• If individuals choose to invest, they may place their • If the firm is successful, the value of equity will
wealth in financial assets by purchasing various securities. increase; if not, it will decrease.
• When investors buy these securities from companies, • The performance of equity investments, therefore, is
the firms use the money so raised to pay for real assets, tied directly to the success of the firm and its real assets.
such as plant, equipment, technology, or inventory.
• For this reason, equity investments tend to be riskier
than investments in fixed-income securities.
• So investors’ returns on securities ultimately come
from the income produced by the real assets that were 3. Derivative securities – such as options and futures
financed by the issuance of those securities. contracts provide payoffs that are determined by the
prices of other assets such as bonds or stock prices.
• Securities, which are financial assets, are liabilities of
the issuers of the securities. • Derivative securities are so named because their values
derive from the prices of other assets.
• Therefore, when we aggregate overall balance sheets,
these claims cancel out, leaving only real assets as the • Derivatives have become an integral part of the
net wealth of the economy investment environment.