Hibernation Lesson
Hibernation Lesson
Hibernation Lesson
Technology Standard Addressed: ISTE 1b. build networks and customize their learning environments in ways
that support the learning process.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): BrainPop is a very inclusive instructional software as it provides
supports for all students. My lesson supports all students by allowing them to choose how they learn the
material and how they create their model to show they learned the material. By giving students structured
freedom throughout the lesson, it enhances their learning experience and increases their engagement in the
Lesson idea implementation: Students will view the BrainPop video on hibernation and complete the quiz
after viewing the video. They will be given the opportunity to view the video as many times as they want after
taking the quiz and explore other learning options such as games that BrainPop provides. They are to create a
model of an animal hibernating based on what they learned in the video. Students can choose what type of
model they create whether it be a drawing, a built model, a model created using technology, etc. By giving
Spring 2018_SJB
Instructional Software
students freedom to create the type of model they want, I am differentiating their learning because each
student will learn and show their knowledge through their unique model. BrainPop also provides various
supports to differentiate learning for each individual student.
I will extend student learning to a higher level by allowing them to create their own unique model of
hibernation. Instead of student just absorbing the information, they can apply what they learned and create a
product to show their knowledge. Student learning will be assessed by accuracy of their model of hibernation.
Their final products will be displayed around the classroom to inform other students and help them learn in
different ways as well. I will conclude the lesson by having each student present their model and explain their
thinking behind it. I will provide feedback verbally to each student after their presentation.
Reflective Practice: I feel this activity could impact student learning by introducing various outlets a=for
students to show their knowledge instead of just an assessment. Students will be encouraged to explore
other ways to learn and explore the material. To further extend the lesson, I could use other instructional
software such as Read180 for students to choose a book with an animal that hibernates or including their
models in future instruction on the topic.
Spring 2018_SJB