Katraj Dairy 2

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Case Study On Katraj Dairy Company

Katraj Dairy
Journey Map
Dairy Farm
• Katraj dairy was incorporated in 1960 with an intention to provide an organized facility of milk
collection for the village level farmers situated in Pune district. In the first year the milk collection
was 30 litres per day which has now grown up to 1.80 lakhs litres per day in the year 2013.
• Katraj Dairy has achieved ISO 22000:2005 certification from Det Norskey Veritus.
• Katraj Dairy with its nine chilling plants and 131 BMC spread almost all over the district has
an installed milk handling capacity of over 5 lakh liters per day. The main plant of Katraj is
equipped with a modern Pasteurizer, homogenizer, Cream separator, Ghee processing, Milk
Clarifier, Condense Milk Plant, Automatic packing of milk and milk products and other
quality testing devices and well-equipped labs. Katraj Dairy has an installed processing
capacity of 2 lakh (0.2 million) liters per day.
Corn Ethanol
• Ethanol is known as a first generation biofuel. This type of fuel is made
from sources such as starches, sugars, and vegetable oils. It is produced
commercially by breaking down corn and wheat. Ethanol production plants are
considered biorefineries. That’s because they convert
grain biomass into biofuel using enzymes and living microorganisms.
• The input material for making ethanol is called feedstock. Different ethanol
production facilities use different feedstock. Facilities in Ontario and Quebec
mainly use corn kernels. Facilities in Western Canada mainly use wheat kernels.
This is due to the geographical distribution of corn and wheat agriculture in
Steam flaking corn is frequently used in the US
to improve starch digestibility both for dairy and
beef cattle. As a result, diets with steam-flaked
corn improve weight gains in feedlot cattle, and
milk yield, milk protein yield, fat-corrected-milk
(FCM) and solid-non-fat (SNF) in dairy cattle.
Steamers And Ammonia compressors
• The evolution of ammonia compressors began during the 1920s and 1930s. These machines lacked
a rotary shaft and used a crankcase. Consequently, they were considered closed compressors and
were therefore more efficient and compact. They were driven by synchronous motors at 360 rpm,
belt driven or by electric motors. Some of these machines were vertical in design, while others were
angled and horizontal.
• Steam is quite commonly used for heating and sterilizing dairy equipment, both on the farm and in
the dairy manufacturing plant. It is used in the small self contained oil or electric steril- izers and in
large continuous can washers.
• An ammonia compressor is a piece of equipment that uses ammonia as a refrigerant. Ammonia
compressors are the most efficient for low- to medium-temperature applications. They have an
isothermal compression process, meaning the gas temperature remains constant fromthe inlet to
Distribution Outlet
Butter ( Product)
• butter, a yellow-to-white solid emulsion of fat globules, water, and inorganic salts
produced by churning the cream from cows' milk. Butter has long been used as a spread
and as a cooking fat. It is an important edible fat in northern Europe, North America, India,
and other places where cattle are the primary dairy animals.
• Usually, butter is made from cow’s milk, though goats, sheep, and even yaks and buffaloes are used
in some parts of the world.
• In milk, beta-carotene mostly keeps the color to itself. You might notice a slightly yellow hue in
whole milk from grass-crunching cow, compared to others.
• “The reason that butter ends up yellow is because you’re concentrating all the fat that’s present in
the cream,”
Crate Washer
• The cleaning cycle in a dairy comprises the following stages: Recovery of
product residues by scraping, drainage and expulsion with water or
compressed air. Pre-rinsing with water to remove loose dirt. Cleaning with
detergent. Rinsing with clean water.
• Milk is a perishable food product and easily falls prey to microbial
contamination & increased pH levels. This causes dairy products to
diminish in quality and taste if proper hygiene measures are not taken in
manufacturing and storage conditions.
Pump System
• Typical dairy pumps are the centrifugal, liquid-ring and positive displacement (PD) pumps. The three types have
different applications. The centrifugal pump is the type most widely used in dairy processing.
• “The ice cream freezer is very sensitive. It has to be fed with continuous pressure, which has to be maintained in a very
narrow range,” said Van de Sompel. “That's why the centrifugal pump was a good solution.
• Centrifugal pumps are used throughout the process to transfer low viscous fluid, typically milk, from one destination to
another. In fluid milk plants, a low-speed (1,750 rpm) centrifugal pump is typically used due to high flow rates. This
dramatically decreases the amount of shear exhibited on the product.
• Typical dairy pumps are the centrifugal, liquid-ring and positive displacement pumps. The three types have different applications.
The centrifugal pump is the type most widely used in dairies.
The centrifugal pump, shown in Figures 6.7.1 and 6.7.2, is mainly used for low-viscosity products, but it cannot handle heavily-
aerated liquids. The liquid-ring pump is used when the air content is high. The positive displacement pump is used for gentle
treatment and high viscosities.
Main parts of a centrifugal pump.
1.Delivery line
2.Shaft seal
3.Suction line
5.Pump casing
6.Back plate
7.Motor shaft
9.Stainless steel shroud and sound insulation
Flavored Milk
• Flavored milk is a sweetened dairy drink made with milk, sugar, flavorings, and
sometimes food colorings. It may be sold as a pasteurized, refrigerated product, or
as an ultra-high-temperature (UHT) treated product not requiring refrigeration. It
may also be made in restaurants or homes by mixing flavorings into milk.
• Consume more milk which has more muscle-building protein than juices
and sodas. Drink fewer sodas and soft drinks compared to those who do
not drink flavored or unflavored milk. Meet their calcium needs without
consuming more total fat and calories.
• Homogenization is commonly defined as a chemical or physical treatment by which the
composition or structure of a substance (solid, liquid or gas) or mixture of substances is
made uniform.
• Homogenization is an essential unit operation during the manufacture of a number of food and
dairy products. As a unit operation, homogenization performs multiple functions such as reduction
of particle size, dissolution, mixing, dispersion, encapsulation, and emulsification.
• The homogenization process involves reducing the size of the fat globules (the cream that rises to
the top of the glass or bottle) into minuscule portions that are dispersed evenly throughout the
milk. Homogenization usually is achieved by pumping milk through small openings under very high
Quality Management Department
• Quality Management Systems in Dairy Industry. The HACCP system has become a synonym for sanitary
security of food products. It is worldwide. acknowledged as a systematic and preventive approach to
controlling biological, chemical, and physical dangers.
• In Dairying, the management of animals of milk and its products is for human consumption. In dairy
farm management, we deal with processes and systems that increase yield and improve quality of
milk. Milk yield primaris dependent on the quality of breeds on the farm.
• QMSs are focused on the control of the main hazard sources that can occur in the food industry. The dairy
chain implies several limitations and potential hazards that can reduce the quality and safety of milk. The
intrinsic characteristic of milk, as an ideal environment for microorganisms, [4] combined with its direct
contact with equipment and facilities during the different stages of milk production implement QMS in the
dairy production chain challenge
• Conclusion:

• Katraj dairy was incorporated in 1960 to provide an organized facility for milk collection at the village-level
farmer's siteted in the Pune district.
• Milk and its derivatives are proposed as being useful foods throughout all life periods.
• Dairy products are the kinds of foods that are obtained primarily from or contain milk of mammals such as
cattle, goats, sheep, etc. Dairy products include a variety of foods such as cheese, butter, yogurt, and many

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