Secretary's Certificate-2018

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I, (name of corporate secretary), of legal age, Filipino and with

office address at (office address), after having been duly sworn in
accordance with law, hereby certify that:

1. I am the duly appointed and incumbent Corporate Secretary of

(name of corporation), duly organized and existing under Philippine
laws, with principal office address at (principal office address).

2. The following is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted

and approved by the Board of Directors of (name of PhilPaSS-
participant bank) on (date of approval of the board resolution):

RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of (name of corporation), as

it hereby acknowledge, (name of investor), (position in the
company/consultant), legal age, (status), (citizenship), and has an
address at ________. __________ is an investor of (name of corporation)
and has conceptualize the idea of the business.

However, in the Philippines, it is required that a corporation,

engaged in food and retail industry should be 100% Filipino stock
ownership, as to the incorporators and on capital stock/common shares.

Moreover, the corporation acknowledges that the extent of

___________’s investment is up to ________.

RESOLVED FINALLY, that this certificate is furnished to (name of

person) upon his request for whatever legal purposes it may serve him.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of

_________ 2018 in ________________________.

Name of Corporate Secretary
ID no.___________
Valid until _____________


_________________________ ) S.S.
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Cebu, San Fernando
and Carcar City, Philippines, personally appeared insert name of secretary, who
exhibited to me the foregoing competent evidence of his identity and who
acknowledged before me that he/she executed the foregoing instrument and
signed the instrument in my presence and who took an oath before me as to
such instrument.
Witness my hand and seal this _____ day of ____________ 2018 at ________,

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of 2018.

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