PT9 Key Shortcuts
PT9 Key Shortcuts
PT9 Key Shortcuts
003, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 888|24 I/O,
882|20 I/O, 1622 I/O, 24-Bit ADAT Bridge I/O, AudioSuite,
Avid, Avid DNA, Avid Mojo, Avid Unity, Avid Unity ISIS,
Avid Xpress, AVoption, Axiom, Beat Detective, Bomb Factory,
Bruno, C|24, Command|8, Control|24, D-Command, D-Control,
D-Fi, D-fx, D-Show, D-Verb, DAE, Digi 002, DigiBase,
DigiDelivery, Digidesign, Digidesign Audio Engine, Digidesign
Intelligent Noise Reduction, Digidesign TDM Bus, DigiDrive,
DigiRack, DigiTest, DigiTranslator, DINR, DV Toolkit, EditPack,
Eleven, EUCON, HD Core, HD Process, Hybrid, Impact,
Interplay, LoFi, M-Audio, MachineControl, Maxim, Mbox,
MediaComposer, MIDI I/O, MIX, MultiShell, Nitris, OMF,
OMF Interchange, PRE, ProControl, Pro Tools M-Powered,
Pro Tools, Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, QuickPunch, Recti-Fi,
Reel Tape, Reso, Reverb One, ReVibe, RTAS, Sibelius,
Smack!, SoundReplacer, Sound Designer II, Strike, Structure,
SYNC HD, SYNC I/O, Synchronic, TL Aggro, TL AutoPan,
TL Drum Rehab, TL Everyphase, TL Fauxlder, TL In Tune,
TL MasterMeter, TL Metro, TL Space, TL Utilities, Transfuser,
Trillium Lane Labs, Vari-Fi, Velvet, X-Form, and XMON are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc.
Xpand! is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Documentation Feedback
At Avid, we are always looking for ways to improve our
documentation. If you have comments, corrections, or
suggestions regarding our documentation, email us at
Pro Tools Shortcuts
(for Pro Tools Systems on Mac and Windows)
For increased operational speed and ease-of-use, there are many Pro Tools® keyboard and right-click
shortcuts to give you fast access to a wide variety of tasks. This guide lists all keyboard shortcuts and
Right-click shortcuts available in each window of Pro Tools, and are grouped by functional area for
your added convenience and quick reference.
Menu commands that have a keyboard shortcut display their keyboard shortcut on-screen, to the right
of the menu command.
Convention Action
File > Save Session Choose Save Session from the File menu.
Command+N/Control+N Hold down the Command (Apple) key (Mac) or the Control (Ctrl) key (Windows)
and press the N key.
Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys Hold down the Option key and press the Plus (+) or Minus (–) key (on numeric
keypad or QWERTY, as noted).
Command-click (Mac Only) Hold down the Command key and click the mouse button.
Change parameter on all channel Option+applicable function (appli- Alt+applicable function (applicable
strips cable functions listed above) functions listed above)
• Tracks in Track List • Group enables/activation • Automation Enable window • Memory Location parameters
Toggle item and set all others to Option-click on applicable item Alt-click on applicable item (appli-
same new state (applicable items listed above) cable items listed above)
Toggle item and set all others to Command-click on applicable item Control-click on applicable item
opposite state (applicable items listed directly (applicable items listed above)
• Tracks • regions in Region List • paths in I/O Setup
Select multiple contiguous items Click to select first item, then Shift- Click to select first item, then Shift-
(tracks, regions, paths) click another to select all similar click another to select all similar
items between (applicable items items between (applicable items
listed above) listed above)
Select multiple non-contiguous Click to select first item, then Com- Click to select first item, then Con-
items (tracks, regions, paths) mand-click another to select all trol-click another to select all simi-
similar items between (applicable lar items between (applicable
items listed above) items listed above)
Pause (pre-prime deck for instant playback Control+Spacebar, or Option- Start+Spacebar, or Alt-click
and record) click, on Transport Play button on Transport Play button
Center on selection start/end Left/Right Arrow keys (when Left/Right Arrow keys (when
selection exceeds window selection exceeds window
view) view)
Back/Forward (move the playback location Command+Transport Rewind Ctrl+Transport Rewind button
backwards/forwards by the Back/Forward button or Transport Fast For- or Transport Fast Forward but-
amount) (Pro Tools HD only) ward button ton
Stop record and discard recording take (not Command+Period (.) Ctrl+Period (.)
Cycle through record modes: normal, Destruc- Control-click on Transport Start-click on Transport
tive, Loop, QuickPunch™, TrackPunch, Record Enable button Record Enable button
Enter/Exit record during playback in Quick- Command+Spacebar, F12, or Ctrl+Spacebar, F12, or click
Punch click Transport Record but- Transport Record Enable but-
ton* ton
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch enable/dis- Control-click the track’s Start-click the track’s Record
able an audio track Record Enable button Enable button
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle Option-click the VCA Record Alt-click the VCA Record
their record enable status (Pro Tools HD only) Enable button Enable button
Set and enable pre/post-roll time Option-click with Selector Alt-click with Selector tool
before or after selection before or after selection
Disable and set to zero pre/post-roll time Option-click within selection Alt-click within selection
closer to front or back closer to front or back
*Some Pro Tools recording shortcuts use the same key commands as some Mac OS X shortcuts. If you want
to retain use of these key commands in Pro Tools, these OS X shortcuts must be disabled. For more infor-
mation, see your Setup Guide.
Transport Mode using Numeric Keypad
• Select Numeric Keypad: Transport in the Operations Preferences page.
Play/Stop 0 0
Rewind 1 1
Fast Forward 2 2
Record Enable 3 3
Click on/off 7 7
Countoff on/off 8 8
Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle
Temporary Scrub mode when using Selector Control-click and drag Start-click and drag
Extend selection while scrubbing Shift-click and drag with the Shift-click and drag with the
Scrubber tool, (also in tempo- Scrubber, (also in temporary
rary Scrub mode) Scrub mode)
Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode) Control+number key 1–9 Start+number key 1–9
(1=minimum, 5=real-time, (1=minimum, 5=real-time,
9=maximum) 9=maximum)
Change direction during Shuttle Lock (Classic Plus/Minus (+/–) keys Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
or Transport mode) For example, Control+num- For example, Start+num-
ber+Minus (–) key ber+Minus (–) key
Shuttle Lock stop (Classic or Transport mode) 0 (press number key to 0 (press number key to
resume shuttle) resume shuttle)
Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key
Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end Option+Left/Right Arrow keys Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys
(or current location if no selection)
Play by post-roll value from selection start/end Command+Left/Right Arrow Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow keys
(or current cursor location if no selection) keys
Play by pre- and post-roll value through selec- Command+Option+ Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow
tion start/end Left/Right Arrow keys keys
• These shortcuts are active only when Transport is MMC
Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection Option+Left/Right Arrow keys Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys
Shuffle mode F1, or Alt+1 (on QWERTY key- F1, or Option+1 (on QWERTY
board) keyboard)
Slip mode F2, or Alt+2 (on QWERTY key- F2, or Option+2 (on QWERTY
board) keyboard)
Spot mode F3, or Alt+3 (on QWERTY key- F3, or Option+3 (on QWERTY
board) keyboard)
Grid mode F4, or Alt+4 (on QWERTY key- F4,or Option+4 (on QWERTY
board) keyboard)
Zoomer tool F5, or Command+1 (on F5, or Ctrl+1 (on QWERTY key-
QWERTY keyboard) board)
Trimmer tool F6, or Command+2 (on F6, or Ctrl+2 (on QWERTY key-
QWERTY keyboard) board)
Selector tool F7, or Command+3 (on F7, or Ctrl+3 (on QWERTY key-
QWERTY keyboard) board)
Scrubber tool F9, or Command+5 (on F9, or Ctrl+5 (on QWERTY key-
QWERTY keyboard, if board)
Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Cycle through Edit modes Single Open Quote (‘) key, Single Open Quote (‘) key,
located above the Tab key located above the Tab key
Cycle through Edit tools Escape (Esc) key Escape (Esc) key, or Center-
Lock out or unlock Shuffle Mode Command-click the Shuffle Ctrl-click the Shuffle button
Locate cursor to next transient Tab (if Tab to Transient Tab (if Tab to Transient
enabled) enabled)
Locate cursor to previous transient Option+Tab (if Tab to Tran- Ctrl+Tab (if Tab to Transient
sient enabled) enabled)
Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync Tab (if Tab to Transients but- Tab (if Tab to Transients but-
point ton is disabled) ton is enabled)
Locate cursor to previous region bound- Option+Tab (if Tab to Tran- Ctrl+Tab (if Tab to Transients
ary/sync point sients button is disabled) button is enabled)
Link Timeline and Edit selection Shift+Forward Slash (/) Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Set selection start/end during playback Down/Up Arrow keys Down/Up Arrow keys
Set selection start/end to incoming time code Down/Up Arrow keys Down/Up Arrow keys
while stopped
Select entire region in Edit window Double-click with Selector Double-click with Selector tool
Select entire track in Edit window Triple-click with Selector, or Triple-click with Selector tool,
single-click in track and press or single-click in track and
Command+A press Ctrl+A
Select all regions in all tracks in Edit window Return, then press Com- Enter, then press Ctrl+A
Extend cursor or selection across all tracks Enable “All” Edit group and Enable “All” Edit group and
Shift-click on any other track Shift-click on any other track
Record enable tracks that contain the Edit cur- Shift+R Shift+R
sor or Edit selection
Solo tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit Shift+S Shift+S
Mute tracks that contain the Edit cursor or Edit Shift+M Shift+M
Move the insertion to the beginning of the Edit Down arrow Up arrow
Move the insertion to the end of the Edit selec- Up arrow Down arrow
Increase or decrease the height of any lane Control+Up/Down Arrow Start+Up/Down Arrow
that contains the Edit cursor or an Edit selec-
Nudge back by next Nudge value Minus (–) key (on numeric key- Minus (–) key (on numeric key-
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely pad), or Comma (,) (in Com- pad), or Comma (,) (in Com-
inside the Edit selection) mands Keyboard Focus) mands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge forward by next Nudge value Plus (+) key (on numeric key- Plus (+) key (on numeric key-
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely pad), or Period (.) (in Com- pad), or Period (.) (in Com-
inside the Edit selection) mands Keyboard Focus) mands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge start/end data to right/left by Nudge Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
value (keeps underlying audio and moves
Nudge data within current region to right/left Control+Plus/Minus (+/–) Start+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
by Nudge value (keeps region start/end and keys
moves underlying audio)
Trim right edge of region to right/left by Nudge Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) Ctrl+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
value keys
Reverse Trimmer tool direction when trimming Option+Trimmer tool Alt+Trimmer tool
Trim up to, but not over, adjacent regions Hold down Control key while Hold down Start key while
trimming trimming
Duplicate region(s) in Edit Window Option-click selection and Alt-click selection and drag to
drag to destination destination
Constrain audio region to vertical movement Control-click to move audio Start-click to move audio
region with Grabber tool region with Grabber tool
Snap region start to stationary playhead or Control-click new region with Start-click new region with
Edit selection start Grabber tool Grabber tool
Snap region sync point to stationary playhead Control-Shift-click region con- Start-Shift-click region con-
or Edit selection start taining the sync point with taining the sync point with
Grabber tool Grabber tool
Snap region end to stationary playhead or Edit Command-Control-click new Ctrl-Start-click new region
selection start region with Grabber tool with Grabber tool
Track Compositing
• The following shortcuts apply to track Playlist lanes in the Edit window (if applicable)
Solo the Playlist lane containing the Edit cur- Shift+S Shift+S
Move the Edit cursor up and down through Control+P and Control+Semi- Start+P and Start+Semicolon
Playlist lanes Colon (;) (;)
Create a new playlist for each track in the ses- Control+Option+\ Start+Alt+\
Continuously zoom vertically on a single audio Control+drag with the Zoomer Start-drag with the Zoomer
track (or group of tracks) tool up or down in the track tool up or down in the track
Incrementally zoom vertically on all audio Command+Option+[ or Com- Press Ctrl+Alt+[ or Ctrl+Alt+ ]
tracks mand+Option+]
Fill window with selection Option-click on Zoomer tool or Alt-click on Zoomer tool or
Option+F Alt+F
Set all audio track waveform heights to match Command-Shift-click any of Ctrl-Shift-click any of the
the waveform height of the top-most audio the Zoom buttons Zoom buttons
track in the Edit window
Zoom vertical and horizontal axis Hold down Command key Hold down Ctrl key while drag-
while dragging the Zoomer ging Zoomer tool
Maximum zoom before waveform drawn from Command-click on Zoomer Ctrl-click on Zoomer tool)
disk (faster drawing from RAM) tool
Recall Zoom presets 1–5 Control+Zoom preset number Start+Zoom preset number
(1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY
keyboard), keyboard),
or Zoom preset number (1, 2, or Zoom preset number (1, 2,
3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY key- 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY key-
board, in Commands Key- board in Commands Keyboard
board Focus) Focus)
Save Zoom presets 1-5 Command-click Zoom preset Ctrl-click Zoom preset number
number in Mix Window toolbar in Mix Window toolbar
File Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the File Menu
Edit Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the File Menu
Create Memory Location Enter (on numeric keypad) Enter (on numeric keypad)
Recall a Memory Location using the numeric Period (.)+Memory Location Period (.)+Memory Location
keypad number+Period (.) (Transport number+Period (.) (Transport
or Shuttle mode), or Shuttle mode),
or Memory Location num- or Memory Location num-
ber+Period (.) (Classic mode) ber+Period (.) (Classic mode)
Move only the Song Start Marker, without mov- Control-Shift-drag the Song Start-Shift-drag the Song
ing any tick-based data Start Marker Start Marker
Toggle Track View on all tracks Option+Minus (–) key (on Alt+Minus (–) key (on
QWERTY keyboard) QWERTY keyboard)
Disable/enable Automation playlist on Command-click on Track View Ctrl-click on Track View selec-
selected track selector tor
Write automation from start to end of ses- Control-Shift-click on Trans- Start-Shift-click on Transport
sion/selection (Pro Tools HD only) port Go to End or Return to Go to End or Return to Zero
Zero button button
Write Automation to Current Parameter Command+Forward Slash (/) Ctrl+Forward Slash (/)
(Pro Tools HD only)
Glide Automation to All Enabled Parameters Option+Shift+ Forward Slash Alt+Shift+ Forward Slash (/)
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit (/)
2 only)
Suspend Trim automation on all tracks In the Automation window, In the Automation window,
Command-click the Suspend Ctrl-click the Suspend button
Suspend currently displayed automation type Command-click the control Ctrl-click the control name in
on a track name in the Track View selec- the Track View selector
Vertically constrain automation movement Press Shift and move automa- Press Shift and move automa-
tion with Grabber tool tion with Grabber tool
Write new breakpoint to next automation value Press and hold Option+Shift Press and hold Alt+Shift while
while writing a breakpoint (by writing a breakpoint (by click-
clicking with the Grabber tool ing with the Grabber tool in a
in a track’s Automation play- track’s Automation playlist)
Write new breakpoint to previous automation Press and hold Com- Press and hold Ctrl+Alt while
value mand+Option while writing a writing a breakpoint (by click-
breakpoint (by clicking with ing with the Grabber tool in a
the Grabber tool in a track’s track’s Automation playlist)
Automation playlist)
AutoMatch all controls on a track (Pro Tools Command-click the Automa- Ctrl-click the Automation
HD only) tion Mode selector on the Mode selector on the track
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type In the Automation window, In the Automation window,
(Pro Tools HD only) Command-click the button for Ctrl-click the button for the
the automation type automation type
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type Hold Command and press the Hold Ctrl and press the Chan-
on a channel (Pro Tools HD with ICON work Channel Strip Mode controls nel Strip Mode controls for
surface only) for the track whose controls the track whose controls you
you want to AutoMatch want to AutoMatch
AutoMatch a Pan control or the controls for an Hold Command and press the Hold Ctrl and press the Rotary
individual Insert or Send (Pro Tools HD with Rotary Encoder Select switch Encoder Select switch for the
ICON work surface only) for the control you want to control you want to
AutoMatch AutoMatch
Suspend preview (Pro Tools HD only) In the Automation window, In the Automation window,
Command-click the Preview Ctrl-click the Preview button
Configure Write on Stop modes to remain Option-click one of the Write Alt-click one of the Write On
enabled after an automation pass (Pro Tools On Stop modes (Start, End, or Stop modes (Start, End, or
HD only) All) to enable the Write On All) to enable the Write On
Stop mode Stop mode
*Hold Down Start during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track
Apply crossfade without opening Fades dialog Command+Control+F (uses Ctrl+Start+F (uses last
last selected fade shape) selected fade shape)
Edit crossfade-in only in Fades dialog Option-drag fade-in curve Alt-drag fade-in curve (“None”
(“None” Link mode only) mode only)
Edit crossfade-out only in Fades dialog Command-drag fade-out Ctrl-drag fade-out curve
curve (“None” Link mode (“None” Link mode only)
Reset to default zoom in Fades dialog Command-click on Zoom In or Ctrl-click on Zoom In or Zoom
Zoom Out buttons Out buttons
Reset standard or S-shape crossfades to Option-click fade curve in Alt-click fade curve in cross-
default curves crossfade fade window fade fade window (“Equal
(“Equal Power” and “Equal Power” and “Equal Gain” Link
Gain” Link modes only) modes only)
Cycle up/down through Out Shape parameter Control+Up/Down Arrow keys Start+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through In Shape parameter Option+Up/Down Arrow keys Alt+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through Link parameter Up/Down Arrow keys Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through preset Out Shape Control+Left/Right Arrow Start+Left/Right Arrow keys
curves keys
Cycle up/down through preset In Shape Option+Left/Right Arrow keys Alt+Left/Right Arrow keys
View Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the View Menu
View Real-Time Properties window Option+4 (on the numeric key- Alt+4 (on the numeric keypad)
Track Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the Track Menu
Cycle through Track Type choices Command+Up/Down Arrow Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle through Track Format choices Command+Left/Right Arrow Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow keys
Add or delete a Track Entry field Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) Ctrl+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys,
keys or Com- or Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow
mand+Shift+Up/Down Arrow keys
Re-arrange Track Entry field (move up/down) Drag the Move Row icon (at Drag the Move Row icon (at
the right of each Track Entry the right of each Track Entry
row) to desired position row) to desired position
Region Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the Region Menu
Open Elastic Properties windows Option+5 (on numeric key- Alt+5 (on numeric keypad)
Region List
• The following shortcuts apply to items in the Region List
Select region by name Click the Region List a–z but- Click the Region List a–z but-
ton, then type the first letters ton, then type the first letters
of the desired region of the desired region
Select multiple contiguous regions Click one region, then Shift- Click one region, then Shift-
click another region to select click another region to select
all regions between or deselect all regions
Bypass dialogs during deletion of audio files Option-click Delete or Yes Alt-click Delete or Yes when
when prompted prompted
Audition region in Region List Option-click and hold on Alt-click and hold on region in
region in Region List Region List
Constrain region placement to start at Control and drag region Start-click and drag region
play/edit cursor location or selection start
Constrain region placement to end at Command+Control and drag Start-Ctrl-click and drag
play/edit cursor location or selection start region region
Track List
• The following shortcuts apply to items in the
Track List
Show/Hide all tracks Option-click on any Eye in Alt-click on any Eye in Track
Track List List
Select all tracks Option-click on any Track Alt-click on any Track Name in
Name in Track List Track List
Group enable/disable Click the Group List Keyboard Click Group List Keyboard
Focus, then type the letter Focus, then type the letter
corresponding to desired corresponding to desired
group group
Select all tracks in a group Click to the left of a Group Click to the left of a Group
name in Group List name in Group List
Select or deselect attributes for a single con- Option-click any attribute in a Alt-click any attribute in a col-
trol across all Sends, all Inserts, or for the four column umn
track controls (down a column) in Attributes
Elastic Audio
• The following shortcuts apply to Elastic Audio-enabled regions or tracks
Toggle between Real-Time and Rendered Elas- Command-Control-click the Ctrl-Start-click the Elastic
tic Audio processing Elastic Audio plug-in button Audio plug-in button
Add a Warp marker on top of an event With the Grabber tool, Con- With the Grabber tool, Start-
trol-click any Event marker click any Event marker
Relocate a Warp marker (without applying With the Grabber or the Pencil With the Grabber or the Pencil
warping) tool, Control-click and drag a tool, Start-click and drag a
Warp marker to a new loca- Warp marker to a new loca-
tion tion
Delete all Warp markers in a selection Press Delete or Backspace Press Delete or Backspace
Telescope-Warp audio before first Warp With the Grabber tool, Option- With the Grabber tool, Alt-
marker in or out click and drag first Event click and drag first Event
marker to the left or right marker to the left or right
Delete an Event marker With the Graber Tool or Pencil With the Graber Tool or Pencil
tool, Option-click the Event tool, Alt-click the Event
marker you want to delete marker you want to delete
Event Menu
• The following are shortcuts that apply commands found in the Event Menu
Open Time Operations window Option+1 (on numeric key- Alt+1 (on numeric keypad)
Open Tempo Operations window Option+2 (on numeric key- Alt+2 (on numeric keypad)
Open Event Operations window Option+3 (on numeric key- Alt+3 (on numeric keypad)
Quantize (in Event Operations window) Option+0 (on numeric key- Alt+0 (on numeric keypad)
Open Beat Detective window Command+8 (on numeric key- Ctrl+8 (on numeric keypad)
Enter start time field for editing Command+Enter (on numeric Ctrl+Enter (on numeric key-
keypad) pad)
Go to Command+G Ctrl+G
Whole note 1 1
1/2 note 2 2
1/4 note 4 4
1/8 note 5 5
1/16 note 6 6
1/32 note 7 7
1/64 note 8 8
Undo step 0 0
Additional Options menu commands in Playback and Recording (see “Playback” on page 3 and“Record” on
page 4).
Setup Menu
• The following are shortcuts of commands found in the Setup Menu
Session Setup window Command+2 (on the numeric Ctrl+2 (on the numeric key-
keypad) pad)
Peripherals Dialog
• The following shortcuts apply to the Peripherals dialog, available in the Setup menu
Preferences Dialog
• The following shortcuts apply to the Preferences dialog, available in the Setup menu
Show Transport Command+1 (on numeric key- Ctrl+1 (on numeric keypad)
Show Big Counter Command+3 (on numeric key- Ctrl+3 (on numeric keypad)
Show Automation Enable Command+4 (on numeric key- Ctrl+4 (on numeric keypad)
Show Memory Locations Command+5 (on numeric key- Ctrl+5 (on numeric keypad)
Machine Track Arming Command+6 (on numeric key- Ctrl+6 (on numeric keypad)
Show Video Universe window (Pro Tools HD Command+7 (on numeric key- Ctrl+7 (on numeric keypad)
and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only) pad)
Show Video Command+9 (on numeric key- Ctrl+9 (on numeric keypad)
Cycle through all open MIDI Editors Control+Equal (=)repeatedly Ctrl+Equal (=) repeatedly
Access Video window commands (Pro Tools Control-click (or Right-click) in Right-click in the Video win-
HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only) the Video window dow
Access Video Universe window commands Control-click (or Right-click) in Right-click in the Video Uni-
(Pro Tools HD and DV Toolkit 2 only) the Video Universe window verse window
Add new Window Configuration or replace Period (.)+number (1–99) Period (.)+number
existing one in Window Configuration List +Plus (+) (1–99)+Plus (+)(numeric key-
(numeric keypad only) pad only)
Add currently selected audio region or file to Command+A Alt+S (if audio file has the
list (if audio file has the same same sample rate and bit
sample rate and bit depth as depth as the current session)
the current session)
Random-access fwd/rew search selected file Drag slider to, or click at, new Drag slider to, or click at, new
location location
Start and stop Context Preview in the front- Press Esc or Command+P Press Esc or Ctrl+P
most browser during session playback
Enable/disable Loop Preview mode Control-click the Preview but- Start-click the Preview button
Enable/disable Auto-Preview mode Command-click the Preview Ctrl-click the Preview button
Mouse Click
Column Header: Access list of columns that Control-click in any DigiBase Start-click (or Right-click) in
can be shown or hid column label any DigiBase column label
Browser Item: From one folder to another Option-drag and drop Alt-drag and drop
folder on the same volume, create a copy of
that item in the target location
– or –
Browser Media File to Region List or Timeline:
Create a copy of the media file in the session’s
Audio Files folder
Browser File: Import to Timeline and create a Shift-drag and drop Shift-drag and drop
new track
Waveform Display: Set sync point and spots to Command-drag and drop Ctrl-drag and drop
– or –
Region List: Open the Replace Region dialog
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit
2 only)
Waveform Display: Set the sync point and spot Command+Option-drag and Ctrl-Alt-drag and drop
to the Timeline and copy the audio file drop
Browser Audio File to Timeline: Snap to head Control+Option-drag and drop Start-Alt-drag and drop
and copy the audio file to the session’s Audio
Files folder
Region List: Snap to sync point Control+Shift-drag and drop Start-Shift-drag and drop
– or –
Browser Item: Snap to sync point
Browser Item: Snap to sync point and copy the Control+Option-Shift-drag and Start-Alt-Shift-drag and drop
audio file to the session’s Audio Files folder drop
Browser Item: Snap to tail and copy the audio Control+Command+Option- Start+Ctrl+Alt drag and drop
file to the session’s Audio Files folder drag and drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor Control-Command-Shift drag Start+Ctrl+-Shift drag and
and drop drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor and Control+Com- Start+Ctrl-Alt+Shift-drag and
copy the audio file to the session’s Audio Files mand+Option+Shift-drag and drop
folder drop
Up one browser level (same as Up arrow icon) Command+Up Arrow key Ctrl+Up Arrow key
Feature Shortcut
Mix Window
Transport Window
Transport Return to Zero but- Access Automation commands (Pro Tools HD only)
ton • Write to Start
• Write to All
Universe Window
MIDI Editor window toolbar Show/Hide controls in MIDI Editor Window toolbar
Score Editor window toolbar Show/Hide controls in Score Editor Window toolbar
Video Window