BS English For Affiliated Colleges From 2021
BS English For Affiliated Colleges From 2021
BS English For Affiliated Colleges From 2021
In line with HEC’s Practical Learning Requirement for the BS degree, to graduate:
1. Every student will have to enrol in at least one non-credit extracurricular program or PLL Practical Learning
Lab (“PLL”) for at least 4 semesters. A graduate of the AD program who enrols subsequently in a BS program
shall receive credit towards the fulfilment of the PLL requirement for the BS program.
2. Every student will have to complete an internship program, of at least 9-week duration, any time after their first
semester, or a work attachment for a total of up to 360 hours during their course duration. A graduate of the
AD program who enrols subsequently in a BS program shall receive credit towards the fulfilment of the
internship requirement for the BS program.
Introduction to Literature
Course Code: ENG-207 Semester: III
Course Objectives:
This course introduces various forms and styles of the genre of poetry, originally in English or translated. The
main purpose of these readings is to highlight the variety of poetry worldwide and its possible inter-connection.
The readers will find here a combination of elegy, ode, lyric, ballad, free verse, and many other types. In a way
the variety of the poetic expression informs about the sub-generic elements of verse. There is lot of scope for
further analysis and research into the secrets of versification: tone and mood, metre, rhythm, rhyme, and such
technical details, but, above all the function is to aesthetically enrich the readers with various mechanisms of
musicality through words placed in poetic order. For some background help, the teachers may introduce a
diversity of poetic expression and also consult any reference book detailing the fundamentals of poetry.
Along with poetry, the students will also be introduced to drama, various forms of narrative fiction and prose
writing. Reading shorter forms of fictional narrative will help students to develop basic understanding of
various elements of narrative such as plot, character, point-of-view and tone.
It will also make readers understand the distinct features of prose. The course will also be helpful for students
in providing them with first class models of essays to improve their writing skills. The selection of the authors
is chronological and starts with Bacon.
Course Contents:
• Milton: On His Blindness
• Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken
• John Donne: Go and Catch a Falling Star
• W. B. Yeats: He Wishes for the Clothes of Heaven
Dramatic Monologue
• Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses
• Thomas Gray: An Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
• John Keats: La Belle Dame Sans Merci
• Percy B. Shelley: Ode to the West Wind
Free Verse
• William Carlos Williams: Red Wheel Barrow
• John Milton’s Paradise Lost (Book I, Lines 1-191)
• Lord of Flies by William Golding
Recommended Readings:
Abbs, P. & Richardson, J. (1995) The Forms of Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Barnet, Sylvan. (1996) A Short Guide to Writing about Literature (7th Edition). New York: Harper
and Collins.
Boulton, Marjorie. (1977) The Anatomy of Poetry. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Kennedy, X. J. Gioia, D. (1994) An Introduction to Poetry: (8th Edition). New York: Harper Collins
College Publishers.
Litz, A. Walton, Menand, Louis and Rainey, Lawrence. (2006) The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism,
Vol. 7: Modernism and the New Criticism. Cambridge University Press.
Baym, Nina. (2002). The Norton Anthology of American Lit. Vol. D. W. W. Norton & Company.
Brown, Julia Prewitt. (1999) Cosmopolitan Criticism: Oscar Wilde's Philosophy of Art. University of Virginia
Coleridge, Stephen (2008). The Glory of English Prose. Tutis Digital Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Dillon, Janette. (2007). The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare’s Tragedies. Cambridge. Cambridge
University Press.
Forster, E. M. (1956). Aspects of the Novel. Harvest Books.
Gioia, Dana and Gwynn, R. S. (2005). The Art of the Short Story. Longman.
Gleed, P. (2009). Bloom's how to Write about William Shakespeare. Infobase Publishing.
Leavis, John. (1968). Bertrand Russell, Philosopher and Humanist. New World Paperbacks.
Martin, Brian. (1989). Macmillan Anthology of Eng Lit. Vol. 4. Macmillan Pub Co.
Schoeman, R. (ed.) (1967). Bertrand Russell, Philosopher of the Century. Allen & Unwin.
Schoenberg, Thomas J. (2005). Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Short Story Writers, and
Other Creative Writers Who Lived between 1900 and 1999, from the First.
Smith, E. (Ed.). (2008). Shakespeare's tragedies. John Wiley & Sons.
Walker, Hugh. (1959) The English Essays and Essayists. S. Chand & Co. Delhi.
Yu, Margaret M. (2008) Two Masters of Irony: Oscar Wilde and Lytton Strachey. AMS Press.
History of English Literature
Course Code: ENG-209 Semester III
Course Objectives
This course is designed to introduce the students to the salient features and historical development of different
literary movements in English Literature. The course contents have been selected to serve two main purposes.
Providing all necessary literary background to the students and enabling them to cope with respective courses
included in the whole program.
Course Contents
1. Medieval Poetry (The Age of Transition and Religious Dominance)
Topics: General Overview of the age, Introduction to Pre-Conquest England and Middle Ages, Elegy and
Heroic Poetry, Chivalric Poetry, Medieval Lyric and Ballad
Writers: Chaucer, Wycliffe, Langland, Bede, Caedmon
Works: Bede's History (Caedmon's Hymn); Beowulf; The Wanderer; The Dream of the Road; Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight; The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales; I Have a Young Sister; Lord
Randall; The Three Ravens
2. Medieval Drama
Topics: Origin; The Miracle, Morality and Mystery plays; Interludes; Farces; Regular comedy and
Works: Everyman; The Second Shepherd's Play; Roister Doister; Gorboduc
3. Renaissance Poetry (Age of Rebirth of Arts, Literature and Humanism)
Topics: Italian Influence and general overview of period; Introduction of sonnet and its different types;
Love Poetry, Epic, The Metaphysical Strain in the period
Writers: Spencer, Wyatt, Surrey, Leigh, Donne, Herbert, Marvel
Works: Faerie Queene; The Shepheardes Calender; Astrophel; Amoretti, Sonnets by Spencer, Wyatt,
Surrey and Shakespeare, The Metaphysical Poetry
4. Renaissance Drama and Prose
Topics: General Overview of the age, The Golden Period of Drama; Tragic, Romantic, Comic and
Historical Plays; Essays by Bacon
Writers: Marlowe; Shakespeare; Bacon
Works: Dr. Faustus; Hamlet; King Lear; Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth; The Merchant of Venice; A Mid
Summer Night’s Dream
5. Puritan Age Poetry and Drama (Age of Political Disruption)
Topics: General Overview of the age, The Decline of Drama; Political and religious influence on Poetry,
Epic; Comedy of Humors
Writers: Milton; Ben Jonson
Works: Paradise Lost, Lycidas, Samson Agonists; The Alchemist, Everyman in His Humors
6. The Restoration Literature
Topics: General Overview of the age, Lyric, ariel, historical, and epic poetry; The development of
Journalism and other Prose genres; Heroic drama, she-tragedies and Restoration Aristrocratic Comedy
Writers: Dryden, Congreve, AphraBehn
Works: Absolam and Achitophel; The Way of the World; Oroonoko
7. Augustan Age/18th Century Literature
Topics: General Overview of the age, The Age of Satire, Prose and Reason; Dominance of Journalism;
Neo-classical poetry, The Rise and development of Novel (Picaresque, Satire, Journalistic biography,
Psychological realism, Autobiography, Utopian, Sentimental and Feminist Novel)
Writers: Pope, Swift, Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne
Works: The Rape of the Lock, Gulliver’s Travels, Robinson Crusoe, Pamela, Joseph Andrews
Course Objectives:
This course aims at introducing the students to the classical period of English poetry beginning from
the medieval period to its growth and development into the eighteenth century with special focus on
a genre-specific historical development. It will help learners to perceive Poetry as refined commentary
on the aesthetic concerns of its time and to develop keen awareness of poetic language and tone.
Course Contents:
Opening section: From “Whan that Aprille … shouressoote” to“And at a Knyght … I first
bigynne.” A selection of the following characters from the Prologue
2. Elizabethan Sonneteers
One day I wrote her name upon the strand ….. Spenser Amoretti 75
When forty winters will besiege thy brow……Shakespeare
The Good-morrow
Milton L'Allegro
Il Penseroso
Recommended Readings:
Abrams, M. H.The Mirror and the Lamp.
Bowden, M. (1967) The Metaphysical Poets. MacMillan
Bowden, Muriel. (1960) A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, New
York: Macmillan.
Bowra, C.M. (1966) Heroic Poetry. MacMillan
Coghill, Nevil. (1948) The Poet Chaucer. Oxford.
Daiches, D. (1971) Milton, Hutchinson & Co.
Dyson, AE (ed)( 1974) The Metaphysical Poets. MacMillan
Fraser, G. 1978 Alexander Pope. Routledge & Kegan Paul
Course Description
This course aims to introduce the students to the origin and development of relatively late-
emerging genre of novel. It has been designed with a view to developing their understanding
how novel is different from other genres of literature, poetry and drama. The students are given
an in-depth understanding of the making and mechanics of a novel, the role of narrator, narrative
styles and techniques, and the art of characterization. The teacher is also expected to explain
how a full-length fictional prose narrative is different from short story and novella. Discussing
the emergence of novel since eighteenth century, this course brings out thesignificance of this
genre as discussed, for example, in great detail in Ian Watt’s seminalbook, Rise of the
Novel (1955). An understanding of ingredient elements that constitute a novel will enable the
students to develop an all-round understanding of this genre and equip them to grasp the
complexities of modern fiction course in the coming semesters.
Course Objectives:
1. To have an understanding of 18th and 19th century novel which is rich in diversity as well
as creativity.
2. To closely study the English society of these centuries and its impact upon human lives, and
its complex psychological phenomena.
3. To develop an insight into various factors responsible for the appeal of the subject matter
of these novels which was not only enjoyed by readers of the centuries in which they were
written but by Victorian readers or even for modern readers of contemporary times.
Course Contents:
Recommended Readings:
● Bloom, Harold. (1988) George Eliot's the Mill on the Floss (Bloom's 59 Modern Critical
Interpretations). Chelsea House Pub.
● Allen, Walter The English Novel
● Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. London, 1996.
● Battestin, Martin C. The Moral Basis of Fielding’s Art: A study of Joseph Andrews
● Butt, John Fielding ● Church, Richard The Growth of the English Novel.
● Elliot, Albert Pettigrew. Fatalism in the Works of Thomas Hardy, 1935
● Forster, E.M. Aspects of the Novel.(Pelican Paperback)
● Gard, Roger. Jane Austen’s Novels: The Art of Clarity, 1998
● Hardy, Barbara. The Novels of George Eliot. London, 1959.
● Kettle, Arnold Introduction to the English Novel (vol. .I & II)
● Neill, Edward. (1999). Trial by Ordeal: Thomas Hardy and the Critics (Literary Criticism
in Perspective). Camden House.
● Neill, Edward. The Politics of Jane Austen, 1999
● Watt, Ian The Rise of Novel. Chatto Windus, London, (1955-7)
• E.M.Foster: ‘Aspects of English Novel’
• Ernest Baker: History of English Novel
• Hardy, B.(1970) Critical Essays on George Eliot. Routledge Kegan Paul
• Karmer, D(1975) Thomas Hardy: The Forms of Tragedy . McMillan
• Kennedy, A.(1979) Meaning and Signs in Fiction . McMillan
• Mansell, D. (1973) The Novels of Jane Austen: An Introduction .McMillan
Classics in Drama I: World Drama
Course Objectives:
The course will present some classic plays which have influenced the development of English
drama. It will represent various forms for example tragedy and comedy and their variations.
The course is designed to impart, discuss, evaluate, and above all enjoy the spirit of classics
in drama. The socio-cultural aspects of society reflected in the drama of the selected ages will
also be highlighted. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the elements of drama to
their critical reading.
Course Contents:
Recommended Readings:
Justina Gregory, (2005). A Companion to Greek Tragedy, Blackwell.
H. D. F. (2005) Kitto, Greek Tragedy, London and New York: Routledge.
Shawn O‟ Bryhim. (2002). Greek and Roman Comedy: Translations and Interpretations
of Four Representative Plays, University of Texas Press.
Constance B. Kuriyama. (2002) Christopher Marlowe: A Renaissance Life Ithca:
Cornell University Press.
Patrick Cheney. (2004) The Cambridge Companion to Christopher Marlowe, Cambridge:
Levin, H. (2013). The Overreacher: A Study of Christopher Marlowe. Harvard
University Press.
Jump, J. (Ed.). (1991) Doctor Faustus, Casebook Series. Routledge.
Howarth, W. D. (Ed.). (1978). Comic drama: the European heritage. Methuen
Introduction to Linguistics
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of language which
have immediate relation to their ordinary as well as academic life, and to sensitize students to
the various shades & aspects of language, to show that it is not a monolithic whole but
something that can be looked at in detail. Serious theoretical discussions about these aspects
have been differed to subsequent studies of language at advanced level. The core components
of linguistics like phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics will
also be introduced through this course.
Course Contents:
1. What is Language?
i. Characteristics ii. Functions iii. Comparison with Animal Language
2. Theories of Origin of Language
3. Artificial Language
i. Characteristics ii. Kinds iii. Comparison with Natural Language
4. Universals of Language
5. Difference between Spoken and Written Language
6. Non-Verbal Communication
7. History of Language studies
8. What is Linguistics?
i. Principles on which Linguistics is based ii. Characteristics of Linguistics
9. Misconceptions about Linguistics
10. Branches of Linguistics
11. Major concepts in Linguistics
i. Synchronic vs. Diachronic ii. Syntagmatic vs. Paradigmatic
iii. Langue vs. Parole iv. Competence vs. Performance
v. Form vs. Function
12. Levels of Linguistic Analysis
i. Phonology (phoneme, Allophone, basic concepts of segmental and suprasegmental
aspects of phonology)
ii. Morphology (Morpheme, Morphs, Allomorphs, Lexical and Functional Morphemes,
Free and Bound Morphemes, Inflectional and Derivational Morphemes, Processes of
word formation)
iii. Syntax (Approaches: Traditional, Phrase structure, Transformational-Generative,
Functional, IC Analysis)
iv. Semantics (Conceptual and Associative meaning, Semantic Features, Semantic
Fields, Semantic Roles: Agent, Theme, Instrument, Experience, Location Source, and
v. Discourse (Cohesion & Coherence, Discourse Markers, Critical Discourse Analysis)
vi. Pragmatics (Presupposition, Implicature, Inference, Reference, Speech Acts, Given
vs. New Information, Conversation Analysis)
Recommended Readings:
Aitchison, J. (2000). Linguistics. Teach Yourself Books.
Akmajian, A., Demers, R. A., Farmer, A. K. &Harnish, R. M. (2001). Linguistics:
An Introduction to Language and Communication. (Fourth edition). Massachusetts:
Crystal, D. (1997). The Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: CUP.
Farmer, A. K, & Demers, R. A. (2005). A Linguistics Workbook. M. I. T Press.
Finch, G. (2004). How to Study Linguistics: A Guide to Understanding Linguistics.
Fromkin, V. A., Rodman, R. &Hymas, M. (2002). Introduction to Language.
(Sixth edition). New York: Heinley.
Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Briatain, D., Clahsen, H., Spencer, A. (1999).
Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP.
Todd, L. (1987). An Introduction to Linguistics. Moonbeam Publications.
Yule, G. (2006). The Study of Language. CUP.
Basics of Research
Course Objectives:
➢ To enable the students to conduct small scale research projects.
➢ To familiarize students with the techniques and methods involved in selection of
topics, development of hypothesis/questions, collection and analysis of data, as
well as how to write a research report.
Course Contents:
Note: It is important for the literature majors to be trained into qualitative research
methods. They shall follow the latest MLA edition or other required style sheet prescribed
by their university, but internationally acknowledged for the discipline of English
literature. They shall base their learning on maximum literary and theoretical reading of
the primary and secondary texts, classroom discussions and debates based on these
readings, development of higher order critical thinking skills based on philosophical and
other cross-disciplinary knowledge, presentations on the given topics, writing of sample
papers for the courses, and above all following the parameters of publication for refereed
and universally acknowledged literary journals and magazines. Argumentative style of
writing must be the focus while discussing and reading the papers.
Recommended Readings:
Allwright, Dick and Bailey, Kathleen. (1991). Focus on the
Language Classroom: AnIntroduction to Classroom Research for
Language Teachers. Cambridge: C UP.
Bogdan, R. C. & Biklen, S. K. (2007). Qualitative research for education.
An introduction totheories and methods. (5th ed.) Boston: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Brown, Dean. (2004). Doing Second Language Research. Oxford: OUP.
Brown, Dean. (1988). Understanding Research in Second Language
Learning: A Teacher's Guide to Statistics and Research Design.
Cambridge: CUP.
Bryman, A. (2004). Research Methods for Social Sciences. Second edition.
Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design:
Choosing among fiveapproaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage
Drever, Eric. (1995). Using Semi-Structured Interviews in Small-scale
Research: A Teacher's Guide. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in
Fraenkel, Jack and Wallen, Norman. (1995). How to Design and
Evaluate Research in Education (2nd edition). New York: McGraw
Hammersley, Martin and Atkinson, Paul. (1995). Ethnography: Principles
in Practice (2ndedition). New York: Routledge.
Heritage, John. (1997). “Conversation Analysis and Institutional Talk:
Analyzing Data.” InSilverman, David. Ed. Qualitative Research: Theory,
Method and Practice.
Miles, M. & M. Huberman. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. CA: Sage.
Munn, Pamek and Drever, Eric. (1995). Using Questionnaires in Small-Scale
Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education.
Nunan. David. (1992). Research Methods in Language Learning.
Cambridge: CUP. RoBA/BSon, C. (2002). Real world research (2nd
ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publish Scholfield, P. Qualitative and
Quantitative Research.
Silverman, David. Ed. (1998). Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and
Practice. London:Sage.
Silverman, David. Ed. (2002). Interpreting Qualitative Data: Text,
Context and Talk.London: Sage.