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Context PDF
Context PDF
The BOS discussed and approved the Scheme of studies for BS (Hon)
Semester: 1
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
English (I)
1 ENG-301 3(3-0)
Pakistan Studies
2 PST-321 2(2-0)
History of English Literature (I)
3 ENG-305 3(3-0)
Introduction to Literary Studies ENG--
4 303 3(3-0)
Classical Poetry (I)
5 ENG-307 3(3-0)
6 ENG-309 3(3-0)
7 Social Psychology PSY-407 3(3-0)
Total 20
Semester: 2
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
English (II)
1 ENG-302 3(3-0)
Islamic Studies
2 ISL-321 2(2-0)
Classical Poetry (II)
3 ENG-304 3(3-0)
History of English Literature (II)
4 ENG-306 3(3-0)
Greek Literature
5 ENG-308 3(3-0)
6 ENG-310 3(3-0)
Total 17
Semester: 3
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
English (III)
1 ENG-401 3(3-0)
2 CSI- 321 3(3-0)
Introduction to Linguistics
3 ENG-403 3(3-0)
Novel (I) ENG-
4 405 3(3-0)
Elizabethan and Restoration Drama
5 ENG-407 3(3-0)
Physical Geography
6 GEO-302 3(3-0)
Total 18
Semester: 4
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
Advanced Academic Reading and Writing
1 ENG-402 3(3-0)
Media Studies
2 ENG-404 3(3-0)
Literary Criticism
3 ENG-406 3(3-0)
Romantic and Victorian Poetry
4 ENG-408 3(3-0)
Victorian Novel
5 ENG-409 3(3-0)
Shakespearean Studies
6 ENG-410 3(3-0)
Total 18
Semester: 5
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
Modern Poetry
1 ENG-501 3(3-0)
Pakistani Literature in Translation
2 ENG-503 3(3-0)
3 ENG-505 3(3-0)
Literary Theory (I)
4 ENG-507 3(3-0)
American Literature (I)
5 ENG-509 3(3-0)
Modern Novel
6 ENG-511 3(3-0)
Total 18
Semester: 6
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
Literary Theory (II)
1 ENG-502 3(3-0)
American Literature (II)
2 ENG-504 3(3-0)
Modern Drama
3 ENG-506 3(3-0)
Russian Literature
4 ENG-508 3(3-0)
Pakistani Literature in English (I)
5 ENG-510 3(3-0)
Total 15
Semester: 7
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
Short Stories
1 ENG-601 3(3-0)
Postcolonial Studies
2 ENG-603 3(3-0)
Pakistani Literature in English (II)
3 ENG-605 3(3-0)
Literature of War and Conflict
4 ENG-607 3(3-0)
Theatre of the Absurd
5 ENG-609 3(3-0)
Total 15
Semester: 8
Sr Course Credit
Course Title
# Code Hours
Research Methodology
1 ENG-602 3(3-0)
Women’s Writings
2 ENG-604 3(3-0)
World Literature
3 ENG-606 3(3-0)
Postcolonial Literature
4 ENG-608 3(3-0)
Critical Theory
5 ENG-610 3(3-0)
Total 15
Semester: 1
• Introduce yourself
• Parts of speech(word classes)
• Phrases
• Clauses: subject, verb, direct/indirect object, object complement, subject
• Sentence structure
• Kinds of sentences
• Combining sentences
• Use of active/passive voice and direct/indirect narration
• Use of articles
Expression, Greeting
Recommended Readings:
• Fowler, Alas Tair, A History of English Literature, US, Harvard University Press,
• Richetti, John (Editor), Cambridge History of English Literature (A Dotcom history)
UK, Cambridge University, Press, 2006
• Fulk Robert and Cain M Christopher (2002) USA Blackwell Publishing, A history of
old English Literature
• Peck, John and Coyle, Martin, A brief history of English literature, New York,
Palgrave Publishers Litd, 2002
• Daiches, David. The Present Age in British Literature. Bloomington, Indiana
University, Press, 1958
• Carter, Roland and McRae John. The Routledge History of Literature in English
London. Routledge, 2001
• Leguis, Emile. A Short History of English Literature. Oxford, Oxford University,
Press, 1978
Core Readings
1) Richard Gill Mastering English Literature
2) Mario Clarer Introduction to Literary Studies
3) W. H. Hudson Introduction to the Study of Literature
4) J.A.Cuddons Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms
Recommended Readings:
Recommended Readings:
1. Walker, Hugh . The English Eassys And Essayists. S.Chand& Co. Delhi.
2. Gravil , Richard, ed. Gulliver’s Travels (Case. Book Series) . Macmillan
3. Leavis, John. Bertrand Rusell, Philosopher and Humanist. New World
4. Coleridge, Stephen. The Glory of English Prose. Tutis Digital
Course Title: Social Psychology
Course code: PSY- 407
Semester: 2
1. Reading Comprehension
• Identify Main Idea/Topic Sentence
• paragraph writing ( How to write , kinds and elements)
• Find Specific Information quickly
• Recognize and Interpret Cohesive Devices
• Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion
• Pre- reading
• Skimming and scanning
• SQ3R
• Notes taking techniques
• Analyzing paragraph structure
• Identifying the writer’s intent such as cause effect, reasons, comparison and
contrast, exemplification.
• Interpreting charts and diagrams
• Making appropriate notes using strategies such as mind maps, tables, lists, lists,
2. Enhancing Vocabulary Through Reading
3. General Study Skills Like Time Management, Finding Learning Style, Developing
Reading Keys And Systems
• Romantic Age
• Victorian Age
• Modern Age
• Postmodern age from 1800(Romantic Era) to the Recent Times with an exclusive
focus on literary movements
• Realism
• Naturalism
• Modernism
• Symbolism Existentialism/ Absurdism
• Surrealism
• Postmodernism
Suggested Readings:
➢ Fowler, Alas Tair, A History of English Literature, US, Harvard University Press,
➢ Richetti, John (Editor), Cambridge History of English Literature (A Dotcom history)
UK, Cambridge University, Press, 2006
➢ Fulk Robert and Cain M Christopher (2002) USA Blackwell Publishing, A history of
old English Literature
➢ Peck, John and Coyle, Martin, A brief history of English literature, New York,
Palgrave Publishers Litd, 2002
➢ Longaker, Mark and Bolles, C Adwin, Contemporary English literature, New York
Appleton Century Crofts. In, 1953
➢ Schofield, William Hussy. English Literature from Norman Conquest to Chaucer.
New York, Mac Millan Company 1931
➢ Hichs, Granville. Figures of Transition, New York, the MacMillan Company 1939
➢ Ward, A.W. and Waller, A.R. The Cambridge History English and American
Literature Cambridge. Cambridge University, Press, 1907
➢ O’ Neill, Michael. Literature of the Romantic Period. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998
➢ Rogers, Pat (edit) the Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2001
➢ Cornin, Richard. Romantic Victorians. USA, Palgrave 2002 Lowen Stein, David and
Mueller, Janel. The Cambridge History of Early Modern English literature.
Cambridge University, Press 2002
➢ Daiches, David. The Present Age in British Literature. Bloomington, Indiana
University, Press, 1958
➢ Carter, Roland and McRae John. The Routledge History of Literature in English
London. Routledge, 2001
➢ Woods, Tim. Who’s Who of 20th Century. Novelists, New York, Rutledge, 2001
➢ Wood Coch, George. Introduction to 20th century Fiction, London, Macmillan Press,
➢ Sambrooh, James. The Eighteenth Century. Singapore, Longman Publishers, 1988
➢ Sampson, George. The Concise History of English Literature. Cambridge, Cambridge
University, Press, 1975
➢ Evans, Iffor. A Short History of English Literature. England Penguin Books, 1976
➢ Leguis, Emile. A Short History of English Literature. Oxford, Oxford University,
Press, 1978
➢ A Short History of English Literature by Pramod K Nayar, Foundation Books, 2009
Suggested Readings:
• Mythology
▪ Homeric Hymns
• Epic
▪ Iliad and Odyssey(Selected Fragments)
• Tragedy
▪ Aeschylus: The Oresteian Trilogy (Selected Acts and Scenes)
▪ Sophocles:The Oedipus Trilogy(Selected Acts and Scenes)
▪ Euripides: Medea, The Trojan Women, Electra (Selected Acts and
• Comedy
▪ Aristophanes: Introduction to eleven old comedies survived
• From Ancient to Modern
▪ Introduction to the writings of Giorgos Seferies and Odysseas
Recommend Readings:
➢ Justina Gregory. A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.2005
➢ H.D.Kitto. Greek Tragedy. London :NewYork: Routledge.2002
➢ Shawn O’ Bryhin. Greek and Roman Comedy: Translations and Interpretations of
Four Representative Plays. University of Texas Press.2002.
➢ A Guide To Ancient Greek Drama by Arllene Allan and Ian C. Storey
➢ The Greek Myths by Robert Graves
➢ Introduction to Socrates, Plato and Aristotelian Philosophy
➢ Latin Literature: Introduction to Cicero, Ovid, Virgil, Horace, Julius Caesar, Seneca,
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of language which have
immediate relation to their ordinary as well as academic life, and to sensitize students to the
various shades & aspects of language. The core components of linguistics like phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics will also be introduced through this
Recommend Readings:
Recommended Readings:
1- Constance, B. Kuriyama, Christopher Marlowe: A renaissance Life Ithca. Corne
2- Patrick Cheney. The Cambridge companion to Christopher Marlowe. Cambridge:
CUP. 2004
1. Introduction
1.1 Definition, scope and major branches
1.2 Realms of the physical environment
2. Lithosphere
2.1 Internal structure of earth
2.2 Rocks–origin, formation and types: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
2.3 Plate tectonics, mountain building forces
2.4 Geomorphic processes – endogenic and exogenic
processes and their resultant landforms
2.5 Earthquakes and volcanic activity, folding and faulting
2.6 Weathering, mass wasting, cycle of erosion, erosion and deposition
2.7 Landforms produced by running water, ground water, wind and glaciers
3. Atmosphere
3.1 Composition and structure of atmosphere
3.2 Atmospheric temperature and pressure, global circulation
3.3 Atmospheric moisture and precipitation
3.4 Air masses and fronts
3.5 Cyclones and other disturbances
4. Hydrosphere
4.1 Hydrological cycle
4.2 Ocean composition, temperature and salinity of ocean
4.3 water
4.4 Movements of the ocean water; waves, currents and tides
5 Biosphere
5.1 Eco-systems
5.2 Formation and types of soils
Recommended Books:
1. King, C. A. M. (1980) Physical Geography, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
2. Mcliveen, J. F. R. (1992) Fundamentals of Weather and climate, Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
3. Monkhouse, F. J. (1996) Principles of Physical Geography, Hodder &
4. Stoughton, London.
5. Peterson, J. F., Sack, D. & Gabler, R. E. (2011) Physical Geography, Brooks Cole.
6. Scott, R. C. (1996) Introduction to physical geography, West Publishing Co, New York.
7. Small, R. J. (1989) Geomorphology and Hydrology, Longman, London.
8. Strahler, A. (2013) Introduction to Physical Geography, John Wiley & Sons,
New Jersey.
9. Strahlar, A. N., Strahlar, A. H. (2004) Physical Environment, John Wiley,
New York.
10. Stringer, E. T. (2004) Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley, New York.
11. Taylor, J. (1993) Integral Physical Geography, Longman, London.
12. Thornbury, W. D. (2004) Principles of Geomorphology, John Willy & Sons, New York.
13. Thurman, H. V. & Trujillo, A. P. (2013) Essentials of Oceanography,
Semester No. 4
Recommended Readings:
1- A Short Guied to Writing about Literature (Sylvan Barnet & William E.Cain)
• Semiology
• Media as industry
Recommended readings
1. James Curran & Morley: Media and Cultural Theory: Routledge
Recommended Readings:
Recommended Readings:
➢ Poetic Devices
➢ Bloom, H. And Trilling, L. (eds) 1973 Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: OUP
➢ Bowra, G.M The Romantic Imagination
➢ Camilla, F. Ed. 1966 The Romantics and Victorians. New York: The MacMillan Co.
➢ Ford, B. Ed. 1982 From Blake to Byron. London: Penguin Books
Kennedy, X. J. 1994 An introduction to Poetry, 8th Ed. New York: HarperC
Recommend Readings:
The Tempest
Semester: 5
Recommended Readings:
1.New Case Book Series: S Eliot.
2. Harold Bloom Critical Interpretations: B Yeats.
3. Jane Ayers : Modernism
4. Unterecker L. W.B, Yeats: A Reader’s Guide. London: 1988
5. Bloom, Harold. Seamus Heaney. Critical Intrepretations
Pakistani literature in translation is the soul of the soil. It represents the indigenous culture,
values and ethos. Most of the Urdu and regional literature has been translated into English
language by renowned western and Pakistani translators. Urdu and regional literatures are the
genuine voice of the indigenous people and are rich repositories of cultural, mystical and
spiritual heritage.
Course objectives:
The purpose of this course to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and
techniques in teaching of English as foreign language. At the end of the course the learners
would have gained the skill to manage an English language class in our environment. The
general objectives of the course require each student to be able to:
Lesson Planning
Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching Pronunciation
Recommended Readings:
Recommended Readings:
Semester: 6
Recommended Readings:
1. Beach, J W. The Twentieth Century Novel.
2. Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce
3. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : James Joyce
4. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : George Orwell
5. Harold Bloom Critical Intrepretations : D H Lawerence
6. Peter Faulkner. Modernism
G B Shaw: Pygmalion
Sara Suleri
Tariq Ali
Aamer Hussain
Pakistani Poets
Daud Kamal
Aalamgir Hashmi
Hybrid Tapestries
Rehman, Tariq A. History of Pakistani Literature in English. Vanguard press (pvt) Ltd, Lahore.
Mustaq Bilal
Hashmi, Alamghir. Kamal Daud’s Entry in Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures in English.
Volume 1. Ed Benson. E. & Connolly, L.W. London: Routledge.
Jameson, Fredrick. Third World Literature in the era of multinational capital in social text 15,
Fall 1986.
Khawaja Waqas, A. Morning in the Wilderness: Reading in Pakistani Literature. Sang-e-meel
Publications, Lahore.
Saeed, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. Vintage London 1993.
Semester: 7
Selected Writers:
Hanif Qureshi
Doris Lessing
Naguib Mahfouz
Alice Walker
Amy Tan
Nadine Gordiner
Oscar Wilde
E. Allan Poe
Isaac Asimov
Ben Okri
Postcolonial Literature
Western literature promoted western culture and civilization and helped establish hegemony of
the west in the colonized world. Universality, objectivity, disinterestedness were the slogans that
paved way for the acceptance of western literature as repository of ideal human values. However,
this unquestioned authority of the western texts was destabilized by the postcolonial gaze that
found these texts complicit in the dehumanizing project of colonization.
• To introduce key western texts that negotiate with the colonial experience from
different perspectives
• To demonstrate how colonial texts deconstruct themselves betraying their
ideological and political biases
Learning outcome
Add Experimental writings such as Chic/Punk literature, science and crime fiction, and other
poetic works
Add at least two writers from Pakistani prose in English including journalistic writings
Critical books
David Waterman
Bilal Mushtaq
Madeline Clements
Cliare Chambers
Course Objectives:
Theatre of the absurd is a proliferating discipline in the study of Literature. The Objective of this
course is to give the reader an opportunity to read the influence of Existentialism on the Theatre
of Absurd. It would enhance their understanding by reading the representative works of the
writers and prepare them for the full length study of the genres.
Recommended Reading:
➢ Hasan I. 2002 Samuel Beckett: Word master: “Waiting for Godot”: Text with Critical
Commentary. Oxford University Press
➢ Esslin, Martin, Theatre of the Absurd, Vintage, 2001
➢ No Exit Script
➢ No Exit at Spark
➢ No Exit at the internet Broadway database
➢ Albee perspective in American Literature. A research and reference guide, retrieved June
28 2017.
➢ Arden, John. Book review to The Caretaker, by Harlod Pinter. New Theatre Mag. 1.4
(July 1960): 29-30.
Semester: 8
Research Methods
• Philosophy Of Research
• Kinds of Research
• Process of Research
• Documentation of Research
• Dealing with Plagiarism, Using Research conventions & Manuals (APA and MLA),
Responsibilities of a Researcher
• Developing Argument
Recommended Readings:
➢ The Hand Book to Literary Research (2nd Ed.) Edited by Delia Da Sousa and W. R.
Owens, publisher: Routledge (2010)
➢ Research Methods in Education (6th Ed.) by Louis Cohen, publisher: Routledge (2007)
➢ Bryman, A. Research Methods for Social Sciences. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
➢ Silverman, David. Ed. 1998. Qualitative research; theory, method and practice.
London; Sage.
The rationale of the course is to locate sites of writings by women across time and culture with
their conscious or unself-conscious involvement or participation in the project of agency,
representation and resistance. Within the larger domain of gender studies, the course is
particularly focused on women’s writings as the potential domain of inquiry with the view to
understand the crucial and central role of writing as a means of discursive construction of
identities with their fluidity, multiplicity and contradictions. The course offers some exciting
readings of Pakistani women writers (in English and Urdu) and their attempt to negotiate their
identity by engaging in/with the politics of representation and culture.
Recommended Readings:
Locating the Self, Perspectives on Women and Multiple Identities by Nighat Said Khan and
others, 1994, ASR Publications
Selected Readings:
o NawalSadawai,
o FarughFurrakhzad
o Asia Djebar
o ElifShafak
o Bell hooks
o Fatima Mernissi
o Arundhati Roy
o ZaibunnisaHameedullah
o Neelum Hussain
o TehminaDurrani
o Aisha Jalal
World literature denotes works from all over the world, including African literature, Arabic
literature, American literature, Asian literature, European literature and Oceanian literature.
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Course Contents:
Recommended Readings:
• Mythology
▪ Homeric Hymns
• Epic
▪ Iliad and Odyssey(Selected Fragments)
• Tragedy
▪ Aeschylus: The Oresteian Trilogy (Selected Acts and Scenes)
▪ Sophocles:The Oedipus Trilogy(Selected Acts and Scenes)
▪ Euripides: Medea, The Trojan Women, Electra (Selected Acts and
• Comedy
▪ Aristophanes: Introduction to eleven old comedies survived
• From Ancient to Modern
▪ Introduction to the writings of Giorgos Seferies and Odysseas Elytis
The rationale of the course is to locate sites of writings by women across time and culture with
their conscious or unself-conscious involvement or participation in the project of agency,
representation and resistance. Within the larger domain of gender studies, the course is
particularly focused on women’s writings as the potential domain of inquiry with the view to
understand the crucial and central role of writing as a means of discursive construction of
identities with their fluidity, multiplicity and contradictions. The course offers some exciting
readings of Pakistani women writers (in English and Urdu) and their attempt to negotiate their
identity by engaging in/with the politics of representation and culture.
Recommended Readings:
Locating the Self, Perspectives on Women and Multiple Identities by Nighat Said Khan and
others, 1994, ASR Publications
Selected Readings:
o NawalSadawai,
o FarughFurrakhzad
o Asia Djebar
o ElifShafak
o Bell hooks
o Fatima Mernissi
o Arundhati Roy
o ZaibunnisaHameedullah
o Neelum Hussain
o TehminaDurrani
o Aisha Jalal
Recommend Readings:
➢ Justina Gregory. A Companion to Greek Tragedy. Blackwell.2005
➢ H.D.Kitto. Greek Tragedy. London :NewYork: Routledge.2002
➢ Shawn O’ Bryhin. Greek and Roman Comedy: Translations and Interpretations of Four
Representative Plays. University of Texas Press.2002.
➢ A Guide To Ancient Greek Drama by Arllene Allan and Ian C. Storey
➢ The Greek Myths by Robert Graves
➢ Introduction to Socrates, Plato and Aristotelian Philosophy
➢ Latin Literature: Introduction to Cicero, Ovid, Virgil, Horace, Julius Caesar, Seneca,
Agenda At the end of the meeting, the participants agreed that the BoS may be conveyed
once in three months.
The participants were served with Lunch and the meeting ended with the permission of the