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4/11/2011 Syllabus DAIRY TECHNOLOGY.


1. Arbuckle WS (1982). Ice-cream. The AVI Publishing Co., USA

2. JA Nelson, G Malcolm Trout. Judging dairy products



Course Nature: Theory (45 Hours) + Practical FM: 75 + 25

Theory Lectures

1. Origin and history of development of fermented milks in Nepal, and in the south Asia region, current status and scope of commercializing fermented milk products

manufacture 3
2. Nutritive and therapeutic value of fermented milks 2
3. Lactic Acid Fermentation; Conservation of Milk vs. production of Fermented Milk Products 3
4. Starter culture propagation, storage and their use, its importance to the fermented milk industry 3
5. Major fermented milk products produced in Nepal 5
6. Dahi, Misti Doi, Yoghurt, Lassi, Mohi, Shrikhand, Kadi etc. 5
7. Dahi Production at household level versus dairy processing units. 3
8. Highlight on the various kinds of fermented milks produced in other continents 2
9. Fermented products from whey 1
10. Trend of concentrating and drying fermented milk products in the countries of transition, and developed countries, such as condensed butter milk, dried butter
milk 4
11. Cheese production: other major domain of fermented milk production 2
12. Rational behind cheese production, importance of cheese production and major varieties of cheeses produced in Nepal. Yak and Kanchan cheese production,
Mozzarella, Gouda etc. 4
13. Techno-economic aspects of fermented milk production 3
14. Standards of fermented milks 3
15. Pre- and pro-biotic dairy products 2


1. Familiarization with equipments, Preparation of single and mixed starter, separately and also in combinations.
2. Starter activity tests: Dye reduction
3. Preparation and evaluation of quality and grading the following fermented milks:
a. Dahi
b. Yoghurt
c. Cultured butter milk
4. Preparation of lassi
5. Manufacture of Kanchan cheese using cow milk… 64/74
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6. Judging of Dahi and fermented dairy products
7. Field visit to dairy plant and cheese factory

Text Books

1. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods, Vol. I and II. F. V. Kosikowski and V. V. Mistry (1997). F. V. Kosikowski, L. L. C., Westport, Connecticut.
2. Indian Dairy Products. K. S. Rangappa and K.T. Achaya (1974). Asia Publishing House, New Delhi.


1. The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries; FAO ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND HEALTH PAPER 85, FAO Rome (1990).
2. Modern Dairy Technology, Vol. I. Advances in Milk Processing. R.K. Robinson (1986). Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London.
3. The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products. F. W. Bodyfelt, J. Tobias and G. M. Trout (1988). Van Nonstrand Reinhold, New York.
4. Judging Dairy Products. J. A. Nelson and G. M. Trout (1965). The AVI Publishing Co. Inc., Westport.



Course Nature: Theory (30 Hours) + Practical FM: 50 + 25

Theory Lectures


1. Dairy extension: Definition, need, philosophy, principles, approaches and objectives of extension education, present status of extension program and approaches
2. Nature and importance of communication, key elements of communications, models of communication, process, feedback and problems in communication 1
3. Importance of audio-visual aids in extension education, classification, planning and selection of A.V. aids, appropriate A.V. aids specific to audience, present trends

of A.V., photography as visual medium, introduction and importance of photography, effective PowerPoint preparation and presentation 2
4. Identification of rural leaders, their characteristics, roles and functions in rural development, training of rural leaders 3
5. Definition of groups/cooperatives societies, natural types, principles of working with groups and their mobilization 2
6. Need, principles and steps of program planning, evaluation procedure of extension program 2


7. Introduction and history of marketing: Concept, tools, scope of marketing and marketing strategy, building customer satisfaction, value and retention, consumer
and business product 2
8. Market planning: Tools, sales forecasting, market segmentation, targeting and market positioning, dealing with competition 2
9. Developing marketing strategy: Market offering through the product life-cycle, new product development, positioning, differentiating and image building 2… 65/74
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10. Setting the product and branding strategy: Product line and the product mix, brand extension, identity and personality, managing brand system, leveraging the

brand and co-branding 2

11. Promotional strategy: Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling 2
12. Price determination and managing the pricing function: Setting price, initiating and responding to price change 2
13. Consumer markets and buyer behavior: Influencing buyer behavior, buying decision behavior, steps of buying decision process 2
14. Managing and delivering marketing program: Designing and managing value network and marketing channel, managing retailing, wholesaling, and marketing
logistics, managing sales force, managing total marketing efforts 2
15. Gathering information and measuring market demand: Internal record system, marketing research process, forecasting and demand measurement 2
16. Dealing with competition: Identifying and analyzing competitors, designing competitive strategies, market leader strategy, market challenger strategy, market
follower strategy, market nicher strategy 2
17. Packaging and labeling 1


1. Acquiring skill in use of audio-visual aids: Overhead Projector, Slide Projector, Use of VCR and PA system
2. Preparation and use of visual aids and printed material: Poster and chart, Flash card and flannel Graph, Circular letter, leaflet, pamphlet, folder
3. Camera and camera parts, holding, focusing, and composing etc. Taking pictures
4. Operation of digital camera, and transferring photos and video pictures to the computer and other devices
5. Prepare a power point presentation
6. Identification of rural problems of nearby village farmers through interview method
7. Writing a radio script
8. Strategic business unit practices
9. Brand identity prism of different brands (products)
10. Marketing research practice: Introduction and early phases of marketing research, problem identification research, problem-solving research, research design,
marketing research process 1 to 6 steps

Text Books

1. Extension education. A. Adivi Reddy (1987). Shree Lakshmi Press, Bapatla, Andra Pradesh.
2. Marketing research: An applied orientation, Naresh K Malhotra, Georgia Institute of Technology


1. Education and communication for development. O.P. Dahama and O.P. Bhatnagar (1995). Oxford and BH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Building strong brands, David A Aaker
3. Marketing management, Philip Kotler, Pearson Edition… 66/74
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Course Nature: Theory (30 Hours) + Practical FM: 50 + 25

Theory Lectures

1. Introduction to dairy business and society 2

2. Business ownership, organization and management 4
3. TQM system in dairy management 6
4. Management of human resources 4
5. Production 2
6. Finance 2
7. Business control 2
8. Regulations (national and international) and the future 1
9. QC tools 2
10. Problem solving by brain storming 2
11. Energy management 1
12. Plant operation efficiencies and losses minimization 2


1. Field visits

Text Books

1. Bhesh Raj Bhandari. Dudh tatha dugdh padarth utpadan pravidhi

2. Tufail Ahmad. Dairy plant management


1. Fitzgerald, Chamard, Glos, Steade, Lowry. Business: Its nature and environment. Gage Publication Ltd.



Course Nature: Theory (45 Hours) + Practical FM: 75 + 25… 67/74
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Theory Lectures

1. Sanitary pipes, fittings, gaskets, installation, care and maintenance of pipes and fittings 2
2. Description of equipment, working and maintenance of can washers, crate washers, factors affecting washing operations, and power requirements 3
3. CIP cleaning and design of system 3
4. Mechanical separation, fundamentals involved in separation, different types of separators, clarifiers, its care and maintenance 4
5. Homogenizer, its classification, single- and two-stage homogenizers, its care and maintenance
6. Batch and continuous pasteurizers, flow diversion valve, pasteurizer controls, its care and maintenance 5
7. Different types of sterilizers, in-bottle sterilizers, UHT sterilizers, aseptic packaging, and equipment, care and maintenance 5
8. Filling machines, types, pouch and bottle filling machines, care and maintenance 3
9. Evaporators, basic mechanisms, its construction, operation, types, basic concepts of multiple effect evaporators, care and maintenance 3
10. Principles of drying, types of dryers, drum and spray dryer, air heating system, atomization, and feeding systems, spray dryer controls, cyclone separators, bag

filters, care and maintenance 5

11. Application of fluidization techniques in drying, batch fluidization, fluidized bed dryers 3
12. Membrane processing, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis, effect on milk constituents, membranes for electro-dialysis 4


1. To study SS pipes and fittings, gaskets and milk pumps

2. To study crate and can washers
3. CIP cleaning system
4. To study cream separators, homogenizers, pasteurizers, sterilizers
5. To study operation and construction of evaporators, spray dryers, vacuum pan
6. Visit to fluid milk and powder milk plant

Text Books

1. FAO manual. Manual on the use of the LP- system in milk handling and preservation
2. TLDP manual. Small scale dairy enterprises
3. Manual. Milk plant operators


1. FAO manual. Manual on the use of the LP- system in milk handling and preservation
2. TLDP manual. Small scale dairy enterprises
3. Manual. Milk plant operators… 68/74
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Course Nature: Theory (45 Hours) + Practical FM: 75+ 25

Theory Lectures

1. Condensed milk: Introduction, definition and development 2

2. Composition, Nutritive value & standards of condensed milk 4
3. Physicochemical properties of condensed milk 3
4. Role of milk constituents for the manufacturing of condensed milk, methods of manufacturing, packaging & storage of condensed milk. 10
5. Defects in condensed milk, causes, preventions, & uses of condensed milk. 4
6. Dried milks: Introduction, definition, objective of production, history and development. 2
7. Composition, standards & nutritive value of dried milk. 4
8. Role of milk constituents for the manufacturing of dried milk. 2
9. Milk drying systems, methods of manufacture, packaging, storage& yields of dried milk. 10
10. Defects in dried milk, causes, prevention, uses & recent development. 4


1. Factory visit
2. Production of condensed milk products.
3. Quality evaluation of condensed milk products
4. Production of dried milk products
5. Quality evaluation of dried milk products

Text Books

1. De Sukumar. Outlines of dairy technology

2. Hunziker. Condensed milk and milk powder.


1. Bhesh Raj Bhandari. Dudh tatha dugdh padarth utpadan pravidhi,.

2. Tetrapack. Dairy processing handbook
3. Hall & Hedrick. Drying of milk and milk products.… 69/74
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Course Nature: Theory (45 Hours) + Practical FM: 75 + 25

Theory Lectures

1. Milk reception in dairy industry – measuring volume and weighing 2

2. Milk reception in dairy industry – platform tests conducted for milk quality (fat, SNF, Alcohol, COB, MBRT tests, total plate count, etc.) 3
3. Milk filtration, chilling and storage 2
4. Instruments used for automation for raw milk reception 2
5. Cream separation and milk clarification 2
6. Milk pasteurization – batch pasteurization 2
7. Milk pasteurization – HTST pasteurization 2
8. Milk sterilization – batch sterilization and UHT pasteurization 2
9. Cream pasteurization – batch pasteurization HTST pasteurization 3
10. Function of batch pasteurizer 1
11. Function of HTST pasteurizer – Heat transfer for chilling and pasteurization, heat regeneration 3
12. Butter churning 1
13. Ghee making 1
14. Methods of heating – different types of boilers 2
15. Methods of chilling – different types of heating mediums 2
16. CIP cleaning in dairy plant 1
17. Instruments for controlling pressure and temperature 2
18. Membrane filtration process – reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration 1
19. Critical points for post pasteurization contaminations 2
20. Automation for milk pasteurization and sterilization 1
21. Calculations for volume of milk, fat and SNF intakes and disposals 1
22. Precautions required for storage of pasteurized milk 1
23. Milk filling and packaging – pneumatic and mechanical 1
24. Storage and dispatch of processed milk pouches and other finished products
25. Instrument for controlling 1
26. Requirements for different parameters for establishment of dairy plants 1
27. Membrane processes and ion exchange 1


1. Milk reception in factory – measuring volume, weighing, chilling and storage

2. Platform tests conducted for milk quality – fat, SNF, alcohol, COB, MBRT test, TPC
3. Cream separation and milk clarification
4. Batch pasteurization of milk
5. HTST pasteurization – heat regeneration, heating, holding chilling and storage
6. Cream pasteurization – batch pasteurization and HTST pasteurization… 70/74
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7. Butter churning
8. Ghee making
9. CIP cleaning of HTST pasteurizer, pipelines, tanks and packaging machines
10. Study of functions of automation in HTST pasteurization and other areas
11. Layout for milk processing and other processing activities

Text Books

1. Ahmed T. Dairy plant engineering and management

2. Tetrapack. Dairy processing handbook
3. Hall & Hedrick. Drying of milk and milk products.


1. Tetrapack. Dairy processing handbook

2. Hall & Hedrick. Drying of milk and milk products.



Course Nature: Theory (30 Hours) + Practical FM: 50 + 25

Theory Lectures

1. Hygiene and sanitation of processing and manufacturing of milk products: Hygiene of milk processing, processing equipment and machinery, personnel handling
milk and milk products, containers and packaging materials 3
2. Hygiene in production of milk products: Market milk, milk powder, condensed milk, butter, cheese, ice-cream, fermented milk products 3
3. Hygiene of storage, transport and sales of milk products: Demand and norms of storage condition, hygiene of transport and sales 3
4. Influence of milk on human health: Value of milk, spreading of diseases through milk 2
5. Quality control and assurance: Quality control of processing, manufacturing and marketing, Food Act, legislation, quality standards of dairy products, quality
assurance and quality management systems, hazard analysis and critical control point system in dairy industry 3
6. CIP Cleaning: Introduction to cleaning, CIP cleaning, design of CIP systems, centralized CIP systems, cleaning effect, mechanical cleaning, manual cleaning 3
7. Composition and functions of different detergents: Alkalis, acids, polyphosphate, sulfates, selection of cleaning detergent, control of cleaning solutions 3
8. Sterilization: Definition of sterility and sanitation, sterilization theory and methods of sterilization, use and composition of different sterilization agent, sanitizing

machinery, equipment and process, verification of sterilizing effect – introduction, point of control (HACCP), method of taking samples, testing sterility, formation
of resistance microorganisms, control of sterilizing 4
9. Corrosion of dairy equipment 2
10. Basic methods to arrange hygienic systems in dairy plant 2
11. Bacteriological control of processing and manufacturing of products 2

Practical… 71/74
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1. Testing of hygienic status of the milk processing equipment and personnel and processing area
2. Testing of hygienic status of the milk products, containers and packaging materials
3. Testing of hygienic status of the storage, transport and sales system of dairy products
4. Project work in the preparation of the HACCP plan for a dairy industry
5. Quality testing of milk products
6. Study of CIP cleaning systems in a dairy industry
7. Testing the effectiveness of sterilization processes and agents

Text Books

1. Aarhus, Quality and risk management


1. John Piggott. Global quality

2. Kaoru Ishikawa. What is TQC, 1995
3. Ghigeru Mizuno. Company wide TQC,K 1992



Course Nature: Practical FM: 0 + 25

1. Orientation classes for Thesis

2. Topic selection for Thesis… 72/74
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FM: 0+50

1. 45-days training in a dairy industry

2. Report writing and submission

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BDT 882 THESIS (0+4)

Course Nature: Theory (15 Hours) + Practical FM: 0+100

1. Thesis orientation classes

2. Thesis lab-work for 3 months
3. Report writing
4. Thesis submission and presentation… 74/74

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