest
in the topic, aside from being required. The activity is basic and can be an assignment or a quiz
Mini-lesson: The teacher will teach the lesson and will be in charge of completing every part of
concepts, information, skills, readings, other requirements, etc., for student learning. Mini-lesson
takes place the first day and ends the on the second day. (25 minutes)
Guided Practice: After lesson, the teacher will instruct and make sure students work by sharing
learning methods from different cultures to ease student’s learning. Students will form groups of
4 as multicultural goal, to work among different student environments that share knowledge and
readiness. The teacher assigns addition/subtraction worksheets that relate to the first set of Integer
rules. On the second day, instructor re-teaches last set of Integer rules, and assigns
Independent Practice: Now students are ready to complete the major learning activities that
apply to the skills and knowledge for both subject and multicultural taught in the mini-lesson and
guided practice. In this section, all Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic learning styles will be
incorporated in the lesson plan, just as assisted. The multiple intelligences will be demonstrated
through each student’s learning creativity. Students are prepared to work individually and with
teacher assistance if needed who will facilitate the activities. (40 minutes)
Exit Slip: A quick assessment will be independently performed for students to show
accomplishment of the subject after having multicultural objective goals conducted. The final exit
slip covers major learning levels for student requirements which finalizes topic in order to
4. Resources: https://www.math-
5. Reflection: 1. What specific subject concepts, skills, applications etc. does the student
achieve for the identified grade level? The student mostly achieves the solving every sequence
skills, etc. Has the student achieved? The student accurately performs knowledge skills to their
3. Assess the level of student engagement and active learning for the lesson
strategies selected for the “Instruction-learning process? Each and every student works
effectively with all folks by following directions and re-teaching problem solutions.
4. Lastly, list the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan. Weaknesses: Some students may
get of topic if the teacher does not pay attention. Most students are imperative but can easily
focus on interesting lesson. Some students decide to work individually without any help and
might affect grades. Strengths: All student always do well when they focus and follow
instructions. All students successfully collaborate and develop multicultural environments very
well. All students perform at maximum levels for the requirement of their grades.