Sweating in Advanced Cancer (R. Twycross)
Sweating in Advanced Cancer (R. Twycross)
Sweating in Advanced Cancer (R. Twycross)
Review article
(Box A). For example, pressure on the l how long has it been troublesome?
sympathetic chain in the thorax by a lung l is there diurnal variation? (Some patients
cancer or mesothelioma may result in only experience night sweats)
ipsilateral hyperhidrosis. In contrast, with a l is there an associated pyrexia? (Consider
Pancoast tumour, the sympathetic chain checking every 4 hours for 48 hours)
subserving the ipsilateral upper quadrant may l is the sweating related to another event?
be damaged, causing regional anhidrosis and (For example, a recent change in drug
compensatory hyperhidrosis on the therapy or castration)
contralateral side (Pleet et al 1983, Middleton l are there any apparent precipitating factors?
1976) .
Consider checking the white blood cell count
and examining the urine for pus cells. Urine
and blood cultures, and a chest radiograph are
It is useful to have working definitions of mild,
sometimes also appropriate. At some centres,
moderate and severe sweating, such as:
‘blind’ antibiotic therapy is used as a diagnostic
l mild: symptom elicited only on direct test. Guidance about appropriate therapy
questioning should be obtained from a microbiologist.
l moderate: symptom reported, drying with
towel required, change of clothes
unnecessary Management
l severe: symptom reported as drenching Correct the correctable
sweats, need to change clothes/bed linen l tre at infection with the appropriate
(Quigley and Baines 1997) antibiotic
l hormone deficiency after castration: hormonal
Although there are several objective tests to or non-hormonal treatment (Box B)
determine the pattern and extent of l drug-induced: if possible, discontinue the
hyperhidrosis (Pittelkow and Loprinzi 2003), causal agent, e.g.
these are generally inappropriate in patients if a tricyclic antidepressant or an SSRI is
with advanced cancer. As with other the cause, switch to venlafaxine
symptoms, the diagnosis of the cause of the
if morphine is the cause, consider switching
sweating is based largely on probability and
to an alternative strong opioid, although
pattern recognition. Paraneoplastic sweating
this may not be beneficial (Mercadante
is a diagnosis of exclusion. Questions to ask
1998; Zylicz and Krajnik 2003).
Box B Drug treatment for menopausal and post-castration hot flushes and/or sweating
Megestrol acetate 40mg o.m., with a trial reduction to 20mg after 1 month if effective
(Quella S et al. 1998).
Venlafaxine 37.5mg o.d., increasing to 75mg o.d. after 1 week; 60% response rate
(Loprinzi C et al. 2000)
Note that placebo reduces menopausal flushes However, at many centres, hormonal treatment
by a mean of 20-25%. In 20% of women, the is no longer the treatment of choice for hot
reduction will be >50% (Figure 1) (Loprinzi flushes in cancer patients (Figure 2).
et al. 2001). Hormonal treatment is equally
effective in breast and prostate cancer; the
maximum effect comes after 3-4 weeks.
Figure 1. Hot flushes in breast cancer survivors; percentage reduction in median weekly scores
(from Loprinzi, et al 2001, with permission)
Figure 3. NSAIDs and paraneoplastic pyrexia; three groups of 16 randomly allocated subjects.
Key: DS = diclofenac sodium 25 mg t.d.s., I = indomethacin 25 mg t.d.s., N = naproxen 250 mg b.d.
(from Tsavavis et al, 1990, with permission)
What was surprising was the relatively poor agents has never been done. Similarly surprising
response to corticosteroids in dose equivalent was the observation that, although the
to at least 100mg of hydrocortisone/day antipyretic effect of an NSAID tends to wear
(Chang 1988). A complete response to off after 1-5 months, further benefit is obtained
naproxen 250-375mg b.d. was seen in 36/39 by switching to an alternative NSAID. However,
patients, but in only 6/12 given a corticosteroid the duration of benefit with the second- and
(Figure 4). It is difficult to explain this. third-line drugs is generally shorter.
However, a formal controlled trial of the two
If the sweating does not respond to an NSAID,
Figure 4. Effect of naproxen and corticosteroids on paraneoplastic pyrexia in a patient with Hodgkin’s
disease stage 4b (from Chang 1988, with permission)
Loprinzi 2003)
non-sedative drug (Miller M 2003)
l thioridazine 10-30mg o.n.; tends to cause l olanzapine 5mg b.d. (Zylicz and Krajnik
sedation in doses above 10mg; some
patients also need a daytime dose; said to l thalidomide 100mg o.n. (Deaner 2000;
be effective in 50-90% of patients; now Calder and Bruera 2000).
discouraged in the UK because of a danger Thalidomide should be the last resort even
of cardiac arrhythmias (Regnard 1996; though the response rate appears to be high
Cowap and Hardy 1998). (Deaner 2000). This is because of the likelihood
of an irreversible painful peripheral neuropathy;
amitriptyline 25-50mg o.n.; but may cause
it also has a tendency to cause somnolence
sedation, dry mouth and other (Twycross et al. 2002b). Figure 5 offers a
antimuscarinic effects possible 4-step treatment ladder.
l transdermal hyoscine hydrobromide Acknowledgement
500microgram over 3days or hyoscine The author thanks Dr Mary Miller for supplying
butylbromide 40mg/24h by continuous the case history, and for her helpful comments
subcutaneous infusion (Mercadante 1998). on the article.
If an antimuscarinic fails, other options include: R Twycross Clinical Reader Emeritus in Palliative
Medicine, Oxford University
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