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1 Worked out example

Example-1 In the magnetic circuit detailed in Figure 21.14 with all dimensions in mm,
lculate the required current to be passed in the coil having 200 turns in order to establish a flux
1.28 mWb in the air gap. Neglect fringing effect and leakage flux. The B-H curve of the
aterial is given in Figure 21.15. Permeability of air may be taken as, μ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m

21.7.1 Worked out example

ep 1 First draw the simplified•diagram

of the givenIn the magnetic
magnetic circuit alongcircuit
with the detailed
equivalent in Figure 21.14 with all dimensions in mm,
circuit as shown in figure 21.16.
calculate the required current to be passed in the coil having 200 turns in order to establish a flux
of of1.28
ep 2 To calculate mean lengths mWb
various parts,in thetheair
mark gap.
center Neglect
points fringing
of various limbs andeffect and leakage flux. The B-H curve of the
yokes with small bullets.material is given in Figure 21.15. Permeability of air may be taken as, μ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m

ep 3 Name the different portions which will carry same flux as 1, 2 and 3. For example, the
path CFED is in fact pathSolution:
1 where flux φ1 will remain same. Similarly the path DC (path
2) will carry same flux φ2 and path CBAD (path 3) will carry same flux φ3.
Step 1 First draw the simplified diagram of the given magnetic circuit along with the equivalent
ep 4 Calculation of mmf required for the path 2:
circuit as shown in figure 21.16. 2.4
Step 2 To calculate mean lengths of various parts, mark the center
2.0points of various limbs and
with small
Step 3 Name the different portions500 which will carry same flux as 1, 2 and 3. For example, the

B in Tesla
path CFED is0.1 in fact path 1 where flux φ1 will remain same.
1.2Similarly the path DC (path
2) will carry same flux φ2 and path CBAD (path 3) will carry same flux φ3.
Step604 Calculation of mmf
60 required for the path 2: 0.4

Figure 21.14: For Q B1. 1000 2000 3000
H (AT/m)
40 60 Figure 21.15: For Q B1.
170 mm 170 mm
A0.1 D E

- -
N I H2 l2 -
60 Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur N 440 mm + φ2 H1 l1
=200 + -
60 60 H3 l3 + Hg lg +
φ3 φ1
of 1.28 mWb in the air2.4gap. Neglect fringing effect and leakage flux. The B-H curve of the
material is given in Figure 21.15. Permeability of air may be taken as, μ0 = 4π × 10-7 H/m
Step 1 First draw the simplified diagram of the given magnetic circuit along with the equivalent

B in Tesla
circuit as shown in figure 21.16.
Step 2 To calculate mean lengths of various parts, mark the center points of various limbs and
yokes with small0.8

Step 3 Name the different

0.4 portions which will carry same flux as 1, 2 and 3. For example, the
path CFED is in fact path 1 where flux φ1 will remain same. Similarly the path DC (path
2) will carry same flux φ2 and path CBAD (path 3) will carry same flux φ3.
Step 4 Calculation of mmf required for the1000
path 2: 2000 3000
H (AT/m)

40 Figure 21.15: For Q B1.

170 mm 170 mm

40 60

- -
0.1 N I H2 l2 -
N 440 mm + φ2 H1 l1
=200 + -
H3 l3 + Hg lg +
I 60
60 60 φ3 φ1
Figure 21.16: Circuit showing200
mean lengths.
Figure 21.14: For Q B1.
φg = φ2 = 1.28 × 10-3
Cross sectional area of central limb A2 = 16 × 10-4 m2

1.28×10 -3
Flux density Bg = B2 = T
16×10 -4

= 0.8 T
Bg 0.8
∴, H g = = AT m
μ0 4π ×10 -7

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur

Version 2 EE IIT, Kharagpur
= 63.66 × 104 AT/m
mmf required for gap Hglg = 63.66 × 104 × 1 × 10-4 AT
= 63.66 AT

Now we must calculate the mmf required in the iron portion of the central limb as follows:

flux density, B2 B = 0.8 T ∵ fringing & leakage neglected

corresponding H from graph, H2 ≈ 500 AT /m

Mean iron length, l2 = (440 – 0.1) mm
≈ 0.44 m
mmf required for iron portion, H2l2 = 220 AT
Total mmf required for iron & air gap, = (220 + 63.66) AT
mmfCD = 283.66 AT.
Step 5 Due to parallel connection, mmf acting across path 1 is same as mmf acting across path 2.
Our intention here, will be to calculate φ1 in path 1.

mean length of the path, l1 = lDE + lEF + lFC

= 2 × 170 + 440 mm
= 0.78 m
∵ H1 = 0.78
= 363.67 AT /m
corresponding flux density from graph, B1B
≈ 0.39 T
∴ flux, φ1 = B1A1

= 0.39 × 24 × 10-4 Wb
∴φ1 = 0.94 × 10-3 Wb

Step 6 In this step we calculate the mmf necessary to drive φ3 in path 3 as follows.

flux in path 3, φ3 = φ1 + φ2
= 2.22 × 10-3 Wb
flux density, B3 B = A3

2.22×10 -3
24×10 -4
∴ B3 B
= 0.925 T
corresponding H from graph, H3 ≈ 562.5 AT /m
mean length of path 3, l3 = 2 × 170 + 440 mm
= 0.78 m
total mmf required for path 3 = H3l3
= 562.5 × 0.78 AT
= 438.7 AT
∴ mmf to be supplied by the coil, NI = 283.66 + 438.7 AT
or 200I = 722.36 AT
∴ exciting current needed, I = A
= 3.61 A
21.9 Tick the correct choice
21.8 Answer the following:
1. In the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 21.18, the second coil carries a current of 2 A. If
flux in the core is to be made zero, the current I in the first coil should be
1. Clearly state Ampere’s circuital law?
(A) + 4 A (B) – 2 A (C) – 4 A (D) + 2 A
2. Write down the expression for reluctance. What is its unit?
3. What is mean length and its importance? 2A

4. Give two magnetic materials with permeabilities μ1 and μ2 with μ1 > μ2.
5. Which of these two, you will choose to make a magnetic 50circuit and why?
6. Why not the operating point is selected in the saturationturns
zone of the B-H characteristic?
7. 2 mWb is to be produced in the air gap of the magnetic circuit shown in figure 21.17.
How much ampere turns the coil must provide to achieve this?
Relative permeability μr of the core material may be assumed to be constant and equal to
5000. All the dimensions shown are in cm and the sectional area is 25cm2 through out.
Figure 21.18:
15 15
2. A magnetic circuit has a continuous core of a ferromagnetic material. Coil is supplied
from a battery and draws a certain amount of exciting current producing a certain amount
of flux in the core. If now an air gap is introduced in the core, the exciting current will:
(A) increase. (B) remain same. (C) decrease (D) become 0.
3. For the magnetic circuit shown in figure 21.19 the reluctance
20 of the central limb (PS) is
5 0.1
10 × 10 AT/Wb and the reluctance of the outer limbs (PTS and PQS) are same and equal
to 15 × 105 AT/Wb. To produce 0.5 mWb in PQS, the mmf to be produced by the coil is:
the hysteresis loss, and can be calculated by

Physt = ∫ H • dB (W/m3/cycle) or (J/m3)

For magnetic materials commonly used in the construction of electric machines an

approximate relation is

Physt = Ch fB pn (1.5 < n < 2.5) (W/kg)

where Ch is a constant determined by the nature of the ferromagnetic material, f the

frequency of excitation, and Bp the peak value of the flux density.


A B-H loop for a type of electric steel sheet is shown in the diagram below. Determine
approximately the hysteresis loss per cycle in a torus of 300 mm mean diameter and a
square cross section of 50×50 mm.


The are of each square in the diagram represents

(0.1 T) × (25 A/m) = 2.5 (Wb/m2) × (A/m) = 2.5 VsA/m3 = 2.5 J/m3

If a square that is more than half within the loop is regarded as totally enclosed, and one
that is more than half outside is disregarded, then the area of the loop is
2 × 43 × 2.5 = 215 J/m3
The volume of the torus is
0.052 × 0.3π = 2.36 × 10-3 m3
Energy loss in the torus per cycle is thus
2.36 × 10-3 × 215 = 0.507 J

Hysteresis loop of M36 steel sheet

Page 7-2
Magnetic Circuits MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany

The magnetic circuit shown below has the following dimensions: Ac= 16 cm2, l = 40cm,
lg = 0.5mm and N = 350 turns. The core is made of a material with the B-H relationship given
below. For B = 1.0 T in the core, find:
a) The flux φ and the total flux linkage λ, where λ=N φ.
b) The required current to set this flux if there is no air gap.
c) The required current with the presence of an air gap.

B (Tesla) H (A.T)
0.6 12.5
0.8 15.0
1.0 20.0
1.2 31.0
1.4 55.0

Fig. 4 Magnetic circuit for the example


a) φ = BAc = 1.0 × 16 × 10 −4 = 1.6 mWb

λ = Nφ = 350 ×1.6 ×10 −3 = 0.56Wb.t


Fig. 4 Magnetic circuit for the example


a) φ = BAc = 1.0 × 16 × 10 −4 = 1.6 mWb

λ = Nφ = 350 ×1.6 ×10 −3 = 0.56Wb.t

b) With no air-gap
F = ℜ cφ = NI

ℜ cφ
∴I =
ℜc = ,
Magnetic Circuits µ c AcMTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany

B 1 .0
µ c= = = 0.05
H 20.0
40 × 10 −2
ℜc = = 5000 At / wb
0.05 × 16 ×10 −4
5000 ×1.6 × 10 −3
∴I = = 22.86 mA

c) With air-gap
F = NI = (ℜ c + ℜ g )φ

lc − l g
ℜc = ≅ 5000 ,
µ c Ac
lg 0.5 × 10 −3
ℜg = = = 248,679.6
µ g Ag ( )
4π × 10 −7 × 16 × 10 −4

(ℜ c + ℜ g )φ
= 1.16 A

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